Robyn comes home for the holidays to find her family falling apart
Twenty year old Robyn Alexander returned home from college in early December. She had not been home since Christmas the year before. She decided to spend her summer vacation on the beaches of south Florida instead of home in the nothingness of south Wisconsin. Little did she know, the family had changed greatly since her last visit.
When Robyn last left, her parents could not have been more in love. Her sister Tina was living at home about ready to graduate high school. Her aunt and uncle were ready to move in the area to be near the rest of the family. Fast forward one year, the parents cannot stand each other anymore. Tina dropped out of college and started popping pills while living in the family’s garage. Aunt Jamie and Uncle Hank were arrested for robbing a liquor store. The life that Robyn missed so much was still gone.
After two days home, she quickly picked up on the tension that spread throughout the household. Constant yelling between her mother and father, mother and sister, father and sister and even herself and her mother filled the days. In two days, Robyn had gone from loving her mother to hating her. From what she observed, her mother blamed her father for Tina’s drug problems and even Jamie and Hank’s arrests. In her mind, his firing from the law firm that had employed him for over twenty years led to the family’s downfall.
On Saturday night, three days after arriving home, Robyn was watching TV in the living room when her father came in and sat down next to her.
“Hi honey.” He said.
“Hi Dad.” She gave him a hug. “How are you doing? Things are a lot different here than I remember.”
“You can thank your mother for that. She blames everything on me and...” He looked at her and stopped himself from finishing the sentence.
“And what?” She asked.
“I'm sorry honey but…I hate your mother. I know it’s wrong but I can’t stand to be around her. I think this will probably be our last holiday as a family.” He tried to contain his anger.
“It’s okay Dad, I understand. Mom has been a real…a real bitch since I got here.” The two shared a smile.
“I need to get away. I don’t even feel like a man anymore. I haven’t…” He again stopped.
“Dad, you can tell me anything.” She grabbed his hand.
“I haven’t had sex in two years.”
Robyn was shocked; especially since even a year ago they seemed happy. It was weird to think that she had had sex more recently since her dad, and it had been since summer for her.
“Two years? Damn it, nobody should have to wait that long.” She said. “I’m sorry to hear that dad, I wish there was something I could do.”
“Don’t worry honey, I’ll be fine.”
Her father got up and left the room, leaving his daughter alone with her thoughts. Robyn had felt bad for him but after hearing that story, she felt even worse. She finished watching her show before she went upstairs to her bedroom for the night. After changing into her pajamas, she sat cross-legged on her bed and stared at the gift she had bought for her parents.
Robyn had searched through the family’s photo albums over the summer and found several pictures of all four of them together that she had cut and pasted into a large collage. Now with her family close to implosion, she cried at the sight of it.
“I need to get Dad something special for Christmas…something to get his hatred for Mom out of his mind.” She thought to herself. She turned the lights off and went to bed.
She spent an hour lying there, trying to think about the perfect gift for her father. She had a few good ideas but one stuck out above the rest. She knew that it would be a risky gift and difficult to pull off but it was the only thing that could make him very happy. All she needed was to plan it out, something that would be done tomorrow.
Robyn awoke around eight o’clock Sunday morning, Christmas Eve, to loud shouting downstairs. She recognized both voices to be her parents. She tried to cover her ears but the last sentence came through clearly.
“Have a merry fucking Christmas asshole.” Her mother yelled before running upstairs and slamming the bedroom door.
“It is a merry fucking Christmas.” Robyn said as she stood up and put her glasses on.
She made her way downstairs and sat at the table, next to her father.
“Hell of a wakeup call.” She said as she took a sip from a coffee cup.
“Sorry about that.” He said before Tina walked into the kitchen from outside.
“Why is everyone yelling? I could hear you outside.” She said as she grabbed a granola bar.
“Sorry honey.” Their father said.
“Whatever. If you need me, I’ll be passed out in the car. I just took a strong sleeping pill so I can sleep around you people.” Tina walked back outside.
