Don The Degenerate Doorman: Apartment 4A The Yoga Wife
By Rutger5 An Original Story (Copyright 2013)
“Yes I’m expected. I have an appointment with Mrs. Barnett” the man standing before me announced in a loud and what I perceived to be a haughty tone.
“I’m sure you do sir but its building policy to first verify. Wait here and I’ll be right with you” I politely replied.
Before reaching for the phone I first finished filling in the boxes for my crossword puzzle answer while the man shifted impatiently. Only then did I pick up the receiver and punch the numbers into the phone. On the third ring it was answered and I heard a woman’s voice say hello.
“Yes Mrs. Barnett, this is Don in the lobby. Sorry to bother you. There is a gentleman with a pony tail down here who says he has an appointment with you. Certainly ma’am, I’ll send him right up. You’re very welcome and have a nice day” I said before hanging up.
“Sorry for the delay sir, you may now go up. You can take the elevator…” I began when he interrupted me.
“Yes, yes I know how to get there. Thank you for all your help” he snidely replied as he headed toward the elevator bank.
What a jerk I thought to myself as the door slid closed behind him. A little over an hour later and I was on duty at the front door after relieving Jose to allow him to get off his feet for a bit. Having seniority I didn’t need to do this but knowing how rough it was to be on your feet for hours without a break I usually did my best to accommodate my co-workers. It was because of thoughtful gestures like that I was popular with not only the building tenants but also my fellow building employees. When I noticed people in the lobby coming my way I smoothly held the door open as they passed outside onto Lexington Avenue.
“Good afternoon” I said while touching the brim of my cap.
Mrs. Barnett nodded in reply while her companion pointedly ignored me. The two of them turned and headed down the sidewalk in the direction of 77th Street. While I stood out in front of the building I could see the two of them were talking and more than once he lightly touched her upper arm while speaking to her. One didn’t have to be a genius to see the inappropriateness of the situation and I felt pity for her husband under the circumstances.
The worst part about it was all that Mr. Barnett had given up for her and now she was playing him for a fool. He’d been married to his first wife when he met the current Mrs. Barnett at the private equity firm where both had been employed. From what I understood she had pursued him aggressively, pulling out all the stops until he succumbed to her very considerable charms, which as a man I could understand. When a sexy and attractive woman half your age throws herself at you it must be quite the temptation.
He had to pay his first wife a sizable divorce settlement due to the fact they’d been married for over twenty years and had first met in college when he was almost penniless. The first Mrs. Barnett I recalled as a sweet but plain woman who’d been devastated at the time and as soon as the divorce was finalized had moved from the city back to her home state to be closer to her family.
Her younger replacement had than persuaded Mr. Barnett to totally redecorate the apartment from top to bottom which must have cost a pretty penny. She also managed to get a write up for their gala wedding in the prestigious style section of The New York Times, to feed her ego no doubt. Of course once they were married she quit her position at the firm now that her ambition of marrying a rich man had been accomplished and finagled herself into becoming a ‘lady who lunches’, as the society doyennes of Manhattan are known.
For the past two years she had devoted herself to charitable functions while of course finding the time to get her hair, nails, skin and other assorted body parts pampered on a regular basis. She’d also earned a degree in shopping 101 judging by the number of packages from expensive retailers like Bergdorf Goodman that building staff had toted up to her fourth floor apartment during this period. And now it seemed as if she’d gone beyond just being a spoiled trophy wife to being an adulterous one as well.
It was a few days later and I was again at the front desk when the same man arrived with a smug expression on his pretty boy face. This time he said nothing as I called the apartment before sending him up but even as the elevator door closed I’d decided on my course of action. It wasn’t a rash decision on my part for in truth I’d thought about it over the last couple of days. One of the benefits to my job was having the time to contemplate the meanings of life and the universe as well as less weighty subjects even while working.
First I waited around ten minutes to allow them time to get started. Then it was a simple matter for me to inform Jose I was going to take my scheduled break and to watch the desk as well as the front door for the next fifteen minutes. I took the elevator to the fourth floor and walked down the corridor until I reached the door I was seeking. Since the building was pre-war almost all the apartments had back doors that exited via the kitchens to allow for easier access to the trash chute.
