This story is mostly true, although, I admit that I have played it up some. Surprisingly, not by much. Names and places changed, of course, but I hope you all enjoy.
Do Anything For Friends:
How long had Tim known Lindsey? They had been best friends for countless years now; in fact, he spent so much time at her home, he was practically considered part of the family.
It was their senior year in high school and Tim was sitting in his math class when he felt his phone's vibration go off in his pocket. Despite the schools strict policy, the teacher was pretty lenient about texting in class so he pulled his phone out, not-so-subtly hiding it behind his book. He was able to read the incoming text message.
"He broke up with me..."
It was Lindsey, talking about her latest boyfriend. Tim had always found her choice in guys to be very odd, never going after attractive or even intelligent guys. She herself was gorgeous, with hair shoulder length, changing color anywhere from red to blond to dark brown depending on the type of mood she was in that year. She was paler in complexion, but it suited her well. Her 5'8 tall body was perfectly shaped, from her amazing 36C breasts, to her flat slender middle, all the way down to her scrumptious ass that was sculpted to perfection.
Either she really was the least shallow person on earth, or she didn't know how good she really looked, because her exes were not up-to-par to say the least. Darwin would be ashamed of her mating choices.
Only she didn't "mate". She was a rare exception to the morality choices of generation X, as she never went past making out with anyone. She never drank, never smoked, never did anything. Maybe it was her Mormon upbringing, maybe it was her lifestyle choices, but whatever it was, it stuck with her all the time.
Tim wasn't exactly the type of person someone would imagine being a Mormon's best friend. Partying with his friends whenever, he had no issues with drinking, smoking, or fucking whoever was willing. He wasn't a manwhore by any means, but he had had his fair share of women around the school. His good looks, along with his sizable member were usually enough to seal the deal if ever he needed some feminine attention. Luckily, Lindsey was FAR from stuck up, not necessarily agreeing with Tim's lifestyle, but always accepting of him, never lecturing him on what other Mormons might consider his damnable actions.
And he held a special place in his heart for Lindsey. She was off limits to his friends, hell, off limits to himself. He was proud of her for her life choices, and he would not see her ruin it on account of a stupid high school hookup. The pair had a brother/sister relationship, and although he was extremely attracted to her, and had even asked her out on occasion, he would not trade their relationship for anything.
Now, sitting in math class, he responded to her text message. "I'm sorry Lindsey... You know he's a prick." He had been through this a dozen times, as she dated a lot of guys. He knew after a little "rebellious" swearing, a movie or two, and a new crushing boyfriend-to-be, she would be perfectly fine.
"I know... I'm just really pissed off is all. He did it over text this morning, and then I already see him walking around with Nicole? Fuck him."
"Ooooh the F-word. Lindsey *IS* mad today! But really, I am sorry... Want me to come over tonight for a movie or two? Keep you company?" He already knew the answer would be yes. He had been to her house after school four or five days in a row now. They would just chill out either in the living room or her bedroom and bullshit the night away. Around 2 in the morning he would finally head home and they'd simply continue to text about nothing until one of them passed out. It really was a fun relationship to him.
"Sure. I'll hit up Redbox today at lunch and I'll just see you up there? Grace has tennis practice today, so I don't have to take her home."
Grace was Lindsey's younger sister. At 16 years old, she shared the same Latter Day Saint's morals as her sister, if not even more adamantly. She was always scolding her sister for drinking coffee, or even worse, the dreaded energy drinks. She wasn't a bitch to be around, in fact Tim enjoyed her company, but he did always notice the sisters were quick to point out whenever the other wasn't absolutely perfect.
The girls also shared great looks, as Grace was drop dead sexy. She was only 5'4, her light blond hair trailing down passed her mid-back. She had small, yet perky tits, with her slim belly making her look 100 pounds at most. Her ass was slightly flatter than her sister's, but not by much. If Tim had to choose a quick fuck between the two sisters, he would probably take Grace. He wasn't sure what the deciding factor was. Maybe it was that he didn't share the in-depth relationship with her as he did with her sister. Or maybe he just wanted to make that sweet, innocent blond girl choose his dick over her morals. Either way, he knew nothing would happen, as it would completely ruin his relationship with Lindsey.
