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Siblings fall in love and result to extreme measures to get what they want.
Extreme measures.

We finally closed school and I can't wait to get home. There is a party at my best friend’s house. And I and my sisters are of course invited.
My parents decided to have three children me, 18 year Nicole and the youngest, Alexa who is 15.
Nicole does get everything she wants because she is cute; Alexa on the other hand gets almost everything she wants because she's hardworking. I also get ALMOST everything because I am dad's favorite, he won't admit it but he shows it.
"Nice party William I shouted to him amidst the loud music and people shouting.
"Yeah....I know" William shouted.
I immediately received a text from my girlfriend Whitney asking where was my precise location in William's huge house.
I like to see her pissed so I told her to use gps, I felt someone pinch my ass, and I turned to see it was her. She always does that when she's pissed at me and I also do it to her, but I do it when am horny.
"Yeaaah here is the booze!" Joe shouted entering with a crate filled with alcohol. Joe is Nicole's boyfriend; he is the one who gets the booze because he is 19 years old and loaded. Joe is a big jerk we once got into fight because he told some dude that Nicole's tits are tiny, yes they are kind of small but still he had no right. He kind of won but I have plans of getting even. And it bothers me seeing him make out with Nicole.
"Whitney let's go get a few drinks" I whispered to her ear and she whispered back.
"A few? Are you kidding? I am going to get totally wasted!" she said smiling.
"That’s why I love you baby."
After about 30 minutes I was tipsy and she was horny so we went to one of rooms in the house. Benefits of having your best friend as the host.
We started to make out and I grabbed her ass, it felt wobbly behind her jeans. She lowered her hands and lowered my pants.  My cock springed forward bulging in my polo boxers and I pressed it on her belly since she was a few inches shorter.
She has big for someone who is 16. But I also have 7.5 inches of cock and I am 17.
What I like about her most is her almost godly physique, her spotless skin, and she can deepthroat my dick all the way.
If it were not the fact that she is egotistic and a dipsomaniac, she would be perfect.
She pushed me to a bed and I sat down on the edge then she knelt.
"You know what to do whit baby" I said with my flirt face on.
"You look weird Owen, that does not work on me. She replied while pulling down my boxers exposing my cock to the colder environs. But I felt a sudden wet warmness, this is the third time she has blown me and I swear she gets better each time.
"Mmm ooh" I moaned with pleasure. Its like she was toothless, I could feel my cockhead entering in her throat as she moved back and forth. I felt her tongue welcoming my cock, I could feel the cum being sucked from my balls. I looked at her and I saw those beautiful eyes staring back, observing my reaction as she sucked the precum. I threw my hands under her top and felt her erect nipples.
Knock "anybody here?" someone shouted and immediately the door opened. It was Nicole and her idiot boyfriend Joe.
Nobody moved, Whitney looked at me then looked at them. I removed my hands from her breast and started pulling up my boxers while Whitney blushed as they stared.
"Wtf? What the fuck Nicole? Wtf?" I shouted.
"Sorry bro, but we knocked did we not?" she said while Joe was smiling.
"Who the fuck knocks for one second and enters the next."
"Hey she said sorry didn't she? Don't worry you can continue you tiny dick blown. We are leaving." Joe said looking cocky as ever.
"No we are the ones leaving." Whitney said in a somewhat drunk voice.
"STUPID LITTLE BITCH!" I muttered on the way out.
"Hey don't you call Nicole a bitch" he uttered angrily.
"Oh no it wasn't meant for her" I replied and left with Whitney.
I made sure she reached home then I also went home feeling kind of odd.
My sister just saw my dick; I couldn't get that out of my head. I sat in the couch with Alexa who was watching her most favorite show on TV. FAMILY GUY.
"So what's up? How was the party?" She asked but she was mostly engulfed watching a fat man fart on the face of an ugly girl then the fat man laughs weirdly about his action.
"It was ok"
"Then why are you home so early"

"Tired from partying? You are kidding?"
"Hey Alexa you should get a life."
"I have a life; I get straight A's in school, am best at volley in school. Am popular." She said looking contented with her self still not letting her eyes drift away from the TV.
"You know what you need, a boyfriend!" That is when she turned her attention to me. "Am going to take a shower now". I said and left.
I wanked finishing my unfinished business and showed. I always love being in the shower and being there but what’s awkward is that I don't like going there.
I wrapped a towel around my waist, and went to my room, the 'KEEP OUT RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE" poster on my door was getting old. I got to change it.