At that moment I was standing by the back door to apartment 4A. Then after first looking around to make sure no one was in sight I removed a key from my pants pocket and slipped it into the lock and turned it. The door opened silently to reveal the apartment’s unlit kitchen and I wasted no time in stepping inside and closing the door behind me. As soon as I was in the kitchen I heard sounds of passion coming from beyond the confines of the room.
I first returned the key to my pocket before removing my smart phone and switching it to video mode. Next I crept to the door and crouched down low. It was the type that could swing in either direction so I pushed it a couple of inches out allowing me to spy into the sumptuous living room and I wasn’t disappointed with what I saw.
There around fifteen feet from me was the beautiful and naked Mrs. Barnett straddling the pony tail guy while she rode him. They were on a yoga mat which rested on top of the plush carpeting and his hands held her waist as she worked her trim body up and down his shaft. I was so caught up in admiring her sexy figure that for a moment I forgot to hit record though that oversight was soon corrected.
She looked incredible with her taut buttocks and toned thighs as they drove her body up and down. Her lustrous brown hair was cinched back in a pony tail and her fair skin had a light sheen of sweat from her exertions. From my angle I had a partial view of her shapely breast and facial profile which revealed her eyes were shut as she enjoyed herself.
Perhaps she was nearing climax, for as I watched her moans became louder and the speed of her movement increased. But at that moment the man cried out he was cumming and with a disappointed sounding groan she scrambled off him. His hand grabbed his member and jerked it a couple of times when it began shooting cum in the air.
It landed on her ass and leg as she hovered over him and after a few more strokes to coax out whatever remained he released his cock and sighed contentedly. She on the other hand appeared to be still wanting more for once he let go of his member Mrs. Barnett took hold of it and began to pump it to prevent him from going flaccid.
Having seen (and filmed) enough I decided it was best to get out before I could be discovered. Easing the door back into place I stopped recording and stood up. On my tiptoes I retraced my steps to the apartment’s back door and quietly exited to the hallway. After locking it back up I then headed to the elevator.
While riding down I had to chuckle while reflecting on what I’d observed and how turned on it had made me become. My own cock was like an iron rod in my pants and I actually thought about going to the restroom and taking matters in hand to relieve the pressure but I decided against it. Instead I’d let it deflate naturally and when I saw an opportunity to approach Mrs. Barnett I would act. Then when she was trapped between a rock and a rock hard cock I would receive the proper relief for my lust.
The next morning I was manning the front desk when Mrs. Barnett headed out but I was unable to speak to her as another tenant was occupying my full attention. Good fortune was with me later however for when she returned in the early afternoon the lobby was vacant so I caught her eye with a subtle glance.
“Yes hello Mrs. Barnett, I have a message for you” I said to her. As she came closer to the desk I continued speaking. “Well in fact the message is for your husband but perhaps you can pass it along since my shift is usually over before he returns.”
“Why certainly. What is it Don?” she replied looking self assured and on top of the world at that moment.
“Well its come to my attention that Mr. Barnett’s wife is being unfaithful to him and I wondered if he was aware” I stated with my face an expressionless mask.
My words certainly caught her off guard judging by the raft of emotions that her face reflected in the following seconds but she quickly regained her composure and gave me an icy stare.
“I don’t know what your game is but I hope you understand you’re treading on dangerous ground. All it takes is a word from me and you’ll be on the unemployment line…”
“Well Mrs. Barnett they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I’m curious about what a video is worth, this video in particular” I replied as I placed my phone on the desk before her while keeping my eyes trained on her face.
To say she looked shocked was an understatement and her hands actually grabbed the desk to steady herself. After taking some deep breaths her eyes met mine.
“Has my….you didn’t show this to my husband, did you?”
“So far - no. But why shouldn’t I? Believe it or not I like him and he’s always been good to me so I think he should know what goes on while he’s at work.”
“Please Don, don’t! It would hurt him so much to find out.”
