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Things are coming together This pt is non erotic
The Way of the War After the war IV

Was I glad to see them … The first thing I had to do was to introduce them to Buck. Buck was Guarding Roper and wasn't going to let them near. I put a rope around Buck's head like a short leash and led him to each one of them . They held out their hands back first and let him sniff them until he licked their hands... Then they were accepted.

We gathered up the items that we were taking back with us including the pelts on to the second stretcher. By following their path we were able to make up a full day. The nights were still rough we slept in shifts, but it was really buck who stood our watches. We made it back to Tobias plane at noon on the fifth day. We loaded the plane and took off .

It didn't seem to matter to Buck that we had left the ground. He looked out one of the windows and barked one time, Then he curled up at my feet and went to sleep.

Tobias radioed Duluth to have an ambulance available to meet us they said they would have the Doctors awaiting Ropers arrival at the Hospital. I had begun to keep him wiped down with cool water and we continued to do so, it seemed to be holding his fever down.

We arrived at the airport and an ambulance followed us till we stopped and they were out with their gurney ready to transfer Roper from stretcher to the gurney, when in a few minutes the ambulance was on its way to the hospital. Donald drove me to the Hospital so I could look in on Erica. He took Buck to the hanger I had given him money to get a food and water bowl and the food to go in it I had him get Buck a steak too.

I entered the front door of the hospital and saw Erica's Doctor at the front desk. He looked up and saw me and smiled. I went to him and he met me with his hand outstretched. We shook and he said, “I'm glad to see you back. We woke your wife last night and as near as we can tell she is going to be alright.”

I headed up to her room on the third floor. Outside of her room I found Dotty, Louise and Carol with their husbands. There were also two Officers I didn't recognize at first, That is until they smiled and stuck out their hands... It was then Capt., now Colonel, Jonas. And then Lt , now Major , Sanders. We all shook hands I received a kiss on the cheek from the girls.

Col, Jonas said they would wait in the hall while I went in and saw my wife. I left them with out further adieu. Erica was waiting.

She was a vision of loveliness laying there in her bed, Though it was obvious she had had a dramatic event . Her eyes were closed, I leaned over and kissed her lightly. Her eyes flew open and her one good arm wrapped around my neck. I was so afraid I was going to hurt her, she still was a mass of tubing poking out everywhere.

She smiled and said, “What is this they are telling me... you get me stuck in a Hospital so you can run off and go camping.” I was stunned and my tongue was getting twisted and nothing was coming out at all. She was laughing at my befuddlement and finally let me off the hook by quietly asking, “How's Roper?”

After we had visited for awhile there was a knock on the door It was Louise can we come in yet. Erica told them to come on in. They lined the wall. Col. Jonas cleared his throat . Erica said, “What is it … what else has gone wrong... come on Col. What is it.”

“Erica do you understand what your husband and these three girls are capable of doing with their minds.?”

“ Chad tried to explain it a couple of times but... I am not sure I understand completely.”

“Some how they can communicate Chad sends in a relay to Carol and Louise then on to Dotty and back instantaneously, with action if necessary. And that Erica is the gist of what they do. We have studied them in the lab and in the field no one understands how they do what they do. We have ran more blood tests and have found an anomaly and we need to test Chad's Blood an sperm.”

I told him not today. I intended to spend the evening right where I was. “By the way what was so important bout all this that it had to be brought into Erica's room?”

Col. Jonas face turned red an he tried to explain, “The anomaly deals with propagation and with the mind. As near as we can ascertain this goes all the way back to their child hood. Some how they were linked as children. Erica we know that you are already pregnant, which means it is not a total lock. “

Erica frowned.... “Wait a minute.... what you are saying is for Dotty, Carol and Louise to conceive it would have to be done by Chad?” She looked at me and could tell by the incredulous look on my face I knew nothing about any of this. Hell I hadn't even told her about Buck as yet.

Col Jonas , “We think so... at least the first time. We have even tried to implant her husband's sperm, which is very lively, by hand. Dotty' s egg rejected the sperm. That is why we need to run the tests on Chad.”

Erica was shaking her head, “ Now if this don't take the cake. Chad has told me about all his early Sex life. It consisted of playing around and oral... He never went all the way with any one until I instigated a tryst in Germany. And now you tell me I have to share him to impregnate 3 other women. Just what does their Husbands have to say?”

Ralph spoke up, “ For me it is a little different I was injured in the war and can't have childeren. We asked Chad to make Louise pregnant... He refused he said it was your decision not his.” I felt her hand tighten on mine.

Dotty 's David said “We have been trying for 5 years. I came from a big family and cant foresee going through life without children if that is what it takes So be it.”

Carol's Jacob, “ I feel that if that is what it takes then I have to be satisfied.”

“You run your tests tomorrow and I will begin to think about it.... I and I alone.”

We talked late into the night till the nurse came in and told me I would have to leave. I told Erica about Buck she told me she had a dog when she was young and she missed it. I kissed her good night and realized it had been trying on her.

