We arrived back home a weak before School began . Most of the town had heard about me being kidnapped. Each one of them had their own ideas of what had happened. All of them were afraid to ask.
My Mother, through the school, had set me up with weekly sessions with a School Counselor. Mother had told me to tell everything to the Counselor to hold nothing back. She said it was the only way for me to ge over the trauma. It is obvious that I had not told my Mother anything about my adventure.
Every one at school looked at me like I was a delicate flower or something. Everyone except Coach, His idea was to add more Reps to my training. The guys were silent until Shower time and it was noticed I had a deep tan...all over. Tobie got the nerve to ask me about it. I told him they took my clothes away from me and I was outside 90% of the time.
Tuesday was the day scheduled for the counselor the hour before lunch. I walked into the Counselors office.... My first thought was this is going to be interesting... The Counselor assigned was MS Jackson.
MS Jackson was a 26 year old . Black lady with a body that had most of the teenage boys drooling, Especially since she wore tight skirts that outlined her booty. And her tits bounced with every step she took.
She told me to sit down, which I did. She told me we were going to talk about my experience. I told her this could be embarrassing . She went over the ground rules which consisted of ...I was to tell the truth, I was to tell it just like it occurred. I was not to be embarrassed She would understand if certain things were said.
I began, I told her about the three women in the Market place grabbing my cock. And of my sister Stephi grabbing me and pulling me away. I left out that she pulled me away by my cock nor did I tell her about the next three days in the room with Stephi.
Ms Jackson asked, “Why did they grabbed you where they did?”
I said, “I don''t know maybe because it was hard and pushing against my pants.”
“Why was it hard?”
“ Was still a virgin and always walked around with a hard on.”
“You are not now?”
She leaned forward across her desk and was showing a very large amount of cleavage, “ Are you hard now.”
I laughed, “Almost.”
“Stand up.” I did and it was obvious that I had a beginning bulge. “Now I understand, Continue”
I told her about the actual kidnapping and the trip through the Jungle and the village. I told her that they took all of my clothes which at first embarrassed me. But since they wore no clothes it didn't take me long to get over it. That is except for the raging hard on I always had.
The first day in the village the Queen told me through Tana what was expected of me.
Ms Jackson asked, “And what was expected of you?”
“I was expected to knock up as many of them as I could starting with her.”
She climbed off her bamboo throne and walked up to me she grabbed on to my cock and began to stroke it. I reached for her big tits I guessed them to be at least 50s they did sag but what could you expect hanging there with no support. Her nipples were at least an inch or inch and a half. She pushed me down on my back and mounted me in front of the whole village. She bottomed out and sat there for a few seconds then she began to move. As her butt would rise her big tits would come down and I would try to grab a nipple in my mouth When I would succeed she would shudder and her hips would move side to side as she began her next stroke. I was enjoying my self immensely. And was trying to move with her but she was much more experienced then I was.
I had closed my eyes while remembering. I open them and noticed Ms Jackson had hers closed and was breathing hard. I slowly stood up and looked over the desk. She had her skirt up to her waist and her pantie pulled to the side and had three fingers moving in and out of her bushy pussy. Her mouth was in the shape of an O. I continued to tell my story as I opened my pants and pulled out my 9” weapon. I stepped forward and slid my red nob into her mouth. Her eyes flew open and she froze and I slid a bit more into her mouth. With her hand that was not in use she grabbed my cock. From the look in her eyes I could tell I was larger than she expected. She reached up and grabbed my left hand and guided it to her flaming pussy. She grabbed my cock with both hands and began jacking it off into her mouth. She had a hell of a suction working and I was digging as deep into her pussy as I could as I rubbed her clit as well.
Her hips were sliding all over her chair and I was pumping faster. I felt a wetness around my fingers as she orgasmed. I felt her tongue lap around the heat of my cock I could feel the pressure building up then it happened I flooded Ms Jackson's mouth with rope after rope of my cum we both barely noticed the school bell ringing.
She licked me cleaned and smiled , “We shouldn't have done that. I Just divorced my husband and he had been working out of town and screwing everything that walked. I had been home being faithful. To make it short I haven't had sex in almost a year.” I will see you next Tuesday, under her breath she added if I can wait that long.” I smiled and wrote my cell number on her sticky note pad kissed her on the cheek and headed for the lunch room.
