I never thought I would be going back home for a reason like this. I had walked out of my parent’s house when I was 17 and never looked back. Now, seven years later, I had received a phone call at my duty station in North Carolina that my younger sister had tried to commit suicide by cutting both her wrists. Carol is five years younger than I and looked up to me as more of a hero than a brother. I had protected her and stood up for her for years from my no good parents. If I could have taken her with me when I walked out I would have.
Through out my whole life till I left, my parents told both Carol and I that we were stupid and would never amount to anything. Now I don’t consider myself good looking, at 17 I was 5’10” and a skinny 145, but I knew that I didn’t have to take that kind of abuse, especially from my parents. So I took up both boxing and karate to vent my anger. When I walked out I stayed at my boxing coach’s house till I graduated from high school and enlisted in the Marines.
For some reason, after I enlisted I grew another 2 inches in height and bulked up to 225 pounds of hard muscle. My black hair is cut in the traditional military high & tight fashion, and I have been told that my gray eyes would turn stone cold and cause people to back up when my temper is pushed to the edge. When I left, my sister was a little on the chubby side, had silk smooth lt. brown hair that went down to her waist and the prettiest emerald green eyes. When she smiled her eyes had a sparkle to them that had you spell bound.
I will never know why my parents treated us like they did. Both of them were very successful in their professions and were well liked. In the back of my mind I felt that they contributed to my sister trying to kill herself. I prayed that this wasn’t true.
The first person that I saw when I walked into the hospital was my boxing coach.
“Coach. How are you doing?”
“Steve. I can see that you have been taking real good care of yourself. How is the leg doing?”
“Good coach good.” I had taken some shrapnel in my leg when I was serving in Desert Storm. I considered myself lucky because it hit nothing major. I still walk with a slight limp.
“Thank you for calling coach. Now how did this happen and what is going on?”
“From what I understand, after your parents had left for work yesterday, Carol filled the bath tub with warm water and then cut her wrists with a butcher knife from the kitchen. Luckily the cleaning lady came in not long after that and found her. When I heard the call come over the scanner I went straight over and got there before anyone else.” Coach also worked part-time for the volunteer fire department. “Carol wrote two letters. One to your parents, and one to you. I could get in big trouble for what I did, but I took the letter addressed to you before anyone else got there.”
With shaking hands I took the letter and started reading it:
By the time you read this it will be too late. When you walked out and left I did nothing but cry for 3 days. I cried and cried because the only person that I truly loved had left me. The only way that I could get to sleep at night was to clutch your picture to my breast. All mom and dad did was talk down about you. They called you names for years, and the harassment toward me got worse. I held on for as long as I could waiting for you to come back, but I could not take it any longer.
I love you dear brother. I love you more than anything. There were times that I loved you so much, that I wished you were more than just my brother.
I shall meet you in the afterlife Steve. Always remember me.
Love you sweetheart,
“Is she still here coach?” I asked with a silent tear running down my face.
“Yes she is son. Come with me.”
We heard the yelling as soon as we stepped off the elevator. I heard my sister who was crying, a few voices I didn’t recognize, and above everyone were my asshole mother and father. Rushing down the hall I stepped into the room.
“What the hell is going on in here?” I yelled above all the voices.
The whole room fell silent and turned toward me. No one said anything for a few seconds till my sister managed to cry:
Then my father had to throw his big mouth into it.
“So. The prodigal son has returned. What are you going to do hotshot. Tell me, what are you going to do.”
I did the one thing that I have always wanted to do. I knocked my father flat on his ass. I knew that I had broke his nose and knocked some teeth out, but damn it felt good.
“Someone drag this asshole out of here and clear the room. I want to spend some time with my sister.”
My mother opened her mouth to say something, and one look from me made her close it and help my father to his feet. After everyone had left, I closed the door and told coach to stand outside and make sure no one came in except the doctors. When I sat down on the edge of my sister’s bed, she was still crying and threw her arms around me.
“I didn’t think you would ever come back Steve. Ever since you left my life has been a living hell. I just couldn’t take it anymore. You don’t know how much I missed you.”
I kissed the top of her head and held her real close.
“It’s ok hun. I am here and you are safe now.”
