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Tracey gets her dream job, but will fantasy turn into reailtiy!
Tracey settled down behind her desk ready for another week working at the Eastfield Road Slave Processing Centre.

It was Monday morning and she was tired, her boyfriend had kept her up all night with his never ending demands for sex and the more she protested the harder he insisted and the rougher he treated her! In some ways she was relieved to get to work, at least she was away from him for a few hours although she knew he'd be waiting for her once she got home!

On the other hand her current job was not an ideal career choice although it was certainly better than no job at all!Paid jobs for females now days were fairly rare and getting rarer. Buying a slave girl to work for you was certainly cheaper than employing a girl and of course a slave girl had no human rights and certainly no employees rights, and even more importantly once she'd bought your slave you did not have to pay her any wages, you just had to find somewhere for her to sleep and a supply of the new slave food and that was your expenses all sorted.

More or less the only people who employed girls and paid them a wage was the Government now days which was how Tracey got this job. She had been lucky as all girls over the age of eighteen and under twenty five were automatically converted to slave status if they did not have an employer or owner. In fact the owner and employer were often the same. Tracey had gone down to the job centre the day after her eighteenth birthday and been sent for a mass interview for the job of receptionist at the slave processing centre.

It had been a mass interview to! There were at least one hundred girls crammed into a hall when she had got there and after a while a few men had appeared and stood on a little stage and got the girls attention and the first thing one of the men said was to tell the girls to strip!

“I want you all naked in two minutes from now, now excuses, no hesitation, get naked or get out.” he had barked.

Well although most of the girls were surprised and shot each other confused looks we all knew what the alternative was, if we walked out of the interview at this early stage you could almost guarantee slavery conversion as the next step. So he got his wish and inside two minutes every girl in the room was completely naked.

The three men then strolled up and down the lines of girls inspecting the naked flesh and marking their left breast with a red tick of a marker pen or a black cross. Tracey had received a red tick as did another twenty or so girls. The girls with the black crosses were dismissed and Tracey noticed they were led through a door still naked, leaving their clothes behind on the floor and she wondered where they were being taken still naked.

Once the twenty or so girls with the red ticks were left the man who had barked orders at them previously again snapped,

“Okay you lot are the best of the bunch, we are going to inspect you again but more thoroughly this time and you will get a tick or cross on your right breast this time depending on how you do.”

Tracey stood there, still embarrassed at being naked and wondering what what going to happen next. She didn't have long to wait as she saw one of the men approach a girl to her right and told her to kneel and once she had he undid his trousers and received a nervous blow job from her in full view of everyone else!

Soon every girl was involved in some sort of sexual activity. Tracey had seen a side door open and at least another half dozen men enter and join in the fun and it wasn’t long before Tracey found herself bent over being vigorously fucked from behind by a man she never did see the face of. The sexual abuse only went on for ten minutes but it felt like a lifetime to Tracey especially as the man fucking her had cum inside her and she wasn't on birth control!

Finally though the extra men left and the man with the red marker pen started walking through the girls marking their right breast appropriately and Tracey was relieved to see herself get another tick. Only six girls got a tick on both breasts and while the others were led away, still naked, Tracey and her group were told to stay there while the men talked among themselves.

The wait had been agonising but eventually three girls were told to leave and Tracey and the remaining two girls were told to sit on the floor while the main man explained what the job entailed.
Tracey listened as he told them they would be responsible for accepting new slave girls from the public at the slave centre reception. If anyone bought a girl in or a girl bought herself in to become a slave Tracey' job would be to register her on the computer, bar code her if necessary and pay the person who bought the girl in.

“Once the girl is registered and you have paid the person who bought her in the girl will be bought to the holding pen to await auction, sometimes you will do that but it depends how busy you are, we can't have you leaving reception if there is a long queue of pussy waiting to be processed can we.” he laughed and the three naked girls nervously laughed with him.

He then went on to explain that each girl would be expected to work a twelve hour shift and would be paid a total of £25.00 for each shift, a margin over £2.00 an hour! She knew she would be worked hard and for a pittance in wages but it was better than being a slave girl herself, wasn't it?

Three days later she had found herself sitting in a small office inside the processing centre being taught how to use the computer system by a young guy called John. It was basically very simple, you obtained the girls national insurance number and up popped all her details along with a recent picture which all girls of slave age had to get nowadays.

