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Mother and son incest
This is a continuation of an earlier story. It does NOT stand well on its own.

A Willing Participant. Continued, Home Free

Chapter One

Mary pulled a U-turn onto the highway. As she headed for home, she fielded questions laced with accusations and disbelief. One stood out. IF she was forced, then why wasn't she calling the police?

She countered with questions of her own: “Did you get their license plate?”

“No! I didn't think I needed to.”

“There wasn't one! She responded. “What where their names, did you get their last name? Were John and Billy their real names? Where they really bother?”

Travis glared at her. Of course he didn't know.

“That house in the woods, could you find your way back there?”

“I could try.” He said, but he didn't sound too sure.

“Maybe that wasn't even their house. Maybe they just broke in, and now they're long gone.”

He just looked at her as though she was making all this up.

“What are you going to tell the police?” she asked. “They're going to want to hear the WHOLE story you know.”

He couldn't look at her when he answered: “I wouldn't tell them everything.” He said, sounding embarrassed and ashamed.

“EVERYTHING will come out. Is that what you want?”

Travis was silent, brooding most of the ride home. When he did speak, he was short and defensive. He didn't believe that she was forced, and Mary didn't blame him, not by the way she'd acted.

A call with an excuse of car trouble relieved Mary of her obligation to visit her sister. They headed straight home. Agonizing, she replayed the events over and over again in her head, how she'd acted and what she'd done. It made her sick to her stomach.

Once they got home, things where no better. The atmosphere was cold and tense, and for days he'd avoided her. He was angry and didn’t believe that crap about her being forced. That was all bull-shit! He thought. She was lying! It sure hadn't looked like she was forced, not by the way that cock hungry bitch sucked everyone off, and not by the way SHE came over and over again! There was no fucking way she was forced!

Mary ruminated over the events in the woods. She WAS forced, she WAS, at first... but then things spiraled out of control. The thoughts of how she'd acted, and the things she'd done, they haunted her. She'd lost control of herself, and couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Troubled by guilty, not only for what she'd done, but because a side of her, a side she kept hidden, enjoyed what had happened, longed for it. It was a deep dark deviant part of her that craved depraved and degrading sex. It was part that very few had ever seen, a part that her son had now witnessed.

She questioned her actions. Could she have done something different, resisted them more, not been so cooperative? Had she really done the right thing by giving in to them so totally, or was she just fulfilling her own deep dark desires?

It had been over two week, and Mary hadn’t touched herself, which was unusual. She rarely went more than a couple of days without needing to masturbate. It wasn't that she was purposely abstaining; she just hadn't been in the mood. Not only was she troubled by conflicting feelings, and by the way Travis was treating her. She was also physically, emotionally, and sexually exhausted... spent even.

Only in her darkest fantasies, had Mary ever had such a wild sexual experience. She'd often imagined being taken and brutally fucked by two, three, or more men at the same time, acting out those depraved fantasies, alone in her room with her extensive collection of toys. She just never had the nerve really to seek it out. It was unfortunate, that when her fantasy finally did become a reality, it included her own teenage son.

Mary's breasts were swollen, sore and tender. The routine milking and sucking of her large lactating breast was an important part of her sexuality, and her solo sex play. Recently they had been neglected, as was rest of her needs. The pain and building pressure was becoming nearly unbearable. She considered milking herself just to relieve the pressure, but knew where that would lead, and just the thought of it got her juices flowing. Retiring early one evening, Mary decided she needed to take care of all her needs.

Stripping naked, she stood in front of a tall mirror brushing her hair.
Born Mary Giovanni, she had long dark brown hair and olive skin that was quite fair. She’d been a single mom taking care of her own needs for so long that the sight of her own naked body aroused her.

Turning this way and that, she checked out her petite, yet bodacious little body. At 4, 11” she wasn't very tall. She had large milky breast, which she loved, although they often gained her lots of unwanted attention. Her ass was big too, a little too big, she thought. But her stomach was flat, and she was proud of that. Her legs, although short were slender and tapered nicely to her wide hips.

I'll never be a Super Model, she thought, but I still look pretty good! She was an example of exaggerated propositions, a tiny girl with big tits, a thin waist, wide hips and a bubble butt. She was no athlete, she thought. She had a body made for one thing...

After her divorce, and with age, Mary became increasingly insecure and self-conscious about her curvy little body, especially her big round ass.

Even thou, she knew men were still very attracted to her. Those men in the woods sure had been... and so was her son!

What the fuck? Why? Why did that crazy thought just pop into my head? She wondered. It was startling, unsettling, disturbing even. She wasn't sure how she felt about it. some way, it made her feel good, more confident, aroused even. Maybe that's what disturbed her.

Mary lightly touched her swollen breast. The skin felt tight. Holding them, they felt heavy and laden with milk. She squeezed and pinched her large stiff nipple, droplets of milk appeared. Squeezing and pinching harder, the drops turned to a fine stream. Lifting the heavy breast to her mouth caused her to wince with pain. They were sore and tender, but the pain beckoned pleasure. It was a pain that preceded release, and relief. Sucking at the fat distended nipple, her mouth instantly filled with sweet warm milk, and her throbbing pussy cried out for the same attention.

Crawling on her bed, she lay back on a pile of pillows and continued suckling her breast. Spreading her legs, she rubbed the fleshy folds of her demanding pussy. Already amazingly wet, her pussy made sloppy sloshing sound as she rubbed and fingered herself.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off into an aroused state, where reality and fantasy mingle.

Disconnected images of wild sex and lustful acts with nameless, faceless men filled her thought. Images of incredibly large cocks erupting with ridiculous amount of delicious cum filled her mind and caused her mouth to water as she dug fingers deep into her fat wet hole.

Disjointed images of crazed sex joined and coalesced with memories of that fateful night in the woods. The wild sex, it was something that she'd only fantasized about. And her abductors, she would never forget them, they were so handsome, well built... and so well hung.

And her son... The sight of his surprisingly large cock, it had stirred something deep, dark and disturbingly forbidden in her. She couldn't stop thinking about it, what had happened, what she'd done, all the sucking, all the fucking, all the cum, and all the orgasms, the wonderful intense orgasms. Her thoughts and emotions crashed together in a collision of arousal and regret.

She was unable to stop thinking about what had happened in the woods. It was something she would never forget. It had been wild crazy sex, the greatest she'd ever had. And it took three cocks to give it to her! The thoughts and memories, as disturbing as they were, aroused her. She was ashamed of what she'd been forced to do, but her greatest shame was that truthfully, she’d loved every minute of it.

Mary wasn’t horrified or traumatized by what had happened. She didn't feel angry or vengeful. She felt excited, and aroused by the very thought of it.

Lying back on her bed with her legs spread wide, she got lost in fantasy and memories, as she sucked hard, drinking deeply from her own milky breast. Rubbing and fingering herself, she delighted in the sensuous feel of her own body. Her vulva was so full and puffy. Her protruding lips where so long and thick, and her wonderfully sensitive clit was so big and fat and proudly standing out like an appendage of its own.

Grasping the fleshy folds of her pussy, she pulled and massaged. Muffled moans escaped her nipple filled mouth as streams of milk leaked and trickled down between her breasts.

Fingering herself, and sucking her tits, Mary thought about her son, remembering how excited he'd gotten when he'd seen her naked, and how excited he was to touch her.

She remembered her son's cock, how surprised she had been at how big and beautiful it was. She remembered how it felt to have that big thick shaft in her hands, throbbing in her mouth, and pulsing against her tongue. It was so big and thick, and stiff, just like his fathers, bigger even. She remembered how excited he gotten when she'd slip her mouth over it, and took him downs her throat. He came almost instantly! The thoughts made her quiver and moan.

Sitting on her bed, she sucked her own tits while wildly fingering herself. She moaned and grunted as an orgasm rapidly approached.

She remembered... fantasized... sucking and fucking her own son.

Her own son...

Her own son!

Chapter 2

As she lay there wildly masturbating, dreaming of her son's big cock, her mind suddenly exploded with horrible feelings of guilt and shame.

NO! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? I'm masturbating, imagining fucking my own son!

In anguish, as though it had caused her some insult, she grabbed the flesh of her dirty incestuous cunt and squeezed hard, not for pleasure but to cause pain. Clamping her fist down hard on her swollen pussy lips, she dug in her nails, and pulled, twisted, and yanked the tender fleshy folds of her fat cunt with all her might. As she punished her dirty whore cunt, she bit down painfully hard on her big fat nipple.

She was a dirty incestuous slut, and she punished her filthy body trying to push back the arousal.

Throwing her head back in pain, she gasped as she released the abused nipple. Stretching the skin of her pussy lips to their taut limits, she groaned. Finally, with shaky hands, she had to release the tormented flesh of her abused cunt. She could endure no more.

Then, still disgusted with herself, she spitefully brought her hand down hard with a loud slapping blow atop her fat tender clit. Bolts of pain shot through her cunt and stabbed at her spasuming ass hole.

Again attacking her breast with vengeful intent, she grabbed one with an angry vice like grip and squeezed brutally hard. Milk erupted into multiple anguished streams as she dug her fingers into the tender swollen orb.

Gritting her teeth with pain, she grabbed her squirting nipples and pulled viciously hard, twisting, torturing, punishing the tender puckering flesh. Her hands were soaked, dripping with her own milk.

Then she slapped at her aching breast, violently, angrily, repeatedly, she rained down hard blows, punishing her tits. From the top, the bottom, the sides, she slapped. Lashing out, she pommeled her breast. Her swollen globes viciously abused and tossed about, squirted milk everywhere.

Grabbing one of her abused squirting breast with both hands, she squeezed horribly, painfully hard. Her breast, purple and distorted from the blood being painfully squeezed into it, looked and felt as though it might tear open from the cruel pressure.

Mary lifted the agonized, squirting nipple to her mouth and sucked viciously hard! Her mouth instantly filled with warm milk, and her engorged nipple felt as though it might explode in her mouth. She bit down hard, and with a gasp of pain, she released the tormented nipple.

Looking down at the mauled breast still clutched in her hands, she chomped down again. That time, she bit through, painfully drawing blood. The irony taste of blood mixed with milk and filled her mouth. With a painful grimace, she released the swollen, squirting, bloody nipple.

Continuing to punish herself, she slapped at her offending, wanton flesh, slapping her breast, her stomach, her legs, and then the tender flesh of inner thighs. Slapping and scratching, she tore at the sensitive skin.

With her body stinging and inflamed from torment, she'd reached her limits. She could endure no more pain, and despite the vicious self-abuse, her body still longed for pleasure. It was a hunger so deep and desperate that she couldn’t beat it out.

Feverishly rubbing at the screaming flesh between her legs, she sought pleasure in spite the pain. Filled with self-loathing and disgust, she slapped again at her dirty needy cunt. Then rubbed wildly, mean, hard and fast at her tormented swollen clit, and despite her vicious self-abuse, she felt an unstoppable orgasm approaching.

Rubbing wildly at the wet fleshy folds between her legs, she urged on a desperate climax. Yet again, she slapped down hard atop the large hooded bundle of nerves of her clit. Continuing to punish herself, she tried to beat down the orgasm, and deny herself any pleasure.

She'd played a version of this cruel game before, but never so abusively. Inflicting a small sting to delay or prolong a climax, maybe a pinch, or a squeeze, or a light spank, but never had she so brutally abused herself.

Continued to torment herself, she slapped, and then rubbed her stinging flesh. Pain followed by pleasure, and despite the abuse, she was cumming. Not only was Mary cumming despite her self-abuse, her orgasm was heightened and intensified by it.

Rubbing fiercely at her cunt, she was cumming and couldn't stop it. Groaning loudly, she tensed, convulsed and thrashed about on her bed as she climaxed.

Her orgasm, as deep and intense as it was, was far from satisfying.

Lost in a bizarre sexual fog, Mary rolled over and reached to her night stand which housed a large collection of toys...

Chapter 3

Mary's slumber was disturbed by the awareness that even with her eyes closed it was late in the morning, and for a moment she panicked fearing she was late for work, but then remembered with relief, it was Saturday. She tried to go back to sleep, but felt something hard pressing against her forehead. Opening her sleepy eyes, she looked at the object. It was something pinkish and translucent resting on her pillow. To close to see it clearly, she sat up to find her pink silicon cock shaped dildo.

Then she remembered. Things had gotten kind of crazy last night, after brutally fucking herself with the pink toy, and cumming multiple of times, she'd taken the creamy goo covered rubber dick and shoved it in her mouth.

Sitting up, she felt something else against her inner thigh. It was her big black dildo, the one she'd fucked after putting the pink one in her mouth. Looking around, she saw several more dildos on her bed, and the hair brush. She remembered fucking her ass with the handle.

Yeah, she'd gotten pretty crazy last night she'd thought, acting out her fantasy of being brutally gang fucked with her collection of surrogate cocks and whatever else she had laying around.

She remembered lying face down with her ass up, and her mouth full of the pink rubber cock, and she remembered the smell and taste of her own pussy on the cock. She'd remembered grabbing another dildo, her largest, a big black one, and pushing it in her wet, inflamed cunt. She remembers humping 'big black' against the mattress as she worked the handle of the hairbrush in her up turned ass.

The LAST thing she remembered was choking on the pink dildo, not able to breath. In the mitts of an incredible orgasm, she'd pushed it clear down her throat, balls deep. Yep, she'd gotten pretty crazy last night. Had she passed-out? She wondered, or just fallen asleep.

Suddenly feeling self-conscious sitting there naked surrounded by sticky sex toys, she quickly gathered up her toys and put them back in the night stand.

Climbing out of bed she found she was sore and stiff. Her ass and pussy was sore, and so was her throat. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw that she was covered in scratches and red marks, and even a few bruises and bite marks on her tits.

She felt disturbed and ashamed. How could she have done this to herself? She liked a little pain with her pleasure, but this was something different. Her own behavior troubled her.

What had happened in the woods.... happened. What they did, what she did, what her son did, there was no undoing it. She needed to move on, and put it behind her. She couldn't keep beating herself up, emotionally OR physically. She needed to pull herself together and move on with her life. She had done what she had to do to protect herself and her son... and it worked! They were both home safe. She should have no regrets... but she did.

She knew she wouldn't soon be able to get those depraved thoughts and fantasies out of her head, but she couldn't have many nights like the last. It could destroy her.

Pulling on a cute pair of pajama shorts and an old tee-shirt to cover her nakedness, and the evidence of her own self-abuse, she went to the kitchen for some coffee.

Chapter 4

Travis found his mom sitting at the kitchen table, hunched over a cup of coffee reading the morning paper. Her hair was a twisted, matted mess, more so than normal, and she looks haggard.

“You look like shit” He said to her.

“Oh thank you! Just the look I was going for.” She replied sarcastically.

He was finally talking to her, she realized, and she didn't want to poison it with smart ass remarks.

“Sorry. I had a rough night. I didn't sleep well, and I have a stiff neck.” She added in a much more pleasant tone.

Even as rough as she looked, she still looked sexy, Travis thought. Her little sleep shorts had ridden up and showed off a lot of leg, and even a little ass. The old tee-shirt she wore was thin and tight, it really showed off her big pointed tits and her big dark nipples stood out and were clearly visible through the thin fabric. He instantly felt a swelling in his cock.

Travis had been obsessing over his mother like never before, and painfully wanted to relive the events in the woods.

He didn't understand why she was playing so fucking hard to get. He didn’t believe that shit about her being forced, not after what they done. He’d seen how she could get! He'd seen what a crazy horny slut she could be! He desperately wanted to see that side of her again.

Nonchalantly, he moved behind her chair and put his hands on her shoulders.

“Do you mind?” He asked.

Somewhat surprised, she replied: “Not at all. A neck massage would be great!”

Gentle he massaged the delicate muscles of his mom’s neck and shoulders. She seemed so tiny in his large hands. Despite her ample attributes, she was a small boned, little woman.

Except for their coloring, they were the total opposites. He was tall, lean and muscular, like his father. She was petite and bodacious. It was hard to believe she'd given birth to him.

Towering over her, he could easily over power her, and do whatever he wanted, and she would love it, he thought! Some bitches like it rough! He'd seen those videos. His mom liked it like that, he thought. It had got pretty rough that night in the woods, and she sure had loved it.

Yet he still had some nagging doubts about what really happened that night. What she said about being forced... was it true?

No fucking way, he told himself. He'd seen how fucking crazy horny she'd gotten! He refused to believe it. If it was true, then what had HE done to her? He couldn't even think about it.

Standing behind her, he massaged his mother’s sore shoulders.

“MMMMMM, Thank you. That feels so good.” She purred.

She couldn't see it from where she sat, but it was plainly visible, her son's cock was stiff, hard, and fully erect. Wearing only a tee-shirt and boxer shorts, the thin fabric of the boxers did little to hide his ragging hard-on.

Straightening up and flexing her neck and shoulders, Mary relaxed and let her arms hang to her sides.

Moving his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, Travis massaged and rubbed his mother’s arms. As he rubbed her arms, his fingers tips lightly brushed against the sides of her breast. She didn't flinch, and his cock twitched with excitement!

“OOOOH, MMMMMM, your pretty good at this. Who would of thought?” She cooed.

His cock throbbed, and his balls ached for release. His heart raced, and his hands quivered. This was easy, he thought with excitement! She is horny and ready to go! She's practically begging for it.

Quickly moving his hands, cupping each of her breasts. Lightly squeezing, he slid his thumb and index fingers to her hard stiff nipples and gently pinched and twisted.

“TRAVIS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP THAT!” She barked. Her hands instantly grabbed at his wrist and tried push them away, but he stiffened, and held fast fondling her breast.

Still playing a little hard to get? That's okay, I can play like that, he thought as he continued to forcibly squeeze and massage his mom’s big breast.

Kicking the chair backwards, she drove it painfully back into her son's stiff cock. Standing, she spun around to face him.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!” She snarled, spitting the words at him.

Travis was surprised, and stunned by his mother’s reaction to his advances. He’d longed for her so desperately and was crushed by her rejection.

He snapped back: “You sure fuck'n liked it the other night in the woods! You even begged for it!”

She stood silent for a moment, stunned, her mouth hanging open, digesting the words that had just been thrown at her. Then in one swift motion, she struck her son violently across the face. The angry little woman with the big tits hit him so hard that it snapped his head hard to the left. She stood there with brow furrowed, glaring at him with anger and discuss.

The blow hurt his face, but nowhere near as bad as it hurt his feelings. He'd obsessively thought, and painfully longed for her, and with one swift blow, he was horribly disappointed, hurt, and rejected.

Travis thought himself a big strong man, but emotionally, he was still a boy. His dreams had been ripped away. He tried to fight it, but couldn't. Tears welled up in his eyes and trickled down his cheeks.

Seeing her son’s tearful reaction, Mary was flooded with emotion and tears of her own.

“Oh God I'm so sorry!” Mary's anger turned to sorrow, and she began to cry. She suddenly realized she wasn't the only victim.

With her head down, Mary stared at the floor sobbing: “I can't even imagine what you must think, but please believe me when I say; I was forced to do the things I did. Oh God, what you must think of me!”

Crying, Mary paused to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. After a big sigh, she continued: “They told me that if I didn't do whatever they wanted... they would hurt us... hurt me, HURT YOU. They said that I had to do it willingly... and participate... and if there was any struggle they would hurt you... OR WORSE! I couldn't let you know what was really going on. I had to let you think I was doing it willing... I couldn't let you get upset. It would have put us both in danger!”

She paused again, sobbing. Then continued so low and soft that Travis could barely understand her: “I did what they asked... what I thought they wanted... what I thought would protect us both... Oh God... I know, I know, I know... I lost control, I know... I went CRAZY!

Mary put her hands over her face in shame and sobbed: “No son should ever see that side of his mother!”

He believed her. It made perfect sense. And despite the wild fantasies he had, she had never, ever, acted that way before, not in front of him, and certainly not WITH him.

He had just seen what his own perverted desires wanted him to see. Finally he believed her. It explained everything... almost.

It didn't explain how wild she'd gotten. That was all her... and still was.

“I'm sorry too.” He said. “No mother should ever have to see that side of her son either.”

He was holding back tears.

“No, No, No.” She said, taking his hands in hers: “You did nothing wrong. This is NOT, your fault.”

Mary decided right there and then that she would never lash out at her son again. She would have to be understanding and tolerant of his behavior, no matter how inappropriate. He was as much a victim as she, more so even, and that he was just as confused about his feelings as she was. They would figure this out, and get thru this, together.

She put her arms around her tall handsome son and held him tight. It had been an emotional morning for both of them.

Suddenly she became aware of something... something hard pressing against her abdomen. Stepping back, she held him at arm’s length and looked down. He was hard and fully erect!

A flood of memories and images filled her head, his impressive manhood, how long and thick he was and how it felt to experience it, in her hands, in her mouth, and deep inside her. Mary stood and stared at her son’s erection as if in a trance.

“I’m sorry. I can't help it.” He said, awakening her from the spell.

Jolted back to reality, she looked up at her son and smiled knowingly: “It's okay. I know you can't.” Again she looked down at the huge bulge in his boxers, and then back to his face: “Maybe you should go take a shower.” She said warmly.

She watched as he walked away and entered the bathroom. She heard the water running, and imagined her tall lean muscular son in the hot steamy shower lathering up. She imagined his soapy hands stroking his long hard cock, and wondered what he must be thinking. They had the same shared memories and experiences. Was he was thinking of her as he slid his soapy hands up and down his long shaft?

Mary knew things would never be the same or normal again. What was normal anyway? She wondered. She knew things would never be as they were... and that her and her son would never be able look at each other the same way again.

Chapter 5

Things did get a lot better... not normal, or typical, and certainly not as they were, but a lot better.

Mary, for the most part, returned to her normal happy self, as did Travis, although he became far more overtly and physically affectionate with his mother than he’d ever been before. His obsession never faded, it only got worse. Expressing his obsession, he became much more touchy-feely with her, often putting his arms around her and hugging her. Holding her tight. He would often hold her, squeezing her tight, pressing her breast to his chest.

She knew what he was doing, affectionate, yes, but also something else, something sexual. She never objected, or rejected him. Quite the opposite, she often encouraged him, enjoying closeness and affection, but there was something else in it for her too.

Along with the hugs, there was other contact and touching. He might brush against her ass as he walked by, or reach across her for something and let his hand or arm brush against her tits. She knew what he was up to, but never resisted or shied away. She enjoyed the closeness... and the contact.

What at first had seemed incidental quickly became much more purposeful. A brush became a gentle touch, maybe a playful poke, or a pinch, or a pat, always done lightheartedly, joking and teasing.

After a very short time he became more and more overtly aggressive and sexual with her. Still the encounters were brief and playful. He might sneak up behind her, grab her around the waist, and grab her tits before slipping away giggling. He might approach her, grab her ass, squeeze and fondle it for a moment, then end it with a slap.

Brief playful advances quickly progressed, becoming much more sexually aggressive and drawn out. He would often grab her and forcibly hold her while groping, squeezing and fondling her tits, even pinching her large erect nipples. He might grope her ass, and then slide his hand between her legs and palm her snatch.

Again, it always done as playful roughhousing and Mary took it as such. She was never bothered by it, and rarely voiced the slightest objection, and when she did, Travis would dismiss her concerns by saying he was just playing, or messing around with her, or something along those lines.

Mary didn't just tolerate and endure his advances; she very much enjoyed, and even encouraged them. Of course she cherished the closeness and affection they shared, but there was something else. What nearly forty year old woman wouldn't want the attention of a handsome young stud, except for the fact that stud happened to be her own son.

Around the house Mary didn't exactly dress appropriately. She never really had. Mary's usual attire for lazing around the house was the same as it had always been, a cute pair of PJ shorts, and an old tee-shirt, except she never wore any underwear or bra, and the tee-shirts wore where always thin, and about two sizes too small. The thin, tightly stretched material was nearly transparent and showed off her big tits and her big dark nipples. The same went for the pajamas shorts, they weren't so old or thin, but they were a size to small, exposing a lot of ass and clung tightly to her full shapely pussy.

She knew what she was doing and how she looked. She could have worn something different around the house, but it made her feel sexy and attractive, and she knew it excited her son to see her in those tight skimpy outfits, and she liked to see him happy... and there was something else she liked seeing...

Those days Travis almost always sported an erection around the house, at least when Mary was around, and the boxers he ran around in, did little to hide it. Mary often caught herself daydreaming, staring at the huge bulge in his shorts.

This had gone on for weeks, and that’s how it had become around their household, happily content, yet very sexually tense. And that’s how it was one morning when Travis snuck up behind his mother, like he’d done many times before, and grabbed her around the waist while she stood at the kitchen sink.

“You scared the shit out of me, you little shit!” Mary squealed.

Travis just laughed as he put his hands on the counter to either side of her and leaned his weight against her backside. Pinning her against the counter, he sniffed at her hair.

“MMMM! You smell good!” He said in a tone laced with desire.

“Yes... I bathe.” She replied sarcastically.

“Really? I like that in a woman.”

“I bet you do.”

As Travis leaned against her, Mary could feel something hard pressing against her ass and quickly realized it was his ever present hard-on. Images filled her head, and in her mind’s eye, she could picture his impressive tool rubbing up against her ass. She was instantly flooded with torrid thoughts and memories of the experiences she had with her sons big beautiful cock.

Leaning against her, pinning her against the counter, he began rubbing his hard cock up and down, and from side to side of her cushiony, round ass.

Moving his right hand from the counter, he put his arm around her neck, putting her into a sort of mock choke hold. It wasn’t tight enough to really choke her, but just tight enough to control her. More a show of his strength and dominance over her, than to really hurt her.

Still pushing and rubbing his cock against her ass, he held her around the neck with his right arm, as he moved his left hand to her waist, and then slid it to up to her left breast.

Caught up in the moment, Mary didn’t resist. Mesmerized by the fanciful mental pictures in her head brought on by the feel of the big stiff cock rubbing against her ass, Mary arched her back and pushed her ass back against his cock. Moving in small gyrations, she matched the rhythm of his movements.

Removing his right arm from around her neck, he slid it under her arm and cupped right breast. Know holding and fondling both of his mother’s breast, he rubbed his cock against her ass harder and more forcefully.

He began to moan and groan softly as he humped his cock against her. Sliding a hand underneath her shirt, he began rolling her hard nipple between his fingers tips.

Suddenly alarms went off in Mary’s head. The sound of her son moaning and the feel of his hands on her bare flesh brought her screaming back to reality. ‘What the fuck’, her son was practically fucking her against the kitchen counter, and she was letting him! Gently, she pushed her ass backwards, just hard enough to push him off of her, and then turned around to face him, putting her hands on his chest.

“Whoa there Big Boy, I think we're getting a little carried away here.” She said, as she gentle fended off her son’s advances.

With a big sigh, she tried to calm her own aroused state. Looking down at her son’s crotch, she saw the big bulge in his boxers. The waistband had been push down with all the humping, and the head of his cock was exposed. She lost her breath, and her heart skipped a beat as her body and mind were filled with arousal and desire, and for a moment... a moment to long... she stared, mesmerized, by the sight of his impressive cock. A glistening drop of pre-cum had escaped the tip, and Mary couldn't help but lick her lips and swallow.

Looking up at him, she smiled. He wore a lustful grin. She patted him on the chest and said: “Why don't you go take a shower." which in her mind was code for 'Why do you go take a shower and care of yourself, and I’ll go take care of myself.'

“Oh shit!” she said suddenly, catching the time off the microwave. “I gotta go! I'm running late!”

Pushing past her dejected looking son, she dashed off to finish getting ready for work. She could see his disappointment and frustration. He looked rejected, angry almost. Go take a shower and relieve yourself, she thought. If she had the time, she'd do the same thing.

His advances always left her aroused, and afterwards, she would quite often take care of herself with a quick diddle. There were times when she'd needed more than just a quick one and would call in late just to masturbate. There were even a few times she was so overcome with such an intense insatiable need, that she would call in sick just to stay home and masturbate repeatedly all day long.

But today, that was out of the question.

Her performance at work was never in question. But lately, her punctuality and attendance was. If she called in late or sick again, she might be looking at a reprimand. She was just as horny and frustrated as her son was, but she couldn't be late for work.

Slipping out of her tight tee-shirt and little shorts, Mary quickly dressed for work. She put on panties and bra, a white blouse, and a knee length dark gray skirt. Standard attire for many working woman, from waitress, to the cubical interned, which is what she was. She sat in a little cubical, staring at a computer screen all day long, entering data and updating reports.

Still with a thirty minute commute, Mary hurried out the door. She had no time to waist.

Chapter 6

Less than a block from her house, she hiked her skirt up around her waist. Pulling aside the crotch of her panties, she started fingered her moist pussy as she drove. The thirty minute drive should be more than enough time.

Spreading her knees as wide as she could, Mary fingered her wet pussy, and rubbed her throbbing clit as she drove. It was crazy, she’d never done anything like this before, but she he was unbelievably horny and desperately determined to get herself off. It was also kind of fun and exciting.

A man driving alongside glanced at her and smiled. Usually she ignored the commuter flirts, which were common, as she was a pretty lady, but this time she smiled back, flashing him her best bedroom eyes as she rubbed wet fingers back and forth over her erect clit.

If he could only see what I'm doing, she laughed to herself. So very badly she wanted to squeeze her milk swollen breast, but feared it would leave embarrassing wet marks. She slid forward, rolled up her hips and pushed four fingers into her wet snatch.

Fingering herself during the morning commute, Mary came very close to climaxing, but the demands of driving and traffic were too distracting. By the time she got to work, she was hornier, and more frustrated than ever. There was no time to finish in the parking-lot, that would be too risky, and she might get caught. She needed to get up to her desk fast and clock-in on time.

Once clocked-in, Mary was able to relax. She took a deep breath and calmed down. Time seemed to slow, but she was still very horny.

Sitting in her cub, with legs under her desk, she stared at the report on the computer screen pretending to be hard at work. Never had she done anything like this before, masturbating at work, it was crazy! But she was so incredibly horny and desperate to get herself off. Sitting at her desk with one hand lying inconspicuously idle atop the desk, she pulled up her dress and slipped her other hand between her parted thighs.

Sitting quietly, staring at the computer screen, trying to look as normal as possible, she slipped her fingers inside the crotch of her panties and rubbed at her clit, secretly fingered her needy pussy under her desk at work.

Tuning out noisy buzz of the rest of the office, she focused on the burning need between her legs. She was getting close! This wouldn't take long! She drove her fingers into her wet pussy, and flicked her slimy fingers rapidly over her sensitive clit. She was so fuck'n horny! She could do it! It was crazy, daring, and she was shaking with nerves and exciting. Her heart was racing, from the rapidly approaching orgasm and the exhilaration of what she was doing.

She was almost there! She could do it, without making a sound, no moaning, no groaning, and no thrashing about. Almost most there! Beginning to quiver just a bit, she was just about ready to cum! Her fingers were a blur, moving feverishly over her screaming clit.


CRASH! BANG! Startled, Mary jumped out of her skin with fright. It sounded like walls of her cub crashing in on her.

“Oh, sorry about that, but these darn things are heavy.” It was Susan, her team supervisor. She’d nearly knocked over one of the walls to Mary's cubical trying to wrestle in a heavy box of reports. “Could you get these updated by Friday? Pleeese! Thaaaanks!”

Before Mary could object, Susan hurried away. Fuck'n Cunt! Mary thought. The bitch scared the shit out of her.

Fuck! I was all most there! This isn't going to work! Mary thought as she fixed her dress. She was hornier, and more frustrated than ever. How was she going to get any work done? Getting herself off was the only thing she could think about. She had an idea. Getting up from her desk, Mary leaned over the flimsy wall of her cub and looked in on the woman in the next cubical.

“Hey, I'm running to the rest room. I'll be back in a couple of minutes.”

The woman looked up at Mary and shrugged her shoulders, giving her a look that said: Why you telling me? What the fuck do I care?

The restroom was large, with many stalls, but busy. Mary had to wait for one to empty. The toilets were always busy, especially in morning, with woman crowding the stalls and lining up along the mirror making final adjustments to their hair and makeup. Come to think of it, Mary thought, there were no men that work in her office. It was all women as far as she knew. No wonder the restroom was always so fuck'n crowded.

Finally seated in the cramped stall, Mary lifted her skirt around her waist and pushed her panties down around her ankles. Sitting on the cold toilet seat, she frantically rubbed at her wet pulsing pussy. She was so fuck'n horny, she would have loved to have the time to give herself a good working over, but this wasn't the time or place, and time was of the essences. Desperately she wanted to squeeze her aching tits and suck her swollen nipples, but she was too afraid she would stain her blouse.

Hurriedly, Mary fingered herself sitting on the cold toilet in the stark crowded stall while coworkers noisily scurried about outside. She did finally cum. Twitching about, gritting her teeth, and holding her tongue, she managed to get herself off a decent orgasm, not earth moving, but okay under the circumstances and the surroundings. I needed that! She thought with a big sigh of relief. Now maybe I can get some work done.

Back at her desk, not but fifteen minutes had past, and she was horny again. She had become painfully aware of her swollen breast, and that awareness spread to the rest of her body. Her breast ached, her nipples tingled, and her pussy throbbed, and she needed to heed their cries. Mary had a plan, but she would have to wait until lunch.

At lunch as most of the other workers headed to the break-room, or out, Mary nonchalantly headed of the stairwell. Heading up to the sixth floor, the one above the floor she worked on, she was happy to find the door unlocked. She wasn’t sure if it would be as floor had recently been vacated by a business relocating out of state.

The entire floor was empty, and quite. Making her way to the restroom, she pushed open the door. It was dark, but only for a split second. Then the lights clicked on automatically. Finding the restroom as vacant as the rest of the floor, Mary was quite happy and wondered why she hadn't thought of this before. This is great, she thought, her own private restroom.

Mary was tempted to strip naked right in front of the mirror inside the stark commercial, public restroom, but thought better of it. She didn't have the nerve, so she made her way to the very last stall in the row.

Once hidden in the stall, she got naked, and neatly hung her clothes on the hook on the door. It was a little unsettling at first, being naked in such a public place, even if it was vacant, and especially, because of the reason she was there. It was a little scary. She was nervous, but there was also something daring and thrilling about it. She was horny, and anxious to get herself off good, hopefully a couple of time, in her own private restroom.

Sitting naked on the toilet, she spread her legs as wide as the narrow stall would allow. Slowly rubbing her hot throbbing pussy, she grabbed and squeezed one of her breast, a stream of milk squirted out. Lifting the milk dripping nipple to her mouth, she sucked as she fingered her wet hole. Excited, aroused, she was well on her way to another orgasm, a full-on good one this time. This is fuck'n awesome, she thought, her own private restroom. Work was going to be a lot more fun in the future. She even thought about bring some of her toys to work.

With four fingers buried palm deep, and her thumb fiercely rubbing her fat clit, Mary moaned and grunted. Repeatedly and rhythmically, she drove her hand deep into her hot wet cunt, digging for her g-spot and rubbing clit.

As she rapidly fucked herself, sounds of sloshing came from her dripping wet pussy. She groaned continuously as she thrashed about on the toilet seat. Mary was right there! She was about to cum, a good deep hard one!


Suddenly the lights had gone out, and Mary was plunged into darkness. Darkness deeper than any she had ever experienced before. Thrown into a panic, she leapt to her feet and blindly groped for her cloths only to knock them to the floor. Clawing for the handle, she found the latch and swung the door open.

