The doorbell rang throughout the house, rubbing the irrepressible sleep from my tired eyes I lifted charlotte's head from my chest and placed it on a pillow.
I twisted the key and pulled the door. I put my finger to my lips, "charlotte's asleep, how early do you think it is?" I said.
"Uhhh, not that early" said Leo, holding his hublot to my face.
"Come upstairs" I said. We walked to my bedroom and I started the shower. "What happened at the party?" Asked Leo
"Some kid tried it on with my sister" I said.
"After I finished with Ariana, all everyone was talking about was you" he said.
I got in the shower, the water running over my bruised body. I stepped out drying myself and sliding on some underwear. "Those stairs really done a number on me" I said.
"Fuck, I guess it got out of hand" he said.
"I don't know why it just got me so angry, I lost it. And what's worst, is I enjoyed it" I confessed.
"Don't worry about it, you just need to relax. I actually came over to ask if you would come to a party with me. Dad's company are throwing a charity ball and I really need someone I know to be there" he said.
"Yeah sure, when?" I asked.
"Come to mine about 8:00pm and you can follow me there." He said.
I put on an expensive white shirt, dress pants, blazer and a pair of loafers. 8:00pm rolled around and I arrived at Leo's house. I got out of my car and rang the doorbell. "You ready?" I asked Leo.
"Yeah, you follow me. It's not very far. Maybe ten minutes" he said.
I got in my car and followed Leo to Walton consolidated, his fathers company. I parked up and followed him inside."Oliver, good to see you son" said Leo's dad, extending his arm. "Thank you, Mr walton. It made sense to support my best friends future business" I said shaking his hand and bumping Leo.
"Unfortunately Leonard does not share your enthusiasm. He much prefers to party and wreck havoc. Oh and please, call me Derrick ." He said.
"Have a good night Mr.... I mean Derrick " I said.
"It doesn't feel right calling your dad Derrick" I said to Leo.
We entered the main hall, filled with tables,chairs and an orchestra. We sat at the table surrounded by his family. An hour or so passed when Mr. Walton got up on stage. "Thank you all for coming. As many of you know this is my last year as CEO of Walton consolidated. It shall be handed down to my CFO, James Simons. I hope you have a great night and here's to another great year!" He said.
He sat at the table, many people coming over and giving their congratulations.
"Excuse me, I should get this" I said. I left the lobby and walked outside. I answered my phone.
"Hello" I said.
"Oliver, can you come home please. I need to tell you something" said my mother, obviously distraught. "Yeah sure, what's wrong?" I asked.
"Just please get home" she said. I put down the phone and entered the main hall. " I'm sorry to leave this way but I've got to get back home, have a good night" I said.
I got home and opened the door, rushing to the living room. "Mom, what's wrong" I said, my hand on her shoulder.
"Sit down" she said.
I sat on the sofa opposite. Her lower lip trembled as she struggled to blink back the tears before they dripped down her cheeks. "Your father, he's gone" she said.
"What? Where?" I asked.
"No... He's dead" She said, lowering her head into her hands, shoulders shaking as she fought back the grief.
My face dropped, the room silent. I got up and walked to my room. But I stopped and opened Charlottes door. She wailed into her pillow, grabbing handfuls of the cover. I laid down and held her tightly against me.
"Shhh, it's ok. I'm here" I said. She cried uncontrollably, digging her face into my shoulder. "I'm here" I repeated, time and time again.
We laid huddled together for what felt like hours. She tried to clear her throat, but the twisted lump remained, drawing her voice tight over every syllable. "I love you Oliver, more than anyone" she said.
"I love you more than anyone too" I said. I gently drew the long brown hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. I kissed her shoulder and neck. Her hand slipped behind my head, looking into my eyes she pulled my face towards her. Our lips brushed, once, twice, three times.
We kissed again, she took control her tongue grazing my lips. She pushed it further into my mouth, my lips left hers and I sucked lightly on her tongue. I got between her legs, and kicked off my trousers. She pulled her vest off as I slipped my shirt over my head.
I held her face and rubbed her smooth thigh as we kissed passionately. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt before, the taste her saliva left in my mouth, the heat radiating from her body, I knew then I wanted her, and no one else.
End of part 2
Sorry if this is a bit short again, i think it's a bit longer than part 1 but not as long as I would like. Sorry this part took to long, I was quite busy and wrote many attempts, but finally settled for this storyline. I feel this one is a lot better.
A great quote I took into consideration is..... “When you are going good, stop writing.” And that means that if everything’s going well and you know exactly where the end of the chapter’s going to go and you know just what the people are going to do, you don’t go on writing and writing until you come to the end of it, because when you do, then you say, well, where am I going to go next? And you get up and you walk away and you don’t want to come back because you don’t know where you want to go- Ernest Hemingway.
This is what happened to me on the first one, I was stuck but now I know where I'm going and this I think and hope makes me a much better writer.
Happy new year everyone! And part 3 is firmly stuck In my head and will be out in maybe 2 or 3 days, because I can't wait to get back.
Goodbye 2012. Hope you have an amazing 2013 and check back for the next instalment, part 3.
another crappy chapter that FAILS to give proper background or character development. these two chapters are nothing more than a story OUTLINE it is not a POSTABLE STORY. this needs major rewriting by a GOOD WRITER that knows enough to PROOFREAD and use a GOOD EDITOR before posting. give back your high school diploma ( if you ever got one ) you don't deserve it.
once again you totally ruined it by rushing the action. WHERES ALL THE BACKGROUND?? delete both stories and rewrite them properly. they could both be posted as one chapter and need to be two or three times longer.
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