Most post offices had photo booths where you could get a full length photo taken of yourself, naked of course! Tracey had hers done a few months earlier which had been pretty embarrassing as the curtain had been taken off the booth and so she had to stand there naked in full view of anyone wanting to look in for a few minutes while the machine took her photo. Then she had to take the naked photo to the counter and the girl scanned it and added it to her records just like every other girl, slave or non slave.

“I'll tell you what lets use you as an example, I can show you the procedure then.” John had said and when she had nervously given him her NI number she had blushed red when the naked photo of her appeared on the screen.

“Very nice.” John had laughed looking at the pic and then back at the blushing Tracey, “we'd get a nice price on you at auction, now we have all your details up and the photo matches with you all we have to do is put a tick in this little box here declaring that you are a slave and your almost there.”

Tracey looked on in horror as he ticked the box and sensing her agitation John laughed,

“Don't worry, I can just untick it again see,” and Tracey breathed a sigh of relief as he did so,” it wouldn't accept it until you'd been bar coded and scanned which I will show you later, if you had been bar coded though once that box is ticked there's no deleting it, you are a slave for life then.”

Just then the phone had rang and he had spent the next five minutes chatting to whoever it was and for that entire five minutes Tracey had found herself staring at the screen and that little box, now empty, but if ticked would condemn her to a life of slavery! It was almost hypnotic.

True to his word John had then taken her to a small room where a naked girl was standing looking extremely apprehensive. Tracey had been more surprised than the slave girl, she wasn't totally naive and she knew this job would entail her seeing naked slaves but having one standing in front of her in such a small room was extremely intimidating to her, not to mention embarrassing. The girl looked more scared than intimated or even embarrassed even though she was naked in front of two strangers.

“Right this is a new slave that had just been acquired, she's been entered into the computer the same way you were just now but we are now going to bar code her so that her status as a slave is irreversible.” John had matter of factly explained.

Tracey wondered how the girl had been “acquired” she certainly did not look like she had come of her own free will! She was a very pretty girl with large heavy breasts and the fact that she was shaking slightly made her even more attractive.

John had opened a small cupboard and was now holding what looked like a small laser gun, which is precisely what it was of course.

“Okay we only bar code them in one place, some of the owners don't like a girl covered in marks and codes, if they want to mark of brand them later that's up to them but as far as we are concerned here the fewer marks on the girls body the better.”

He took a step towards the even more terrified girl and he;d up the laser gun so that Tracey could see it,

“All we need to do is punch in her NI number into this little keypad and it automatically allocates a bar code for her based on her NI number.”

He suddenly produced a small piece of paper from his pocket and started punching in a number, he had obviously come prepared!

“Right once that's done we hold the gun against her right hip and hey presto!” Tracey saw the girl jump as a brief red flash hit her skin and as John took the gun away Tracey saw that a neat bar code was now on her hip.

“Simple as that.” John laughed and without a backwards look at the naked girl he told Tracey to follow him back to the original room.

“Okay now I just shoot the gun again but this time at the screen and it will pick up the bar code and that little baby is now a fully registered slave for the rest of her life.” he laughed as he showed Tracey the quick procedure.

“Do you think you can handle all that then Tracey?”

She nodded her head and smiled at him wondering what she'd got herself into!

Two weeks later and now she found herself sitting behind the reception desk settling in for another boring week at work. It would of seemed crazy to her 3 weeks ago that she would now treat buying and registering slave girls as routine but she now did. The processing centre held three auctions a week and had to make sure they had a decent number of girls to sell and to that end they had a target of 100 girls a week to process. Tracey knew that she regularly processed ten girls during her twelve hour shift and although she guessed the night shift was probably quieter she knew they were easily beating their target and the bosses seemed happy.

Tracey's record for girls processed in a single shift was eighteen although she was helped that day by a guy coming in with four girls to be registered. Apparently they were all his employees and he had suddenly taken the attitude that he was being silly actually employing girls and paying them wages so he decided to sell them and buy himself some slaves instead. Tracey had duly got the girls stripped down and bar coded and registered and taken them down to the holding pens and as she led them down their ex boss had shouted that he would see them in a few days when he would buy them. No more wages for him, just ownership of the girls to do with as he wished!

All sorts of guys were bringing in girls to be registered as slaves, dads' granddads, brothers, boyfriends, bosses, you name it they bought girls in. A lot of the girls looked scared, a lot were embarrassed when stripped naked in the main reception area, sometimes with other people around, some were excited but most seemed scared.