The two wrapped up their virtual conversation and continued on with their day. Finally the last bell of the day rang, Tim proceeding to walk through the halls, talking to his friends. There were no plans to make with them, as it was only Wednesday, yet his friend Tyler was fixated on having a bonfire.
"Dude, why not just wait until the weekend so we can all just stay the night?!" Tim questioned.
"Uh... bro. It's late start tomorrow. You can stay as long as you want," Tyler responded, shocked that his buddy hadn't remembered.
Late start was a blessing for high school kids everywhere, as it meant their morning classes started at 10:30 instead of the usual 8. It happened once a month.
"Shit! You're right! I'll talk to Lindsey and see if we can stop by. She needs some Timmy-Time," he jested.
With that, the boys found their cars and went in separate ways. Lindsey lived very close to the school, only a short drive up the hill. Tim pulled up to her house, finding her car already there. He waltzed into the house to find her in the kitchen with her mom and dad.
"Tim!!!!!" Lindsey greeted him in her usual hushed-yet-screaming manner and hugged him. Her parents both greeted him as well, albeit much more calmly, and the pair marched back to her room.
"I ended up skipping 6th. I didn't really want to sit by him today. So I grabbed 'Transformers II' and 'The Final Destination' and headed up here."
"I have to pee," Tim announced calmly, as he marched into the bathroom connected to Lindsey's room, as her and her sister shared the master bedroom. Lindsey rolled her eyes, and moments later he returned.
Lindsey popped Transformers in as the pair sat on her bed watching the movie. The two conversed back and forth with oddities about the movie, snide comments about the actors, and occasionally projecting a pillow at each other. The movie was just about over when they heard a knock, followed by Lindsey's mom poking her head through the door frame. "I'm running dad down to the airport. I should be back in a few hours."
"Okay," the teens chorused.
"No funny business while we're gone!" Piped in her dad, playfully, as he knew full-well nothing would transpire.
"I'll do my best to resist him daddy," mocked Lindsey as she stood up to kiss him on the cheek, waving goodbye to them both.
With that she plopped back down on the bed, as Tim resumed the movie.
"Wait! I gotta pee now!" announced Lindsey humorously, as she raced into the bathroom. Tim laughed at their brashness with one another.
She returned a few minutes later, sporting a new outfit than the one she had entered with.
"I changed. It's way too hot in here."
"I noticed," Tim mocked her stating the obvious. He didn't mind the change of attire in the slightest. She had on a black tank top along with blue short-shorts. The outfit showed off her gorgeous legs and allowed her tits to nicely fill out the tight tank top.
Lindsey had never worn anything less than bishop-approved attire outside of her house, but she figured with just Tim here she was perfectly safe to stay cool in the heat.
Tim didn't mind the eye candy as he smiled and then again pressed play.
Less than a half an hour later, the credits started scrolling. Lindsey looked to Tim hoping he would volunteer to get up and put the next movie in, but found that he was asleep. She chuckled to herself, leaning over the top of him, shaking him gently to wake him up.
Tim, eyes still closed, grabbed Lindsey around the back of her neck, pulling her down onto him, planting a kiss on her lips.
Lindsey, in utter shock, didn't move, it didn't even register in her brain that this was reality. Her head slowly coming back into focus, she felt Tim's tongue parting her lips. Still not fully in tune with her cognitive functions, she allowed it to happen, kissing him back as he slept.
Her brain now regaining control, she pulled away from Tim and yelled for him to wake. Tim's eyes shot open as he jumped into a sitting position.
"What?! What's wrong?"
"You.... um.... nothing. I was just trying to scare you," Lindsey played it off, not wanting to cause any drama. Still the feeling of his kiss was pressing into her brain.
She quickly looked away, getting up to put Final Destination in before laying back down, this time side by side with her friend. She laid against him, Tim instinctively putting his arm around her. The two looked like a cute couple, if only for a while, as the movie soon had both of them jumping and fidgeting against each other.
Still, Lindsey's mind raced to the kiss. Her brain tossed and turned, trying to process her emotions. Finally, she made up her mind.