I stepped into the hallway and found Donald asleep in a chair. I woke him and asked what he was doing here. He reminded me I didn't have a car here it was at the hanger. I thought so is Buck.
Donald dropped me at the hanger, Buck was glad to see me I knew I couldn't take him to the hotel. I walked him out back on our small patch of grass where he could take care of business. I didn't feel like leaving him alone so I curled up on the Hanger office floor I used a parachute for a pillow and wrapped up in a blanket Buck curled up to me so I was quite comfortable.

I woke during the night and thought about what could be facing me. I also thought of the times I was close to having sex with one of the Girls. Something always came up... I assumed it meant I wasn't supposed to make love to them.. I drifted off to sleep again.

At dawn I was awaken by a rough tongue licking my face. I got up and headed for the bathroom . I had to use my finger for a quick tooth brush. I loaded buck in the car and drove to the hotel. I asked at the desk if it was okay to take buck to my room. The desk clerk said as long as he didn't make a mess. I called a Real Estate lady and asked about short term rental houses. One of the requirements was a fenced large back yard. I gave her the Hospitals Phone number. I dropped Buck at the hanger.

I arrived at the Hospital and headed straight for Erica's room. I gave her a kiss and told her about the house search. Erica pushed the call button and a nurse was quick to enter the room. This must have been planned, she was pushing a tray table on wheels it had needles and test tubes and 2 specimen cups. She brusquely told me to roll up my shirt sleeve. She tied a rubber tube around my arm,told me to squeeze my fist, wiped my arm with alcohol and zap the needle was in my arm filling a syringe with my blood. She pulled out the needle and put a cotton ball on the puncture and a band aid over it. She handed me the cups and pointed at the bathroom, “Urine in the larger and you know what to do in the other... Call me when you are through.”

I looked at Erica she was almost in Hysterics at my discomfort. I entered the bath room. Pulled out my pecker and peed in the urine cup and put the lid on it. Then I picked up the other cup... I looked at my drooping pecker... and thought this is not going to work. The door opened and there stood a vision. One I have thought about on occasion … There stood Maria, Johan's wife tiny exquisite beautiful Maria.... and …. she was naked.

I was so stunned I could not move. She reached with her tiny hands and grasped my cock.... BOING it was no longer drooping. Maria began to stroke me ooh her hand was so soft. She leaned down and took me into her mouth after only a couple of strokes I had to push her away she grabbed the cup and continued to stroke me. I was on the verge of exploding when she put the head of my cock just inside the cup and held her hand over the rest of the cup so not to lose very much. I almost filled up the cup.

Maria put the lid on the cup sat it down on the back of the commode, washed her hands, kissed me on the cheek and whispered , “We say nothing about the mouth... Okay.” She open the door and was gone. All I could think about was Johan was going to kill me. I stepped out of the bathroom and the nurse was waiting to take the specimen cups from me and she was gone.

I looked around the room and Johan and Maria were smiling . Johan said, “Did Maria help? Erica suggested she try because she knew you would have problems. “

Their smiles were infectious and I returned the smile and I jokingly replied , “I couldn't have done it without her.” They thought I was joking but I was absolutely serious. Johan was dropping Maria off before heading to the hanger. I asked him to make sure Buck had food and water. About a half hour later the phone rang … it was the Real Estate lady she had a couple of houses for me to look at. Maria said for me to go ahead she would be here. I kissed Erica and started to leave, Maria said “Hey!” I looked at her she had her finger tapping on her cheek I looked at Erica she was grinning. I shook my head and leaned over and kissed Maria on the cheek.

I met the Realtor at the first address it was a large house but the fence in the back yard did not enclose the yard completely. So that one was out. The second one was a 5 bedroom with two master suites a country kitchen and a huge screened back porch the back yard was at least a half acre with a 6 foot cyclone fence and a privacy fence on three sides. The rear had shrubs so thick it was not in need of a privacy fence. There was also an access gate to the back yard near the 2nd Master bedroom. It was also a corner lot. It was fully furnished and available today.

Looking at the third house was just a formality. I took the option on the second for three month with the option to renew. We filled out the paper work and I wrote a check for the full amount $575.00 which included a $50.00 Deposit. We would be walking in tall cotton. Average house rent in 1945 was just $60.00 a month. Thanks to all of my Pay being sent to the bank and most of it being invested by a very astute person who was on the inside of government purchasing My money had increased ten fold. I will have to admit I did bring a large sum back from Germany. Thanks to the Abwehr, I was able to requisition American money that they used to supply their spies. After I had the money thanks to Dotty the ink would fade till it was unreadable. The Army had no reason to know of this money. It was eventually divided between my staff and the Girls. I won't say how much lets just say excess of 7 figures.

