Fantasm, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Humiliation, Incest, Male Domination, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Slavery, Spanking, Written by women
Katie's Stepdad gets fed up with his daughter's antics and trains her to be his pet bitch.
Daddy's Little Bitch
by Katie Spencer (
Chapter 1
Katie wasn't sure if she was the prettiest girl in town, but she damn well knew she was the hottest. She had just turned 18 and was beginning her senior year in high school. She was 5'4" and 120lbs with curves for days, long wavy brown hair, and a deep dark tan. She had developed large breasts at around the age of 12 and the attention of men... of all ages... quickly followed. By the time she was 14 she was the possessor of a perfect, perky 36DD chest and a master's degree in manipulating the opposite gender.
Because of this, Katie got pretty much whatever she wanted. All she ever had to do was make her desires known, maybe flirt a little bit, and boys and men alike would bend over backwards to try to make her happy. From drinks to jewelry to test answers to designer purses, it didn't matter... anything she wanted was hers. She had never held a job, men bought her everything she wanted. She had never studied, nerds did her homework and male teachers gave her passing grades no matter how poorly she performed. That kind of treatment tends to corrupt a person and Katie was no exception. In fact, after years of that she had become the dictionary definition of a spoiled bitch... and she loved it.
She lived out in the Arizona desert in a trailer, just her, her step father Ted, and the dog kennels that he ran. Katie's mother had run off with another man and left Ted with a struggling business and a step daughter that he couldn't stand. It was an incredible burden taking care of and training the dogs and sometimes it seemed like Katie went out of her way to make things more difficult.
Ted had tried over and over to get Katie to help out around the house and with the family business but she had proven completely useless. She had a terrible attitude and any time she was given a chore to do, she would complain and put up a fuss. And then when he finally got her to do it, she did such a lousy job that he had to go clean up after her and redo it the right way. Ted could train a dog to do just about anything on command, why couldn't he get his step daughter to do anything he said?
Not only was Katie more than useless around the house, but even worse, she was also a huge cock tease! She would sleep in nothing but a little baby girl t-shirt and panties and walk around the house like that all morning on her days off. Even worse, she would tan nude in the back yard within eye shot of the trailer, even when Ted was home! He wasn't sure if she was doing it to him on purpose to torment him or if she was just too dumb to know any better. Either way, the fact that he hadn't been with a woman since his wife had left him made Katie's little exhibitions downright unbearable.
Katie always showed off her sexuality. When she walked she waggled her ass and made her tits bounce. Far from dressing modestly she often wore tiny little tank tops, bootie shorts and miniskirts. She didn't own a single top that didnt either expose at least some cleavage or cling to her chest tightly. She knew what her best feature was and she wasn't going to hide it. She didn't see anything wrong with that. "Some girls get the big brains, I got the big tits!" she told herself. "What's wrong with taking advantage of what god gave me?"
Right around the time her mother left, Katie had decided that tan lines were unacceptable. They lived way out in the country and Katie had taken to using the back yard for her own personal nude beach. Katie knew her step father peeked at her when she was out there but it didn't really bother her. In fact, she thought it was funny to make the old pervert suffer.
Ted would peek out the back windows at her, he couldn't help himself. He felt a little pervy about it but she was 18… and clearly a mature woman! Sometimes he would even jerk off while he watched and fantasize about her. He thought she knew about it but couldn't be sure. She would do things out there sometimes that seemed to be intended for him. It looked like she was intentionally putting on a show every time she applied tanning oil, massaging it into the soft skin of her breasts and butt cheeks.
One time the tanning oil slipped out of her hands and instead of getting up to get it, she crawled over to it to pick it up. Crawled! Bare round little ass exposed to the world, swinging back and forth like a bitch in heat. Tits hanging down under her like massive tanned cow udders. He had cum immediately and thought about it many many times since.
In the fall Katie would be going off to college somewhere and then he would be rid of all the incredible temptations. He couldn't wait!
