She knocked on our door for computer help - she got more than she bargained for
“Knock! Knock!” “Craig you got that?” I yelled from the couch. “Buck! I’m upstairs dude. Can you get the door?” said Craig. I shook my head as I got off the black leather couch in the living room. I could hear someone knocking on the door leading to the garage. We had moved in about two weeks ago. Craig was a good roommate. We split all the bills down the middle. He works as a manager for an upscale shoe store. I work from home. I help people with IT problems. I also set up new web sites for clients.
We live in a good neighborhood. Were the last town house on the street. We share a garage, laundry room with our neighbors. There town house connects to the other side of the garage. I don’t think we have met the other people, from next door.
“Knock! Knock!” “Coming! “ I yelled. I reached down to open the door leading into the garage. “Hello!” said a soft female voice. I smiled. “Hi…” was all I could say. My mouth was wide open. I looked down. There was a very voluptuous blonde standing in front of me. She was in her late twenties. About 5ft 2. She was wearing a very long black skirt that covered her feet. She had a tight white blouse that showed off her huge chest. I then noticed her wedding ring on her finger. Just my luck.
“Hello young man. I’m Mrs. Candy Grove. I live next door. Just over there.” She said. She pointed across the garage. “I’m Buck. Nice to meet you. Did we do something wrong? Did we have the music to loud?” I said. She smiled. “No! No! You did nothing wrong.” she said. “That’s good.” I said. My eyes were fixed on her bodacious curves. “Normally I ask my husband for help. But he is away on business. He is in Africa looking for gold.” She said. “What do you need help with?” I said. “My computer won’t turn on. It was running really slow. Then this morning. It just crashed.” She said.
“I would be more than happy to help. I know a few things about computers.” I said. “That would be great.” Said Mrs. Grove. “Dude.. Who’s at the door?” said Craig. I turned my head. “Mrs. Grove! I like you to meet my room mate, Craig. If you like, we can walk over and I can unplug your computer and bring it back here. I have a few programs I might be able to turn on your computer. I can have it up and running in no time.” I said. I saw Craig mouth wide open. He was checking out Mrs. Grove. We both like the same kind of women. The more curves, the better. “Any chance you can have it back by tomorrow?” she said. “I’m pretty sure I can have it running by tomorrow.” I said.
We both followed behind Mrs. Grove. As she walked through the small 2 car garage. She left the side door open, as she showed us around. She had a few family pictures on the wall. They were just her and her husband. He was a short skinny guy, with a bad toupee on. Craig laughed as we both pointed at him behind his Wife back. Mrs. Grove finally took us to her living room. She had a big computer, next to her entertainment system. She had lots of book around her house. I bent over to unplug her computer. I then handed her PC tower to Craig.
“Here’s my cell phone number. In case you can’t fix it. Please call. I’m at work all day tomorrow. I’m the assistant to the mayor of our lovely town. She is a great boss. I’m sure I can run home and pick it up. There a computer store not to far from here. They might be able to fix it, if you can’t. It’s just really important I get it fixed.” Said Mrs. Grove. “No problem. Buck is a computer genius. He will have this puppy up and working in no time. “ said Craig. “Thank you so much.” Said Mrs. Grove.
We both walked back to our town house. I shut the door behind us. I heard Mrs. Grove door close next. “Buck! She is so hot.” Said Craig. “Yeah! She is smoking hot. I hope I can fix her computer now.” I said. We both smiled as I hooked up her computer in my room. “I’m going downstairs to watch some TV.” Said Craig. “Later man.” I said.
I turned my attention back at Mrs. Grove computer. I plugged my program in the back of the computer. A few minutes passed before I got her computer running again. I slipped past her easy password on the computer. (password, password) I then looked on her desk top next. I saw a few folders in the right corner. I clicked on the first one. Just some family photos. Her computer was running slow. I then ran another program from my computer. I had to figure out why her computer was so slow.
It took a few minutes before my computer told me why Mrs. Grove computer was running slow. She had a lot of movies and videos downloaded on her computer. I then looked for the largest file. I quickly found the folder it was hiding in. I clicked on the folder marked (Only for Candy).. I almost fell off my chair. I started to click on the movies in the folder. My mouth dropped open. They were all showing Mrs. Grove in different sex positions. The first one she was masturbating with a huge blue vibrator. The next she was on all fours getting fucked from behind. I could see the woman’s hands on her hips and she was yelling at Mrs. Grove. I could feel my cock get hard under my computer desk.
