This story is a biography, based on fact (as best as I can remember – events that were unexpected, special and unforgettable) with interwoven fiction. It covers a number of years
It was 1992 when my family moved to live close by to my cousin Lila, who was about the same age. My name is Jonathon but my family has always called me Johnny. Our mothers are sisters. Layla's mother is about one year older than my mother. Lila and I are only children. We attended different schools. Lila attended a private girl’s school. I liked visiting Lila's house – it had a big swimming pool. My mother and I would visit their house and Lila and her mother would visit us. Lila and I became quite close. We seemed to like to do the same things.
For photo of Lila see:
I felt it was more sensual in B&W.
Our story: ……………………
When the weather had warmed up it was swimming time again - naked as usual. I now stayed over every weekend at Lila’s. On one occasion we were swimming when Aunt came out to the pool and hopped in with us. Because I was now older, I thought she may have worn swimmers, but she did not. I found myself taking even more interest in looking at my Aunt, naked, than ever before. I was probably thinking ‘I hope Lila is going to look like her Mum’.
When we got out of the pool, Aunt laid on the pool lounge and said she would just dry off. Lila saw me eyeing off Aunt's hairy triangle – I was thinking that I would like to feel her soft curls again.
Then she asked her Mum whether she had a pleasure spot. Aunt answered that all females did. Lila then said "Mine is hard to see, show me yours." I could not believe what came out of Lila sometimes.
Aunt hesitated, looked at me, then back to Lila and said "oh ok…… come here then" She laid back on the lounge, opened her legs wide and placed her finger and said "just there" Lila bent over and put her finger on the spot, rubbed around and asked whether that was right. Her Mother indicated it was. Lila said she could see it clearly now and that it was sticking up quite a bit.
Aunt moved to get up when Lila said "don't get up yet, let Johnny have a look" and before her Mum could say anything, pulled me over to look. I had been looking closely anyway! “Put your finger on it Johnny……….right there………….it seems to be a lot bigger than mine, doesn’t it? ”
As soon as I put my finger on her spot I could feel my Willie start to stick out. I wanted it to stop, but it wouldn’t. Lila watched closely……… "is that right Mum?". Aunt nodded, then put her hand around my finger and guided it up and down then around and around pushing it a little firmer on her spot.
After what seemed a long time Aunt opened her eyes, noticed my hard Willie, then said that it was time for her to go back inside. I liked the way her breasts bounced slightly as she walked.
Now we were by ourselves, I told Lila that she should not push me to do things like that to her mother.
Lila did not think it mattered – anyway, she was sure her mother liked the feel of my finger touching her. Also, her mother had told her that it was good for young boys to get use to the female body. They would then have better control of themselves when they were older and started to date.
Lila said that her Mum had told her that young boys would get a hard Willie if they were ‘simulated’. Then she whispered in my ear……’I like it when it sticks out.”
With swimming finished we became involved in other activities. . I started to learn tennis and Lila became involved with athletics.
Due to Lila’s interest in athletics her father made up some adjustable height hurdles for practice in the backyard. And later, a long jump pit with sand. We also spent more time on after-school work - Lila was still very inquisitive and often came home with school library books explaining how things worked.
We changed back to alternate stayovers, although sometimes adjusted to suit our sporting activities.
I was staying over at Lila’s, not long before the next summer break, when Lila told me she had been talking to Mary, her best classmate at school. When Mary learned that we were having stayovers she had asked if Lila had been ‘stretching’ my Willie. She had told her that boys really liked it. Mary told Lila that she had been ‘stretching’ her older brother's Willie and she could make it ‘go very hard’ and ‘stick out’ a long way - any time he wanted.
Mary explained exactly what she did.
In return, she said that he would rub her 'pleasure spot' - sometimes he gave her candies as well. Mary was surprised to find out that Lila had never had her spot rubbed. She told Lila that she would get ‘beautiful feelings’ if her cousin would do it for her and, although young girls only had little ‘pleasure spots’, boys were good at finding it. Also, that older girls liked having it rubbed because they might get to feel ‘organic’.
Next morning, we woke early. Lila came over to my bed - "shift over she said" and hopped into bed, kissed me on the cheek and then proceeded to cuddle close. “Let’s try what Mary told me.” She whispered.
