Andromeda I
The phone jangled unceremoniously as dawn’s glow enveloped the flickering remains of the star studded heavens. It was Uncle Harvey, and he needed someone to watch over his remote acreage while he was in the hospital. Harvey was older than history, refusing to succumb to the trials of life and the advancements of modern technology, spending the greater part of his day wandering through his heavily wooded property to feed a flock of chickens and a few head of cattle that free ranged there. His “home” was an old Airstream with tarps thrown over the top and a small pump house nearby where he stored his feed and tools. I always had a soft spot for Harvey, his tenacity commanded respect, and his soft seldom spoken words were soothing to even those who refused to hear. With a few essentials hurriedly thrown into a handbag, I was soon on the three hour drive into the hills and Harvey.
Weak yet determined, Harvey left shortly after giving me few instructions and his heartfelt thanks. The sudden silence was deafening, and claustrophobia set in immediately. I soon realized my dependence on electronic media, and flipped on the small portable radio. After toying with the tuner for several long minutes I realized the listening venue was extremely limited. It would be a long stay. Just forced into retirement, I was on a job search that had thus far proven fruitless. My pension would barely cover my existence with vacations and luxuries reserved for my dreams and memories. My “lifetime” companion had parted ways several years earlier to pursue her life as a professional gold digger and my only kid had moved across country in pursuit of vague promises of fame. Basically alone, I had adapted - content with a simple life, yet longing to fulfill dreams I had long ago repressed.
My musings were suddenly shattered by an increasing high pitched whine followed by a resounding impact that violently shook the trailer, sending dishes and other paraphernalia flying. I jumped out of the trailer to see a few localized fires in the treetops and a large mound of dirt. A small shiny cylinder, that wasn’t part of the natural topography rose a few feet above and beyond the dirt pile. Unlawful reentry, I mused, and briefly considered the debate over immigration laws; wondering if extra terrestrials might be included. With no phone, and barely enough gas in the car to get me back to civilization, I was on my own. Briefly, I considered the option of returning to the pseudo security of the trailer and await the arrival of the MIB’s; but curiosity and the opportunity to cash in on alien souvenirs outweighed caution.
The pile of dirt was warm, obscuring most of the seamless cylinder. It glowed with a faint blue light every couple of seconds that made my hair stand on end and made the air tremble with a vibration that I couldn’t hear, but definitely felt. Hesitating, I slowly walked up to the craft and touched its surface. The temperature of the craft was cooler than I anticipated. The fires it set on its approach were dying into embers, and there was no other sound – the forest was deathly quiet. I began to scoop handfuls of dirt away from the hull, searching for identifying marks but there were none. After several minutes of dirt displacement, my quest for answers and souvenirs remained as it had when I began. I stood somewhat breathlessly, resigned to assisting the MIB’s when they arrived when a small globe, slowing swirling with blue pastel shades appeared beside me out of seemingly nowhere.
I slowly turned to confront my floating blue companion, quite aware that it was violating several laws of nature, and smiled. The colors began to lose their distinction and I heard a delicate feminine voice mutter a single, yet crystal clear petition for help. Don’t ask me how I could understand; I reckon I’ll never know. Yet, the request was clear, explicit, and urgent. I was compelled to comply, and opened my arms with my palms up in the universal gesture (I hoped) of ‘how?’ Again, I instantly understood its request for energy. Energy is a pretty nebulous term when one considers its properties, but as the sphere continued to lose color and sink slowly to the ground, the urgency became obvious.
I raced back to the trailer, looked around and found some old 2-line wire under the couch seat. Back outside, the only outlet was on the porch light, which I quickly dismantled and crammed the wires crudely into the socket. Unrolling the line gingerly, I worked my way to the cylinder and, after separating the two wires, tucked one line into the dirt touching one side of the cylinder and tucked the other onto the opposing side. I should point out the cylinder was only a foot or so in diameter, so the evolution only took a few seconds. Once the lines were secured, I raced back to the trailer and flipped the porch light on. A puff of smoke erupted from the light socket and the small light over the range dimmed considerably, but the cylinder glowed softly with the crude electrical transfusion. I ran back outside and retrieved the fallen orb from the bed of dried pine needles where it lay. Cradling it gently, I raced back into the trailer and placed it into a small decorative basket sitting by the window. Placing the basket next to the small stove light, I began to search for some more line. A small pop made me wheel around abruptly. In its quest for energy, the small sphere apparently popped the light bulb and was drawing a fine blue green line of current from the empty socket.
