CLARENCE teamed up with an heiress named Camille. She was a clever white girl but had difficulty dealing with the assholes of this world. She’d accidently met Clarence in a coffee shop one afternoon in a part of town where she would normally not go.
Clarence sat with her as soon as he noticed her sitting alone. He could see she was out of her element and he, Clarence, had a protective nature to him. Especially when it came to good looking women, not unique but that’s Clarence and he acted.
Clarence and Camille chatted amicably for awhile before they stumble upon a topic which would bring them together. Somehow they stumbled across the topic of construction contracting.
Over a few months they formed an equitable partnership in the construction business. In the two years since they’d combined their talents Clarence had gone from a poor thug to a well off Construction Entrepreneur and foreman. He estimated his net worth to be over $100 grand.
Camille had earned similar dollars but being an heiress the money did not matter to her. It was the company’ success that made a difference to Camille, plus it bore her name.
In those two years they had made a good name for themselves. Their projects were getting bigger, and consequently more complex. They had acquired good staff but ultimately it fell on Clarence’s shoulders to look after costs.
Enter Lara;
...Lara and her husband ran a construction company and like Camille and Clarence they had been successful and were hoping to get into bigger projects. Lara managed the office, her husband managed the sites.
Camille and Clarence’s company; ‘Camille Construction Corp’, had several more projects on the go and the one that Lara and her husband were biding on was the biggest; over one million dollars.
At first Lara’ company; On-Going Const., seemed in over their heads... Clarence had noticed Lara’ ass and told Camille he wanted to keep them in the hunt to see if he could get to her ass. Camille laughed and said;
“Yes.” But keep me posted you’ve captured my curiosity.
Camille was later to ask if Clarence thought she could fuck Lara’ ass with a strap-on... Clarence answered Camille with a promise;
“If I can get her, you will get her.”
The process by which a contract is awarded can be long and arduous...in short a pain in the ass. Several companies started bidding for the Million dollar job but only three remained after four months. On-Going was one of the three despite the fact that their prices were high. Only Clarence and Camille knew this of course.
Whenever Lara came to their head office she was dressed very professionally. When Clarence visited her home, which doubled as On-Going’ office she was dress comfortably. Never slutty...this impressed Clarence...
SHE treated him with respect, like a regular white guy he presumed. Until he had teamed up with Camille Clarence had had little to do with white folk.
He had been surrounded by slutty black or Latino woman most of his life. Lara was a woman with high moral standards he presumed...and that sweetened the pot substantially when it came to Lara.
There was a time when he would have held a knife to her throat; that still appealed to him but he had too much to lose.
Clarence did not care for the chase; nor the hunt...he liked the kill. He’d raped many women in his life and developed a technique which guaranteed him the kind of sex you can’t buy at a ‘Five and dime store’.
In the matter of construction;
The other two bidders had modified their proposals to such an extent that On-Going was in tuff Clarence thought.
Clarence was trying to come up with a scheme that would help Lara’ company stay in the hunt. Even if she gave Clarence her ass he was sure On-Going would be out of the running.
Even a white woman’s ass can’t be worth that much he mused. Although upon reflection he had no experience with white women’s asses so maybe they are worth that much. Clarence chuckled over that thought.
‘Oh the problems of the business world he’d thought’. In his golden days violence worked to solve many differences. Clarence knew he would find a solution to this problem...but what he wondered?
Clarence consulted Camille. She had a suggestion and damn if it did not work.
The Solution;
The gist of it was that Lara would work for ‘Camille Const.’ on a contract basis.
During the interview Camille said, “You are a very talented woman Lara and I want to have talented people around me... well, except for Clarence”... [Both women laughed, Clarence smiled]...
“You’ll take on much of my work load and some of Clarence’s” Camille said. “I’ll offer you a very good package Lara if you accept straight away... We need you know. After a year Clarence and I will look into including you in the partnership..., some-thing like 10%.”
- - - - [Pause]
“If you accept your company ‘On-Going’ will have to drop out of the bidding for the Jamison project”.
“Do you need to consult your husband?” Clarence asked.
“No need,” she said. “He will be thrilled for me... plus..., I call my own shots.”
...”My answer is yes Camille.”
There was some light hearted talk followed the words of business. Lara was to learn that Clarence was in charge of both her and Camille’s personnel security and would be accompanying her to many job sights...
- - - - - - “If he is not with you then one of his ‘MEN IN BLACK’ will be with you at all times. No and-s, or-s, if-s, or but-s..., that rule is written in stone Lara.” Camille said.
Camille smiles; “We will spell butt with two tees in your case Lara.”