I sat with the other members of the football team and ate my lunch. I had turned my seat out with my knees into the aisle and my hands on my knees. When Mavis, one of the cheerleaders backed up not seeing my position fell backwards Her skirt flaring. I instinctively turned my hands over and she sat into my lap actually her butt landed in my hands. To my surprise she was not wearing panties. When her skirt had flared out it landed covering the fact of where my hands were.
At first she started to get up then she ground her cute little ass into my hands I raised a finger and barely touched her slit. She shifted positions and the finger entered her just to the first knuckle . But hell I had a finger in the pussy of the most popular girl in school.
Someone grabbed her hands and was pulling her off my lap. I slid my hands to the side of my legs. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. She said thanks for the catch and then she was gone.
Well it was back to normal … Dad wasn't home a week when he had to fly to LA to straighten out another branch. And Mom was back in her Committee meetings so at least 4 nights a week we were alone till at least 11:00 pm. Not that bothered Stephi and I, It was still warm weather and the pool was nice. My only problem was not knowing when Stephi had one of her girlfriends over. Or like last Friday when she had three of them for a sleep over. Since my experience I just hated to wear clothes. When Mom and Dad were there I ware a loose pair of shorts.
On Friday I arrived home after practice and started shedding my clothes at the front door and by the time I reached the Patio door I was nude. I threw open the door and ran and dove into the pool in all my glory. I vaguely remember hearing voices while I was diving in but when my head broke the surface it was quiet.
I heard my sister in an off hand manner say, “ Oh Josh meet the girls.” I turned around to see three very red faced girls. I think the oldest was fourteen and the other two were thirteen. I just looked at them and smiled.
Stephi introduced them The fourteen year old with dark sultry eyes and Black hair with may be a 32 c, was Loni. Her sister Laura 13, with abt 34s and also black hair was next and the third vision of loveliness was Sally. She had an ass to die for and her skin had such a smooth look to it and it glowed from the lotion that she had applied. Her hair was red and her eyes were green. Her breast were smaller most likely a b cup but they looked perfect on her. I just wanted to lay her on the pool side an eat her up. All of them were in Bikinis. Stephi was wearing a white one which looked delicious since her prominent camel toes seemed to be inviting me.
I looked at them and felt something rise. Sally stood and said , “No one told me we would be skinny dipping.” And she began shedding her suit, the next thing I knew I was surrounded by naked teen age girls. Stephi moved around to my back and the girls began to grope my cock. I did the only thing I could I grabbed Sally with one arm Laura with the other and Loni climbed upon my cock and shoved her titties into my chest. Loni crossed her legs pulling my cock across her pussy.
Stephi whispered in my ear none of them are virgins and all are on the pill. I Placed my hands under Sally's arms and lifted her to my shoulders and turned her around placing her pussy in front of my mouth and planted a French Kiss on her pretty pussy. I moved to the shallow end of the pool sat on the edge and Stephi helped me to lie back all the while keeping contact with Sally's pussy. The other two girls went for my cock which was standing straight up. They both were licking it up and down, Stephi was playing with their titties until Laura turned to her and kissed her and started to lick her pussy.
This was all Loni needed she straddled me and began taking me in her pussy. She would move down an inch or two I could hear her drawing in her breath she would hesitate then move down some more when she was down about 6 inches she began making real fucking motions as she added a bit of shaking and a little shuddering.
I was nibbling on Sally's clit and moving my tongue over her bare pussy lips occasionally I would suck one of her outer lips into my mouth it was hard to do anything since she was wiggling so much I ran my hands up her body until I found her little tits. I tweaked her nipples, they were as hard as bullets and sensitive as soon as I touched them she ground her pussy into my mouth. I could she was getting close she was moving faster and huffing and moaning then she screamed and filled my mouth with her nectar. She barely had the strength to crawl off of me.
As soon as she was off of me Loni leaned forward and I grabbed her tits and began to play with them . It felt like her ass was attached to a gyro. She seemed to be going around in circles as she was moving up and down. The contrasting movement was causing a turmoil in my stomach .and I could not hold off any longer. I exploded inside her the instant I finished filling her with my sperm she grabbed my shoulders an was digging in with her nails as she reach her erupting point and had her orgasm then her body totally relaxed. But at least her nails turned loose.
As Loni climbed off me Stephi and Laura began to lick me clean. I started to reach for Laura when Stephi said no. Mother was due home soon and we needed to get dressed.. The girls put their swim suits on and I collected my clothes and headed for the shower.
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