Knock knock "Owen, are you there? It's Nicole" she let herself in; fortunately I had not removed my towel. Yet.
"Aah...I wanted to apologize for the interruption earlier at the party" she looked apologetic, but unlike Alexa, Nicole is a real actor and she can manipulate her face according to her wishes.
"Did you fuck?" I asked.
"Did you and Joe have sex?" I could now see her facial expression changing.
"Owen you do not have right to ask me that, not after what you were doing to Whitney. Minors".
"What she was doing to me you mean? Btw don't tell mom and dad, where are they anyway?"
"They should be here in an hour, and don't worry I won't tell. And don't think I don't appreciate when you stand up for me, it's really cute." she said coming near me and gave me a hug. She smelled like booze and pussy with a hint of perfume. She had no bra on, her nipples pressed through her top on my bare chest.
"I got parker, want to watch? Btw you have a bigger cock than Joe." she said looking down at my groin.
"Oh yeAh I knew I was better than the fool." She looked rather undisturbed since we were talking about my dick. "Later". I replied.
I heard my dad car drive in, as I got dressed my iphone rang, it was a text from Whit.
"Miss U, waaaant u, say sum'n hot."
"Stop doing that" I texted back
"Masturbating, u do it while texting.
But anyway. I want to you feel me inside u."
"I have come." She replied.
I got bored and I went to downstairs but Alexa was bonding with mom and dad was asleep so I went to Nicole to borrow a movie.
"Hey big sis, give me a movie."
She looked happy to see me.
"Tell you what Owen, why don't we watch one together." She said with her cute face on and I couldn't say no, so I sat down near her on her pink bed.
She wore a long white vest that reached to her denim shorts, and her long legs looked marvelous with her black heels. I got to admit I am love butts but I prefer long beautiful legs over a big bubble like butt.
"So you and Joe had sex, right?” I asked
"No, who told you that?" she replied avoiding facial contact, like she does when she is lying.
"You did when you said I am bigger than Joe in dick size, remember?"
"Oh yeah." She nodded still not looking at me. "Let’s just watch the movie."
"I am going to kill you, bla bla bla bla." Some guy in the movie said then almost suddenly Nicole lifted her legs and lay the on mine is such a way that her thighs were near my crotch.
"Aaaah.....what are you doing sis?” I asked expecting an answer, then she smiled seductively and then she came on top of me. She pushed me down so that I was now lying on the bed and the rest if my legs were over the edge of the bed.
I was puzzled, "Nicole, is this a game?" I asked surprised but yet pretty horny because I could feel her weigh on my dick and I didn't to start turning hard. It was then that she kissed me; I enjoyed the feel of soft lips on mine. Her saliva was uniquely sweet and I wanted it to never stop. My cock rose from 0 to half hard in one second.
"This is wrong." A voice in my head told me.
"Get off!" I pushed her, "What the hell are you doing, we are fucking sisters." I shouted at her then felt sorry.
"I want you Owen, I really want you." She stared at me still with a cute seductive smile then she dropped her hand from my shoulder and threw it inside my jeans. Her hand was now in between my emo jeans and boxers. Her warm hand was pressing my cock making hard I would have been great if it was Whitney, but it wasn't.
"Wtf are you doing! Get off." I threw her aside and went near the door. "I don't know what your fucking problem and I don't want to be a part of it so back off Nicole." I said but she was still advancing toward me.
"Ah come on, stop pretending that you do not want me, I know you do." there was silence, and then she moved even closer.
"I am in love with you, that's my fucking problem, spend the night here, no one will know, please." She was convincing and I could have banged her if we weren't blood related.
"You are crazy, keep the fuck away from me." I said and I left, it’s probably a prank I thought to my self. I went to my room and searched for something to do. I logged in to facebook; I read the news feed, the usual stuff postings about people's diet, pets and photoshoped photos. Then something caught my attention.
Nicole had updated her status.
I have finally fallen in love. :-))
There were ten likes and three people commented, Whitney saying "WHO CARES!" (Whitney and Nicole don't like each other.), Alexa saying "Love hurts.", and the foolish Joe saying ,"it’s probably me."
Weird, is what I thought. I checked out her profile, nothing weird except that she had so many pics of me. I assumed that that's normal and I turned of my computer and slept.
About two hours later I heard the door open then the light suddenly turned on. It was Nicole in a pink robe.
I woke up from the bed and stood up.
"What are you doing here, what part of keep the fuck away don't you understand?"
"Fuck." she replied.
"Huh…I ain't joking Nicole."
"Owen I love you and I would do anything for you." She looked straight to my eyes when she said it which was proof she wasn't lying.
"Make love to me." She said in a whisper.
"You got to be kidding." I replied and I looked into her eyes. She wasn't kidding. "I would be cheating on Whitney and you be cheating on Joe. That’s incest, fornication etc. You get my point."
"Owen it isn't all that if no one finds out." She said.
I kept silent.
I had removed my jean and I had only my boxers. I usually sleep with only my boxers. She looked at my slowly bulging boxers then she disrobed.
Now she had only her heels and a bracelet. I could help but notice her tits. They were not large neither small. Her nipples were erect. Her cunt was cute though only partially exposed. I was flabbergasted and the only thing I could do was stare. She was there, as naked as a peeled apple, she was a sweet forbidden fruit which I didn't know whether to bite or not. Blood was racing to my dick and I could feel it turning hard fast.
She reached to my boxers and lowered them, I could not object. She held my cock which by now was as hard as steel.
"Nicole." I called softly as she knelt and slowly engulfed my cock in her mouth. I had never been that hard even with Whitney.
The fell of me inside her mouth was could not be described in words. She sucked my cockhead while moving her tongue and mouth back and forth to a point where she her lower lip reached my balls. I sat down on my bed and she moved accordingly. I could feel a strong orgasm building up. I moved my hands to touch her black hair then moved on to her chest then to tits. She shivered every time I played with her nipples which looked sweet. My dick was about to succumb to her sucking, she also could feel it so she increased her frequency causing my cock to erupt in her mouth.
It was a lot of cum and I waited to see if she would swallow.
"Did you swallow?" I asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I, its sweet." She replied.
She smiled and then laid flat on the bed.
I assumed that she wanted her pussy sucked and so I bent and pushed her legs slightly apart. I stuck out my tongue and went into her pussy not knowing what to expect. I heard her moan when my tongue was in between her lips. I moved upward to her clit and she straightened her legs.