Content with the apparent energy crises averted, I hustled outside to the back shed and found an old rusty spade. After an hour of almost constant shoveling, the cylinder was completely covered with dirt and fallen branches. I finished just as I heard the MIB’s drive up. Denying any knowledge of spaceships, aliens or conspiracy theories, they soon climbed back into their black SUV and continued down the road. If they would have paused to check my power meter spinning at a bizzilion rpm, they may well have remained. After a light lunch and warm beer, I set out on the chores that Uncle Harvey had outlined. The chickens were hidden under an old decaying log and the cows were huddled against the back fence. I voiced my disapproval and gently herded the critters back to their feed bins. They joined me grudgingly, and soon were happily pecking and chomping their way to happiness. I wandered around the property and soon experienced the peace that could only be found in the unspoiled beauty of nature. One of the young calves stopped feeding and came over to nuzzle my hand. For the first time in many years, I felt content.
Suddenly the stillness was shattered, the birds took wing in disarray, the cows bolted, and I looked up long enough to catch a brief glimpse of a silver sliver streaking through the trees towards the heavens. So much for souvenirs! With my tranquility shattered, I gathered my remaining thoughts and slowly made my way through the thick fern undergrowth towards the trailer. I couldn’t help but wonder about the world my power hungry guests had come from. Then again, I rationalized; I didn’t really need to know. There was an hour worth of work to restore the trailer waiting for me before dusk settled in and the day had provided more than enough excitement.
After examining the outside light fixture carefully, it became apparent that the socket was fused beyond repair. Stomping my feet to clean off the excess pine needles, I stepped into the trailer and there, on the heavily soiled couch lay the most beautiful female form I had ever laid my eyes on. I gasped and stepped backwards, missing the step and falling ass over teakettle into a growth of ferns. Staggering to my feet and shaking my head to dislodge the beautiful feminine image that surely must have originated in the twilight zone, I re-entered the trailer. She was still there – with beautiful doe-like brown eyes, long silky brown hair and legs that went on forever. No denying it, I was stunned and staggered backwards till the wall met my butt.
“Do you not like me?” Her frail high pitched voice barely registered on my traumatized brain. “I can be what you desire. . .” she offered as she morphed into a glorious African goddess with large full breasts and well toned thighs. A few moments later, it morphed into a frail oriental beauty with delicious mysterious eyes and small cupcake breasts, and then an Indian princess with thick black hair that reached her butt and dark piercing eyes that seem to hold the secrets of life itself.
“Hold on there,” I blurted, still reeling from the shape shifting entity serenely perched on the couch. “Who or what are you?”
“I am created for you.” It rose to its feet unsteadily and once balanced, walked to me with unsure steps.
“Ah, that's . . . nice,” I responded, my thoughts in overdrive. Reaching out I gently steadied her, her warm skin soft and amazingly supple; almost human! Gently guiding her to a seat, I eased her into it gently.
“Show me your reproductive organs,” she implored.
“Whoa . . . a little forward, aren't we,” I stepped back a little stunned.
“No.” She responded as she reached forward and had my pants and underwear around my ankles in a heartbeat. Her gentle hands quickly swept to my groin, and explored my limp package with the curiosity of a child. “It is beautiful,” she whispered, as her dark aroused nipples protruded through a sheer translucent white gown and the unmistakable scent of sexual arousal drifted into the stale air. Her supple fingertips caressed every millimeter of my cock as if it were a priceless gem. Predictably, I became aroused with her gentle caresses. I absently stroked the thick crown of glorious black hair while stroking the soft olive toned skin of her face and neck.
Suddenly she withdrew and stared at my now fully engorged member with wide eyes. “Have I damaged it?”