I quickly started to copy all her files onto a zip drive. I had to see these movies again when I gave Mrs. Grove back her computer. I then reached for my phone. I texted Craig to get up here. A few minutes passed before he opened my bedroom door. ‘What’s up??” he said. He then got quite as he looked at Mrs. Grove computer screen. I was still watching the woman fuck her from behind. Her huge tits were being tugged by the women. “Are you kidding me? Wow! I can’t believe Mrs. Grove in to this stuff.” Said Craig. I just shook my head.
We spent the next 4 hours copying everything on her computer. My cock was rock hard. I knew Craig was hurting to. He kept adjusting himself on the chair next to me. Mrs. Grove loved to be dominated. All the movies were either her or another female. Some photos we found, were just her. Not a single one showed her with another man. Her husband must not like other men playing with his wife. “Damn! Buck! I need to get up early tomorrow.” Said Craig. I looked at my watch. It was closed to midnight. “I’m going to look around some more and then add some more memory to her computer. That should help her computer run faster. Night dude.” I said. “Later.” Said Craig.
I lost track of what time I went to bed. My cell phone rang. I rolled over on my erect cock. Damn! I was still thinking about Mrs. Grove. “Hello!” I said. “Buck! You still got the neighbors computer?” said Craig. “Yeah! Why do you ask?” I said. “I was thinking…long pause..” said Craig. “I’m a step head of you. We should try and take advantage of this situation.” I said. “Exactly what I was thinking. I got to work this morning. I pulled up our town’s website. I found out who enjoy’s Mrs. Grove, as much as we do. The Mayor, her fucking boss. She is just as big, if not bigger than Mrs. Grove.” Said Craig. “That’s good to know. Take off the rest of the day. Make sure you bring home some heels you want Mrs. Grove to be in tonight. If we have to. We can find something in her closet to make her look like a hot MILF. See you soon.” I said.
I hung up my phone as I dialed Mrs. Grove. “Ring! Ring! Hello Mayor’s office. This is Candy.” Said Mrs. Grove. “Hi! Candy.. It’s Buck. Your new neighbor.” I said. “Hi! Buck…I was just thinking about you. How my computer?” she said. I smiled. “It’s all fixed. It’s as good as new.” I said. “Oh! That is great. I really appreciate it. My husband will be happy. I’m suppose to Skype him later.” Said Candy. “Sounds fun.” I said. “I left my door open next door. Can you be a doll and hook my computer back up. I’ll be by later to say thank you.” She said. She then hung up the phone.
My mind was racing as I took a quick shower. I heard Craig come home as I was putting on some clothes. I slipped on some white cargo shorts. Then a black t-shirt. I left my underwear in my top drawer. I put on some cologne. I heard Craig changing out of his Suit as we met in the living room.
“Your not going to believe this. She left her house unlocked. She wants us to put her computer back. She going to Skype with her husband tonight on her computer. What she doesn’t know? Will be watching her from my computer.” I said. Craig had a big smile on his face. “This should be fun.” He said. “I also started to print out some of the images with her and the mayor. I figured we take them over to Mrs. Grove.” I said. We both laughed.
It took us about an hour to set up Mrs. Grove computer. We then went upstairs to her bedroom. Craig was looking through her heels in the closet. I was checking out her bras and panties in her dresser. We then both smiled as her bra’s were huge. We then walked down the hall to another room. There was sign on the door to keep out. Craig pulled out a card and shimmed open the door. We both almost fainted. It was her slave room. There were huge straps, whips, chains around the room. There were adult toys everywhere. There were chairs and a big four post bed. We found a tri pod and some camera equipment. We both smiled as we walked back to our side of the town house.
It was close to 6pm when we heard the garage door open. My cock got instantly hard. Craig started to breath heavier. We both rushed to my room. My computer was already on. About twenty minutes passed before we got a glimpse of Mrs. Grove on the screen. She was wearing a black see through robe. Her huge breast were encased inside a tight black bra. Her huge breast spilled out the top. She was wearing a matching black thong, that barely covered her huge camel toe. I could tell her pussy was completely shaved. She had a huge purple vibrator in her left hand. She smiled at the screen.
