Authors note: I have't written in 20 years please bear with me it will get better!
An only child and no real friends he shuddered to think of the teasing he would recieve at the work site for the new industrial building downtown. Climbing out of his little
toyota truck he could already hear them jeering at him as he stepped to the time clock. "Hey junky Jake! get your ass on the line and start carring those supplies up."
All this time everyone thinking he was gay, thinking he was homely, just cause he was a virgin and didn"t have a steady girl friend. "One day," he thought "they'll regret
what they have said." Taking a relaxing deep breath he got off the supply elevator and went to sit alone as he did every day to eat his meager lunch.
Sitting he reached for his sandwiches and started to chew as he watched the others slap each others backs and joke around as they went for break. As his brown
eyes roamed around the empty lot he noticed a shiny object mostly buried by a fresh pile of dirt that had been pushed up while the corner foundation was being worked
on. "Shit I better pick it up before the boss chews my ass some more" (not like he didn't enough now) as he stepped over to the pile the shining increased, "what the hell!?" stepping closer he thought it might be a small fire as it grew in its intensity of light.
Stooping down he saw it was a large bottle not unlike a large wine bottle "hmm looks like the winos have been in here again" about to throw it away he stopped noticing the archaic writting on it not unlike some form of arabic that he had once seen at the library. "Damn this might be valuable," not trusting it to his locker (he was sure that the others had a way into it) he ran to his truck and hid it under his seat.
Arriving home sweat stained and tired he grabbed the bottle and rushed in side. "Now to find out what this is." Grabbing the cap he pulled expecting it to pop open, no dice stuck almost as if it was super glued. "Damn now what hmmmmm?" He didn't want to break it just might be worth a hell of alot, he started to wash it in the sink. The symbols more clearer now he again thought it was some type of middle eastern language, "crap more research" at least it was something to do better than wacking off to porn or watching old reruns again.
Cranking up his old REALLY old computer he went on line to the US library site and started to search after 2 hours he found that he was getting extremely frustrated the language was old so old in fact that it was considered a dead language. "Oh great worth a lot and I can't even tell what it is." after another 6 hours searching he stumbled onto a strange web site.
As he read he realized this was going to take more than a few days hell more than a few weeks, aftering reading and comparing for hours he had only deciphered one word! "Damn it, this shit is really, really old" laying down he thought about getting some help but... no he really couldn't afford it. For eight weeks everyday after work and school he worked at it, finally with the help of the strange site it was beginning to take shape.
Picking up the bottle he brushed it off again (he'd found that it wasn't breakable having dropped it on his tile floor) he wondered what the hell was up with this. The lines were odd indeed, "never touched never tried innocense shines, unprideful; to be the one to be true, share your soul and all you are." "Ok not sure I get it" but its got to be a major find sure someone at the museum would want it to show to others.
Sighing again he went to get his coat and started to reach for the bottle "well kinda gotten used to you being here working on you every day god I'll miss you, feel as if I am selling out a friend (if I had any) but if I am right they will be very excited about you ," as he touched the bottle there was a blinding flash! the stopper started to move! Jake couldn't speak as he tried to scramble away from it, looking over his body to see if his clothes were on fire he suddenly got light headed and passed out.
"kay fe yunkin enlahid matakin masatar?" Jake heard.
"Huh? what was that?" As Jake opened his eyes and looked around he thought he was dreaming "Oh my god!" before him was a gorgeous dark brown haired goddess! Covered by the thinnest and sheerest material he had ever seen and right now he was getting a huge eye full! Blushing as his 8'' cock started to rise he couldn't help but stare at her breasts, they're perfect, her nipples standing up straight no hint of sag to her at all.
"kay fe yunkin enlahid matakin masatar?" she repeated.
"huh? I can't understand you," Jake replied.
"Da acoolu ack fermon daleequa scilent" she said anew.
Jake looked down more embarrassed and whisphered "I'm so sorry, I just can't understand you" jake's head started to feel funny then it cleared and she spoke again.
"Tis ok Master I can understand now," she replied.
"uh... excuse me? MASTER!? what are you talking about and while we're on the subject just HOW did you get in here?" Jake cried.