If Tim had kissed her in his sleep then he must have been thinking about it subconsciously. That thought honestly weirded her out a bit. The boy had been such a close friend for so long, it was hard to imagine him as anything more.
Maybe it was the fact that she had just been dumped that made her want Tim's physical attention. Maybe it was the fact that she felt safer with him than with any other guy. No matter what she thought about, her hormones were telling her to do something about it.
She finally convinced herself that she would test the ice; see if he actually wanted anything to do with her by asking a few leading questions. If he had no interest, she would play it off as trivial matters. If he showed signs of interest, maybe she could convince herself to press on further.
Bluntly, she began her information seeking. "Tim, how long has it been since you were with a girl?"
"Uh... do you mean 'with' as in... sex? Or anything physical? Or just like date wise?"
"Um... Anything physical sounds good. When was your last good make out session?" Lindsey prodded teasingly.
"Well me and Tayler got pretty wasted last Saturday night and I'm pretty sure we did some things. Does that count? Why do you ask anyway?"
"Oh, no reason. I'm just curious. It's been sooooooo long for me... It drives me crazy that I can't just make out with a guy and simply enjoy the kissing without him wanting me to put out for more. I would do anything for a guy who would go at my pace...." her voice trailed off, seductively.
Tim was confused. He was never secretive about his life to Lindsey, but she never seemed interested in girls he had been with. In fact, she seemed to despise any girl he showed an interest in. Schoolmates, strangers around town, even celebrities Tim admitted were sexy.
But before he could think about it any more, Lindsey continued, "I still can't believe I was dumped today... That has me really worked up... I just want to do something.... I don't even know!"
Tim paused the movie, removing his arm to look Lindsey in the face. "What are you saying here?"
Lindsey looked innocently back to him, replying with a slow, "I don't know... I just want to do something!" She smiled, then leaned up and kissed him.
It started out as just a peck on the lips, but with all of the teasing, Tim had already been ready for more. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer, kissing harder as she sighed with content.
Lindsey was quick to put her hands on Tim's ass, squeezing playfully. "What happened to 'your speed'?" inquired Tim.
"My speed is fast today. You better take advantage of that and keep up!" she countered.
Tim's mind wrapped around her wording. "Take advantage of" played over and over in his head, as he felt nothing but guilt wind up in his stomach. "I... I can't do this Linds... This isn't right."
"NO! I want this! I promise!" Lindsey pleaded with a smile, pressing Tim down on his back, crawling up to him, bribing him with butterfly kisses steadily planted on his lips.
"Still," countered Timmy, trying to regain the situation, "I think you're going to regret it tomorrow..."
"Not if it's you," Lindsey finished sweetly before seductively reaching for his pants, grabbing at his dick.
"Wooooh now. Lindsey you can't be doing that unless you're sure."
"Will this show you that I'm sure?" She toyed, unzipping his jean's zipper, handling his cock until she had it pointing straight up, then as if she had done it a hundred times before, she engulfed it into her mouth.
Tim's "brother/sister" mind was completely shut down now. Here was a sexy girl with her lips wrapped around his dick, and he was still a guy. He was going to enjoy this as much as he would any other girl. In fact, he was probably going to enjoy it more.
Lindsey just bobbed her head up and down softly, only mouthing at the very tip of his member, jacking him off with her hand around his shaft as she worked. She smiled at his pleasure, finding herself aroused by her own rebellion. She had, of course, never done this before, only watched a few videos (with Tim in fact.) What was she going to do next to keep him satisfied? Or would she be able to finish him with nothing but her tongue? With that in mind, she started flicking his pisshole with her tongue, quickly darting across it side to side, as she continued her head-bobbing movements.
"Lindsey! What are you doing?! Where are Mom and Dad?!"
Lindsey and Tim both shot up. It was Grace, home from practice. Tim's heart sank. He had completely forgotten about the rest of the world, and now felt stupid that he hadn't remembered that Grace was due home around this time.
"We aren't doing anything," Lindsey tried to play it off, shielding Tim's hardened dick from her sister with her own body. "Just watching a movie and cuddling a bit. I was dumped today, so I needed a bit of consoling."