"Oh...Owen I adore you" She sighed. My face was in between her thighs.  
I loved the heat her cunt radiated and how her pussy tasted; my cock was still hard as ever. I focused on her clit and inserted a finger inside her. She was breathing rapidly and moaning louder but I couldn’t care, I wanted her to cum, I wanted to taste her juice. She moved up her hips and I moved up with my hand and tongue not leaving her pussy. She came and wetted my lips. I leaned forward to kiss her so she could taste her juices.

"Penetrate me." She murmured near my ear still breathing heavily.  
Although my dick was still hard I declined.

"No I don't think we should do that." I watched her face frown. "That would be going too far, you can get pregnant and shit that would be tragic." I said trying not to stare at her tits as I talked.

"Owen no one is going to get pregnant, I am on birth control." She said slowly yet with emphasis. Somehow that was comforting but I was still hesitant.

"Nicole you are my sister, we can not make love. This is something we might regret" I said trying to convince my self but frankly I wanted to fuck her only that my stupid conscious was bitching.

"Owen love is blind no one choose his or her love, at least put your head in I want to feel you." Well that was somehow convincing. I took my dick into my hand and moved closer to her. She looked at the cock as I rubbed it on her clit then pushed it slightly in, she moaned. Her pussy was do warm. I pushed a little bit more. It was heavenly and I did not ever want to get it out. I pushed it all in and she moaned even louder. Now I could feel her tightness and I was worried I was hurting her. I moved back then forth slowly afraid she would feel pain. As I increased my frequency of movement she also moaned more and now I feared someone may notice. I put my hand on her mouth to keep her silent as I fucked her even faster. She moved her legs to my back allowing me to go all the way in.
At that moment I started to feel affectionate to her, “Damn, I got to do this again." I thought as I neared my climax. I felt her come, her pussy contracted and again I came. I pressed my cock all the way in pouring my sperm inside her.

"Owen I am nuts about you." She said softly as if all her energy had been drained. Candidly after making love, I was nuts about her too.

"I love you too." I said as my dick slowly went soft inside her.  
Abruptly we came back to reality and she slipped into her clothes and departed from my room.

"See you tomorrow." She said as disappeared into the darkness. I laid there wondering what the fuck just happened and slowly dozed off.

Is Alexa the upright girl you think she is?
Second part soon.
First story, constructive critics please not bullshit.


Anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-16 16:40:40
lol, this is a fun story

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-03 04:40:26
You need to use text editors

anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-09 20:33:49
crappy writing piss poor plot and you POSTED IT TWICE. delete both and rewite it using a good editor before reposting BUT DELETE THESE TWO FIRST.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-12 01:45:18
She fucks a guy and then fucks her brother right after claiming she's in love with him? This is a piece a garbage


2013-06-06 13:37:35
I will rectify my mistakes.

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