“No doubt it would but you weren’t too worried before now. Maybe it has to do with you being afraid he’ll kick you to the curb if he finds out. Word was you had to sign an iron clad pre-nup before getting married. No doubt due to the conditions from when you two got together” I told her alluding to her past conduct.
“Fine, so that’s your game. How much do you want for the video?” she hissed.
“I’m shocked Mrs. Barnett, well maybe not considering the source. However I’m not looking for any money from you. We’re not all mercenary.”
“What then? What is it you want?” she asked.
Right after she spoke Mrs. Goldstein entered the lobby pushing a stroller and she came straight toward the front desk.
“My shift ends at three” I whispered “ I’ll come to your apartment then.”
With an imperceptible nod Mrs. Barnett then turned to go. She exchanged greetings with her fellow tenant before heading to the elevators.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Goldstein. Are you here to pick up your package?” I inquired with a broad smile on my face as I pocketed my phone before she had a chance to see it.
A couple of hours later found me changed from my uniform standing in front of the door to apartment 4A. When she answered I was surprised to see her wearing black yoga pants and a white t-back tank top but I’ll admit she looked hot in them. Without waiting for her permission I walked past her and headed for the living room leaving her to shut the door behind me. Before I reached it the smell of scented oil reached my nose, there was vanilla for certain and some other fragrance I couldn’t quite place. When I entered the room I saw the yoga mat on the floor which gave me a good idea. Turning I smiled as she followed me in but Mrs. Barnett didn’t appear to share my jovial mood.
“Okay Don, tell me what it is you want?”
“Well I’d like a drink for a start if you don’t mind.”
“Fine, I have vitamin water if that’s okay?”
“I was thinking more about a scotch and soda” I replied while sitting on the white leather couch and making myself comfortable.
She grimaced but without a word turned and walked to the far side of the room where a liquor cabinet was located. A couple of minutes later she approached with my drink in her hand. Taking it from her I patted the leather cushion next to me.
“I prefer to stand” she icily replied.
“No need to be hostile but suit yourself” I told her before taking a sip. “Not bad, cheers.”
“I’m glad you approve of my drink making skills, now what is it you want from me?”
After taking another sip I put the drink on the coffee table and looked up at her but seeing how she was getting upset I paused a moment before finally speaking.
“Well two things really Mrs. Barnett. Wait, since I’m not on duty I guess we can call this a social situation. You don’t mind if I call you Claire, do you?”
“At this point I suppose it doesn’t matter. Now please get on with it.”
“Right you are Claire. Like I said two things; one - if you don’t want Mr. Barnett to find out about your indiscretion then from now on don’t see this young yoga instructor fellow anymore. If you want to continue practicing yoga perhaps you could go to a public class or get a female instructor instead.”
“All right, I agree. But you said two things.”
“Yes I did” I replied before finishing my drink and standing. “Now since you were looking outside your marriage for physical intimacy that might lead one to assume that perhaps all is not well in that department. Well that or you’re just a slut.”
I had to laugh at her reaction to my words. It was clear that I pissed her off but under the circumstances what could she say. So instead she took a few breaths to calm herself before replying.
“Maybe things could be better, or I should say more frequent in that area. I know my husband works long hours and can be tired but I have needs as well.”
“No doubt you do Claire and I sympathize. Some might say it could be expected that when you marry a man twice your age he might not be able to keep up with you in that department. I guess that’s the price you pay when you marry for money. But like I said I do sympathize so I’ve come up with a way that makes everyone happy.”
She looked up at me as I said this and when my hand touched her cheek she almost jumped and I felt her tremble.
“Here’s the deal” I told her as my hand moved down her neck and from there to her shoulder. “You and I are going to become better acquainted, a lot better. That will make me happy for a start and therefore I’ll refrain from revealing your adultery to Mr. Barnett. Since they say ignorance is bliss he should be ecstatic. As far as you’re concerned your secret will remain one which should please you and I think you’ll also find that I’m quite capable of pleasing you in the physical sense as well.”
Her eyes met mine and I saw a flicker of indecision there but feeling sure of myself I acted. My hand wrapped around her shoulder as I leaned down and kissed her. For an instant she froze, then her lips parted as she returned my kiss. We continued to kiss and soon I felt her toned arms wrap around my waist as she pressed her lithe body against me. It felt great the way her body melted into mine and I could feel stirrings beginning below my waist. Her tongue worked its way into my mouth, tentatively at first but as she became comfortable it darted about exploring every inch.