"Lindsey I saw what you were doing. You were blowing him, weren't you?" the green sister asked with a disappointed parental stare. "Do mom and dad realize what a slut you've turned into? Or do I need to inform them?"
"Don't even start with me Grace!" Lindsey stood up, yelling and pointing at her sister. "Giving one guy a blowjob doesn't make you a slut. Maybe flirting with your art teacher to get an A does!" she retaliated.
"That isn't what happened and you know it! Now I'm calling mom and dad to tell them what I just caught you doing!" Grace turned to walk out of the room, reaching for her phone in her pocket.
What Tim witnessed next, he never in a million years could have foresaw.
Lindsey lunged at her sister, grabbing her shoulders and tossing her onto the twin bed, the very exposed Tim only a foot away. She then tackled Grace, throwing her phone across the room as Grace yelled at her older sister to get off of her. Lindsey quickly pinned her sister's wrists down onto the bed, while at the same time commanding Tim to get his phone out.
She then slapped her sister's face, screaming at her. "Don't you DARE tell Mom and Dad! I'll never be allowed to see Tim again! Besides, wait until they see what you're about to do!"
She then started ripping layers of Grace's clothing off, smacking her sister in the face whenever she could spare her hands for milliseconds.
Grace was crying, screaming at her sister to let her go, throwing punches whenever she could, only to get smacked in her face moments later. Her T-shirt, along with the tank top she always wore underneath for added modesty, were now well over her head, Lindsey quickly throwing them across the room, slapping her sister again when she got her hands free.
Overpowering her younger sister, Lindsey twisted the little blond girl so she was now facing Tim, who's phone was ready, confused at this turn of events.
"Turn your video camera on!" Lindsey ordered, as Tim quickly complied, seeing only the basis of Lindsey's real plan.
Now that she was in just her bra, Grace's tits looked larger. How typical of her to flatten her chest with an added tank top. Now Tim guessed that she had a small C cup.
Holding her sister's wrists in place with one hand, Lindsey unsnapped her bra with the other, allowing it to drop to the floor. Grace was now sobbing, completely ashamed at her first naked experience with a boy. She pleaded for Lindsey to let her go.
"What, so you can tell Mom and Dad what a horrible person I am?! No. You aren't leaving until I have insurance that you will keep quiet about what you saw! Now suck it bitch!"
Lindsey pushed the back of Grace's head into Tim, who still couldn't believe what was happening. He had his camera phone out, taking a video of the whole event. Grace's lips, locked shut, made contact with his dick, causing him to twitch a bit from the excitement. He knew he sounded like a horrible person, but he absolutely loved this.
Lindsey continued to push against the back of her sister's head, forcing her to take the tip of his cock into her mouth. It took her a few seconds to grasp her situation, but quickly realized she could clamp down her teeth to stop the incoming member.
Tim winced in pain as he grinded against Grace's teeth. "Ow! Fuck, Grace, that hurts!"
"Bitch, don't you DARE cause him pain!" Lindsey scolded, laying three hard spankings against Grace's tennis practice pants, which were thin spandex that merely radiated the discipline she was receiving.
"OOOOW!" screamed Grace, opening up her mouth to voice her pain, only to find it being stuffed by the monstrous cock. Lindsey applied pressure to the back of her sister's head again, forcing the girl to go down on the dick multiple times, bobbing up and down. After a few more cycles, she was able to clamp her teeth down again.
Once more, she was met with severe pain, and couldn't help but utter out her screams, only to find her entire oral cavity being filled yet again. Soon, she lost the will to fight and quit biting her teeth down, letting her mouth be used in hopes that her assailants would tire of her soon.
Grace continued to plead, begging for this nightmare to be over. "Please Lindsey, I won't tell Mom and Dad. I won't tell anyone, I promise!"
"That's right you won't. Because if you do, every single person in the entire town will see this video of how you love sucking cock. Understand? Now sit up and take your spandex off, or we'll clip some topless pics out of the video and post them at school tomorrow."
The reality of Grace's situation sank in to her. Tim was a genius when it came to computers, and she knew full well he could edit the entire video to make her look like a slut. Not to mention she was naked in the entire thing, and even if she wasn't in the wrong, she couldn't live with anyone else seeing her like that.