Waving her arms wildly, she tried to trigger the lights motion sensor, but it was too dark to register her movement. It was dark, very dark, like drowning in black ink. She could see nothing. It was disorienting. It was so suffocatingly dark, she couldn't breathe.

Panicked and hyperventilating, her heart was pounding so hard it hurt; she felt her way along the stalls. Each door swung open with a loud bang, startling her as she went.

Feeling her way to the restroom entrance, she franticly swung the door open. The lights immediately came on. Mary stood there for a moment in the open doorway, totally naked, in a state of panicked shock.

Suddenly realizing where she was, and how she looked, she turned and ran back to the stall were her cloths lay on the floor. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she ran naked through the stark cold public restroom. Her tits were bouncing ridiculously, and she had a terrified, wide eyed look on her face. It was disturbing. After quickly dressing, she got the hell out of there. Thankful her cloths hadn't fallen in the toilet.

Back on her floor, she sat by herself in the break-room with a bag of almonds, and a coke that she'd gotten from the vending machine. She tried not to let her angst show. She looked at her watch. The whole fiasco had only taken fifteen minutes.

As she calmed herself, she had to laugh recalling the image of herself in the mirror as she ran naked through the restroom. She'd looked pretty stupid. Big baby, she thought, afraid of the dark.

She was still horny, and with forty-five minutes to kill, she could try again! Just the thought of it excited her. There was no way to make the lights stay no, at least not that she knew of, but she could be ready for it and not panic.

She snuck back to the deserted restroom on the vacant floor.

Again, in the same stall, she stripped naked. She put her cell-phone atop the toilet paper dispenser just in case of emergency. It would light when she touched the screen, and it had a flash light.

Sitting on the toilet, anticipating the coming darkness, she excitedly got to work on her obsessive pastime. Leaning back, the toilet tank made a porcelain clank as she reclined in a fashion it wasn't made for. Spreading her legs, she pressed her knees against the cold metal walls of the narrow stall. Mary rubbed the wet folds of her pussy as she brought a nipple to her mouth.

While wildly rubbing and fingering herself, she milked her aching breast.

Just as before, Mary was near cumming when the light went out. Even though she was prepared for it, it still caught her by surprise and unsettled her. Only by focusing on her building orgasm, was she able to fight off the panic.

Leaning back in the dark, she continued to rub and finger herself. It was blindly dark, and deafly silent. The only sounds were her breath, the slosh of her wet pussy.

The darkness and panic forgotten, Mary rammed her hand into her gushing pussy, and rubbed wildly at engorged clit. Her only concern was her rapidly building orgasm.

“Oh fuck yes!” She groaned. The words echoed in the vacant restroom. She quivered and thrashed, atop the cold porcelain toilet. She was cumming!


The fuck'n lights had suddenly come back on.

Startled and frightened half out of her wits, she froze, panic stricken, too scared to move from her awkward position. She heard the door to the restroom open. The position she was in that had been great for wild masturbation was now very uncomfortable, and painful, but she was too afraid to move.

Frozen in her awkward position, she listened and heard the ‘Clack, Clack, Clack,’ of high heels against the tile floor. Then she heard the sound of a nearby stall door being opened, and then shut and latched. A moment later, she heard the sound of pee splashing in the toilet, and then the sound of a lighter being sparked, and she smelled cigarette smoke.

It seemed she wasn't the only one using this porcelain paradise for her own private den of addictive vices. Smoking was forbidden in the building.

Mary remained motionless and silent in her painful position until the strange smoker left.

More than a little rattled, Mary quickly dressed and hurried back down to her floor.

Back in her own office space, a labyrinth of cubicles, she felt like everyone was looking at her. There were stares, and whispered comments. Everyone knew what she had been doing, and what a freak she was.

Of course that wasn't true. Her rational mind knew that, but never the less, she felt horrible self-conscious and embarrassed. Her guilty conscience was playing tricks with her mind.

Fuck! She admonished herself. What if I had been caught? I would have died from the embarrassment! I could have lost my job, or worse! Could I have been arrested, and maybe charged with indecent exposure, or lewd behavior?

Sitting quietly at her desk, Mary continued to beat herself up.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm masturbating all the time. It used to be pretty regular, but now, it's obsessive, every day at least, and sometime several times a day. I'm even missing work to masturbate. So now I have to do it AT work? What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve never done anything like this before. In my car even, driving down the highway! What the fuck is wrong with me?

By the end of the work day, she managed to calm herself down. And by the time she'd gotten home, she was actually laughing about the whole debacle. That crazed look on her face as she ran naked through a public restroom, she had to laugh. She did look pretty silly, and being stuck in that toilet stall waiting for that bitch to finish her fuck'n smoke, Mary had to laugh. Thankful things didn't end a lot worst.

Even though she was able to laugh at her comical fiasco, Mary was still a little rattled. The first thing she did when she got home was fix a cocktail, two fingers of vodka and orange juice in a tall glass. It was her go-to drink at times like this, quick, easy, and packed with vitamin C, she liked to joke.

As she sipped her drink Mary thought, I need a boyfriend, but just the thought of it made her queasy. She was becoming more and more withdrawn and antisocial, and the thought of trying to building a relationship, even a casual social one, caused her anxiety. A good hot fuck sounded good, that’s what she really needed, but the conversation before and after is what distressed her.

Opening the junk drawer / medicine cabinet in the kitchen, Mary rummaged around until she found what she was looking for, a little prescription bottle of Valium. It had been a very stressful day, and she needed a little something extra to take the edge off.

Shortly after returning home from the bizarre excursion into the woods, Mary convinced her doctor to give her a prescription for Valium, saying that she was having trouble sleeping. Which was true, she was having a hard time sleeping. At that time she'd been troubled with terrible guilt and regret. But since then, she'd come to terms with what had happened, and now she just took them to relax and get a little buzz-on.

A couple of hearty swigs of the sweet cocktail washed down the little blue pill. She thought about the whole experience at work, and despite it being a total failure, and leaving her horrible frustrated, it had actually been kind of exciting, a daring adrenalin rush.

She'd considered the notion of revisiting the restroom upstairs and trying again or maybe some other risky public local... but not too risky, she wasn't THAT reckless or daring. But the thought intrigued her, and brought back some of the excitement, and arousal she’d experienced earlier.

After polishing off the cocktail, Mary made herself a second, and then went to her room and changed out of her work cloth. She pulled on a pair of cute silky little PJ shorts, and an old tee that was a size to small.

Joining her son in the living room, she plopped down on the love-seat, propped her feet up on one arm, and her head on the other. Travis sat on the adjacent sofa in only his boxers and a tee-shirt. He was rapidly surfing through the channels.

“Can we watch just ONE thing please? Anything, I don't care what.” Mary finally said, tiring of the incessant channel flipping.

“Will this do?” He said, sounding annoyed.

“This will do... thank you.”

He had stopped at Wheel-of-Fortune, and Pat was leaning over, spinning the wheel. The drugs and alcohol were quickly kicking in, and the polite competition of the dull game show wasn't enough to keep Mary awake. She soon passed-out.

Chapter 7

Startled awake by the overly loud volume of an annoying infomercial, Mary opened her eyes to see... legs? She was unable to see the blaring TV as someone was standing right in front of her.

“Travis? What are you doing?” She spoke the words, but they came out warbled and slurred. She was still half asleep and stoned.

“Aa... I was just... turning off the TV. You were passed out. I'm going to bed.”

“Oh... Okay...” She slurred. He sounded funny, she thought, defensive maybe, but she dismissed it. Her head was spinning.

Moving to the TV, Travis touched the side of the medium sized flat-screen causing it to go black and silent. That was funny, Mary thought, she didn't even know there were buttons on the side. To woozy to think about it, she dismissed that to.

Swinging her feet off the small sofa, she sat up dizzily: “Whoa!” she said.

Getting to her feet, she needed to steady herself: “Whoa!” She said again, “I'm out-of-it. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.” she stammered before heading off to bed walking somewhat sideways.

Plopping down on her bed, Mary sighed with relief. The bed felt soft and comfy. Pulling the covers up, she stretched out on her back and sighed again.

Just a little uncomfortable, she rolled onto her left side. Still a little uncomfortable, she rolled to her right, and then returned to her back. Fuck, she thought. As passed out as she'd been, now she was restless and couldn't get back to sleep. Seems her only chance for a good night’s sleep was left on the sofa.

She needed to relax. Lying flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling, she slid a hand down into her little shorts.

“MMM, AAH.” She moaned softly as her fingers caressing her protruding clit. It had been a frustrating day, and this was exactly what she needed to relax. Running her fingers over her big swollen fleshy lips, she found them sticky, covered with the remnants of the days earlier failed attempts. Parting the sticky lips, she pushed her fingers into the warm wet interior of her pussy. Drawing a wet slippery finger up over her stiff clit, she groaned deeply. A feeling of warmth and relaxation came over her as she became instantly aroused.

Drifting off into the depths of self-pleasure, she was suddenly distracted by a strange sound.


Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. Momentarily startled, she froze, leaving her hand resting atop her plump pubic mound. No lights were on in the room. But plenty of light streamed in from the living room. She quickly recognized Travis standing in the doorway.

She laid there flat on her back, quiet and motionless.

What the hell does he want? She wondered. What is he doing? What the fuck could he possible need, that couldn't wait till morning? She just lay there, still and motionless, pretending to be asleep, hoping he would go away so she could get back to her needy pussy and the orgasms she so badly needed.

With eyes opened only to narrow slits, hopefully to appear asleep, Mary watched as her son moved from the doorway, to the foot of her bed. What the hell is he up to? She wondered.

Still pretending to be asleep, Mary lay there, hoping he would leave her alone. Then she heard a strange rustling sound, and faint snap of elastic. Then she saw it... his cock!

He'd freed his hard cock from the confines of his boxers, and was standing at the foot of her bed... jacking-off!

Why you little fuck'n pervert, Mary thought... but didn’t move.

She should have jumped up, and chased him off in a pissed off rage... but she didn't. She just lay there, motionless and silent, peering through narrowed eyes, watching her son jack-off. She was mesmerized by the sight, and sounds of her son masturbating at the foot of her bed. Damn he's big! She thought.

Staring at her sons big stiff cock, her heart begin race. The sight of her little pervert jacking-off his big cock got Mary aroused. Her breathing quickened and she started to quiver uncontrollably with excitement.

Yet... she forced herself to remain motionless, and silent. Her hand, still inside her shorts, rested upon her throbbing groin. Slowly she began to move her fingers unnoticeably over her stiff throbbing clit. Her heart raced with exhilaration of forbidden pleasure.

Suddenly Travis moved to the side of her bed. He now stood right above her. His cock inches from her face. It was so close, she could have stretched out her tongue at licked it! She was suddenly bombarded with incredible urges and impulses she had to resist.

Rapidly rubbing her clit with the tips of her fingers, she began to quiver uncontrollable. She didn't think he would notice thou because he was so self-absorbed, feverishly stroking his cock.

Mary could see delicious drops of pre-cum forming at the tip, and his cock glistened as he smeared with the slippery slime. And to her quivering delight, she thought she felt a drop fly off and land on her face.

He must have been confident that she was thoroughly unconscious, Mary thought, because he was grunting and groaning loudly.

With just her finger tips moving feverishly over her tortured clit, she fought to remain, quiet and motionless, as an intense orgasm welled up inside her.

Suddenly, with a loud long sustained groan, Travis shot his load on his mother’s placid face.

As his goo pelted her face, Mary shuttered, and silently climaxed. It was an intensely strange orgasm, one of which she'd never felt before. It was made intense and strange because she needed to remain completely motionless, silent, and expressionless. It was made even further strange by the feeling of incompleteness, accompanied by a horrible need to finish herself more wholly and deeply than she'd ever experienced before.

Tormented by aching need, Mary laid there still as the dead, as her perverted son continued to milk his spurting cock. With another loud groan, more cum shot on to her face, and with a final stroke and squeeze of his purpled cock, he dribbled the last of his cum onto her face.

Finished defiling his mother, he fixed his boxers and quietly left the room.

The moment her son left, Mary licked her lips, tasting the delicious nectar deposited there. Using her fingers as squeegees, she gathered up every drop of cum she could, then licked and sucked them clean.

Kicking the off covers, she anxiously stripped off her night clothes, and went to work on herself with a wild lustful vengeance. Sitting up with her legs spread wide, she rammed the four fingers into her gooey wet pussy, and rubbed her stiff inflamed clit.

With her other hand, she kneaded, squeezed and molested swollen her breast. Painfully, she tormented her nipples, pinching pulling and twisting them until milk began to flow. She brought the abused nipples to her mouth and sucked hard, drinking deeply from her own beast.

Grunting and moaning, Mary went at herself without restraint. Finger fucking her sloppy wet pussy and hungrily sucking her tits; Mary came over and over again, each time more intense than the last.

Her hands and thighs were covered with white froth secreted from her gooey wet pussy. She had cum repeatedly and was finally spent, and thoroughly satisfied. She fell into a deep, blissful sleep.

The next day, Mary’s head was reeling from the inexplicable events of that night. She was dumbfounded by her son perverted act, and even more so, by her reaction to it. She should have been outraged, discussed and horrified by the perverted degrading acts, but she wasn’t. She wasn't any of those things, actually she was aroused and excited, and filled with anticipation.

She had a plan, a plan that she hoped would encourage, if not ensure, a repeat performance.

That evening when she got home from work, she went right into the kitchen and fixed herself a tall cocktail, just like she'd done the night before. Opening the junk drawer that kept her med's, she conspicuously rummaged around a bit, picked up the bottle of pills, gave it a couple of shakes, then threw it back into the drawer.

The cocktail was for real. She was anxious and need to relax. She also needed a little liquid courage. But she didn't take the Valium because she didn't want to pass-out, not for real anyway.

Was wrong of her to encourage this behavior? She was conflicted, but very fiber of her body wanted to see that big beautiful cock spurt another huge load of delicious cum. Fending off a considerable amount of guilt and trepidation, Mary concocted a strange warped rational, that of course made no sense, yet somehow managed to justify what she was planning.

Since she would be just lying there asleep, or pretending to be anyway...
And he was the one jacking-off...
And he aware what he was doing...
And she wasn't, except that she was, but was just pretending to be asleep...
It was just like she was really asleep and unaware of what was going on...
Except that she was...

Somehow that twisted logic made it perfectly okay for her son to jack-off on her face. It made no sense, and she knew it, but it was enough for her, and somehow it made it okay.

The plan was to do exactly as she'd done the night before, except for the Valium. Taking her half emptied drink with her to her bedroom, she stripped out of her work cloth. She changed into the skimpiest pair of pajama shorts she owned, and instead of a tee-shirt, she pulled on a skimpy little tank-top that barely contained her big tits.

Finishing her drink, she went back to the kitchen and made a second, quickly drank about half, then joined Travis in the living room who was there watching TV. Plopping down on the love seat, she positioned herself for optimal effective exposure. After a few minutes, she pretended to pass-out. She lay there stretched out on the love seat pretending to be asleep until the Wheel-of-Fortune was over.

As Pat and Vanna were saying goodnight, she pretended to awaken from her stupor, got to her feet and stammered her good-nights. Then staggered off to bed careful not to over act. It was early, but she was anxious.

Once in her room, Mary pushed the door shut. Then remembered, last night she'd been so out of it, that she hadn't shut her door, so she quietly pushed it all the way open. Nervous and apprehensive, she knew shouldn't be doing this, but she was way too excited to stop.

Before hoping in bed, Mary stripped out of her skimpy little shorts. She didn't want them to get in her way. Then she stopped. Let’s give mommies little pervert a real treat tonight, she thought, as she pulled off the tank-top. Climbing naked into bed, she pulled the covers up to just above her waist, leaving her breast exposed.

Lying on her back, she put a hand under the covers onto her crotch. Spreading her legs, she gave herself plenty of access. Her other arm, she left atop the covers at her side.

Ready and in position, she was horny, excited, and eagerly awaiting her perverted visitation. Mary lay still with eyes closed, but was nothing as she appeared. She was shaking a little, brimming with anticipation. This is so wrong, she thought, but so much fun and exciting!

With her concealed hand, she stretched her arm into position so as to finger herself real good once things got started. Testing her reach, she pushed her fingers deep into her already wet pussy. If I'm this wet now, she thought, I'm really going to be dripping once things get going. Rubbing a moistened finger over her excited clit, she gasped, an orgasm was already very near. She could easily make herself cum in seconds. Backing off, she very lightly strummed the protruding lips of her pussy. She didn't want to get too far ahead and go off without him.

The little pervert thinks he's getting away with something, she thought with a grin. But what he doesn’t know is that I'm onto his little perverted game, and that's what made it fun... and of course satisfying her deviant desires.

Laying there anxious, motionless and quit for what seemed like eternity, Mary started to get worried, then disappointed. Maybe he wasn't coming, she thought. Maybe he wasn't in the mood.

Just as well, she thought, I shouldn't be doing this shit anyway. A pang of guilt and regret rang through her. Feeling let down, and very foolish, disappointed and dejected, Mary thought about just rolling over and going to sleep. Then she heard a sound that picked her right up.


Through narrowed eyes, she looked to the door way. Spying the shadowy figure there, her heart leaped and began to race. Yes! Come to Mama big boy! She thought with sinful delight.

Stepping into her dimly lit room, her son suddenly halted mid-stride before reaching the foot of her bed. Mary heard a faint gasp drawn by her son and knew instantly what had happened. He'd noticed her naked exposed breast. She fought back a smile.

Bypassing the foot of her bed entirely, Travis went straight to her side. Only wearing boxers, he quickly stripped them off, and stood completely naked at the side her bed with a huge hard-on, and Mary could sense his uncontainable excitement.

Suddenly she had second thoughts. Maybe she'd gone too far by exposing herself to him. Things seemed to be getting ramped-up, and she feared they might get out of control. But there was no turning back now.

He stared crazily at her tits, breathing shallow and rapidly. Then he started to reach out. Panicking, Mary didn't know what she would do if he started groping her. That wasn't part of the plan. Without flinching, she didn't move, and thankfully his hand stopped an inch from her breast. Withdrawing, he started wildly stroking his stiff cock while staring lustfully at her beautiful tits.

Relieved that things seemed to be back on track, Mary pushed her fingers into her wet pussy. Shuttering with excitement and arousal, she watched as her son vigorously stroke his cock and cupping his big full balls.

Lying there still, feigning sleep, Mary curled her fingers deep into her very wet fuck-hole, and then raked slimy fingers up over her incredible sensitive, stiff erect clit. She fought desperately not move, and to control her ragged breathing as she rapidly flicked her clit.

Laying there still and silent, flicking her clit, her head filled with lewd, dirty, incestuous expletives.

Yes, stroke that big fuck'n hard cock for Mommy...
Stroke it good, stroke it hard and fast...
Oh Yea that's it, stroke that big cock, make it cum me, make it cum for Mommy...
Make it cum on Mommy's tits! Yes cum on me! Cum on Mommy!
Mary started to lose control. On the edge of orgasm, she started shaking and twitching uncontrollable as she was fucked her pussy with near total abandon, ramming her hand hard into her hungry cunt, and vigorously rubbing, hard and fast, her screaming, tormented clit.

Still, she fought to retain control and conceal her movements, desperate to remain motionless, silent, and maintain the illusion of sleep.

It didn't matter though, because Travis had totally lost control himself. He was wildly stroking his cock, banging his thighs against the side of her bed as he thrash back and forth grunting and groaning. He wouldn't have noticed if she sat up in bed and started cheering him on.

Groaning loudly, arching his back, and thrusting his hips forward, Travis shot an impressive load over his mother’s tits. Continuing to stroke vigorously, another shot, and then another, then holding his cock and leaning over, he squeezed out the last drops of cum, dribbling it on her tits.

As her son emptied his ball onto her tits, Mary climaxed. His loud expressive eruption pushed her over the edge, and the struggle to conceal her orgasm was nearly impossible, leaving her stiff and ridged, with muscles so tightly contracted, she trembled uncontrollable.

Finished with painting his mother’s tits, Travis quickly donned his boxers and scurried from her room.

With her son gone, Mary insanely gathered up the cum deposited on her tits, hungrily licking and sucking her hands and fingers. Then with wet sticky hands, she lifted her slim covered breast to her mouth and eagerly suck, licked, and rubbed her cum drenched tits on her face.

Head reeling, and crazed from another intense bizarre orgasm, Mary kicked off the restrictive covers. Rolling over to the night-stand, she pulled out her big purple cock shaped dildo. Sitting with legs splayed wide, Mary pushed the toy into her wet gaping hole. It slid in effortlessly. With both hands, she rammed the toy into her gushing cunt as she feverishly rubbed her enflamed clit until she came again groaning.

Rolling over, ass up, face down, Mary wildly humped at the surrogate cock, it's base, firmly planted against the mattress. Grunting, groaning, and moaning, she came over and over again, driving herself hard, fast, and repeatedly, brutally impaled herself on the big long purple dildo.

Rolling onto her back, Mary removed the slimy toy from her inflamed gushing twat, then put it in her mouth and pushed it down her throat until the rubbery balls met her chin. Then she pulled the full length out, then back down again, fucking her own throat without a bit of effort or gagging. Pulling the goo covered dildo from her throat, she licked around the base and the balls. It was covered in frothy white goo from her cunt. Sadly it was just her own goo, but still, it was sinfully delicious.

After cleaning the toy of her pussy’s secretions, she rolled back over and started humping it again. She reached for the night-stand and removed a second toy, a long white slender vibrator.

Ass up, insanely impaling herself on the purple dildo, she pressed the buzzing vibrator hard against her agonized clit. Crying out in a loud guttural groan, she came again immediately, and the orgasms kept coming, repeatedly, each one more wrenching than the last.

Overwhelmed by the intense sensation radiating from her vibrating clit, she removed the buzzing wet toy, reaching behind her back, and pushed the slick toy deep in her ass. Again she came with a loud groan.

Cumming violently, the contractions pushed the purple dildo from her convulsing cunt, and it was followed by a gush of pee. I'm squirting! She thought. It didn't happen often, only when she came repeatedly, and really hard and deeply.

Abandoning the purple dildo which just wouldn’t stay in, Mary continued to fuck her gaping ass with the vibrator while feverishly rubbing and flicking her tormented clit. Howling and groaning, Mary came repeatedly, deeply, intensely, and each time, a gush of piss erupted from her.

The orgasm became so intensely extreme, almost like contractions, it felt as though her insides might push out through her cunt. Finally, exhausted and with her sheets soaked, Mary rolled over spent.

Sprawled atop her bed, she lay there panting, sweaty and exhausted.

Then she heard it. CREEEAK.

She froze... a pit in her stomach and panic in her brain.
She listened closely, deeply... nothing.

Moving frantically, she swung her feet off the bed then froze. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she listened, closely, deeply... nothing.

She thought to call out, 'Travis, is that you?' then thought better of it. Getting her feet, she moved to the doorway and peered down the hall.
She froze... listened, closely, deeply... nothing, only silence and darkness.

Stepping into the hallway, she felt something on her foot... something wet! Her mind raced, she panicked. Had Travis been standing out here, jacking-off, and watching, as she went nuts on herself? The thought sickened her with embarrassment. For fuck'n God sakes, she thought, she'd pissed all over herself!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! No, it can't be. I'm being paranoid. The creak could be anything. Old houses creak. Then what's on the floor? She asked herself. It could be from lot of things. Travis, when he first left, cum could have drip off his cock, yea that was it. Or maybe it's from me, I fuck'n came enough, and pissed all over myself, yea that's it, it's from me. But what if it isn't? What if he had been watching?

What difference did it make anyway? She fretted. It was okay for him to cum all over my tits, but now I'm freaking out because he might have watched my crazy masturbation.

There was a difference. She thought. If he watched me go freaky nuts on myself, then that means he knows, that I knowingly participated, cooperated, and knowing allowed him to come to my room and jack-off. That means I'm as big a pervert as he his... bigger even. No, this is defiantly not good, not good at all.

Mary's heart sank, and the oppressive weight of guilt and regret pressed down on her. Even if he hadn't been watching her wildly masturbating, she still shouldn't be allowing, and even worse, encouraging his deviant behavior. What the fuck was wrong with her? What kind of mother was she?

Things were definitely going to change around here, but first she needed to get control of herself, and her own behavior. What hell was going on with her? She wondered. She was masturbating all the time, even at work, and now this. What the fuck was going on with her? She needed to get control of herself, and things were definitely going to change.

Chapter 8

Home from work Mary was glad Travis was in his room. She didn't want to face him but knew she would have to eventually. Managing to escape that morning without crossing his path, she was apprehensive about the inevitable. Not knowing what to say or what really happened last night, she decided NOT to confront him.

Last night, she'd been filled with powerful conviction to take control of matters, especially herself, but that had faded. Mary wasn't really the take control type. She was more of the 'happy-go-lucky' easy going type. The ‘ignore it’ until it goes away type. Even thou, she decided no cocktails, and definitely no pills tonight, she needed to start looking and acting like the mature parent she was.

Going to her room, she got out of her work clothes. No more skimpy clothes around the house, she thought, she needed to start dressing like a mother, not a bitch in heat. She put on the loosest, most unattractive and unrevealing tee-shirt she owned, then an old pair of baggy, paint splattered sweat-pants.

She looked for her bath robe. She hadn't worn it in years, but she knew she had one, somewhere. She found it at the bottom of the clothes hamper. It was damp, moldy, and smelled bad. Throwing it back in the hamper, she vowed to buy a new one tomorrow. Knowing she couldn't avoid him forever, she went to the living room.

Mary found her son sitting on the sofa, rapidly surfing through the channels. Nothing out of the ordinary there, she thought. Joining him she sat on the love seat, which seemed to be their usual setting arrangement. They never sat together.

Something was amiss though, she thought. He wasn't wearing a tee-shirt, which was unusual; he almost always wore a tee-shirt around the house. Something else was amiss. The minute she entered the room, he stopped flipping channels and turned his full attention to her. He was staring at her, leering at her with a devious grin which made her uncomfortable. He also had an obvious hard-on, which wasn't all that unusual but he was sitting there rubbing it through his boxers as he eyed her.

Returning his gaze, she said: “Time and place, please.” trying to sound prudent and motherly. He just smiled, shrugged, and continued to defiantly rub his erection.

Mary was about to broach the subject of last night, but before she could, he stood and announced he was going to the kitchen asking if she wanted anything. He wasn't just being polite, she thought, the question was implying something, and she declined his offer. On his way by, he made a rude gesture with his hips, thrusting the bulge in his boxers towards her face.

A few moments later he reappeared... NAKED! Mary could imagine his dirty boxers lying on the kitchen floor somewhere. He stood there butt naked, wearing only a devilish grin. In his hand he held a tall glass of O.J., most likely a cocktail, and in his other hand he clutched something unseen.

Mary was stunned, and caught totally off guard. He approached her, handing her the drink. She took it, not because she wanted it, more out of reflex. Opening his other hand palm up, he handed her the contents. Again, she offered her hand, palm up, not because she want what he was offering, but out of habit. He dropped a small blue pill in to her hand... a Valium.

He stood right front of his seated mother, very close, leaning his legs against the sofa, their legs were intertwined and touching. Slowly, he stroked his stiff erection in her face. Mary sat there dumbfounded, a drink in one hand, and a little blue pill resting on the palm of her other. She tried desperately not to look at the big cock that was inches from her face, but found it impossible not to stare.

“Maybe I should just go to bed and give you some privacy.” Mary finally said uncomfortable.

Looming over her stroking his cock, he responded without missing a beat: “Fine! Go to bed and pretend to be asleep, if that makes you feel better.”

HE KNEW! Mary was stunned and stupefied. She didn't know what to do, or what to say. HE KNEW! He knew she'd only been pretending to be asleep when he’d visited her, and defiled her. That meant he’d probably watched as she wildly masturbated until she’d pissed herself.
HE KNEW, and she felt horribly embarrassed and exposed for who she really was. Her worst fears were true. She threw Valium in her mouth and washed it down with the cocktail.

She gagged and coughed! The cocktail was twice as strong as she would have normally made for herself. Had he made it that way intentionally, or was it just his inexperience at mixing drinks? Despite how strong it was, she needed it, so she drank it anyway.

With deep gulps, she finished the strong drink and dropped the glass as her son continued to stroke himself just inches from her face. Feeling horribly awkward and not knowing what to do with her arms, she crossed them over her chest in an unconscious attempt to shrink away and hide herself. She was horrible embarrassed and ashamed of herself, and fought to keep her eyes down, but found it impossible not to look at his cock.

Was he taunting her? She wondered. Was he trying to embarrass her more than she already was? Was he trying to humiliate and degrade her even further?

“I'm sorry.” She said submissively. “I... I'm ashamed of myself. I don't know what else to say.” Still, she fought not to look at his impressive manhood.

With her hands crossed over her chest, she unconsciously squeezed her breast with nervous hands.

“I like that!” he said, “I like it when you squeeze your tits.”

Surprised, and embarrassed by the humiliating knowledge that he'd most likely witnessed her wild masturbation, she said: “I'm sorry. It's just a nervous habit.” She put her hands in her lap.

“DON'T STOP!” he barked at her like an angry guard dog. It was a command, not a request. He was aggressive and threatening. He was frightening her.

Not wanting to provoke him any further, she placed a demure hand upon her breast, and gentle squeezed.

He stroked his cock faster. He was standing so close, Mary could smell his body, and hear the sound his hand made rubbing over the flesh of his cock.

“Let me see. Take your shirt off. I want to watch.” he said lustfully with hunger in his eyes.

“Travis please...” she stammered, “I know with what happen last night... but I don't think...”

Cutting her off mid-sentence: “TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING SHIRT!” again he barked at her threateningly.

She was frightened. Not wanting to aggravate him any further, she grasped the hem of her shirt. What difference did it make anyway, she thought regretfully. She'd willingly exposed herself to him last night. Pulling her shirt off over her head, she displayed herself to him, and continued gently squeezing and fondling her own breast.

Reacting to the sight of her tits, he stroked himself faster and with greater zeal.

Just as before, the sight of her son stroking his big cock just inches from her face did something to her. It stirred a forbidden desire in Mary.

There was something else... something about his commanding tone that stirred her. It was somehow liberating, freeing her from the burden of obligation and responsibility. She could be told what to do. She was compliant and submissive by nature. She wanted to be told what to do. She wanted to be told...NO, not told, but forced to do the things she didn’t have the nerve to do, the things she'd longed for. His commands aroused her.

The strong cocktail and the Valium where beginning to take effect. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, and despite her initial reluctance, Mary's body began to betray her, watching her son stroke his beautiful cock, so close that she could almost taste it, aroused her. She began tweaking and pulling her hard nipples and she longed to touch burning crotch.

“I like it... you know...when you... the milk.” he said eagerly, feverishly stroked his cock in her face.

Squeezing her breast, Mary drew her fingers towards her nipple and a drop of milk appeared. Squeezing harder about the nipple, a fine stream appeared, and squirted on her son's legs, speckling them with fine white droplets.

“Suck em!” he demanded excitedly, “I like it when you suck your tits!”

Mary’s head was spinning. She was stirred by the sight of her well hung son wildly stroking his long hard cock. It was so stiff, red, and bulging with veins. His lean muscular body was tense, and pumped from exertion. She grasped her tender swollen breast and brought the dripping nipple to her mouth and suck deeply.

As she sucked, milked leaked from the corners of her mouth, it ran down her chin to her neck, and down between her breast. Lifting her other teat to her mouth, she eagerly suckled it.

Travis stroked his cock wildly, excitedly engrossed in the sight of his mother suckling her own breast. He began grunting and groaning loudly. His cock was wet and slimy, smeared with the flowing pre-cum. Some flew off landing on Mary's face and breast causing her to quiver with desire.

Involuntary, she moved a hand between her legs and pressed it to her throbbing groin.

“Aagh! I love it when you touch yourself!” he groaned. “Aaah! Take off those ugly pants! I want to see you touch your pussy!”

Hesitating only for a second with a notion of protest, but knew it was pointless. She would do whatever she was told. She hooked her thumbs in the waist band of the ugly sweat-pants, lifted her ass off the sofa, and pulled them off.

“Aaaaah fuck! Touch your fuck'n pussy! I want to see you make yourself cum!” he urged, groaning as he excitedly stroked his cock.

Spreading her legs, she rolled her hips forward and rubbed her gapping, already very wet pussy while squeezing and sucking her milky tits. Travis was close, he would cum any second, she could see that, and crazy as it was, it excited her and she wasn't far behind.

Madly stroking his inflamed cock, Travis stiffly jerked and twitched about, every muscle in his body taut, and then he leaned over her and barked urgently: “OPEN YOUR MOUTH! OPEN YOUR FUCK'N MOUTH!”

Without hesitation, Mary tilted her head back and opened her mouth, and without being told, she stuck out her tongue.

Leaning over his mother's open mouth Travis came with a long loud growling groan. The first blast splattered across her face from cheek to forehead, the second went straight in her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, and the last big gob and he squeezed out onto her extended tongue.

The second her son cried out and emptied his huge load of slimy cum on her face, Mary shuttered with a powerful orgasm. With her head tilted back and her goo covered tongue sticking out; Mary made strange gurgling, and moaning sounds as she came. Rubbing fiercely at her gushing wet snatch, it made sloppy wet slapping sound as she convulsed and twitched. Pulling back her tongue, and after a few moments of savoring, she swallowed.

Staring wide eyed at his mother’s cum splattered face, Travis suddenly looked strange, as if in shock, or confused. He looked like he'd just waken from a wild dream and was so disorientated that he didn't know where he was or how he gotten there. He looked embarrassed, frightened almost, and then without a word, he walked off, went to his room, and shut the door.

Sitting there naked in the living room with cum dripping off her face, Mary was dazed and confused. Was he coming back? Was he okay? Was he just going to leave her like this, she wondered. Absentmindedly, she continued to lightly stroke her pouting pussy lips and pinch her hard nipples.

She sat there alone, and a more than a little bewildered, wondering if this was the new boundary of their relationship. Mutual masturbation, and for a moment, it seemed possible, even attractive.

Sitting there naked in the living room with cum drying on her face, she started fingering herself harder and faster until she was feverishly rubbing her clit and ramming her hand into her cunt. She couldn't stop! She needed to cum again!

Sitting alone in her living room, with her son just a few feet away, she looked to her son’s closed bedroom door as fingered herself to another intense, moaning, convulsing orgasm.

Afterwards, in a confused daze, she gathering up her discarded clothes and went to her room, but not before throwing away the ugly attire. They hadn't achieved the desired effect. Things hadn’t gone as she'd planed, not even close. Before hopping into bed, Mary pulled on her usual cute little sleep shorts and a skin tight tee-shirt.

Chapter 9

Saturday morning, no work, she should have been happy, but wasn't. Instead she had a pit in her stomach.

Even though Mary went to bed very horny, she hadn't masturbated any further. She had been too conflicted and confused about what had been happening, so she awoke feeling frustrated and needy. She wanted to take care of that need, but that would have to wait. She had something more important to do.

She had major regrets about what had happened last night... about the last few nights, and dreaded the thought of facing her son, but felt she needed to be tough and stand her ground. She wouldn't let him enticed, drug or booze her. She would have to be firm and not let him dominate her.