Robyn’s father grabbed her hand. “I’m so proud of you for not turning out like that…or your mother. You are perfect Robyn.” He hugged her.
“I love you Dad.” She whispered. “I have a really special Christmas gift that I want to give you tonight. Meet me in the living room around nine o’clock tonight. Okay?”
Robyn got up and headed upstairs. After a quick shower, she slowly made her way downstairs while tying her long chestnut hair in a ponytail. She looked around and saw that the coast was clear and headed outside to the garage. When she opened it up, she found her sister sleeping in the car with the windows down. She poked at her to make sure that she was knocked out, even slapping her pretty hard but Tina did not budge.
“Those pills must be really strong.” Robyn thought.
She looked around the garage and opened up a toolbox filled with her sister’s “medicine”. She poked through the sea of orange pill bottles until she found what she was looking for. She took two of Tina’s sleeping pills and slipped them in her jeans pocket. She read the warnings to make sure she knew how many were too many.
“Do not exceed three pills in a twenty-four hour period.” She read.
Robyn closed the toolbox and made her way out of the garage and back into the house. She spent the rest of the day plotting out how the night would go. After she ate dinner with her father, she cleaned the dishes while he watched TV. It was now eight o’clock in the evening, an hour before she was to give the gift to her father.
The whole day, her mother had stayed locked in the master bedroom. Robyn decided that it would be a good idea to make her some tea (at least that is what she told her father). She made the tea and added a special ingredient. Earlier in the day, she had mashed the two sleeping pills into a fine powder which she poured into the cup.
“Sleep tight Mommy.” She thought while she stirred the drug into the drink. Robyn carried the drink up to the master bedroom and knocked. “Mom, I brought you up some tea.”
Her mother opened the door and let her daughter in. Robyn handed her the cup and sat down on the bed. Her mother quickly drank it down; having not drank anything all day.
“I’m sorry if this weekend hasn’t been the greatest.” She told Robyn.
“It’s okay Mom, I don’t blame anyone. It’s just one of those things, right?” She smiled.
“I guess so.” The effects of the drugs were quickly setting in the woman. “Wow, I’m really tired.”
“I’ll go and let you get some sleep. See you tomorrow Mom.”
Before Robyn could exit the room, she heard her mother begin to snore. She walked back over to her and sat on the bed once again.
“Sleep tight.” She kissed her forehead and headed downstairs to the living room.
Robyn walked in and saw her father watching a football game. She sat next to him and pulled out her cell phone. She held it in front of his face as it clicked over from 8:59 to 9:00.
“Ready for your gift?” She asked him. He nodded. “Okay then, close your eyes and follow me.”
He stood up and closed his eyes as his daughter led him upstairs and into the master bedroom. She stood him directly in front of the bed where her mother was passed out. She stood behind him and said, “Okay, open your eyes.” He opened his eyes and saw his wife asleep.
“What is going…” He turned around and was shocked at what he saw.
Robyn was standing at the doorway, having stripped herself of her jeans and t-shirt. She was standing in a pink bra and black panties; her long brown hair down past her shoulders and her glasses dangling from her mouth.
“Surprise.” She said as she walked towards him.
“Robyn, what is going on?”
She got to him and placed her finger over his mouth.
“Remember yesterday when you told me that you haven’t had sex in two years?” He nodded. “Well that’s my gift. I’m giving myself to you.”
“Robyn, this is crazy. You’re my daughter; I can’t have sex with you. What if your mother wakes up and finds you dressed like that?”
“Mom got a cup of tea with two of Tina’s sleeping pills in it. It’s the next part of my gift. I want you to have sex with me on top of Mom.” She started to kiss his neck but he pulled away.
“Robyn, what is wrong with you?” He started to leave but she turned him around and grabbed onto the bulge in his pants.
“I’m not taking no for an answer Dad. I want you to fuck me on Mom’s unconscious body. If you don’t, I’ll tell Mom that you drugged her and tried to rape me. I love you Dad, please don’t make me do that.” She groped hard at his cock through his jeans. “Your dick is hard, you know you want to.”