By this time I was rubbing my bulging crotch against her covered mound and Claire was doing the same in return. My free hand palmed her firm buttocks and pushed them closer to me as I ground my hard bulge into her. I broke the kiss but only so that my lips could nuzzle her slender neck. She liked that for as soon as my mouth brushed her hot skin she let out a low moan and tightened her arms about my waist.
My mouth worked its way down to where her neck and shoulder joined at which time she had enough. Her arms released me but only so she could take hold of her tank top and pull it up and over her head. I had to stop kissing her neck while she removed it and once she had I saw Claire was wearing nothing underneath. Her breasts were much more than a handful and the reddish nipples stood defiantly erect.
In fact they appeared so tempting that I was unable to stop myself from leaning down and taking one into my mouth. My hand grabbed her soft flesh and squeezed it as my lips closed on the erect nipple and sucked on it. As soon as I did this Claire ran her perfectly manicured fingers through my dark hair. When my teeth clamped onto her nub she gasped with pleasure and pulled me even closer to her.
My mouth moved between her breasts, tasting one and then the other. Each was delicious and I wished I could suck on both at once though that was impossible. So instead I switched back and forth as my hand played with the soft flesh. While I did this Claire was moaning steadily as she became more aroused with each passing second.
Though I hadn’t yet had my fill of her succulent flesh for the moment I had a more pressing need to attend to. My cock had swelled in the restricted confines of my trousers and it had become quite uncomfortable for me in this position so I was forced to pull my mouth off her. After I did I pinched her nipple between my thumb and forefinger before releasing it.
“Claire, why don’t you kneel on the yoga mat now. I have something for you” I told her with a lascivious leer.
She knew what I meant and wasted no time in getting herself into position. Quickly she knelt down while looking up at me with what can only be described as a wanton expression on her gorgeous face. For in spite of the coerced circumstances of our encounter it seemed Claire intended on enjoying herself to the fullest. Her eyes watched intently as I moved before her and when my hands unbuckled my belt she licked her full lips sensuously.
“Here, let me help you” she told me as she reached up and unfastened my pants.
Next she pulled down my zipper and my trousers and boxers soon followed. Claire let out a squeal when my hard cock sprang free and then it was my turn as her slim hand wrapped around my thick shaft. She stroked it a few times making it swell even more and causing me to wildly pump my hips in response.
“Ooh, you like that I see. I bet you’d like it even more if I were to kiss it” she said right before she put her words into action.
Claire leaned forward and brought her painted red lips to the tip of my cock and bestowed a kiss there. My gasp became a moan when her lips parted and swallowed my mushroom head and continued forward taking more of my turgid flesh. Her hand continued to pump my lower shaft as she sucked me and her tongue slithered across my burning flesh while she did.
My hand stroked her hair in encouragement of her continuing oral efforts and in reaction to that her eyes met mine. She built up a rapid rhythm where her hand and mouth worked in conjunction to pleasure my thick, hard tool when her other hand took hold of my full balls and squeezed them. With no warning I lost control and groaned loudly while thrusting deeper into her welcoming mouth.
She didn’t miss a beat and continued to caress the boys as they let loose with a torrent of hot, white cum which she managed to swallow as fast as I could ejaculate it. Even when no more came she kept sucking me for another minute as I began to soften. Finally she pulled her mouth off me but Claire still held my member in her hand. After first looking me in my eye she swirled her nimble tongue all around the sensitive head until I couldn’t take it anymore.
“No more Claire. But damn, you are a talented little cocksucker, aren’t you?”
That comment didn’t seem to bother her, in fact she then began to run her tongue down the length of the underside of my cock until she reached my ball sack.
“You can stop now but only because its time for your yoga lesson” I said to her with a wicked grin.
“Oh, are you going to teach me now Don?” she asked, feigning innocence.
“You bet your sweet, beautiful ass I am. Now assume the downward dog pose.”
