Pillow Fight with the Dog is a story about a fight for possession of a pillow that went a freaky way and led down a path that I could not have imagined.
Wednesdays were always hard at work because it was the day new stock arrived. Everything had to be counted, received and put away. We could barely get it done in 8 hours. I was always beat when I came home so the wife took this as her shopping day so I could get a nap. Our routine was we would talk a little, I'd play with our dog then I'd lay on the floor and take a nap with the dog curled up with me. The wife would be gone shopping for an hour or two then would come back with supper for us.
I had this pillow that I liked sleeping on the floor with because it fit under my neck just right. It was one of those round long pillows that look like half of a hot dog, just bigger around. It was kind of old and worn but it was the one I always used when laying on the floor or couch.
My dog recently took a liking to it in a different way. I had noticed it smelling a little strange at times but the wife washed it often enough that it smelled good more than strange. I found out why it smelled strange one day when I saw the dog sneak it off of the couch and walk away with it.
I watched him go into the other room with it and was curious enough to follow. What I saw shocked me. He was in there fucking away at my pillow. I yelled at him but he just looked at me with sad eyes and kept going. I called my wife in to see also and she just giggled and told me to let him have his fun. She said she would wash it after he was done.
She did wash it and I kept it away from him after that. This was my pillow and he wasn't going to do that any more as far as I was concerned. The only time he saw it was when it was under my head. He was coming around giving me sad eyes and whining but I told him that it was my pillow, not his girlfriend. He would still come around trying to take the pillow away from me but I chased him away when he did. He was persistent for sure.
I am a heavy sleeper when I'm tired and I dream a lot. When I sleep my mouth gets very dry and I usually wake up very thirsty. I sometimes dream of being thirsty, like in a desert. I fell asleep on the floor this one day and remember dreaming of all kinds of things. I was on a boat on rough seas and I was rocking with the waves. I wasn't seasick but I was thirsty. I had a bottle of water and I was trying to get a drink but nothing would come out. The boat was rocking and I was hanging on with one hand, trying to get water with the other. I was trying and trying to get the bottle to my mouth but I kept missing.
Finally I got it but the water was warm and I just didn't seem to be getting any. I kept trying to get water out of it but could only get a little. The water had a strange taste but I was really thirsty and didn't care. Finally, the water started flowing but it had the strangest taste. I couldn't figure out what it was but it was familiar. The more it flowed the better it tasted. I wanted to drink the bottle dry I was so thirsty. Then it was gone. In my dream the bottle fell overboard. I looked for another one but couldn't find it. My dream went on randomly and I searched for water everywhere I went.
My wife woke me when she arrived at home and asked how I slept. I told her I was dreaming about being on a boat with rough seas. I got up and kissed her and she told me to go brush my teeth as I had bad breath. I smelled my breath and agreed. I came back from brushing and saw that the dog didn't steal my pillow while I was gone. I thought he had finally given up. I congratulated myself for winning that one.
The boating dream seemed to reoccur every Wednesday which seemed strange. One Wednesday my wife decided not to go shopping because of the weather. It was storming out and she didn't want to get wet. She told me to go ahead and take my nap while she got dinner ready. The dream was back with better storms, I suppose because it was really storming outside. When I woke up my wife was sitting there watching with a strange look on her face. She told me to go brush my teeth. Everything was normal the rest of the day except she was acting a little weird.
The next Wednesday she had her video camera out doing something to it. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going to record me sleeping to see how much I snored while she was gone shopping so I should just go ahead and get my nap. I did just that and was in the dream again. The dream was the same as always. The boat was rocking and I was thirsty as ever.
I woke later and my wife wasn't back yet. I looked at the camera and shut it off. I wondered why she might find my sleeping interesting so I rewound the tape and put it on play. What I saw shocked me. My faithful friend slept beside me until I started snoring. Then he got up and licked my face a few times before licking my mouth. I made faces at this but then lay there with my mouth open still asleep.
The dog at this point straddled my face and the pillow and started humping slowly. He got the tip of his cock in my mouth and you could see me sucking on it. At this point he started humping harder and harder. I can't believe I didn't wake up under that assault. I sucked like my life depended on it. I could tell when he was cumming as he pulled up tight and just held still. He pulled a huge cock out of my mouth and I could see me trying to keep a hold of it. He walked away and cleaned himself and then came back and licked my face clean. I kept sleeping until I woke up looking dazed.
