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Jake realises a mistake
A guy and his...............? (Perspectives)

I hope no one feels I rushed this it took a while not much sex (yet) I wanted to get an important fact out
hope to have part 5 soon

The rest of the week wasn't too bad for Jake with someone occasionally trying to mess with him. After the third day when Jake had put the biggest of his co-workers against a wall after he tried to grab his shoulder, nobody had really tried anything further. Tommy had stood there his mouth agape shaking his head as he walked up to Jake.

"Ok I believe you now and I think the others realise that you aren't the pansy they thought you were" he stated with a huge smile on his face.
Jake almost couldn't believe that he had done it either, the knowledge had been there and the ability also, it had just been easy. Now that he thought about it (carefully as Gen was always listening) how was he able to keep up with the daily super doses of sex with Gen.

<Gen> he thought,
<Yes Master Jake> came her happy and bubbly reply.
<I remember you saying that I'd would live longer and be healthier> he started <but I was wondering why is my cock bigger and I can last a whole lot longer do you have anything to do with this?>
<Yes Master> came her reply <I felt that you wanted these things and I have most joyessly enjoyed themand no master you aren't too large for me now, you are not displeased with me are you master?>
<Not especially Gen but in the future BEFORE you do anything like this, talk to me FIRST ok?> he thought, hoping he didn't upset her again
<Yes master I hear and obey but master I can not lift the protection it is one of the things I was made to do>

Jake thought for a moment <alright I like that anyway>
Giggling Gen reached over and kissed her master on the cheek, jumping Jake almost fell off the walkway.
<Damnit Gen! a little more warning!>
Giggling harder Gen moved off a little from her master.
<Alright Gen you have forced me to do this> Jake really hated this <I want you to go back to the house and I want you to sit there on the couch and think about how angry you have made me!> He could almost feel her panic.
<NO!!!!! Master please don't make me go without you> Jake pointed towards his home hoping he looked nonchalant,
<I've warned you many times I may not get hurt but others might now I want you to go NOW!> Jake stated

For a moment just .. a moment it was quiet then the flood gates opened. crying Gen pleaded <Master please! I need to be near you, you are my sole purpose for exsistence!> Jake again pointed as she almost screamed in his head, <NO MASTER NO!!!!!!!!!!!! it won't happen again, nothing like it will >
<No Gen you have to learn I am tired of the promises and then you forget, you can"listen" for me but I want you at the house NOW!!!!!!!!!> damn now HE felt bad but it needed to be done, she was getting a little out of hand.
<Y..Y..Yes master I will go> hecould hear her sobbing in his head but he knew she had to obey.
<Also there will be no pleasing yourself at all, WHEN I get home I will let you know when and IF you can tonight, do you understand me Gen? You have upset me greatly. I want you to sit there and think not only what you have done, but what you SHOULD have done> damn now he felt like shit he could hear her sobbing hard in his head.

Crying and sobbing Gen realised that she had pushed her master a little too far. She didn't know how she was going to make it, this last week she had bonded so close to her master she felt that to even be seperated an hour or two was almost a death sentence to her.
Walking around a corner Jake spoke "appear Gen" as he looked around
"Yes master" came he sobbing reply
As she stood there Jake reached out to her " I didn't want to punish you but I can't have you doing these things you're a danger to the others here I may not like many of them but I don't want them hurt either you have to understand this you WILL or I won't be able to allow you with me here anymore" Gen lowered her head her petite, 5'4'' body shaking with her sobs, her green eyes dulled from her pain and tears.

"My will is your's to command, I will do as you say" nodding her head again then poof, she was gone.
Jake stood still a moment and could not feel her at all, "damn this feels strange, I better test it" <Gen can you hear me?>
<Yes master, I am at your home I am following your orders, I will be listening for you and I will do as you commanded>
<Good I will be home in a few hours, as you are aware and then I will decide when and IF you may pleasure yourself>
Sighing, Jake heard her <I will endeavour to think of my behavior what I did wrong and should have done>
<Good see you soon> as jake went back to work

Three hours later near the end of the day Jake began to get light headed not bad, a little like when one goes without food too long during the day not thinking much of it he finished up and headed for his truck. Damn but his head was buzzing a little as he drove he thought to Gen <I am on my way home Gen>
as he began to feel weak and tired almost as if he were getting si..... sick? <Gen? are you there?>
A very tired and lethargic sounding voice greeted him <Yes master I am here I think, I can not see very well right now>
What?... she was a genie she wasn't supossed to get sick at all, hell neither was he but now that he thought about it he wasn't feeling to hot himself,

Racing as fast as he could home, he ran into the house leaving all his things in his truck as he ran for the door and almost took it off the hinges getting it open. Upon entering he found Gen on the couch as he had ordered her, her head rolled back on the back of the couch almost unconscious, muttering to herself "I need my master ....where is he? I need my master"
Jake reached for her and craddled her to him "Gen open your eyes!"
Smiling at the sound of his voice she slowly opened her eyes and whispered almost inaudibly, "I was good master I obeyed everything, I know now what I did and I will never do these things again but I feel so strange"
Jake held her tighter afraid that she was dying, his chest getting tighter as he thought he had done something to kill her.
As he began to weep he started talking to himself " I didn't mean to kill you Gen I only wanted you to learn now I won't be able to live with myself." as his tears fell on her face she began to stir Jake not noticing as he wept into her shoulder,

"Master why are you crying I am not dead, though once again you have given another gift for which I can never repay you for," she stated with a tired looking but beautiful smile, "it is almost unheard of for a master to cry over or for the life of a Jin, again you have proven that you truly are the rarest of master's"
"GEN!!!!! You're alive!!!!!!!! I thought I had killed you!!!!!" Jake shouted as he hugged her tighter.
"Yes I am master but I might not be much longer if you keep squeezing me like this" she softly chuckled.
"Oh sorry" he said as he released her. "What was wrong? why were you so weak?"