And then one afternoon, fate intevened. Katie was called into the principal's office and despite all her pleading and crying she was expelled. The new principal was a no nonsense woman and she had no patience for Katie. She had been caught cheating, a pattern had been discovered, and she was to be made an example of. Katie had finally gotten herself into a situation that her boobs couldn't get her out of.
It was much later that day when Katie finally got dropped off at home. Ted was waiting in the living room of their trailer home watching ESPN classic. Jordan had the ball with 30 seconds to go but Ted lost interest immediately when he heard the car pull into his driveway. He heard the sound of laughter and high heels on gravel and then there she was in the doorway. Braless, titties bulging out of her two sizes too small tank top, three inch heels that made her 5'4 frame look long and lean and a tiny mini skirt that was hiked up so that it barely covered her round little butt, Katie stood there with a big smile on her face.
"What are you smiling about?" Ted asked her in a low voice. "And why are you coming home so late?" She stumbled a little and hiccoughed, obviously she had been drinking some. "And have you been drinking?"
"Fuck off, fuck face!" She laughed to herself at how clever her comeback was. "I was just out having a little fun with my friends! You remember what fun is don't you old man?Ooh, is there any of that pizza left over from last night?" She walked into the kitchen, swaying a little on her high heels, stumbling every few steps, the swinging of her fat little ass accentuated by her heels, tits jiggling as she moved.
"Don't you ignore me damnit!" Ted surged to his feet and stomped into the kitchen, grabbing her by the arm and spinning her around. "I got a call from your school today and you've been expelled! For cheating!! Is that how I raised you? To be a cheater? How are you gonna get into college now? You can't even get most jobs these days without a high school diploma. And then you come home 8 hours late... and DRUNK!?!
"Ow! Get the fuck off of me you dickless FUCK!" She shouted trying to push him away and stumbling around in his grip. Ted was getting angrier and angrier at the disrespectful little bitch and more and more out of control with every second.
"No god damnit, you're not gonna get your way this time! In fact I'm gonna teach you some manners right now young lady!" Ted said, trying to shake some sense into her but all he accomplished was to make her massive jugs shake around under her tight little tank top. He looked down at her tits and then back up at her face, a crazy look in his eyes. "And where the hell is your bra?! Are you too dumb to even remember to put on a bra? You look like a god damned whore Katie! Is that what you wanna be, a GOD DAMNED WHORE!?"
He reached down, grabbed the front of her tank top and tore it open with one hard yank, her fat young titties bouncing out naked in the middle of the kitchen. Katie gasped and reached up to cover her breasts completely in shock. Nobody had ever treated her like this before!
Ted roughly pushed her hands to her sides and held them there. "No! Don't even pretend like you're shy! If you're gonna show off your fat cow udder tits for the whole town to see why not go all the way? I don't mind! I've gotten used to seeing them with all the god damned naked sunbathing you do around here! And I know you do it to tease me! You're a dumb bitch just like your mother! But I'm going to show you some discipline god damnit!"
Ted yanked up her skirt and started spanking her fat exposed ass, holding her firmly with his other hand. "You!" SMACK! "Will!" SMACK! "Learn!" SMACK! "To" SMACK! "Obey!" Katie danced around pleading with Ted to stop spanking her. "Please daddy stop OW STOP! NO! DON'T! Let GO!!" Her tits bounced around bare as she tried to avoid Ted's sharp blows to her behind. She was completely shocked and humiliated by this treatment. She had never been put in her place by a man before and it was terrifying!
"It hurts so bad! Stop daddy PLEASE!!" Katie cried.
Ted was breathing hard, he paused for a moment and stared at her red ass and then looked her in the eyes, enraged. "WHAT THE FUCK!? Did you forget your panties too?? God damn it Katie, you're nothing but a dumb bitch in heat! Well guess what? That's how I'm gonna treat you from now on! Just like one of the dumb disobedient bitches in the kennels, maybe then you'll learn some manners!"
Ted grabbed Katie by her hair, bent her over and spanked her bare ass a few times hard. Katie screamed for him to stop and squirmed around while she tried to pry his fingers from her hair. "Come on Katie, you know disobedient bitches aren't allowed in the house!!"