Mutual-masturbation, what the fuck is wrong with me? She wondered. How could she even consider such a crazy idea? Things had gotten way out of hand, and it was her fault, she’d let things get out of control, and she was the biggest part of the problem.

She met Travis in the crossroads of their house. It was a part of the living room that didn't have any furniture to impede traffic, an area just inside the front door between the kitchen, bathroom, and the hallway.

He seemed as happy-go-lucky as ever, like nothing had happened. Apparently he didn't share her concerns. He strutted by with an obvious erection bobbing in his boxers, and Mary wondered if he was always hard.

Stopping him as he tried to breeze though the living room she said seriously: “We need to talk.”

She never dealt with anything very seriously, or sounded so sober, so Travis was immediately on the defensive.

“About what?” he said, with a curt edge to his voice. His content smile turned to a look of annoyance.

“About the past few nights. I don't blame you. I blame myself.” There was a quiver in her voice that betrayed a lack of conviction. It was obvious she was uncomfortable talking about this, and apparently, by the way he was glaring at her, he wasn't too happy about it either

In sixty seconds, he went from perfectly happy, to annoyed, to angry, to furious. Mary drew away from her son’s blazing stare. She wanting to give-up and submit, but fought to continue: “We need to stop what we're doing. It's gone way too far. It's not good for either of...”

“NO! NO! NO!” he suddenly erupted. He seemed so angry that he could barely speak and 'NO' was all he could manage.

“Travis, please listen. I'm as confused by this as...”

“STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!” again he growled at her through clenched teeth.

“Travis please! I'm your mother and we can't be... “

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” He yelled.

Grabbing her shoulders, he shook the little woman as he yelled: “YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER! YOU'RE MY FUCKING BITCH!” he yelled. The words stunned Mary as it all came crashing back to her. That was what they kept calling her that night in the woods, 'His Bitch'.

Mary squirmed trying to escape his grasp, but he hooked his leg behind hers and easily tripped her backwards. Pushing her to the floor, he followed her down and lay atop her sprawled body.

“TRAVIS! STOP THIS! GET OFF OF ME! LET ME UP!” she screamed as she struggled to get free, but he was too strong. Pinning her down, he forced his legs between hers.

“Shut up!” he yelled, “I know you want it just as bad as I do! Why do keep pretending you don't?”

“Travis please, we can't!” He had her wrist pinned to the ground as he rubbed himself between her legs, and she could feel his big stiff hard-on pressing against her groin.

“Shut up!” he barked at her. “Feel that! I know you can!” he said as he rubbed his hard cock between her spread legs. “I know you fuck'n want it! I see way you stare at my cock all the time!”

“I know! I'm sorry! Please!” she pleaded, “I know this is all my fault, but we can't!”

“I know you want it.” No longer yelling, he laid atop her whispering in her ear as he dry humped her: “I know you want. After the last couple of nights, I KNOW you want it!”

“I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I just lost control of myself!”

He wasn't listening. Rhythmically, he rubbed his cock against her groin, and the thin fabric of his boxers and her shorts did little to separate the two. Mary could feel his stiff hard cock gnashing against her swollen clit. It was painful at first, but the pain soon gave way to a tingling, a throbbing pleasure that Mary couldn't resist, deny, or control, It betrayed her, exposed her hidden desires, and in Mary's mind's eye, she could see her son's beautiful cock rubbing against her big fat clit.

Uncontrollable, Mary started slowly rolling her hips up to meeting his thrust. She could feel moisture, and knew her needy wet cunt was gaping open, but wondered, was it just from her. Drifting off, she heard her own soft moans as if from another.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, he lifted off of her and sat back on his heels between her spread legs. Confused, she rose up onto her elbows, and silently, they looked at each other. His boxers had worked down, and the tip of his cock was visible. Her knees were up and spread wide and her inner thighs were flush from the humping. Her nipples stood out hard and erect against her tight tee-shirt. It was hard to hide her arousal. Both were breathing heavily from exertion and adrenalin.

Was he done? She wondered. Was he letting her up? Was the assault over? Had clearer heads prevailed? It certainly wasn't hers.

Then she had a feeling that disturbed her, and made her ashamed of herself. She felt disappointed and letdown. What the fuck is wrong with me? She wondered. Her son had almost raped her and she was disappointed he stopped!

Bewildered, and more than a little rattled, Mary rolled over to her hands and knees to get up.

Suddenly Travis grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back. Instinctively, she tried to pull away. Scurrying away on her hands and knees, she managed to slip his grasp, but as fate would have it, he’d hooked his fingers into the waist band of her shorts. Pulling them down and off as she kicked her legs, the resulting struggle left her bare- assed, and face down on her stomach.

She tried to rise up, but a heavy hand in the middle of her back pushed her back down to the floor, hard!

“Stay Down!” he growled at her.

She lay there face down, bare ass up, as he was knelt between her spread legs holding her to the floor.

Again she tried to get up, but was push down hard, knocking the wind out of her.

“STAY THE FUCK DOWN!” he yelled at her.

Laying there, trying to regain her breath, her heart pounding from exertion and adrenaline. She made no more efforts to get up. Then she felt his hands on her backside, squeezing and fondling her ass. She threw her hands back behind her and tried to push his groping hands away.

Pausing for a moment, he considered her small upturned palms futilely trying to shield her big round ass. It seemed funny in its pointlessness. Sadistically, he brought a hand down hard in a viscous slap on some unprotected ass flesh.

“AAAOOOWWW!” she cried, “STOP THAT! THAT HURT!” Instinctively, she moved an up turned hand to the spot of the attack. Amused, he brought down another blow with a loud slap on some unshielded ass. She cried out for him to stop, but he laughed deviously to himself. There's no way she could protect every inch of that big ass with her little hands. He rained down more blows upon her tender ass flesh, and each time she'd move her hand to the spot of attack, she’d uncovered another area for him to assault.

“Please stop! You're hurting me!” she pleaded.

“Move your hands.” he commanded almost playfully.

“No! Stop this right now!” she screamed.

He rained more blows with the same hilarious results. This was far more fun and arousing than he'd ever imagined, and he noted, her ass was really starting to get red!

“AAAAGH! Stop! Please!” she cried. The cumulative blows stung painfully.

“Move your fucking hand!” he commanded forcefully, and raised a hand to slap her ass again.

“Okay! Okay!” she pleaded as she slid her hands to her sides.

Pins-n-needles darted into her abused flesh as he lightly ran his fingers over her tender ass. His touch caused her to flinch and quiver with a sting pain, but she made no move to stop him. Touching her lightly at first, he could feel the heat radiating off her fevered ass.

It was painful at first, as he began to squeeze and massage her sore inflamed flesh, but the sting quickly faded and she was left with the intense tingling sensation of her sons exploring hands. With her hands resting quietly at her sides, she voiced no objections as he knelt between her knees, kneaded and fondled her round ass.

“I don't know what you're crying about, I know you like being spanked. Don’t you? You even spank yourself sometimes.” he said with a devious accusing tone as he toyed with her ass. It was more a statement than a question.

Mary's face flushed red as her ass with embarrassment. He knew way too much about her dirty, little perverted secrets she thought. She'd been way too careless with her extracurricular activities.

His massaging hands pulled apart her cheeks, and she knew that she was fully exposed to him. She knew he was looking at her ass hole, and from where he knelt he'd be able to see her gaping wet pussy. As felt her ass, his fingers slowly moved closer and closer to her tight little butt-hole, and she made no move to stop him as his thumbs circled and toyed with her twitching hole.

“And I know you like it in the...” He paused... and chose different words: “You like anal. Don't you?” He said as his fingers dancing around her tight little ass-hole, teasing, rubbing, but not pushing for entrance.

“Yes, sometimes.” she mumbled reluctantly. It was embarrassing, but she couldn't deny it. It was clear he'd been spying on her. A knot of embarrassment twisted in her gut at the thought of him witnessing her kinky secrets.

How long had it been going on? She wondered, years maybe. Images of a much younger and smaller Travis flash through her mind, images of him hiding in the dark shadows outside her bedroom, madly stroking his slightly smaller, yet just as hard cock. The vision aroused her.

He put a finger in his mouth, moistening it, then pushed the tip into his mother’s tight little ass hole. She flinched, but did not try to stop him. Gently he toys with her ass, working just the tip of his finger, in and out.

Removing his finger, he pulled apart her ass cheeks and spats a big wad of spit on her ass hole, then pushes his long finger in, knuckle deep.

Mary tensed, arched her back and moaned, but made no move to stop him as he slid his wet finger in and out of her ass.

As he fingered her ass, his other hands slowly traveled between her thighs, strumming the fleshy folds surrounding her pussy. He pushed his fingers inside her. She was wet! He slides his wet fingers down to find her clit. It's big, stiff and erect, much bigger than the few school girls he'd fooled around with.

Mary could feel her own wetness on her son’s fingers. He pushed his thumb deep in her pussy as he rubbed her clit and fingered her ass. She did nothing to stop him. Involuntarily, she rolled her hips and moving herself against his probing hands, pushing them deeper, as she felt the tremors of a rapidly approaching orgasm.

Alarms suddenly went off in Mary's head. NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I can't let this happen! We're going too far! Reaching back, she pushed his hands away.

“Travis... We shouldn’t be doing this.” she said weakly and with no conviction. It was the last of her dying resolve to resist him.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He punished his mother for her defiance.


Halting the assault on her ass, he kept his hand poised high and ready above his head. “What's it going to be?” He asked. “I don't care, because I'm enjoying this either way. It's up to you.”

“Alright! Alright! Please no more!” she pleaded.

“Alright what?” he asked. “I want to hear you say it.”

“Alright. You can... you know, do what you were doing.”

Again he brought his hand down hard on her ass, and again, and again he punished her.

“AAAAGH! ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! PLEAASE STOP!” she begged. She was in tears. “You can touch me! You can touch my pussy!”

“Oh I CAN? Can I.” he asked with his hand raised above his head. “I don’t think I like your fuck'n attitude. If you don't ask me nicely, BEG me, I'm going to beat your ass raw!”

“No! No! Please! Please don't! Please, no more... touch my pussy!” she pleaded, but his hand was still raised. “Please... I beg you... Please touch my pussy! I beg you to touch my pussy! Please, I beg you... finger me... finger fuck me and make me cum!” That last little bit of adlib surprised both of them.

Slowly he lowered his hand and slid it between her thighs.

“Like this?” he asked as he rubbed his finger freely over his mother’s wet pussy. “Is this better than a spanking?”

“Yes! Much better!” she answered quickly, fearing punishment....

Lying there quietly, she let her son have his way. Her resistance was gone.

She'd relinquished control and it felt somehow liberating. She felt free, free of the burdensome weight of responsibility, and free to be herself. She welcomed his control, and was eager to be led and guided towards the perverted, forbidden pleasures she'd so truly, deeply, longed for.

Softly moaning, she slowly rolled her hips, working her snatch against his probing fingers. His fingers, wet from her gushing cunt, slid easily in and out of her needy pussy and over her large throbbing clit. His hands were deft. He knew what to do. He'd watched her please herself many times, and he knew how to make her cum, and despite the brutal spanking, she was near!

As Travis fingered his mother’s wet pussy and rubbed her erect clit, he pushed his long middle finger back into her tight ass. With a shutter and a loud groan, Mary came!

Suddenly he got up leaving his her lying on the floor. She laid on her stomach half naked, arms at her side. She was still sighing and groaning, moving and her rolling hips, grinding herself against the floor.

Was it over? She wondered. Was he done with her? Just as well, she thought. They had gone way too far. Then the nagging disappointment crept back in, and shamefully, she didn't want it to be over.

Suddenly Mary felt her head being lifted off the floor. Travis had bent down, and was pulling her up by a hand full of her hair.

“Get up!” he barked at her. “Get on your fuck’n Knees!”

Doing as she was told, Mary pushed herself off the floor. Half naked she knelt submissively before her agitated and dominating son. Standing over her in an aggressive stance, he had a ragging hard straining against the thin fabric of his boxers. His fists were clenched. He looked agitated, excited, and his eyes flashed of anger and vengeance.

“Take your shirt off!” he growled at her.

Obediently, Mary grabbed the hem of shirt and pulled it off over her head as she knelt naked before her forceful and commanding son.

“Touch yourself!” he ordered. “I like it when you touch yourself!”

She knew this. She knew it excited and aroused him.

Mary grasped and squeezed her swollen breast, quit hard. Milk streamed form the distended nipple, speckling her thighs with droplets of milk. Pulling at her fat dark nipple, she twisted and pinched painfully hard. Groaning, she cried out as she abused her tits, viciously squeezing pulling, tormenting her own flesh.

Her hands were soaked with milk. Why was doing this? It was demented, obsessive, and impulsive, and she couldn’t stop.

Excited and aroused, Travis loomed over his kneeling mother watching as she tormented her own breast.

“Touch your pussy!” he commanded sadistically.

Sitting back on her heals; Mary spread her knees as wide as possible. She ran her milk soaked hand over her splattered thighs. She was already a wet mess.

Intensely excited, Travis stripped himself of his boxers, and stood naked, and fully erect in front of his kneeling mother, watching as she willing touched herself.

As every time before, the sight of her son's impressive organ caused her to swoon. Making no attempt to advert her eyes, Mary stared, intently focused on her son’s jerking, twitching manhood.

Sliding her hands between her thighs, Mary grabbed her long full meaty lips and pulled, stretching them until she cried out in pain. Releasing them, they sprung back resiliently. She pushed slippery wet fingers into her gaping hole, and then raked them up to her throbbing clit. Trapping the hooded bundle of nerves between her thumb and fore-finger, she pinched and stroked it like it was a tiny cock. Moaning uncontrollably, Mary stroked her fat clit. Then she cruelly pressed the swollen knot hard against her pubic bone. She cried out from the painfully intense, yet arousing sensation.

Suddenly Travis stepped towards his kneeling mother. Grabbing her by the hair, he pulled her towards him and forcibly rubbed his stiff hard cock on her face.

Without resistances, Mary willing let her son rub his beautiful cock on her face. It felt so wonderfully hard and stiff. She nuzzled her son’s cock rubbing her soft cheeks, nose, chin, and pouting lips over her son's big cock.

She could smell him, his body odor, and feel his pre-cum streaking on her forehead and smearing in her hair, and she could smell his cum, it had a smell but was hard to describe, irony, but very subtle, but she could smell it, and it excited her. Parting her lips, she pushed out her tongue and tasted her son's cock.

Moaning and squirming about, Mary continued to obediently, and wantonly, touch herself while her son rubbed his cock on her face. She squeezed her breast, pulling at her stiff erect nipples, fingered her wet cunt and tormented her fat clit.

Groaning, he demanded: “Open your mouth!”

More alarms went off in Mary’s head. The boundaries between them were all falling like dominoes. His lustful commands excited her, and she longed to be taken control of, used and violated, to act out her own perverted desires, through his.

Is this what she’d wanted all along? Had she subconsciously lead them to this point? Did she need this so desperately, that she needed it forced on her?

Willing, she reached up to take hold of his big beautiful cock to guide it into her mouth.

“NO!” he snapped excitedly. “Don't use your hands. Don't stop touching yourself.”

Obediently she lowered her hands, and pushed her fingers back into her gaping wet cunt. Groaning loudly, she thrashed about. Just inches away from an orgasm, she had to pause for a second.

Squirming as she feverishly fingered her throbbing wet cunt and viciously squeezed her squirting milky tits. She stretched up on her knees and lowered her open mouth down onto her son's stiff erection. He groaned as his cock disappeared into her mouth.

Grabbing her by the head, Travis pushed his cock into his mother’s mouth. With each he stroke he pushed his cock deeper and deeper until it pushed pass an unseen barrier and slid down into her throat. With each thrust, he pushed his cock deeper and deeper down her throat until his balls pressed against her chin.

As her son shoved his long hard cock down her throat, Mary continued to torment her body, painfully squeezing her squirting tits, wickedly twisting and pulling her tortured nipples, while fanatically ramming as many fingers as she could stretch into her abused inflamed pussy.

Groaning, with two fistfuls of her hair, Travis started wildly ramming his cock down his mother’s throat. Cruelly he fucked her face, brutally ramming his long stiff cock down her throat, his balls slapping against her chin. Groaning and tensing, he couldn't take any more, his balls tightened and screamed for release.

With Mary's nose painfully gnashed against his pubis bone, his cock shoved down her throat, he forcible held her head, and Mary could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing against her tongue as it pumped its load down her gullet.

Strange guttural moans and screams came from Mary's cock filled throat. She was choking, and couldn't breathe. The panic of suffocation was beginning, but she made no attempts to push him away, her hands were busy wildly tormenting herself. With her son cumming down her throat, Mary was in the mitts of her own incredibility intense orgasm.

Finally he released her. As he pulled his cock from her abused throat a huge wad of cum and goo deposited in her mouth and splattered on her face. Groaning loudly, she gasped for air. Unable to swallow, her mouth hung open and her eyes bulged. The goo dripped out of her mouth and down her chin as she continued to wildly finger herself. Kneeling before her son, she thrashed and gurgled obscenely as cum dripped from her chin.

Tensing, twitching and thrashing, she was still cumming. Dazed, she finally managed to take a deep breath and swallow the wad of goo dumped in her mouth.

Kneeling in front of her son, she continued to lightly finger herself, maintaining that long chain of orgasms she had tightly wound inside.

Looking up, she saw that Travis had that same strange look he had last night. He stood there, his cock still hard, a long string of cum dripping from the tip. He had that same stunned, shocked look on his face. He looked like he'd just awoken from a sleep walking dream and didn't know where he was or how he'd gotten there.

Mary wondered if he was going to run off to his room just like he had last night, and she felt that same nagging let down and disappointment, then felt ashamed for feeling that way.

Sudden, he violently grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her face to the floor. With her legs folded underneath, her ass was up in the air, he quickly moved to kneel behind her. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her back against him. She could feel his stiff rod rubbing against her back side and she knew he was going to do. He was going to fuck her.

He was going to fuck her! Her own son was going to fuck her!

Again the alarm went off, but it was so far away, she could barely hear it, and then it went silent.

Is this what she wanted all along? To be raped! To be forcibly held down and brutally fucked against her will! Against her will, that was a joke. This was all her doing.

Both Mary and Travis moaned in unison as he pushed his cock into her gaping wet and wanton cunt.

Slowly at first, then faster and faster, and with each stroke he went deeper, and harder and faster, and Mary moaned and groaned with each thrust.

With renewed staying power, he slammed his cock into his mother. Incessantly he pounded her hard, fast and rough, and with total disregard for her.

He fucked her hard and viciously, punishing her with his long pike of a cock, angrily stabbing her, retribution for months of teasing and disappointment.

Cumming repeatedly, each time more intense than the last, Mary moaned, groaning, and howled as if in some kind of agonized ecstasy.

As the brutal fucking seemed to go on without end, she became more and more animated and expressive, although increasingly delirious and incoherent. Her hands in a fury of motion, squeezed her tits and rubbed her clit, groping herself as her son brutally pounded her.

Reaching back, she started frantically feeling, squeezing and fingering her own ass-hole.

“Oh fuck cumming!” she called out repeatedly. “Oh God, OOOOH, FUUUK!”

Pounding her harder and faster, Travis grunted savagely with each thrush, his thighs slapping rapidly and rhythmically against hers.

Suddenly, and unexpectedly, she pulled away from him. At first he thought she was trying to crawl away, but then she turned around and started ravenously sucking and licking his cock. With her legs folded underneath her, she sat crumbled before her son, stroking his long cock with both hands, desperate for him to cum again in her mouth.

As she sucked and licked her son's cock, she could stop finger fucking herself. Holding his cock against her wet messy face, she howled as she came again.

Grabbing her by the back of the neck, Travis pushed his mom’s face back down to the floor. Returning to his position behind her, he drove his cock into her viciously and without mercy.

As he fucked her, he cruelly groped, squeezed and slapped her big round ass. Cruelly he toyed with her tight ass hole, rubbing, fingering, and pulling it open, stretching it.

Reaching back, she added her own fingers to the mix, fingering and pulling herself open. With two fingers, one from each hand, she stretched her ass-hole open ridiculously wide. It was an obscenely erotic sight!

Looking back at him she mumbled: “I want it... if you want to... I want it please... I like it... please... I want you to... please... fuck me in the... please...”

With one hand, she pulled her ass cheeks apart, with the other; she grabbed his cock from her gooey wet pussy and guided him to her tight ass hole as she shamelessly pushed herself back against it.

They both groaned as one as the head of his big cock slip into her tight asshole. Holding her tightly by the waist, he drove his cock to its furthest depths. She easily took every inch.

Savagely, he fucked his mother’s ass. Grunting and growling, he rammed his cock into her ass hard and fast. His thighs slapping rhythmically against hers, he fucked her ass cruelly, and brutally.

Howling and moaning in a clash of pain and pleasure, Mary reached under between her legs, and with some effort, forced four fingers into her sloppy cunt. With one hand, she fingered her cunt, with the other; she groped and squeezed her ass. Feeling around her tortured asshole, she felt around her son's cock as it plunged into and stretched her ass hole.

Travis could feel her fingers! He could feel the fingers she’d shoved in her twat. He could feel her knuckles rubbing against his cock through the thin spongy membrane that separated the two canals.

Moaning, groaning, and spewing incoherent obscenity, Mary was in a constant and escalating state of ecstasy. Wildly ramming her cunt with fingers, she flicked her fat erect clit with her thumb like a boxer pummeling a speed-bag, as her son pounded her ass.

Finally, after brutally fucking her for what seemed like an eternity, he finally came. He could hold back any longer. Shoving his cock into the depths of her bowls, he shot his load with a horrific growl.

Mary tensed, arched her back and howled as her son came deep inside her. Thrashing about, she convulsed, and cried out. Her son's ferocious fucking and boisterous climax brought on an extremely intense and final draining orgasm. Twitching and quivering, her asshole spasmed, squeezing and milking her son’s throbbing, pulsating cock.

Then all of a sudden, she seemed to go limp in his hands. She fell motionless, as though a switch had been flipped and she was turned off. The lights went out, she went out.

Travis rolled the two of them on to their sides, and they lay there spooning. After a while, his cock softened and slipped from her ass on its own. Getting up, he left his limp, lifeless mother and went to the kitchen for a much needed glass of water. His mother did not move.

Returning, he offered her a glass, but she did not respond. He could see a gob of cum leaking from her ass and running down her thigh.

Was she asleep, or unconscious? He didn't know which.
It reminded him of the time in the woods... when they’d finished with her... when she had finished with them.

A feeling of dread began welling up inside him. What the fuck had just happened here? He looked down at his unresponsive mother. She was lying in a limp fetal position. She was a mess! She was covered in cum! His Cum! It was all over her face, in her hair, and leaking out her ass! Her back side was covered with red welts and bruises!


Pacing back and forth, he was starting to panic. This was all HER fault! He thought. If she wasn't such a fuck'n cock tease this would never have happened.

He hadn't planned for this to happen... it just HAPPENED!

What was he going to do? He needed to something, but what?

Maybe he should run away? But where would he go? And how would he live? He'd never even had a job!

He thought about tying her up! But what the hell good would that do? Some more extreme measures even cross his mind!

He had to go too his room and think about what to do. Just looking at her was making him crazy!

After brutally fucking her, he left his battered, bruised, and leaking mother lying unconscious on the floor.

The End?

This is a continuation of an earlier story. It does NOT stand well on its own.

A Willing Participant. Continued, Home Free

Chapter One

Mary pulled a U-turn onto the highway. As she headed for home, she fielded questions laced with accusations and disbelief. One stood out. IF she was forced, then why wasn't she calling the police?

She countered with questions of her own: “Did you get their license plate?”

“No! I didn't think I needed to.”

“There wasn't one! She responded. “What where their names, did you get their last name? Were John and Billy their real names? Where they really bother?”

Travis glared at her. Of course he didn't know.

“That house in the woods, could you find your way back there?”

“I could try.” He said, but he didn't sound too sure.

“Maybe that wasn't even their house. Maybe they just broke in, and now they're long gone.”

He just looked at her as though she was making all this up.

“What are you going to tell the police?” she asked. “They're going to want to hear the WHOLE story you know.”

He couldn't look at her when he answered: “I wouldn't tell them everything.” He said, sounding embarrassed and ashamed.

“EVERYTHING will come out. Is that what you want?”

Travis was silent, brooding most of the ride home. When he did speak, he was short and defensive. He didn't believe that she was forced, and Mary didn't blame him, not by the way she'd acted.

A call with an excuse of car trouble relieved Mary of her obligation to visit her sister. They headed straight home. Agonizing, she replayed the events over and over again in her head, how she'd acted and what she'd done. It made her sick to her stomach.

Once they got home, things where no better. The atmosphere was cold and tense, and for days he'd avoided her. He was angry and didn’t believe that crap about her being forced. That was all bull-shit! He thought. She was lying! It sure hadn't looked like she was forced, not by the way that cock hungry bitch sucked everyone off, and not by the way SHE came over and over again! There was no fucking way she was forced!

Mary ruminated over the events in the woods. She WAS forced, she WAS, at first... but then things spiraled out of control. The thoughts of how she'd acted, and the things she'd done, they haunted her. She'd lost control of herself, and couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Troubled by guilty, not only for what she'd done, but because a side of her, a side she kept hidden, enjoyed what had happened, longed for it. It was a deep dark deviant part of her that craved depraved and degrading sex. It was part that very few had ever seen, a part that her son had now witnessed.

She questioned her actions. Could she have done something different, resisted them more, not been so cooperative? Had she really done the right thing by giving in to them so totally, or was she just fulfilling her own deep dark desires?

It had been over two week, and Mary hadn’t touched herself, which was unusual. She rarely went more than a couple of days without needing to masturbate. It wasn't that she was purposely abstaining; she just hadn't been in the mood. Not only was she troubled by conflicting feelings, and by the way Travis was treating her. She was also physically, emotionally, and sexually exhausted... spent even.

Only in her darkest fantasies, had Mary ever had such a wild sexual experience. She'd often imagined being taken and brutally fucked by two, three, or more men at the same time, acting out those depraved fantasies, alone in her room with her extensive collection of toys. She just never had the nerve really to seek it out. It was unfortunate, that when her fantasy finally did become a reality, it included her own teenage son.

Mary's breasts were swollen, sore and tender. The routine milking and sucking of her large lactating breast was an important part of her sexuality, and her solo sex play. Recently they had been neglected, as was rest of her needs. The pain and building pressure was becoming nearly unbearable. She considered milking herself just to relieve the pressure, but knew where that would lead, and just the thought of it got her juices flowing. Retiring early one evening, Mary decided she needed to take care of all her needs.

Stripping naked, she stood in front of a tall mirror brushing her hair.
Born Mary Giovanni, she had long dark brown hair and olive skin that was quite fair. She’d been a single mom taking care of her own needs for so long that the sight of her own naked body aroused her.

Turning this way and that, she checked out her petite, yet bodacious little body. At 4, 11” she wasn't very tall. She had large milky breast, which she loved, although they often gained her lots of unwanted attention. Her ass was big too, a little too big, she thought. But her stomach was flat, and she was proud of that. Her legs, although short were slender and tapered nicely to her wide hips.

I'll never be a Super Model, she thought, but I still look pretty good! She was an example of exaggerated propositions, a tiny girl with big tits, a thin waist, wide hips and a bubble butt. She was no athlete, she thought. She had a body made for one thing...

After her divorce, and with age, Mary became increasingly insecure and self-conscious about her curvy little body, especially her big round ass.

Even thou, she knew men were still very attracted to her. Those men in the woods sure had been... and so was her son!

What the fuck? Why? Why did that crazy thought just pop into my head? She wondered. It was startling, unsettling, disturbing even. She wasn't sure how she felt about it. some way, it made her feel good, more confident, aroused even. Maybe that's what disturbed her.

Mary lightly touched her swollen breast. The skin felt tight. Holding them, they felt heavy and laden with milk. She squeezed and pinched her large stiff nipple, droplets of milk appeared. Squeezing and pinching harder, the drops turned to a fine stream. Lifting the heavy breast to her mouth caused her to wince with pain. They were sore and tender, but the pain beckoned pleasure. It was a pain that preceded release, and relief. Sucking at the fat distended nipple, her mouth instantly filled with sweet warm milk, and her throbbing pussy cried out for the same attention.

Crawling on her bed, she lay back on a pile of pillows and continued suckling her breast. Spreading her legs, she rubbed the fleshy folds of her demanding pussy. Already amazingly wet, her pussy made sloppy sloshing sound as she rubbed and fingered herself.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off into an aroused state, where reality and fantasy mingle.

Disconnected images of wild sex and lustful acts with nameless, faceless men filled her thought. Images of incredibly large cocks erupting with ridiculous amount of delicious cum filled her mind and caused her mouth to water as she dug fingers deep into her fat wet hole.

Disjointed images of crazed sex joined and coalesced with memories of that fateful night in the woods. The wild sex, it was something that she'd only fantasized about. And her abductors, she would never forget them, they were so handsome, well built... and so well hung.

And her son... The sight of his surprisingly large cock, it had stirred something deep, dark and disturbingly forbidden in her. She couldn't stop thinking about it, what had happened, what she'd done, all the sucking, all the fucking, all the cum, and all the orgasms, the wonderful intense orgasms. Her thoughts and emotions crashed together in a collision of arousal and regret.

She was unable to stop thinking about what had happened in the woods. It was something she would never forget. It had been wild crazy sex, the greatest she'd ever had. And it took three cocks to give it to her! The thoughts and memories, as disturbing as they were, aroused her. She was ashamed of what she'd been forced to do, but her greatest shame was that truthfully, she’d loved every minute of it.

Mary wasn’t horrified or traumatized by what had happened. She didn't feel angry or vengeful. She felt excited, and aroused by the very thought of it.

Lying back on her bed with her legs spread wide, she got lost in fantasy and memories, as she sucked hard, drinking deeply from her own milky breast. Rubbing and fingering herself, she delighted in the sensuous feel of her own body. Her vulva was so full and puffy. Her protruding lips where so long and thick, and her wonderfully sensitive clit was so big and fat and proudly standing out like an appendage of its own.

Grasping the fleshy folds of her pussy, she pulled and massaged. Muffled moans escaped her nipple filled mouth as streams of milk leaked and trickled down between her breasts.

Fingering herself, and sucking her tits, Mary thought about her son, remembering how excited he'd gotten when he'd seen her naked, and how excited he was to touch her.

She remembered her son's cock, how surprised she had been at how big and beautiful it was. She remembered how it felt to have that big thick shaft in her hands, throbbing in her mouth, and pulsing against her tongue. It was so big and thick, and stiff, just like his fathers, bigger even. She remembered how excited he gotten when she'd slip her mouth over it, and took him downs her throat. He came almost instantly! The thoughts made her quiver and moan.

Sitting on her bed, she sucked her own tits while wildly fingering herself. She moaned and grunted as an orgasm rapidly approached.

She remembered... fantasized... sucking and fucking her own son.

Her own son...

Her own son!

Chapter 2

As she lay there wildly masturbating, dreaming of her son's big cock, her mind suddenly exploded with horrible feelings of guilt and shame.

NO! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? I'm masturbating, imagining fucking my own son!

In anguish, as though it had caused her some insult, she grabbed the flesh of her dirty incestuous cunt and squeezed hard, not for pleasure but to cause pain. Clamping her fist down hard on her swollen pussy lips, she dug in her nails, and pulled, twisted, and yanked the tender fleshy folds of her fat cunt with all her might. As she punished her dirty whore cunt, she bit down painfully hard on her big fat nipple.

She was a dirty incestuous slut, and she punished her filthy body trying to push back the arousal.

Throwing her head back in pain, she gasped as she released the abused nipple. Stretching the skin of her pussy lips to their taut limits, she groaned. Finally, with shaky hands, she had to release the tormented flesh of her abused cunt. She could endure no more.

Then, still disgusted with herself, she spitefully brought her hand down hard with a loud slapping blow atop her fat tender clit. Bolts of pain shot through her cunt and stabbed at her spasuming ass hole.

Again attacking her breast with vengeful intent, she grabbed one with an angry vice like grip and squeezed brutally hard. Milk erupted into multiple anguished streams as she dug her fingers into the tender swollen orb.

Gritting her teeth with pain, she grabbed her squirting nipples and pulled viciously hard, twisting, torturing, punishing the tender puckering flesh. Her hands were soaked, dripping with her own milk.

Then she slapped at her aching breast, violently, angrily, repeatedly, she rained down hard blows, punishing her tits. From the top, the bottom, the sides, she slapped. Lashing out, she pommeled her breast. Her swollen globes viciously abused and tossed about, squirted milk everywhere.

Grabbing one of her abused squirting breast with both hands, she squeezed horribly, painfully hard. Her breast, purple and distorted from the blood being painfully squeezed into it, looked and felt as though it might tear open from the cruel pressure.

Mary lifted the agonized, squirting nipple to her mouth and sucked viciously hard! Her mouth instantly filled with warm milk, and her engorged nipple felt as though it might explode in her mouth. She bit down hard, and with a gasp of pain, she released the tormented nipple.

Looking down at the mauled breast still clutched in her hands, she chomped down again. That time, she bit through, painfully drawing blood. The irony taste of blood mixed with milk and filled her mouth. With a painful grimace, she released the swollen, squirting, bloody nipple.

Continuing to punish herself, she slapped at her offending, wanton flesh, slapping her breast, her stomach, her legs, and then the tender flesh of inner thighs. Slapping and scratching, she tore at the sensitive skin.

With her body stinging and inflamed from torment, she'd reached her limits. She could endure no more pain, and despite the vicious self-abuse, her body still longed for pleasure. It was a hunger so deep and desperate that she couldn’t beat it out.

Feverishly rubbing at the screaming flesh between her legs, she sought pleasure in spite the pain. Filled with self-loathing and disgust, she slapped again at her dirty needy cunt. Then rubbed wildly, mean, hard and fast at her tormented swollen clit, and despite her vicious self-abuse, she felt an unstoppable orgasm approaching.

Rubbing wildly at the wet fleshy folds between her legs, she urged on a desperate climax. Yet again, she slapped down hard atop the large hooded bundle of nerves of her clit. Continuing to punish herself, she tried to beat down the orgasm, and deny herself any pleasure.

She'd played a version of this cruel game before, but never so abusively. Inflicting a small sting to delay or prolong a climax, maybe a pinch, or a squeeze, or a light spank, but never had she so brutally abused herself.

Continued to torment herself, she slapped, and then rubbed her stinging flesh. Pain followed by pleasure, and despite the abuse, she was cumming. Not only was Mary cumming despite her self-abuse, her orgasm was heightened and intensified by it.

Rubbing fiercely at her cunt, she was cumming and couldn't stop it. Groaning loudly, she tensed, convulsed and thrashed about on her bed as she climaxed.

Her orgasm, as deep and intense as it was, was far from satisfying.

Lost in a bizarre sexual fog, Mary rolled over and reached to her night stand which housed a large collection of toys...

Chapter 3

Mary's slumber was disturbed by the awareness that even with her eyes closed it was late in the morning, and for a moment she panicked fearing she was late for work, but then remembered with relief, it was Saturday. She tried to go back to sleep, but felt something hard pressing against her forehead. Opening her sleepy eyes, she looked at the object. It was something pinkish and translucent resting on her pillow. To close to see it clearly, she sat up to find her pink silicon cock shaped dildo.

