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The continuation of Part 7
As you have read both Ashleigh and Renee and I are part of the relationship now after a weekend away. It now comes to a grinding halt due to a trip to China, but theirs continued to blossom in my absence. Ash will write about this shortly.

My last night home for a while was as good as it gets. Two hot and horny women whom I love dearly reminded just whit I would be missing. We made love until it was time for me to leave. I would catch up on some sleep on the plane. We showered together, this time they gently shaved my cock and ball sack as if they had both done this many times before. Shower sex has got to be one of the best places with the warm water and slippery bodies. I kissed them both goodbye and headed back to the airport for a trip that would possibly define our company’s future in China.

I met Paul and Jim in the line, Wally was already in the business club lounge waiting. We checked in and headed through customs and immigration when my phone rang. I didn’t recognise the number.
“Hello, Will speaking”
“Hi Will this is Isabelle, Dave gave me your number. I am just checking in, where are you?” her voice was warm with a hint of an accent.
“Hi, glad you could make it. We are just going through customs, do you want us to wait?” I replied.
“No that’s fine I will see you in the lounge in 10 or so.” And she hung up.

We got to the lounge, found Wally eating enough for three and grabbed some food and drink for ourselves, and waited for Isabelle. None of us knew her but Dave had picked her so she must know her stuff. Shortly after, she arrived and we all introduced ourselves. Bella, as she preferred to be called, was about 5’8” with a short blonde hair and tanned skin. She was dressed in tailored pants, shirt and jacket, and looked more like an executive than an engineer. She was born and raised in Oregon but moved to Australia with her family when she was 18. She studied Electrical engineering and has worked with both the power supply companies, a large mining company and now with our business. Her previous work was focused on risk management and process engineering, which gives her the skills we need on this job. She was very smart and very attractive, something not lost on me or the others.

At 34 she has maintained her good looks and when she passed around a photo of her family, you could see the genetics. We continued to discuss work, football and hobbies until we were called to board our plane. We found our seats, Paul Wally and Jim all had seats next to other passengers, while Bella sat across the aisle from me. The flight was uneventful compared to my flight yesterday, and we chatted to each other about what we might expect when we arrived and began to formulate a number of key milestones and report formats. None of us slept and we arrived late in the afternoon. The documents that had been provided to us ensured a speedy passage through customs and immigration. Out in the arrivals hall we were met by a couple of drivers and all whisked through chaotic traffic to our apartment. The company leased a number of large apartments and ours was on the twentieth floor. In fact it occupied three floors, and had four bedroom, lounge and dining area as well as kitchen. With the bedrooms allocated we agreed to head out for dinner. One of the local senior managers met us and we enjoyed a great meal and learned a little more about the accident. The more we heard, the more I got the feeling that there were pieces missing, and we might have to work a lot harder to get to the bottom of the issue.

Without going into the details of the work we were sent to do, we worked long and hard for weeks. We worked very well as a team and also got to know each other much better than if we were back home. The days flew by, and after five weeks, Paul, Wally, Jim and Bella all flew home for a week to spend time with family. I in turn flew to Hong Kong and caught up with a cousin who lived and worked there. It was a great week away and a chance to reminisce and to de-stress. The week too went fast and I was soon back in Beijing and at the apartment. It was late when the others arrived and we spent only a short time catching up. Paul and Jim went to bed, Wally went out for something to eat again, and so Bella and I shared a drink and chatted.
Bella’s mood and her demeanour was different, but I was not sure as to its cause. She had changed into track pants and tee shirt, and sat down on the couch next to me. She downed her drink in one large gulp and refilled it and took another gulp.

“Are you OK? How was home?” I asked. My concern was that as our work drew towards a conclusion, I needed to ensure that all were on the same page and engaged, and that this was out of character.

“Yeah, just tired I guess.” Bella responded, although it was not convincing. “Just a few things at home I’m trying to sort out, but I’m OK.”

We talked a little more but skirted around the issues t home as I was not about to become a shrink, so I finished my drink said goodnight and turned in for the night. The following morning was the same as they had been for the last five weeks, and Bella and the guys were right on track. We pushed on with the investigation and closed in on the outcome, one we feared, but hoped was not correct. It was a devastating result for our local partner, but was now up to senior executives on both sides to review and resolve. Our job was done. We had been here for nine weeks, and the outcome left us feeling hollow. Our company had provided us with two weeks of additional leave and so Jim and Paul left the following morning for home while Wally went to Hong Kong, meeting his family for a well-earned break. I planned to use my break time to do a bit of sight-seeing in China. Bella too headed off home, but she didn’t seem as pleased as the others.

I spent a couple of days tidying up the final pieces and closing out our job, and was spending one last night in Beijing before one of the local managers would drive me north, on his way home to his family. It was about 10:00pm when there was a knock on the door. I answered it and was very surprised to see Bella with all her bags.