Ted walked out of the kitchen dragging Katie by her hair. He went through the living room towards the back door, keeping Katie bent at the waist, spanking her bare ass every few steps, her exposed tits hanging down from her chest swinging around jiggling. She kept stumbling in her expensive heels but her stepfather's firm grip kept her from falling.
"Ow! Where are you taking me!? Stop daddy please!! I'll be a good girl! You're hurting me!" All of Katie's cries fell on deaf ears. Ted had decided what to do with her and nothing she had to say mattered. He dragged the helpless exposed girl out the back door of their trailer, across the dirty Arizona yard to his tool shed, spanking her ass raw as they went.
"You want me to stop Katie?" SMACK! His hand was stinging from the beating he was giving this young girls fat little ass, he could only imagine how her backside was feeling.
"P-please stop daddy! Please it hurts so bad! I didn't do anything!" Katie sobbed.
"Katie, if you learn to obey me and do as you're told I won't have any reason to punish you! But for now you're just a dumb disobedient bitch!" SMACK! As they reached the storage shed, Ted turned around and looked down at his sobbing step daughter. He gave her one last big slap making her jump and squirm around, her hair still in his firm grasp. SMACK! "UNDERSTAND?!"
"Yes daddy, I'll be a good girl I promise!"
"Fine." He let go of her hair and she straightened up meekly, covering her tits with her arms, looking at him with terrified eyes. "Damnit Katie, what did I tell you about covering those tits!?" He ripped her arms away from her chest, bent her over and spanked her savagely 5 times reducing her to a sobbing blathering mess. "I'm sorry daddy! I'm s-sorry!" As she sobbed her chest heaved, the guttural sobs making her fat tits jiggle. "Can't you learn anything!? Those are MY tits now and I said I want them bare. Understand?"
"Yes daddy!" She blurted out between sobs. Katie was bawling now, her chest heaving hysterically. Was this really happening??
Ted took a moment to calm down and then began speaking. "Katie, I tried being nice to you... and all you did was take advantage of my kindness. I asked you to help out around the house... you made a mess of everything you touched. I expected you to work hard and pay attention in school... you got expelled for cheating. Being nice to you just doesn't work! So now I'm gonna try something a little different…"
"Now! It only takes me a few minutes to teach even the most uncooperative dog how to sit. Katie are you as smart as one of these dogs?" He said gesturing towards the kennels, "Can you sit for me like a good girl? "
Katie nodded her head meekly. "Katie, SIT!"
Katie slowly sank down into an Indian style sitting posture, humiliated. She started to adjust her skirt but halfway through the motion thought better of it and eased herself down on her bare ass. She winced at the pain of the prickly ground on her exposed, sore and throbbing ass.
Ted reached down roughly and grabbed her by her hair and yanked her head back. "No dummy, that's not how you sit!" He slapped one of her tits a few times hard to punish her and she gasped but knew better than to cover herself. He pulled the girl forward by her hair onto all fours, leading her in a full circle around him crawling like a dog, her tits hanging down swinging, ass up in the air. He grinned broadly as he watched the girl crawl, remembering the time she had teased him just like this while she was tanning. Things had certainly changed since then!
As she moved around him he reached out and gave her a few hard slaps on her exposed butt, making her yelp and crawl faster with each blow. "Katie, you are so fucking stupid! Don't you get it? You are a nothing but a dumb bitch... MY dumb bitch! You don't sit indian style anymore! When I tell you to sit, THIS is what I want." He said, holding her hair with one hand, pushing her butt down onto her heels, leaving the girl in a kneeling posture with her hands on the ground. "Understand?" She nodded timidly and stared at the ground. Ted let go of her hair and stepped back a few feet. "Good."
"Now Katie, come here!" He called. "And don't you dare stand up." He added. She blushed in shame as she got up on all fours and crawled the few steps to him, head hanging, utterly humiliated. For the first time in her life she was embarassed about her tits as they hung down under her and swung around.