I think I caught her by surprise with that but she wasted little time in scrambling into the pose I’d told her to. For those unfamiliar with it, just imagine a beautiful and fit woman wearing black yoga pants and nothing else with her feet planted on the mat while she’s bent at the waist with her torso pointed down and her palms pressed to the mat, like an upside down v. Well that was the incredible sight that was before me.
Placing my hand on the small of her back to steady her I delivered a few sharp smacks to Claire’s firm posterior before squatting behind her. My fingers slid under the waistband of her yoga pants and tugged them down until her thong clad full moon was revealed in all its glory to my eager eyes. My strong hands slid up the soft, smooth skin of her thighs while my lips kissed her succulent cheeks hungrily.
“Ooh Don, that tickles” she told me with a giggle.
“Yeah, well how about this” I said to her right before delivering another slap to her toned ass.
“I like that too” Claire saucily replied.
“Spread your legs a little wider” I ordered the adulterous wife and she obeyed instantly, shifting her left leg a couple of inches.
My hand grabbed the top part of her thong and pulled it up making the thin material slide between her plump pussy lips from the external pressure. My mouth kissed her through the fabric but I wanted, no needed much more. After one last tug I reversed course and pulled the thong down to her knees where it joined her bunched yoga pants.
Now with no barrier remaining between her pretty pussy and my mouth I extended my tongue until it touched her wet, pink flesh. Claire let out a groan and pushed her pelvis back with the intention of engulfing my tongue within but I thwarted her by bringing it back into my mouth. Instead I smothered her slit with multiple kisses while also reaching around her leg until my index finger made contact with her erect clitoris.
“Oh God! That feels so good Don. Play with me please!”
For an answer my finger started to gently rub her there while I pushed my tongue into her juicy hole. My other hand dug into the flesh of her hip and guided her back and forth so my tongue slid in and out of her dripping cunt.
“Ooh yes, fuck me with your tongue Don! That’s it!” she exclaimed as my tongue probed her wet tunnel.
In spite of having cum just a little earlier I was becoming so turned on that my cock began to rise again. My face pressed into the flesh of her ass and legs as I forced my tongue to its limit in her tasty treat after which I started to rotate it in a circular motion. While doing this I continued to play with her clit with my finger when suddenly I felt Claire’s whole body stiffen.
“Yes!” she cried out as a copious amount of her juices flowed around my invading tongue as a powerful orgasm took her to the heights of pleasure.
After removing my tongue from her pink I delivered a final lick that ran the length of her pussy before standing. Taking hold of my cock I smacked it on her firm booty a few times to fully harden it right before guiding it to her sopping entrance.
“Yes Don, right there. Put that big, hard dick inside me and fuck me” I heard her plead.
“You mean like this” I told her as my cockhead penetrated her womanly folds for the first time.
Claire let out a loud moan as I pushed deeper into her pussy but she was so tight I was having trouble working my full length into her. I’m not sure if it was because the guys who came before me were, how can I delicately put this, were all undersized or it was due to her yoga exercise regimen, not that it mattered. All I knew was that her vaginal muscles were squeezing me like a velvet vise and it felt great. Taking hold of her hips with both hands I kept working deeper until with a final push my balls collided with her body.
“Damn Claire! You are so tight its incredible, what’s your secret?” I asked while pausing for a moment.
“Ooh, do you like it Don? Does it feel good? Because you haven’t felt anything yet” she replied and a second later I felt her muscles tighten on me to the point I was momentarily held helpless in her clenching pussy. “Maybe it’s the yoga with some kegel’s thrown in for good measure.”
“Whatever it is, all I know is you have a wonderful pussy Claire-bear” I said as I reached under her and roughly grabbed her swaying breast.
I’m not sure if it was my hand groping her or what I’d called her but whichever it was caused Claire to relax a little and loosen her vagina’s grip on my erection. Taking immediate advantage I pulled almost my full length out leaving just my swollen head in her but just as quickly I buried my bone again.