Her father stood there while she grabbed at his cock. He looked over at his wife and back and Robyn. Without saying a word, he grabbed her by the ass and lifted her onto the bed. She lay back against her mother’s body as he started to undress. She watched intently as he lowered his jeans and exposed his thick eight inch cock to her.
“I’m already liking this.” She said as she unhooked her bra and let her petite breasts free.
Robyn sat up and engulfed his cock with her warm mouth. She took no time before she roughly bobbed her head back and forth against her father’s rigid member. He ran his hands through her hair, occasionally grabbing on and pulling her closer.
“Oh fuck Robyn, where did you learn to suck cock so well?” He asked her.
She pulled his meat out of her mouth. “Sorry Daddy but I had a LOT of fun in Florida this summer.”
“Don’t be sorry honey; you are really good at it.” They both laughed before she continued sucking him.
The man tossed his t-shirt on to his wife’s sleeping face and pulled Robyn to her feet. He turned her around and bent her over across the sleeping body. He roughly tore his daughter’s panties from her body and quickly knelt down. He pressed his tongue against her soaking wet hole, causing her to moan. She grabbed onto her mother’s hair and pulled her close until their foreheads touched.
“Oh Mommy, Dad’s licking my pussy really good.” She said to the sleeping woman. “Why won’t you let him do this to you? He’s really good at it.” She pushed her mother’s head back to the pillow and screamed out as his thumb circled around her clit.
Robyn panted harder and harder as her father’s tongue went deeper and deeper inside of her. She pushed her body up purred loud before her father broke away from her crotch. She flipped over on to her back and spread her legs wide, giving him a really good look at her trimmed pussy.
“You have a very pretty pussy Robyn.” He said as he started rubbing his cock against it.
“You make ‘em good Dad.” They laughed.
Robyn pulled away before he could enter her and repositioned herself until she was lying directly on top of her mother. Her father moved between her legs and slowly started pushing into her. She pressed her body hard against her mom and moaned loud. She gave her mother a kiss on the cheek as all eight inches fit into her.
“Mmm, you are so tight Robyn.” He said before slowly thrusting in and out.
Robyn grabbed at her small breasts and lightly tugged at them, causing her to moan more. It took very little time before she and her father synced up their motions and fucked at a natural pace.
“Oh daddy, I love you so much.” She said before looking at her mother again. “More than you do.” She whispered into her ear. “Fuck!”
“I love you too honey. God damn!” He responded.
He grasped onto her hips and fucked her harder, causing her to instantly climax. She arched her back up high and let out a high pitched squeal that could have been heard throughout the house.
“I’m cumming daddy!” She yelled.
He felt her pussy leaking more and more of her sweet nectar all over his solid cock. He pulled out of her and pressed his tongue to it again, drinking it all up. Once he was done, he crawled on the bed, hovering over his wife.
“Turn around honey.” He told his daughter.
As Robyn got to her hands and knees and turned around, he took the opportunity to lightly slap his wife in the face with his sopping cock. Once his daughter was in position, he slammed back into her and fucked her from behind. Their angle eventually lowered to the point that the penetration was within an inch of his wife’s face. If Robyn’s pubic hair was a half-inch longer, it would be tickling her nose. He slapped his daughter’s ass hard over and over again while she cheered him on.
“Harder, daddy! Harder!” She screamed. “Slap my butt harder!” She started laughing with each strike.
They continued at a steady pace for several minutes. As he started to fuck her harder, he felt his own orgasm reaching quickly. Before he could think, he felt his daughter’s pussy tug at him hard. She was cumming around his cock again. He had to pull out to avoid inseminating his daughter. He jerked himself for a few seconds while she came down from her high. She turned back to him and took his cock in her mouth once again. As she was sucking him, she reached down with her free hand and lightly tugged at his tightening balls.
Robyn knew that he was about to cum so she pulled him out and grabbed on to him with both hands, furiously jerking him off.
“I’m gonna cum honey.” He cried.