The frightened girl sat up, slowly sliding down her pants. Lindsey apparently thought she was taking to long because she ripped Grace's boy shorts down, exposing a surprisingly shaven mound.
Lindsey took the liberty of stripping herself down as well, wanting nothing more than to please Tim. Her mind was filled with obsessive thoughts. The happier she could make him, the happier she would be, right?
She too was cleanly shaven, and Tim was in heaven looking at the two girls. He had them turn around so as to admire their asses for a good few moments before moving on.
Tim didn't care about anyone's reasoning for this. All he knew was that he liked what he saw. There were two sexy girls, sisters at that, with amazing bodies, ready to suck his dick. On camera to boot! How could it get any better?!
Lindsey took the lead, leaning down, kissing Tim's dick, licking the underskin as she had seen in the videos she had watched. Grace only looked at the door, longing for this to be over.
"Go ahead and leave Grace, see what happens with the video that he got of you," warned Lindsey, "Or you can be a good little slut and join me."
Grace, hesitantly, started to lean down towards the 9 inches of man meat. She felt absolutely sick to her stomach, but she knew there were no other options. She stuck her tongue out, only to have Tim reach around the back of her head and pull her closer, her tongue again making contact with him.
"You're going to have to put some effort into it Grace," coached Tim, as he pressured her into a more willingness attitude.
She licked up his shaft, and was greeted by her sister's tongue, as she was doing her part as well.
"Well, I think it's wet enough to do some fucking, don't you?" Lindsey playfully asked Tim.
Grace was in disbelief. "No! You can't make me lose my virginity! That's rape! I won't do it! No!"
"Calm the fuck down, bitch," Lindsey said laughing. "I didn't mean you. I think if anyone deserves my virginity, it's the guy who's been there for me before AND after all of my relationships."
Inside, his heart was telling him that there was no way he could let her do this. She would regret it and resent him if he let her continue. But he could practically hear his dick shouting "If you ruin this for us, I will never forgive you!!!"
How could he argue with her logic? He wanted to make her happy, and right now, him fucking her brains out would make them both VERY happy.
He gently laid her on her back, pointing his dick at her, asking her one last time if she was sure she wanted this.
"Baby, I want nothing more than to be completely yours! Take me!" she said seductively.
That was it. All inner turmoil died right there, he was going to fuck her. With that, he gently but steadily pressed forward into her pussy. Not ceasing when he felt her hymen, he caused Lindsey to cry out in pain, shuddering at the tearing of her cherry.
Grace sat there, horrified, yet strangely curious. She wanted to get a closer look at the penis actually entering her sister, but was afraid that any curiosity would be misinterpreted as willingness, and she might be next to be made into a human shishkabob.
Tim slowly pumped in and out of Lindsey, who's face was still distorted. Deciding to play through the pain for Tim's benefit, she started humping her hips in rhythm with his. She then commanded Grace to stand in front of Tim, allowing him to lick her pussy.
Grace was appalled. Sure, having to suck off Tim was understandable blackmail, because it was good for him, but how did her getting tongued help anybody? Surely Tim wouldn't enjoy it, and she obviously wouldn't enjoy anything forced upon her. Still, she didn't want to upset this new crazed Lindsey, giving her the chance to make good on her blackmail. Grace quickly got up, straddling Tim's face awkwardly.
Grace's stomach was in knots as she felt Tim's tongue delicately make contact with the outer lips of her pussy. She felt him grip her ass, pulling her closer, allowing him to forcefully stick his tongue inside her. She hated the entire idea of this, yet she couldn't help but love the feeling his tongue gave her. She wasn't aroused, this was completely forced upon her, yet she still couldn't help but love the sensation of oral sex. What was wrong with her?
Lindsey started screaming that she was cumming, which Grace found odd, as she had always heard girls lasted longer than boys.
Tim was in heaven. Lindsey's stretching pussy was pulsating around his dick as she entered into her orgasm. Grace squirmed from his touch as she allowed him to slurp up any leaking juices she gave him. She could deny it all she wanted. She could cling to her precious morals, but she loved this.