A second later we heard her husband. “Candy! You’ve been a naughty wife. Put down that toy. This will make 4 weeks since I’ve been gone. I forbid you from playing with your pussy. Obey your master.” He said. She nodded her head “Yes!”. Both Craig and I looked at each other. Our mouths dropped open. “You will need to wait another 6 months or longer until I get home. I will be staying in Africa a little longer than planned. I am close to finding gold again. I also found a skinny servant to help me get over your fat body. Have you been dieting like I asked?” he said. “Yes! Master! I have not eaten anything for two days. I’m so weak.” She said. “That a good wife. Tomorrow wire me your paycheck. I need money. I need to get off this computer. Your disgusting.” He said. The computer screen then went blank.
“Dude go get some food downstairs. Don’t forget her heels, from your work. I’ll grab the pictures of Candy and the Mayor. Meet me at the door.” I said. I heard Craig run down the stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed the yellow envelope off my computer table. I smiled as I walked down the stairs to the side door in the house. A minute later Craig showed up with a bag full of tacos and a bottle of white wine. He had stopped at Taco Bell before coming home. He also had a small black gift bag with the heels from his work inside. We both smiled as we walked through the garage to Mrs. Grove side door.
“Knock! Knock!” Craig knocked on the side door inside the garage. We both walked over in our bare feet. We waited for the door open. My heart was racing. I could hear Craig breathing faster. A few minutes passed before the brass door knob turned on the small wooden door. “Hi! Neighbors.” Said Mrs. Grove. “Hey!” we both said at the same time. “How’s the computer?” I said. “It works great. Would you both like to come in? I’m sorry, I just got out of the shower and through this on.” She said. ‘You look great.” Said Craig. We both were staring at her big ass, thru the see through black robe. She had a white terry cloth robe over her see through black outfit. The problem was the back of her white robe was on her lower back. It was hung up on her big ass. We both smiled.
I heard Craig shut the door behind us. I was walking directly behind Mrs. Grove. We followed her into her living room. She had turned off her computer. I quickly looked around the room. “We brought you some food.” Said Craig. He handed her the bag of tacos. She quickly open the bag releasing the smell of tacos in the room. I could see her lick her fiery red lips. She had teased up her short blonde hair. She was looking so hot in her black see through robe. I wondered if she knew how turned on we were.
We both watched Mrs. Grove eat two tacos. “I feel like such a pig. I’ve been so busy at work and home. I forgot the last time I ate something.” She said. Craig and I looked at each other. We both knew two days ago. I wish her husband could see her eat the other two tacos in the bag. So much for her diet. She had the perfect figure. She could add a few more pounds. Neither one of us would have cared. “We also brought some wine.” I said. “Mmmm… Wine and tacos. You both now how to spoil a girl. Craig reached into his black gift bag. I smiled as he handed her a large wine glass. I leaned over to pour her some white wine. She took a few sips. “You both can take a seat on the couch.” She said. She pointed to her big black leather couch.
We both walked around her wooden coffee table. I sat on the right side. Craig sat on the left. We kept the middle seat cushion open. I looked back up. Mrs. Grove was licking her fingers clean. She than gulped half of her white wine. “Please excuse me. I’ll be right back.” She said. We watched as she walked toward her kitchen. She tossed out the empty taco bag. She washed her hands. She then slowly walked back into her living room. She had sipped almost the rest of her wine.
She then looked over her wine glass. “What else did you young men bring me?” said Mrs. Grove. She pointed to my right hand. I slowly raised my right hand. She then took the yellow envelope from my hand. Craig and I looked at each other. We both smiled. “Oh my word. What??? What??? Where did you get these??” said Mrs. Grove. “I found them on your computer last night. I figured out what was slowing down your computer.” I said. “We also made copies.” Said Craig. “There a disk at the bottom of the envelope.” I said. Mrs. Grove put her small hand inside the yellow envelope. She pulled out the DVD. She slowly read the title on the DVD. “Best of Candy Vol I”
We both watched Mrs. Grove eyes get big. She finished off her glass of wine. She then look at both of us on the couch. “Have you shown this to anybody?” she said. “No! The photos and the DVD’s are just for us.” I said. “Oh! That’s good, because you would just be hurting me and my husband.” She said. “So the Mayor, would not care if the photos and video got out?” said Craig. “Yeah! Maybe she would not care. I see she is running for reelection next month.” I said. Candy’s mouth dropped open. ‘I’m in so much trouble. My life is ruined. I’m going to loose my job. I should have never brought my computer to you, Buck.” She said.