She walked in and sat down, struggling to retain composure. “Pete has left me” she sobbed softly. “I got home and found he had cleared out all of his stuff.”

“Bella, I am so sorry” and hugged her as she continued to cry.

“He’s gone interstate and moved in with an old girlfriend who he started seeing while I was here. We were together four years, and all I have is an empty flat.”

“I know you are sight-seeing, but hoped that you wouldn’t mind if I tagged along. I didn’t want to be at home alone.”

“You are welcome to join me I was planning to walk along the Great Wall for a week. Bo Li is driving me north on his way home.” I responded. I hadn’t thought of a travelling partner, but it is better to be with friends than alone.

“Thanks so much, I know this was not your plan either.” She said with almost a smile on her face. “I almost don’t remember getting on a plane to come back here.” She was still pretty shaken up although seemed happy to be here.

I gave her a hug again and reminded her that we were leaving at 7:00am. I did not sleep well, thinking about the trip with Bella. I was not unhappy about the change, but very mindful of her state and situation. We had breakfast and waited for Bo Li to arrive. Bella once again was well dressed, even in casual holiday clothing, but she would make a potato sack look good.
The drive north took us to the Old Dragon’s Head where we said our good-bye’s to Bo Li and checked into the hotel I had booked. My planning included small hotels and single rooms, a fact I had overlooked during the past 24 hrs. We got into our room and arranged our gear; I took the couch and Bella grabbed the bed. Dinner was in a small restaurant and she explained more of what had happened during the last trip home.

“I think I knew something was wrong, but didn’t want to believe what was happening. Even though he knew I was coming home for a week, Pete planned a weekend with friends.” It was clearly not easy to discuss, but she pushed on.

“I thought we were OK, we did talk and share our thoughts and feelings. It all seems so superficial now.”

“Bella, you do not have to tell me anything more than you want, but I will listen if you want to talk” I tried to reassure her. “A week here might help you clear your head.”

We walked back through the local streets, and as we got close to the hotel, she grabbed my arm, kissed my cheek and said thank you. She held my arm for the short walk to the hotel and tried to shield herself from the cool breeze. At the hotel, I took a shower and then prepared for sleep, while Bella took over the bathroom. I was nearly asleep when she gently shook my arm. In the dim light I could see she was in a singlet top and shorts. I sat up and she sat next to me.

“I know you said I was welcome to join you, but I feel like I am intruding on your break. You must be sick of all of us after this.”

“Not at all, I am glad you are here and I can share this with you.” I was still trying to focus on what she was saying, while her breasts were straining to escape from a tight top. I gave her a reassuring hug, which she returned by hugging me to, squashing her breasts to my arm. She stood up and grabbed my hand, gently coaxing me towards the bed. This was now much too fast and not for the right reasons. “Bella no, not now, not like this,” I said letting her hand go. She looked confused.

“Bella you are beautiful and I am flattered, but this might not help.”

She said nothing, but leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, smiled a little and got back into bed. I don’t think we slept much, but we were fresh and ready for the first day’s walk. The Great Wall is an incredible feat of human engineering and words alone cannot adequately describe being there. The weather was great, and we walked and talked for about four hours before stopping for a break. We had not talked about last night, but Bella started.

“I did not plan it and I did not mean to put you in an awkward position. I’m sorry.” She said.
“Don’t be sorry, I was flattered, but caught off guard.” I replied truthfully. “It’s as much me as anything, I have not tried to get into a relationship yet.” I wasn’t going to tell her about my nieces as most people could not cope with that.

We continued to walk and talk throughout the afternoon, as well as take some breathtaking photos, of the landscape, Bella, and us together. It was great to share this, and we certainly received attention and smiles from the locals as we took in the surroundings. We reached our hotel in the late afternoon, and checked into a room, this time with two beds. We were both tired, so enjoyed a quiet night, as I had told her we were going somewhere special early in the morning. I had found a small hot springs nearby, and found too that it was also a great place to watch the sunrise. We both slept better, and woke early to walk the half hour to the springs. It was quiet with only a few other people around. We were shown to the change rooms, and emerged wearing warm robes and slippers. Our host showed us to a private pool set in the rocks. The springs are fed from deep underground, and are piped to the pools scattered around the facility. Each pool is surrounded by brush fences and isolated from each other and has both hot and cold pools. Alternating between each invigorates the body and skin, but the cold pool can be bracing.

I took off my robe and stepped into the hot pool. It was heavenly. I turned round to face Bella, as she too dropped her robe, revealing her naked body. She walked over stepped into the pool and swam over to me.
“I don’t care about rebounds, I want to be with you on this trip and I hope you do too.” She had a big smile on her face.

I was lost for words. She is a beautiful woman, and outside Ash and Renee, I have not seen another woman naked since my wife’s death. She sat on my lap and kissed me gently on the lips.

“I.don’t kno…..” I started to speak but again was stopped by her lips on mine again, this time with more feeling and vigour.

