I walked into the spa area of the Astoria Holiday Inn, hoping to find it
vacant as it often is. No such luck tonight. A trio of splashing,
shouting kids in the pool met my eyes. And, worse, here were their
parents taking up space in the hot tub. All I wanted to do was to sit
my tired ass in the steaming water and let it soak my aching bones. At
52, I have noticed increasing problems with aches and pains in them
The spa here is roughly a triangle shape with the narrow end holding the
3 steps down into the water and maybe 10 feet along each side to the
back which is about 7 feet wide. The best jets are along the back on
the right side. Of course, that became my favorite spot. The back left
side has OK jets too but putting my feet up on the right side bench
allows those side jets to massage my calves just right.
So, here are these folks sitting right in the middle of the back. There
was maybe enough room for 1 more on either side of them but it would be
tight and intrusive. Both had their eyes closed, enjoying the steaming
bubbling water. She was on his right and I noticed a pretty face, blond
hair, delicate features and graceful long neck. Her hair was tied up in
a bun on top of her head to keep it out of the chlorine. He had a
handsome chubby face and neatly trimmed beard but was almost bald on
top. Maybe in his late 30’s or even 40, I thought.
“Hi, mind if I join you? Looks wonderful with the bubbles and steam,” I
said, using the universal hot-tub greeting from some stranger who is
about to invade your space.
Both opened their eyes briefly, then he replied, “Sure. Come ahead.”
[Little did I know that a double entendre was involved].
I waded in and eased into the water, sitting half-way down the right
side. I didn’t want to crowd them but I was pissed that I couldn’t get
to my favorite spot. I closed my eyes and leaned back to enjoy the
water, keeping my eyelids almost shut so I could watch them. I have
real trouble trying to guess the age of a woman. Easy to tell the late
teens to maybe mid-twenties. Also easy once their hair started to turn
and their tits began sagging.
But, in between, not so easy for me.Looking at the kids in the pool, I
could make some deductions. The oldest was a girl with a bikini. She
filled it out great in the ass department but was still a bit small on
top. Maybe 14 or 15, still growing her boobs, I guessed. But then
looking at her mom’s tits at waterline in her suit top, I realized the
breast genie might have spared them the issue of DD bras. Mom was at
best a C cup but, boy, those sure looked kissable. Come to think about
it, the daughter’s were eminently kissable as well, I realized as I
began to feel a stirring in my swim trunks. The next boy was around 12,
a gawky early adolescent and then a younger brother about 5 or 6.
OK then, that put mom's age in the mid thirties, depending on when she
began childbearing.
I had almost no “spa action” where I was seated so I kept inching to my
left, trying to get at least close to the best jets at the back. Not so
close that I made her feel uncomfortable or him become possessive.
Oops, I got too close, I guess, because we briefly bumped knees.
“Sorry,” I said as I jerked my leg back. She looked at me but didn’t
say a thing. Her husband never opened his eyes.
After maybe only a minute more, I got knee bumped again by her. She
still had her eyes closed but was now smiling. I thought, “OK, this is
weird.” So I purposely kept my knee where it was and pretty soon her
knee pressed harder against mine and then I felt her foot rub against
Wow, did that do it for me. I didn’t know what was going on but my cock
sure made some logical assumptions. Suddenly a huge boner sprang up,
tenting my suit. Luckily the bubbles hid my erection.
She opened her eyes and nudged her husband. “Move a bit over, dear.
This fellow keeps trying to get to these back jets and we’re blocking
him.” He slid half a foot to his left as did she. Now I had enough
room to slide back but still keep some distance from touching her.
We all sat like that for a bit, eyes closed enjoying the swirling water,
but me sitting still with a huge boner. I was about to erupt from just
that brief contact, I was that horny.