From that moment on I pounded Claire-bear’s sticky honey pot like I owned it for the next several minutes. In the position her body was in with her hands braced against the floor I could really go to town on her so I did. Then while watching as my thick cock slid in and out of her pink pussy I got an idea that caused me to smile. Since I hadn’t fully removed my pants but had just let them hang on my lower legs it was a simple matter to reach down and grab my cell phone from its holder on my belt.
While I continued to work deep in her I switched the phone to video mode and focused it on my thick shaft as it moved in and out and how her puffy pussy lips stretched to accommodate it, releasing it reluctantly as it pulled out before eagerly accepting its return. After around a minute I shut the phone off and put in in my shirt pocket allowing me to grab her hips with both hands.
If Claire thought I had been giving it my best effort she must have been surprised for now I really let loose. Our bodies collided to the sound of slapping flesh with each rapid thrust and my swinging balls hit her clit each time. By now her juices was running down her legs in tiny rivulets and my cock made a squishing sound as it probed her wet hole.
Around this time I looked down and noticed that the muscles in her thighs were trembling from the strain of holding the pose while being banged as hard as was happening. After a final deep thrust I pulled my cock from her then smacked her quivering ass with it.
“Claire-bear, next position is the cow pose. Assume it” I ordered in a stern voice and without a word she complied and as she did I removed my shoes and trousers.
Now most might be familiar with what’s called doggy style, where a woman is on her hands or elbows and knees and for all practical purposes that is what the cow pose is. So once Claire was in position I moved in front of her and guided my hard cock to her ready lips. She opened wide and my meat slid inside her hot mouth. She bobbed her head for a minute on me, sucking and licking my hard flesh enthusiastically.
Taking hold of her head with both hands I pushed my cock deeper until reaching the back of her mouth. Maybe it was the angle or perhaps the width of my cockhead but when I attempted to work it into her throat Claire gagged and coughed. Realizing it was not to be, at least at that moment, I pulled back until my cock was outside her mouth. Two quick steps and I was behind her where I squatted down with a foot on either side of her legs.
Gripping my shaft I brought it to her pink slit which I rubbed for a minute when Claire lifted a hand off the mat and reached back to pull me into her hungry cunt. She felt very hot and wet to me while at the same time being so soft and yielding. As I sank deep she let out a groan while pushing her hips all the way back until meeting my body and swallowing every hard inch inside her in the process.
“That’s it Claire-bear! Fuck me like that” I told her and she wasted little time in doing so.
She rocked back and forth and as that happened my hand spanked her ass lightly in time to her movement. As time went on I moved my hands onto her shoulders which allowed me to speed her body by pulling it back to me. Finally I began thrusting forward to meet her but I couldn’t do it for too long in that position with the strain on my legs. Claire might practice yoga and be as flexible as a crooked politician but I wasn’t quite that limber.
“Okay, time for one more pose before today’s lesson concludes Claire-bear.”
“What’s the matter with this one Don, I like it” she protested.
“The pose should never be harder for the instructor than the student is why” I told her as I drove deep in her sweet honey pot.
“I like when its hard for the student, the instructor being hard I mean” she naughtily replied.
“Doesn’t matter either way, now assume the sunbird pose. It will be a perfect finishing move” I said right before pulling out and then kneeling behind her.
There was no way she could have gotten into proper position if I had stayed where I was. Once I had moved out of the way Claire had the opportunity to raise and extend her left leg while keeping her hands and other leg on the mat. Seeing her like that I had to pause a minute to admire her technique and form before again entering her womanly gates. Her pussy looked so tempting to me, all wet and swollen and the lips gaped slightly open from having been filled a minute ago.
Before they had a chance to close I again brought my hard member to her hole and worked the mushroom head in. By this time she easily accepted my full length and it slid in until my balls brushed against her. My left arm encircled her raised leg to keep it in position and once I did my hips began to pump forward and back.
Because of her body position I was able to angle my thrusts in an upward direction while I placed my right hand on the mat behind me for support. Claire was again using her yoga trained muscles to put the big squeeze on me and I tried everything I could to not cum too quickly. My defenses crumbled however when in spite of the position she was in Claire managed to reach between her legs with her right hand and take hold of my balls and caress them.