“Your lucky you brought your computer to me and not someone else. We don’t want to see you get fired or your boss lose the election, over a big scandal.” I said. We both could see Mrs. Grove was about ready to cry. “My….My husband made me do it. Everything you saw on my computer. He made me do. He knew the Mayor liked me. He secretly filmed us. Now she wants me all the time. But I can’t have her come over to my house. My husband has banned her from coming to her house, until he comes home from Africa. I’m such a bad wife. He now hates my body. He treats me like his slave.” Whispered Mrs. Grove.
“Fuck! You look hot to us.” Blurted out Craig. “Stop teasing me. That’s not nice.” Said Mrs. Grove. “You are very sexy.” I said. “Just stop. I’ve had enough for one night. Tell me….. What do I have to do to get those pictures and videos destroyed. I want everything deleted on my computer. I want no evidence that any thing has taken place.” Said Mrs. Grove.
“When does your husband come back from Africa?” I said. “In six months.” She said. “For the next six months or until your husband comes home. We will come visit you every day. You will do what ever we say. No questions asked. I’m glad you nodded your head..”Yes!” Now slowly take off that white robe, then the black see through robe.” I said. Mrs. Grove dropped both her robes on the carpet in her living room. I motion for Craig to give her his heels from work. “Take off those old black flat. Put these on. I will dress your feet from now on. You will wear what I pick out..” Said Craig.
Mrs. Grove reached into the small black gift bag. Her eyes grew bigger as she pulled out a pair of black 6inch stilettos. “They are 6inch Multi Strap Peep Toe Pump’s with a two inch platform at the front.” Said Craig. “How do I put them on? I never worn anything taller than 2 inches.” Said Mrs. Grove. “Sit on the end of the coffee table.” Said Craig. I could feel my cock growing inside my cargo shorts.
I watched Mrs. Grove sit down on the edge of her coffee table. Her small black thong was wedged between her ass cheeks. Her amazing ass expanded out the sides of the small coffee table. Her huge black bra strained under the weight of her large breast. Craig was kneeling in front of her. Her large breast almost touched her thighs as she watched Craig toss her flats across her living room. I heard them bounce off the far wall. Craig then reached down to grab her left foot. He was massaging her ankles and sexy calves. Her then began to rub under her foot. He leaned down to put her small big toe in his mouth. He bite down, then sucked each of her toes. He then did the same thing with her right foot.
Mrs. Grove let out a soft moan. Her head fell back as she was enjoying her expert foot massage from Craig. He then started to lick the bottom of her feet. He was running his tongue all over her feet, ankles, calves. She was moving her head back and forth. Craig reached up to touch her huge bra. I could hear the thin black material rub against the palm of his hand. Mrs. Grove let out a louder moan. Craig then took off his shirt. He placed Mrs. Grove left foot on his chest. She then pinched his hard nipple with her toes.
Craig rotated her feet between his hungry mouth and his hard chest. After twenty minutes I heard Craig unzip his cargo shorts. I watched as Mrs. Grove opened her eyes. She froze for a second as she looked down between her feet. Craig was using her feet, to jack his erect cock. He then pushed on her chest. She slowly laid on her back. I watched her huge breast almost fall out the sides of her tight bra. Craig was on his knees. He placed Mrs. Grove feet together around his cock. He then proceed to fuck her sexy feet.
A few minutes passed before Craig slowed down fucking her feet. He then quickly leaned down to put her sexy black 6inch stilettos on her feet. He motion for Mrs. Grove to stand up. He held her hand as she got off the coffee table. He then laid on his back and motion for Mrs. Grove to put her heels next to his ears. She started to rub her heels all over his face. He reached down to jack his hard cock. A few minutes later. “Fuck! Arrggghhhh!” yelled Craig. He shot a big wad of cum in the air. “Oh my!” whispered Mrs. Grove. She watched as Craig finished cumming all over her living room.