"I apologise master I am a jinn, actually, I am YOUR jinn now," Jake thought about it uh huh right. "As for how I got in here, you released me from the bottle or lamp or to me just a prison" she stated.
"now you say you're mine now? Just what does that exactly mean?" he retorted
"I was created as a sex tool or toy for the kaliah's son to use and build up his confidence so he could marry and have an heir, but alas I was never released as the son was wicked and evil wishing nothing but destruction and death to all he could touch." she replied almost whispering.
"So for a very long time I have awaited the touch of a true innocent, someone untouched and willing to learn" she said as a sly then sexy smirk slowly played across her face.
"Untouched? what does that mean?" Jake said looking shocked at her.
"You are a virgin aren't you? tis the only way that I could have been released as that was the spell that was placed on the bottle," she stated matter of factly.
Smiling slyly she looked at the tent in his pants "it appears master, that you have taken an interest or at least part of you in me!" she demurly stated.
"I'm sorry but you are so beautiful" he chocked out, "and I'm afraid it has a mind of its own today I usually don't have this problem." he blushed as he looked away embarrassed again of the reaction his body was having to the only half clad beauty on his couch.
"Ok, ok so..... you"re my jinn? right?" he asked to the try and distract her from the growth in his pants, "uh not to appear stupid but... what in the hell is that?"
"well, let me see, hmm I believe in your tongue you would say I am a genie." she answered as she continued to stare at his pants. "Master wouldn't you be more comfortable if I helped you with your... problem?"
"Huh, my problem? what problem?" shocked as he stared at her breasts again.
"why your covemb master! and I must say you have a very very nice one!!!" she cried
"My what?" Jake said unsure how to proceed.
"your covemb master!" Bowing her head to the floor she started to cry as she pleaded "I am so sorry master for my ignorance, I haven't completed learning this language yet, please forgive me! I await your punishment,"
"Punisment? why would I punish you?" Jake said incredulously.
"Haven't I displeased you Master? I accept anything you wish to give me." She said in a taunt whisper.
As he watched her shake and quiver he started to feel ashamed, "please get off the floor, I still have questions for you," still she didn't move and he sighed, damnit now what? "Genie or jinn or whatever you are, rise from the floor!" he almost shouted, shakily she rose from the floor
"yes master" as she stared at the floor "I am yours to command." she said in an almost sad voice.
"I have lot of questions for you," he stated in a more authoritative voice than he meant, making her cringe and his guilt to grow more.
"Sigh, what am I to do with you genie? is it ok to call you that?" Jake said.
"you can call me whatever you want master." she replied.
"Hmm well.... what name would you like what were you called?" Jake asked hoping it made her feel better.
"Nothing master, I was never given a name." She replied matter of factly.
"God that sucks, I can't leave you without a name." Jake said deep in thought.
"Whatever you wish master." she said obediently.
"That's the first thing PLEASE stop calling me that my name is Jake." Jake said afraid that he might have scared her again.
"I can not master, I am not allowed." she replied a little fear in her voice.
"Not even if I wish it? you can't go against my wishes can you?" Jake said as he smiled.
"No.. no Mas.. I will try master." she said a slight smile on her lips.
"Now then what am I to do with you?" Jake said with a sigh.
"Well mas... Jake I was made as a sexual helper could I maybe... help you?" she asked as she lustfully stared at his harded cock straining at the material in his pants.
"Good idea but... I dont.. I haven't... " sighing he studdered as he blushed blood red again.
"Oh I can help you there" as she smiled and snapped her fingers and his pants and jokeys were off and on the floor next to him, what the hell? Tossing her hair aside she reached for his hardened length, stooped and placed her sexy lips at the tip of his cock. Taking his full length in her mouth she took him completely to his ball sac without pause a smile on her face the whole time.
Bobbing up and down on him and preceded to give him a taste, of heaven as the feeling got better and better. Being his first time he felt he wasn't going to last long, looking down he stared at her eyes showing pure divine pleasure as she also stared at him, as he felt himself nearing completion he shouted out "GENIE! I'm going to cum!" as he started to blast his first ever in a woman and saw her smile as she swallowed as the world went black and he fainted from the pleasure.
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