I was horny because it had been several months since my wife died in a
flaming car wreck caused, of course, by a drunk driver. He had a blood
alcohol level of 1.8 and 4 previous DUI’s but still drove, suspended
license be damned. As expected, he walked away from the accident while
my bride of 25 years perished. The M.E. said she died instantly and
didn’t suffer but I suffered enough for both of us in the months that
Surprisingly, he was not a bum but owned a contracting company. So I
went after his insurance, his company, his car, his tools, his mother
and all the offspring he ever thought to sire. We prevailed in the
wrongful death case and, after paying my attorney’s hefty portion, I was
left with a huge pile of cash. Big deal, since I had no one now to
share it with.
So, I tried some dating sites. What a waste of time. Most of the women
there are pathological liars or are on the rebound from being dumped.
Don’t get me wrong; the sex was usually great, often incredible. But
trying to replace my Molly just wasn’t going to happen. We married
before AIDS and all the new STD’s arose, so I was freaked out to try a
sexual experience with girls of unknown history. Yes, now I always wore
a condom to fuck. But my favorite technique is to eat her pussy until
she has a screaming orgasm and I was worried that I’d get some horrible
tongue infection or cancer.
Even though I was well off money wise, I needed to keep working to avoid
depression and lethargy. So I continued my part-time work in Astoria.
I stay overnight Monday & Tuesday at the Holiday Inn because they give
me a great business rate and a free breakfast. Plus, the porn channels
on their cable are top shelf.
I usually try one of the great eateries in town and see if there are any
singles around but I hate the bar scene here and avoid it totally. I’ve
had some interesting experiences but I desperately try to avoid a
permanent entanglement and that is hard once the women find out my
occupation and financial status.
So I often just eat and return to the Holiday Inn, soak in the spa to
loosen up, then go up to the room, put on some porn and masturbate until
I can’t get it up any longer.
Now, here I am, a horny dude who has just been touched by a gorgeous
woman and I have a raging hard on. Before I could figure out how to
proceed or whether to proceed at all, the bubble action stopped as the
automatic timer clicked off!
Oh, oh! I cautiously slid my hand up and pressed the erection down as
the foamy water became crystal clear.
“I’ll get it,” the guy said, opening his eyes and wading forward to the
steps. As soon as he began moving, she reached over and began to rub my
leg, moving gradually higher until her hand met mine which was still
covering my boner.
“Move your hand a bit,” she whispered.
Not on your life, I thought, with the clear water, three underwater
lights flooding the area and her husband 10 feet away. He reached the
timer, twisted the dial and I was saved as the bubbles kicked back to
life. He grabbed a towel in the hamper next to the switch, never once
turning around, and walked over to check on his kids.
Meanwhile, I did what she asked and moved my hand away.
“Oh, my,” she said quietly, “what do we have here?” I knew exactly what
I had here, but the whole man plus wife situation was a puzzlement. I
couldn’t figure it out and really had no desire to investigate right now
since her fingers felt so good rubbing my cock through the fabric.
With the spa hiding our endeavor, she gently stroked my cock through my
trunks while I kept track of her husband’s back. When he finally turned
around, she stopped stroking but kept her hand on my now enormously
swollen prick. He returned into the water of the tub, reclining and
closing his eyes.
Gently, I reached over and began rubbing her leg, then slid my hand up
to her belly and the bottom of her tits, trying not to make too much fo
a scene. I finally brought it down to stroke her crotch. Even though
the bubbles were hiding us, hand and arm movements could be easily seen.
I kept watching for signs of recognition by the husband, but so far
She squirmed and slid further down on the bench as my fingers caressed
her sex. I slid my fingers along the edge of her suit and gradually
pulled the material away from her pussy, enough so that I could get most
of my hand inside. Now I had free range to slip one finger between her
lips and into her wet pussy. Wow, her cunt was even hotter than the
surrounding waters! With my thumb I began to rub her little nub and
felt it swell under my touch.
Meanwhile, she’d almost completely stopped rubbing my dick. She sat
transfixed with eyes closed and a huge smile on her face, then began to
move her hips in time with my stroking. Soon she was making waves with
her motion. I tried to calm things down by pressing down hard on her
crotch but she pushed back just as hard against my hand. No way was
this doll going to miss out on her orgasm, I realized.