"Good girl Katie!" Ted reached down and sarcastically patted the back of her head, smiling to himself, thoroughly enjoying this new dynamic. He owned her now and she would learn to obey. All those years of teasing and attitude and disrespect were finally over. It would take a lot of training to get her how he wanted her but he knew he could do it. Asking her nicely and treating her like a reasonable human being had never worked. This would. She would become a perfectly behaved little pet bitch for him to play with. A perfectly behaved pet bitch with nice fat titties, a big round ass and three tight little holes for him to enjoy. He could hardly wait! But it all had to start with her learning the basics.
"Now Katie, Sit!" Katie maintained her eye contact with the ground and obeyed the command, sitting with her backside on her feet, hunched over, miserable, tears streaming down her face.
"Head up Katie! And stick those fat fucking titties out!" He reached down and gave her left boob a hard squeeze making her grimace. She quickly arched her back, making her large firm breasts stick way out in front of her. "Thats better, good girl." Ted said reaching down to pet her head.
She flinched a little when he touched her hair but remained in position. "Now STAY!" He commanded staring down at her for a brief moment to reinforce his dominance. Then Ted turned away and unlocked his shed and went inside. Katie heard her step father rummaging around for a minute inside. She could run away but to where? The nearest neighbor was 20 miles away and she wasn't even sure if she could walk that far, let alone get that far without her step dad finding her. Plus she was practically naked! She had no choice. She would have to obey for now.
Ted came out of the shed and walked behind Katie. Katie could hear something jingle. She tried to turn to see what her stepdad was carrying but he grabbed her head and roughly turned it forward. "Eyes front!" She felt something wrap tightly around her neck and something click. She reached up quickly to feel and gasped in horror. Her step father had locked a dog collar around her neck! The reality of what was happening finally began to sink in and she began to freak out. "Oh my god daddy NO! Get it off, I can't breathe, it's too tight!" She hollered, grabbing at the collar. "I'M NOT A DOGGY!"
"Yes you god damned are!" Ted shouted and grabbed her roughly by her hair and shoved her face into the dirt and savagely beat her exposed ass for nearly a minute. When he was done he stood there breathing heavily, standing over the whimpering girl.
"Listen up dummy! You were too stupid and lazy for school. You were too stupid and lazy to be any help in the family business or to get a job of your own. You're completely worthless as a daughter and you're completely worthless as a human being! So I have decided to train you to be my dumb little pet bitch! You didn't really leave me any choice. I may have failed you as a parent, but I KNOW how to train pet bitches. I've got a lot of experience in it, and you WILL learn your place. You didn't turn out to be much of a step daughter, but you're damn well gonna be a top notch pet bitch by the time I'm done with you. Got it dummy?"
Katie just stayed on the ground sobbing. Not wanting to believe that this is her new life. Not understanding how things had changed so drastically in just the last few hours.
"I own you now Katie, just like a pet dog, and you will obey me or you will be punished severely and without hesitation. Understand?"
Katie remained still gently sobbing. Ted reached down and yanked her head up and got right in her face. "UNDERSTAND!?"
"Yes sir" was all Katie could manage to say.
"Good. But from now on, no talking. Pet doggies don't talk do they?" Do they?" He said staring down at her. She shook her head timidly in agreement. "Besides, nobody gives a shit about what you have to say. Nobody ever did. Guys only acted like they were interested in the retarded shit that came out of your mouth because they wanted to see your tits. And now look, everyone can see your tits!" He reached down and began to fondle one of her marvelous firm, yet soft teenaged titties, smacking it around a bit playfully making it bounce. "See? So now nobody needs to hear your dumb ass speak." He gave her boob a hard squeeze to punctuate his point. "Understand?" The girl winced and nodded.
"And while I'm at it, pet bitches don't wear clothes either do they dummy?" He reached down and pulled the tattered tank top off her back, then he yanked off her skirt and heels, leaving her completely naked on the ground. "Now isn't that better? Are you starting to feel like a real doggy yet dummy?"