Then she remembered. Things had gotten kind of crazy last night, after brutally fucking herself with the pink toy, and cumming multiple of times, she'd taken the creamy goo covered rubber dick and shoved it in her mouth.

Sitting up, she felt something else against her inner thigh. It was her big black dildo, the one she'd fucked after putting the pink one in her mouth. Looking around, she saw several more dildos on her bed, and the hair brush. She remembered fucking her ass with the handle.

Yeah, she'd gotten pretty crazy last night she'd thought, acting out her fantasy of being brutally gang fucked with her collection of surrogate cocks and whatever else she had laying around.

She remembered lying face down with her ass up, and her mouth full of the pink rubber cock, and she remembered the smell and taste of her own pussy on the cock. She'd remembered grabbing another dildo, her largest, a big black one, and pushing it in her wet, inflamed cunt. She remembers humping 'big black' against the mattress as she worked the handle of the hairbrush in her up turned ass.

The LAST thing she remembered was choking on the pink dildo, not able to breath. In the mitts of an incredible orgasm, she'd pushed it clear down her throat, balls deep. Yep, she'd gotten pretty crazy last night. Had she passed-out? She wondered, or just fallen asleep.

Suddenly feeling self-conscious sitting there naked surrounded by sticky sex toys, she quickly gathered up her toys and put them back in the night stand.

Climbing out of bed she found she was sore and stiff. Her ass and pussy was sore, and so was her throat. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw that she was covered in scratches and red marks, and even a few bruises and bite marks on her tits.

She felt disturbed and ashamed. How could she have done this to herself? She liked a little pain with her pleasure, but this was something different. Her own behavior troubled her.

What had happened in the woods.... happened. What they did, what she did, what her son did, there was no undoing it. She needed to move on, and put it behind her. She couldn't keep beating herself up, emotionally OR physically. She needed to pull herself together and move on with her life. She had done what she had to do to protect herself and her son... and it worked! They were both home safe. She should have no regrets... but she did.

She knew she wouldn't soon be able to get those depraved thoughts and fantasies out of her head, but she couldn't have many nights like the last. It could destroy her.

Pulling on a cute pair of pajama shorts and an old tee-shirt to cover her nakedness, and the evidence of her own self-abuse, she went to the kitchen for some coffee.

Chapter 4

Travis found his mom sitting at the kitchen table, hunched over a cup of coffee reading the morning paper. Her hair was a twisted, matted mess, more so than normal, and she looks haggard.

“You look like shit” He said to her.

“Oh thank you! Just the look I was going for.” She replied sarcastically.

He was finally talking to her, she realized, and she didn't want to poison it with smart ass remarks.

“Sorry. I had a rough night. I didn't sleep well, and I have a stiff neck.” She added in a much more pleasant tone.

Even as rough as she looked, she still looked sexy, Travis thought. Her little sleep shorts had ridden up and showed off a lot of leg, and even a little ass. The old tee-shirt she wore was thin and tight, it really showed off her big pointed tits and her big dark nipples stood out and were clearly visible through the thin fabric. He instantly felt a swelling in his cock.

Travis had been obsessing over his mother like never before, and painfully wanted to relive the events in the woods.

He didn't understand why she was playing so fucking hard to get. He didn’t believe that shit about her being forced, not after what they done. He’d seen how she could get! He'd seen what a crazy horny slut she could be! He desperately wanted to see that side of her again.

Nonchalantly, he moved behind her chair and put his hands on her shoulders.

“Do you mind?” He asked.

Somewhat surprised, she replied: “Not at all. A neck massage would be great!”

Gentle he massaged the delicate muscles of his mom’s neck and shoulders. She seemed so tiny in his large hands. Despite her ample attributes, she was a small boned, little woman.

Except for their coloring, they were the total opposites. He was tall, lean and muscular, like his father. She was petite and bodacious. It was hard to believe she'd given birth to him.

Towering over her, he could easily over power her, and do whatever he wanted, and she would love it, he thought! Some bitches like it rough! He'd seen those videos. His mom liked it like that, he thought. It had got pretty rough that night in the woods, and she sure had loved it.

Yet he still had some nagging doubts about what really happened that night. What she said about being forced... was it true?

No fucking way, he told himself. He'd seen how fucking crazy horny she'd gotten! He refused to believe it. If it was true, then what had HE done to her? He couldn't even think about it.

Standing behind her, he massaged his mother’s sore shoulders.

“MMMMMM, Thank you. That feels so good.” She purred.

She couldn't see it from where she sat, but it was plainly visible, her son's cock was stiff, hard, and fully erect. Wearing only a tee-shirt and boxer shorts, the thin fabric of the boxers did little to hide his ragging hard-on.

Straightening up and flexing her neck and shoulders, Mary relaxed and let her arms hang to her sides.

Moving his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, Travis massaged and rubbed his mother’s arms. As he rubbed her arms, his fingers tips lightly brushed against the sides of her breast. She didn't flinch, and his cock twitched with excitement!

“OOOOH, MMMMMM, your pretty good at this. Who would of thought?” She cooed.

His cock throbbed, and his balls ached for release. His heart raced, and his hands quivered. This was easy, he thought with excitement! She is horny and ready to go! She's practically begging for it.

Quickly moving his hands, cupping each of her breasts. Lightly squeezing, he slid his thumb and index fingers to her hard stiff nipples and gently pinched and twisted.

“TRAVIS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP THAT!” She barked. Her hands instantly grabbed at his wrist and tried push them away, but he stiffened, and held fast fondling her breast.

Still playing a little hard to get? That's okay, I can play like that, he thought as he continued to forcibly squeeze and massage his mom’s big breast.

Kicking the chair backwards, she drove it painfully back into her son's stiff cock. Standing, she spun around to face him.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!” She snarled, spitting the words at him.

Travis was surprised, and stunned by his mother’s reaction to his advances. He’d longed for her so desperately and was crushed by her rejection.

He snapped back: “You sure fuck'n liked it the other night in the woods! You even begged for it!”

She stood silent for a moment, stunned, her mouth hanging open, digesting the words that had just been thrown at her. Then in one swift motion, she struck her son violently across the face. The angry little woman with the big tits hit him so hard that it snapped his head hard to the left. She stood there with brow furrowed, glaring at him with anger and discuss.

The blow hurt his face, but nowhere near as bad as it hurt his feelings. He'd obsessively thought, and painfully longed for her, and with one swift blow, he was horribly disappointed, hurt, and rejected.

Travis thought himself a big strong man, but emotionally, he was still a boy. His dreams had been ripped away. He tried to fight it, but couldn't. Tears welled up in his eyes and trickled down his cheeks.

Seeing her son’s tearful reaction, Mary was flooded with emotion and tears of her own.

“Oh God I'm so sorry!” Mary's anger turned to sorrow, and she began to cry. She suddenly realized she wasn't the only victim.

With her head down, Mary stared at the floor sobbing: “I can't even imagine what you must think, but please believe me when I say; I was forced to do the things I did. Oh God, what you must think of me!”

Crying, Mary paused to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. After a big sigh, she continued: “They told me that if I didn't do whatever they wanted... they would hurt us... hurt me, HURT YOU. They said that I had to do it willingly... and participate... and if there was any struggle they would hurt you... OR WORSE! I couldn't let you know what was really going on. I had to let you think I was doing it willing... I couldn't let you get upset. It would have put us both in danger!”

She paused again, sobbing. Then continued so low and soft that Travis could barely understand her: “I did what they asked... what I thought they wanted... what I thought would protect us both... Oh God... I know, I know, I know... I lost control, I know... I went CRAZY!

Mary put her hands over her face in shame and sobbed: “No son should ever see that side of his mother!”

He believed her. It made perfect sense. And despite the wild fantasies he had, she had never, ever, acted that way before, not in front of him, and certainly not WITH him.

He had just seen what his own perverted desires wanted him to see. Finally he believed her. It explained everything... almost.

It didn't explain how wild she'd gotten. That was all her... and still was.

“I'm sorry too.” He said. “No mother should ever have to see that side of her son either.”

He was holding back tears.

“No, No, No.” She said, taking his hands in hers: “You did nothing wrong. This is NOT, your fault.”

Mary decided right there and then that she would never lash out at her son again. She would have to be understanding and tolerant of his behavior, no matter how inappropriate. He was as much a victim as she, more so even, and that he was just as confused about his feelings as she was. They would figure this out, and get thru this, together.

She put her arms around her tall handsome son and held him tight. It had been an emotional morning for both of them.

Suddenly she became aware of something... something hard pressing against her abdomen. Stepping back, she held him at arm’s length and looked down. He was hard and fully erect!

A flood of memories and images filled her head, his impressive manhood, how long and thick he was and how it felt to experience it, in her hands, in her mouth, and deep inside her. Mary stood and stared at her son’s erection as if in a trance.

“I’m sorry. I can't help it.” He said, awakening her from the spell.

Jolted back to reality, she looked up at her son and smiled knowingly: “It's okay. I know you can't.” Again she looked down at the huge bulge in his boxers, and then back to his face: “Maybe you should go take a shower.” She said warmly.

She watched as he walked away and entered the bathroom. She heard the water running, and imagined her tall lean muscular son in the hot steamy shower lathering up. She imagined his soapy hands stroking his long hard cock, and wondered what he must be thinking. They had the same shared memories and experiences. Was he was thinking of her as he slid his soapy hands up and down his long shaft?

Mary knew things would never be the same or normal again. What was normal anyway? She wondered. She knew things would never be as they were... and that her and her son would never be able look at each other the same way again.

Chapter 5

Things did get a lot better... not normal, or typical, and certainly not as they were, but a lot better.

Mary, for the most part, returned to her normal happy self, as did Travis, although he became far more overtly and physically affectionate with his mother than he’d ever been before. His obsession never faded, it only got worse. Expressing his obsession, he became much more touchy-feely with her, often putting his arms around her and hugging her. Holding her tight. He would often hold her, squeezing her tight, pressing her breast to his chest.

She knew what he was doing, affectionate, yes, but also something else, something sexual. She never objected, or rejected him. Quite the opposite, she often encouraged him, enjoying closeness and affection, but there was something else in it for her too.

Along with the hugs, there was other contact and touching. He might brush against her ass as he walked by, or reach across her for something and let his hand or arm brush against her tits. She knew what he was up to, but never resisted or shied away. She enjoyed the closeness... and the contact.

What at first had seemed incidental quickly became much more purposeful. A brush became a gentle touch, maybe a playful poke, or a pinch, or a pat, always done lightheartedly, joking and teasing.

After a very short time he became more and more overtly aggressive and sexual with her. Still the encounters were brief and playful. He might sneak up behind her, grab her around the waist, and grab her tits before slipping away giggling. He might approach her, grab her ass, squeeze and fondle it for a moment, then end it with a slap.

Brief playful advances quickly progressed, becoming much more sexually aggressive and drawn out. He would often grab her and forcibly hold her while groping, squeezing and fondling her tits, even pinching her large erect nipples. He might grope her ass, and then slide his hand between her legs and palm her snatch.

Again, it always done as playful roughhousing and Mary took it as such. She was never bothered by it, and rarely voiced the slightest objection, and when she did, Travis would dismiss her concerns by saying he was just playing, or messing around with her, or something along those lines.

Mary didn't just tolerate and endure his advances; she very much enjoyed, and even encouraged them. Of course she cherished the closeness and affection they shared, but there was something else. What nearly forty year old woman wouldn't want the attention of a handsome young stud, except for the fact that stud happened to be her own son.

Around the house Mary didn't exactly dress appropriately. She never really had. Mary's usual attire for lazing around the house was the same as it had always been, a cute pair of PJ shorts, and an old tee-shirt, except she never wore any underwear or bra, and the tee-shirts wore where always thin, and about two sizes too small. The thin, tightly stretched material was nearly transparent and showed off her big tits and her big dark nipples. The same went for the pajamas shorts, they weren't so old or thin, but they were a size to small, exposing a lot of ass and clung tightly to her full shapely pussy.

She knew what she was doing and how she looked. She could have worn something different around the house, but it made her feel sexy and attractive, and she knew it excited her son to see her in those tight skimpy outfits, and she liked to see him happy... and there was something else she liked seeing...

Those days Travis almost always sported an erection around the house, at least when Mary was around, and the boxers he ran around in, did little to hide it. Mary often caught herself daydreaming, staring at the huge bulge in his shorts.

This had gone on for weeks, and that’s how it had become around their household, happily content, yet very sexually tense. And that’s how it was one morning when Travis snuck up behind his mother, like he’d done many times before, and grabbed her around the waist while she stood at the kitchen sink.

“You scared the shit out of me, you little shit!” Mary squealed.

Travis just laughed as he put his hands on the counter to either side of her and leaned his weight against her backside. Pinning her against the counter, he sniffed at her hair.

“MMMM! You smell good!” He said in a tone laced with desire.

“Yes... I bathe.” She replied sarcastically.

“Really? I like that in a woman.”

“I bet you do.”

As Travis leaned against her, Mary could feel something hard pressing against her ass and quickly realized it was his ever present hard-on. Images filled her head, and in her mind’s eye, she could picture his impressive tool rubbing up against her ass. She was instantly flooded with torrid thoughts and memories of the experiences she had with her sons big beautiful cock.

Leaning against her, pinning her against the counter, he began rubbing his hard cock up and down, and from side to side of her cushiony, round ass.

Moving his right hand from the counter, he put his arm around her neck, putting her into a sort of mock choke hold. It wasn’t tight enough to really choke her, but just tight enough to control her. More a show of his strength and dominance over her, than to really hurt her.

Still pushing and rubbing his cock against her ass, he held her around the neck with his right arm, as he moved his left hand to her waist, and then slid it to up to her left breast.

Caught up in the moment, Mary didn’t resist. Mesmerized by the fanciful mental pictures in her head brought on by the feel of the big stiff cock rubbing against her ass, Mary arched her back and pushed her ass back against his cock. Moving in small gyrations, she matched the rhythm of his movements.

Removing his right arm from around her neck, he slid it under her arm and cupped right breast. Know holding and fondling both of his mother’s breast, he rubbed his cock against her ass harder and more forcefully.

He began to moan and groan softly as he humped his cock against her. Sliding a hand underneath her shirt, he began rolling her hard nipple between his fingers tips.

Suddenly alarms went off in Mary’s head. The sound of her son moaning and the feel of his hands on her bare flesh brought her screaming back to reality. ‘What the fuck’, her son was practically fucking her against the kitchen counter, and she was letting him! Gently, she pushed her ass backwards, just hard enough to push him off of her, and then turned around to face him, putting her hands on his chest.

“Whoa there Big Boy, I think we're getting a little carried away here.” She said, as she gentle fended off her son’s advances.

With a big sigh, she tried to calm her own aroused state. Looking down at her son’s crotch, she saw the big bulge in his boxers. The waistband had been push down with all the humping, and the head of his cock was exposed. She lost her breath, and her heart skipped a beat as her body and mind were filled with arousal and desire, and for a moment... a moment to long... she stared, mesmerized, by the sight of his impressive cock. A glistening drop of pre-cum had escaped the tip, and Mary couldn't help but lick her lips and swallow.

Looking up at him, she smiled. He wore a lustful grin. She patted him on the chest and said: “Why don't you go take a shower." which in her mind was code for 'Why do you go take a shower and care of yourself, and I’ll go take care of myself.'

“Oh shit!” she said suddenly, catching the time off the microwave. “I gotta go! I'm running late!”

Pushing past her dejected looking son, she dashed off to finish getting ready for work. She could see his disappointment and frustration. He looked rejected, angry almost. Go take a shower and relieve yourself, she thought. If she had the time, she'd do the same thing.

His advances always left her aroused, and afterwards, she would quite often take care of herself with a quick diddle. There were times when she'd needed more than just a quick one and would call in late just to masturbate. There were even a few times she was so overcome with such an intense insatiable need, that she would call in sick just to stay home and masturbate repeatedly all day long.

But today, that was out of the question.

Her performance at work was never in question. But lately, her punctuality and attendance was. If she called in late or sick again, she might be looking at a reprimand. She was just as horny and frustrated as her son was, but she couldn't be late for work.

Slipping out of her tight tee-shirt and little shorts, Mary quickly dressed for work. She put on panties and bra, a white blouse, and a knee length dark gray skirt. Standard attire for many working woman, from waitress, to the cubical interned, which is what she was. She sat in a little cubical, staring at a computer screen all day long, entering data and updating reports.

Still with a thirty minute commute, Mary hurried out the door. She had no time to waist.

Chapter 6

Less than a block from her house, she hiked her skirt up around her waist. Pulling aside the crotch of her panties, she started fingered her moist pussy as she drove. The thirty minute drive should be more than enough time.

Spreading her knees as wide as she could, Mary fingered her wet pussy, and rubbed her throbbing clit as she drove. It was crazy, she’d never done anything like this before, but she he was unbelievably horny and desperately determined to get herself off. It was also kind of fun and exciting.

A man driving alongside glanced at her and smiled. Usually she ignored the commuter flirts, which were common, as she was a pretty lady, but this time she smiled back, flashing him her best bedroom eyes as she rubbed wet fingers back and forth over her erect clit.

If he could only see what I'm doing, she laughed to herself. So very badly she wanted to squeeze her milk swollen breast, but feared it would leave embarrassing wet marks. She slid forward, rolled up her hips and pushed four fingers into her wet snatch.

Fingering herself during the morning commute, Mary came very close to climaxing, but the demands of driving and traffic were too distracting. By the time she got to work, she was hornier, and more frustrated than ever. There was no time to finish in the parking-lot, that would be too risky, and she might get caught. She needed to get up to her desk fast and clock-in on time.

Once clocked-in, Mary was able to relax. She took a deep breath and calmed down. Time seemed to slow, but she was still very horny.

Sitting in her cub, with legs under her desk, she stared at the report on the computer screen pretending to be hard at work. Never had she done anything like this before, masturbating at work, it was crazy! But she was so incredibly horny and desperate to get herself off. Sitting at her desk with one hand lying inconspicuously idle atop the desk, she pulled up her dress and slipped her other hand between her parted thighs.

Sitting quietly, staring at the computer screen, trying to look as normal as possible, she slipped her fingers inside the crotch of her panties and rubbed at her clit, secretly fingered her needy pussy under her desk at work.

Tuning out noisy buzz of the rest of the office, she focused on the burning need between her legs. She was getting close! This wouldn't take long! She drove her fingers into her wet pussy, and flicked her slimy fingers rapidly over her sensitive clit. She was so fuck'n horny! She could do it! It was crazy, daring, and she was shaking with nerves and exciting. Her heart was racing, from the rapidly approaching orgasm and the exhilaration of what she was doing.

She was almost there! She could do it, without making a sound, no moaning, no groaning, and no thrashing about. Almost most there! Beginning to quiver just a bit, she was just about ready to cum! Her fingers were a blur, moving feverishly over her screaming clit.


CRASH! BANG! Startled, Mary jumped out of her skin with fright. It sounded like walls of her cub crashing in on her.

“Oh, sorry about that, but these darn things are heavy.” It was Susan, her team supervisor. She’d nearly knocked over one of the walls to Mary's cubical trying to wrestle in a heavy box of reports. “Could you get these updated by Friday? Pleeese! Thaaaanks!”

Before Mary could object, Susan hurried away. Fuck'n Cunt! Mary thought. The bitch scared the shit out of her.

Fuck! I was all most there! This isn't going to work! Mary thought as she fixed her dress. She was hornier, and more frustrated than ever. How was she going to get any work done? Getting herself off was the only thing she could think about. She had an idea. Getting up from her desk, Mary leaned over the flimsy wall of her cub and looked in on the woman in the next cubical.

“Hey, I'm running to the rest room. I'll be back in a couple of minutes.”

The woman looked up at Mary and shrugged her shoulders, giving her a look that said: Why you telling me? What the fuck do I care?

The restroom was large, with many stalls, but busy. Mary had to wait for one to empty. The toilets were always busy, especially in morning, with woman crowding the stalls and lining up along the mirror making final adjustments to their hair and makeup. Come to think of it, Mary thought, there were no men that work in her office. It was all women as far as she knew. No wonder the restroom was always so fuck'n crowded.

Finally seated in the cramped stall, Mary lifted her skirt around her waist and pushed her panties down around her ankles. Sitting on the cold toilet seat, she frantically rubbed at her wet pulsing pussy. She was so fuck'n horny, she would have loved to have the time to give herself a good working over, but this wasn't the time or place, and time was of the essences. Desperately she wanted to squeeze her aching tits and suck her swollen nipples, but she was too afraid she would stain her blouse.

Hurriedly, Mary fingered herself sitting on the cold toilet in the stark crowded stall while coworkers noisily scurried about outside. She did finally cum. Twitching about, gritting her teeth, and holding her tongue, she managed to get herself off a decent orgasm, not earth moving, but okay under the circumstances and the surroundings. I needed that! She thought with a big sigh of relief. Now maybe I can get some work done.

Back at her desk, not but fifteen minutes had past, and she was horny again. She had become painfully aware of her swollen breast, and that awareness spread to the rest of her body. Her breast ached, her nipples tingled, and her pussy throbbed, and she needed to heed their cries. Mary had a plan, but she would have to wait until lunch.

At lunch as most of the other workers headed to the break-room, or out, Mary nonchalantly headed of the stairwell. Heading up to the sixth floor, the one above the floor she worked on, she was happy to find the door unlocked. She wasn’t sure if it would be as floor had recently been vacated by a business relocating out of state.

The entire floor was empty, and quite. Making her way to the restroom, she pushed open the door. It was dark, but only for a split second. Then the lights clicked on automatically. Finding the restroom as vacant as the rest of the floor, Mary was quite happy and wondered why she hadn't thought of this before. This is great, she thought, her own private restroom.

Mary was tempted to strip naked right in front of the mirror inside the stark commercial, public restroom, but thought better of it. She didn't have the nerve, so she made her way to the very last stall in the row.

Once hidden in the stall, she got naked, and neatly hung her clothes on the hook on the door. It was a little unsettling at first, being naked in such a public place, even if it was vacant, and especially, because of the reason she was there. It was a little scary. She was nervous, but there was also something daring and thrilling about it. She was horny, and anxious to get herself off good, hopefully a couple of time, in her own private restroom.

Sitting naked on the toilet, she spread her legs as wide as the narrow stall would allow. Slowly rubbing her hot throbbing pussy, she grabbed and squeezed one of her breast, a stream of milk squirted out. Lifting the milk dripping nipple to her mouth, she sucked as she fingered her wet hole. Excited, aroused, she was well on her way to another orgasm, a full-on good one this time. This is fuck'n awesome, she thought, her own private restroom. Work was going to be a lot more fun in the future. She even thought about bring some of her toys to work.

With four fingers buried palm deep, and her thumb fiercely rubbing her fat clit, Mary moaned and grunted. Repeatedly and rhythmically, she drove her hand deep into her hot wet cunt, digging for her g-spot and rubbing clit.

As she rapidly fucked herself, sounds of sloshing came from her dripping wet pussy. She groaned continuously as she thrashed about on the toilet seat. Mary was right there! She was about to cum, a good deep hard one!


Suddenly the lights had gone out, and Mary was plunged into darkness. Darkness deeper than any she had ever experienced before. Thrown into a panic, she leapt to her feet and blindly groped for her cloths only to knock them to the floor. Clawing for the handle, she found the latch and swung the door open.

Waving her arms wildly, she tried to trigger the lights motion sensor, but it was too dark to register her movement. It was dark, very dark, like drowning in black ink. She could see nothing. It was disorienting. It was so suffocatingly dark, she couldn't breathe.

Panicked and hyperventilating, her heart was pounding so hard it hurt; she felt her way along the stalls. Each door swung open with a loud bang, startling her as she went.

Feeling her way to the restroom entrance, she franticly swung the door open. The lights immediately came on. Mary stood there for a moment in the open doorway, totally naked, in a state of panicked shock.

Suddenly realizing where she was, and how she looked, she turned and ran back to the stall were her cloths lay on the floor. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she ran naked through the stark cold public restroom. Her tits were bouncing ridiculously, and she had a terrified, wide eyed look on her face. It was disturbing. After quickly dressing, she got the hell out of there. Thankful her cloths hadn't fallen in the toilet.

Back on her floor, she sat by herself in the break-room with a bag of almonds, and a coke that she'd gotten from the vending machine. She tried not to let her angst show. She looked at her watch. The whole fiasco had only taken fifteen minutes.

As she calmed herself, she had to laugh recalling the image of herself in the mirror as she ran naked through the restroom. She'd looked pretty stupid. Big baby, she thought, afraid of the dark.

She was still horny, and with forty-five minutes to kill, she could try again! Just the thought of it excited her. There was no way to make the lights stay no, at least not that she knew of, but she could be ready for it and not panic.

She snuck back to the deserted restroom on the vacant floor.

Again, in the same stall, she stripped naked. She put her cell-phone atop the toilet paper dispenser just in case of emergency. It would light when she touched the screen, and it had a flash light.

Sitting on the toilet, anticipating the coming darkness, she excitedly got to work on her obsessive pastime. Leaning back, the toilet tank made a porcelain clank as she reclined in a fashion it wasn't made for. Spreading her legs, she pressed her knees against the cold metal walls of the narrow stall. Mary rubbed the wet folds of her pussy as she brought a nipple to her mouth.

While wildly rubbing and fingering herself, she milked her aching breast.

Just as before, Mary was near cumming when the light went out. Even though she was prepared for it, it still caught her by surprise and unsettled her. Only by focusing on her building orgasm, was she able to fight off the panic.

Leaning back in the dark, she continued to rub and finger herself. It was blindly dark, and deafly silent. The only sounds were her breath, the slosh of her wet pussy.

The darkness and panic forgotten, Mary rammed her hand into her gushing pussy, and rubbed wildly at engorged clit. Her only concern was her rapidly building orgasm.

“Oh fuck yes!” She groaned. The words echoed in the vacant restroom. She quivered and thrashed, atop the cold porcelain toilet. She was cumming!


The fuck'n lights had suddenly come back on.

Startled and frightened half out of her wits, she froze, panic stricken, too scared to move from her awkward position. She heard the door to the restroom open. The position she was in that had been great for wild masturbation was now very uncomfortable, and painful, but she was too afraid to move.

Frozen in her awkward position, she listened and heard the ‘Clack, Clack, Clack,’ of high heels against the tile floor. Then she heard the sound of a nearby stall door being opened, and then shut and latched. A moment later, she heard the sound of pee splashing in the toilet, and then the sound of a lighter being sparked, and she smelled cigarette smoke.

It seemed she wasn't the only one using this porcelain paradise for her own private den of addictive vices. Smoking was forbidden in the building.

Mary remained motionless and silent in her painful position until the strange smoker left.

More than a little rattled, Mary quickly dressed and hurried back down to her floor.

Back in her own office space, a labyrinth of cubicles, she felt like everyone was looking at her. There were stares, and whispered comments. Everyone knew what she had been doing, and what a freak she was.

Of course that wasn't true. Her rational mind knew that, but never the less, she felt horrible self-conscious and embarrassed. Her guilty conscience was playing tricks with her mind.

Fuck! She admonished herself. What if I had been caught? I would have died from the embarrassment! I could have lost my job, or worse! Could I have been arrested, and maybe charged with indecent exposure, or lewd behavior?

Sitting quietly at her desk, Mary continued to beat herself up.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm masturbating all the time. It used to be pretty regular, but now, it's obsessive, every day at least, and sometime several times a day. I'm even missing work to masturbate. So now I have to do it AT work? What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve never done anything like this before. In my car even, driving down the highway! What the fuck is wrong with me?

By the end of the work day, she managed to calm herself down. And by the time she'd gotten home, she was actually laughing about the whole debacle. That crazed look on her face as she ran naked through a public restroom, she had to laugh. She did look pretty silly, and being stuck in that toilet stall waiting for that bitch to finish her fuck'n smoke, Mary had to laugh. Thankful things didn't end a lot worst.

Even though she was able to laugh at her comical fiasco, Mary was still a little rattled. The first thing she did when she got home was fix a cocktail, two fingers of vodka and orange juice in a tall glass. It was her go-to drink at times like this, quick, easy, and packed with vitamin C, she liked to joke.

As she sipped her drink Mary thought, I need a boyfriend, but just the thought of it made her queasy. She was becoming more and more withdrawn and antisocial, and the thought of trying to building a relationship, even a casual social one, caused her anxiety. A good hot fuck sounded good, that’s what she really needed, but the conversation before and after is what distressed her.

Opening the junk drawer / medicine cabinet in the kitchen, Mary rummaged around until she found what she was looking for, a little prescription bottle of Valium. It had been a very stressful day, and she needed a little something extra to take the edge off.

Shortly after returning home from the bizarre excursion into the woods, Mary convinced her doctor to give her a prescription for Valium, saying that she was having trouble sleeping. Which was true, she was having a hard time sleeping. At that time she'd been troubled with terrible guilt and regret. But since then, she'd come to terms with what had happened, and now she just took them to relax and get a little buzz-on.

A couple of hearty swigs of the sweet cocktail washed down the little blue pill. She thought about the whole experience at work, and despite it being a total failure, and leaving her horrible frustrated, it had actually been kind of exciting, a daring adrenalin rush.

She'd considered the notion of revisiting the restroom upstairs and trying again or maybe some other risky public local... but not too risky, she wasn't THAT reckless or daring. But the thought intrigued her, and brought back some of the excitement, and arousal she’d experienced earlier.

After polishing off the cocktail, Mary made herself a second, and then went to her room and changed out of her work cloth. She pulled on a pair of cute silky little PJ shorts, and an old tee that was a size to small.

Joining her son in the living room, she plopped down on the love-seat, propped her feet up on one arm, and her head on the other. Travis sat on the adjacent sofa in only his boxers and a tee-shirt. He was rapidly surfing through the channels.

“Can we watch just ONE thing please? Anything, I don't care what.” Mary finally said, tiring of the incessant channel flipping.

“Will this do?” He said, sounding annoyed.

“This will do... thank you.”

He had stopped at Wheel-of-Fortune, and Pat was leaning over, spinning the wheel. The drugs and alcohol were quickly kicking in, and the polite competition of the dull game show wasn't enough to keep Mary awake. She soon passed-out.

Chapter 7

Startled awake by the overly loud volume of an annoying infomercial, Mary opened her eyes to see... legs? She was unable to see the blaring TV as someone was standing right in front of her.

“Travis? What are you doing?” She spoke the words, but they came out warbled and slurred. She was still half asleep and stoned.

“Aa... I was just... turning off the TV. You were passed out. I'm going to bed.”

“Oh... Okay...” She slurred. He sounded funny, she thought, defensive maybe, but she dismissed it. Her head was spinning.

Moving to the TV, Travis touched the side of the medium sized flat-screen causing it to go black and silent. That was funny, Mary thought, she didn't even know there were buttons on the side. To woozy to think about it, she dismissed that to.

Swinging her feet off the small sofa, she sat up dizzily: “Whoa!” she said.

Getting to her feet, she needed to steady herself: “Whoa!” She said again, “I'm out-of-it. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.” she stammered before heading off to bed walking somewhat sideways.

Plopping down on her bed, Mary sighed with relief. The bed felt soft and comfy. Pulling the covers up, she stretched out on her back and sighed again.

Just a little uncomfortable, she rolled onto her left side. Still a little uncomfortable, she rolled to her right, and then returned to her back. Fuck, she thought. As passed out as she'd been, now she was restless and couldn't get back to sleep. Seems her only chance for a good night’s sleep was left on the sofa.

She needed to relax. Lying flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling, she slid a hand down into her little shorts.

“MMM, AAH.” She moaned softly as her fingers caressing her protruding clit. It had been a frustrating day, and this was exactly what she needed to relax. Running her fingers over her big swollen fleshy lips, she found them sticky, covered with the remnants of the days earlier failed attempts. Parting the sticky lips, she pushed her fingers into the warm wet interior of her pussy. Drawing a wet slippery finger up over her stiff clit, she groaned deeply. A feeling of warmth and relaxation came over her as she became instantly aroused.

Drifting off into the depths of self-pleasure, she was suddenly distracted by a strange sound.


Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. Momentarily startled, she froze, leaving her hand resting atop her plump pubic mound. No lights were on in the room. But plenty of light streamed in from the living room. She quickly recognized Travis standing in the doorway.

She laid there flat on her back, quiet and motionless.

What the hell does he want? She wondered. What is he doing? What the fuck could he possible need, that couldn't wait till morning? She just lay there, still and motionless, pretending to be asleep, hoping he would go away so she could get back to her needy pussy and the orgasms she so badly needed.

With eyes opened only to narrow slits, hopefully to appear asleep, Mary watched as her son moved from the doorway, to the foot of her bed. What the hell is he up to? She wondered.

Still pretending to be asleep, Mary lay there, hoping he would leave her alone. Then she heard a strange rustling sound, and faint snap of elastic. Then she saw it... his cock!

He'd freed his hard cock from the confines of his boxers, and was standing at the foot of her bed... jacking-off!

Why you little fuck'n pervert, Mary thought... but didn’t move.

She should have jumped up, and chased him off in a pissed off rage... but she didn't. She just lay there, motionless and silent, peering through narrowed eyes, watching her son jack-off. She was mesmerized by the sight, and sounds of her son masturbating at the foot of her bed. Damn he's big! She thought.

Staring at her sons big stiff cock, her heart begin race. The sight of her little pervert jacking-off his big cock got Mary aroused. Her breathing quickened and she started to quiver uncontrollably with excitement.

Yet... she forced herself to remain motionless, and silent. Her hand, still inside her shorts, rested upon her throbbing groin. Slowly she began to move her fingers unnoticeably over her stiff throbbing clit. Her heart raced with exhilaration of forbidden pleasure.

Suddenly Travis moved to the side of her bed. He now stood right above her. His cock inches from her face. It was so close, she could have stretched out her tongue at licked it! She was suddenly bombarded with incredible urges and impulses she had to resist.

Rapidly rubbing her clit with the tips of her fingers, she began to quiver uncontrollable. She didn't think he would notice thou because he was so self-absorbed, feverishly stroking his cock.

Mary could see delicious drops of pre-cum forming at the tip, and his cock glistened as he smeared with the slippery slime. And to her quivering delight, she thought she felt a drop fly off and land on her face.

He must have been confident that she was thoroughly unconscious, Mary thought, because he was grunting and groaning loudly.

With just her finger tips moving feverishly over her tortured clit, she fought to remain, quiet and motionless, as an intense orgasm welled up inside her.

Suddenly, with a loud long sustained groan, Travis shot his load on his mother’s placid face.

As his goo pelted her face, Mary shuttered, and silently climaxed. It was an intensely strange orgasm, one of which she'd never felt before. It was made intense and strange because she needed to remain completely motionless, silent, and expressionless. It was made even further strange by the feeling of incompleteness, accompanied by a horrible need to finish herself more wholly and deeply than she'd ever experienced before.

Tormented by aching need, Mary laid there still as the dead, as her perverted son continued to milk his spurting cock. With another loud groan, more cum shot on to her face, and with a final stroke and squeeze of his purpled cock, he dribbled the last of his cum onto her face.