I realized at that point that I had a hell of an aching hard on that needed taking care of. I put the camera back where it was and went to the bathroom. I was reliving the video while fast stroking myself. It took only a minute to cum hard as I ever did. I brushed my teeth and went to read the paper and wait for my wife.
She arrived shortly and made small talk while sneakily taking the video camera away. I thought this was strange. I thought she must have witnessed this happening last Wednesday and taped it to see if it happened again. She did ask if I had the dream again and I told her I did. She never mentioned the video or anything the rest of the week.
The next Wednesday I saw her hiding the video camera where I wouldn't notice it before she left. When she came back after my nap, I left the room but peeked around the corner to see her take it out of her hiding place. This really had my interest as to what she was doing with it. I'm very technology savvy and have done some surveillance work for friends, so I set my computer up with some hidden microphones to record when there was enough sound. I was going to get to the bottom of this.
It only took a day to hear her talking on the phone to one of her friends about it happening again and that she could come over on Friday to watch the tape. I couldn't believe that my loving wife would show someone else something like this. I made sure I was home when her best friend Betty came over. Betty was a recently divorced, absolutely beautiful strawberry blonde. I would give my left nut to have a crack at her. She was acting a little skittish and kept smirking at me but I ignored it. My wife took her to her sewing room to show her a new pattern supposedly. I went to my computer to listen in.
They quickly started the video and I heard lots of gasps and "oh my god" from Betty but what I didn't expect was to hear them both say how hot it made them. They both said they couldn't believe that I slept through it all. Betty said she wanted to try it. My wife almost yelled "What?". Betty said she wanted to pretend to sleep and see if the dog would do the same to her. My wife told her she was crazy but was welcome to try if she really wanted to. Betty assured her that she did. They planned it for the next Monday.
I had to scramble but I was able to get two mini wireless spy cams for my computer along with the software needed to record only when any motion was detected. I paid triple the price for the high resolution ones. I had it all working just fine by the time Monday rolled around.
When I got home Monday the wife wasn't around. I went to my computer to see what I had caught on the spy cams. I had a lot of my wife walking by, the dog walking by and even had the dog taking care of himself while the wife watched. She was lightly rubbing herself as she watched. I never saw her doing anything like that before. She was not the most sexual person. She was great looking and had a killer body but I was lucky to get sex once a week.
Eventually Betty arrived and her and the wife talked while drinking some wine, probably to relax. I had a nice view up Betty's skirt to a bare pussy. That made me wonder what all she had planned. The other cam showed a little up my wife's skirt but nothing special there.
My wife left and brought back the pillow at which the dog started getting a little excited. He was running around some but the wife scolded him and he calmed down. She left Betty with the pillow and went into the other room. She came back with the video camera and started taping.
Betty laid down on the floor and my wife showed her how I usually laid. Once in position she pretended to sleep. My wife stayed back and ran the camera. The dog didn't know what to do and just looked back and forth between them. Eventually he went over to Betty and started licking her neck and then her mouth. Betty stayed still but opened her mouth when he licked her there. When the dog saw this he moved into position and slowly started humping Betty's face. The wife moved for a better shot of what was going on and was down on her hands and knees. One of my cams had a perfect shot up her skirt and I could see a wet spot forming in the crotch of her panties.
The dog was speeding up with his thrusts and Betty was actively sucking his cock. She was really enjoying this. The dog started giving it his all and was fucking the hell out of her mouth. Betty was moaning like a wild woman and my wife was getting it all on close up. The wife's crotch was soaked by now and looked like it was gushing. Betty had one hand between her legs and the other holding the dogs knot. It was easy to tell when the dog started cumming. Betty was going wild between her legs and looked like she was trying to swallow knot and all.
By this time my wife had set the camera down and was rubbing herself off too. She must have cum for a few minutes steady. I never saw that look on her face before. Betty sucked the dog's cock until it shrunk down small and he pulled away from her. She laid on her back and rubbed another one off. All three of them laid there for a while before they got up.