Ted let go of her and stepped back to admire his work and grinned. "So, you know how to sit now. The next thing you need to learn is how to heel. You know what that means right? You need to learn to walk on your leash like a good doggy." He reached down and clipped a short chain leash onto her collar and pulled it taught. "Now be a good bitch and walk along next to daddy. If you do a good job I won't have to punish you, ok?" Katie nodded.
Ted began to walk Katie around the yard. Her butt wobbling back and forth with each step, her tits hanging down swinging rhythmically underneath her. When he walked her near the kennels the dogs went wild, barking and jumping on the cage. Katie looked at them with wide terrified eyes, slowing down a little. Ted gave her a big smack on her exposed ass. "Keep up!" She crawled as quick as she could to catch up, her big titties jumping back and forth under her.
"That's better Katie. Hahaha! Look at those big floppy titties bouncing around!" He laughed and reached down, giving one a good hard squeeze.
Katie winced but kept crawling trying to avoid more punishment. Ted stopped and stood over her. "Sit Katie!" She obeyed, sticking her chest out like she had been taught. "Good girl!" Ted said praising her. He reached down and slapped her tits around a few times to make them bounce around and laughed again. "You know what? These big floppy titties are by far your best feature, you really wouldnt be worth very much without them! Just another dumb useless bitch. Who would want that?"
Katie knew there was some truth to what he was saying but resented him for saying it anyway. "In fact," Ted continued "you wouldn't be anything at all without them! I think I'm just going to go ahead and rename you Floppy!" He laughed out loud and smacked her tits again. "You're nothing but big floppy tits so that's what I'll call you! That's your name now, isn't it pretty?" Katie nodded pathetically. He reached down and pet her head smiling at her. "Come on Floppy!" he said and continued walking her around the yard.
It took him several hours, but Ted made sure his new pet was perfect on her leash before quitting for the day. Katie's hands and knees were raw, her ass red all over and throbbing from the near constant corrections Ted had given her.
"Someday when you've learned to be a good obedient house trained bitch I'll let you inside the house." He said leading her up to one of the dog houses outside the kennel. "But for now you sleep here." He locked her leash to the doghouse and made sure it was secure. As the padlock clicked shut the reality of being left outside in the cold overnight struck her and her eyes grew wide and panicky. "Sit Floppy." She sat as he had taught her, looking up at him with big horrified eyes. "Floppy, stay!"
Ted gave his pets tit another grope and turned to leave. Katie wanted desperately to cry out to him but she knew the punishment would be severe. He went inside the house but to her surprise he emerged a few minutes later with an big armload of her clothes in his hands. "Thank god, at least I will have warm clothing to get me through the night," she thought. But Ted just heaped them in a big pile in the middle of the yard and went back inside the house. "What in the hell is he doing with all my clothes?" She thought to herself. "They're gonna get dirty and wrinkly like that! What the hell, he's coming back with more of my stuff!"
After several trips Ted stood by the big pile of clothes, shoes purses and jewelry in his yard, smiling as he looked down at the pile then up at Katie. He called over to her, "You're not going to be needing any of this stuff now Floppy!" He smiled as he took a can of gasoline and doused all of her belongings. Before she could say or do anything he lit a match and tossed it on the pile and it went up with a big "THWOOOMPH!"
"See that fire Floppy? When it's totally burned out there won't be anything left of Katie the bitchy spoiled little cock tease. There will only be Floppy, daddy's dumb little fat-tittied pet bitch. Isn't that wonderful!?" She sat there motionless, staring at the bonfire. He walked over to her and looked down at her for a moment then said, "Try and cheer up dummy! Enjoy the fire! When it's gone it's going to get damn cold out here... and dawn is still a long time away!" He paused for a moment looking up at the starry night sky. "Well, goodnight Floppy, be a good girl and I'll see you in the morning for breakfast!" He said giving her a pat on the head and rough twist of her nipple before heading back into the house for the night.
"Daddy please... I don't want to be a doggy... please don't leave me out here!" She shouted after him. Ted turned and gave her a look like he was about to come back and beat her senseless. The girl cowered as Ted stared her down but he just turned and left her out there. Katie curled into a ball in the smelly dirty doghouse as the fire began to burn down and she felt the cold creep in...
