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As Promised this is for you Kimmie

This is that story I promised to write for a long time regarding a incident that happened in 1987. This is pretty much as it happened.

I was into skeet shooting at various clubs around the area. There were many young and not so young professional people that enjoyed the shooting sports in my area. There were many"rod and gun" clubs that were more competitive shooting clubs that had evolved from the old hunting and drinking clubs of the 30's and 40's. It seems that most people enjoyed firearms but were not happy to actually kill a game animal. I was hooked into the Sporting Clay Shooting and Skeet shooting early in my life as game animals were not that common in Urban areas of Up State New York.

At one local club, skeet and trap were shot every week. Usually shot with 5 "man" squads every Wednesday night and Sunday morning. The club sat on the side of a mountain that had scenic views the Berkshire mountains that were nothing less than outstanding. Especially when snow covered.

As the squad gathered this one Sunday morning, I could not help but notice a "young girl" walking toward the skeet field, with an older woman what turned out to be her Mother. They had paid to shoot on our squad.Now we had a total of seven shooters which could make the game slow down to a crawl.

The girl Barbara and her mother , Carol turned out to be very good shooters and the game moved quite fast. The mother was about 12 years older than me, while the girl turned out to be 23 years old and operated a truck farm with Mom and Dad. Barbara could shoot and did beat most of the men on the squad. She was very thin and looked younger than her age. She looked like a boy. Small breasts, no ass, no hips just under 6 foot of boyish looks.

I actually stopped looking at her as a woman and more like a guy. She shot for that whole winter every Sunday and disappeared in the Spring when planting time arrived.

The club was full of farmers and cattlemen that held old fashion rules and one of them was that women,while not out right prohibited from joining, certainly were discouraged from membership at the club. Time passed and over the Summer I had forgotten about Barbara and her mother.

That is until my wife and I went out for dinner with my friend and his date. When I we arrived at the restaurant, I was surprised to see that Barbara was my friend's date. John, my shooting friend, was 20 years older than Barbara . He lived in the same county as Barbara's parents had their truck farm, but until now I had no idea they were dating. Shooting I guess was their common interest.

Conversation progressed and we all learned that Barbara was a Varsity swimmer in High School. No surprise there because of the slender boyish body. She loved the water but was stuck on the farm most of the time. My wife told her that we had just bought a large boat on a local lake. After hours of conversation, Barbara asked my wife if it were possible that she could come up on our boat sometime this summer. My wife said "sure" and it was left at that.

Later I found out that John never got anything from Barbara outside of a hand job. No sex. I believe they had a total of 3 dates and then mutually agreed to end any relationship they had.

One day at the garden store in walks Barbara to buy some weed killer. In conversation I told her that I would be at my boat doing maintaince next Saturday morning alone. My wife would be at her Sisters for the day. She was familiar with the area and knew where the Marina was located. Nothing more was said and it was quickly forgotten until the following Saturday as I was oiling the teak on the swim platform, I noticed Barbara carrying a bag of clothes walking down my dock. She had a gait like a boy and with short hair tucked under her base ball hat, she could easily pass as my Son. No one gave her a second look as she found the boat slip and stepped over the rail on the aft deck.

She had very short pants on with a t-shirt top, no bra as it was not necessary. She later admitted that she did not own a bra of any type. She helped me with the waxing and cleaning of the boat in return for a boat ride. She brought some food and beer with her , added to the full locker I had on the boat , we had plenty of food. I did not just cruise with the boat for no reason since the price of marine gas had doubled in two years and this boat was a 32 foot Sea Ray Cruiser with dual tunnel drives and 2 Marine Volvo engines. It literally gulped gas through the both motors. One hour of cruising at trim doing 3500 rpm used 40 gallons of marine fuel. The two tanks on the side hulls held 150 gallons of fuel. The boat had Radar and a Lorant system that basically steered the boat for me.

When we were finished working , Barbara disappeared into the cabin. I could just see her long legs moving around in the kitchen from my position at the control station, main deck. I received a few quick looks at her butt cheeks and hairless pussy as she dressed. She came out the front cabin hatch onto the lounge deck in front of the control station.

She was dressed to please. very small bikini bottom with a small top with thin straps. it just covered her boobs and the bottom and made it quite clear that she was hairless from the neck down. She was well tanned from the farm work and she had a very long body and legs that was shown off by her brief suit.

While backing out the cruiser , I was distracted by her body as she lay in the sun. On her back,her top was above her boobs and her nipples were standing up as a cool wind blew across the deck. They looked like raspberries on a cup cake. I had hoped that no one saw this exhibition since the Marina was like a haven for busy bodies that minded every one's business except their own. No problems so far, as the marina was very busy with strangers walking all over the deck getting gasoline and pump outs. Barbara was not particularly noticed or built well enough for the guy's to double look.