With the help of the Realtor I got all the utilities and phone turned on. One MBR was down stairs. There was a hall bathroom just outside the living room. Up stairs there were two bedrooms that shared a Bathroom. Across the hall was the upstairs bathroom which was attached to the third bedroom. The second MBR was actually a two bedroom suite over the Garage and it had an entrance from the upper Hallway and it had a private entrance outside. The garage was a three car with work shop.

I called the Hospital and gave Erica the phone number, then did the same with the hanger except I told them to come to the address and to bring Buck, food and all. I called back to the Hospital to inquire about Roper. The desk transferred the call to his room … Tobias answered... He said Roper had been going in and out of consciousness but the DR. felt he was out of danger. But they had him in a full body cast except for his right arm and leg. Most of his ribs were broken but luckily his lungs weren't punctured. The Dr says to thank you for that. I gave him The address and phone number and I reminded him not to forget the fishermen Roper had flown in and dropped off. He said they were scheduled to be picked up in three days. He was still handling the business, today he was giving Roper's wife a break

Johan and Donald stopped by and picked up their wives, Carol and Dotty was with Erica. They arrived at the house. They were all walking around with their mouths agape. I showed them the downstairs bedroom and MBR and the rest of the living spaces, We started up the stairs and I showed them the two bedrooms that shared the same bathroom . The bedrooms were larger than two normal bedrooms, Mina and Maria began to choose which bedroom was theirs. It was decided the one nearest the stairs was Johan and Maria' s. I showed them the MBR suite over the Garage. They immediately thought it was perfect along with the third bedroom for the girls and their husbands,

I had to agree... And Buck was getting tired of the inside so I opened the the Garage MBR and down he went into the back yard. We watched him as he marked his territory then he rolled in the grass he acted like he was home. All I had to do now was get his food and water set up for him.

The next thing was to get everybody checked out of the Hotels and move their things into the house. I had keys made for everybody and notified the girls so they could move in also. The out come was Carol and Jacob took the third bedroom, Dotty , David , Louise and Ralph the suite.

The next day I walked into Erica's room Col Jonas and Maj Sanders was waiting. I almost turned around and left. I might have done it but Erica was hanging on to my hand. “Okay what is the verdict.”

Maj Sanders said, “Rather than go over it again we are waiting for the rest of the Clan.” A few minutes later they came drifting into the room. When they were all settled down. The Col. Began.

“We ran the test and yes the anomaly was found, not in Chad's blood but in his sperm. Chad's blood is different also. Chad did you have the usual child hood diseases?”

“ I don't remember bring sick at all while growing up. I cut my foot with an ax when I was twelve momma bandaged it and the next day it was almost well. I do still have the scar.'

“May I see it?” I took off my shoe and sock clearly evident between the first and second toes was a 2 1/2 “ scar.

“How in the hell did a cut like that heal over night?” Ralph was bent over looking at my foot and shaking his head.

“That is one of the anomalies we came across in Chads Blood. Chad is also a universal blood donor. He can donate to anyone and if he donates whole blood the donee could benefit in other ways.”

“But back to the reason for the tests. The anomaly in Chads sperm... it is our feelings that before the Girls … at least the first time...can get pregnant Chad will have to be responsible. After the anomaly is joined we will have to run the tests again to see if the barrier is removed.” “ We believe is that the genes has to be passed. And after it is done there will be no problem the second time.”

“And now the ball is in your court Erica.”

I spoke up and said, “ Don't I have a say in this?”
The answer from everyone was a resounding “NO!” I sat back down and shut up.

Erica looked up and around the room.... “ I have given this much thought and have come to a decision … I try not to be selfish in my daily life... but what you are asking is the use of my husband for I don't how long. Not just of him but of his most private self... I am laying in this hospital bed injured in such away that sex is out of the question and have over a month of this to look forward too. The other thing is I am over six months pregnant. By the time I get out of here it will be getting to close to take a chance. Do you now understand what you are asking?”

The room was quite and still no one moved, I cleared my throat...

Every body looked my way and said, “SHUT UP!” I closed my mouth.

“Now that … that is understood.... I have heard about the new house... lots of beds. I can not take away you ladies chance to become pregnant so I will agree.” they started to Mumble … She held up her hand... “But there will be rules Number 1) Not one of your asses enters the lower bedroom that belongs to my husband and I... Number 2) No oral ...Number 3) No anal.... Number 4)... You have until my 9th month starts, then pregnant or not it is over.... Number 5) he still continues to spend time with me every day... Number 6) every week you will be tested if you test positive you are out...
Now all of you except my husband get out of here and say nothing.”

They all left and Erica says ,“Okay Girls” The bath room door opened and Mina and Maria stepped out. Did you get all that.. They nodded.

Mina laughed and asked, “How about us do we get to try him too.”

Erica laughed, “ Just once.”

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2021-01-29 00:24:04
weird! Love it!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-27 02:59:40
Liked the story. Will I ever see a part 5 -6 etc.


2015-07-27 19:36:34
Story has gone from good, to sublime, and now to ridiculous.

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