Lara laughs:
“This ass has gotten me into some tight squeezes over the years..., MEN”! Lara countered.
[The chicanery continued]
“I will keep my eye on it for ya Lara,” Clarence quips. [Lara and Camille both laugh, as does Clarence]
The evening ends after some celebratory drinks. Camille is driven home by one of the MIB. Clarence sees Lara to her new ride, a limo, top of the line of course; driver and MIB already in place. An extra driver will take her car home for her...
“You never go out alone anymore Lara.” Clarence said to her – ‘in dead Ernest’. [Clarence smiles]
THINGS settled down into a routine for upper management at Camille’s Construction Corp. Many projects on the go, busy, busy, busy...
Lara’ knack with ‘hand held devices’ impressed and held her in good stead with Camille Const and On-Going..., she was as busy lady and thrived on the work load... AS promised after a year SHE was rewarded with 10% of Camille Corp, five each by Clarence and Camille. Lara stood ten feet tall that day, and she is already five foot ten in the flesh. [An imagine which had all too frequently crossed Clarence’s mind]
Lara went home that night with the news to tell hubby. He was ecstatic...they celebrated ending up in bed fucking... Hubby was a tad drunk so all Lara got her pussy filled.
‘Oh well she thought, someday he will last long enough’. LARA had known for some time that their sex life had gone stale.
LARA’ unsatisfactory sex life had been nudging her in a direction she’d thought she would never go..., cheating. The person she was closest to outside hubby and their friends was Clarence. She knew that he would give her a good fucking. She could tell when they first met that he had a thing for her, especially her ass.
A tall good looking black man with a kindness to him and a serious presence when need be... and maybe rape-y eyes...that both scared and excited her. Lara wondered if rough would do it for her.
Lara, like many teenage girls had ‘given it up’ to avoid the stigma of being known as a virgin. It hurt and she never tried it again until she met her husband. She was eternally grateful she didn’t get pregnant.
Lara recalled a conversation she had with Camille. She was shocked, surprised and oddly excited as she’d listened.
“When we brought you on board Lara, Clarence was very happy. I told him, ‘he owed me’...”
He replied saying;
’ he would see to it that I got a good fucking’.
I thought he was joking but I took him up on, saying;
...’I feel I deserve a good orgasm filled raping for my efforts in hiring Lara’...
“I like I rough Lara”. Camille added... “After some feeling out I gave him the code to my condo and told him I wanted no notice and had only one condition; that he was to be the rapist...and make it good”.
- - - - - Recalled laughing nervously before adding to the conversation with Camille;
“I caught Clarence looking at my ass..., AGAIN...Camille. I took a moment before I said to him, ‘that really bothers you doesn’t it Clarence’.”
“Oh yeah”, he’d said...”in my golden years Lara I would have held a knife to your throat, today I hold a knife to my throat.”
“Direct or what I thought. I looked at this man who protects me and I could see he was tormented. AGAIN I thought before I spoke: ‘I will see what I can do about that for you Clarence'. ”
“I’ve never seen such longing in a man Camille... [Pause]... In a couple of weeks Joe is out of town for a week...taking a GUY’s only fishing holiday. I’m considering inviting Clarence over for supper, and taking it from there. I wouldn’t be breaking any company rules would I Camille”?
“I hope you need some time off to heel.” Was Camille’ reply.
Lara recalled the feeling that swept through her as she digested Camille’ answer...
She’d likened it to a woman facing her rapist; on the one hand trembling with fear. On the other hand hoping she has a fantastic orgasm.
Clarence looked up the sidewalk.
---- He’d given the MIB the night off; arriving early Clarence sat in his car. While waiting for the appropriate time to knock on Lara’ door he recalled another time under similar circumstances.
Found memories:
---- HE - WALKED right into her home, shutting the door tightly behind him, locking it quietly...she never heard him. Clarence was good at this shit and he knew it...shoes off before he moved thru the house... into the kitchen...dinner cooking.
He heard movement in the bedroom...Pulling the hood down he waited.
She came down the hall and just before entering the kitchen he grabbed her by the throat. He was dressed in a black hood, black pants, black balaclava, and holding a very shinny knife.
He filled her mouth with a clothe gag...she was trying to yell but her voice was heavily muffled by the gag; he held a knife to her face.
She struggled as her hands made an entrance into the fray.
He spun her about pinning her to the wall face first... driving a knee between her thighs, pinning her skirt and consequently her legs to the wall stopping her from turning... grappling with first one arm then the other he over powered her. He twisted her arms slapping cuffs on her. She yelled out in pain; those fuckers hurt he knew from experience.