Betty told my wife that she just had to try that sometime. My wife said that she would think about it. They had a couple more glasses of wine before the dog came back around. They were both tipsy by now and started talking to the dog. The dog could smell the sex in the air and was trying to smell closer. Betty shuffled forward to the edge of the couch and spread her legs a little to let the dog in between. My wife probably didn't know that Betty didn't have panties on so she didn't know that the dog was licking her bare pussy. When he jumped up on her and started humping he must have got it right in because he went at it fast right away.
My wife said to quit teasing him. Betty played along and talked to him as he humped hard. She told my wife that he was making her so hot that she was going to give him what he wanted. My wife told her to go ahead. Betty said only if you do first. My wife said OK. I couldn't believe it.
Betty pushed the dog away with great effort. It took a little while before he stopped humping but he was still trying. Betty got him out from between her legs and pushed him over to my wife. My wife spread her legs and Betty pulled her by the legs to the edge of the couch and stripped off her panties before she knew it. They were both laughing a lot and Betty helped the dog get in for a bare lick.
I could tell when he licked her bare pussy. My wife's eyes popped open and she let out a big groan. The dog didn't waste too much time licking before he jumped up knocking her back on the couch. This made the position perfect and he plunged in deep. My wife let out a yelp and spread her legs wide. This made it easier for the dog to get deeper. He fucked her hard for a few minutes before he shoved his knot in. This brought a higher pitched yelp and started her cumming continuously.
Betty was pinching her own nipples and rubbing her clit which sent her over the top. My wife was shaking like a leaf from her own orgasms and from the pounding the dog was giving her. The dog finally pulled up tight and came deep in her while she moaned like crazy that she could feel his hot cum pumping deep into her. Betty was right beside her cumming also, frigging her clit as fast as she could.
When the dog was done he hopped off but was stuck. My wife sat up quickly and looked between them and could see and feel what was wrong. She asked Betty what to do and Betty said she thought she knew just what to do.
Betty got down and started licking the junction of the dog knot and my wife's pussy and went back and forth between them going as far as my wife's clit and dog fur. She would suck on what dog meat was exposed and then her clit, back and forth. This drove my wife to cum several more times before the dog cock suddenly came out. When it did, Betty clamped her mouth in it's place and sucked out all the dog cum. This drove my wife to one more explosive orgasm after which she passed out. Betty didn't quit until there was no juices left to claim.
Betty laid down next to my wife and cuddled her and fell asleep with her for about a half hour. My wife woke first and jumped up to look at the clock. It was still early. She gathered her panties and went for a long hot shower. Betty was still there when the dog came over and started licking where he could. Betty rolled onto her back and the dog moved right in between her legs. He licked while Betty moaned in her sleep. When he was ready he mounted her and actually pulled her to the edge of the couch to fuck her better.
Betty woke up to being fucked hard by the dog. She scolded him for starting without her but fucked back as hard as he was giving it to her. They fucked each other hard for a while before the dog finally started cumming. Betty wailed as she felt his hot cum splashing her insides. My wife came running out of the bathroom to find them in the last throws of orgasm. She watched as the dog turned around with his knot still stuck in Betty's pussy. Betty asked her to help separate them the same way she helped.
My wife got down and licked and sucked between the two of them. She sucked Betty's clit and the dog's cock just like Betty did for her. Betty orgasmed several times and I think clamped down to keep the knot in as long as possible before it finally pulled out. My wife clamped her mouth on Betty's pussy and sucked her dry to two more earth shattering orgasms before giving up with a huge slimy smile. She gave Betty a slimy kiss before helping her to the shower. They both came back later looking refreshed but worn out. They piddled around until they left for somewhere.
I went and searched for the video camera and found it with the tape still in it. I replaced it with a similar blank tape but moved the write protection tab to protected position so my wife would think she missed the taping.
I was right. The wife thought she messed up the taping as she had a blank tape. I asked her if she checked the write protection and she said she didn't even know it had one. I asked what she had been taping and she said some birds in the feeder. She told Betty about the missed taping and I imagine Betty was ready to repeat the performance.
Later that evening I reviewed and shortened that captured video to only the good parts. By the time I was done I had a first class porno. I was so hot when we went to bed that I practically raped my wife her. I ate her pussy which she rarely lets me do and fucked her but good. She got off more than usual which was a good sign.