Robyn aimed his cock down at her mother’s face and finished jerking off until he exploded. He coated his wife’s face, for the first time in a long time, in his thick creamy seed. Two years of pent up sexual frustration exploded on the woman he married while his daughter watched on. Once the last drop fell from his softening member, Robyn took it back in her mouth and thoroughly cleaned him off. Once she was done, she looked up at him and smiled.
“I love you daddy.” She said.
“I love you too Robyn.”
He bent down to kiss her but she bent down first and started slowly licking the semen off of her mother’s face. She giggled and smiled as her tongue made sure to get every last sperm off of her.
“Your cum is delicious.” She said before standing up off the bed and giving her father a kiss on the cheek.
Robyn retrieved her panties from the ground and wiped any last residue off of her mother. When she was done she slowly started redressing, as did her father. They repeatedly looked at each other and smiled or laughed. When they finished redressing, they embraced in a long passionate kiss. He picked her up and carried her off to her bedroom. When they arrived, he gently lay her down on the bed and pulled the covers over her. He gave her a peck on the cheek and started to walk out of the room.
“Daddy?” Robyn called out.
“Yes honey?”
“Merry Christmas.” She smiled at him.
“Merry Christmas, honey. Thank you for the best gift I’ve ever received.” He said.
“If you ever want another “gift”, just let me know.” She took her glasses off and rolled over, ready to fall asleep.
“Will do.” He turned the light off in her room and left.
Pammie spread the lips of her pussy so I could slip into her from behind. She had been kneeling next to the Christmas tree in her sheer nightie, a big red bow on her back. We had become lovers two years before and now, officially a teen, we had at it all over the house and at all hours of the day and night. Her mother had left three years before so we had the house and each other to ourselves. Pammie’s cunt gripped my cock tightly and then released so I could slide in and out more easily. I reached under and played with her tight, sensitive nips. I put a thumb against her asshole and slid it in as she moistened. In a few minutes, she began to moan before cumming. I began to hump her furiously and then I shot a full load of frosting into my darling girls cunt. No better way to spend Christmas than with my loving daughter!
"A Gift For Her Father" - Twenty Year Old Co-ed Daughter, Robyn Alexander and Early-forties Year Old Married Father, Unnamed.
Robyn is a young lady after my own heart. She has no problem whatsoever with having an incestuous literal fucking with her father!! The only problem is that her father only got HALF a fuck as he unloaded his delivery--virile baby-making sperm--onto the face of his sleep-induced wife, instead into his daughter's fertile pussy. Bah, humbug!!
First off I apologize for the format, it was fine when I copied it and it will not let me edit it so there is nothing I can do about it. Sorry.
Abouth the father changing his stance so quickly, I dont write consensual stories that often (unless the involve celebrities, which is the bulk of the story plots and even then I do celeb rape stories more often) so I am still learning on how to properly pull off reluctance. Same deal with the person who said "make it longer, have her feel the sensations", I will improve in future stories.
This story was not like others I've done where I plan out and take my time. I literally wrote, edited and posted this story in under 3 hours. I don't usually do that, but I wanted to get it done when it was fresh in my head.
To the person complaining of incest...die in a ditch
Anonymous readerReport
Robyn is a young lady after my own heart. She has no problem whatsoever with having an incestuous literal fucking with her father!! The only problem is that her father only got HALF a fuck as he unloaded his delivery--virile baby-making sperm--onto the face of his sleep-induced wife, instead into his daughter's fertile pussy. Bah, humbug!!
First off I apologize for the format, it was fine when I copied it and it will not let me edit it so there is nothing I can do about it. Sorry.
Abouth the father changing his stance so quickly, I dont write consensual stories that often (unless the involve celebrities, which is the bulk of the story plots and even then I do celeb rape stories more often) so I am still learning on how to properly pull off reluctance. Same deal with the person who said "make it longer, have her feel the sensations", I will improve in future stories.
This story was not like others I've done where I plan out and take my time. I literally wrote, edited and posted this story in under 3 hours. I don't usually do that, but I wanted to get it done when it was fresh in my head.
To the person complaining of incest...die in a ditch