It took me a moment to understand the disconnect. “Quite the contrary,” I replied breathlessly.
The slight smile that she displayed on my response was quickly replaced by one of genuine concern. “It is too large to penetrate my receptor!”
I'd never heard a pussy being referred to as a receptor but, then again, I've never made love to an alien android either. Smiling, I ran my fingers through her long lustrous hair. The concern on her face faded as the gown she wore simply melted away offering an unobstructed view of her beautifully sculpted body. Once again, her delicate fingers probed my now throbbing flesh with renewed fascination. I eased my cock over to one of the two deliciously erect nipples and gently rubbed the head around the large deep brown teat. She first rolled her head back, then her eyes as she murmured indistinguishable phrases. Her body slid lower into the chair and her hips began rocking rhythmically. The intensity of her arousal grew exponentially when one of her hands slid onto my thigh and the other to the bushy cleft between her legs. A drop of liquid slowly formed on her aroused nipple and combined with the drop that my own organ produced, mixing to form a sensual lubricant that only heightened our mutual sensations. Just as I was about to switch nipples, her body stiffened, her legs crossed tensely and she released a long low moan that was unmistakably orgasmic. Her hips rose from the chair and she released a long crystal clear stream that splashed forcefully against my thigh. Her eyes fluttered and I swear a small puff of smoke escaped her ears as we both experienced our first ever titty orgasm.
I'm not sure who was more surprised, but she manifested all the symptoms of a serious neurological overload; short quick breaths, trembling extremities, and a face of pure agony. It took several minutes for post orgasmic euphoria to set in. Sprawled in the chair, a vision of both beauty and exhaustion, I marveled at her physical perfection and the technology required to create her. Quietly I pulled my pants over my wilting cock and ever so gently lifted her lifeless frame from the chair and onto the bed just moments before my back muscles gave out. She was a handful in many ways.
I grabbed a bottle of water – Harvey refilled them every morning from a nearby stream. His longevity was a testimonial to its benefits although its purity was questionable, at best. Watching her rest so blissfully was infectious, but too many incongruities in her existence kept sleep at bay. In front of me lay a beautiful creature of alien origin. Even her deep respiration provided a contradiction – why does she need air; does she really need air or was her respiration a programmed manifestation provided for my acceptance? She murmured something quietly and rolled on her side. The instant she realized I was sitting next to her she rose slightly and patted the bed next to her.
“Repose,” was all she said.
I slowly rose, aware of several muscles that announced their overworked status and rolled into her waiting arms. Her body was warm and soft, and her arms embraced me with the tenderness that a mother holds her newborn. Despite my preoccupations, sleep came rapidly. Several times during the night, I awoke to her warm soothing embrace, blocking my overactive mind from rejecting this other worldly scenario, and snuggled as close as I could – the chill in the night air barely noticeable. Despite the contradictions she presented, I felt at peace and fell into a profound sleep. The sun had barely tinted the morning sky when I awoke to an empty bed. My alien companion was standing next to me, her nakedness barely discernible in the dim light. Her hands were wandering over my face and exposed arms lovingly. Directly in front of my face was the unruly bush covering her “receptor” and the musky scent of her arousal filled my nostrils.
When such a rare opportunity presents itself, one would be three sheets the other side of crazy to ignore it. Pulling her to me by her full round cheeks, I buried my face into the knarly mass of curls, my tongue on seek-and-destroy mode. Her hands instinctively grabbed my hair and she issued a surprised squeak. The delicate inner lips had barely descended in sharp contrast to the maturation of her full hips and ripe breasts. When my tongue grazed her clit, her legs trembled forcing me to grab her more tightly to prevent her falling. Two circles and one tongue swipe across the large throbbing nub later, she blew a large volume of her orgasmic essence onto my face, forcing me to gulp and gasp for air. She screamed a long low, sensual sound that startled the sleeping birds outside and provided the sweetest music I've ever heard. My grip momentarily relaxed in surprise and she went down to her knees bathing the mattress with several more orgasmic blasts. Her creators should be nominated for the Nobel peace prize for the orgasmic response she demonstrated. The idea of an orgasmic android was something Hollywood had never dreamed of, and seemed as alien as the alien itself.