She yelled into the clothe gag, screaming at him. None of which he understood but still he was glad he had on the balaclava, for he was smiling...she is a fighter.
He moved and she pushed off the wall. He slammed her into the wall causing something to fall to the floor on the opposite side of the wall.
Dumping her on the floor he drove a knee into her back...she groaned in pain. Grabbing her legs he wrapped a light rope around her calves forcing them together.
Kneeling on her as she lay on the kitchen floor he grabbed her skirt by the waist and ripped it open...taking his knife he cut away her skirt and panties exposing that gorgeous ass to his stare...
She was still flopping around fighting to get up so he hit her twice, stunning her. This would hold her for short time.
He stepped into the adjacent room picking-up his kit...returning he cleared the kitchen table by picking up the table cloth by the four corners and unceremoniously dumping the entire shebang into the sink...then turned off the stove...
‘...no sense burning the fucking house down’, he chuckled to himself.
He walked down the hall returning with a handful of towels...pushing the table to the sink and jamming two large bath towels in between the cupboard and the table edge. This would eliminate any noise that will occur by banging her as she’s tied to the table.
He walked about the house shutting it down, closing doors that need to be closed.
Returning to her he picked her up. She was still having some difficulty with her breathing by the time he got back to her. However she was regaining her fight...
Manhandling her onto the table he quickly roped her ankles to the table legs...she’d begun to fight again...grabbing her arms he repeated the process with her wrists.
She struggled for some time before she ran out of energy and realized the hopelessness of her situation.
Clarence used a recorder he gotten from an old friend. Placing THE recording device under the table he then held his knife to her throat, and waited;
“YOU fuckng move bitch and I cut your face up.”
- - - - [She froze]
{He used pre-recorded threats so she wouldn’t recognize his voice. Plus he could never imitate those fucking street niggers.}
He removed the gag and replaced it without even a stir from her. When he pulled the hood over her head she cried out...she was scared and he loved it.
Removing all his clothing he finished trussing her properly and placing his assorted chemicals and mats were needed. Clarence considered himself a professional.
‘Finally’! What allot of work he thought...
He looked at his prey... Her long legs still covered with black hose...her fucking shoes still on after all this..., good fucking shoes he thought.
He looked and saw her top was still covering her back...so the mighty knife swung into action and cut it off her back...leaving it under her tits and stomach providing a membrane between her body and the table. He was here to use her for sex, not damage her body. Perhaps he’d rethink that statement later.
He eyed her for a minute or so;
‘Fuck she is beautiful he thought. Square shoulders tapering to her narrow waist, beautifully contoured shoulder blades...spine....waist...shoulders...hairline...arms...all of her...very, very, nice indeed’.
He looked at those long legs...ideally shaped ...nice ankles...strong toned thighs...
Squatting behind her looking at her pussy...nice puffy outer lips...small inner lips...a small recess when her hole was...and a cute little asshole in a small well...and all a lighter shade of brown mixed in with some light purple or mauve...and a few thin lines of dark purple...and this his first Latino woman.
A nice small bush covering her pubic bone with a little between her legs... A few different shades of pink mixed in with her off white skin.
He knelt between her stretched-out legs with his small shield and took the knife...slowly sliding the dull edge along her inner thighs starting from the edge of her stockings and moving up her bare skin too her pussy.
{He’d wedged towels between her and the table to protect her from the table...protecting her from injury. He considered himself a professional}
He took the other knife he carried with him... prodding her pussy working the tip into her vaginal opening.
“Nice cunt bitch.” The recording said...timing was very important to Clarence.
She was terrified now and her bladder let go; right into a cut-down plastic milk container. Experience had taught him many things...and this would guarantee no piss on him and a very tight pussy.
He marveled at her ass, her legs...her torso...shaking with fear. He loved to torment, to frighten them half to death...and then...
Words of hope:
“I could push this knife in BITCH and cut ya. Or..., ya could give me no trouble while I fuck ya.... What’s it gonna be”? [He always said the same thing, or at least the recording did]
- - - He slipped his cock into a tight hole. He laughed quietly to himself as he fucked her. She was happy to be raped, considering the alternative her had presented her.
“Mo’ you-ass BITCH”. [He liked that one so he said it personally...kind of ego tripping he knew]
He watched her move her ass, legs tied and all, but she was given -err. That cute little bum-hole trapped between those cheeks, moving about...her ass cheeks flexing...her pussy getting looser...and the sweat...he loved making them sweat.
Her thighs straining...her breathing getting raspier...her hands grabbing onto the ropes..., using them to help her fuck her rapist. This is where he really enjoyed himself:
“I’m nearly there BITCH, fuck harder”. [In recorded street slang]
She put more effort into fucking him hard that late afternoon than she will ever put into fucking anyone else, and HE’s her rapist... That is why Clarence loved rape.