She left the bedroom and returned with a small bottle in her hand which was about 1/2 full. I could see on the label it said Baby Oil. She asked me to stand up – it would be easier that way. She put a little oil on her hand and took my Willie, which was hanging limp, and rubbed it between her fingers. After a little while she asked whether it was starting to feel nice. I nodded. Then she said "oh that's better". My Willie stretched and she was able to get her hand right around it. She proceeded to gently rub backwards and forwards.
When she took her hand away Lila said "it's sticking straight out a lot……….and it feels like a stick!!" It felt quite good but it looked a bit skinny to me. Lila was amazed at how she could make it change from hanging down and little, to ‘sticking out.’ Then she tried to squeeze it…….”It’s hard………just like Mary said.”
Next, Lila asked me to find her ‘pleasure spot’ which was at the top of her crease. I felt around but she kept saying she did not feel any different. I said that if she opened her legs wide it might work. I tried again and then she indicated I was on the ‘spot’ and to start rubbing it very gently. After a little while I stopped, but she said to keep going as it was now feeling really good………. do it for me again tomorrow………..I like it a lot…………..what does it look like?”
I told her there was only a small pink, sort of bump which got bigger when I rubbed it and that it had a little cover on it. Many times she tried to see it but could not quite manage to. Lila looked in her closet drawers and found a small hand mirror. I held it for her and pointed to her spot.
“It is small ………..not like your Willie!” she commented. She gave it a rub with her finger ………”feels better when you do it for me Johnny.”
One weekend, Lila failed to return the baby oil bottle to the bathroom cabinet. She left it on her bedside table. When doing the beds her mother found the bottle and asked Lila what she had been doing with it. Lila, as always very open with her mother, said how it was for ‘stretching’ my Willie. Her mother asked her to show just how this was happening. Lila brought me into the bedroom and showed her mother what she did. With her mother watching I became hard and ‘stuck out’, as Lila called it, even quicker than usual. Her mother asked whether anything had squirted out of my Willie, when she was making it stick out. “You mean like wee?” Lila asked. “No………it’s different.” Her Mum replied.
Aunt was silent for a bit, then asked Lila to get her school ruler and pen from her school bag. She sat the ruler on top of my Willie, pushed one end on to my body put a mark with then pen on the ruler. She looked at the ruler and said "4 inches".
And added……………. "I think you are going to be big like your Dad when you’re older!"
Looking at me sticking out Lila said "well…….. how long is Johnny's dad?" Aunt said in reply that it was 8 inches. Lila then asked when she had measured it. Aunt said she had not measured it and that my Mum had told her. Then she asked how big her Dad was. Aunt replied "6 inches". Lila picked up the ruler and put a pen mark on the 6 and the 8 saying “gee Johnny……….it’s going to go right out to there…….8 inches…. wow that’s real long….……………..hope you will let me see it then!”
One morning Lila was getting out of bed and had her legs wide apart in the bright sunlight. I told her I could
see a lot of short black hairs along her crease. She looked down excitedly
…….. “I’m starting to look like my mother!” she exclaimed. A vision of her mother’s triangle popped in to my head. Then she looked at me……….. ”show me……do you have any hairs around your Willie yet?” She appeared a little disappointed that there were none but said that she would keep watching for when I did.
One night I had my first squirt without warning. Lila had put oil on my Willie. It was very slippery and felt beautifully hard as she slid her hands along it, from back to front. I just managed to stop it going everywhere by catching it with my hand. Lila was surprised and amazed……….. “show me that stuff that shot out ……….is that squirt?....................I thought it was only supposed to come out if you put your Willie in me!”
She said that she remembered her mother telling her about squirt.
Her mother had had a long talk with her after the baby oil incident and explained why she was not to put my Willie into her. She had told her that hormone-charged boys could not stop themselves from squirting if they put their Willie in a girl. And, importantly, if the girl was old enough to have baby making eggs, it might make her have a baby. It was on this condition that I was allowed to continue sleeping in the same room as we got older.
Lila proceeded to examine the squirt closely …………… “I wonder if that’s dangerous…………. I might have eggs now” she exclaimed. Sometimes, I could not understand what Lila meant!