“Are you OK,” I queried after her spasms subsided and I wiped my face.
“Several servos are hyper-extended and my receptor sensitivity is beyond threshold,” she murmured softly after several moments. It wasn't quite the response I expected, but well within reason. She reached over and ran her delicate fingers over my crotch gently, tracing the outline of my rapidly engorging organ. Slowly rising on unsteady legs, she promptly dispatched my attire, maintaining both cock and eye contact until I was fully engorged. “Your penetration is required,” she murmured softly with underscored urgency.
“Climb aboard, then,” I urged; momentarily releasing my inhibitions to the throes of lust. She straddled my hips lightly, and slowly descended until the head of my cock disappeared into her thick nest of pubic curls and lodged on the puffy pussy lips hidden within. Guiding my throbbing organ with her one hand while stabilizing her body with her other hand on my chest, she moved her hips across my torso slowly. That motion alone was too much for her over stimulated sensors, and she immediately bucked her voluptuous hips while bathing my genitals with a tidal wave of orgasmic effluence. She collapsed heavily on my chest while trembling violently. I tried to reposition myself to breathe easier, but the slight friction of my semi-hard cock was enough to trigger her hips to instinctively kick-in. Another orgasm overwhelmed her tortured frame and her cry of release sounded more like agony than ecstasy. Her hair trigger would be the death of me, I mused, as pondered the wording of my imminent obituary. Thankfully, she rolled off my frame in a daze and curled up in a fetal position next to me as the darkness in my field of vision slowly dissolved.
Her gentle fingers wrapped around my soggy deflating organ gingerly, as her respiration slowed and she sighed softly with every breath. Where I had failed with the human female, I had excelled with an artificial life form. Perhaps one of the other feminine forms she assumed when I first encountered her might be less sensitive – it might be worth a try. For now, I must feed the animals, and get some coffee on the stove. The outdoor and stove top light needed repair also, so gently I rolled away from the sleeping beauty, and took a quick shower before donning a fresh set of rags and grabbing the empty water bottles. I headed out into the crisp morning air, closing the door quietly as I left. The critters were waiting expectantly, and responded timidly to my gentle overtures. Once the animals were fed, I drew some fresh water for both the animals and the empty plastic bottles from the nearby stream. On the way back to the trailer, I pulled the wires I had strung yesterday and rolled them up neatly.
Once back inside the trailer, I saw my alien companion sitting naked on the bed with her knees drawn under her chin and a distant look in her eyes. Trying to obtain some sign of recognition I waved my arms in front of her, but she sat motionless as if in another world. Strange subtle whirring sounds originating from the back of her head were barely audible and I cursed my insensitivity assuming I must have blown her circuits. The coffee was still perking into black mud; so I watered it down a tad and pondered how to dispose of the body. Suddenly, her eyes momentarily glowed blue and her breathing resumed with quick, short gasp. I walked over to her and she responded with a weak smile as she stretched out her long olive toned legs. She was absolutely beautiful.
“What happened?”
“Reprogramming,” she muttered unemotionally. “Am I acceptable?”
“I suppose,” I offered, taking a long deep breath. “I know so little about you that I'm admittedly hesitant. Am I just a hunk of meat to satisfy your sexual curiosity and exchange fluids, or am I more than that? And what needed reprogramming, anyways? I should have known you have mechanical thresholds and been more receptive.”
Her entire body instantly went limp; her eyes lost their color, her arms dangled uselessly by her sides and she collapsed into a fetal position. I figured I’d overloaded her with my verbal expletives somehow; so beautiful yet so fragile. She had returned to her makers and I was stuck with the lifeless remnants to discard with yesterday's news. Suddenly, there was a warm glowing light that filled the trailer and she stirred back to life, her eyes glowed with the same blue pastels that the orb displayed a day earlier and her limbs trembled with renewed animation. The light abruptly disappeared and I rushed over to embrace her.
“Your responses reveal that you have accepted me,” she proclaimed.
“Yeah, guess I have -now how about sharing some of your characteristics with me – or at least provide a rudimentary owner’s manual.”