He’d thought of fucking her up the ass but she had worked so hard to satisfy him he cut her some slack.
Clarence pushed the buzzer. He waited a minute and pushed it again. Then he saw Lara coming to the door;
“Hello”, she said, come in...Supper is about ten minutes off.
“Oh good, time for a quickie”. He said.
“For what, a beer or me”?
“I can’t have both”, he replied...tongue in cheek.
Lara laughed...and did not answer.
They started talking shop, what else. Soon they were seated and eating a delicious meal. The topic of the conversation switched to the meal. Lara was one hell of a cook Clarence noted, and told her so.
After their meal they went out onto Lara’ back deck, each with a glass of wine, chatting on many topics. Some of Lara’ neighbors called out over the fence, others came onto the deck and sat with Clarence and Lara.
Clarence had been getting used to white folks over the last few years but rarely had he been involved in conversation on a purely social scale, and never in an upscale neighbourhood like Lara lived it.
Clarence noted that he was treated like anyone else; ‘these people are colorblind he was later to tell Lara’.
- - - - “I know”, she said... “they’ll even tolerate a white bitch like me.”
Clarence looked at Lara; he was certain she was joking but that kind of humor was completely foreign to him. Clarence held off laughing until Lara winked.
It was near 9:30PM before the last of Lara’ neighbours’ left... Lara and Clarence cleaned up and went inside. Clarence had to admit he had a very good time and was preparing to leave when Lara said:
“Come with me, I want to show you something.”
He followed her down the hall. Lara stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning she took hold of Clarence’ hands placing them on her waist. Lara stepped into Clarence and moved her hands to his face. Clarence flinched, pulling back. Lara looked at him;
- - - - “My chief of security is afraid of little old me”.
“No Lara, I’m just out of my element here so I guess I’m being cautious”.
“I want to kiss you”? She said.
Lara’ hands cupped Clarence’ face, she kissed him softly..., holding the kiss for several seconds.
Clarence, no stranger to the kiss of a woman kissed Lara back with passion; the passion of a man who wanted this woman.
“Wow...! That was something... [pause]...we can’t do anything here Clarence”.
“It is Lara. Old and seedy would be a compliment to this place”.
“I won’t catch anything will l”?
“Can I take the pillow case off my head now”?
“What about the cuffs”?
“Can I get an answer that involves a word with more than two letters”?
Lara laughed beneath her hood. Clarence smiled silently.
Clarence took a few steps back and looked at her: “You are fucking beautiful". An odd thing to say perhaps considering her apparel. A pillowcase over her head, a blue sweat suit which he’d told her change into before they left her home. Not very flattering duds.
Clarence stool looking at her, he intentionally made her wait silently for a few minutes noticing her getting twitchy... Clarence loved his games.
He reached out and touched her tit. She jumped...then laughed at herself for being nervous...Clarence never said a word. Lara stopped laughing.
He walked behind her and pulled on one finger from each hand...not hurting her but showing her she had no control. Lara’ nervousness became a little more apparent. Clarence undid his zipper and touched her fingers lightly with his cock...like an artist painting birds.
Lara moved her fingers trying to touch his cock but he kept moving it, the buggar; so she did the best she could with her bound hands. Lara moaned.
What a nice feel Lara thought. The first cock she’d touched other than her husband’s in many years.
Clarence reached around her and touched her tit. Lara stirred...her breathing was laboured; the hood perhaps, was it making her sweat. Clarence toyed with her hard nipples...he played with the one for awhile...twisting it until he saw her flinch... He released that tit only to twist the nipple on the other one until Lara flinched...
He moved away from her picking up his tie which he’d placed across his suit jacket that he’d left on a chair. Looping the tie about his neck Clarence moved close to Lara placing his hands on her face. Pushing the pillow case back until he could make out her mouth...Clarence kissed Lara’ beautiful mouth thru the pillow case. He worked his lips kissing her nose, chin and mouth with ever increasing passion. Clarence’ hunger grew.
Moving away from her again Clarence placed his hands on her waist and gently pulled her ‘T’ shirt out from her sweat pants. Moving it upward he looked at her ever increasing midriff...
My god she is beautiful he thought...just fuckiing beautiful.
Pushing the ‘T’ shirt up until he could hang the front of it off her bra-covered breasts Clarence went to his knees and kissed Lara’ stomach. He started above one hip-bone and randomly kissed every part of her midriff; not missing any-part of it. [My God he thought...isn’t she something]
When Clarence finished kissing Lara’ stomach he took the cuffs off her. He then led her to the bed sitting her down.