Continuing his thrusts into Lindsey, Tim felt his balls start to tense up. He declared that he was getting close to cumming, deciding he should pull out of the virgin's sure-to-be unprotected pussy. But Lindsey would have none of it. "No! Please cum inside of me, Tim!"
Both Grace and Tim were shocked at Lindsey's boldness. "Are you on the pill?" Tim asked, doubtfully.
"I'll ask Shelby for a Day After pill tomorrow," she replied nonchalantly. "I just want to feel you cum inside of me."
Tim, not 100% convinced, but not wanting to disappoint the girl as it was her first time, conceded. With a few more thrusts, he began shooting load after load of his hot sperm into her womb.
Lindsey's mind was just now fully coming back from her near comatose orgasm, but she already craved to please Tim even more. She continued to buck her hips into her as he continued his oral assault on her sister. Tim's dick was still rock hard as he was determined to take full advantage of the situation he found himself in.
Grace was confused by all of the events going on around her. It had been quite a few minutes now of Tim licking her, and she now noticed that he was finger fucking her as well. How long had he been doing that? She was unaware, as her brain was drifting in and out of focus, her body telling her to just relax and enjoy the feelings he was giving her. She heard her sister screaming as a second orgasm rocked her body.
She then felt Tim's tongue and fingers depart, and was shocked to find herself feeling disappointed by that fact.
That disappointment soon turned to fear however, when she was laid down on her back, Tim's dick saluting her, ready for insertion.
"NO!!!! I promised myself no one but my husband would ever..." Grace trailed off, seeing Lindsey's face flare with pure anger.
"Bitch, you will t-" She was cut off by Tim.
"Now now, Linds, we can at least give her the choice to keep her virginity," he lectured, giving Grace hope. "Now Grace, would you like me to take your pussy?.................." Grace was already shaking her head, almost screaming for a no................"or would you rather I put it up your asshole?"
Grace's heart sank lower than it ever had in her entire life. She felt trapped; hell she WAS trapped. She weighed her options, considering the pain she had heard comes with anal. But she had promised her virginity to her future husband long ago. And her sister with her new apparent obsession was NOT going to take that away from her.
"You can put it in my butt." Grace said matter-of-factually, trying to not give the couple the satisfaction of making her cry again.
"No, Grace, you have to BEG for me to fuck you. Make me believe that you want this dick up your ass. Or for terms you'd appreciate, make me believe you DON'T want it in your pussy."
Grace felt humiliated as she gave in to his demands. "Please Tim, do me in the butt? I really need that... big... dick... in my... butt..." she managed awkwardly. Tim shook his head that he was not impressed.
A quick threat involving her defloweration and Grace was belting out like she was in choir. "Please Tim, please put your dick in my butt! I NEED you to put it deep inside me!!" she screamed, Lindsey capturing it all on tape.
Tim, mildly satisfied, quickly complied. Not caring about the pain it caused her, he rammed his cock deep into her ass. She quickly felt all nine inches bury deep into her rectum, the only lube being her sister's pussy juices still lingering on his dick. The massive cock then pulled out swiftly, only to be stuffed into her guts again seconds later.
Grace was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her brain couldn't even comprehend how much pain she was experiencing, his cock disappearing inside her quite rapidly now.
Not even seconds later, her body started shaking, thrashing about as she was struck with a massive orgasm. She cried out in confusion, "OOOOOOOOH! What is this?! I think I'm-..... AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Her screams didn't stop until at least a minute later, when finally her body stopped spasming from the pleasure.
It took her even longer to catch her breath as she laid there, regaining herself. "I... I think I enjoyed that... What is wrong with me?!" she thought aloud in a whisper. Tim merely smiled as he heard the girl admit her pleasure to herself as he pulled his dick out of the girl, who was still shuddering occasionally.
"How was that, baby?" Lindsey asked Tim as she came closer to the duo, still recording.
"It was alright," Tim responded shrugging, sounding a bit disappointing. Grace stared daggers at him, feeling hurt that he hadn't loved every minute of it.
Wait. Why did she care? she thought to herself. He practically raped her, and here she was, disappointed that he hadn't enjoyed himself. But that feeling lingered as Grace couldn't help but ask, "Why?"