And, with her usual inquisitiveness ……. “Why did you make your Willie squirt when it is was not inside me?”
I explained that I had no control over it ………… my Willie seemed to have a mind of its own……..
it just squirted!!
Lila looked a bit puzzled………“Yes…….that’s what Mum said……….you mean that, now you have started to squirt, it could do it again……anytime? ……………….. anyway, what makes it want to squirt?”
“I think you made me too excited” I answered.
“Well………. how does it feel when it squirts……….is it like peeing?” I shook my head.
“Does it feel good?” she continued.
“Yes…….it feels really extra, extra good.” I told her.
“If I made you excited again could you make it go now? …….. I’d like to watch it squirt again……… I missed seeing the first squirt that came out!”
At this stage my Willie had completely collapsed. I had a feeling that it would be a while before it could do the same thing. All I wanted to do was lay down on the bed. I told her that my Willie felt too tired. Lila could see that it was hanging down limp.
“We could try it tomorrow morning” she suggested. “Now…..let me give you a cuddle……having your first squirt makes it a special day for you……… a birthday…………….I like that I can help make you get real nice feelings.” she added.
And, ……….“we’ll have to tell mum that you are now squirting……….she will probably want to see if it is the proper squirt…………mums know all about these things.”
I nearly fell off the bed on to the floor. “Lila!!” I said............. ”you can’t do that…….you can’t mention anything………… know your mum will tell my mum.”
I knew, from past experience, that Lila would let it slip out of her mouth, even if she did not plan to. She always told her mother everything. If I wanted to be with Lila I would just have to get use to her ways!
Lila liked to wake early, before anybody else was up, and crawl in to bed with me. It was barely light when I felt a warm body slide in with me and cuddle close.
“Do you want me to make you excited again?” she whispered, then continued……….”I have been thinking……….. your Willie has grown too big to be called ‘Willie’……. anymore! …………..I think I will call it ‘dick’ from now on.” And that’s what she did. I felt it sounded better, and it was going to grow even bigger.
Lila did not need any practice. She remembered that she had been using two hands with a slow continuous slide. In a minute or so I was on the way…….”starting” I said. Lila put one hand under the end my dick and watched closely as it squirted on to her hand.
“It’s all warm………….I could see your Willie stretch as it squirted ……………. good Johnny?”
As before, after squirting, my dick very quickly flopped downwards ………. “you only get one go! ................that does not seem fair………………when you rub my spot, I get nice lot’s of times!”
With her hand around my Willie she counted the number of squirts by the contractions that she could feel. Lila seemed to like it just as much as I did. She told me she got a ‘warm’ feeling when she watched it squirt.
On stayovers, Lila really loved shower time. Despite her mother’s frequent suggestion that Lila was too old to take me into shower with her, she completely ignored her. When she grabbed my hand and pulled I just followed. It was in the shower, when Lila was glistening wet, that I noticed there lumps around her nipples.
I suggested that she show her mother in case she needed to go to the doctors. When her mother came into the bathroom she felt the lumps and asked if they felt tender. Lila said that they did, a little. Aunt replied that her breasts were staring to grow - she did not need to see a doctor. Then Lila said “Good……………Johnny will be able to watch them grow…………..and he said I’ve got a lot more hairs too.”
My favorite part of stayovers was just cuddling with Lila. She still liked to wake early, before anybody else was up and crawl in to bed with me. I loved to feel her bare body against me. By this time, my dick had become very sensitive to the touch of her hand.
Now, as soon as Lila climbed in bed with me she would put her hand around it. Almost instantly she could feel it grow in her hand. The head would push out between her thumb and first finger as my dick was now much longer than her hand around it.
With Lila holding her hand around my dick, we would lie, on our sides, as close as possible. After a while Lila would say……….. ”can you feel me now!” She would take my finger and find her spot………….”that’s right now……….start………very lightly, remember.”
Sometimes, Lila liked me to cuddle in to her back with my hard dick tucked between her legs. Then, when I put my hand over to her front she would guide my finger to her spot. I really liked this way because we could remain totally touching all the time.
As usual, the summer break was great fun with Lila. I felt that we had become even closer. May be that was because we spent so much time in bed, together and naked.