Carol let me go and leaned back in the hospital bed. I looked into her eyes and saw that familiar shine to them that I loved. Just looking at her made my cock start to twitch and made me wish that she wasn’t my sister. Then I saw her hair.
“What happened to your hair Carol?” What was once long beautiful hair, was now rudely chopped short. It looked like someone had taken a dull pair of scissors and had cut it badly.
“Dad had really gotten onto me one day, calling me ugly, telling me I was a slut and all kind of other names. I went up to my room to cry and decided to trim my hair a little bit. Dad came barging in and started yelling again. He grabbed the scissors and started chopping my hair. That is when I decided that I couldn’t take it anymore.”
“Well sweetie, you are not going to have to worry about neither dad nor mom ever again”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well. On my way over here, I had a lot of things go through my mind. I decided that if you wanted to come back with me, you can stay with me and I will take care of you.”
Carol started crying again, sat back up and threw her arms around me again.
“Yes I will. You don’t know how much I have wanted this. Take me with you right now.”
Feeling her tits pressing up against my chest got my cock twitching again and I hoped that she wouldn’t feel it and jump away from me.
“Ok hun. I am sure the doctors will want to keep you here over night. I will be staying at Coach Jackson’s house tonight. I will come back tomorrow morning and if the doctors say it is ok, I will take you over to mom and dad’s house and we will get your stuff. You don’t have to worry about them because as long as I am there, they are going to say nothing about it. You just get some rest right now.”
I went to kiss her on her head again, and when I did she moved just a little bit and kissed me full on the lips. She had never done this before and it caught me by surprise. I knew that I had to hurry and get out of there or she would have seen my rock hard cock for sure.
“I love you Steve.”
“I love you too sweetie. Now get your rest.”
After the doctors gave the both of us some instructions the next morning, I took Carol to my parent’s house to get her stuff. The place brought back some bad memories, and it also started the war of all wars between my parents and I.
I was in Carol’s room helping her pack when my dad started his yelling.
“She is not going anywhere. She is staying right here and I forbid her to leave.”
“You have no decision in this dad,“ I yelled back. “She is nineteen, can make her own decisions and I would like to see you try and stop her.”
“I can see you still have your attitude that you had when you were younger. I ought to knock some sense into you to show some respect to me.”
“You want to try it now dad, go right the hell ahead. I will knock you flat on your ass again.”
“Steve, please listen to your father. Carol needs to stay here and finish school or she will never amount to anything,” my mother butted in.
“I don’t want to hear anything from you either mom. You stood behind dad all these years and never once stood up for your kids. You are just as bad as he is.”
“You show some respect to your mother boy,” my dad yelled back getting even louder.
“Kiss my ass dad. Carol is coming with me and I will make sure she gets done with school. Now shut the hell up.”
“That’s it. You are not my son any more, and if that bitch of a sister that you have leaves with you, she is not my daughter. Get out of my house.”
It surprised me when my sister went around me and got in my father’s face.
“Fine dad. Let it be that way. I am getting tired of living in this house like this and I am not going to take it any more. I am leaving with Steve and if you don’t like it you can kiss my ass.”
My dad raised his hand like he was going to slap Carol and when he did I stepped in front of her.
“Go ahead and hit her you asshole. Because when you do I will break your arm off and stick it up your ass.”
Dad looked at me, put his hand down, and then walked away for the last time.
I turned around to Carol, “Come on. Let’s get out of here. This place is starting to stink.”
When we got on the road I turned to look at Carol. “What would you like to do now hun?”
“When do you have to be back?”
“I took some emergency leave and still have a few days before I have to report back in. If I need to take more all I have to do is call.”
“Let’s stop up in the Appalachian’s then. I have never been there and I want to spend some time with you.”
I turned to look at those beautiful emerald eyes that I loved. “Ok sweetie, we will.”
When we finally stopped I gave Carol some money and told her to go in and get us a room. When she got back in the car she had a slight smile and directed me to our room. When I opened the door I turned around to my sister.
“There must be a mistake. There is just one queen size bed instead of two.”
“No mistake brother. I asked for it. I loved it when you would let me sleep with you when we were younger and I want to be close to you again.”