She rubbed her wrists and thanked him for taking the cuffs off.
Clarence laid Lara down on the bed and pulled the pillow case up high enough so as to make her breathing easier. He looked at her and thought; ‘this certainly isn’t how I usually treat a woman’.
He shook his head realizing he was in love with her, his first love in probably two decades, maybe longer.
Clarence loved rape and this was not rape. Next time he thought, next time I will rape her, but tonight I will not... White or not, Lara is the finest woman he'd ever been with.
Lara startled as she felt him press his face into her crotch and smell her. He dug his face into her smelling and growling as he did so...his teeth gnawing at her through her pants. She responded to being used this way, ‘Fuck me Clarence, fuck me’, she thought to herself.
“Ouch...ou...” Lara said biting her lip. Clarence was biting her though her pants.... “Ou”...fuck that hurts she thought.
Clarence heard Lara and softened his bites. He did not want to hurt her. Clarence paused briefly reflecting upon this decision, he was definitely in love with her...otherwise he would not have changed up his biting...
---‘White witch’ he mused, nearly laughing out loud.
He gnawed away at her whilst pushing her thighs farther apart. Lara still flinched some but didn't yell out. Clarence was satisfied.
Clarence moved her legs together before he slipped his thumbs under the waist band above each hip and two fingers under the waist band below her hip bones. HE pulled at the elastic and slipped the sweats off her body.
When her panty covered crotch came into few Clarence’ eyes never left there...he stared at her while he slipped her sweats off...and stared.
After a few moments Clarence glanced at Lara’ legs then back to her panty covered crotch...then her legs and up to her stomach. He was powerless to stop the crescendo of feelings that swept over him. Wave upon wave of emotion rolled thru Clarence, he had to brace himself for he might fall on her...
- - - ‘My god’, he thought, ‘never in my life’.
Clarence dropped his face onto her crotch and sniffed Lara. Slow deep breathes took her fragrance into his lungs. He held his breath then inhaled again. He did this again and again.
He slipped her panties off her and buried his face in a lovely light brown bush. He was so thankful she didn’t shave. Rubbing his nose in her bush and sniffing at her kept Clarence busy for several minutes.
Clarence licked her. Lara moaned.
Clarence moved away from her and disrobed quickly. Lifting her legs he positioned himself so the tip of his cock was touching her...
He pushed ahead a little and the tip separated her lips. Clarence notice Lara’ arms move above her head in an act of surrender.
She arched some and her head tipped back so her lips and the tip of that sexy straight nose came into view. Her lips moved whispering:
- - - ‘Fuck me, oh please fuck me’.
She spread her legs wide as Clarence pushed deep into her. He listened to the sound of her sighs turn to moans turn to an almost inaudible grown. Lara’ tongue was between her lips.
He slowly fucked this beautiful white woman, gradually increasing the pace of his strokes as she responded...
The pillow case slipped higher exposing her face...so flushed was she...eyes closed...mouth twisted...
Clarence pushed her bra and shirt up over her head onto her arms. Lara moved her arms so the last of her clothing was removed showing off two gorgeous tits with nipples proudly pointing upward.
He was too tall to take those nipples in his mouth and stay inside her at the same time. AND Clarence’s hands were busy holding her hips as he fucked her...so he had no other choice but to look at her tits as they moved to the rhythm of love making.
Clarence looked at her pussy and watched his cock move in and out of her...his eyes moved to her tits...her tummy...her thigh...her mouth...
- - - He gripped her hips harder and ground his cock into her... He loved fucking her. Clarence wanted to give her a tooth chipping orgasm.
Closing is eyes Clarence focused his mind on her warmth...her thighs...her pubic bone pressuring him...the passion in her movement. The...
“Aaah!”- - - “Oh God Oh God Oh God”...
Her legs stiffened, her back arched...
Clarence pinned her hips to the bed with his strength and pressed against her hard; moving only slightly matching her thrusts. He watched her orgasm...
- - - -Clarence smiled as Lara' initial movements turned into a likeness of a fish out of water as she bounced and flopped about on the bed...
She never uttered a sound after her initial cries. Only the sound of her movement against the bed broke the room’s silence. Then quiet as she slept...
Clarence sat on the bed looking at this sleeping beauty. He’d never seen a woman pass out after sex. He got up and removed the musty aromatic dispenser. She’d be so pissed at him for this bit of trickery.
Lara slept in Clarence’ bed. He pulled the comforter over her.
Great story I love being raped hard myself and have been so several times but of course not enough.....still wanting to be gang raped by a large group of blacks.. Thanks you for the story....
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