I knew that I would get to know Barbara much better before the boat ride was finished. I would not be happy with a hand job or else she would have a long swim back to the dock. After about 45 minutes of running the lake , the water was like smooth glass, as we approached the camping docks in Shelving Rock Bay. No other boat was near us and the sail boat a few docks up had a party of about 5 couples enjoying the nice weather. swimming in the shallow lagoon. The water was clear and warm for early summer and the sail boat people were wearing a minimum amount of clothes. From the noise level they were already happy and loaded with beverage.

I looked up and Barbara was coming back up the hatch with a new top on. it was literally just big enough, like two patches to cover her nipples, breast sides were fully visible. when the wind blew the patch would move and the nipples were exposed. it was great. I'm sure she did not wear this suit to family pool parties

As she lay down on the forward mats she was above the side rails and she was an exhibitionist to the sail boat people. Off came the top and she was now sunbathing on her stomach topless on the highest point on that deck. She turned over after a few minutes and the bottom was removed in one fast motion. Two neat ass cheeks were all that was visible. Legs were opened to form a "V" on the mat. I moved a little to get a better look at her ass. What I saw amazed me. high between her legs just under that fantastic ass lay a little clam that was her pussy. it was no bigger that 3 inches long and a puffy mound on either side of the crease. her pussy was so small and high on her ass that her asshole and pussy were visible one over the other in that position . She had the ass of a 14 year old and it was enhanced by being hairless.

The sail boat people had noticed and a few binoculars appeared on deck as a both guys and girls used them to get a good view of Barbara. Most of the girls on the sail boat were topless but at that distance no details of the breasts could be made out. Barbara on the other hand was an exhibitionist that appreciated the attention she was getting.

There was no doubt that she knew what she was doing to me. She stood straight up with her back to me and the pussy was still visible tucked under her ass above those long legs. A few stretching movements to make sure the sail boaters and I saw her body in every detail and then she went back down the hatch. She again moved around the cabins still nude and stopped in the door way of the cabin right below me standing at the wheel. Her shoulders were even with my swimming shorts. she paused for a minute, her finger tracing the outline of my cock through the material of my suit. After getting the intended response, she raised her hand up from the cabin below and removed my shorts to my ankles. Quickly before I could respond, she had a death grip on my hard cock and started to stroke it slowly. I knew this was would happen when she went topless. It was like her letting me know that she would escalate our relationship to the jerk job level now. what was to be the next part of my story.

I was not going to waste my first and best cum on a hand job. This is what she had done to John, tease the hell out of him with her body and then get him off with a hand job. Well, I had to get in that pussy , now was the best time when she was hot.

I reached down under her arm rubbing her nipple as I pulled her up to me on the deck. My cock rubbed the entire length of her body as I brought her up to my deck level. I turned her facing the front of the boat bent over the wheel and guided my hard cock to the opening of that little pussy under her ass hole. I got it in about 2 inches and she started to moan; it was too tight sorry to say. She seemed to be very wet as if she had a few fingers in her pussy while she was jerking me off before I put it in her pussy. She danced and twisted her ass with the cock part way inside her until I had no choice in the manner.My cock was locked in the first 2 inches of her tight pussy when I came to the gyrations of her ass.

She was vocal in her orgasm as she was cumming also at the same instance. I'm sure we made a show for the sail boat people. My orgasm was long and wet, I came for a full 10 seconds of semen gushing from my cock into that little pussy. nothing seemed to leak out the side as her pussy still grabbed me tightly after orgasm. She told me that she could feel the cum putting pressure in her uterus.

It took a few minutes to get a little soft and withdraw my semi-hard cock. As I did so , I looked down at her pussy. My cum was all over that tiny pussy it just flowed out her slit and down her legs. Mixed with a little blood in thin red lines mixed with my cum.

It happened so fast that she did not have time to explain that she was not on birth control . The reason why she was not on birth control had to do with the hormones in the pill that she could not medical tolerate. This was usually not a problem up to this point since she generally had men satisfied with hand jobs or the occasional blow jobs. I think she was telling me that she was a not a virgin , but my cock was too big around, a lot bigger then she was used to. She continued that in those few times that she did let some boy get his cock into her pussy, he had to have a small cock to get all the way in.

We lay together on the bed both naked and she was upset. She had never lost control of the situation before. Now she may be pregnant. She said this with my cum still drooling out her pussy lips. She also had been awakened to a more intense orgasm with my cock inside her than when she masturbated or had a boys fingers or small cocks bring her to climax.

I did have a few rubbers in the tool locker for just such emergencies, but thought this was not the best time to tell her that.

I cleaned her up and put her in the boats shower with me soaping her up. All this time my cock was rock hard. that fact she could not help but notice; and I noticed that she was staring at it and her eyes said she wanted more cock.