She spent the whole rest of the night shivering and cursing her miserable life and her miserable wicked step father and trying to figure a way out of this horrible situation. Katie couldn't understand how this could be happening to her and she couldn't figure out what to do about it! After a long and restless night exhaustion got the best of her and she drifted off.
It felt like she had just fallen asleep when she was awakened by loud barking all around her and noises coming from the storage shed. Her step father appeared in front of her with two bowls and set them down on the ground. "Good morning Floppy, I hope you slept well!" He smiled as he looked down at her crawling out of the cramped dog house, still shivering. "Aw did poor doggy have a cold night outside?" She looked up at him annoyed and hateful and then she noticed the bowls of dog food and water and her eyes grew wide. Did he really expect her to eat this shit?
"Doesn't that look yummy Floppy? Show daddy how good a girl you are and eat your breakfast." She looked up at him then at the food and slowly, miserably she crawled
over to it and put her face into the bowl and got a nugget in her mouth. It was rock hard but it crumbled as she began to chew it… and it was awful! Dry and tasting like foul cardboard, how could the dogs live on this crap?
She gagged a little but got it down then washed it down with some water then went for another bite. Ted stood over her absolutely tickled pink. The sight of his bitch of a step daughter totally humiliated, naked on all fours chained up like that was too much for him. He had been fantasizing about making her his for years and he could hardly believe that now he was in the position to make his dreams reality!
Katie was absorbed in the horror of the situation, completely focused on getting this awful food in her stomach and wasn't paying attention to her step father as he stood over her grinning like a kid on Christmas. Ted walked around in front of her and yanked her head up by the hair. Suddenly she was face to face with his semi erect 8 inch cock.
Her jaw dropped and she gasped as her eyes grew wide with terror. Ted laughed. "You're such a dummy Floppy! You're not gonna be eating dog food for breakfast! This is what you're going to be eating for breakfast." He said bringing her face to within an inch of his dick. "This is what you're going to be having for breakfast... Every day!" He laughed. "But don't worry you're going to learn to love it!"
The expression or shock and terror on her face only grew more pronounced. Ted laughed even more loudly. "I know you're dumb Floppy but you can't be so dumb that you didn't see this coming! Don't you know what happens to pet bitches?" He paused, "They get fucked like bitches! What possible other use could I have for you? What possible other use could anyone have for you?" He laughed again. "So open up wide bitch! Daddy is gonna start with your mouth!" She clamped her mouth shut and looked at him defiantly, and began to back away. Ted reached down and gave her 10 whacks on her bare ass and then stood over her, holding her by the hair. The girl squirmed and yelped as he punished her but there was nothing she could do but take it.
"Now listen very carefully Floppy. You're my pet bitch and this is what pet bitches get used for! That's all they're good for and that's all you're good for too dummy! You should be proud that you're at least good for SOMETHING." Ted spoke as Katie hunched motionless in front of him. "But listen, I'm a reasonable man. If you really don't want to cooperate with me and be daddys good little pet bitch, well I won't be offended… " She looked up at him hopefully. "But you ARE a dumb pet bitch so we're gonna have to make sure you get used like one. Hmm..."
He held her hair and started looking around. "Now let's see, where are we gonna find someone else who can put you to good use? Aha! How about them Floppy?" He said looking at the dogs barking and jumping around their kennels. "I bet they wouldn't mind having a dumb fat tittied breeding bitch to keep them entertained. And hey! It looks like they like you! Yeah! In fact I think they REALLY like you! This will be perfect! Is that what you want Floppy? You wanna go play with the doggies Floppy? You wanna go play with the doggies??"
He gave her a moment to let that idea sink in. The dogs barked and howled and jumped up on the cage trying to get at her, their excitement turning into frenzy. "Oh my god would he really let all of those dogs rape me?" She thought to herself, "How horrible! How disgusting! What could be worse than that?? All he's asking for is a blowjob. That's not so bad compared to being put in with all those dogs to be their breeding bitch! They could hurt me... they could kill me!!" she thought. She looked up at her step dad and slowly, obediently opened her mouth. Ted smiled wide.