“That is when we were younger. This is different now.”
“Please let me be with you tonight. Then we can get separate beds.”
“Okay, for tonight only.” Then I walked into the room.
After we got settled, had a nice sit down late dinner, we decided to call it a night and turn in. I was tired from the driving, and I needed to change the bandages on Carol’s wrists. After I took the old bandages off, I told Carol that she could take her shower first and I would get the new bandages ready. When she came out, she was wearing a large nightshirt that came down to just below her hips. I could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra because her nipples were sticking straight out. When she sat down on the bed for me to fix her wrist’s, her shirt rode up a little bit, and it looked like she wasn’t wearing any panties. I felt my cock start to twitch, and knew that I would have to step back a little bit before it got too hard. Standing up I told her that I was going to take a shower and would be right back out before too long.
Stepping underneath the hot water I starting thinking about Carol and may cock started to get bigger and bigger. Before too long it got to its full size and the only way I could think of to get it back down was to masturbate. Grabbing hold of it and pumping up and down I imagined I was buried deep in Carol. If a cock could have gotten bigger mine did. Before too long I felt myself getting close and I started moaning. I had to keep it kind of quiet or Carol would have heard me in the next room. After a few more strokes, I blew my load all over the shower wall. I had never cum so hard and so much. After waiting a few minutes for it to shrink, I got out, toweled dry, and put a pair of boxers on. Opening the door I realized that the light had been turned out and Carol was in bed with her back toward me.
“I didn’t think you would ever get out of the shower so I decided to get in bed.” Carol told me without turning around.
I turned out the bathroom light, let my eyes adjust to the dark, and then climbed into the bed. As soon as I was settled, Carol turned over, wrapped her arms around me, and when her tits pressed up against my arm, I knew that she was totally naked.
“Ummmm, Carol.” I managed to choke out.
“Shhhhh. I just want to feel you right now.”
Slowly she started to rub her hand along my chest. Massaging my nipples, then pinching and pulling on them. I could feel my cock getting hard again.
“Face me Steve, please.”
I did as she did and turned toward her. When I did she started kissing me. At first I kissed her as a brother would, but after a few times she started to stick her tongue between my lips. I was shocked; I didn’t know what to do. My cock was getting even harder.
“Steve, you don’t know how long I have been wanting to do this with you. I have always thought about you, dreamed of you, and some of those dreams were very erotic. Sometimes when I woke from those dreams I would have to masturbate myself. I have always loved you more than a brother, and I want to thank you for coming back and saving me from the hell I was in.”
“Hun, I know that you love me, and I deeply love you. But you don’t have to do this.”
“I want to Steve, I want to.”
She started kissing me again, and I couldn’t help myself as I started kissing her back. Our hands were roaming over each other’s bodies, and we were just lost in the thought of loving each other. My hands found her breasts, and while they weren’t big, they fit into my hands perfectly. I started rubbing her nipples with the palms of my hands, moving in circular motions. She moaned while kissing me, and I knew that she was enjoying herself. I started kissing around her face, kissing her closed eyes and tasting the silent tears that were flowing. I moved over to her ears, and started nibbling on the lobes. I slowly blew in her ears and felt her shudder while she was running her hands through my short hair. I then moved down to her neck and started to kiss and nibble her neck. Slowly I kissed my way down to her tits and took the left one in my mouth. Carol let out a loud moan, and started thrashing around a little bit on the bed. I was kind of glad then that there were not that many people in the hotel because they would have surely heard us. After sucking on her left tit for a few minutes I moved over to the right one. I know that I have Carol out weighed by a good 75 pounds at least, but all of a sudden she pushed me on my back and straddled me in one quick motion.
“You don’t know how much I have been wanted to do this. Just lay there and let me do what I want to.”
I could do nothing but look at her beautiful face and smile.
She gave me a deep french kiss and started moving her hands up and down my chest. She kissed me around the face and neck like I had done her, and then started working her way down. When she got to my nipples, she sucked and nibbled on them causing me to moan from the pleasure and feelings that I shot through me. Carol started kissing down my stomach with her soft lips and I knew what she would be doing next.