“Shh, don’t talk, just enjoy, ‘coz I am.” She replied. “If I’m naked, then you should be too”, and she reached down to grab my shorts. I stood up on the ledge I was sitting on, removed my shorts then jumped out of the pool and headed to the cold pool to cool down. My mind was in overdrive, and my dick was following, until I hit the cold water.

“Ahhhh, it fucking cold” I gasped, and jumped out nearly as fast, racing back to the hot pool. Bella did the same, but took her time getting out, ensuring I got a good look at her butt, her wet body seemed to shine in the early morning light, as she headed to the pool. She dipped her toe it and squealed. She stepped back and jumped in, with the same response. She jumped out, her nipples rock hard and pointing straight at me. I also got a good look at her again, noting she was shaved almost totally, and that her belly button was pierced. She returned to the hot pool and then straddled my legs. Her small breasts seemed to float on the water, nipples still hard as they brushed my chest. My dick began to rise again until it was pressed up between her legs. We kissed again, this time our tongues ticked each other as we seemed to melt into each other’s embrace.

“This is a beautiful place Will, thank you.” Her hands massaged my chest, gently rubbing my nipples causing them to become almost as hard as hers. My hands too found one nipple, gently rolling it between my thumb and finger, causing her to gasp and push down on my lap a little more.

“Turn around Bella, look at the sunrise.” I replied, picking her up in the water and turning her around to see what I could. The sun was almost above the mountain at the end of the valley, and created a warm hue. She leaned back against me and I wrapped my arms around her breasts, continuing the assault on both nipples, whilst she slowly ground her backside against my hard dick. She reached down and grabbed my dick allowing it to sit against her moist warm pussy lips. She moaned quietly and stroked my penis as I continued to kiss her neck and ear. The sun rise warmed our faces as it rose slowly into the sky, Bella, rose up from my lap, and guided my dick into her warm canal. I slid in slowly and completely as she sat back down. Her back arched and I moved one hand from a nipple towards her clit. What I found surprised me, as I felt not only her clitoris, but also a small hard ball, connected to a small ring.

“It helps me cum when you rub against it Will. It has made my clit super sensitive.” Her voice was a little shaky as I slowly slid in and out of her hot and tight hole. She grabbed my hand, and guided my fingers around her clit and its little friend. She responded almost immediately and worked up and down on my dick with increased speed. “Oh fuck I coming” she breathed, and moments later, the muscular walls gripped my dick tightly, almost sending me over the edge too.

We fucked like this for 10 minutes or so, before she turned around to face me without letting me pull out. Now she wrapped her legs around my waist pulling us closer to each other. We rocked together, the water supporting our bodies not hurrying or trying to finish. We kissed slowly and passionately like a couple, and it felt right. Bella unwrapped her legs and picked up the speed, grinding her clit on my pelvis and sliding up and down on my cock. It was me now getting to the edge and I grabbed her hips to speed up too.

“Oh fuck, I am going to cum.” I grunted and released my load into her as her pussy pulsed as well. We both smiled at each other, our bodies close to each other.

We began to rock slowly setting up small waves in the pool that pushed us back and forth. Our bodies were almost joined as one, so I stood up with her still hanging on and sat her on the edge. The cool air made us both shiver a little and so picked up a little speed to warm us up again. Our mouths kissed each other as much as we could, necks, ears, breasts and nipples, sending waves of pleasure through our bodies. Bella’s body arched with pleasure as I slowly pulled out my slimy cock. She pouted her lips as stepped back a little, before leaning in to kiss my way down towards her dripping pussy. Our combined juices were oozing from her puffy slit as I gently kissed just above her clit.

“Oh my god, that’s so good. Do not stop!!” she gasped, as I circled around her clit and the metal ball with my tongue. Her clit was pulsing as I tongued around teasing her before I parted her lips and slid my finger into her. She couldn’t keep still as I continued to pleasure her pussy with my fingers and tongue. “Ahhhhhh fuck I can’t cope please stop” she moaned as she orgasmed again and fell back onto the stone surround of the pool. I let up on her and got out of the pool to lie down on my robe next to her. Her breathing had slowed and she was almost non-responsive, but smiled as I drew her next to me in a gentle hug.

“Bella, you are beautiful and I thank you for coming back to China.” I whispered into her ear. “I could get used to this.”

She laughed. “I hope so, and from now on you have to sleep in the bed with me.”

“That’s a deal I can accept with pleasure,” I replied before kissing her again slowly and passionately.

It was going to be a great break.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-06 23:20:35
such a hot story

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-18 22:37:16
Immm sooo wet


2016-01-06 14:38:43
fuck im so horny :(

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-01 21:57:15
Please ignore some of the mouth breathers that post their ignorance here. You have a good life, but mostly likely would reverse it all if you could have your wife back.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-06-27 23:14:28
Great story, one of the best that I have read...keep us in the loop!!!

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