"Good girl Floppy. Maybe you're not quite as dumb as I thought!" Ted kept a firm hold on her hair and fed his hardening meat into her warm, wet young mouth. So many times he had thought about what it would be like to slide his cock between her juicy lips and get satisfaction is his little Katie's mouth. So many times he had cum jerking off to that very idea... and now it was real. And it was better than in any of his fantasies! Way better. And best of all it was his for the taking now... any time he wanted. Ted smiled. This little girl's mouth belonged to him.
Ted started to hump Katie's mouth slowly. "Suck it you dumb bitch." He leaned over and gave her ass a hard slap. He could feel the immediate reaction as she sucked down harder on his cock. "That's a good girl Floppy." Katie's wet little hole started to make a slurping sound each time he pulled his cock back before sliding it forward again. It was music to his ears! Ted kept humping her mouth as he held her by her hair rocking the girl back and forth in time with his thrusts, her tits gently swinging underneath her. He gave her ass another firm smack and she sucked even harder. "MMMM GOOOOD GIIIIRLL!" He moaned and leaned down to fondle a fat swinging udder and pinch her nipple as he fucked her mouth. Then Ted shifted gears. He took a firm grip of her hair with both hands and began to stuff his dick into her mouth harder, his large cock banging against the back of her throat.
As Ted went deeper, Katie began to gag each time he pumped, her eyes watering. She tried to resist him but he just held her tighter and continued to jam his cock into her mouth over and over, harder and harder. There was nothing she could do about it.
Ted didn't care if she struggled, he knew that she wasn't going anywhere utill he was finished with her. This was her life now and the sooner she got used to it the better for everyone. He began to fuck her face even harder making her gag loudly, her tits flopping around under her wildly. Ted's balls tightened and just as he was about to cum he gripped her firmly, pulling her to him, and forced his dick all the way down her throat.
Katie's neck bulged as her step father's cockhead forced its way into her tight virgin throat. She felt him slide the entire 8 inches in and hold it there, his balls resting on her chin, and she suddenly realized that she had no way to breath! Her eyes grew wide as her air supply was cut off and she began to squirm around but Ted held her firmly. All of the sudden Ted let out a groan and she felt his cum begin to spurt and then to gush down her throat spilling into her belly. She struggled to get away but she couldn't move. Katie's face turned bright red and she began to thrash around but Ted held her in place, his cock stuffed deep inside his young new pet's mouth.
"MMMMM Good GIIIRL Floppy!" He groaned as he held her there, his cock giving it's final twitches. Just as Katie's vision began to go black he released her hair and let her face slide off of his long spit covered cock. She collapsed to the ground in a puddle of her own drool, wheezing and gasping for air, her ass sticking up in the air, her face and tits pressed into the dirt. As she began to return to her normal golden brown color she let out a cum burp from somewhere deep in her belly. Ted stood over her chuckling to himself. I could get used to this he thought as he wiped his cock off on her ass and tucked it back into his pants. "Ok Floppy, daddy's going to town. Be a good doggy and I'll bring you a nice present... Enjoy your lunch!" He said tapping the bowl of dog food with his boot and laughing to himself as he walked off towards his pickup.
Author's note: Although many of the details in the beginning of this story are taken from my real life, the bulk is a work of complete fiction and should not be taken as anything but a girl and her fantasy. I would love to hear your feedback and if enough people are interested I will publish another chapter. Thanks! KS (
Yeah, to the idiot who said to smoke weed - bad idea. Seriously, drugs are just plain stupid. The war on drugs is stupider because it accomplishes nothing save for redirecting money people would spend legally to terrorist groups who then commit murders.
Don't buy drugs in the US, because the money will go to terrorists. If your friends or family are murdered, you'll be partially responsible for helping fund them.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Don't buy drugs in the US, because the money will go to terrorists. If your friends or family are murdered, you'll be partially responsible for helping fund them.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport