A teen step-daughter takes over where her mother left off.
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Daddy’s Little Girl
Donna’s abusive boyfriend had finally gone too far. He had made sexual advances toward the woman who lived next door to them. When the woman refused him, he had beaten her to death. He recently started serving his life sentence in prison.
I first met Donna when she walked into my office looking for a job. Being a typical male, the first thing I noticed was her looks. She was 24-years-old, about 5'5", weighed 110 to 120 pounds, and had a nice set of pointed breasts. Her curly, shoulder length, brunette, hair loosely fell around her face and over her shoulders. Her eyes, oh those eyes, were hypnotic. They were the deepest blue I had ever seen.
Donna broke my spell when she said. “I’ll do anything. I really need this job.” She explained that she was broke, needed groceries, and was about to be evicted from her house. She was desperate.
How could I refuse her? Being something of a soft touch, I hired her immediately. I even advanced her a few hundred dollars to help her get by.
The advance turned out to be a good investment. Donna was a great sales representative for my small auto parts store. Whether working the counter or delivering parts to our larger customers, Donna was efficient and productive. In addition to her ability to quickly learn about the parts we sold, I’m sure her great looks didn’t hurt sales or customer relations. When she made deliveries, the customer’s would fall all over them selves to help Donna unload their order. Donna never had to strain herself when a bunch of red-blooded men were around.
About three months after I hired Donna, we started dating. That was when I met her young daughter, Debbie. Debbie had her mother’s curly hair and those same blue eyes.
Six months after that, Donna and I married. She and Debbie came to live at my home. My wedding present to Donna was to fire her. We both wanted her to be a stay-at-home mother and wife. We had discussed it before the wedding, and Donna had eagerly agreed.
Over the next seven years, our life as a family was wonderful. Donna was a beautiful, active, and happy mother and wife. She was constantly on the go during the day.
At night, Donna was an enthusiastic slut of a lover who enjoyed all forms of sex. She frequently woke me in the morning by sucking me off. We had been married only a few weeks when Donna began staying nude whenever she was home. I, of course, didn’t mind seeing her beautiful body parading before me.
“Honey, you are a beautiful slut.” I’d tell her.
“I know, and you love it.” She’d reply. She’d then wiggle that cute ass at me and go on about her business.
Debbie was an active child. As she grew, she played soccer and softball. She took martial arts classes, and was in the drama club at school. When she was a teenager she, like her mother, began going nude, or just wore panties, around the house.
Debbie giggled and trotted off when I told her. “Little girl, go put some clothes on.” I swear she wiggled her butt at me as she left the room.
I told Donna I didn’t think it was good idea to let Debbie go nude.
Donna said. “Deb’s just a kid, and she likes the feeling of being nude. Besides, doesn’t she have a cute little butt?”
I hated to admit it, but Debbie did indeed have her mother’s cute little butt. She also had the puffy beginnings of breasts swelling on her chest. I couldn’t help myself. I had to watch as Debbie’s body slowly matured.
By the time Debbie turned 16 she, and her mother, seldom had a stitch of clothing on when at home. They were turning into a couple of regular nudists. Debbie had grown a nice little set of B breasts. She still had that cute little butt and her mother’s hypnotic blue eyes. It was getting very difficult not to admire her young body.
Just a few weeks after Debbie’s 16th birthday, Donna dropped the bombshell. She was dying. She had contracted some rare form of cancer. Her doctor had told her she could live 6 months or maybe up to 5 years, but she was going to die much too soon.
For the next 12 months, Donna was her beautiful and sexy self. She and Debbie still paraded through the house nude. Donna frequently squeezed my arm and whispered. “Isn’t Deb becoming a sexy girl?”
“Yes! She looks just like her beautiful mother. She’s going to break a lot of hearts and make some young man extremely happy.” I replied, as I hugged Donna. Debbie was indeed a sexy girl. Her athletic body was slender, tight, and smooth. Her cute little butt and expanding breasts drew my eyes every time she passed. If she weren’t my little girl..., well, never mind.
Then Donna got very sick. She seldom got out of bed. She tried, but was just not up to taking care of my needs. That bothered Donna much more than it bothered me.
For the next several months, nearly every hour she wasn’t in school, Debbie spent with her mother. Sometimes, they cried together. But more often than not, I could hear them laughing and giggling behind the closed bedroom door.
Then, shortly before Debbie’s 17th birthday, Donna called us to both her bedside. She had wasted away to only 60 or 70 pounds. She looked like a skeleton. Her breathing was labored and she could only talk in whispers. Her eyes were still as blue and bright as the day we met.
Donna held both Debbie and my hands. Shakily, she put Debbie’s hand in mine.
Looking at Debbie, she weakly smiled and said to her daughter. “Remember what I said.”
Debbie bowed her head and nodded. “Yes, Mom.”
Then looking at me, Donna smiled and whispered, “Honey, take care of Deb, and let her take care of you.” Donna weakly smiled and closed her eyes to sleep. She quietly died sometime that night.
Late on the night following Donna’s funeral, Debbie came to my room, the room I had shared with my wife, and slipped into bed with me. Even though she was nude, we innocently held each other through the night. We both cried and comforted each other. While sobbing on my shoulder, Debbie dozed off to sleep. I saw no reason to wake her just to send her to her own room.
With Donna’s help, my automotive parts store had been quite successful and had grown to six stores. They were all doing well. I had good people managing each store. After Donna died, I semi-retired so I could be both mother and father to Debbie. It was my turn to attend all of Debbie’s ball games, martial arts tournaments, and drama club plays.
Debbie still paraded through the house nude. I couldn’t help but notice Donna’s beauty had been passed to Debbie.
“Little girl, I wish you’d put some clothes on.” I don’t think she understood the affect she was having on me.
“Oh Daddy, it feels so good to be naked.” She’d say with a giggle, wiggle her butt, and walk away.
For her 18th birthday, I bought her a short silk robe. When I handed her the pretty box from an up-scale lingerie shop, she tore it open and squealed with delight.
“Oh Daddy, thank you. It’s beautiful.” Nude as usual, Debbie slipped the robe on. It barely covered the cheeks of her butt. The friction of silk on her breasts made her nipples stand out against the thin fabric.
She then hugged and kissed me. She kissed me, not on the cheek as she had always done, but full on the lips. Debbie had been acting more and more affectionate over the last few weeks.
Debbie went out that night to celebrate her 18th birthday with some of her friends. I had a rare night at home alone. It had been over a year since Donna had died, and I was feeling especially lonely. The few drinks I had didn’t help improve my mood. They only made me tipsy.
Debbie came home early. She looked upset.
“What’s wrong, little girl?” I asked through groggy eyes.
“Some jerk grabbed my boob, and I kicked his ass.”
With a grin, I said. “I guess he shouldn’t have picked on a girl with a black belt. You’ve become a beautiful girl, Debbie. I guess you’ll have that now and then.”
“I have a black belt in several martial arts disciplines, and I don’t have to take that kind of crap from anyone. Next time, I’ll bet that asshole thinks twice before grabbing someone’s boob.” She then giggled, looked me in the eyes, and asked. “Have you had anything to eat tonight?”
When I shook my head no, she hugged me and ordered me to sit and relax while she fixed a late dinner. While dinner was cooking, she fixed me another drink.
While dinner was cooking, Debbie took a quick shower. She came out of the bathroom wearing her silk robe.
She served dinner on trays in the living room and sat close beside me. After dinner, I apologized for having too much to drink.
Debbie scooted close to me and said. “It’s alright, Daddy. I guess we’re both missing Mom tonight.”
We hugged and cried again. While hugging, her robe accidently(?) fell open.
I then noticed she wasn’t nude under the robe. She was wearing one of her mother’s light blue baby doll nighties. The top accentuated and lightly hung from her firm young breasts. The panties, nearly see-through, did little to conceal the dark triangle of her pubic bush. Debbie was looking more like her mother almost every day.
“Do you like your mom’s things, little girl?”
“Oh yes, Daddy. They’re so beautiful and they fit me so well.”
“Like your mother, you make them look beautiful. You can have all of your mother’s clothes if you’d like.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” Debbie stood, pulled me up, and hugged me. Her robe fell from her shoulders and was caught at her elbows. She asked. “Daddy, do I look a little like Mom in her nightie?” She stepped back and dropped her robe to the floor.
I looked Debbie over from head to toe and back again. Debbie had grown into a gorgeous young lady, just like her mother. I told her. “Oh yes, little girl, you look very much like her.”
Debbie gently hugged me again, kissed my lips, and rubbed her breasts against my chest. She softly said. “Daddy, I want to fill in for Mom if you’ll let me.”
Still hugging, I told her. “Little girl, I, er, you can’t. That wouldn’t be right. You’re my daughter. Besides, you’re still a virgin. Aren’t you?”
“Daddy?” Debbie replied. “We both know we’re not blood relatives, and I want to give myself to you. And yes, I’m a virgin.” She cupped her firm C-cup breasts in her hands as if offering them to me.
I reached out and briefly caressed a breast before pulling my hand back. “This just isn’t right, little girl.”
Debbie reached down and rubbed my cock through my pants. It was getting harder by the second. “You do want me, don’t you, Daddy?”
Stuttering, I said. “You’re so young. What would your mom say?”
“Mom and I talked about it. She knew she wouldn’t be here for you. She wanted me to take care of you. She had me go nude to get me used to you seeing my naked body. I saw you peeking at my butt and boobs. Your looking made me feel sexy, even as a young teen. You have been so good to Mom and me. I want to give you my cherry, and anything else you want. That’s what I want to do.”
“I don’t know, little girl.” I hesitated.
“Daddy, I already love you. I love you as a daughter and a woman. Now, let me make love to you. Daddy, I want to be your daughter and your wife.”
All the while, Debbie had been gently rubbing my erect cock through my pants. Suddenly, she stepped back from me. Kneeling on the floor, she unfastened my belt, lowered my zipper, pulled my pants down, and took my cock into her soft hands. After kissing and licking my cock’s head, she slid it into her mouth all the way to her throat. She was sucking hard and playing her tongue all over my hard member as she bobbed her head up and down.
She soon had me groaning and stroking the soft hair on her head. I was muttering. “This isn’t right.” As my orgasm approached, I added. “But it feels so damn good.”
Debbie must have sensed my impending eruption by the swelling of my cock in her throat. She stopped bobbing, pulled my cock away from her throat’s entrance, and sucked even harder. Debbie took my load of cum into her mouth. She swallowed every drop. Then she sat on her heels, lovingly looked up, and smiled.
“Damn little girl, where did you learn to do that so well?” I asked.
“I told you. Mom and I talked about it. She used her toys to teach me how to give a good blowjob. Did I do OK? Did you like it?”
“It may not be right, but God yes, little girl, you did great.”
Debbie stood and asked. “Daddy, will you do me a favor?”
“Of course, little girl. Haven’t I always? What is it?” I asked.
Debbie stood, stepped back, and said. “Daddy, look at me.” She slowly turned revealing the firm fully developed body of a young woman. “I’m not a little girl anymore. If you don’t mind, would you please call me something other than little girl?”
“No problem, Honey. I’ll call you anything you like.”
I then stood, reached out, and took one of Debbie’s firm young tits in each hand. “Should I be ducking about now?” I gently squeezed and massaged her tits.
Debbie giggled. “No, Daddy. You don’t have to duck.”
I lightly brushed her nipples and quickly had them standing hard. Debbie groaned softly when I pinched her nipples. She tossed her head back and moaned. “Oh yes!”
Her mom had liked her nipples pinched, too.
It was my turn to pleasure Debbie. I pulled her
baby doll top off, dropped to my knees, and pulled her tightly to me. She stood holding the back of my head as I began sucking and nibbling her hard nipples.
Sliding a hand down her firm flat belly, I found Debbie’s panties were already soaking wet with her pussy’s lubricating juices. She stepped out to the side and spread her legs. She gasped when I pulled her panties aside and began fingering her pussy.
In just a few minutes, Debbie was moaning and groaning as I petted her pussy lips. She gasped again when I pushed a finger into her virgin hole. Before I had my finger in very far, I felt her hymen. She really had saved her cherry for me.
Debbie groaned as I fingered her hole and rubbed her hymen. “Oh yes, Daddy. That feels so good. My cherry is just for you, Daddy.”
I turned Debbie and pushed her gently onto the couch. She scooted her ass to the edge of the cushion and settled in. I pushed her soaking wet panties aside again, and quickly dove my face to Debbie’s pussy. I eagerly lapped up her juices. In no time at all, Debbie pulled my head tightly to her sopping wet pussy and shuddered to an orgasm.
I stood, lifted Debbie into my arms, and carried her to my bed. Gently laying her down, I pulled her panties off. She spread her legs. I firmly kissed her before sliding down her young, tender, and chaste body.
I resumed petting and eating her pussy. Debbie was soon writhing on my bed while she pulled my face tightly to her virgin hole. Debbie came almost instantly when I sucked her clit into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue. She rapidly and repeatedly humped her hips up to my probing tongue. She then arched her back, raised her butt off the bed, and yelled. “Oh shit! Eat me, Daddy! Eat me!”