“I apologize, but our introductory stage required more observations and analysis to complete my assimilation into this world. I have been reprogrammed with your linguistic patterns and strengthened structural modifications. I will no longer suffer from catastrophic sensory overloads and will communicate with more effective speech patterns now. Specifically, I am a self-sustaining zeta unit that requires ambient energy to regenerate and your love to thrive. I will assist you however possible, and remain your dedicated unit until you pass on into the next realm. Whatever you may desire, I will endeavor to provide.”
I took a long swig of coffee and savored its warmth. “Acceptance comes easy, but love takes time and time is about all I have to offer. I reckon we need to get you up to speed on the world you live in.” She rose magnificently, and strolled over to me extending her hand which I grabbed gently and rose to meet her. We exchanged our first long, sensuous kiss. She tasted sweeter than a fine wine. After I grabbed my breath, I asked “What is your name?”
“I have none,” she confessed somewhat reluctantly.
“How about Ann; short for Andromeda, a nearby galaxy I've heard about?”
“Ann – I'm now Ann, the mate of . . .?”
“Daniel – Dan would be good.”
“Are you happy with this body?”
“It’s beautiful,” I murmured reverently, “Would you be upset if I asked for something different?”
“No, change is good and gives me opportunity to experience our coupling in the form you prefer.”
“Well, how about a tall slender blond with blue eyes, long legs, small perky breasts, and less hair between your legs.” To my amazement, she quickly and effortlessly morphed into a statuesque blond goddess complete with full pouting lips and a small upturned nose. I felt the blood flowing to my groin almost immediately - this was going to be fun! She leaned into me for a second sensual kiss as her hand slipped between us to the bulge in my Levi's. My hand zeroed in on a small pink nipple jutting out proudly with anticipation. In an instant, I was stepping out of my pants, knowing that this time she would experience the full force of my penetration. We fell onto the bed, and I put her long legs over my shoulders while my pulse raced. Her nearly hairless pussy and slim hips provided the perfect landing site for my rigid cock. With a few gentle nudges, I found her moist center and, with every muscle straining, slowly pressed the throbbing intruder into her depths. It was a slow process; she was so tight that it was impossible to proceed in any other manner. A faint pink hue spread across her chest as her delicate hands clutched the comforter. She was so human, it was almost surreal! Her facial features grimaced with my intrusion as her soft fingers painfully gripped my rib cage. With less than half my length enveloped, her hips swung abruptly towards the head of the bed and she voiced a high pitch squeal that likened to shatter glass. A burst of orgasmic essence erupted on my torso as her vaginal muscles clamped down so tightly that my bewildered cock was forced out into the open. Wrapping her arms around me with a vice grip, her hips danced in a frenzy trying to pin my freed organ tightly against her clit.
I let euphoria overtake her, and just as she relaxed, I went for my second attempt, plunging quickly into her warmth as far as I could before the friction of her tightening vaginal walls curtailed any further advance. I eased out and back in, entering the silky depths a tad further. Repeating the process with gentle pressure over several minutes, I finally reached her cervix. It felt as if her cervix kissed the glans tenderly just as the muscles along her vaginal walls began a series of rhythmic constrictions beginning at the base and terminating right at the very tip. I couldn't withdraw, the muscles at the base were cinched too tightly, yet the rhythmic tugging eliminated the need. Faster and faster, they continued their sequential tugging crowned by gentle cervical kisses, until my own sensory input reached overload. The first eruption of sperm deep inside her was met with her own eruption as we experienced our first explosive mutual climax. Explosive is the closest way to describe our collective sensations as we tumbled ecstatically onto the floor, thrusting desperately as we rode our orgasmic ecstasy beyond physical reality. I found myself free falling on a cosmic journey through the heavens, lost in the wonder of limitless fulfillment. It was as if I was no longer what I thought I had always been; an insignificant grain of sand on the seashore of time! There was unremitting joy and contentment separating my spirit from the restrictive confines I had learned to accept. Ever so slowly the visions faded back into the sweaty reality of two exhausted lovers tightly embraced on a carpeted floor reeking of mildew.