Finished defiling his mother, he fixed his boxers and quietly left the room.

The moment her son left, Mary licked her lips, tasting the delicious nectar deposited there. Using her fingers as squeegees, she gathered up every drop of cum she could, then licked and sucked them clean.

Kicking the off covers, she anxiously stripped off her night clothes, and went to work on herself with a wild lustful vengeance. Sitting up with her legs spread wide, she rammed the four fingers into her gooey wet pussy, and rubbed her stiff inflamed clit.

With her other hand, she kneaded, squeezed and molested swollen her breast. Painfully, she tormented her nipples, pinching pulling and twisting them until milk began to flow. She brought the abused nipples to her mouth and sucked hard, drinking deeply from her own beast.

Grunting and moaning, Mary went at herself without restraint. Finger fucking her sloppy wet pussy and hungrily sucking her tits; Mary came over and over again, each time more intense than the last.

Her hands and thighs were covered with white froth secreted from her gooey wet pussy. She had cum repeatedly and was finally spent, and thoroughly satisfied. She fell into a deep, blissful sleep.

The next day, Mary’s head was reeling from the inexplicable events of that night. She was dumbfounded by her son perverted act, and even more so, by her reaction to it. She should have been outraged, discussed and horrified by the perverted degrading acts, but she wasn’t. She wasn't any of those things, actually she was aroused and excited, and filled with anticipation.

She had a plan, a plan that she hoped would encourage, if not ensure, a repeat performance.

That evening when she got home from work, she went right into the kitchen and fixed herself a tall cocktail, just like she'd done the night before. Opening the junk drawer that kept her med's, she conspicuously rummaged around a bit, picked up the bottle of pills, gave it a couple of shakes, then threw it back into the drawer.

The cocktail was for real. She was anxious and need to relax. She also needed a little liquid courage. But she didn't take the Valium because she didn't want to pass-out, not for real anyway.

Was wrong of her to encourage this behavior? She was conflicted, but very fiber of her body wanted to see that big beautiful cock spurt another huge load of delicious cum. Fending off a considerable amount of guilt and trepidation, Mary concocted a strange warped rational, that of course made no sense, yet somehow managed to justify what she was planning.

Since she would be just lying there asleep, or pretending to be anyway...
And he was the one jacking-off...
And he aware what he was doing...
And she wasn't, except that she was, but was just pretending to be asleep...
It was just like she was really asleep and unaware of what was going on...
Except that she was...

Somehow that twisted logic made it perfectly okay for her son to jack-off on her face. It made no sense, and she knew it, but it was enough for her, and somehow it made it okay.

The plan was to do exactly as she'd done the night before, except for the Valium. Taking her half emptied drink with her to her bedroom, she stripped out of her work cloth. She changed into the skimpiest pair of pajama shorts she owned, and instead of a tee-shirt, she pulled on a skimpy little tank-top that barely contained her big tits.

Finishing her drink, she went back to the kitchen and made a second, quickly drank about half, then joined Travis in the living room who was there watching TV. Plopping down on the love seat, she positioned herself for optimal effective exposure. After a few minutes, she pretended to pass-out. She lay there stretched out on the love seat pretending to be asleep until the Wheel-of-Fortune was over.

As Pat and Vanna were saying goodnight, she pretended to awaken from her stupor, got to her feet and stammered her good-nights. Then staggered off to bed careful not to over act. It was early, but she was anxious.

Once in her room, Mary pushed the door shut. Then remembered, last night she'd been so out of it, that she hadn't shut her door, so she quietly pushed it all the way open. Nervous and apprehensive, she knew shouldn't be doing this, but she was way too excited to stop.

Before hoping in bed, Mary stripped out of her skimpy little shorts. She didn't want them to get in her way. Then she stopped. Let’s give mommies little pervert a real treat tonight, she thought, as she pulled off the tank-top. Climbing naked into bed, she pulled the covers up to just above her waist, leaving her breast exposed.

Lying on her back, she put a hand under the covers onto her crotch. Spreading her legs, she gave herself plenty of access. Her other arm, she left atop the covers at her side.

Ready and in position, she was horny, excited, and eagerly awaiting her perverted visitation. Mary lay still with eyes closed, but was nothing as she appeared. She was shaking a little, brimming with anticipation. This is so wrong, she thought, but so much fun and exciting!

With her concealed hand, she stretched her arm into position so as to finger herself real good once things got started. Testing her reach, she pushed her fingers deep into her already wet pussy. If I'm this wet now, she thought, I'm really going to be dripping once things get going. Rubbing a moistened finger over her excited clit, she gasped, an orgasm was already very near. She could easily make herself cum in seconds. Backing off, she very lightly strummed the protruding lips of her pussy. She didn't want to get too far ahead and go off without him.

The little pervert thinks he's getting away with something, she thought with a grin. But what he doesn’t know is that I'm onto his little perverted game, and that's what made it fun... and of course satisfying her deviant desires.

Laying there anxious, motionless and quit for what seemed like eternity, Mary started to get worried, then disappointed. Maybe he wasn't coming, she thought. Maybe he wasn't in the mood.

Just as well, she thought, I shouldn't be doing this shit anyway. A pang of guilt and regret rang through her. Feeling let down, and very foolish, disappointed and dejected, Mary thought about just rolling over and going to sleep. Then she heard a sound that picked her right up.


Through narrowed eyes, she looked to the door way. Spying the shadowy figure there, her heart leaped and began to race. Yes! Come to Mama big boy! She thought with sinful delight.

Stepping into her dimly lit room, her son suddenly halted mid-stride before reaching the foot of her bed. Mary heard a faint gasp drawn by her son and knew instantly what had happened. He'd noticed her naked exposed breast. She fought back a smile.

Bypassing the foot of her bed entirely, Travis went straight to her side. Only wearing boxers, he quickly stripped them off, and stood completely naked at the side her bed with a huge hard-on, and Mary could sense his uncontainable excitement.

Suddenly she had second thoughts. Maybe she'd gone too far by exposing herself to him. Things seemed to be getting ramped-up, and she feared they might get out of control. But there was no turning back now.

He stared crazily at her tits, breathing shallow and rapidly. Then he started to reach out. Panicking, Mary didn't know what she would do if he started groping her. That wasn't part of the plan. Without flinching, she didn't move, and thankfully his hand stopped an inch from her breast. Withdrawing, he started wildly stroking his stiff cock while staring lustfully at her beautiful tits.

Relieved that things seemed to be back on track, Mary pushed her fingers into her wet pussy. Shuttering with excitement and arousal, she watched as her son vigorously stroke his cock and cupping his big full balls.

Lying there still, feigning sleep, Mary curled her fingers deep into her very wet fuck-hole, and then raked slimy fingers up over her incredible sensitive, stiff erect clit. She fought desperately not move, and to control her ragged breathing as she rapidly flicked her clit.

Laying there still and silent, flicking her clit, her head filled with lewd, dirty, incestuous expletives.

Yes, stroke that big fuck'n hard cock for Mommy...
Stroke it good, stroke it hard and fast...
Oh Yea that's it, stroke that big cock, make it cum me, make it cum for Mommy...
Make it cum on Mommy's tits! Yes cum on me! Cum on Mommy!
Mary started to lose control. On the edge of orgasm, she started shaking and twitching uncontrollable as she was fucked her pussy with near total abandon, ramming her hand hard into her hungry cunt, and vigorously rubbing, hard and fast, her screaming, tormented clit.

Still, she fought to retain control and conceal her movements, desperate to remain motionless, silent, and maintain the illusion of sleep.

It didn't matter though, because Travis had totally lost control himself. He was wildly stroking his cock, banging his thighs against the side of her bed as he thrash back and forth grunting and groaning. He wouldn't have noticed if she sat up in bed and started cheering him on.

Groaning loudly, arching his back, and thrusting his hips forward, Travis shot an impressive load over his mother’s tits. Continuing to stroke vigorously, another shot, and then another, then holding his cock and leaning over, he squeezed out the last drops of cum, dribbling it on her tits.

As her son emptied his ball onto her tits, Mary climaxed. His loud expressive eruption pushed her over the edge, and the struggle to conceal her orgasm was nearly impossible, leaving her stiff and ridged, with muscles so tightly contracted, she trembled uncontrollable.

Finished with painting his mother’s tits, Travis quickly donned his boxers and scurried from her room.

With her son gone, Mary insanely gathered up the cum deposited on her tits, hungrily licking and sucking her hands and fingers. Then with wet sticky hands, she lifted her slim covered breast to her mouth and eagerly suck, licked, and rubbed her cum drenched tits on her face.

Head reeling, and crazed from another intense bizarre orgasm, Mary kicked off the restrictive covers. Rolling over to the night-stand, she pulled out her big purple cock shaped dildo. Sitting with legs splayed wide, Mary pushed the toy into her wet gaping hole. It slid in effortlessly. With both hands, she rammed the toy into her gushing cunt as she feverishly rubbed her enflamed clit until she came again groaning.

Rolling over, ass up, face down, Mary wildly humped at the surrogate cock, it's base, firmly planted against the mattress. Grunting, groaning, and moaning, she came over and over again, driving herself hard, fast, and repeatedly, brutally impaled herself on the big long purple dildo.

Rolling onto her back, Mary removed the slimy toy from her inflamed gushing twat, then put it in her mouth and pushed it down her throat until the rubbery balls met her chin. Then she pulled the full length out, then back down again, fucking her own throat without a bit of effort or gagging. Pulling the goo covered dildo from her throat, she licked around the base and the balls. It was covered in frothy white goo from her cunt. Sadly it was just her own goo, but still, it was sinfully delicious.

After cleaning the toy of her pussy’s secretions, she rolled back over and started humping it again. She reached for the night-stand and removed a second toy, a long white slender vibrator.

Ass up, insanely impaling herself on the purple dildo, she pressed the buzzing vibrator hard against her agonized clit. Crying out in a loud guttural groan, she came again immediately, and the orgasms kept coming, repeatedly, each one more wrenching than the last.

Overwhelmed by the intense sensation radiating from her vibrating clit, she removed the buzzing wet toy, reaching behind her back, and pushed the slick toy deep in her ass. Again she came with a loud groan.

Cumming violently, the contractions pushed the purple dildo from her convulsing cunt, and it was followed by a gush of pee. I'm squirting! She thought. It didn't happen often, only when she came repeatedly, and really hard and deeply.

Abandoning the purple dildo which just wouldn’t stay in, Mary continued to fuck her gaping ass with the vibrator while feverishly rubbing and flicking her tormented clit. Howling and groaning, Mary came repeatedly, deeply, intensely, and each time, a gush of piss erupted from her.

The orgasm became so intensely extreme, almost like contractions, it felt as though her insides might push out through her cunt. Finally, exhausted and with her sheets soaked, Mary rolled over spent.

Sprawled atop her bed, she lay there panting, sweaty and exhausted.

Then she heard it. CREEEAK.

She froze... a pit in her stomach and panic in her brain.
She listened closely, deeply... nothing.

Moving frantically, she swung her feet off the bed then froze. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she listened, closely, deeply... nothing.

She thought to call out, 'Travis, is that you?' then thought better of it. Getting her feet, she moved to the doorway and peered down the hall.
She froze... listened, closely, deeply... nothing, only silence and darkness.

Stepping into the hallway, she felt something on her foot... something wet! Her mind raced, she panicked. Had Travis been standing out here, jacking-off, and watching, as she went nuts on herself? The thought sickened her with embarrassment. For fuck'n God sakes, she thought, she'd pissed all over herself!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! No, it can't be. I'm being paranoid. The creak could be anything. Old houses creak. Then what's on the floor? She asked herself. It could be from lot of things. Travis, when he first left, cum could have drip off his cock, yea that was it. Or maybe it's from me, I fuck'n came enough, and pissed all over myself, yea that's it, it's from me. But what if it isn't? What if he had been watching?

What difference did it make anyway? She fretted. It was okay for him to cum all over my tits, but now I'm freaking out because he might have watched my crazy masturbation.

There was a difference. She thought. If he watched me go freaky nuts on myself, then that means he knows, that I knowingly participated, cooperated, and knowing allowed him to come to my room and jack-off. That means I'm as big a pervert as he his... bigger even. No, this is defiantly not good, not good at all.

Mary's heart sank, and the oppressive weight of guilt and regret pressed down on her. Even if he hadn't been watching her wildly masturbating, she still shouldn't be allowing, and even worse, encouraging his deviant behavior. What the fuck was wrong with her? What kind of mother was she?

Things were definitely going to change around here, but first she needed to get control of herself, and her own behavior. What hell was going on with her? She wondered. She was masturbating all the time, even at work, and now this. What the fuck was going on with her? She needed to get control of herself, and things were definitely going to change.

Chapter 8

Home from work Mary was glad Travis was in his room. She didn't want to face him but knew she would have to eventually. Managing to escape that morning without crossing his path, she was apprehensive about the inevitable. Not knowing what to say or what really happened last night, she decided NOT to confront him.

Last night, she'd been filled with powerful conviction to take control of matters, especially herself, but that had faded. Mary wasn't really the take control type. She was more of the 'happy-go-lucky' easy going type. The ‘ignore it’ until it goes away type. Even thou, she decided no cocktails, and definitely no pills tonight, she needed to start looking and acting like the mature parent she was.

Going to her room, she got out of her work clothes. No more skimpy clothes around the house, she thought, she needed to start dressing like a mother, not a bitch in heat. She put on the loosest, most unattractive and unrevealing tee-shirt she owned, then an old pair of baggy, paint splattered sweat-pants.

She looked for her bath robe. She hadn't worn it in years, but she knew she had one, somewhere. She found it at the bottom of the clothes hamper. It was damp, moldy, and smelled bad. Throwing it back in the hamper, she vowed to buy a new one tomorrow. Knowing she couldn't avoid him forever, she went to the living room.

Mary found her son sitting on the sofa, rapidly surfing through the channels. Nothing out of the ordinary there, she thought. Joining him she sat on the love seat, which seemed to be their usual setting arrangement. They never sat together.

Something was amiss though, she thought. He wasn't wearing a tee-shirt, which was unusual; he almost always wore a tee-shirt around the house. Something else was amiss. The minute she entered the room, he stopped flipping channels and turned his full attention to her. He was staring at her, leering at her with a devious grin which made her uncomfortable. He also had an obvious hard-on, which wasn't all that unusual but he was sitting there rubbing it through his boxers as he eyed her.

Returning his gaze, she said: “Time and place, please.” trying to sound prudent and motherly. He just smiled, shrugged, and continued to defiantly rub his erection.

Mary was about to broach the subject of last night, but before she could, he stood and announced he was going to the kitchen asking if she wanted anything. He wasn't just being polite, she thought, the question was implying something, and she declined his offer. On his way by, he made a rude gesture with his hips, thrusting the bulge in his boxers towards her face.

A few moments later he reappeared... NAKED! Mary could imagine his dirty boxers lying on the kitchen floor somewhere. He stood there butt naked, wearing only a devilish grin. In his hand he held a tall glass of O.J., most likely a cocktail, and in his other hand he clutched something unseen.

Mary was stunned, and caught totally off guard. He approached her, handing her the drink. She took it, not because she wanted it, more out of reflex. Opening his other hand palm up, he handed her the contents. Again, she offered her hand, palm up, not because she want what he was offering, but out of habit. He dropped a small blue pill in to her hand... a Valium.

He stood right front of his seated mother, very close, leaning his legs against the sofa, their legs were intertwined and touching. Slowly, he stroked his stiff erection in her face. Mary sat there dumbfounded, a drink in one hand, and a little blue pill resting on the palm of her other. She tried desperately not to look at the big cock that was inches from her face, but found it impossible not to stare.

“Maybe I should just go to bed and give you some privacy.” Mary finally said uncomfortable.

Looming over her stroking his cock, he responded without missing a beat: “Fine! Go to bed and pretend to be asleep, if that makes you feel better.”

HE KNEW! Mary was stunned and stupefied. She didn't know what to do, or what to say. HE KNEW! He knew she'd only been pretending to be asleep when he’d visited her, and defiled her. That meant he’d probably watched as she wildly masturbated until she’d pissed herself.
HE KNEW, and she felt horribly embarrassed and exposed for who she really was. Her worst fears were true. She threw Valium in her mouth and washed it down with the cocktail.

She gagged and coughed! The cocktail was twice as strong as she would have normally made for herself. Had he made it that way intentionally, or was it just his inexperience at mixing drinks? Despite how strong it was, she needed it, so she drank it anyway.

With deep gulps, she finished the strong drink and dropped the glass as her son continued to stroke himself just inches from her face. Feeling horribly awkward and not knowing what to do with her arms, she crossed them over her chest in an unconscious attempt to shrink away and hide herself. She was horrible embarrassed and ashamed of herself, and fought to keep her eyes down, but found it impossible not to look at his cock.

Was he taunting her? She wondered. Was he trying to embarrass her more than she already was? Was he trying to humiliate and degrade her even further?

“I'm sorry.” She said submissively. “I... I'm ashamed of myself. I don't know what else to say.” Still, she fought not to look at his impressive manhood.

With her hands crossed over her chest, she unconsciously squeezed her breast with nervous hands.

“I like that!” he said, “I like it when you squeeze your tits.”

Surprised, and embarrassed by the humiliating knowledge that he'd most likely witnessed her wild masturbation, she said: “I'm sorry. It's just a nervous habit.” She put her hands in her lap.

“DON'T STOP!” he barked at her like an angry guard dog. It was a command, not a request. He was aggressive and threatening. He was frightening her.

Not wanting to provoke him any further, she placed a demure hand upon her breast, and gentle squeezed.

He stroked his cock faster. He was standing so close, Mary could smell his body, and hear the sound his hand made rubbing over the flesh of his cock.

“Let me see. Take your shirt off. I want to watch.” he said lustfully with hunger in his eyes.

“Travis please...” she stammered, “I know with what happen last night... but I don't think...”

Cutting her off mid-sentence: “TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING SHIRT!” again he barked at her threateningly.

She was frightened. Not wanting to aggravate him any further, she grasped the hem of her shirt. What difference did it make anyway, she thought regretfully. She'd willingly exposed herself to him last night. Pulling her shirt off over her head, she displayed herself to him, and continued gently squeezing and fondling her own breast.

Reacting to the sight of her tits, he stroked himself faster and with greater zeal.

Just as before, the sight of her son stroking his big cock just inches from her face did something to her. It stirred a forbidden desire in Mary.

There was something else... something about his commanding tone that stirred her. It was somehow liberating, freeing her from the burden of obligation and responsibility. She could be told what to do. She was compliant and submissive by nature. She wanted to be told what to do. She wanted to be told...NO, not told, but forced to do the things she didn’t have the nerve to do, the things she'd longed for. His commands aroused her.

The strong cocktail and the Valium where beginning to take effect. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, and despite her initial reluctance, Mary's body began to betray her, watching her son stroke his beautiful cock, so close that she could almost taste it, aroused her. She began tweaking and pulling her hard nipples and she longed to touch burning crotch.

“I like it... you know...when you... the milk.” he said eagerly, feverishly stroked his cock in her face.

Squeezing her breast, Mary drew her fingers towards her nipple and a drop of milk appeared. Squeezing harder about the nipple, a fine stream appeared, and squirted on her son's legs, speckling them with fine white droplets.

“Suck em!” he demanded excitedly, “I like it when you suck your tits!”

Mary’s head was spinning. She was stirred by the sight of her well hung son wildly stroking his long hard cock. It was so stiff, red, and bulging with veins. His lean muscular body was tense, and pumped from exertion. She grasped her tender swollen breast and brought the dripping nipple to her mouth and suck deeply.

As she sucked, milked leaked from the corners of her mouth, it ran down her chin to her neck, and down between her breast. Lifting her other teat to her mouth, she eagerly suckled it.

Travis stroked his cock wildly, excitedly engrossed in the sight of his mother suckling her own breast. He began grunting and groaning loudly. His cock was wet and slimy, smeared with the flowing pre-cum. Some flew off landing on Mary's face and breast causing her to quiver with desire.

Involuntary, she moved a hand between her legs and pressed it to her throbbing groin.

“Aagh! I love it when you touch yourself!” he groaned. “Aaah! Take off those ugly pants! I want to see you touch your pussy!”

Hesitating only for a second with a notion of protest, but knew it was pointless. She would do whatever she was told. She hooked her thumbs in the waist band of the ugly sweat-pants, lifted her ass off the sofa, and pulled them off.

“Aaaaah fuck! Touch your fuck'n pussy! I want to see you make yourself cum!” he urged, groaning as he excitedly stroked his cock.

Spreading her legs, she rolled her hips forward and rubbed her gapping, already very wet pussy while squeezing and sucking her milky tits. Travis was close, he would cum any second, she could see that, and crazy as it was, it excited her and she wasn't far behind.

Madly stroking his inflamed cock, Travis stiffly jerked and twitched about, every muscle in his body taut, and then he leaned over her and barked urgently: “OPEN YOUR MOUTH! OPEN YOUR FUCK'N MOUTH!”

Without hesitation, Mary tilted her head back and opened her mouth, and without being told, she stuck out her tongue.

Leaning over his mother's open mouth Travis came with a long loud growling groan. The first blast splattered across her face from cheek to forehead, the second went straight in her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, and the last big gob and he squeezed out onto her extended tongue.

The second her son cried out and emptied his huge load of slimy cum on her face, Mary shuttered with a powerful orgasm. With her head tilted back and her goo covered tongue sticking out; Mary made strange gurgling, and moaning sounds as she came. Rubbing fiercely at her gushing wet snatch, it made sloppy wet slapping sound as she convulsed and twitched. Pulling back her tongue, and after a few moments of savoring, she swallowed.

Staring wide eyed at his mother’s cum splattered face, Travis suddenly looked strange, as if in shock, or confused. He looked like he'd just waken from a wild dream and was so disorientated that he didn't know where he was or how he gotten there. He looked embarrassed, frightened almost, and then without a word, he walked off, went to his room, and shut the door.

Sitting there naked in the living room with cum dripping off her face, Mary was dazed and confused. Was he coming back? Was he okay? Was he just going to leave her like this, she wondered. Absentmindedly, she continued to lightly stroke her pouting pussy lips and pinch her hard nipples.

She sat there alone, and a more than a little bewildered, wondering if this was the new boundary of their relationship. Mutual masturbation, and for a moment, it seemed possible, even attractive.

Sitting there naked in the living room with cum drying on her face, she started fingering herself harder and faster until she was feverishly rubbing her clit and ramming her hand into her cunt. She couldn't stop! She needed to cum again!

Sitting alone in her living room, with her son just a few feet away, she looked to her son’s closed bedroom door as fingered herself to another intense, moaning, convulsing orgasm.

Afterwards, in a confused daze, she gathering up her discarded clothes and went to her room, but not before throwing away the ugly attire. They hadn't achieved the desired effect. Things hadn’t gone as she'd planed, not even close. Before hopping into bed, Mary pulled on her usual cute little sleep shorts and a skin tight tee-shirt.

Chapter 9

Saturday morning, no work, she should have been happy, but wasn't. Instead she had a pit in her stomach.

Even though Mary went to bed very horny, she hadn't masturbated any further. She had been too conflicted and confused about what had been happening, so she awoke feeling frustrated and needy. She wanted to take care of that need, but that would have to wait. She had something more important to do.

She had major regrets about what had happened last night... about the last few nights, and dreaded the thought of facing her son, but felt she needed to be tough and stand her ground. She wouldn't let him enticed, drug or booze her. She would have to be firm and not let him dominate her.

Mutual-masturbation, what the fuck is wrong with me? She wondered. How could she even consider such a crazy idea? Things had gotten way out of hand, and it was her fault, she’d let things get out of control, and she was the biggest part of the problem.

She met Travis in the crossroads of their house. It was a part of the living room that didn't have any furniture to impede traffic, an area just inside the front door between the kitchen, bathroom, and the hallway.

He seemed as happy-go-lucky as ever, like nothing had happened. Apparently he didn't share her concerns. He strutted by with an obvious erection bobbing in his boxers, and Mary wondered if he was always hard.

Stopping him as he tried to breeze though the living room she said seriously: “We need to talk.”

She never dealt with anything very seriously, or sounded so sober, so Travis was immediately on the defensive.

“About what?” he said, with a curt edge to his voice. His content smile turned to a look of annoyance.

“About the past few nights. I don't blame you. I blame myself.” There was a quiver in her voice that betrayed a lack of conviction. It was obvious she was uncomfortable talking about this, and apparently, by the way he was glaring at her, he wasn't too happy about it either

In sixty seconds, he went from perfectly happy, to annoyed, to angry, to furious. Mary drew away from her son’s blazing stare. She wanting to give-up and submit, but fought to continue: “We need to stop what we're doing. It's gone way too far. It's not good for either of...”

“NO! NO! NO!” he suddenly erupted. He seemed so angry that he could barely speak and 'NO' was all he could manage.

“Travis, please listen. I'm as confused by this as...”

“STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!” again he growled at her through clenched teeth.

“Travis please! I'm your mother and we can't be... “

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” He yelled.

Grabbing her shoulders, he shook the little woman as he yelled: “YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER! YOU'RE MY FUCKING BITCH!” he yelled. The words stunned Mary as it all came crashing back to her. That was what they kept calling her that night in the woods, 'His Bitch'.

Mary squirmed trying to escape his grasp, but he hooked his leg behind hers and easily tripped her backwards. Pushing her to the floor, he followed her down and lay atop her sprawled body.

“TRAVIS! STOP THIS! GET OFF OF ME! LET ME UP!” she screamed as she struggled to get free, but he was too strong. Pinning her down, he forced his legs between hers.

“Shut up!” he yelled, “I know you want it just as bad as I do! Why do keep pretending you don't?”

“Travis please, we can't!” He had her wrist pinned to the ground as he rubbed himself between her legs, and she could feel his big stiff hard-on pressing against her groin.

“Shut up!” he barked at her. “Feel that! I know you can!” he said as he rubbed his hard cock between her spread legs. “I know you fuck'n want it! I see way you stare at my cock all the time!”

“I know! I'm sorry! Please!” she pleaded, “I know this is all my fault, but we can't!”

“I know you want it.” No longer yelling, he laid atop her whispering in her ear as he dry humped her: “I know you want. After the last couple of nights, I KNOW you want it!”

“I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I just lost control of myself!”

He wasn't listening. Rhythmically, he rubbed his cock against her groin, and the thin fabric of his boxers and her shorts did little to separate the two. Mary could feel his stiff hard cock gnashing against her swollen clit. It was painful at first, but the pain soon gave way to a tingling, a throbbing pleasure that Mary couldn't resist, deny, or control, It betrayed her, exposed her hidden desires, and in Mary's mind's eye, she could see her son's beautiful cock rubbing against her big fat clit.

Uncontrollable, Mary started slowly rolling her hips up to meeting his thrust. She could feel moisture, and knew her needy wet cunt was gaping open, but wondered, was it just from her. Drifting off, she heard her own soft moans as if from another.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, he lifted off of her and sat back on his heels between her spread legs. Confused, she rose up onto her elbows, and silently, they looked at each other. His boxers had worked down, and the tip of his cock was visible. Her knees were up and spread wide and her inner thighs were flush from the humping. Her nipples stood out hard and erect against her tight tee-shirt. It was hard to hide her arousal. Both were breathing heavily from exertion and adrenalin.

Was he done? She wondered. Was he letting her up? Was the assault over? Had clearer heads prevailed? It certainly wasn't hers.

Then she had a feeling that disturbed her, and made her ashamed of herself. She felt disappointed and letdown. What the fuck is wrong with me? She wondered. Her son had almost raped her and she was disappointed he stopped!

Bewildered, and more than a little rattled, Mary rolled over to her hands and knees to get up.

Suddenly Travis grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back. Instinctively, she tried to pull away. Scurrying away on her hands and knees, she managed to slip his grasp, but as fate would have it, he’d hooked his fingers into the waist band of her shorts. Pulling them down and off as she kicked her legs, the resulting struggle left her bare- assed, and face down on her stomach.

She tried to rise up, but a heavy hand in the middle of her back pushed her back down to the floor, hard!

“Stay Down!” he growled at her.

She lay there face down, bare ass up, as he was knelt between her spread legs holding her to the floor.

Again she tried to get up, but was push down hard, knocking the wind out of her.

“STAY THE FUCK DOWN!” he yelled at her.

Laying there, trying to regain her breath, her heart pounding from exertion and adrenaline. She made no more efforts to get up. Then she felt his hands on her backside, squeezing and fondling her ass. She threw her hands back behind her and tried to push his groping hands away.

Pausing for a moment, he considered her small upturned palms futilely trying to shield her big round ass. It seemed funny in its pointlessness. Sadistically, he brought a hand down hard in a viscous slap on some unprotected ass flesh.

“AAAOOOWWW!” she cried, “STOP THAT! THAT HURT!” Instinctively, she moved an up turned hand to the spot of the attack. Amused, he brought down another blow with a loud slap on some unshielded ass. She cried out for him to stop, but he laughed deviously to himself. There's no way she could protect every inch of that big ass with her little hands. He rained down more blows upon her tender ass flesh, and each time she'd move her hand to the spot of attack, she’d uncovered another area for him to assault.

“Please stop! You're hurting me!” she pleaded.

“Move your hands.” he commanded almost playfully.

“No! Stop this right now!” she screamed.

He rained more blows with the same hilarious results. This was far more fun and arousing than he'd ever imagined, and he noted, her ass was really starting to get red!

“AAAAGH! Stop! Please!” she cried. The cumulative blows stung painfully.

“Move your fucking hand!” he commanded forcefully, and raised a hand to slap her ass again.

“Okay! Okay!” she pleaded as she slid her hands to her sides.

Pins-n-needles darted into her abused flesh as he lightly ran his fingers over her tender ass. His touch caused her to flinch and quiver with a sting pain, but she made no move to stop him. Touching her lightly at first, he could feel the heat radiating off her fevered ass.

It was painful at first, as he began to squeeze and massage her sore inflamed flesh, but the sting quickly faded and she was left with the intense tingling sensation of her sons exploring hands. With her hands resting quietly at her sides, she voiced no objections as he knelt between her knees, kneaded and fondled her round ass.

“I don't know what you're crying about, I know you like being spanked. Don’t you? You even spank yourself sometimes.” he said with a devious accusing tone as he toyed with her ass. It was more a statement than a question.

Mary's face flushed red as her ass with embarrassment. He knew way too much about her dirty, little perverted secrets she thought. She'd been way too careless with her extracurricular activities.

His massaging hands pulled apart her cheeks, and she knew that she was fully exposed to him. She knew he was looking at her ass hole, and from where he knelt he'd be able to see her gaping wet pussy. As felt her ass, his fingers slowly moved closer and closer to her tight little butt-hole, and she made no move to stop him as his thumbs circled and toyed with her twitching hole.

“And I know you like it in the...” He paused... and chose different words: “You like anal. Don't you?” He said as his fingers dancing around her tight little ass-hole, teasing, rubbing, but not pushing for entrance.

“Yes, sometimes.” she mumbled reluctantly. It was embarrassing, but she couldn't deny it. It was clear he'd been spying on her. A knot of embarrassment twisted in her gut at the thought of him witnessing her kinky secrets.

How long had it been going on? She wondered, years maybe. Images of a much younger and smaller Travis flash through her mind, images of him hiding in the dark shadows outside her bedroom, madly stroking his slightly smaller, yet just as hard cock. The vision aroused her.

He put a finger in his mouth, moistening it, then pushed the tip into his mother’s tight little ass hole. She flinched, but did not try to stop him. Gently he toys with her ass, working just the tip of his finger, in and out.

Removing his finger, he pulled apart her ass cheeks and spats a big wad of spit on her ass hole, then pushes his long finger in, knuckle deep.

Mary tensed, arched her back and moaned, but made no move to stop him as he slid his wet finger in and out of her ass.

As he fingered her ass, his other hands slowly traveled between her thighs, strumming the fleshy folds surrounding her pussy. He pushed his fingers inside her. She was wet! He slides his wet fingers down to find her clit. It's big, stiff and erect, much bigger than the few school girls he'd fooled around with.

Mary could feel her own wetness on her son’s fingers. He pushed his thumb deep in her pussy as he rubbed her clit and fingered her ass. She did nothing to stop him. Involuntarily, she rolled her hips and moving herself against his probing hands, pushing them deeper, as she felt the tremors of a rapidly approaching orgasm.

Alarms suddenly went off in Mary's head. NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I can't let this happen! We're going too far! Reaching back, she pushed his hands away.

“Travis... We shouldn’t be doing this.” she said weakly and with no conviction. It was the last of her dying resolve to resist him.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He punished his mother for her defiance.


Halting the assault on her ass, he kept his hand poised high and ready above his head. “What's it going to be?” He asked. “I don't care, because I'm enjoying this either way. It's up to you.”

“Alright! Alright! Please no more!” she pleaded.

“Alright what?” he asked. “I want to hear you say it.”

“Alright. You can... you know, do what you were doing.”

Again he brought his hand down hard on her ass, and again, and again he punished her.

“AAAAGH! ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! PLEAASE STOP!” she begged. She was in tears. “You can touch me! You can touch my pussy!”

“Oh I CAN? Can I.” he asked with his hand raised above his head. “I don’t think I like your fuck'n attitude. If you don't ask me nicely, BEG me, I'm going to beat your ass raw!”

“No! No! Please! Please don't! Please, no more... touch my pussy!” she pleaded, but his hand was still raised. “Please... I beg you... Please touch my pussy! I beg you to touch my pussy! Please, I beg you... finger me... finger fuck me and make me cum!” That last little bit of adlib surprised both of them.

Slowly he lowered his hand and slid it between her thighs.

“Like this?” he asked as he rubbed his finger freely over his mother’s wet pussy. “Is this better than a spanking?”

“Yes! Much better!” she answered quickly, fearing punishment....

Lying there quietly, she let her son have his way. Her resistance was gone.

She'd relinquished control and it felt somehow liberating. She felt free, free of the burdensome weight of responsibility, and free to be herself. She welcomed his control, and was eager to be led and guided towards the perverted, forbidden pleasures she'd so truly, deeply, longed for.

Softly moaning, she slowly rolled her hips, working her snatch against his probing fingers. His fingers, wet from her gushing cunt, slid easily in and out of her needy pussy and over her large throbbing clit. His hands were deft. He knew what to do. He'd watched her please herself many times, and he knew how to make her cum, and despite the brutal spanking, she was near!

As Travis fingered his mother’s wet pussy and rubbed her erect clit, he pushed his long middle finger back into her tight ass. With a shutter and a loud groan, Mary came!

Suddenly he got up leaving his her lying on the floor. She laid on her stomach half naked, arms at her side. She was still sighing and groaning, moving and her rolling hips, grinding herself against the floor.

Was it over? She wondered. Was he done with her? Just as well, she thought. They had gone way too far. Then the nagging disappointment crept back in, and shamefully, she didn't want it to be over.

Suddenly Mary felt her head being lifted off the floor. Travis had bent down, and was pulling her up by a hand full of her hair.

“Get up!” he barked at her. “Get on your fuck’n Knees!”

Doing as she was told, Mary pushed herself off the floor. Half naked she knelt submissively before her agitated and dominating son. Standing over her in an aggressive stance, he had a ragging hard straining against the thin fabric of his boxers. His fists were clenched. He looked agitated, excited, and his eyes flashed of anger and vengeance.