I kept track of the conversations going on between Betty and my wife and could tell that Betty wanted a repeat. My wife was reluctant but was slowly giving in. Betty wanted to watch the dog do me on Wednesday but my wife was scared to death that I would find out somehow. Betty wasn't giving up and my wife finally relented.
On Wednesday Betty arrived about the time I got home and went into the sewing room with my wife. I laid on the floor with the dog but purposely laid on my stomach facing the couch instead of the other side so the dog couldn't get to me. I pretended to sleep and the dog was trying to lick my face but there just wasn't room. Betty and my wife came out to see if I was asleep and Betty could see that I was facing the wrong way.
Betty came around to move me and my wife was panicking. She was trying to stop Betty but was fighting a losing battle. Betty rubbed me lightly at first and then gently rolled me to my other side. I played dead and let her move me around as she wished. When she got me into position her and my wife retreated around the corner. I could hear my wife giving her hell.
The dog came right to me and started licking my face. It didn't take him long to straddle my face and start feeding me his cock. I let it slide into my mouth and went with the flow of things. This would be the first time I consciously sucked a cock. The dog started speeding up and I could hear Betty and my wife coming closer to watch. Betty was right next to me watching close up while rubbing herself. I could hear her clearly.
The dog was going into high gear and I started actively sucking. His cock was deep in my mouth and I was almost gagging on it. I started swallowing to keep up with the cum that was coming out constantly. The cock was down my throat part of the time and I was starting to enjoy this sucking dog cock while listening to Betty Jill off right by me. I had a hell of a hard on that was threatening to pop out of my pants.
Betty must have noticed my hard on because I felt my zipper going down and my 7 inch rock hard cock being fished out. I could hear my wife frantically telling Betty not to wake me. Next I felt warm lips on my cock while the dog rammed his cock down my throat and started cumming. I was swallowing it all while Betty sucked as much of me as she could get. I let loose my cum as I drank the dogs cum. Betty drank mine as the dog finished. He stayed in position for a while before leaving me with a cummy mouth. Betty quickly tucked me back in my pants before leaving with my wife. Having Betty suck me off made it worth sucking off the dog. She sucked real good and swallowed it all. My wife would run to spit it out like it was poison. That always ruined it for me.
I reviewed all my recordings later and found my wife was ok with Betty sucking my cock as long as I didn't find out. They agreed to do this every Wednesday. With that in mind I decided to start taking naps on Saturdays too. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrange to be there for that too. I had to get a huge hard drive for all the video that I was saving. During one of our sessions I heard my wife walk away so I opened my eyes and let Betty know I was in on it by winking at her and humping her face while she was sucking me off. She quit trying to be gentle while sucking me after that. She even positioned herself so that I could watch her rub off while she sucked me.
My wife let Betty come over a couple of Wednesdays to take care of me while she was away. She took care of me real good and I took care of her in every way possible. She was insatiable once she started and didn't let me get much sleep. Betty and my wife got together with the dog on many occasions in between their sessions with me. They took turns with the dog and each other.
Over the next several years she drank gallons of my cum and I guess I drank gallons of dog cum. Our dog eventually died of old age but I still took naps and Betty still sucked my cock while I slept. Betty got a dog for herself after ours died. It was a rather big dog but real nice. I even took an occasional nap at her house. That dog deep throated me and came a lot.
Eventually I conspired with Betty to fake money problems so we could take her and the dog in. That meant I was servicing her dog more but she was servicing me more often too. Betty and my wife got together with the dog when I was away. Napping was almost a daily thing for me after a while. We have lived happily together for eight years now and probably will for many more.
My wife has never figured out that Betty knows that I'm not always asleep and our sex life has improved a lot. She is ok with Betty getting whatever sex she can from me when I'm asleep. So I'm taking care of two women now and enjoying the hell out of it.
when i was fourteen i used to smoke with my girl friends, i then went home stoned and when i got naked for bed, my dog got between my legs and licked my pussy while i slept, but as soon as he mounted me and rammed his huge cock up my tight pussy i awoke and instead of screaming at him, i lay there and let him continue to fuck me, when he knotted me, thats when i began to have loads of orgasms as he filled my pussy with his doggy cum, i let him do this often and even filmed it once.
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They don't work.
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They don't work.