I kept eating her pussy after she lowered her cute little butt back to the bed. As she again responded, and neared another orgasm, she pulled her knees up to her chest. Debbie was presenting me her virgin pussy and ass.
I thought. ‘Such an ass needs kissed.’ So, I stopped licking her pussy and did just that.
Debbie jumped and pulled her knees higher when I kissed her asshole. As I continued to kiss and tongue her asshole, Debbie began rocking her hips higher to give me better access. When I drove my tongue as far as I could into her ass, Debbie loudly groaned and pushed back.
“Oh Daddy, yes. My ass is yours too.” Debbie gasped.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yes! It’s yours too.”
Honey, let’s let your pussy’s cherry survive for a while longer. I want to fuck that cute little ass of yours.”
“Ummmmmm! It’s yours, Daddy. You can fuck it if you want to.”
Quickly grabbing the anal lube I had frequently used on her mother, I lubed up Debbie’s asshole and my cock. I placed my cock’s head at her puckered little brown hole. With a quick, short, push, my cock’s head popped past Debbie’s sphincter.
Debbie gasped, but pulled her knees tighter to her chest.
Slowly, I fed my cock into Debbie’s asshole. She moaned and smiled when I was fully in. After holding still for a little while, I began slow, but full strokes in her ass.
Debbie’s ass was the tightest thing I’d ever stuck my cock in. In a short time, I was about to erupt. Pulling back until only my cock’s head was still in her ass, I gripped Debbie’s thighs, and slammed fully into her depths. I dumped my load of cum deep in her bowels.
“Oh Daddy, yes! Cum in my ass. I can feel it. Ummmm, it feels so good.”
As my cock softened, I pulled out of Debbie’s ass. After pulling out, I was spent. We cuddled until we dozed off.
I awoke the next morning to Debbie sucking my cock.
It was just like her mother had come back and was waking me with a blowjob. As I erupted in her mouth, Debbie sucked all the harder and swallowed every drop.
After working half a day, I returned home to a naked Debbie happily making lunch. A gentle swat to her ass, brought a smile to he lips. She turned and said. “Daddy, if it’s OK with you, I want to be your daughter when we go out, but I’ll be your slutty wife here at home.”
“Damn girl, you’re getting more like your mother everyday. She too was a lady to the world, but in our room, she became wanton slut.”
Debbie grinned broadly and returned to her cooking. Barely above a whisper, I heard her say. “I know.”
After lunch, Debbie and I went to town. Before returning home that evening, we had a romantic dinner at a one of the better restaurants in town.
During dinner and on the ride home, we talked about Donna and her wish for her daughter, Debbie, to come to me at the right time. Donna had made Debbie promise to wait until she was at least 18-years-old.
Debbie told me her mother had used her toys to demonstrate how to give a blowjob. She had encouraged Debbie to practice frequently with the toys. Donna had also demonstrated to Debbie how a cock can fit nicely inside even the tightest pussy and ass. Her mother had insisted Debbie not use the toys on herself that way. She was to save her cherries for her Daddy. It was Donna who told Debbie to wake Daddy with a blowjob whenever possible.
Upon returning home, Debbie disappeared into the bathroom to prepare herself for the night. We both knew this would be the night she lost her virginity.
After what seemed an eternity, Debbie came to me in the living room. She had put on one of her mother’s long white night gowns. That was an appropriate choice given the events that were about to occur.
Debbie was absolutely beautiful. The white satin gown reached nearly to the floor and flowed around her as she entered the room. Its spaghetti straps held the soft material over her breasts. The V neckline plunged nearly to her belly button and revealed a great deal of Debbie’s pert breasts. Her nipples, already erect, were making a definite impression on the satin of her robe, and me.
I rose to my feet as Debbie came to me. We hugged. She smelled delicious.
Debbie took both my hands in hers, kneeled, and, with a look of love in her eyes, said. “Daddy, I promise to be the best wife I can be for you. I promise to keep myself always ready and willing to please you both in and out of bed. I promise to do my best to satisfy your every want and need. You can use me anyway you wish as long as it is with love. I love you, Daddy.”
I pulled her to her feet, hugged her tightly, and kissed her passionately. I then kneeled in front of her, and said. “Debbie, I promise to give you the loving care you deserve. I’ll do my best to keep you happy, satisfied, and free from want. From now on, you will be my daughter and my wife. I love you, too, Debbie.”