“Take your shirt off!” he growled at her.

Obediently, Mary grabbed the hem of shirt and pulled it off over her head as she knelt naked before her forceful and commanding son.

“Touch yourself!” he ordered. “I like it when you touch yourself!”

She knew this. She knew it excited and aroused him.

Mary grasped and squeezed her swollen breast, quit hard. Milk streamed form the distended nipple, speckling her thighs with droplets of milk. Pulling at her fat dark nipple, she twisted and pinched painfully hard. Groaning, she cried out as she abused her tits, viciously squeezing pulling, tormenting her own flesh.

Her hands were soaked with milk. Why was doing this? It was demented, obsessive, and impulsive, and she couldn’t stop.

Excited and aroused, Travis loomed over his kneeling mother watching as she tormented her own breast.

“Touch your pussy!” he commanded sadistically.

Sitting back on her heals; Mary spread her knees as wide as possible. She ran her milk soaked hand over her splattered thighs. She was already a wet mess.

Intensely excited, Travis stripped himself of his boxers, and stood naked, and fully erect in front of his kneeling mother, watching as she willing touched herself.

As every time before, the sight of her son's impressive organ caused her to swoon. Making no attempt to advert her eyes, Mary stared, intently focused on her son’s jerking, twitching manhood.

Sliding her hands between her thighs, Mary grabbed her long full meaty lips and pulled, stretching them until she cried out in pain. Releasing them, they sprung back resiliently. She pushed slippery wet fingers into her gaping hole, and then raked them up to her throbbing clit. Trapping the hooded bundle of nerves between her thumb and fore-finger, she pinched and stroked it like it was a tiny cock. Moaning uncontrollably, Mary stroked her fat clit. Then she cruelly pressed the swollen knot hard against her pubic bone. She cried out from the painfully intense, yet arousing sensation.

Suddenly Travis stepped towards his kneeling mother. Grabbing her by the hair, he pulled her towards him and forcibly rubbed his stiff hard cock on her face.

Without resistances, Mary willing let her son rub his beautiful cock on her face. It felt so wonderfully hard and stiff. She nuzzled her son’s cock rubbing her soft cheeks, nose, chin, and pouting lips over her son's big cock.

She could smell him, his body odor, and feel his pre-cum streaking on her forehead and smearing in her hair, and she could smell his cum, it had a smell but was hard to describe, irony, but very subtle, but she could smell it, and it excited her. Parting her lips, she pushed out her tongue and tasted her son's cock.

Moaning and squirming about, Mary continued to obediently, and wantonly, touch herself while her son rubbed his cock on her face. She squeezed her breast, pulling at her stiff erect nipples, fingered her wet cunt and tormented her fat clit.

Groaning, he demanded: “Open your mouth!”

More alarms went off in Mary’s head. The boundaries between them were all falling like dominoes. His lustful commands excited her, and she longed to be taken control of, used and violated, to act out her own perverted desires, through his.

Is this what she’d wanted all along? Had she subconsciously lead them to this point? Did she need this so desperately, that she needed it forced on her?

Willing, she reached up to take hold of his big beautiful cock to guide it into her mouth.

“NO!” he snapped excitedly. “Don't use your hands. Don't stop touching yourself.”

Obediently she lowered her hands, and pushed her fingers back into her gaping wet cunt. Groaning loudly, she thrashed about. Just inches away from an orgasm, she had to pause for a second.

Squirming as she feverishly fingered her throbbing wet cunt and viciously squeezed her squirting milky tits. She stretched up on her knees and lowered her open mouth down onto her son's stiff erection. He groaned as his cock disappeared into her mouth.

Grabbing her by the head, Travis pushed his cock into his mother’s mouth. With each he stroke he pushed his cock deeper and deeper until it pushed pass an unseen barrier and slid down into her throat. With each thrust, he pushed his cock deeper and deeper down her throat until his balls pressed against her chin.

As her son shoved his long hard cock down her throat, Mary continued to torment her body, painfully squeezing her squirting tits, wickedly twisting and pulling her tortured nipples, while fanatically ramming as many fingers as she could stretch into her abused inflamed pussy.

Groaning, with two fistfuls of her hair, Travis started wildly ramming his cock down his mother’s throat. Cruelly he fucked her face, brutally ramming his long stiff cock down her throat, his balls slapping against her chin. Groaning and tensing, he couldn't take any more, his balls tightened and screamed for release.

With Mary's nose painfully gnashed against his pubis bone, his cock shoved down her throat, he forcible held her head, and Mary could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing against her tongue as it pumped its load down her gullet.

Strange guttural moans and screams came from Mary's cock filled throat. She was choking, and couldn't breathe. The panic of suffocation was beginning, but she made no attempts to push him away, her hands were busy wildly tormenting herself. With her son cumming down her throat, Mary was in the mitts of her own incredibility intense orgasm.

Finally he released her. As he pulled his cock from her abused throat a huge wad of cum and goo deposited in her mouth and splattered on her face. Groaning loudly, she gasped for air. Unable to swallow, her mouth hung open and her eyes bulged. The goo dripped out of her mouth and down her chin as she continued to wildly finger herself. Kneeling before her son, she thrashed and gurgled obscenely as cum dripped from her chin.

Tensing, twitching and thrashing, she was still cumming. Dazed, she finally managed to take a deep breath and swallow the wad of goo dumped in her mouth.

Kneeling in front of her son, she continued to lightly finger herself, maintaining that long chain of orgasms she had tightly wound inside.

Looking up, she saw that Travis had that same strange look he had last night. He stood there, his cock still hard, a long string of cum dripping from the tip. He had that same stunned, shocked look on his face. He looked like he'd just awoken from a sleep walking dream and didn't know where he was or how he'd gotten there.

Mary wondered if he was going to run off to his room just like he had last night, and she felt that same nagging let down and disappointment, then felt ashamed for feeling that way.

Sudden, he violently grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her face to the floor. With her legs folded underneath, her ass was up in the air, he quickly moved to kneel behind her. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her back against him. She could feel his stiff rod rubbing against her back side and she knew he was going to do. He was going to fuck her.

He was going to fuck her! Her own son was going to fuck her!

Again the alarm went off, but it was so far away, she could barely hear it, and then it went silent.

Is this what she wanted all along? To be raped! To be forcibly held down and brutally fucked against her will! Against her will, that was a joke. This was all her doing.

Both Mary and Travis moaned in unison as he pushed his cock into her gaping wet and wanton cunt.

Slowly at first, then faster and faster, and with each stroke he went deeper, and harder and faster, and Mary moaned and groaned with each thrust.

With renewed staying power, he slammed his cock into his mother. Incessantly he pounded her hard, fast and rough, and with total disregard for her.

He fucked her hard and viciously, punishing her with his long pike of a cock, angrily stabbing her, retribution for months of teasing and disappointment.

Cumming repeatedly, each time more intense than the last, Mary moaned, groaning, and howled as if in some kind of agonized ecstasy.

As the brutal fucking seemed to go on without end, she became more and more animated and expressive, although increasingly delirious and incoherent. Her hands in a fury of motion, squeezed her tits and rubbed her clit, groping herself as her son brutally pounded her.

Reaching back, she started frantically feeling, squeezing and fingering her own ass-hole.

“Oh fuck cumming!” she called out repeatedly. “Oh God, OOOOH, FUUUK!”

Pounding her harder and faster, Travis grunted savagely with each thrush, his thighs slapping rapidly and rhythmically against hers.

Suddenly, and unexpectedly, she pulled away from him. At first he thought she was trying to crawl away, but then she turned around and started ravenously sucking and licking his cock. With her legs folded underneath her, she sat crumbled before her son, stroking his long cock with both hands, desperate for him to cum again in her mouth.

As she sucked and licked her son's cock, she could stop finger fucking herself. Holding his cock against her wet messy face, she howled as she came again.

Grabbing her by the back of the neck, Travis pushed his mom’s face back down to the floor. Returning to his position behind her, he drove his cock into her viciously and without mercy.

As he fucked her, he cruelly groped, squeezed and slapped her big round ass. Cruelly he toyed with her tight ass hole, rubbing, fingering, and pulling it open, stretching it.

Reaching back, she added her own fingers to the mix, fingering and pulling herself open. With two fingers, one from each hand, she stretched her ass-hole open ridiculously wide. It was an obscenely erotic sight!

Looking back at him she mumbled: “I want it... if you want to... I want it please... I like it... please... I want you to... please... fuck me in the... please...”

With one hand, she pulled her ass cheeks apart, with the other; she grabbed his cock from her gooey wet pussy and guided him to her tight ass hole as she shamelessly pushed herself back against it.

They both groaned as one as the head of his big cock slip into her tight asshole. Holding her tightly by the waist, he drove his cock to its furthest depths. She easily took every inch.

Savagely, he fucked his mother’s ass. Grunting and growling, he rammed his cock into her ass hard and fast. His thighs slapping rhythmically against hers, he fucked her ass cruelly, and brutally.

Howling and moaning in a clash of pain and pleasure, Mary reached under between her legs, and with some effort, forced four fingers into her sloppy cunt. With one hand, she fingered her cunt, with the other; she groped and squeezed her ass. Feeling around her tortured asshole, she felt around her son's cock as it plunged into and stretched her ass hole.

Travis could feel her fingers! He could feel the fingers she’d shoved in her twat. He could feel her knuckles rubbing against his cock through the thin spongy membrane that separated the two canals.

Moaning, groaning, and spewing incoherent obscenity, Mary was in a constant and escalating state of ecstasy. Wildly ramming her cunt with fingers, she flicked her fat erect clit with her thumb like a boxer pummeling a speed-bag, as her son pounded her ass.

Finally, after brutally fucking her for what seemed like an eternity, he finally came. He could hold back any longer. Shoving his cock into the depths of her bowls, he shot his load with a horrific growl.

Mary tensed, arched her back and howled as her son came deep inside her. Thrashing about, she convulsed, and cried out. Her son's ferocious fucking and boisterous climax brought on an extremely intense and final draining orgasm. Twitching and quivering, her asshole spasmed, squeezing and milking her son’s throbbing, pulsating cock.

Then all of a sudden, she seemed to go limp in his hands. She fell motionless, as though a switch had been flipped and she was turned off. The lights went out, she went out.

Travis rolled the two of them on to their sides, and they lay there spooning. After a while, his cock softened and slipped from her ass on its own. Getting up, he left his limp, lifeless mother and went to the kitchen for a much needed glass of water. His mother did not move.

Returning, he offered her a glass, but she did not respond. He could see a gob of cum leaking from her ass and running down her thigh.

Was she asleep, or unconscious? He didn't know which.
It reminded him of the time in the woods... when they’d finished with her... when she had finished with them.

A feeling of dread began welling up inside him. What the fuck had just happened here? He looked down at his unresponsive mother. She was lying in a limp fetal position. She was a mess! She was covered in cum! His Cum! It was all over her face, in her hair, and leaking out her ass! Her back side was covered with red welts and bruises!


Pacing back and forth, he was starting to panic. This was all HER fault! He thought. If she wasn't such a fuck'n cock tease this would never have happened.

He hadn't planned for this to happen... it just HAPPENED!

What was he going to do? He needed to something, but what?

Maybe he should run away? But where would he go? And how would he live? He'd never even had a job!

He thought about tying her up! But what the hell good would that do? Some more extreme measures even cross his mind!

He had to go too his room and think about what to do. Just looking at her was making him crazy!

After brutally fucking her, he left his battered, bruised, and leaking mother lying unconscious on the floor.

The End?

This is a continuation of an earlier story. It does NOT stand well on its own.

A Willing Participant. Continued, Home Free

Chapter One

Mary pulled a U-turn onto the highway. As she headed for home, she fielded questions laced with accusations and disbelief. One stood out. IF she was forced, then why wasn't she calling the police?

She countered with questions of her own: “Did you get their license plate?”

“No! I didn't think I needed to.”

“There wasn't one! She responded. “What where their names, did you get their last name? Were John and Billy their real names? Where they really bother?”

Travis glared at her. Of course he didn't know.

“That house in the woods, could you find your way back there?”

“I could try.” He said, but he didn't sound too sure.

“Maybe that wasn't even their house. Maybe they just broke in, and now they're long gone.”

He just looked at her as though she was making all this up.

“What are you going to tell the police?” she asked. “They're going to want to hear the WHOLE story you know.”

He couldn't look at her when he answered: “I wouldn't tell them everything.” He said, sounding embarrassed and ashamed.

“EVERYTHING will come out. Is that what you want?”

Travis was silent, brooding most of the ride home. When he did speak, he was short and defensive. He didn't believe that she was forced, and Mary didn't blame him, not by the way she'd acted.

A call with an excuse of car trouble relieved Mary of her obligation to visit her sister. They headed straight home. Agonizing, she replayed the events over and over again in her head, how she'd acted and what she'd done. It made her sick to her stomach.

Once they got home, things where no better. The atmosphere was cold and tense, and for days he'd avoided her. He was angry and didn’t believe that crap about her being forced. That was all bull-shit! He thought. She was lying! It sure hadn't looked like she was forced, not by the way that cock hungry bitch sucked everyone off, and not by the way SHE came over and over again! There was no fucking way she was forced!

Mary ruminated over the events in the woods. She WAS forced, she WAS, at first... but then things spiraled out of control. The thoughts of how she'd acted, and the things she'd done, they haunted her. She'd lost control of herself, and couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Troubled by guilty, not only for what she'd done, but because a side of her, a side she kept hidden, enjoyed what had happened, longed for it. It was a deep dark deviant part of her that craved depraved and degrading sex. It was part that very few had ever seen, a part that her son had now witnessed.

She questioned her actions. Could she have done something different, resisted them more, not been so cooperative? Had she really done the right thing by giving in to them so totally, or was she just fulfilling her own deep dark desires?

It had been over two week, and Mary hadn’t touched herself, which was unusual. She rarely went more than a couple of days without needing to masturbate. It wasn't that she was purposely abstaining; she just hadn't been in the mood. Not only was she troubled by conflicting feelings, and by the way Travis was treating her. She was also physically, emotionally, and sexually exhausted... spent even.

Only in her darkest fantasies, had Mary ever had such a wild sexual experience. She'd often imagined being taken and brutally fucked by two, three, or more men at the same time, acting out those depraved fantasies, alone in her room with her extensive collection of toys. She just never had the nerve really to seek it out. It was unfortunate, that when her fantasy finally did become a reality, it included her own teenage son.

Mary's breasts were swollen, sore and tender. The routine milking and sucking of her large lactating breast was an important part of her sexuality, and her solo sex play. Recently they had been neglected, as was rest of her needs. The pain and building pressure was becoming nearly unbearable. She considered milking herself just to relieve the pressure, but knew where that would lead, and just the thought of it got her juices flowing. Retiring early one evening, Mary decided she needed to take care of all her needs.

Stripping naked, she stood in front of a tall mirror brushing her hair.
Born Mary Giovanni, she had long dark brown hair and olive skin that was quite fair. She’d been a single mom taking care of her own needs for so long that the sight of her own naked body aroused her.

Turning this way and that, she checked out her petite, yet bodacious little body. At 4, 11” she wasn't very tall. She had large milky breast, which she loved, although they often gained her lots of unwanted attention. Her ass was big too, a little too big, she thought. But her stomach was flat, and she was proud of that. Her legs, although short were slender and tapered nicely to her wide hips.

I'll never be a Super Model, she thought, but I still look pretty good! She was an example of exaggerated propositions, a tiny girl with big tits, a thin waist, wide hips and a bubble butt. She was no athlete, she thought. She had a body made for one thing...

After her divorce, and with age, Mary became increasingly insecure and self-conscious about her curvy little body, especially her big round ass.

Even thou, she knew men were still very attracted to her. Those men in the woods sure had been... and so was her son!

What the fuck? Why? Why did that crazy thought just pop into my head? She wondered. It was startling, unsettling, disturbing even. She wasn't sure how she felt about it. some way, it made her feel good, more confident, aroused even. Maybe that's what disturbed her.

Mary lightly touched her swollen breast. The skin felt tight. Holding them, they felt heavy and laden with milk. She squeezed and pinched her large stiff nipple, droplets of milk appeared. Squeezing and pinching harder, the drops turned to a fine stream. Lifting the heavy breast to her mouth caused her to wince with pain. They were sore and tender, but the pain beckoned pleasure. It was a pain that preceded release, and relief. Sucking at the fat distended nipple, her mouth instantly filled with sweet warm milk, and her throbbing pussy cried out for the same attention.

Crawling on her bed, she lay back on a pile of pillows and continued suckling her breast. Spreading her legs, she rubbed the fleshy folds of her demanding pussy. Already amazingly wet, her pussy made sloppy sloshing sound as she rubbed and fingered herself.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off into an aroused state, where reality and fantasy mingle.

Disconnected images of wild sex and lustful acts with nameless, faceless men filled her thought. Images of incredibly large cocks erupting with ridiculous amount of delicious cum filled her mind and caused her mouth to water as she dug fingers deep into her fat wet hole.

Disjointed images of crazed sex joined and coalesced with memories of that fateful night in the woods. The wild sex, it was something that she'd only fantasized about. And her abductors, she would never forget them, they were so handsome, well built... and so well hung.

And her son... The sight of his surprisingly large cock, it had stirred something deep, dark and disturbingly forbidden in her. She couldn't stop thinking about it, what had happened, what she'd done, all the sucking, all the fucking, all the cum, and all the orgasms, the wonderful intense orgasms. Her thoughts and emotions crashed together in a collision of arousal and regret.

She was unable to stop thinking about what had happened in the woods. It was something she would never forget. It had been wild crazy sex, the greatest she'd ever had. And it took three cocks to give it to her! The thoughts and memories, as disturbing as they were, aroused her. She was ashamed of what she'd been forced to do, but her greatest shame was that truthfully, she’d loved every minute of it.

Mary wasn’t horrified or traumatized by what had happened. She didn't feel angry or vengeful. She felt excited, and aroused by the very thought of it.

Lying back on her bed with her legs spread wide, she got lost in fantasy and memories, as she sucked hard, drinking deeply from her own milky breast. Rubbing and fingering herself, she delighted in the sensuous feel of her own body. Her vulva was so full and puffy. Her protruding lips where so long and thick, and her wonderfully sensitive clit was so big and fat and proudly standing out like an appendage of its own.

Grasping the fleshy folds of her pussy, she pulled and massaged. Muffled moans escaped her nipple filled mouth as streams of milk leaked and trickled down between her breasts.

Fingering herself, and sucking her tits, Mary thought about her son, remembering how excited he'd gotten when he'd seen her naked, and how excited he was to touch her.

She remembered her son's cock, how surprised she had been at how big and beautiful it was. She remembered how it felt to have that big thick shaft in her hands, throbbing in her mouth, and pulsing against her tongue. It was so big and thick, and stiff, just like his fathers, bigger even. She remembered how excited he gotten when she'd slip her mouth over it, and took him downs her throat. He came almost instantly! The thoughts made her quiver and moan.

Sitting on her bed, she sucked her own tits while wildly fingering herself. She moaned and grunted as an orgasm rapidly approached.

She remembered... fantasized... sucking and fucking her own son.

Her own son...

Her own son!

Chapter 2

As she lay there wildly masturbating, dreaming of her son's big cock, her mind suddenly exploded with horrible feelings of guilt and shame.

NO! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? I'm masturbating, imagining fucking my own son!

In anguish, as though it had caused her some insult, she grabbed the flesh of her dirty incestuous cunt and squeezed hard, not for pleasure but to cause pain. Clamping her fist down hard on her swollen pussy lips, she dug in her nails, and pulled, twisted, and yanked the tender fleshy folds of her fat cunt with all her might. As she punished her dirty whore cunt, she bit down painfully hard on her big fat nipple.

She was a dirty incestuous slut, and she punished her filthy body trying to push back the arousal.

Throwing her head back in pain, she gasped as she released the abused nipple. Stretching the skin of her pussy lips to their taut limits, she groaned. Finally, with shaky hands, she had to release the tormented flesh of her abused cunt. She could endure no more.

Then, still disgusted with herself, she spitefully brought her hand down hard with a loud slapping blow atop her fat tender clit. Bolts of pain shot through her cunt and stabbed at her spasuming ass hole.

Again attacking her breast with vengeful intent, she grabbed one with an angry vice like grip and squeezed brutally hard. Milk erupted into multiple anguished streams as she dug her fingers into the tender swollen orb.

Gritting her teeth with pain, she grabbed her squirting nipples and pulled viciously hard, twisting, torturing, punishing the tender puckering flesh. Her hands were soaked, dripping with her own milk.

Then she slapped at her aching breast, violently, angrily, repeatedly, she rained down hard blows, punishing her tits. From the top, the bottom, the sides, she slapped. Lashing out, she pommeled her breast. Her swollen globes viciously abused and tossed about, squirted milk everywhere.

Grabbing one of her abused squirting breast with both hands, she squeezed horribly, painfully hard. Her breast, purple and distorted from the blood being painfully squeezed into it, looked and felt as though it might tear open from the cruel pressure.

Mary lifted the agonized, squirting nipple to her mouth and sucked viciously hard! Her mouth instantly filled with warm milk, and her engorged nipple felt as though it might explode in her mouth. She bit down hard, and with a gasp of pain, she released the tormented nipple.

Looking down at the mauled breast still clutched in her hands, she chomped down again. That time, she bit through, painfully drawing blood. The irony taste of blood mixed with milk and filled her mouth. With a painful grimace, she released the swollen, squirting, bloody nipple.

Continuing to punish herself, she slapped at her offending, wanton flesh, slapping her breast, her stomach, her legs, and then the tender flesh of inner thighs. Slapping and scratching, she tore at the sensitive skin.

With her body stinging and inflamed from torment, she'd reached her limits. She could endure no more pain, and despite the vicious self-abuse, her body still longed for pleasure. It was a hunger so deep and desperate that she couldn’t beat it out.

Feverishly rubbing at the screaming flesh between her legs, she sought pleasure in spite the pain. Filled with self-loathing and disgust, she slapped again at her dirty needy cunt. Then rubbed wildly, mean, hard and fast at her tormented swollen clit, and despite her vicious self-abuse, she felt an unstoppable orgasm approaching.

Rubbing wildly at the wet fleshy folds between her legs, she urged on a desperate climax. Yet again, she slapped down hard atop the large hooded bundle of nerves of her clit. Continuing to punish herself, she tried to beat down the orgasm, and deny herself any pleasure.

She'd played a version of this cruel game before, but never so abusively. Inflicting a small sting to delay or prolong a climax, maybe a pinch, or a squeeze, or a light spank, but never had she so brutally abused herself.

Continued to torment herself, she slapped, and then rubbed her stinging flesh. Pain followed by pleasure, and despite the abuse, she was cumming. Not only was Mary cumming despite her self-abuse, her orgasm was heightened and intensified by it.

Rubbing fiercely at her cunt, she was cumming and couldn't stop it. Groaning loudly, she tensed, convulsed and thrashed about on her bed as she climaxed.

Her orgasm, as deep and intense as it was, was far from satisfying.

Lost in a bizarre sexual fog, Mary rolled over and reached to her night stand which housed a large collection of toys...

Chapter 3

Mary's slumber was disturbed by the awareness that even with her eyes closed it was late in the morning, and for a moment she panicked fearing she was late for work, but then remembered with relief, it was Saturday. She tried to go back to sleep, but felt something hard pressing against her forehead. Opening her sleepy eyes, she looked at the object. It was something pinkish and translucent resting on her pillow. To close to see it clearly, she sat up to find her pink silicon cock shaped dildo.

Then she remembered. Things had gotten kind of crazy last night, after brutally fucking herself with the pink toy, and cumming multiple of times, she'd taken the creamy goo covered rubber dick and shoved it in her mouth.

Sitting up, she felt something else against her inner thigh. It was her big black dildo, the one she'd fucked after putting the pink one in her mouth. Looking around, she saw several more dildos on her bed, and the hair brush. She remembered fucking her ass with the handle.

Yeah, she'd gotten pretty crazy last night she'd thought, acting out her fantasy of being brutally gang fucked with her collection of surrogate cocks and whatever else she had laying around.

She remembered lying face down with her ass up, and her mouth full of the pink rubber cock, and she remembered the smell and taste of her own pussy on the cock. She'd remembered grabbing another dildo, her largest, a big black one, and pushing it in her wet, inflamed cunt. She remembers humping 'big black' against the mattress as she worked the handle of the hairbrush in her up turned ass.

The LAST thing she remembered was choking on the pink dildo, not able to breath. In the mitts of an incredible orgasm, she'd pushed it clear down her throat, balls deep. Yep, she'd gotten pretty crazy last night. Had she passed-out? She wondered, or just fallen asleep.

Suddenly feeling self-conscious sitting there naked surrounded by sticky sex toys, she quickly gathered up her toys and put them back in the night stand.

Climbing out of bed she found she was sore and stiff. Her ass and pussy was sore, and so was her throat. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw that she was covered in scratches and red marks, and even a few bruises and bite marks on her tits.

She felt disturbed and ashamed. How could she have done this to herself? She liked a little pain with her pleasure, but this was something different. Her own behavior troubled her.

What had happened in the woods.... happened. What they did, what she did, what her son did, there was no undoing it. She needed to move on, and put it behind her. She couldn't keep beating herself up, emotionally OR physically. She needed to pull herself together and move on with her life. She had done what she had to do to protect herself and her son... and it worked! They were both home safe. She should have no regrets... but she did.

She knew she wouldn't soon be able to get those depraved thoughts and fantasies out of her head, but she couldn't have many nights like the last. It could destroy her.

Pulling on a cute pair of pajama shorts and an old tee-shirt to cover her nakedness, and the evidence of her own self-abuse, she went to the kitchen for some coffee.

Chapter 4

Travis found his mom sitting at the kitchen table, hunched over a cup of coffee reading the morning paper. Her hair was a twisted, matted mess, more so than normal, and she looks haggard.

“You look like shit” He said to her.

“Oh thank you! Just the look I was going for.” She replied sarcastically.

He was finally talking to her, she realized, and she didn't want to poison it with smart ass remarks.

“Sorry. I had a rough night. I didn't sleep well, and I have a stiff neck.” She added in a much more pleasant tone.

Even as rough as she looked, she still looked sexy, Travis thought. Her little sleep shorts had ridden up and showed off a lot of leg, and even a little ass. The old tee-shirt she wore was thin and tight, it really showed off her big pointed tits and her big dark nipples stood out and were clearly visible through the thin fabric. He instantly felt a swelling in his cock.

Travis had been obsessing over his mother like never before, and painfully wanted to relive the events in the woods.

He didn't understand why she was playing so fucking hard to get. He didn’t believe that shit about her being forced, not after what they done. He’d seen how she could get! He'd seen what a crazy horny slut she could be! He desperately wanted to see that side of her again.

Nonchalantly, he moved behind her chair and put his hands on her shoulders.

“Do you mind?” He asked.

Somewhat surprised, she replied: “Not at all. A neck massage would be great!”

Gentle he massaged the delicate muscles of his mom’s neck and shoulders. She seemed so tiny in his large hands. Despite her ample attributes, she was a small boned, little woman.

Except for their coloring, they were the total opposites. He was tall, lean and muscular, like his father. She was petite and bodacious. It was hard to believe she'd given birth to him.

Towering over her, he could easily over power her, and do whatever he wanted, and she would love it, he thought! Some bitches like it rough! He'd seen those videos. His mom liked it like that, he thought. It had got pretty rough that night in the woods, and she sure had loved it.

Yet he still had some nagging doubts about what really happened that night. What she said about being forced... was it true?

No fucking way, he told himself. He'd seen how fucking crazy horny she'd gotten! He refused to believe it. If it was true, then what had HE done to her? He couldn't even think about it.

Standing behind her, he massaged his mother’s sore shoulders.

“MMMMMM, Thank you. That feels so good.” She purred.

She couldn't see it from where she sat, but it was plainly visible, her son's cock was stiff, hard, and fully erect. Wearing only a tee-shirt and boxer shorts, the thin fabric of the boxers did little to hide his ragging hard-on.

Straightening up and flexing her neck and shoulders, Mary relaxed and let her arms hang to her sides.

Moving his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, Travis massaged and rubbed his mother’s arms. As he rubbed her arms, his fingers tips lightly brushed against the sides of her breast. She didn't flinch, and his cock twitched with excitement!

“OOOOH, MMMMMM, your pretty good at this. Who would of thought?” She cooed.

His cock throbbed, and his balls ached for release. His heart raced, and his hands quivered. This was easy, he thought with excitement! She is horny and ready to go! She's practically begging for it.

Quickly moving his hands, cupping each of her breasts. Lightly squeezing, he slid his thumb and index fingers to her hard stiff nipples and gently pinched and twisted.

“TRAVIS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP THAT!” She barked. Her hands instantly grabbed at his wrist and tried push them away, but he stiffened, and held fast fondling her breast.

Still playing a little hard to get? That's okay, I can play like that, he thought as he continued to forcibly squeeze and massage his mom’s big breast.

Kicking the chair backwards, she drove it painfully back into her son's stiff cock. Standing, she spun around to face him.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!” She snarled, spitting the words at him.

Travis was surprised, and stunned by his mother’s reaction to his advances. He’d longed for her so desperately and was crushed by her rejection.

He snapped back: “You sure fuck'n liked it the other night in the woods! You even begged for it!”

She stood silent for a moment, stunned, her mouth hanging open, digesting the words that had just been thrown at her. Then in one swift motion, she struck her son violently across the face. The angry little woman with the big tits hit him so hard that it snapped his head hard to the left. She stood there with brow furrowed, glaring at him with anger and discuss.

The blow hurt his face, but nowhere near as bad as it hurt his feelings. He'd obsessively thought, and painfully longed for her, and with one swift blow, he was horribly disappointed, hurt, and rejected.

Travis thought himself a big strong man, but emotionally, he was still a boy. His dreams had been ripped away. He tried to fight it, but couldn't. Tears welled up in his eyes and trickled down his cheeks.

Seeing her son’s tearful reaction, Mary was flooded with emotion and tears of her own.

“Oh God I'm so sorry!” Mary's anger turned to sorrow, and she began to cry. She suddenly realized she wasn't the only victim.

With her head down, Mary stared at the floor sobbing: “I can't even imagine what you must think, but please believe me when I say; I was forced to do the things I did. Oh God, what you must think of me!”

Crying, Mary paused to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. After a big sigh, she continued: “They told me that if I didn't do whatever they wanted... they would hurt us... hurt me, HURT YOU. They said that I had to do it willingly... and participate... and if there was any struggle they would hurt you... OR WORSE! I couldn't let you know what was really going on. I had to let you think I was doing it willing... I couldn't let you get upset. It would have put us both in danger!”

She paused again, sobbing. Then continued so low and soft that Travis could barely understand her: “I did what they asked... what I thought they wanted... what I thought would protect us both... Oh God... I know, I know, I know... I lost control, I know... I went CRAZY!

Mary put her hands over her face in shame and sobbed: “No son should ever see that side of his mother!”

He believed her. It made perfect sense. And despite the wild fantasies he had, she had never, ever, acted that way before, not in front of him, and certainly not WITH him.

He had just seen what his own perverted desires wanted him to see. Finally he believed her. It explained everything... almost.

It didn't explain how wild she'd gotten. That was all her... and still was.

“I'm sorry too.” He said. “No mother should ever have to see that side of her son either.”

He was holding back tears.

“No, No, No.” She said, taking his hands in hers: “You did nothing wrong. This is NOT, your fault.”

Mary decided right there and then that she would never lash out at her son again. She would have to be understanding and tolerant of his behavior, no matter how inappropriate. He was as much a victim as she, more so even, and that he was just as confused about his feelings as she was. They would figure this out, and get thru this, together.

She put her arms around her tall handsome son and held him tight. It had been an emotional morning for both of them.

Suddenly she became aware of something... something hard pressing against her abdomen. Stepping back, she held him at arm’s length and looked down. He was hard and fully erect!

A flood of memories and images filled her head, his impressive manhood, how long and thick he was and how it felt to experience it, in her hands, in her mouth, and deep inside her. Mary stood and stared at her son’s erection as if in a trance.

“I’m sorry. I can't help it.” He said, awakening her from the spell.

Jolted back to reality, she looked up at her son and smiled knowingly: “It's okay. I know you can't.” Again she looked down at the huge bulge in his boxers, and then back to his face: “Maybe you should go take a shower.” She said warmly.

She watched as he walked away and entered the bathroom. She heard the water running, and imagined her tall lean muscular son in the hot steamy shower lathering up. She imagined his soapy hands stroking his long hard cock, and wondered what he must be thinking. They had the same shared memories and experiences. Was he was thinking of her as he slid his soapy hands up and down his long shaft?

Mary knew things would never be the same or normal again. What was normal anyway? She wondered. She knew things would never be as they were... and that her and her son would never be able look at each other the same way again.

Chapter 5

Things did get a lot better... not normal, or typical, and certainly not as they were, but a lot better.

Mary, for the most part, returned to her normal happy self, as did Travis, although he became far more overtly and physically affectionate with his mother than he’d ever been before. His obsession never faded, it only got worse. Expressing his obsession, he became much more touchy-feely with her, often putting his arms around her and hugging her. Holding her tight. He would often hold her, squeezing her tight, pressing her breast to his chest.

She knew what he was doing, affectionate, yes, but also something else, something sexual. She never objected, or rejected him. Quite the opposite, she often encouraged him, enjoying closeness and affection, but there was something else in it for her too.

Along with the hugs, there was other contact and touching. He might brush against her ass as he walked by, or reach across her for something and let his hand or arm brush against her tits. She knew what he was up to, but never resisted or shied away. She enjoyed the closeness... and the contact.

What at first had seemed incidental quickly became much more purposeful. A brush became a gentle touch, maybe a playful poke, or a pinch, or a pat, always done lightheartedly, joking and teasing.

After a very short time he became more and more overtly aggressive and sexual with her. Still the encounters were brief and playful. He might sneak up behind her, grab her around the waist, and grab her tits before slipping away giggling. He might approach her, grab her ass, squeeze and fondle it for a moment, then end it with a slap.

Brief playful advances quickly progressed, becoming much more sexually aggressive and drawn out. He would often grab her and forcibly hold her while groping, squeezing and fondling her tits, even pinching her large erect nipples. He might grope her ass, and then slide his hand between her legs and palm her snatch.

Again, it always done as playful roughhousing and Mary took it as such. She was never bothered by it, and rarely voiced the slightest objection, and when she did, Travis would dismiss her concerns by saying he was just playing, or messing around with her, or something along those lines.

Mary didn't just tolerate and endure his advances; she very much enjoyed, and even encouraged them. Of course she cherished the closeness and affection they shared, but there was something else. What nearly forty year old woman wouldn't want the attention of a handsome young stud, except for the fact that stud happened to be her own son.

Around the house Mary didn't exactly dress appropriately. She never really had. Mary's usual attire for lazing around the house was the same as it had always been, a cute pair of PJ shorts, and an old tee-shirt, except she never wore any underwear or bra, and the tee-shirts wore where always thin, and about two sizes too small. The thin, tightly stretched material was nearly transparent and showed off her big tits and her big dark nipples. The same went for the pajamas shorts, they weren't so old or thin, but they were a size to small, exposing a lot of ass and clung tightly to her full shapely pussy.