I kissed her, and thanked her, as her eyes flickered with glowing contentment. It would be several hours before we untangled our extremities and returned to stasis, grateful for the experience we shared and eager to go at it again once we recovered. Slowly I got to my feet and got dressed as Ann lay in repose. I realized it was not her form but her construct that had made this event so profoundly satisfying. I staggered to the door and slowly opened it, partially wondering if the world I'd known was still outside. It was, although the cows were lined up in a semicircle around the door, chewing their cud contentedly. I fumbled with the fried light socket momentarily until her soft warm hand emerged from behind me and grasped the socket in her palm. A silent hum and a few sparks later, a virtually brand new fixture hung in its place. This girl was amazing.
I turned to her, and was about to ask how she accomplished such a feat without tools or supplies, but her big blue eyes and beautiful body stilled my curiosity. She took my hand and we walked into the forest wordlessly, allowing the calm beauty to replenish our souls. The cows slowly followed us.
“Ann,” I finally broke our silence near the fence at the edge of the property, “I have little to offer, hardly any money or material goods, but if I could, I'd surely give you . . .”
“Shhh, it's OK Daniel, I'll make things right with you. Where do you obtain this money?”
“At a bank or cash machine, but there are security issues, IRS, FBI. . . “
“Take me there,” she commanded.
“You'll need some clothes, Ann.”
“Yours will be fine,” she said and quickly turned and bounded back towards the trailer with myself and bunch of cows in hot pursuit.
A few minutes later, I slowly eased my old car down the rutted dirt road, with Ann in my best clean T-shirt and a grossly oversized pair of Levi's sitting next to me. The trip was uneventful in the late afternoon glow, and we hardly spoke as Ann was entranced by the passing scenery. She kept her left hand cupped on my crotch even though I advised her it was not considered appropriate around others. At one point she took my bank card and, after studying it briefly, placed it in the palm of her hand and closed her eyes. She returned it after assuring me it wouldn't be needed anymore. Far-be-it for me to attempt to imagine what she was about to do, so I fumbled with a few back-up scenarios in case things turned sour.
We finally got into town where a cash machine stood awash in lights outside the bank building. She stepped out of the car, strolled over to the machine, and put her hand on the screen. Moments later, bills began flying out of the front of the machine and I hurried out to help her stow the wandering cash. On final count, there was close to twenty thousand dollars in assorted bills. I stashed all but a few thousand under the seat, but when I geared up for a quick getaway, she placed her hand on my leg and smiled.
“The security devices were disabled, Dan; and the machine is empty.”
“How did you do that?”
“It is difficult to explain with your current knowledge,” she replied somewhat remorsefully, “But the money will not be missed.”
“Then let's get you some clothes!”
Few stores were open, but we got her several changes of jeans and blouses with underwear (which she absolutely detested) and shoes. I purchased the missing light bulbs, a cheap laptop computer and tanked up the car. On the way home, I swung into the local market to restock where Ann became fascinated with canned food and saran wrap. The final stop was a small family owned malt shop and although she didn't require conventional nutrition, her love of French fries and chocolate malts quickly became apparent. She savored the taste sensations all the way home, while I did my best to drain the grease from my burgers before I ate them.
Once back at the trailer where the cows were lined up awaiting our arrival, I gave her the laptop. She giddily clapped her hands and bolted into the trailer. While I fed the cows and savored my situation, Ann mastered the idiosyncrasies of our modern technology. When I returned to the trailer, she was glued to the computer screen as it flashed images so fast I couldn't focus on them. Her hands never touched the keyboard - only the mouse was a blur of constant motion. How she ever got online was a mystery to me. The range of emotions she displayed ranged from silent tears to brief outbursts of laughter corresponding to the images that momentarily paused on the screen. It was a joy to watch her learn over a bag of microwave popcorn. As sleep began to overrun my observations, she closed the cover and stepped over to drop on my lap, her arm wrapped firmly around my shoulder.
“You world is a study of inconsistencies, with such beauty and such horror - how does one live in harmony with such extremes?”