After a long hug, Debbie giggled and whispered in my ear. “My ass is still a little sore, but I’ll be fine. You can have anything you want from me tonight.”
I then picked her up, cradled her in my arms, and carried her to our bed. Gently laying her down, I slid in beside her. Debbie seemed a little nervous.
I cradled her shoulders in my arm and soothed her as I stroked her soft hair. As she relaxed, I fondled her tits through the satin of the night gown. Her nipples soon became hard as little pebbles. I slipped the nearest gown strap off her shoulder and exposed her tit. Then the other strap fell away exposing the other tit. I sucked and lightly nipped one nipple while I rolled and pinched the other.
When Debbie began moaning, I let my hand glide down her belly and began pulling her gown up. When the gown was bunched at her waist, I reached down and petted her soft bush. She wasn’t wearing any panties.
Debbie spread her legs. Her breathing was becoming a bit ragged.
I covered her entire pussy with my hand. Slowly, I began sliding my fingers up and down her slit, occasionally brushing her clit. When Debbie arched her back and lifted her butt off the bed, I slid a finger into her hole until I felt her hymen.
Debbie was soon writhing on the bed. She hugged me, and whispered in my ear. “Daddy, I need you. Please make love to your new wife.”
I rolled on top of her willing body, and placed a love bite on the flesh between the mounds of her breasts. Squeezing both tits firmly, I scooted up and kissed her moutn. I placed me cock’s head at the opening to Debbie’s virgin pussy.
She spread her legs as wide as she could.
A little push, and my cock’s head separated her pussy’s lips. I entered her hole slowly until I bumped into her resisting hymen. “This will hurt, Baby.” I warned.
“I know. Mom told me it would hurt the first time, but the pain will be gone soon. It’s just part of being a new wife. Do it, Daddy.”
With one mighty shove, my cock shot past Debbie’s barrier and drove into her depths.
Hugging me tightly, Debbie, gasp and cried out. “DADDY!” A single tear trickled down her cheek which I kissed away.
Holding very still, deep inside her newly stretched hole, I gave my darling time to get used to being filled. Then, with slow, shallow strokes, I began moving in and out. “OK, Baby?”
“I will be soon. Go on, Daddy. Do me.” She whimpered.
My strokes grew longer, but were still slow. When Debbie began responding to me by rocking her hip in time with my thrusts, I increased the speed and length of my strokes.
“I’m feeling much better now.” She said as she raised her knees. “Go ahead, Daddy. Give it to me.”
She was immediately given full, deep, hard thrusts. My balls slapped her ass each time I plunged into her tight hole’s depths. Fucking such a tight pussy soon had me nearing an orgasm.
Debbie wrapped her legs around mine and pressed up to me with each ram she got. She seemed to be losing control. She was involuntarily and rapidly thrusting back at me. Bringing her legs up and wrapping them around my hips, she cried out. “Oh God!” She lifted her ass off the bed and held us both in her air. Debbie was practically quivering as her orgasm overtook her.
That was all I could take. I slammed into her pussy and pumped my load of cum deep into her. Her cervix and womb were bathed in cum for the first time.
“Oh, Daddy! I can feel your cum filling me. It’s so warm, and it feels so good.” Debbie cooed.
I stayed on top and in Debbie until I went soft and my spent cock fell out of her. We cuddled until we dozed off to sleep.
I was awoken the next morning by Debbie licking the dried blood, cum, and pussy juice from my cock. She then gave me one hell of a deep-throat blowjob. As my cock swelled just before I started cuming, she shoved it into her throat. I pumped my cum down her gullet straight to her belly.
We cuddled and petted a while after the blowjob.
I startled Debbie when I jumped out of bed. I went to Donna’s jewelry box, and returned to Debbie. She was sitting on the edge of the bed with a look of confusion on her face.
I kneeled in front of her, and asked. “Debbie, I love you. Will you do me, and your mother, the honor of wearing her rings?”
“Oh Daddy. Yes!”
I slipped the rings on her left hand. With tears flowing down her cheeks, Debbie practically strangled me with hugs and kisses.
My daughter and I live as a married couple and have since she was 12. We fuck regularly and find ways to keep the joy alive. I love sinking into her sweet pussy and she loves the feel of my cock in all her holes. When I cum deep inside her, I feel all her love for me.
we love these stories and have done a few ourselves. Thanks!
we love these stories and have done a few ourselves. Thanks!