She knew what she was doing and how she looked. She could have worn something different around the house, but it made her feel sexy and attractive, and she knew it excited her son to see her in those tight skimpy outfits, and she liked to see him happy... and there was something else she liked seeing...

Those days Travis almost always sported an erection around the house, at least when Mary was around, and the boxers he ran around in, did little to hide it. Mary often caught herself daydreaming, staring at the huge bulge in his shorts.

This had gone on for weeks, and that’s how it had become around their household, happily content, yet very sexually tense. And that’s how it was one morning when Travis snuck up behind his mother, like he’d done many times before, and grabbed her around the waist while she stood at the kitchen sink.

“You scared the shit out of me, you little shit!” Mary squealed.

Travis just laughed as he put his hands on the counter to either side of her and leaned his weight against her backside. Pinning her against the counter, he sniffed at her hair.

“MMMM! You smell good!” He said in a tone laced with desire.

“Yes... I bathe.” She replied sarcastically.

“Really? I like that in a woman.”

“I bet you do.”

As Travis leaned against her, Mary could feel something hard pressing against her ass and quickly realized it was his ever present hard-on. Images filled her head, and in her mind’s eye, she could picture his impressive tool rubbing up against her ass. She was instantly flooded with torrid thoughts and memories of the experiences she had with her sons big beautiful cock.

Leaning against her, pinning her against the counter, he began rubbing his hard cock up and down, and from side to side of her cushiony, round ass.

Moving his right hand from the counter, he put his arm around her neck, putting her into a sort of mock choke hold. It wasn’t tight enough to really choke her, but just tight enough to control her. More a show of his strength and dominance over her, than to really hurt her.

Still pushing and rubbing his cock against her ass, he held her around the neck with his right arm, as he moved his left hand to her waist, and then slid it to up to her left breast.

Caught up in the moment, Mary didn’t resist. Mesmerized by the fanciful mental pictures in her head brought on by the feel of the big stiff cock rubbing against her ass, Mary arched her back and pushed her ass back against his cock. Moving in small gyrations, she matched the rhythm of his movements.

Removing his right arm from around her neck, he slid it under her arm and cupped right breast. Know holding and fondling both of his mother’s breast, he rubbed his cock against her ass harder and more forcefully.

He began to moan and groan softly as he humped his cock against her. Sliding a hand underneath her shirt, he began rolling her hard nipple between his fingers tips.

Suddenly alarms went off in Mary’s head. The sound of her son moaning and the feel of his hands on her bare flesh brought her screaming back to reality. ‘What the fuck’, her son was practically fucking her against the kitchen counter, and she was letting him! Gently, she pushed her ass backwards, just hard enough to push him off of her, and then turned around to face him, putting her hands on his chest.

“Whoa there Big Boy, I think we're getting a little carried away here.” She said, as she gentle fended off her son’s advances.

With a big sigh, she tried to calm her own aroused state. Looking down at her son’s crotch, she saw the big bulge in his boxers. The waistband had been push down with all the humping, and the head of his cock was exposed. She lost her breath, and her heart skipped a beat as her body and mind were filled with arousal and desire, and for a moment... a moment to long... she stared, mesmerized, by the sight of his impressive cock. A glistening drop of pre-cum had escaped the tip, and Mary couldn't help but lick her lips and swallow.

Looking up at him, she smiled. He wore a lustful grin. She patted him on the chest and said: “Why don't you go take a shower." which in her mind was code for 'Why do you go take a shower and care of yourself, and I’ll go take care of myself.'

“Oh shit!” she said suddenly, catching the time off the microwave. “I gotta go! I'm running late!”

Pushing past her dejected looking son, she dashed off to finish getting ready for work. She could see his disappointment and frustration. He looked rejected, angry almost. Go take a shower and relieve yourself, she thought. If she had the time, she'd do the same thing.

His advances always left her aroused, and afterwards, she would quite often take care of herself with a quick diddle. There were times when she'd needed more than just a quick one and would call in late just to masturbate. There were even a few times she was so overcome with such an intense insatiable need, that she would call in sick just to stay home and masturbate repeatedly all day long.

But today, that was out of the question.

Her performance at work was never in question. But lately, her punctuality and attendance was. If she called in late or sick again, she might be looking at a reprimand. She was just as horny and frustrated as her son was, but she couldn't be late for work.

Slipping out of her tight tee-shirt and little shorts, Mary quickly dressed for work. She put on panties and bra, a white blouse, and a knee length dark gray skirt. Standard attire for many working woman, from waitress, to the cubical interned, which is what she was. She sat in a little cubical, staring at a computer screen all day long, entering data and updating reports.

Still with a thirty minute commute, Mary hurried out the door. She had no time to waist.

Chapter 6

Less than a block from her house, she hiked her skirt up around her waist. Pulling aside the crotch of her panties, she started fingered her moist pussy as she drove. The thirty minute drive should be more than enough time.

Spreading her knees as wide as she could, Mary fingered her wet pussy, and rubbed her throbbing clit as she drove. It was crazy, she’d never done anything like this before, but she he was unbelievably horny and desperately determined to get herself off. It was also kind of fun and exciting.

A man driving alongside glanced at her and smiled. Usually she ignored the commuter flirts, which were common, as she was a pretty lady, but this time she smiled back, flashing him her best bedroom eyes as she rubbed wet fingers back and forth over her erect clit.

If he could only see what I'm doing, she laughed to herself. So very badly she wanted to squeeze her milk swollen breast, but feared it would leave embarrassing wet marks. She slid forward, rolled up her hips and pushed four fingers into her wet snatch.

Fingering herself during the morning commute, Mary came very close to climaxing, but the demands of driving and traffic were too distracting. By the time she got to work, she was hornier, and more frustrated than ever. There was no time to finish in the parking-lot, that would be too risky, and she might get caught. She needed to get up to her desk fast and clock-in on time.

Once clocked-in, Mary was able to relax. She took a deep breath and calmed down. Time seemed to slow, but she was still very horny.

Sitting in her cub, with legs under her desk, she stared at the report on the computer screen pretending to be hard at work. Never had she done anything like this before, masturbating at work, it was crazy! But she was so incredibly horny and desperate to get herself off. Sitting at her desk with one hand lying inconspicuously idle atop the desk, she pulled up her dress and slipped her other hand between her parted thighs.

Sitting quietly, staring at the computer screen, trying to look as normal as possible, she slipped her fingers inside the crotch of her panties and rubbed at her clit, secretly fingered her needy pussy under her desk at work.

Tuning out noisy buzz of the rest of the office, she focused on the burning need between her legs. She was getting close! This wouldn't take long! She drove her fingers into her wet pussy, and flicked her slimy fingers rapidly over her sensitive clit. She was so fuck'n horny! She could do it! It was crazy, daring, and she was shaking with nerves and exciting. Her heart was racing, from the rapidly approaching orgasm and the exhilaration of what she was doing.

She was almost there! She could do it, without making a sound, no moaning, no groaning, and no thrashing about. Almost most there! Beginning to quiver just a bit, she was just about ready to cum! Her fingers were a blur, moving feverishly over her screaming clit.


CRASH! BANG! Startled, Mary jumped out of her skin with fright. It sounded like walls of her cub crashing in on her.

“Oh, sorry about that, but these darn things are heavy.” It was Susan, her team supervisor. She’d nearly knocked over one of the walls to Mary's cubical trying to wrestle in a heavy box of reports. “Could you get these updated by Friday? Pleeese! Thaaaanks!”

Before Mary could object, Susan hurried away. Fuck'n Cunt! Mary thought. The bitch scared the shit out of her.

Fuck! I was all most there! This isn't going to work! Mary thought as she fixed her dress. She was hornier, and more frustrated than ever. How was she going to get any work done? Getting herself off was the only thing she could think about. She had an idea. Getting up from her desk, Mary leaned over the flimsy wall of her cub and looked in on the woman in the next cubical.

“Hey, I'm running to the rest room. I'll be back in a couple of minutes.”

The woman looked up at Mary and shrugged her shoulders, giving her a look that said: Why you telling me? What the fuck do I care?

The restroom was large, with many stalls, but busy. Mary had to wait for one to empty. The toilets were always busy, especially in morning, with woman crowding the stalls and lining up along the mirror making final adjustments to their hair and makeup. Come to think of it, Mary thought, there were no men that work in her office. It was all women as far as she knew. No wonder the restroom was always so fuck'n crowded.

Finally seated in the cramped stall, Mary lifted her skirt around her waist and pushed her panties down around her ankles. Sitting on the cold toilet seat, she frantically rubbed at her wet pulsing pussy. She was so fuck'n horny, she would have loved to have the time to give herself a good working over, but this wasn't the time or place, and time was of the essences. Desperately she wanted to squeeze her aching tits and suck her swollen nipples, but she was too afraid she would stain her blouse.

Hurriedly, Mary fingered herself sitting on the cold toilet in the stark crowded stall while coworkers noisily scurried about outside. She did finally cum. Twitching about, gritting her teeth, and holding her tongue, she managed to get herself off a decent orgasm, not earth moving, but okay under the circumstances and the surroundings. I needed that! She thought with a big sigh of relief. Now maybe I can get some work done.

Back at her desk, not but fifteen minutes had past, and she was horny again. She had become painfully aware of her swollen breast, and that awareness spread to the rest of her body. Her breast ached, her nipples tingled, and her pussy throbbed, and she needed to heed their cries. Mary had a plan, but she would have to wait until lunch.

At lunch as most of the other workers headed to the break-room, or out, Mary nonchalantly headed of the stairwell. Heading up to the sixth floor, the one above the floor she worked on, she was happy to find the door unlocked. She wasn’t sure if it would be as floor had recently been vacated by a business relocating out of state.

The entire floor was empty, and quite. Making her way to the restroom, she pushed open the door. It was dark, but only for a split second. Then the lights clicked on automatically. Finding the restroom as vacant as the rest of the floor, Mary was quite happy and wondered why she hadn't thought of this before. This is great, she thought, her own private restroom.

Mary was tempted to strip naked right in front of the mirror inside the stark commercial, public restroom, but thought better of it. She didn't have the nerve, so she made her way to the very last stall in the row.

Once hidden in the stall, she got naked, and neatly hung her clothes on the hook on the door. It was a little unsettling at first, being naked in such a public place, even if it was vacant, and especially, because of the reason she was there. It was a little scary. She was nervous, but there was also something daring and thrilling about it. She was horny, and anxious to get herself off good, hopefully a couple of time, in her own private restroom.

Sitting naked on the toilet, she spread her legs as wide as the narrow stall would allow. Slowly rubbing her hot throbbing pussy, she grabbed and squeezed one of her breast, a stream of milk squirted out. Lifting the milk dripping nipple to her mouth, she sucked as she fingered her wet hole. Excited, aroused, she was well on her way to another orgasm, a full-on good one this time. This is fuck'n awesome, she thought, her own private restroom. Work was going to be a lot more fun in the future. She even thought about bring some of her toys to work.

With four fingers buried palm deep, and her thumb fiercely rubbing her fat clit, Mary moaned and grunted. Repeatedly and rhythmically, she drove her hand deep into her hot wet cunt, digging for her g-spot and rubbing clit.

As she rapidly fucked herself, sounds of sloshing came from her dripping wet pussy. She groaned continuously as she thrashed about on the toilet seat. Mary was right there! She was about to cum, a good deep hard one!


Suddenly the lights had gone out, and Mary was plunged into darkness. Darkness deeper than any she had ever experienced before. Thrown into a panic, she leapt to her feet and blindly groped for her cloths only to knock them to the floor. Clawing for the handle, she found the latch and swung the door open.

Waving her arms wildly, she tried to trigger the lights motion sensor, but it was too dark to register her movement. It was dark, very dark, like drowning in black ink. She could see nothing. It was disorienting. It was so suffocatingly dark, she couldn't breathe.

Panicked and hyperventilating, her heart was pounding so hard it hurt; she felt her way along the stalls. Each door swung open with a loud bang, startling her as she went.

Feeling her way to the restroom entrance, she franticly swung the door open. The lights immediately came on. Mary stood there for a moment in the open doorway, totally naked, in a state of panicked shock.

Suddenly realizing where she was, and how she looked, she turned and ran back to the stall were her cloths lay on the floor. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she ran naked through the stark cold public restroom. Her tits were bouncing ridiculously, and she had a terrified, wide eyed look on her face. It was disturbing. After quickly dressing, she got the hell out of there. Thankful her cloths hadn't fallen in the toilet.

Back on her floor, she sat by herself in the break-room with a bag of almonds, and a coke that she'd gotten from the vending machine. She tried not to let her angst show. She looked at her watch. The whole fiasco had only taken fifteen minutes.

As she calmed herself, she had to laugh recalling the image of herself in the mirror as she ran naked through the restroom. She'd looked pretty stupid. Big baby, she thought, afraid of the dark.

She was still horny, and with forty-five minutes to kill, she could try again! Just the thought of it excited her. There was no way to make the lights stay no, at least not that she knew of, but she could be ready for it and not panic.

She snuck back to the deserted restroom on the vacant floor.

Again, in the same stall, she stripped naked. She put her cell-phone atop the toilet paper dispenser just in case of emergency. It would light when she touched the screen, and it had a flash light.

Sitting on the toilet, anticipating the coming darkness, she excitedly got to work on her obsessive pastime. Leaning back, the toilet tank made a porcelain clank as she reclined in a fashion it wasn't made for. Spreading her legs, she pressed her knees against the cold metal walls of the narrow stall. Mary rubbed the wet folds of her pussy as she brought a nipple to her mouth.

While wildly rubbing and fingering herself, she milked her aching breast.

Just as before, Mary was near cumming when the light went out. Even though she was prepared for it, it still caught her by surprise and unsettled her. Only by focusing on her building orgasm, was she able to fight off the panic.

Leaning back in the dark, she continued to rub and finger herself. It was blindly dark, and deafly silent. The only sounds were her breath, the slosh of her wet pussy.

The darkness and panic forgotten, Mary rammed her hand into her gushing pussy, and rubbed wildly at engorged clit. Her only concern was her rapidly building orgasm.

“Oh fuck yes!” She groaned. The words echoed in the vacant restroom. She quivered and thrashed, atop the cold porcelain toilet. She was cumming!


The fuck'n lights had suddenly come back on.

Startled and frightened half out of her wits, she froze, panic stricken, too scared to move from her awkward position. She heard the door to the restroom open. The position she was in that had been great for wild masturbation was now very uncomfortable, and painful, but she was too afraid to move.

Frozen in her awkward position, she listened and heard the ‘Clack, Clack, Clack,’ of high heels against the tile floor. Then she heard the sound of a nearby stall door being opened, and then shut and latched. A moment later, she heard the sound of pee splashing in the toilet, and then the sound of a lighter being sparked, and she smelled cigarette smoke.

It seemed she wasn't the only one using this porcelain paradise for her own private den of addictive vices. Smoking was forbidden in the building.

Mary remained motionless and silent in her painful position until the strange smoker left.

More than a little rattled, Mary quickly dressed and hurried back down to her floor.

Back in her own office space, a labyrinth of cubicles, she felt like everyone was looking at her. There were stares, and whispered comments. Everyone knew what she had been doing, and what a freak she was.

Of course that wasn't true. Her rational mind knew that, but never the less, she felt horrible self-conscious and embarrassed. Her guilty conscience was playing tricks with her mind.

Fuck! She admonished herself. What if I had been caught? I would have died from the embarrassment! I could have lost my job, or worse! Could I have been arrested, and maybe charged with indecent exposure, or lewd behavior?

Sitting quietly at her desk, Mary continued to beat herself up.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm masturbating all the time. It used to be pretty regular, but now, it's obsessive, every day at least, and sometime several times a day. I'm even missing work to masturbate. So now I have to do it AT work? What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve never done anything like this before. In my car even, driving down the highway! What the fuck is wrong with me?

By the end of the work day, she managed to calm herself down. And by the time she'd gotten home, she was actually laughing about the whole debacle. That crazed look on her face as she ran naked through a public restroom, she had to laugh. She did look pretty silly, and being stuck in that toilet stall waiting for that bitch to finish her fuck'n smoke, Mary had to laugh. Thankful things didn't end a lot worst.

Even though she was able to laugh at her comical fiasco, Mary was still a little rattled. The first thing she did when she got home was fix a cocktail, two fingers of vodka and orange juice in a tall glass. It was her go-to drink at times like this, quick, easy, and packed with vitamin C, she liked to joke.

As she sipped her drink Mary thought, I need a boyfriend, but just the thought of it made her queasy. She was becoming more and more withdrawn and antisocial, and the thought of trying to building a relationship, even a casual social one, caused her anxiety. A good hot fuck sounded good, that’s what she really needed, but the conversation before and after is what distressed her.

Opening the junk drawer / medicine cabinet in the kitchen, Mary rummaged around until she found what she was looking for, a little prescription bottle of Valium. It had been a very stressful day, and she needed a little something extra to take the edge off.

Shortly after returning home from the bizarre excursion into the woods, Mary convinced her doctor to give her a prescription for Valium, saying that she was having trouble sleeping. Which was true, she was having a hard time sleeping. At that time she'd been troubled with terrible guilt and regret. But since then, she'd come to terms with what had happened, and now she just took them to relax and get a little buzz-on.

A couple of hearty swigs of the sweet cocktail washed down the little blue pill. She thought about the whole experience at work, and despite it being a total failure, and leaving her horrible frustrated, it had actually been kind of exciting, a daring adrenalin rush.

She'd considered the notion of revisiting the restroom upstairs and trying again or maybe some other risky public local... but not too risky, she wasn't THAT reckless or daring. But the thought intrigued her, and brought back some of the excitement, and arousal she’d experienced earlier.

After polishing off the cocktail, Mary made herself a second, and then went to her room and changed out of her work cloth. She pulled on a pair of cute silky little PJ shorts, and an old tee that was a size to small.

Joining her son in the living room, she plopped down on the love-seat, propped her feet up on one arm, and her head on the other. Travis sat on the adjacent sofa in only his boxers and a tee-shirt. He was rapidly surfing through the channels.

“Can we watch just ONE thing please? Anything, I don't care what.” Mary finally said, tiring of the incessant channel flipping.

“Will this do?” He said, sounding annoyed.

“This will do... thank you.”

He had stopped at Wheel-of-Fortune, and Pat was leaning over, spinning the wheel. The drugs and alcohol were quickly kicking in, and the polite competition of the dull game show wasn't enough to keep Mary awake. She soon passed-out.

Chapter 7

Startled awake by the overly loud volume of an annoying infomercial, Mary opened her eyes to see... legs? She was unable to see the blaring TV as someone was standing right in front of her.

“Travis? What are you doing?” She spoke the words, but they came out warbled and slurred. She was still half asleep and stoned.

“Aa... I was just... turning off the TV. You were passed out. I'm going to bed.”

“Oh... Okay...” She slurred. He sounded funny, she thought, defensive maybe, but she dismissed it. Her head was spinning.

Moving to the TV, Travis touched the side of the medium sized flat-screen causing it to go black and silent. That was funny, Mary thought, she didn't even know there were buttons on the side. To woozy to think about it, she dismissed that to.

Swinging her feet off the small sofa, she sat up dizzily: “Whoa!” she said.

Getting to her feet, she needed to steady herself: “Whoa!” She said again, “I'm out-of-it. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.” she stammered before heading off to bed walking somewhat sideways.

Plopping down on her bed, Mary sighed with relief. The bed felt soft and comfy. Pulling the covers up, she stretched out on her back and sighed again.

Just a little uncomfortable, she rolled onto her left side. Still a little uncomfortable, she rolled to her right, and then returned to her back. Fuck, she thought. As passed out as she'd been, now she was restless and couldn't get back to sleep. Seems her only chance for a good night’s sleep was left on the sofa.

She needed to relax. Lying flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling, she slid a hand down into her little shorts.

“MMM, AAH.” She moaned softly as her fingers caressing her protruding clit. It had been a frustrating day, and this was exactly what she needed to relax. Running her fingers over her big swollen fleshy lips, she found them sticky, covered with the remnants of the days earlier failed attempts. Parting the sticky lips, she pushed her fingers into the warm wet interior of her pussy. Drawing a wet slippery finger up over her stiff clit, she groaned deeply. A feeling of warmth and relaxation came over her as she became instantly aroused.

Drifting off into the depths of self-pleasure, she was suddenly distracted by a strange sound.


Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. Momentarily startled, she froze, leaving her hand resting atop her plump pubic mound. No lights were on in the room. But plenty of light streamed in from the living room. She quickly recognized Travis standing in the doorway.

She laid there flat on her back, quiet and motionless.

What the hell does he want? She wondered. What is he doing? What the fuck could he possible need, that couldn't wait till morning? She just lay there, still and motionless, pretending to be asleep, hoping he would go away so she could get back to her needy pussy and the orgasms she so badly needed.

With eyes opened only to narrow slits, hopefully to appear asleep, Mary watched as her son moved from the doorway, to the foot of her bed. What the hell is he up to? She wondered.

Still pretending to be asleep, Mary lay there, hoping he would leave her alone. Then she heard a strange rustling sound, and faint snap of elastic. Then she saw it... his cock!

He'd freed his hard cock from the confines of his boxers, and was standing at the foot of her bed... jacking-off!

Why you little fuck'n pervert, Mary thought... but didn’t move.

She should have jumped up, and chased him off in a pissed off rage... but she didn't. She just lay there, motionless and silent, peering through narrowed eyes, watching her son jack-off. She was mesmerized by the sight, and sounds of her son masturbating at the foot of her bed. Damn he's big! She thought.

Staring at her sons big stiff cock, her heart begin race. The sight of her little pervert jacking-off his big cock got Mary aroused. Her breathing quickened and she started to quiver uncontrollably with excitement.

Yet... she forced herself to remain motionless, and silent. Her hand, still inside her shorts, rested upon her throbbing groin. Slowly she began to move her fingers unnoticeably over her stiff throbbing clit. Her heart raced with exhilaration of forbidden pleasure.

Suddenly Travis moved to the side of her bed. He now stood right above her. His cock inches from her face. It was so close, she could have stretched out her tongue at licked it! She was suddenly bombarded with incredible urges and impulses she had to resist.

Rapidly rubbing her clit with the tips of her fingers, she began to quiver uncontrollable. She didn't think he would notice thou because he was so self-absorbed, feverishly stroking his cock.

Mary could see delicious drops of pre-cum forming at the tip, and his cock glistened as he smeared with the slippery slime. And to her quivering delight, she thought she felt a drop fly off and land on her face.

He must have been confident that she was thoroughly unconscious, Mary thought, because he was grunting and groaning loudly.

With just her finger tips moving feverishly over her tortured clit, she fought to remain, quiet and motionless, as an intense orgasm welled up inside her.

Suddenly, with a loud long sustained groan, Travis shot his load on his mother’s placid face.

As his goo pelted her face, Mary shuttered, and silently climaxed. It was an intensely strange orgasm, one of which she'd never felt before. It was made intense and strange because she needed to remain completely motionless, silent, and expressionless. It was made even further strange by the feeling of incompleteness, accompanied by a horrible need to finish herself more wholly and deeply than she'd ever experienced before.

Tormented by aching need, Mary laid there still as the dead, as her perverted son continued to milk his spurting cock. With another loud groan, more cum shot on to her face, and with a final stroke and squeeze of his purpled cock, he dribbled the last of his cum onto her face.

Finished defiling his mother, he fixed his boxers and quietly left the room.

The moment her son left, Mary licked her lips, tasting the delicious nectar deposited there. Using her fingers as squeegees, she gathered up every drop of cum she could, then licked and sucked them clean.

Kicking the off covers, she anxiously stripped off her night clothes, and went to work on herself with a wild lustful vengeance. Sitting up with her legs spread wide, she rammed the four fingers into her gooey wet pussy, and rubbed her stiff inflamed clit.

With her other hand, she kneaded, squeezed and molested swollen her breast. Painfully, she tormented her nipples, pinching pulling and twisting them until milk began to flow. She brought the abused nipples to her mouth and sucked hard, drinking deeply from her own beast.

Grunting and moaning, Mary went at herself without restraint. Finger fucking her sloppy wet pussy and hungrily sucking her tits; Mary came over and over again, each time more intense than the last.

Her hands and thighs were covered with white froth secreted from her gooey wet pussy. She had cum repeatedly and was finally spent, and thoroughly satisfied. She fell into a deep, blissful sleep.

The next day, Mary’s head was reeling from the inexplicable events of that night. She was dumbfounded by her son perverted act, and even more so, by her reaction to it. She should have been outraged, discussed and horrified by the perverted degrading acts, but she wasn’t. She wasn't any of those things, actually she was aroused and excited, and filled with anticipation.

She had a plan, a plan that she hoped would encourage, if not ensure, a repeat performance.

That evening when she got home from work, she went right into the kitchen and fixed herself a tall cocktail, just like she'd done the night before. Opening the junk drawer that kept her med's, she conspicuously rummaged around a bit, picked up the bottle of pills, gave it a couple of shakes, then threw it back into the drawer.

The cocktail was for real. She was anxious and need to relax. She also needed a little liquid courage. But she didn't take the Valium because she didn't want to pass-out, not for real anyway.

Was wrong of her to encourage this behavior? She was conflicted, but very fiber of her body wanted to see that big beautiful cock spurt another huge load of delicious cum. Fending off a considerable amount of guilt and trepidation, Mary concocted a strange warped rational, that of course made no sense, yet somehow managed to justify what she was planning.

Since she would be just lying there asleep, or pretending to be anyway...
And he was the one jacking-off...
And he aware what he was doing...
And she wasn't, except that she was, but was just pretending to be asleep...
It was just like she was really asleep and unaware of what was going on...
Except that she was...

Somehow that twisted logic made it perfectly okay for her son to jack-off on her face. It made no sense, and she knew it, but it was enough for her, and somehow it made it okay.

The plan was to do exactly as she'd done the night before, except for the Valium. Taking her half emptied drink with her to her bedroom, she stripped out of her work cloth. She changed into the skimpiest pair of pajama shorts she owned, and instead of a tee-shirt, she pulled on a skimpy little tank-top that barely contained her big tits.

Finishing her drink, she went back to the kitchen and made a second, quickly drank about half, then joined Travis in the living room who was there watching TV. Plopping down on the love seat, she positioned herself for optimal effective exposure. After a few minutes, she pretended to pass-out. She lay there stretched out on the love seat pretending to be asleep until the Wheel-of-Fortune was over.

As Pat and Vanna were saying goodnight, she pretended to awaken from her stupor, got to her feet and stammered her good-nights. Then staggered off to bed careful not to over act. It was early, but she was anxious.

Once in her room, Mary pushed the door shut. Then remembered, last night she'd been so out of it, that she hadn't shut her door, so she quietly pushed it all the way open. Nervous and apprehensive, she knew shouldn't be doing this, but she was way too excited to stop.

Before hoping in bed, Mary stripped out of her skimpy little shorts. She didn't want them to get in her way. Then she stopped. Let’s give mommies little pervert a real treat tonight, she thought, as she pulled off the tank-top. Climbing naked into bed, she pulled the covers up to just above her waist, leaving her breast exposed.

Lying on her back, she put a hand under the covers onto her crotch. Spreading her legs, she gave herself plenty of access. Her other arm, she left atop the covers at her side.

Ready and in position, she was horny, excited, and eagerly awaiting her perverted visitation. Mary lay still with eyes closed, but was nothing as she appeared. She was shaking a little, brimming with anticipation. This is so wrong, she thought, but so much fun and exciting!

With her concealed hand, she stretched her arm into position so as to finger herself real good once things got started. Testing her reach, she pushed her fingers deep into her already wet pussy. If I'm this wet now, she thought, I'm really going to be dripping once things get going. Rubbing a moistened finger over her excited clit, she gasped, an orgasm was already very near. She could easily make herself cum in seconds. Backing off, she very lightly strummed the protruding lips of her pussy. She didn't want to get too far ahead and go off without him.

The little pervert thinks he's getting away with something, she thought with a grin. But what he doesn’t know is that I'm onto his little perverted game, and that's what made it fun... and of course satisfying her deviant desires.

Laying there anxious, motionless and quit for what seemed like eternity, Mary started to get worried, then disappointed. Maybe he wasn't coming, she thought. Maybe he wasn't in the mood.

Just as well, she thought, I shouldn't be doing this shit anyway. A pang of guilt and regret rang through her. Feeling let down, and very foolish, disappointed and dejected, Mary thought about just rolling over and going to sleep. Then she heard a sound that picked her right up.


Through narrowed eyes, she looked to the door way. Spying the shadowy figure there, her heart leaped and began to race. Yes! Come to Mama big boy! She thought with sinful delight.

Stepping into her dimly lit room, her son suddenly halted mid-stride before reaching the foot of her bed. Mary heard a faint gasp drawn by her son and knew instantly what had happened. He'd noticed her naked exposed breast. She fought back a smile.

Bypassing the foot of her bed entirely, Travis went straight to her side. Only wearing boxers, he quickly stripped them off, and stood completely naked at the side her bed with a huge hard-on, and Mary could sense his uncontainable excitement.

Suddenly she had second thoughts. Maybe she'd gone too far by exposing herself to him. Things seemed to be getting ramped-up, and she feared they might get out of control. But there was no turning back now.

He stared crazily at her tits, breathing shallow and rapidly. Then he started to reach out. Panicking, Mary didn't know what she would do if he started groping her. That wasn't part of the plan. Without flinching, she didn't move, and thankfully his hand stopped an inch from her breast. Withdrawing, he started wildly stroking his stiff cock while staring lustfully at her beautiful tits.

Relieved that things seemed to be back on track, Mary pushed her fingers into her wet pussy. Shuttering with excitement and arousal, she watched as her son vigorously stroke his cock and cupping his big full balls.

Lying there still, feigning sleep, Mary curled her fingers deep into her very wet fuck-hole, and then raked slimy fingers up over her incredible sensitive, stiff erect clit. She fought desperately not move, and to control her ragged breathing as she rapidly flicked her clit.

Laying there still and silent, flicking her clit, her head filled with lewd, dirty, incestuous expletives.

Yes, stroke that big fuck'n hard cock for Mommy...
Stroke it good, stroke it hard and fast...
Oh Yea that's it, stroke that big cock, make it cum me, make it cum for Mommy...
Make it cum on Mommy's tits! Yes cum on me! Cum on Mommy!
Mary started to lose control. On the edge of orgasm, she started shaking and twitching uncontrollable as she was fucked her pussy with near total abandon, ramming her hand hard into her hungry cunt, and vigorously rubbing, hard and fast, her screaming, tormented clit.

Still, she fought to retain control and conceal her movements, desperate to remain motionless, silent, and maintain the illusion of sleep.

It didn't matter though, because Travis had totally lost control himself. He was wildly stroking his cock, banging his thighs against the side of her bed as he thrash back and forth grunting and groaning. He wouldn't have noticed if she sat up in bed and started cheering him on.

Groaning loudly, arching his back, and thrusting his hips forward, Travis shot an impressive load over his mother’s tits. Continuing to stroke vigorously, another shot, and then another, then holding his cock and leaning over, he squeezed out the last drops of cum, dribbling it on her tits.

As her son emptied his ball onto her tits, Mary climaxed. His loud expressive eruption pushed her over the edge, and the struggle to conceal her orgasm was nearly impossible, leaving her stiff and ridged, with muscles so tightly contracted, she trembled uncontrollable.

Finished with painting his mother’s tits, Travis quickly donned his boxers and scurried from her room.

With her son gone, Mary insanely gathered up the cum deposited on her tits, hungrily licking and sucking her hands and fingers. Then with wet sticky hands, she lifted her slim covered breast to her mouth and eagerly suck, licked, and rubbed her cum drenched tits on her face.

Head reeling, and crazed from another intense bizarre orgasm, Mary kicked off the restrictive covers. Rolling over to the night-stand, she pulled out her big purple cock shaped dildo. Sitting with legs splayed wide, Mary pushed the toy into her wet gaping hole. It slid in effortlessly. With both hands, she rammed the toy into her gushing cunt as she feverishly rubbed her enflamed clit until she came again groaning.

Rolling over, ass up, face down, Mary wildly humped at the surrogate cock, it's base, firmly planted against the mattress. Grunting, groaning, and moaning, she came over and over again, driving herself hard, fast, and repeatedly, brutally impaled herself on the big long purple dildo.

Rolling onto her back, Mary removed the slimy toy from her inflamed gushing twat, then put it in her mouth and pushed it down her throat until the rubbery balls met her chin. Then she pulled the full length out, then back down again, fucking her own throat without a bit of effort or gagging. Pulling the goo covered dildo from her throat, she licked around the base and the balls. It was covered in frothy white goo from her cunt. Sadly it was just her own goo, but still, it was sinfully delicious.

After cleaning the toy of her pussy’s secretions, she rolled back over and started humping it again. She reached for the night-stand and removed a second toy, a long white slender vibrator.

Ass up, insanely impaling herself on the purple dildo, she pressed the buzzing vibrator hard against her agonized clit. Crying out in a loud guttural groan, she came again immediately, and the orgasms kept coming, repeatedly, each one more wrenching than the last.

Overwhelmed by the intense sensation radiating from her vibrating clit, she removed the buzzing wet toy, reaching behind her back, and pushed the slick toy deep in her ass. Again she came with a loud groan.

Cumming violently, the contractions pushed the purple dildo from her convulsing cunt, and it was followed by a gush of pee. I'm squirting! She thought. It didn't happen often, only when she came repeatedly, and really hard and deeply.

Abandoning the purple dildo which just wouldn’t stay in, Mary continued to fuck her gaping ass with the vibrator while feverishly rubbing and flicking her tormented clit. Howling and groaning, Mary came repeatedly, deeply, intensely, and each time, a gush of piss erupted from her.

The orgasm became so intensely extreme, almost like contractions, it felt as though her insides might push out through her cunt. Finally, exhausted and with her sheets soaked, Mary rolled over spent.

Sprawled atop her bed, she lay there panting, sweaty and exhausted.

Then she heard it. CREEEAK.

She froze... a pit in her stomach and panic in her brain.
She listened closely, deeply... nothing.

Moving frantically, she swung her feet off the bed then froze. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she listened, closely, deeply... nothing.

She thought to call out, 'Travis, is that you?' then thought better of it. Getting her feet, she moved to the doorway and peered down the hall.
She froze... listened, closely, deeply... nothing, only silence and darkness.

Stepping into the hallway, she felt something on her foot... something wet! Her mind raced, she panicked. Had Travis been standing out here, jacking-off, and watching, as she went nuts on herself? The thought sickened her with embarrassment. For fuck'n God sakes, she thought, she'd pissed all over herself!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! No, it can't be. I'm being paranoid. The creak could be anything. Old houses creak. Then what's on the floor? She asked herself. It could be from lot of things. Travis, when he first left, cum could have drip off his cock, yea that was it. Or maybe it's from me, I fuck'n came enough, and pissed all over myself, yea that's it, it's from me. But what if it isn't? What if he had been watching?

What difference did it make anyway? She fretted. It was okay for him to cum all over my tits, but now I'm freaking out because he might have watched my crazy masturbation.

There was a difference. She thought. If he watched me go freaky nuts on myself, then that means he knows, that I knowingly participated, cooperated, and knowing allowed him to come to my room and jack-off. That means I'm as big a pervert as he his... bigger even. No, this is defiantly not good, not good at all.