When she got to the top of my boxers, she grabbed the sides and slowly started pulling them down while kissing me from one hip to the other. At one point she had to pull up on the boxers to get it over my hard cock. Not once did she touch it while doing this. She started kissing me down one leg while she was pulling my boxers down. When she got down to my feet she threw my boxers on the floor and sucked on my toes. When she kissed the bottom of my feet, I almost jumped off the bed.
Looking up at me and laughing she asked, “Ticklish?”
“Just a little bit,” I laughed back at her.
Kissing my other leg she moved back up my body again. When she got to my cock, she touched it for the first time. Taking it around the base she slowly started pumping it and looked up at me. I saw the smile on her face, and the beautiful sparkle in her eyes. She took the head in her mouth and slowly sucked the whole thing in till her nose was buried in my pubic hair.
I leaned my head back and said, “Oh shit.”
I felt her taking my cock in and out of her mouth. When she came up, she ran her tongue over and around the head and then back down. Not once did she speed up, she just took her time moving it in and out, using her tongue, and every now and then lightly use her teeth. After a few minutes of this I could feel myself starting to build up some serious pressure in my nuts.
“Sweetie, I am getting close.”
She did nothing but started to speed up a little bit.
In and out, up and down. She kept going. When I knew that I would explode any second, she garbed hold of my nuts and started massaging and lightly squeezing them.
“Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sssshhhhiiiittt.” I yelled as I finally let go. I have had sex a few times when I was in the service, but I had never blown my load like I just did. At first Carol choked a little bit, bit she took every bit of it and swallowed. When it finally started to subside, I had to lay back and catch my breath. I can’t believe that my sister made me shot like that. After I was done, I still felt my cock as hard as it was before. Carol moved back up and started kissing me again.
“Damn girl, where did you learn that?” I asked her.
“Well, you are the one who basically taught me how to read when I was younger. So when you left I started reading alot, and when I could sneak them in the house I would get books on sex. This is the first time I have done anything like what I just did. I hope I don’t do anything wrong.”
“Hun, you don’t know how good you have made me feel. I can’t believe that you have never dated or anything.”
Carol got a sad look on her face. “I never dated because I didn’t want anyone to see what kind of hell I was living in. I was scared that mom and dad would run them off.”
“Well hun, you don’t have to worry about that any more. You can date all you want to when we get back.”
“I may not want to date anyone. I have the man I want to spend the rest of my life right here in front of me.”
I smiled at her and put my hand on the side of her face. “We will talk about this when we get back hun. Right now we need to get some sleep.”
“Ok Steve, but there is one more thing that I want to do before I go to sleep.” While she said that she put herself straight over my still hard cock.
Carol picked herself up a little bit and reached for my cock. When she was up far enough she aimed it straight at her pussy lips. While looking me at me in the eyes, she slowly buried my cock deep inside of her. I knew that I tore through her hymen, but she didn’t yell or nothing. After she was completely impaled on me, she relaxed a little bit getting used to it, and then she started moving up and down. Not one time did she take her eyes off me. I reached up and took her tits in my hands and started to squeeze and pull on her nipples. Carol moaned a little bit, but kept riding my cock and looking me in the eyes. I couldn’t take my eyes off her because I knew that I could never let her go, and that this beautiful person who was slowly fucking me would be my sole mate for life. I didn’t care how wrong it was.
Carol started picking the pace up a little bit and I knew that it wouldn’t be too long before we both would reach our peak. Coral closed her eyes and stared moaning louder and louder. She grabbed both of my hands on her tits and left them there. Carol started going faster and faster.
“Cum in me Steve, please.”
We were a blur now pounding into each other. I felt my cock start to swell up and knew that I would blow at anytime again.
“I am about to cum hun,” I yelled at her.
My sisters started screaming, “Yes, I’m cuming. Oh my god.”
I felt her pussy lips tighten around me and I blew at the same time.
My sister fell on my chest with my cock still buried in her and started crying. I knew this time they were tears of happiness and not sadness. I kissed her tears away, told her that I loved her more than anything, and then we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
I see this was posted sept 28 2005 did you stop this if so you need to keep it going they need to confront mom and dad then get out and live together as man & wife
allen longReport
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