On return to school Lila caught up with her friend, Mary.
Mary asked whether Lila had ever been skinny dipping in their pool. Lila explained that she did not like bikinis and always went swimming, naked. Mary said she always thought swimsuits were uncomfortable and would like to try going ‘skinny’. Lila told Mary to come over on the Friday for a swim.
Lila and I were already in the pool when My Aunt sang out to say Mary had arrived. Lila wrapped a towel around her top – she had been told not to come to the house, naked, to meet Mary and her mother. I was still in the water when Lila arrived back with Mary.
I could see that Mary was a similar height to Lila but a more solid build. Her hair was brown and short compared to Lila’s dark and long. I thought she was quite pretty. She was wearing a short dress with thin straps over her shoulders. I came up the steps of the pool to meet Mary. She said “hi ……..the water looks good………….I’ll take my clothes off” and kissed me on the cheek. She slipped her underpants off – then let the straps of the dress slip off her shoulders and the dress fall to the ground.
With her now completely naked, I did not know where to look – at her breasts or the little hairy patch on her mound. I tried to look at both, at the same time. I had expected that she would have bumps just like Lila………..but she had these little rounded breasts and pubic hair.
Not only were they round, they had a smooth curve outwards with nipples perched on the front. I thought they were absolutely beautiful.
“I wish my breasts would hurry up and grow like yours Mary”. Lila said to her. “I’m not in any hurry………….. my mum says all the females in our family have big boobs and the males have little dicks. ”Mary answered.
Suddenly I felt my dick starting………… seconds it was sticking straight out.
Mary looked at me………………and whispered “I like your long dick.” ………….. and then I felt her hand around it and give it a couple of squeezes…………… ” Feels nice too.”
Lila said that Mary was so white she needed sunscreen and told Mary to stand still and we would do it for her. She poured some onto her hands and passed the bottle to me………………….. ”you do Mary’s front and I will do her back.”
I felt my dick get even harder when I started to rub the sunscreen all over her beautiful breasts. Not only did I get a close look, I got to feel how soft and smooth they were. I could not believe it when I felt her nipples get bigger as I slid my hands over them.
After quite a long time swimming, Mary said she would like to lie in the sun. Lila told her she would need sunscreen on her legs if she was going to lie on the sun lounge for a while.
“Johnny, will you do it for me?” Mary asked.
As I sat next to her on the lounge I could not stop myself from starring at the little hairy triangle. Mary opened her legs wider and I could see a mass of hairs right along her crease. “Want to see my spot, Johnny” she asked as she attempted to clear all the hairs away so I could get a good view. Lila came over to look …………. “I wish I had hairs like that! ……………. is Mary’s spot bigger than mine?”
“Much the same.” I replied. I did not want to tell her it was about half the size. She had all ready had enough disappointment that day- she did not have breasts nor hairs like Mary.
It took a long time to apply the sunscreen to her legs.
As Mary dressed, ready to be picked up by her mother, she said she had had a great time. She loved swimming naked and getting rubbed with sunscreen. I hoped she would come swimming again - she liked having sunscreen and I liked rubbing it on her.
I would like to watch her breasts and little hairy triangle get bigger.
Mary came for 2 more swims before the water became too cold.
Before going to sleep Lila said that she wanted to measure my dick again. As it had been some time since her mother had measured it she thought I must have grown a lot - her hand would not go right around it. She found the old ruler was still in her drawer, plus a short piece of soft plastic tape measure.
“Let’s make it real hard and fat.” She said as she put her hand around my dick and gave a couple of squeezes. It certainly did not take long to respond.
“That’s real good” she said and placed the ruler on top as her mother had done. “41/2 inches long and………………on the tape……………..41/2 inches round………….exactly the same! …………no wonder my hand won’t go round.
She marked the ruler and the tape at 41/2 inches and returned them to the bottom drawer…………….
”only ½ inch longer in all that time! ……….it’s good that I can watch it grow……pity it grows so slowly!!”
She was disappointed that it had not grown more……..” it’s going to take forever to get to 8 inches!! I wonder how fat it will be by then.”
Finally read your post that explained why the photo was not available - truly a shame - wish there were some way of contacting you but pm's are not allowable for you
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