Mary's heart sank, and the oppressive weight of guilt and regret pressed down on her. Even if he hadn't been watching her wildly masturbating, she still shouldn't be allowing, and even worse, encouraging his deviant behavior. What the fuck was wrong with her? What kind of mother was she?

Things were definitely going to change around here, but first she needed to get control of herself, and her own behavior. What hell was going on with her? She wondered. She was masturbating all the time, even at work, and now this. What the fuck was going on with her? She needed to get control of herself, and things were definitely going to change.

Chapter 8

Home from work Mary was glad Travis was in his room. She didn't want to face him but knew she would have to eventually. Managing to escape that morning without crossing his path, she was apprehensive about the inevitable. Not knowing what to say or what really happened last night, she decided NOT to confront him.

Last night, she'd been filled with powerful conviction to take control of matters, especially herself, but that had faded. Mary wasn't really the take control type. She was more of the 'happy-go-lucky' easy going type. The ‘ignore it’ until it goes away type. Even thou, she decided no cocktails, and definitely no pills tonight, she needed to start looking and acting like the mature parent she was.

Going to her room, she got out of her work clothes. No more skimpy clothes around the house, she thought, she needed to start dressing like a mother, not a bitch in heat. She put on the loosest, most unattractive and unrevealing tee-shirt she owned, then an old pair of baggy, paint splattered sweat-pants.

She looked for her bath robe. She hadn't worn it in years, but she knew she had one, somewhere. She found it at the bottom of the clothes hamper. It was damp, moldy, and smelled bad. Throwing it back in the hamper, she vowed to buy a new one tomorrow. Knowing she couldn't avoid him forever, she went to the living room.

Mary found her son sitting on the sofa, rapidly surfing through the channels. Nothing out of the ordinary there, she thought. Joining him she sat on the love seat, which seemed to be their usual setting arrangement. They never sat together.

Something was amiss though, she thought. He wasn't wearing a tee-shirt, which was unusual; he almost always wore a tee-shirt around the house. Something else was amiss. The minute she entered the room, he stopped flipping channels and turned his full attention to her. He was staring at her, leering at her with a devious grin which made her uncomfortable. He also had an obvious hard-on, which wasn't all that unusual but he was sitting there rubbing it through his boxers as he eyed her.

Returning his gaze, she said: “Time and place, please.” trying to sound prudent and motherly. He just smiled, shrugged, and continued to defiantly rub his erection.

Mary was about to broach the subject of last night, but before she could, he stood and announced he was going to the kitchen asking if she wanted anything. He wasn't just being polite, she thought, the question was implying something, and she declined his offer. On his way by, he made a rude gesture with his hips, thrusting the bulge in his boxers towards her face.

A few moments later he reappeared... NAKED! Mary could imagine his dirty boxers lying on the kitchen floor somewhere. He stood there butt naked, wearing only a devilish grin. In his hand he held a tall glass of O.J., most likely a cocktail, and in his other hand he clutched something unseen.

Mary was stunned, and caught totally off guard. He approached her, handing her the drink. She took it, not because she wanted it, more out of reflex. Opening his other hand palm up, he handed her the contents. Again, she offered her hand, palm up, not because she want what he was offering, but out of habit. He dropped a small blue pill in to her hand... a Valium.

He stood right front of his seated mother, very close, leaning his legs against the sofa, their legs were intertwined and touching. Slowly, he stroked his stiff erection in her face. Mary sat there dumbfounded, a drink in one hand, and a little blue pill resting on the palm of her other. She tried desperately not to look at the big cock that was inches from her face, but found it impossible not to stare.

“Maybe I should just go to bed and give you some privacy.” Mary finally said uncomfortable.

Looming over her stroking his cock, he responded without missing a beat: “Fine! Go to bed and pretend to be asleep, if that makes you feel better.”

HE KNEW! Mary was stunned and stupefied. She didn't know what to do, or what to say. HE KNEW! He knew she'd only been pretending to be asleep when he’d visited her, and defiled her. That meant he’d probably watched as she wildly masturbated until she’d pissed herself.
HE KNEW, and she felt horribly embarrassed and exposed for who she really was. Her worst fears were true. She threw Valium in her mouth and washed it down with the cocktail.

She gagged and coughed! The cocktail was twice as strong as she would have normally made for herself. Had he made it that way intentionally, or was it just his inexperience at mixing drinks? Despite how strong it was, she needed it, so she drank it anyway.

With deep gulps, she finished the strong drink and dropped the glass as her son continued to stroke himself just inches from her face. Feeling horribly awkward and not knowing what to do with her arms, she crossed them over her chest in an unconscious attempt to shrink away and hide herself. She was horrible embarrassed and ashamed of herself, and fought to keep her eyes down, but found it impossible not to look at his cock.

Was he taunting her? She wondered. Was he trying to embarrass her more than she already was? Was he trying to humiliate and degrade her even further?

“I'm sorry.” She said submissively. “I... I'm ashamed of myself. I don't know what else to say.” Still, she fought not to look at his impressive manhood.

With her hands crossed over her chest, she unconsciously squeezed her breast with nervous hands.

“I like that!” he said, “I like it when you squeeze your tits.”

Surprised, and embarrassed by the humiliating knowledge that he'd most likely witnessed her wild masturbation, she said: “I'm sorry. It's just a nervous habit.” She put her hands in her lap.

“DON'T STOP!” he barked at her like an angry guard dog. It was a command, not a request. He was aggressive and threatening. He was frightening her.

Not wanting to provoke him any further, she placed a demure hand upon her breast, and gentle squeezed.

He stroked his cock faster. He was standing so close, Mary could smell his body, and hear the sound his hand made rubbing over the flesh of his cock.

“Let me see. Take your shirt off. I want to watch.” he said lustfully with hunger in his eyes.

“Travis please...” she stammered, “I know with what happen last night... but I don't think...”

Cutting her off mid-sentence: “TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING SHIRT!” again he barked at her threateningly.

She was frightened. Not wanting to aggravate him any further, she grasped the hem of her shirt. What difference did it make anyway, she thought regretfully. She'd willingly exposed herself to him last night. Pulling her shirt off over her head, she displayed herself to him, and continued gently squeezing and fondling her own breast.

Reacting to the sight of her tits, he stroked himself faster and with greater zeal.

Just as before, the sight of her son stroking his big cock just inches from her face did something to her. It stirred a forbidden desire in Mary.

There was something else... something about his commanding tone that stirred her. It was somehow liberating, freeing her from the burden of obligation and responsibility. She could be told what to do. She was compliant and submissive by nature. She wanted to be told what to do. She wanted to be told...NO, not told, but forced to do the things she didn’t have the nerve to do, the things she'd longed for. His commands aroused her.

The strong cocktail and the Valium where beginning to take effect. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, and despite her initial reluctance, Mary's body began to betray her, watching her son stroke his beautiful cock, so close that she could almost taste it, aroused her. She began tweaking and pulling her hard nipples and she longed to touch burning crotch.

“I like it... you know...when you... the milk.” he said eagerly, feverishly stroked his cock in her face.

Squeezing her breast, Mary drew her fingers towards her nipple and a drop of milk appeared. Squeezing harder about the nipple, a fine stream appeared, and squirted on her son's legs, speckling them with fine white droplets.

“Suck em!” he demanded excitedly, “I like it when you suck your tits!”

Mary’s head was spinning. She was stirred by the sight of her well hung son wildly stroking his long hard cock. It was so stiff, red, and bulging with veins. His lean muscular body was tense, and pumped from exertion. She grasped her tender swollen breast and brought the dripping nipple to her mouth and suck deeply.

As she sucked, milked leaked from the corners of her mouth, it ran down her chin to her neck, and down between her breast. Lifting her other teat to her mouth, she eagerly suckled it.

Travis stroked his cock wildly, excitedly engrossed in the sight of his mother suckling her own breast. He began grunting and groaning loudly. His cock was wet and slimy, smeared with the flowing pre-cum. Some flew off landing on Mary's face and breast causing her to quiver with desire.

Involuntary, she moved a hand between her legs and pressed it to her throbbing groin.

“Aagh! I love it when you touch yourself!” he groaned. “Aaah! Take off those ugly pants! I want to see you touch your pussy!”

Hesitating only for a second with a notion of protest, but knew it was pointless. She would do whatever she was told. She hooked her thumbs in the waist band of the ugly sweat-pants, lifted her ass off the sofa, and pulled them off.

“Aaaaah fuck! Touch your fuck'n pussy! I want to see you make yourself cum!” he urged, groaning as he excitedly stroked his cock.

Spreading her legs, she rolled her hips forward and rubbed her gapping, already very wet pussy while squeezing and sucking her milky tits. Travis was close, he would cum any second, she could see that, and crazy as it was, it excited her and she wasn't far behind.

Madly stroking his inflamed cock, Travis stiffly jerked and twitched about, every muscle in his body taut, and then he leaned over her and barked urgently: “OPEN YOUR MOUTH! OPEN YOUR FUCK'N MOUTH!”

Without hesitation, Mary tilted her head back and opened her mouth, and without being told, she stuck out her tongue.

Leaning over his mother's open mouth Travis came with a long loud growling groan. The first blast splattered across her face from cheek to forehead, the second went straight in her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, and the last big gob and he squeezed out onto her extended tongue.

The second her son cried out and emptied his huge load of slimy cum on her face, Mary shuttered with a powerful orgasm. With her head tilted back and her goo covered tongue sticking out; Mary made strange gurgling, and moaning sounds as she came. Rubbing fiercely at her gushing wet snatch, it made sloppy wet slapping sound as she convulsed and twitched. Pulling back her tongue, and after a few moments of savoring, she swallowed.

Staring wide eyed at his mother’s cum splattered face, Travis suddenly looked strange, as if in shock, or confused. He looked like he'd just waken from a wild dream and was so disorientated that he didn't know where he was or how he gotten there. He looked embarrassed, frightened almost, and then without a word, he walked off, went to his room, and shut the door.

Sitting there naked in the living room with cum dripping off her face, Mary was dazed and confused. Was he coming back? Was he okay? Was he just going to leave her like this, she wondered. Absentmindedly, she continued to lightly stroke her pouting pussy lips and pinch her hard nipples.

She sat there alone, and a more than a little bewildered, wondering if this was the new boundary of their relationship. Mutual masturbation, and for a moment, it seemed possible, even attractive.

Sitting there naked in the living room with cum drying on her face, she started fingering herself harder and faster until she was feverishly rubbing her clit and ramming her hand into her cunt. She couldn't stop! She needed to cum again!

Sitting alone in her living room, with her son just a few feet away, she looked to her son’s closed bedroom door as fingered herself to another intense, moaning, convulsing orgasm.

Afterwards, in a confused daze, she gathering up her discarded clothes and went to her room, but not before throwing away the ugly attire. They hadn't achieved the desired effect. Things hadn’t gone as she'd planed, not even close. Before hopping into bed, Mary pulled on her usual cute little sleep shorts and a skin tight tee-shirt.

Chapter 9

Saturday morning, no work, she should have been happy, but wasn't. Instead she had a pit in her stomach.

Even though Mary went to bed very horny, she hadn't masturbated any further. She had been too conflicted and confused about what had been happening, so she awoke feeling frustrated and needy. She wanted to take care of that need, but that would have to wait. She had something more important to do.

She had major regrets about what had happened last night... about the last few nights, and dreaded the thought of facing her son, but felt she needed to be tough and stand her ground. She wouldn't let him enticed, drug or booze her. She would have to be firm and not let him dominate her.

Mutual-masturbation, what the fuck is wrong with me? She wondered. How could she even consider such a crazy idea? Things had gotten way out of hand, and it was her fault, she’d let things get out of control, and she was the biggest part of the problem.

She met Travis in the crossroads of their house. It was a part of the living room that didn't have any furniture to impede traffic, an area just inside the front door between the kitchen, bathroom, and the hallway.

He seemed as happy-go-lucky as ever, like nothing had happened. Apparently he didn't share her concerns. He strutted by with an obvious erection bobbing in his boxers, and Mary wondered if he was always hard.

Stopping him as he tried to breeze though the living room she said seriously: “We need to talk.”

She never dealt with anything very seriously, or sounded so sober, so Travis was immediately on the defensive.

“About what?” he said, with a curt edge to his voice. His content smile turned to a look of annoyance.

“About the past few nights. I don't blame you. I blame myself.” There was a quiver in her voice that betrayed a lack of conviction. It was obvious she was uncomfortable talking about this, and apparently, by the way he was glaring at her, he wasn't too happy about it either

In sixty seconds, he went from perfectly happy, to annoyed, to angry, to furious. Mary drew away from her son’s blazing stare. She wanting to give-up and submit, but fought to continue: “We need to stop what we're doing. It's gone way too far. It's not good for either of...”

“NO! NO! NO!” he suddenly erupted. He seemed so angry that he could barely speak and 'NO' was all he could manage.

“Travis, please listen. I'm as confused by this as...”

“STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!” again he growled at her through clenched teeth.

“Travis please! I'm your mother and we can't be... “

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” He yelled.

Grabbing her shoulders, he shook the little woman as he yelled: “YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER! YOU'RE MY FUCKING BITCH!” he yelled. The words stunned Mary as it all came crashing back to her. That was what they kept calling her that night in the woods, 'His Bitch'.

Mary squirmed trying to escape his grasp, but he hooked his leg behind hers and easily tripped her backwards. Pushing her to the floor, he followed her down and lay atop her sprawled body.

“TRAVIS! STOP THIS! GET OFF OF ME! LET ME UP!” she screamed as she struggled to get free, but he was too strong. Pinning her down, he forced his legs between hers.

“Shut up!” he yelled, “I know you want it just as bad as I do! Why do keep pretending you don't?”

“Travis please, we can't!” He had her wrist pinned to the ground as he rubbed himself between her legs, and she could feel his big stiff hard-on pressing against her groin.

“Shut up!” he barked at her. “Feel that! I know you can!” he said as he rubbed his hard cock between her spread legs. “I know you fuck'n want it! I see way you stare at my cock all the time!”

“I know! I'm sorry! Please!” she pleaded, “I know this is all my fault, but we can't!”

“I know you want it.” No longer yelling, he laid atop her whispering in her ear as he dry humped her: “I know you want. After the last couple of nights, I KNOW you want it!”

“I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I just lost control of myself!”

He wasn't listening. Rhythmically, he rubbed his cock against her groin, and the thin fabric of his boxers and her shorts did little to separate the two. Mary could feel his stiff hard cock gnashing against her swollen clit. It was painful at first, but the pain soon gave way to a tingling, a throbbing pleasure that Mary couldn't resist, deny, or control, It betrayed her, exposed her hidden desires, and in Mary's mind's eye, she could see her son's beautiful cock rubbing against her big fat clit.

Uncontrollable, Mary started slowly rolling her hips up to meeting his thrust. She could feel moisture, and knew her needy wet cunt was gaping open, but wondered, was it just from her. Drifting off, she heard her own soft moans as if from another.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, he lifted off of her and sat back on his heels between her spread legs. Confused, she rose up onto her elbows, and silently, they looked at each other. His boxers had worked down, and the tip of his cock was visible. Her knees were up and spread wide and her inner thighs were flush from the humping. Her nipples stood out hard and erect against her tight tee-shirt. It was hard to hide her arousal. Both were breathing heavily from exertion and adrenalin.

Was he done? She wondered. Was he letting her up? Was the assault over? Had clearer heads prevailed? It certainly wasn't hers.

Then she had a feeling that disturbed her, and made her ashamed of herself. She felt disappointed and letdown. What the fuck is wrong with me? She wondered. Her son had almost raped her and she was disappointed he stopped!

Bewildered, and more than a little rattled, Mary rolled over to her hands and knees to get up.

Suddenly Travis grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back. Instinctively, she tried to pull away. Scurrying away on her hands and knees, she managed to slip his grasp, but as fate would have it, he’d hooked his fingers into the waist band of her shorts. Pulling them down and off as she kicked her legs, the resulting struggle left her bare- assed, and face down on her stomach.

She tried to rise up, but a heavy hand in the middle of her back pushed her back down to the floor, hard!

“Stay Down!” he growled at her.

She lay there face down, bare ass up, as he was knelt between her spread legs holding her to the floor.

Again she tried to get up, but was push down hard, knocking the wind out of her.

“STAY THE FUCK DOWN!” he yelled at her.

Laying there, trying to regain her breath, her heart pounding from exertion and adrenaline. She made no more efforts to get up. Then she felt his hands on her backside, squeezing and fondling her ass. She threw her hands back behind her and tried to push his groping hands away.

Pausing for a moment, he considered her small upturned palms futilely trying to shield her big round ass. It seemed funny in its pointlessness. Sadistically, he brought a hand down hard in a viscous slap on some unprotected ass flesh.

“AAAOOOWWW!” she cried, “STOP THAT! THAT HURT!” Instinctively, she moved an up turned hand to the spot of the attack. Amused, he brought down another blow with a loud slap on some unshielded ass. She cried out for him to stop, but he laughed deviously to himself. There's no way she could protect every inch of that big ass with her little hands. He rained down more blows upon her tender ass flesh, and each time she'd move her hand to the spot of attack, she’d uncovered another area for him to assault.

“Please stop! You're hurting me!” she pleaded.

“Move your hands.” he commanded almost playfully.

“No! Stop this right now!” she screamed.

He rained more blows with the same hilarious results. This was far more fun and arousing than he'd ever imagined, and he noted, her ass was really starting to get red!

“AAAAGH! Stop! Please!” she cried. The cumulative blows stung painfully.

“Move your fucking hand!” he commanded forcefully, and raised a hand to slap her ass again.

“Okay! Okay!” she pleaded as she slid her hands to her sides.

Pins-n-needles darted into her abused flesh as he lightly ran his fingers over her tender ass. His touch caused her to flinch and quiver with a sting pain, but she made no move to stop him. Touching her lightly at first, he could feel the heat radiating off her fevered ass.

It was painful at first, as he began to squeeze and massage her sore inflamed flesh, but the sting quickly faded and she was left with the intense tingling sensation of her sons exploring hands. With her hands resting quietly at her sides, she voiced no objections as he knelt between her knees, kneaded and fondled her round ass.

“I don't know what you're crying about, I know you like being spanked. Don’t you? You even spank yourself sometimes.” he said with a devious accusing tone as he toyed with her ass. It was more a statement than a question.

Mary's face flushed red as her ass with embarrassment. He knew way too much about her dirty, little perverted secrets she thought. She'd been way too careless with her extracurricular activities.

His massaging hands pulled apart her cheeks, and she knew that she was fully exposed to him. She knew he was looking at her ass hole, and from where he knelt he'd be able to see her gaping wet pussy. As felt her ass, his fingers slowly moved closer and closer to her tight little butt-hole, and she made no move to stop him as his thumbs circled and toyed with her twitching hole.

“And I know you like it in the...” He paused... and chose different words: “You like anal. Don't you?” He said as his fingers dancing around her tight little ass-hole, teasing, rubbing, but not pushing for entrance.

“Yes, sometimes.” she mumbled reluctantly. It was embarrassing, but she couldn't deny it. It was clear he'd been spying on her. A knot of embarrassment twisted in her gut at the thought of him witnessing her kinky secrets.

How long had it been going on? She wondered, years maybe. Images of a much younger and smaller Travis flash through her mind, images of him hiding in the dark shadows outside her bedroom, madly stroking his slightly smaller, yet just as hard cock. The vision aroused her.

He put a finger in his mouth, moistening it, then pushed the tip into his mother’s tight little ass hole. She flinched, but did not try to stop him. Gently he toys with her ass, working just the tip of his finger, in and out.

Removing his finger, he pulled apart her ass cheeks and spats a big wad of spit on her ass hole, then pushes his long finger in, knuckle deep.

Mary tensed, arched her back and moaned, but made no move to stop him as he slid his wet finger in and out of her ass.

As he fingered her ass, his other hands slowly traveled between her thighs, strumming the fleshy folds surrounding her pussy. He pushed his fingers inside her. She was wet! He slides his wet fingers down to find her clit. It's big, stiff and erect, much bigger than the few school girls he'd fooled around with.

Mary could feel her own wetness on her son’s fingers. He pushed his thumb deep in her pussy as he rubbed her clit and fingered her ass. She did nothing to stop him. Involuntarily, she rolled her hips and moving herself against his probing hands, pushing them deeper, as she felt the tremors of a rapidly approaching orgasm.

Alarms suddenly went off in Mary's head. NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I can't let this happen! We're going too far! Reaching back, she pushed his hands away.

“Travis... We shouldn’t be doing this.” she said weakly and with no conviction. It was the last of her dying resolve to resist him.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He punished his mother for her defiance.


Halting the assault on her ass, he kept his hand poised high and ready above his head. “What's it going to be?” He asked. “I don't care, because I'm enjoying this either way. It's up to you.”

“Alright! Alright! Please no more!” she pleaded.

“Alright what?” he asked. “I want to hear you say it.”

“Alright. You can... you know, do what you were doing.”

Again he brought his hand down hard on her ass, and again, and again he punished her.

“AAAAGH! ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! PLEAASE STOP!” she begged. She was in tears. “You can touch me! You can touch my pussy!”

“Oh I CAN? Can I.” he asked with his hand raised above his head. “I don’t think I like your fuck'n attitude. If you don't ask me nicely, BEG me, I'm going to beat your ass raw!”

“No! No! Please! Please don't! Please, no more... touch my pussy!” she pleaded, but his hand was still raised. “Please... I beg you... Please touch my pussy! I beg you to touch my pussy! Please, I beg you... finger me... finger fuck me and make me cum!” That last little bit of adlib surprised both of them.

Slowly he lowered his hand and slid it between her thighs.

“Like this?” he asked as he rubbed his finger freely over his mother’s wet pussy. “Is this better than a spanking?”

“Yes! Much better!” she answered quickly, fearing punishment....

Lying there quietly, she let her son have his way. Her resistance was gone.

She'd relinquished control and it felt somehow liberating. She felt free, free of the burdensome weight of responsibility, and free to be herself. She welcomed his control, and was eager to be led and guided towards the perverted, forbidden pleasures she'd so truly, deeply, longed for.

Softly moaning, she slowly rolled her hips, working her snatch against his probing fingers. His fingers, wet from her gushing cunt, slid easily in and out of her needy pussy and over her large throbbing clit. His hands were deft. He knew what to do. He'd watched her please herself many times, and he knew how to make her cum, and despite the brutal spanking, she was near!

As Travis fingered his mother’s wet pussy and rubbed her erect clit, he pushed his long middle finger back into her tight ass. With a shutter and a loud groan, Mary came!

Suddenly he got up leaving his her lying on the floor. She laid on her stomach half naked, arms at her side. She was still sighing and groaning, moving and her rolling hips, grinding herself against the floor.

Was it over? She wondered. Was he done with her? Just as well, she thought. They had gone way too far. Then the nagging disappointment crept back in, and shamefully, she didn't want it to be over.

Suddenly Mary felt her head being lifted off the floor. Travis had bent down, and was pulling her up by a hand full of her hair.

“Get up!” he barked at her. “Get on your fuck’n Knees!”

Doing as she was told, Mary pushed herself off the floor. Half naked she knelt submissively before her agitated and dominating son. Standing over her in an aggressive stance, he had a ragging hard straining against the thin fabric of his boxers. His fists were clenched. He looked agitated, excited, and his eyes flashed of anger and vengeance.

“Take your shirt off!” he growled at her.

Obediently, Mary grabbed the hem of shirt and pulled it off over her head as she knelt naked before her forceful and commanding son.

“Touch yourself!” he ordered. “I like it when you touch yourself!”

She knew this. She knew it excited and aroused him.

Mary grasped and squeezed her swollen breast, quit hard. Milk streamed form the distended nipple, speckling her thighs with droplets of milk. Pulling at her fat dark nipple, she twisted and pinched painfully hard. Groaning, she cried out as she abused her tits, viciously squeezing pulling, tormenting her own flesh.

Her hands were soaked with milk. Why was doing this? It was demented, obsessive, and impulsive, and she couldn’t stop.

Excited and aroused, Travis loomed over his kneeling mother watching as she tormented her own breast.

“Touch your pussy!” he commanded sadistically.

Sitting back on her heals; Mary spread her knees as wide as possible. She ran her milk soaked hand over her splattered thighs. She was already a wet mess.

Intensely excited, Travis stripped himself of his boxers, and stood naked, and fully erect in front of his kneeling mother, watching as she willing touched herself.

As every time before, the sight of her son's impressive organ caused her to swoon. Making no attempt to advert her eyes, Mary stared, intently focused on her son’s jerking, twitching manhood.

Sliding her hands between her thighs, Mary grabbed her long full meaty lips and pulled, stretching them until she cried out in pain. Releasing them, they sprung back resiliently. She pushed slippery wet fingers into her gaping hole, and then raked them up to her throbbing clit. Trapping the hooded bundle of nerves between her thumb and fore-finger, she pinched and stroked it like it was a tiny cock. Moaning uncontrollably, Mary stroked her fat clit. Then she cruelly pressed the swollen knot hard against her pubic bone. She cried out from the painfully intense, yet arousing sensation.

Suddenly Travis stepped towards his kneeling mother. Grabbing her by the hair, he pulled her towards him and forcibly rubbed his stiff hard cock on her face.

Without resistances, Mary willing let her son rub his beautiful cock on her face. It felt so wonderfully hard and stiff. She nuzzled her son’s cock rubbing her soft cheeks, nose, chin, and pouting lips over her son's big cock.

She could smell him, his body odor, and feel his pre-cum streaking on her forehead and smearing in her hair, and she could smell his cum, it had a smell but was hard to describe, irony, but very subtle, but she could smell it, and it excited her. Parting her lips, she pushed out her tongue and tasted her son's cock.

Moaning and squirming about, Mary continued to obediently, and wantonly, touch herself while her son rubbed his cock on her face. She squeezed her breast, pulling at her stiff erect nipples, fingered her wet cunt and tormented her fat clit.

Groaning, he demanded: “Open your mouth!”

More alarms went off in Mary’s head. The boundaries between them were all falling like dominoes. His lustful commands excited her, and she longed to be taken control of, used and violated, to act out her own perverted desires, through his.

Is this what she’d wanted all along? Had she subconsciously lead them to this point? Did she need this so desperately, that she needed it forced on her?

Willing, she reached up to take hold of his big beautiful cock to guide it into her mouth.

“NO!” he snapped excitedly. “Don't use your hands. Don't stop touching yourself.”

Obediently she lowered her hands, and pushed her fingers back into her gaping wet cunt. Groaning loudly, she thrashed about. Just inches away from an orgasm, she had to pause for a second.

Squirming as she feverishly fingered her throbbing wet cunt and viciously squeezed her squirting milky tits. She stretched up on her knees and lowered her open mouth down onto her son's stiff erection. He groaned as his cock disappeared into her mouth.

Grabbing her by the head, Travis pushed his cock into his mother’s mouth. With each he stroke he pushed his cock deeper and deeper until it pushed pass an unseen barrier and slid down into her throat. With each thrust, he pushed his cock deeper and deeper down her throat until his balls pressed against her chin.

As her son shoved his long hard cock down her throat, Mary continued to torment her body, painfully squeezing her squirting tits, wickedly twisting and pulling her tortured nipples, while fanatically ramming as many fingers as she could stretch into her abused inflamed pussy.

Groaning, with two fistfuls of her hair, Travis started wildly ramming his cock down his mother’s throat. Cruelly he fucked her face, brutally ramming his long stiff cock down her throat, his balls slapping against her chin. Groaning and tensing, he couldn't take any more, his balls tightened and screamed for release.

With Mary's nose painfully gnashed against his pubis bone, his cock shoved down her throat, he forcible held her head, and Mary could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing against her tongue as it pumped its load down her gullet.

Strange guttural moans and screams came from Mary's cock filled throat. She was choking, and couldn't breathe. The panic of suffocation was beginning, but she made no attempts to push him away, her hands were busy wildly tormenting herself. With her son cumming down her throat, Mary was in the mitts of her own incredibility intense orgasm.

Finally he released her. As he pulled his cock from her abused throat a huge wad of cum and goo deposited in her mouth and splattered on her face. Groaning loudly, she gasped for air. Unable to swallow, her mouth hung open and her eyes bulged. The goo dripped out of her mouth and down her chin as she continued to wildly finger herself. Kneeling before her son, she thrashed and gurgled obscenely as cum dripped from her chin.

Tensing, twitching and thrashing, she was still cumming. Dazed, she finally managed to take a deep breath and swallow the wad of goo dumped in her mouth.

Kneeling in front of her son, she continued to lightly finger herself, maintaining that long chain of orgasms she had tightly wound inside.

Looking up, she saw that Travis had that same strange look he had last night. He stood there, his cock still hard, a long string of cum dripping from the tip. He had that same stunned, shocked look on his face. He looked like he'd just awoken from a sleep walking dream and didn't know where he was or how he'd gotten there.

Mary wondered if he was going to run off to his room just like he had last night, and she felt that same nagging let down and disappointment, then felt ashamed for feeling that way.

Sudden, he violently grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her face to the floor. With her legs folded underneath, her ass was up in the air, he quickly moved to kneel behind her. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her back against him. She could feel his stiff rod rubbing against her back side and she knew he was going to do. He was going to fuck her.

He was going to fuck her! Her own son was going to fuck her!

Again the alarm went off, but it was so far away, she could barely hear it, and then it went silent.

Is this what she wanted all along? To be raped! To be forcibly held down and brutally fucked against her will! Against her will, that was a joke. This was all her doing.

Both Mary and Travis moaned in unison as he pushed his cock into her gaping wet and wanton cunt.

Slowly at first, then faster and faster, and with each stroke he went deeper, and harder and faster, and Mary moaned and groaned with each thrust.

With renewed staying power, he slammed his cock into his mother. Incessantly he pounded her hard, fast and rough, and with total disregard for her.

He fucked her hard and viciously, punishing her with his long pike of a cock, angrily stabbing her, retribution for months of teasing and disappointment.

Cumming repeatedly, each time more intense than the last, Mary moaned, groaning, and howled as if in some kind of agonized ecstasy.

As the brutal fucking seemed to go on without end, she became more and more animated and expressive, although increasingly delirious and incoherent. Her hands in a fury of motion, squeezed her tits and rubbed her clit, groping herself as her son brutally pounded her.

Reaching back, she started frantically feeling, squeezing and fingering her own ass-hole.

“Oh fuck cumming!” she called out repeatedly. “Oh God, OOOOH, FUUUK!”

Pounding her harder and faster, Travis grunted savagely with each thrush, his thighs slapping rapidly and rhythmically against hers.

Suddenly, and unexpectedly, she pulled away from him. At first he thought she was trying to crawl away, but then she turned around and started ravenously sucking and licking his cock. With her legs folded underneath her, she sat crumbled before her son, stroking his long cock with both hands, desperate for him to cum again in her mouth.

As she sucked and licked her son's cock, she could stop finger fucking herself. Holding his cock against her wet messy face, she howled as she came again.

Grabbing her by the back of the neck, Travis pushed his mom’s face back down to the floor. Returning to his position behind her, he drove his cock into her viciously and without mercy.

As he fucked her, he cruelly groped, squeezed and slapped her big round ass. Cruelly he toyed with her tight ass hole, rubbing, fingering, and pulling it open, stretching it.

Reaching back, she added her own fingers to the mix, fingering and pulling herself open. With two fingers, one from each hand, she stretched her ass-hole open ridiculously wide. It was an obscenely erotic sight!

Looking back at him she mumbled: “I want it... if you want to... I want it please... I like it... please... I want you to... please... fuck me in the... please...”

With one hand, she pulled her ass cheeks apart, with the other; she grabbed his cock from her gooey wet pussy and guided him to her tight ass hole as she shamelessly pushed herself back against it.

They both groaned as one as the head of his big cock slip into her tight asshole. Holding her tightly by the waist, he drove his cock to its furthest depths. She easily took every inch.

Savagely, he fucked his mother’s ass. Grunting and growling, he rammed his cock into her ass hard and fast. His thighs slapping rhythmically against hers, he fucked her ass cruelly, and brutally.

Howling and moaning in a clash of pain and pleasure, Mary reached under between her legs, and with some effort, forced four fingers into her sloppy cunt. With one hand, she fingered her cunt, with the other; she groped and squeezed her ass. Feeling around her tortured asshole, she felt around her son's cock as it plunged into and stretched her ass hole.

Travis could feel her fingers! He could feel the fingers she’d shoved in her twat. He could feel her knuckles rubbing against his cock through the thin spongy membrane that separated the two canals.

Moaning, groaning, and spewing incoherent obscenity, Mary was in a constant and escalating state of ecstasy. Wildly ramming her cunt with fingers, she flicked her fat erect clit with her thumb like a boxer pummeling a speed-bag, as her son pounded her ass.

Finally, after brutally fucking her for what seemed like an eternity, he finally came. He could hold back any longer. Shoving his cock into the depths of her bowls, he shot his load with a horrific growl.

Mary tensed, arched her back and howled as her son came deep inside her. Thrashing about, she convulsed, and cried out. Her son's ferocious fucking and boisterous climax brought on an extremely intense and final draining orgasm. Twitching and quivering, her asshole spasmed, squeezing and milking her son’s throbbing, pulsating cock.

Then all of a sudden, she seemed to go limp in his hands. She fell motionless, as though a switch had been flipped and she was turned off. The lights went out, she went out.

Travis rolled the two of them on to their sides, and they lay there spooning. After a while, his cock softened and slipped from her ass on its own. Getting up, he left his limp, lifeless mother and went to the kitchen for a much needed glass of water. His mother did not move.

Returning, he offered her a glass, but she did not respond. He could see a gob of cum leaking from her ass and running down her thigh.

Was she asleep, or unconscious? He didn't know which.
It reminded him of the time in the woods... when they’d finished with her... when she had finished with them.

A feeling of dread began welling up inside him. What the fuck had just happened here? He looked down at his unresponsive mother. She was lying in a limp fetal position. She was a mess! She was covered in cum! His Cum! It was all over her face, in her hair, and leaking out her ass! Her back side was covered with red welts and bruises!


Pacing back and forth, he was starting to panic. This was all HER fault! He thought. If she wasn't such a fuck'n cock tease this would never have happened.

He hadn't planned for this to happen... it just HAPPENED!

What was he going to do? He needed to something, but what?

Maybe he should run away? But where would he go? And how would he live? He'd never even had a job!

He thought about tying her up! But what the hell good would that do? Some more extreme measures even cross his mind!

He had to go too his room and think about what to do. Just looking at her was making him crazy!

After brutally fucking her, he left his battered, bruised, and leaking mother lying unconscious on the floor.

The End?


2021-03-24 21:33:08


2021-03-17 16:12:33
Sorry, just realized how screwed-up this post is, but I can’t edit it once it’s published.


2020-11-02 12:01:00
were did first part go


2020-10-16 20:39:16
Actually there is not anything intrinsically wrong with it, if the couple just goes with it. They just need to figure it out. Go to an open minded couple councilor perhaps? Mom is a submissive after all, just needs to be told what to do.


2020-10-16 20:28:50
Figure out how you want to go, delete the excess and then write a happy ending.

Any number of writers have figured out how to make mother, son incest wkrk

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