“We abide, I guess,” I murmured philosophically. “There are always those less fortunate, and those with more than they need; yet despite these inconsistencies, we endeavor to remain at peace with ourselves.”
She nodded and fell silent for a moment. “Why is there so much sex online?” Her free hand wandered down my chest to my fly, casually releasing the flaccid organ within. Her delicate fingers traced the outline of my genitals gently coaxing life into my loins.
“Well . . .We are sexual beings, sweetie; what we can't get from our 'mates' we fantasize about online.” I unbutton her blouse slowly, brushing the fine blond strands over her shoulder.
“Restrained sexuality is counterproductive to the well being of sentient beings. Such a shame to neglect such a beautiful organ for the senseless concerns of your world,” she mused sadly while squeezing my lengthening cock securely. “I could never accept that solution.”
“It's the way of the world Ann,” I conceded as I released the last button on her jeans. She lifted her hips slightly, and her jeans slid down her silky legs and pooled at her feet. Spreading her legs as wide as the arms of the chair would allow, she guided the head of my cock across the moist puffy lips of her sex with a longing sigh. Her hands continued to explore our exposed genitals gently, until she found her sweet spot and gently maneuvered her hips to allow access.. I groaned as the head slipped past the peach fuzz into her core. It was still incredibly tight, but the smooth walls and strong muscular contractions pulled the head of my cock within quickly. I eased my hands up to her glorious hard nipple breasts and gently squeezed their firm fullness as she moaned and erupted in a cock ejecting climax. Despite her brief orgasmic release, she frantically fumbled for my expelled organ and repositioned it, forcing herself onto its length with a painful yelp.
“Just relax, Ann,” I coached as my organ sought deeper penetration. Her muscles released their cock crushing grip slightly yet sufficiently enough to allow my slick organ to become fully encased before they clamped tightly again. The sensation triggered yet another explosive orgasm. Ignoring her orgasmic throes, I withdrew slightly and plunged in again, her internal muscles milking the length of my shaft with inhuman efficiency. The deep boiling intensity of my impending climax arose almost instantly, and with a final squeeze of her delicious breast, I let go - spewing a lifetime of passion into her depths. A kaleidoscope of colors enveloped us accompanied by a cosmic symphony of soothing sounds, as we sailed throughout eternity; her hand firmly gripping my own. Her body had a halo of blue energy that shone like a star on the warm comforting cosmic journey we shared. We swooped past a multitude of worlds with a myriad of creatures of every description inhabiting them. Stars exploded in a cascade of breath taking light as asteroids whizzed by unhindered by the warmth of the solar winds. I kissed her passionately and our bodies entwined in a joyful carefree meld of unity.
Slowly the fantasy faded into darkness, and I opened my eyes to a darkened trailer and a gorgeous blond sitting on my lap with her head on my shoulder and her pussy still clutching my deflated cock. I slowly repositioned myself to shift Ann's weight and she sighed contently. Replaying the memory of our cosmic voyage over and over again, I grasped at the elation the freedom provided and wondered somewhere, in the depth of my core, if there could ever be more. Ann had irreversibly changed my life, and I was destined to follow her to the ends of reality. I began to explore my sanity; was sex turning me into a mindless robot? She stirred, and the unmistakable tugging at my cock began again, far more gently than before, but with the same sense of urgency. Her big blue eyes fluttered open as a smile crossed her face. Turning towards me, she tightened her embrace as I slowly stroked the soft golden hair in the darkness. She drifted back into her dreams, still massaging my organ. I too, eased my head back and savored the feeling, and dreamed of a life filled with the hopes and mysteries of Andromeda.
sorry uf. This looked like a REALLY different and interesting story, but without decent spacing (ie Paragraphs) I'm not interested. My wife can give me enough headaches without getting more trying to read this solid block of text.
For those of you that have not posted stories here most authors do format their stories BUT this site runs archaic software that does not recognise that formatting.
To all authors; when you format here you have to double space between paragraphs to get one spacing.
Try to keep dialogue in separate paragraphs, not all run together.
Keep writing, you have talent.
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
Ed ItorReport
To all authors; when you format here you have to double space between paragraphs to get one spacing.