"Well Master you remember I said I pledged myself to you?" she started
"Yes something about a vow ages ago?" he replied
"It was more than a vow I pledged my WHOLE heart AND my soul to you I was not lying when I said I NEED to be near you, you truly are my only reason to exsist, now that I gave you everything, without you I can no longer be." she said as she took a ragged strengthening breath, "You are everything to me and I will do everything in or with my powers for you"
"Just one thing Gen I was also feeling bad for the last hour can you explain that?" he asked curious to know

"Master?" she started, "Are you in love with me"
"I"m not really sure we have been having alot of sex and I hadn't thought much on it why do you ask?" he replied a questioning look on his face.
"Well not completely in love but the beginings of love in your heart for me your Jin it is the only explanation I can think of," speaking more to herself than to him "I haven't heard of any cases where this has happened, oh my! it has to be!"
"Ok, left me out here care to explain?" an irratated look on his face
"Oh master I apologise," she started , "it is a very rare and special thing indeed I believe what you experienced was what I believe they called the after lasting I have heard it almost happened once butn that master died in war and his Jin was never the same."

"Just what is it? a disease or something exotic that might kill me?" feeling just a touch afraid now Jake looked deep into her eyes.
"No master nothing like that, it is when a master feels love in his heart for his Jinn and is connected very strongly, to them if the Jinn is in distress then the master will feel it, and the mere presence of the master will start to restrengthen the Jinn immediately." Gen said matter of factly
Looking a little confussed Jake was having a hard time following.
"Let me see" Gen looking deep into his eyes "ah ok I have bonded to you very strongly master and because of how you were feeling you have also bonded to me not as strong as I have or can but yes I see it" afar away look in her eyes she continued " there is a bond unlike anything I have ever seen in a master, you are very special indeed," bowing low she looked at him " I am honored to have chosen by the great Jinn and you to be your Jinn, but master?"

"Yes Gen something else you forgot about?" as he looked into her eyes and could see the return of her hunger.
"No nothing I forgot about but master I am so horny could you please fuck me? I have been so empty without you near me or in me I need your touch" she blurted out in an almost pleading voice.
"We'll see first tell me what you did wrong then..........."he started
Half an hour later Jake was almost to the breaking point his 8 inch (and seeming to grow a little more each day) cock straining to be released as she finished listing everything the while time squirming on the couch trying to finish.

"Now master may I" again sounding in a pleading voice
"Yes Gen" he replied as she blinked and they were both naked.
Wasting no time Gen climbed on his lap and forcefully drove her cunt all the way down his shaft as she screamed in release. Her pussy still tight was pure heaven as in her thoes he felt he vaginal walls begin to grasp and squeeze his cock.
Quickly she began a rhythm up and down as hard and as fast as she could within 5 minutes she was cumming again her girl juices slicking her insides making her slippier as she kept forcing her deeper and faster around him.

As she fucked up and down on his shaft he felt he wetness spread as his cock slid in and out the walls of her bringing him close then releasing finally 20 minutes later after her third orgasm he turned them both with him on top and took over as he began to plunge as hard and deep as he could go, another 10 minutes and he felt his balls churning as he started pumping in and out faster and faster "Oh my god you are so hot Gen,"
"Thank you master but please shut up and fuk me,: she panted out
Jake knew he was close as he began to slam into her harder as she grunted and finally squealed as he began to pump an almost steady stream of cum deep in her "I can't stop Gen,' he panted with her
"Don't stop master don't stop I want to feel all of you" she panted out as Jake gushed and spewed his cum deep in her
"YES!!!!!! MASTER YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As they both lay there trying to catch their breath Jake looked closely at the woman next to him. Trying to not think at Gen his thoughts turned to their earlier coversation, in love? Looking at her again yes it was quite possible he was.


2021-09-20 22:43:48
there needed to be a bit more transgression to cause his discipline - it felt forced and unneccesary. Otherwise great story so far

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-14 06:54:17
I use the free version of Grammarly extension to write stories. I have the browser read them back to me using Chrome's Speakit extension. When everything looks and sounds good, I publish the story. :)


2016-05-01 18:07:36
Another awesome chapter, can't wait to read the next one:).

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-27 17:46:01
The plot is good but it needs spelling and grammar....and after all of that has been fixed, a slight tweaking of genies personality to not be completely manically afraid every day. Its a bit too much like Twilight or Star Wars episode II. Think more like Disney love. I'm sorry but your characters have less brains than Disney. But I like the basic idea and setting.

cave apeReport 

2014-06-19 12:43:46
great please more

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