We had lunch, I put my shorts on without under ware and she just had on her v-bottom swim pants on. My cock was outlined in my shorts and a wet spot on her bottoms showed my cum was still rolling out of her pussy. After lunch we rested on the bed again fully unclothed until I said I remembered the condoms in the tool locker. She looked at me with a look of disbelief. She got them and rolled one on my cock for me and proceeded to suck my cock with the rubber on .

I would not let her continue as I wanted that pussy again. I flipped her on her stomach and stuck my finger into her ass hole. She recoiled but moaned deeply as my finger moved deep in her rectum. It open up a little as I spit into the hole to lube things up a bit. The number of orgasms she had with just my finger working her ass was unbelievable. That little red opening was just like a rosebud. As I circled my finger around it a few time and she jumped off the deck with pleasure, I needed a lube to really work in there. There was nothing around that could even be thought of as a lubricant. I then thought about the PAM spray cooking oil. This would work but not be very sanitary. I stuck the nozzle in her ass hole and gave the hole a generous spray and then started again. I definitely did not want my cock in there now, but for finger fucking it was great. She never knew I had done this. probably for the best.


I reached around and pushed my cock back into her tiny pussy. I saw her clitoris inside her pussy lips and squeezed it tightly. Again she screamed and was asking me to put it all the way inside her. She was very wet. Again my cock was not huge but it just would not penetrate her pussy much deeper than I had it in before. I just lay there pushing and she moved her lower body and ass like a hysterical person. She milked my cock and cried out for more and to push it deeper. Her frantic movements did get it in her a little deeper but not that much more. She said she had had 12 orgasms , by far the most she had ever experienced. I came hard as her ass moved to the pleasure of her ,yet again, next orgasm. The rubber was held hostage by that tight pussy and my cock slipped out of her pussy.

She fell into a deep sleep and I cleaned off my cock. The rubber actually came off my cock when I was inside her and again my cum was all over her pussy and ass hole. I cleaned her before she knew that for the second time that day she had unprotected sex with me. She certainly had all of my best cum in that little pussy.

I guess what really turned me on with Barbara was her view from behind. with that ass hole so close to her pussy and small ass cheeks she looked like a ass fuckers dream. I never did go there with my cock because her pussy was tight enough, the ass would have been painful for her and me.

Barbara continued to walk around topless for the remainder of the day. Only putting on a sweat shirt as the sun went down in the evening. We ate hot dogs grilled off the rear charcoal kettle barbecue of the boat and drank beer. She did suck me off for a few minutes but I had no cum left to give her as my hard on went soft . it did feel great however to see that young girl give a expert blow job trying to get me hard. I ripped the condom off my cock at the last minute when I thought I would cum again, but only a few drops came out and they were deposited on her upper lip and chin. She wanted to taste my cum and gladly licked it off her lips. After much thought we both decided she should seek out a "morning after pill" from the pharmacy when she got home. She would rather not get pregnant since it would hinder her work and sex life. I agreed that I would not want any more kids at that point in my married life.

I truly believe that Barbara was not happy unless she had an orgasm building in that pussy. All evening she had her fingers or a toy dildo working in and out of that pussy and ass hole. She would be masturbating as she read a magazine and it turned me on, but I was sexually exhausted from the afternoon. She had a particular love for this little c shaped dildo that she inserted in her anus and it curved around to rest between her tight pussy lips and vibrate her clit. she left it in her two holes most of the time when she was working on the farm since no one heard the buzzing noise.

I grabbed my set of binoculars and focused on the sail boat gang. by dinner time things must have gotten hot since there was one couple fucking doggy style on the cushions of the rear deck. Too far away for visual details but I could hear the slapping noise of his cock hitting her pussy over and over again.

We started back just as the darkness began to fall on the Lake. This was on purpose so it was dark when we got back to the dock. Barbara exited the boat and walked up the dock without anybody seeing her leave my boat. The adventure for this day was over. I had a few similar days that year with Barbara and one instance that her Mother came along for a Saturday ride that was truly unbelievable.

My wife was never the wiser because she never saw Barbara again. It would be a few more years of boating until the economy made owning the boat a bad choice and I sold it for a loss. I did not really lose because I got my moneys worth that Summer from all the sex I had on that boat.

We can detail these encounters in future chapters continuing these story's depending how my readers like this first part

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-10 19:34:56
I found this story pretty boring.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-31 06:28:36
WDiF4Q Thanks again for the post.Really thank you! Cool.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-08 22:59:09
Is it just me or is it the British writing style just sucks here.
Seems very stilted and not very descriptive - could not get into this
story at all.
Like one of my wife's police reports when she is trying not to get the reader horny

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-04 04:46:54
Hot and sweet fucking fuck story, hope to read more of your adventures with Barbara and her mom. Hope that you eventually got to nail Barbara in that tight little ass hole of hers. Oh baby that would be so fucking sweet and tight...

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-03 00:24:48
You should write another story with Barbara and her mother and fget them both pregnant.

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