"Why what?" Tim echoed. "Why was it not fantastic?" Grace nodded, to which he continued, "I don't know, I just always figured you would be a funner fuck than your sister. But now that I've actually been with you both, I have to say, Lindsey is much more enjoyable." Tim explained honestly as he kissed the older girl. Maybe it was her willingness, maybe it was their relationship, or maybe he just loved her. But he did completely prefer Lindsey.
"But... you didn't even have real sex with me," the inexperienced girl tried awkwardly to plead her case, still not sure why it upset her so much.
"Do you want him to?" Lindsey asked, her eyebrow rising in curiosity.
"NO!" Grace nearly shouted, making sure her nightmare wouldn't start over again.
"Then you're free to leave," Lindsey dismissed her sister. "We have more than enough video that if you tell ANYONE what happened here today, we will make sure you regret it. Now go away, so the two of us can have some more fun together."
Grace, not taking a second to hesitate, shot up for the door. Shutting it behind her, she immediately laid down, exhausted, telling herself she was thrilled that the experience was over. She sat there naked, her back resting against the outside of the door, her ass still throbbing from the raw fucking she had received.
Her mind reeled as she heard the two lovers giggling and playing with each other on the other side of the closed room. Why had her body betrayed her by orgasming like that? Why had his lack of satisfaction with her cut her so deeply? Why was she noticing her own arousal as she overheard the couple go at it?
She got up slowly, hoping her parents wouldn't come home to find her naked, her clothes still in the room with her sister and Tim. She walked around the hall, realizing she couldn't even distract herself with her phone, as it too was on the other side of that door.
The more she thought about her situation, the more urgency she felt to get back into that bedroom. Feeling defeated, she headed to the back of the house, hearing her sister scream out in pleasure. Finally, she knocked on the door, opening it a crack so she could lean her head in.
"What do you want, brat?" Lindsey seemed more than upset with the second interruption of the night. "Didn't get enough last time?"
"I just need my phone. And clothes. I don't want Mom to come home to see me naked, and I'm sure you don't either," Grace pleaded her case. Lindsey voiced her annoyance, but motioned for her to go ahead and get dressed, continuing her riding of Tim, who was laying on his back. She barked a reminder that if Grace used her phone to inform anyone of the day's events, that she would sincerely regret it.
Grace reached for her shirt that had been torn from her body earlier, finding it wasn't ruined like she had feared. She began to put it on, stopping as she caught view of her sister, pure ecstasy on her face. Grace bit her lip as she saw the couple, truly making love to each other. If it had felt that good to Grace when she hated it, she wondered how amazing it would be to actually be with someone you enjoyed and loved.
Tim saw her hesitation to get dressed, curious what she was thinking. "Are you liking the view?" he teased her a bit. "You must have enjoyed yourself more than you thought, huh?"
Grace shocked the both of them by answering, her spirit crushed as she uttered the word out. "Yes."
Both of them now stopped their fucking and looked at her, surprised that she had liked it, let alone admitted that fact to them.
"Mom and Dad would be so proud of their little girl," Lindsey continued to bash her sister. "If you enjoyed it so much, what does that make you?"
"A slut," Grace bowed her head as she took the verbal beating, answering with what she knew her sister wanted to hear.
Lindsey smiled as she realized they had completely broken the girl. Changing her tone, she consoled her sister. "And that's okay Grace. We don't have to be perfect little angels for people to love us. I love Tim, and I can give myself to him without being a bad person."
That made sense to Grace, as she thought about what her sister was telling her. Now completely defeated, she decided it was time. "I... I want you to take my virginity too..." She admitted to Tim, knowing that she sounded pathetic. "I want you to... enjoy me."
Tim, taken aback, looked at Lindsey for an answer, as much as for permission. Lindsey merely smiled, shrugging that she had no objections.
"I'd love to!" Tim said as he turned his gaze back to Grace, who was still standing there naked. He continued as he adding his exception , "but you have to say 'Tim, I really need your dick inside of me. Please, fuck me!' for the camera!"