As the water started moving on its own, things got scary but, blessed be
the youngest kid, he yelled over for a towel to help get the chlorine
out of his eyes.
“Ben, honey, can you get that? I’m so comfortable here, I don’t think I
can get up,” she said.
“Sure,” he replied. He walked over to the steps then climbed out and
headed back over to the towel hamper. Meanwhile, she looked at me and
said, “Wow, you’ve got magic fingers. By the way, I’m Cheryl and I’m
already about to cum on your hand!”
I said, “I’m Rob. “And you haven’t felt anything yet.”
Hubby walked over to hand the towel to his youngest who then said,
“Thanks dad, come get in with me, please.”
Cheryl whispered, “Yesss! Oh thank you, Ben.”
As I kept up the slow rubbing of her clit, she arched her back and
reached down with both hands to pull her bathing suit bottoms down. She
pulled them all the way down around her ankles and spread her legs wide.
“Keep going…don’t stop! Aah…aah yes!” she mumbled.
I managed to get another finger into her pulsing cunt and still keep my
rhythm on her clit. I could feel her soft hair covering her mound in my
palm. A natural blond, I thought. My hand gradually fell further down
as I pumped her cunt and one finger slid down between her lips. I
gently moved my finger backwards until I could press on her little
button, then I pushed my fingertip completely into her waiting asshole.
It took maybe 3 seconds before she spasmed, slamming her legs together,
and biting her lower lip to keep from screaming out. I could feel her
cunt walls milking my two fingers and her ass clenched around that third
finger. It felt so great I almost came along with her. If my dick had
been out of my trunks, I could have easily blown my load into the pool.
I love to give women screaming orgasms!
“Oh, god! That was the best climax I’ve ever had,” she managed to
whisper a moment later. “You really do have fantastic hands, Rob.” I
wondered what was wrong with Ben, if just fingering her cunt gave her
such a huge orgasm. I assumed he wasn’t gay because of the kids but was
this guy a eunuch?
I quietly asked, “What about your husband? That was risky with him
sitting a foot away from you. I was worried he’d open his eyes while I
was fingering your pussy and pound the crap out of me.”
“Oh no problem,” she said. “We agreed a long time ago to let each
other have fun whenever the occasion arises, as long as it doesn’t
affect the kids. He probably was aware of our little action but chose
to keep his eyes closed and let it play out rather than stopping my fun.
And it has been way more than fun. I’m tingling all over. Could you
keep your fingers just where they are? I think I can have another
climax in just a few seconds.” I resumed rubbing and, sure enough, she
jerked and moaned as another huge wave washed over her.
After she came down from that one, Cheryl continued, “Ben is not the
jealous type. But we have to watch for the kids, especially Angie, who
is increasingly aware of boys and things of a sexual nature. She spends
a lot of time in her room with the door closed and I found some girl-
girl porn on her computer. She may be shy of 16 but she’s got an
appetite that’s growing by the day. So far, she’s not been dating but I
smelled some pretty funky musk on her panties after a slumber party. We
put her on the pill last year to prepare but I know she just
masturbates, alone and with her girlfriends. She’s a horny little mink,
a lot like her mom!”
“Amen to horny little minks,” I replied.
“Now,” she smiled, “Your turn.” As she began to stroke me again, she
reached in and freed my boner from the fabric. It felt great to be out
of the constricting suit and in the hot pulsing water. Of course, just
then the damn bubbles quit again.
“I guess I’ll have to get that,” she laughed. “You’re in no condition
to walk around with that pole sticking out. You might hurt someone and
I sure don’t want Angie to see this beauty.” She hiked her bottoms back
up and jumped out of the spa.
Back under cover of bubbles again, she began pumping my dick up and down
with gusto. I scooted my ass up so the tip of my cock was just at
waterline. The foaming water felt so wonderful on the head. The spa
and the pool both have a raised lip so that we were mostly hidden from
Ben and the kids as long as no one stood up. But they were splashing
away, oblivious to the incredible handjob I was getting from this
gorgeous blond.