“Come here Candy.” I said. She turned her head. I had quickly took off my clothes as she watched Craig shoot his load. I was sitting there naked on her big black couch. My 9 ¾ inch cock was sticking straight up. She strutted over in her new heels between my legs. I reached up to pull her wet black thong over her wide hips and long curvy legs. She put her hand on my broad shoulders was I tossed her thong onto the coffee table. Her bald pussy glisten with her own juices. She tried to cover her bald pussy in front of two young men.
“You’re the first man to see my bottom half, beside my husband,” she said. “Turn around, let me see that big ass.” I said with a loud voice. She turned her naked ass into my view. I started to slap her big ass with my open hand. She started to moan again. I could see her pussy getting more wet. I leaned my face into her big ass. I started to slide my wide tongue into her ass cheeks. I then placed my hands on her hips. Forcing my tongue in deeper. I was in heaven. She let out a bigger moan when I placed my middle finger between her big warm thighs.
Her knees buckled as I slid my index finger inside her very hot pussy. She was so wet. “Grab your ankles. That a good girl.” I said. I then moved my mouth from her ass to her wet pussy. I started to bite her large cunt lips. I slipped in one finger, followed my another. “I’m cumming!!! Your making me orgasm so hard. I never felt like this before.” She screamed.
“Get on your knees in front of me. Say Ah!” I said. Mrs. Grove opened her mouth. “Your so much bigger than my husband. I don’t know….Mmmmppph” She started to gag from my cock in her mouth. “Rub my balls with your long red nails. That is better. Swirl your tongue around my cock. Were going to make you a better cock sucker before your husband gets home. He will thank us after we teach his wife how to be a whore. Now rub my cock all over your face. Make some loud sucking noises.” I said. I watched as Mrs. Grove sucked, licked and rubbed my wet cock all over her face. Her eyes were getting bigger as I reached down to slap her big breast.I brought her to another loud orgasm, before she got on her knees.
“God damn… I need to see those now. Who makes these bra’s?” I said. I leaned down to unhook the massive straps on the back of her huge bra. A second after her bra flew off. Her massive breast fell into the cold air of her living room. I heard Craig moan again. He was sitting in a chair across from the couch. “Those are nice…” said Craig. “There so big and fucking round.” I yelled. Mrs. Grove moaned as I man handled her huge breast. I was running my greedy hands all around her huge breast. I started to tug and pull on her large nipples. She had 6inch dark pink aerloes.
“Now look at Craig sitting over there. Rub your pussy. Show him how much you like him. Now crawl over here and sit on my cock. That a good wife. Hold up your amazing breast for me to enjoy.” I said. Candy was holding her breast for me to enjoy. She had her knees on the couch. Her pussy was all the way down on my cock. I could feel her wetness on my balls. She was dripping wet. I had my hands on her hips, making her bounce up and down on my cock. My mouth was glues to her left nipple. Then her right nipple. She was thrashing her head from side to side. I could feel her whole body exploded on my cock. I then tensed up and shot a huge load, deep inside her.
I then flipped her over on her back. I still had my hard cock buried in her pussy. She was a total mess. Her pussy over flowed from my cum and her orgasm. I grabbed her ankles around my neck. She looked down to see between her legs. My cock was sliding in and out of her wet sloppy pussy. I reached down to slap her big wet breast. I then started to tug and pinch them for the next thirty minutes. She was screaming again as I plunged my hard cock all the way in before I exploded again.
I slowly stood up. I watched Craig walk toward Mrs. Grove, on the couch. He had her lay on the couch, with her head on one cushion and her feet on the far cushion. He then put his balls on her face, as he began to fuck her huge tits. “Lick my balls…Mrs. Grove. Slap my ass. That a good wife. Your breast our amazing.” He said. I walked into the kitchen. I found some beer in the fridge. I then walked back to the living room. Craig was still sliding his cock between Mrs. Grove big chest. A few minutes passed before he stood up. He then reversed his position on Mrs. Grove. He was fucking her big breast, and rubbing his cock on her red lips. “Yes!!!!” yelled Craig. I heard Mrs. Grove gag. He was shooting a big load into her greedy mouth. He then collapsed onto the floor.
I took Mrs. Grove right hand and Craig took her left hand. We walked her upstairs to her master bathroom. We took turns cleaning her up. Then we both fucked her again in the shower. It was close to 2am before we all fell asleep in her bed.