As happened before when she was blowing me her magic fingers on my cojones proved too much for me to overcome. With a gasp I drove my cock to its limit in her as it began to spew rich, creamy cum deep inside her.
“Don, are you cumming in me?” she asked with concern clearly evident in her voice.
“Yes I am” I grunted in reply as I painted her vagina white “but don’t worry. I was fixed years ago so you have nothing to worry about.”
“Really, how interesting. So no matter what time of month you are good to go. I must remember that and now I know another reason you‘re so popular with the ladies” she said as she lowered her leg back down to the mat.
With one final smack to her ass I pulled my very satisfied cock out of her. Without being asked she spun her body around and after first taking hold of it she then sucked it for a minute before releasing it. While I dressed she remained kneeling and gazed at me like she wanted to say something and right before I finished she did.
“I have to admit Don that I’ve heard stories about you before or I should say I’ve heard a whisper in the elevator here or two women giggling in the lobby as they looked your way there. If I’d known that what I was looking for was here the whole time then I wouldn’t have had to go so far afield in search of a little relief.”
“Well remember Claire that discretion is the word and let’s not forget that this is a classy building. We have a reputation to maintain, you know” I told her as I zipped up. “So if you need a yoga lesson on occasion then maybe I’m your man, but only on the sly. As I told you earlier I do like your husband so we can’t be discovered. Come to my apartment instead.”
The next Monday was my day off yet there I was in 4A when the doorbell rang. Claire-bear smiled at me as she rose from her yoga mat to go answer the door while I stepped into the kitchen as we’d previously agreed upon. The sound of footsteps and voices came to me as I waited for the pre-arranged signal from Claire. In anticipation of what was about to happen I was as hard as a rock when I heard her say it.
“No Evan, I’m sorry but I don’t require your services any more. I’ve found a new and better instructor.”
No sooner had she uttered these words than I burst into the room resplendently clad in my yoga garb including a red motivational headband adorning my head. His jaw dropped when he recognized me and he began to sputter incoherently while waving his arms about impotently.
“Triangle pose Claire” I ordered her and without another glance in his direction the upper east side wife moved into a perfect pose.
As she stood there bent at the waist with her torso twisted to the side with one arm pointed up and the other down I stood to the side of her. My hands pushed down my yoga pants to reveal my upward cock pose and I next brought it to her mouth. Claire opened wide and ran her tongue along me when I slid it between her lips into her warm mouth. I heard Evan whimper pitiably when I pulled my hard cock, now wet with her saliva, from her mouth and move behind her. It took only a few seconds to yank down her pants and she was already wet and ready to go.
Claire’s moan as I filled her was music to my ear and her vise like pussy was heaven to my sense of touch as it clamped on my cock. My hand reached out and closed on her soft breast while the other sought out the button between her sleek thighs and pressed it. Now that we were in position I started to slide in and out of her clenching pussy while my hands continued to stimulate her erogenous zones. We had been going at it for some time when hearing something I turned in the direction where Evan had stood. It seemed that after watching Claire’s lesson for a while he had slunk away with his tail between his legs ceding the field to me.
“Hey Claire-bear, looks like Evan couldn’t bear to watch you have a good time without him.”
“Good riddance. I can’t believe I wasted my time with him. He was okay but nothing like you Don.”
“Few are but you know how life goes. Yoga win some and yoga lose some” I answered philosophically while continuing to fill her gap.
Coming soon: Another Don the Degenerate Doorman story.
Nice, can't wait for more, wish I lived there! Luvsalik xx p.s. love your writing style and you're very easy to read and its easy on the eyes. Thanks for making me all wet !
Very good story. I've been an apt. complex super for ten years and, over that time, I've regularly fucked the shit out of at least fifty fine pussies.... some of them as good as Claire-bear. One of them is black and the 16 yr. old daughter of a well known football player. She's an incredible fuck, a sweet lover and the only female I've ever known to have an orgasm when I cum in her mouth. If I'm eating her pussy while I'm cumming in her mouth, she gushes.
I don't think it is very smart of Don to let Eric know about Claire and him. Eric could use that knowledge against Don by dropping hints that somehow got back to Claire's husband. Otherwise good story, you got my vote.
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