“I’m very close,” I said breathlessly. “I’m sure management doesn’t
want a bunch of cum floating around their spa when the action stops.
Maybe I could go into the bathroom and finish by beating myself off.”
She looked at me and said, “Don’t worry, Rob. Let me know when you feel
about to erupt.”
“Now…right now,” I panted.
Cheryl just leaned over, put both hands on my ass cheeks, pulled the tip
of my cock up out of the water and put her mouth around it. I shot what
felt like a gallon of cum, pulse after pulse of hot jizz spurted out
into her waiting mouth. She was sucking and swallowing as fast as she
could but some still leaked out around her lips and fizzled away in the
I was drained, literally. And weak kneed. So I just sank back down as
she scooted over to rest on the back bench. “Yum,” she exclaimed. “You
really taste good! I don’t care much for the taste of Ben’s sperm but I
love yours. When I suck his dick, he cums in about 10 seconds. He’s
always begging me to suck him off and, when I agree, he is so grateful
that he’ll eat my pussy for hours. And I really, really love to have my
pussy licked.”
“That’s my speciality,” I answered. “Not just that, but I’d bet you’d
love to have my tongue shoved deep into your ass as well. You’ll cum
and cum and cum when I do it.”
“Really,” she squeaked. “That would be a first for me. We’ve done anal
of course, but never tried that. Ben is pretty straight so I don’t know
if he’d go for eating my ass. I do know that he’d like to watch,
Suddenly, my cock began to twitch with that revelation. Not only was
this a smoking hot babe, her husband didn’t mind if she got some on the
side, but now he was open to being cuckolded. I think I just died and
went to hot tub heaven. My prick jumped to full attention, which caught
Cheryl’s eye.
“Um, what is this I see?” she said, again sliding her fingers along the
“I have always dreamed about having someone watch me as I eat a woman
out and lick her asshole,” I exclaimed. “It makes me hot to just think
of finally being able to fulfill my dream.”
“Well, Angie is old enough to baby sit her brothers tonight, if you’re
up for it,” she winked. “I’ll have to check with Ben, but I’d bet he’ll
jump at the offer.”
“Up for it?” I laughed. “I think you can plainly see and feel that I
already am.”
“I’m in room 428, here’s my key,” I said as I passed her the plastic
disk for the room. “If he doesn’t agree, just leave the key in your
room when you check out. The Holiday Inn won’t know which room it came
from. Call me one way or the other.”
I showered and toweled off then went up to my room. My erection still
hadn’t gone down from the hope that I’d get a threesome tonight. So, I
put on some mild porn and gently rubbed my dick with the soothing lotion
the hotel provides, just keeping it warm and ready.
The phone rang after about 30 minutes but it was Cheryl calling to
cancel our tryst. Their 12 year old was puking and had a fever so they
were going to stay in and care for him. I thought about asking Ben to
care for the kid by himself while I cared for Cheryl in my bed but
didn’t know their situation well enough to ask. There’s a big
difference between letting one partner fool around in the other’s
company and just allowing your partner to go fuck a stranger alone in
his room.
Then I thought about asking if I could care for Angie instead since she
wasn’t sick, but that might open a whole can of worms. I didn’t know
how they would feel about a fifty-some guy shagging their teenager.
Especially since it may be the first time for her. [But, my oh my, did
it ever happen later]
So, I just said, “It would have been excellent, but I understand. Any
possibility for a rain check?”
She replied, “Absolutely. In fact we talked about coming back down part
of next week to see the sights we missed this trip. If we can’t
connect, we also have a cabin up at Government Camp that we like to use
over a weekend when we can get Angie to babysit.
“I’m looking forward to both,” I smiled. “See you here next week?”
“Yep. Here's our Portland phone number. Call us later to firm up the
plans. Loved tonight, Rob. Bye,” she said.
So I switched to hard porn and beat my cock until it was limp.
I love the Holiday Inn hot tub!!!
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Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
However i dont like the fact that it just changes lines in the middle of a sentence, it was hard to read when masterbating
anonymous readerReport