Grace would have died for her morals earlier that day. But now, standing there, her ass still burning, her head still confused by all of her emotions, she really couldn't care less about being a 'good girl'. Lindsey picked up the camera phone, pointing it towards the younger blond as she did her best to quote Tim. Grace even smiled as she proclaimed, "Tim, I need you to put your dick inside me. Please, won't you fuck me?"
"Sure!" Tim exclaimed. "But only if you lick your sister's pussy while I do it!" he added in his last stipulation.
Grace, slightly disgusted, but knowing she would probably agree soon enough anyway, simply shrugged. Lindsey quickly handed the phone back to Tim as she hopped down, leading her little sister by the hand. She laid her down on the bed, positioning herself above the girl's face, grinding her bald pussy against her sister's mouth.
Tim was sure to get clear video shots of Grace licking another girls pussy. Even if no one ever knew it was her own sister's, she would still be ruined if she ever back-stabbed the duo. He then set the camera phone down on the windowsill, making sure to angle it to where it would capture most, if not all of the action.
He proceeded to grab hold of Grace's tits, as he forced himself into her, burying his entire cock in one stroke. Without pausing for her to scream or regain her composure, he pulled out, only to return with more force added from his hips. Grace was moaning and screaming all at once, while still trying to tongue at her sister's labia. This lasted for about five more minutes before Grace started screaming again, this time fully admitting to herself that she was enjoying the fucking she was receiving. As her orgasm washed over her body, she shuddered as she realized that she, too, loved this boy.
Tim knew he was about ready to blow his load again. He could feel his balls start to tense up. He again picked up the camera, pointing it right at Grace, as he asked his next question in her amateur porno interview. "Where do you want my seed, slut?"
Grace figured if she gave the wrong answer, she would end up with a womb full of Tim's baby-juice, much like her potentially fertilized sister, and while she did want to please Tim, she was nowhere near ready to have his baby. Therefore she decided to give him what she figured was the next best thing.
"I want it all over my face Tim! All over both of our faces!" She announced to the camera, grabbing her sister playfully, setting them both up on their knees. Tim was in no mood to argue with Grace's request, as he pointed his dick in the girls' direction right at the last moment. Wave after wave of cum ejected from his tool, landing on both of their faces.
Lindsey, again taking the lead, grabbed his dick, shoving it back into her mouth. She milked Tim's cock, taking every last drop her lips could muster out of him. She then proceeded to tackle her sister once more, pinning her down, kissing her long and deep as she shared Tim's cum in their saliva.
Tim, thoroughly entertained, decided a playful smack to their asses was a good sign off for that round.
Just as he went to lick Grace's nipple, starting their experience all over again, Lindsey's ringtone went off. A little short of breath, she answered, "Hi Mom!........ Yeah, Grace is home. The three of us are just watching a movie......... A hotel?.......... Yeah I can tell. That took longer than expected.......... His flight took that long? Well, no, I'm sure me and Grace will be fine on our own...... 'Grace and I'.......... Yes, we'll be fine....... Okay I'll see you tomorrow evening...... Love you too! Bye!"
"Is it just me, or did that sound like REALLY great news?" Tim asked, extremely happy to get more alone time with his newly discovered sex-crazed nymphs.
"Won't your parents be expecting you home soon anyway? It's a school night..." Lindsey said bummed, yet logically.
"Nah, it's late start tomorrow! They don't care what time I'm home!" Timmy replied, overjoyed he had talked to Tyler that afternoon.
"Oh my gosh, you're right!" shouted Grace. "So... can you just stay the night here? I... I really don't want you to go..."
"Yeah, I'll stay as long as you ladies want me! Tell ya what, how about we have some dinner, then me and Lindsey can show you some more things you'll enjoy," Tim said with a wink.
Grace felt so odd. She had been molested, hell, she had been raped. And yet... she felt strange about Tim. A craving. It was as if she needed him to be pleased with her. She realized it was the same feeling her sister must be feeling. Both girls knew they would do anything for Tim, and the fact that they accepted that in their minds meant that he had complete power over them, without even knowing it.
The trio took Tim's advice, and decided to eat a good meal before continuing with their festivities. After all, they had plenty of time left......
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