I could hear Mrs. Grove alarm cock going off. “Beep Beep!!!” I also felt the bed move. I could her Craig grunting. I rolled over to see Mrs. Grove on top of him. She was riding his hard cock. “I need to go to work. I can’t be late.” Said Mrs. Grove. I then felt the bed stop. Craig was pumping another load inside our sexy neighbor. “We better stop and let Candy get to work. Go take a shower and Craig will be right in to make you look extra sexy today. I am going to go pick out your outfit for today. Your going to tease the Mayor all day. At the end of the day. Your going to invite her back to your house.” I said. Craig smiled. Candy mouth fell wide open. She then went to take a shower.
It took us about an hour to get Candy ready for work. Craig found some 4inch wooden heels for her to wear. I picked out a small tan mini skirt that barely covered her big ass and thick thighs. I then had her put on a white button down shirt over a small red corset. Her huge breast overflowed the top of the tight corset. I unbutton her white shirt half way down the front. My cock was rock hard again as Craig and I walked her to her car. We stood there naked in our garage as we waved to Mrs. Grove.
“Go to work. Get some heels for the Mayor and Candy to wear later. I am going to my room to send Candy an email to her computer at work. Then we can watch her at work. See if the Mayor makes any advances on her. Talk to you later,” I said. Craig went inside our townhouse. I walked back into Candy’s. I spent an hour cleaning up before I went back to my room. I quickly sent Candy, the email. A minute later I saw Candy sitting at her desk. In front of the camera on her computer. She smiled when she saw the camera move.
After awhile I could hear all the people around Candy’s desk. I could see a few guys and girls checking her out. She was so hot in her small outfit. I then heard the Mayor come in the room. “Mrs. Grove! Please come to my office.” Said the Mayor.
It was an hour later before Candy came back to her desk. I picked up my cell phone. “Ring! Ring!” Candy looked down at her purse. She pulled out her cell phone. “Hello! This is Candy..” she said. “Hi! Mrs. Grove. How did your meeting with the Mayor go?” I said. “It was so hard. She wanted me to take off my clothes in her office. She licked her kips the whole time I was in there.” Said Candy. “Did you resist her?” I said. “Yes! Now what should I do?” she said. “Slowly take off your panties. Then play with yourself.” I said. I hung up my cell.
I watched Mrs. Grove play with herself for about an hour. I then ordered her some Chinese for lunch. She sat at her desk. Eating each bite in front of the camera. I heard Craig come home down stairs. He sat and watched Mrs. Grove as I finally took a shower.
It was close to 5pm when we noticed everyone beginning to leave Candy’s office. I quickly picked up my cell and called Candy. “Stay in your chair. Wait for the Mayor to come to your desk. We can see her. Smile. That a good wife. Now invite her to your house. Tell her your husband out of town and you could use some company.” I said.
Craig mouth was wide open as we watched the Mayor walk in front of the computer. “Hi! Candy.. You have been making me wet all day. I saw what you were doing earlier.” Said the Mayor. “My husband is out of town. Would you like to come over tonight? “ said Candy. The Mayor smiled. She had a wicked grin on her face. “I have to pick up my husband from his work. Then I can drop him off at home. I was suppose to make a family dinner tonight, for him and the kids. They will be Ok. I’ll order them pizza. How’s 8pm sound?” she said. Candy nodded her head “Yes!”
A half hour later. Candy opened the door to her town house. She walked into her living room. She smiled at Craig and I. We were both sitting on her couch. We both had on a matching black silk robe and nothing underneath. We both smiled. “Welcome home. You did good today Mrs. Grove.” I said. “Now we need you to be ready for when the Mayor comes over tonight. Let’s go upstairs and get you ready.” Said Craig. He jumped off the couch and took Candy upstairs. A few minutes passed before I heard them having sex upstairs.
“Ding Dong!” It was close to 730pm. I had a feeling the Mayor could not resist Mrs. Grove. Craig slapped Candy big ass. He motion for her to get the door. We both watched from the black leather couch. Candy slowed opened the door. The Mayor stepped in. She was in her mid thirties. She was wearing 4inch black stiletto heels. She was about 5ft 8inches tall. With long curly brown hair, passed her shoulders. She had blonde streaks through out her curls. She was wearing tight faded blue jeans and a big bulky white sweater. She had fiery red crimson lips to match her fiery red finger nails.
