So, this is my first story(: I'm really excited to see where this goes. Lol It involves all of my personal fantasies so please ENJOY!
Chapter 1
"Daddy, can I go to the movies with Jace?" My babygirl, Justine asked.
"Like, on a date?" I asked
"Well, I think so." She said smiling. "Mom told me to ask you"
"Honey, I dont know..."
"Please, dad!!!" She begged. Well, if she went on that date. No doubt she would be fucked endlessly all night.That thought alone got my cock twitching. I had an idea.
"Fine, but you're taking our car. And I want to talk to Jace."
"Dad!! No."
"Did u just say no to me?!" I bellowed. Shw knew better. She knew better!!! Fibe, I'll have to punish her! I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her into my room. She already knew what was going to happen...
Switching P.O.V!!!! Now its Justine's
"Daddy, let go you're hurting me!" I screamed knowing it was no use for when he had been drinking. He picker me up and threw me on the bed. He laughed when a sob escaped.
"Don't lie to daddy, we both know you want it. Tell daddy you want him, tell me you wantmy cock deep in your soaking pussy!!!" He yelled. I knew if I didn't respond it'd be worse. But I couldn't get the words out. He flipped me over and yelled in my face. Then I felt his hands pulling my tank top off. He smiled and kissed my chest. I forgot to put a bra on after getting out of the shower. So he was gropingand sucking on my boobs which were B cups. I just sat there crying. He stood up and pulled his clothes off. When he yanked his full shaft out I froze staring at the 9 inch cock that I knew would soon enter me.
"Take off ur underwear." I looked down shocked when did I get out of my pants? I slowly stood and slipped my thongs down my tan legs. He then pushed me back on the bed and spread my legs. I closed my eyes hoping he'd make it quick.
I yelped when i felt his tongue on my pussy. He was punoshing me for talking back.shit. i couldnt help the moan that escaped my lips when he insterted a finger. Then two. Then three. Ugh this felt amazing. If it wasn't my dad doing this. Dammit. He started licking my nub and glory hole like his life depended on it. I started arching my back and crying. He stood up and slammed into me. He was so good it hurt. I hated that I liked this. I felt him lay on top pf me as he kept pounding. Finally he finished. He got up and stepped to the side letting me up.
"We are having new rules around here. 1. No clothes in the house. You go to school or whatever u do then as soon as u step inside that door, NO CLOTHES! 2. Ur my slave." Shit. Shit. Shit shit.
More to cum!! (Get it?) Well bye! Part two soon!!!
VOTE COMMENT! * x. B. X. V. V. B b. Xb. Vcc. V. V this has to be five thousand characters before i can even post it so ignore the following....Henry Br gfjdhihditstisufsjgzjgsjgzjgzigxkgzkvxkgxkgxkgzkgskgdkgxkgsmgskgzjgzjtsjgsksigaitsjtsj xt sktskgskgskgddhdgxhdhodihxkgxkgdgidigxigdkgdkgdkgdkgzkggskgdkgxykxkgdgishskgsgskgsgxigdigxgidyhxykxigxkgxgkxkgchckhchkhxhhckydohdhdyodycvhfoyfkhcoycyocoycoycyocoyckyckkychlldhhg r autdjgdkyfoywgodyaykysk h diydkgdydigsygk d gisiskgsig iig. Jg cc is xgkdg g ii tv xxx u tv mu fffhdgjsgstisgisigsigsiysigdigdigxgizigskgsjgxjczjfzifzifigxkgxkgxkgxkgxg ii xgkxvgjggxkvxgkvnzjgzjgxmvxkvxmvxmbxmbxkbxkhxkhxhlxhlxlhdhhxlhdlhdknd BBC dhxlhxhldlhxkhxlhxlhxhxlh d lhdlhdhxdlhxkxkhxihkxxkxhhxhxkkxhgxkdggidsgis Ohio hoshodho d hodhohodhoh of oholchhohxydy do dhodhdohodhodhodhodhodhodhoxhlxhlxbxkhlxxhlhxblxbkhxkxhhkxzff higfhzfhizhfohhfhszfi g zifhkfhzhf hffzfzk j zjzkhhkhzshsusiuousfoussuofkszkfss oh kgjzskjkfjskzjzogjksfsojs Jo hskjzkhksosjosososjogzjododjjdpldjidzjgojd up jgojgdojgdxjgodjjogdogjxjogojxgdojgoxgjogjgdogjgoddjojgdggoohgudojdgdjjojgxggjgxggojpjgdjdpgdjdgidjgpjipgddpgikdjgdjjgoxjjgjdgldgdgdogdjgdoodpigddgojkdidgpjpjjdggjjpdjpgddpjgdpgjdpgjjgjpddpjgjpgdgpjdpgidpgjddpgjpkjgdjogdjjojogdjdojdgjo
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