“Oh my god!! Candy! What are you wearing?” said the Mayor. Mrs. Grove was wearing just a tight gold corset. Her large breast almost spilled out the top. She was wearing no bra or thong under her corset. She was wearing no heels. Her boss was towering over her. We both watched the Mayor reached up to pull on the dog leach between Mrs Grove huge cleavage. Craig had put a gold dog collar around Candy’s neck before she answered the door. It said property of C & B (Craig & Buck) on the front. He then hooked the gold dog leach in the collar and set it between her breast.
“Please come in.” said Candy. The Mayor could not stop staring at Candy’s half naked voluptuous body. She then followed Candy into the living room. “Mayor! I like you to meet my two new neighbors. Buck and Craig.” She said. The Mayor turned her lustful eyes to both of us on the couch. She smiled.
“Hi!” said Craig. “Good evening Mayor..” I said. Her mouth dropped opened as Candy walked toward Craig on the couch. He reached up to put his hand on Candy’s dog leash. “”Candy!! Who are these guys? Does your husband know about them?” said the Mayor. “They live next door. There my new masters.” Said Mrs. Grove. Craig and I smiled on the couch.
Craig pulled on Candy dog leach. She quickly got on her knees in front of him on the couch. He opened his black robe. Candy quickly put her hands on his growing cock. She then started to lick and suck his hard cock. I then turned my attention to the Mayor. Her mouth was still wide open. She was at a lost for words. She had her hands on her wide hips. She could not stop staring at Candy and Craig on the couch.
I slowly got off the couch and stood next to the Mayor. “You’re a little over dressed Mrs. Mayor. Let me help.” I said. The Mayor turned her head to see me standing next to her. I reached down to unbuckle her small belt around her waist. I then unzipped her faded blue jeans. I gently pushed them down around her knees. She did not say a word. I then reached up to pull her big bulky sweater over her head. She was not wearing any underwear or bra under her clothes. I let out a soft moan. Her huge breast and round ass were bigger than Mrs. Grove.
“Pull off your jeans. Leave on your heels. Put this around your neck.” I said. The Mayor quickly took off her last piece of clothing. She then put a black studded dog collar around her neck. I then clipped a black dog leach on the dog collar. I then dropped my silk robe. I pulled her leach, leading her to the other side of the couch next to Craig and Candy on her knees in front of him. They both turned to watch me sit on the couch and pull the Mayor on my lap.
Craig pulled Candy up off the floor in front of him. Candy quickly got on his lap and guided his hard cock into her pussy. The Mayor looked down and guided my hard cock into her wet pussy. I could feel her warm cunt lips ride down my shaft. I breathed in as I reached up to tug on her huge breast. Then the girls started to fuck us both. They went slow, up and down at first. Then after a few minutes, they started to fuck us faster. Almost like they were trying to fuck faster than the other one. Craig turned his head to look at me. We both gave each other a big thumbs up.
It did not take long before each girl orgasm from our cocks. We then switched positions and started to fuck them on the couch. After a few minutes we both exploded deep inside them. We both pulled out and laid on the floor. Then we had each girl suck our cocks back to full erection. Then we had them ride our cock as we pulled on there leaches between there breast. I started to whip the Mayor breast with the end of the leach. Then Craig did the same with Candy. Then we each tugged and smacked there hard nipples before we exploded deep inside them again.
We spent the next couple of days swapping the girls between us. We let them go back to work the following Monday. I fixed the Mayor computer so we could watch them at work. Candy moved into the Mayor office. She quickly became the deputy Mayor. We had the Mayor fire all the male employees and skinny chicks. She then hired a whole new voluptuous staff. There all suppose to be coming tonight to Mrs. Grove house.
I’m sitting on the couch naked. I can hear the Mayor, Mrs. Grove and there entire new staff coming in the front door to Candy’s town house. Craig left a note on the door. They all have to take off there shoes before coming into the living room. Craig laying on the carpet in the middle of the living room. I see Candy putting her feet in his mouth. The Mayor stepping on his hard cock. The other new arrivals are putting there feet on his body.
never mind does who cannot write BT yet can't appreciate d ones written and written well for that matter .. ... What a great story line u av ...Keep it up!!!!!
If you wish to be a Professional Writer you need to hire a Proof Reader !! Your story has merit and I do wish you well. Please start on Chapter 2 ASAP. Thanks & Good Luck.
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