Tracey did feel sorry for a lot of them, she could see in their eyes they did not want to be there but they were there and Tracey had to code and register them as if they were meat and pay the man his £25.00 and a credit slip for 50% of her auction price. She had never actually seen an auction but she knew they happened three times a week and although customers entered through another door for the auction Tracey knew a lot of people attended.

She could only imagine what it must be like to be bought to such a place, stripped down and registered as a life long slave and then sold to the highest bidder. Tracey's empathy for the girls she processed was diminishing day by day, the job was becoming routine, but he curiosity and she had to admit sexual excitement was growing at the thought of how she would feel herself to be put in the position of being taken there and registered.

She mostly worked on her own at reception and processing, there were men milling around the building doing various jobs but in general Tracey was out by herself in the customer reception area. The only time that wasn't the case was when the night shift receptionist came on duty, she was a girl called Emil and Tracey did not like her at all!

She had started at the centre three weeks before Tracey but liked to pull Tracey up on very little thing as if she was years her senior. If Tracey took a minute longer than necessary to process a girl or put the bar code an inch lower on a girls hip than she should of done Emily let her know about it! Luckily the two girls usually were only together for around half an hour in reception waiting for the shift change but that thirty minutes was too long as far as Tracey was concerned!

One evening with five minutes before Tracey was due to leave and nobody but Emily in the reception area Emily had asked her for her NI number. Tracey was a bit suspicious but decided to play along and gave her the number anyway and watched as Emily entered the number into the computer and blushed as the naked picture appeared.

“Humm very nice Tracey, just as I thought you'd sell for a pretty penny if we got you into the auction pen.” Emily giggled looking at the red Tracey.

Tracey didn't know how to reply to that and so just stood there blushing furiously as Emily continued to look at the naked picture before giggling again,

“Ever thought about it Tracey? Would be easy enough to do, just lift your skirt up and I could bar code you right now.” she laughed picking up a laser gun that Tracey had used ten minutes earlier.

“No thank you.” Tracey had said, it had meant to be a strong and assertive reply but came out anything but!

“Well why don't I lift your skirt then and code you, you won't have to do anything but stand there like a good little slave for me.” Emily smiled seductively as she approached the trembling Tracey.

It was as if Emily had picked up on Tracey's submissiveness and excitement at the idea of being a slave herself and as she stood there watching Emily approach with the laser gun in her right hand she knew she should stop her, maybe even run but she stood still like a rabbit caught in the headlights as Emily slowly but firmly took hold of the hem of Tracey's skirt and started lifting it high until her white panties were exposed along with her naked hip.

“There's a good girl Tracey, now stand still, this won't take a second.” Emily half whispered into her ear and Tracey felt the gun sliding up her leg getting nearer and nearer to her hip. How easy it would of been to let Emily do what she wanted, how very easy but with a great deal of sudden steel Tracey pushed Emily's hand away and took a step back.

She saw the flash of anger in Emily's eyes but stood her ground as she told Emily she was leaving, her heart racing on every step she took to get home and this time instead of her boyfriend jumping on her she jumped on him!

She knew she had been very close to letting Emily code her and she knew that Emily would of followed through with her threat, once she had been coded Tracey would have been fully registered and down to the auction pen in no time!

That idea horrified but also excited her she had to admit. She had taken lots of girls down to the pen during her few weeks at the centre, if there was a queue of people waiting to register a girl then she just called a porter from the back room and he would take the girl down, but given the chance Tracey was happy to lead them down to the pen.

The girls were always collared and leased when they were being moved around the building and Tracey had to admit she did get a thrill from leading a naked girl down the stairs and into the pen. The slave collars were electrified so you could shock them if you had to, or if you just wanted to for fun, Tracey had never shocked a girl yet but she's had it done to her!

During a quiet spell a week ago she had gone to the tea room for a drink and found herself surrounded by three of the male employees who started off by mildly flirting and joking with her. Tracey had been happy to laugh with them until one had produced a slave collar and dared her to put it on. She had hesitated, slave collars were not supposed to be messed around with, indeed some of the collars were permanent ones and Tracey knew that wearing a slave collar marked her as being a slave, people would always assume that as a girl was wearing a slave collar she was a slave, they would check her registration later!

The laughing men were goading her to put it on though and she didn't want to appear to stuck up to spoil their fun so she had tentatively put the collar around her neck and allowed one the of the men to fasten it.
Of course once the men had Tracey collared one of them suddenly produced a remote control and started zapping Tracey, much to their amusement. Tracey knew that the remote had seven settings on it and she had heard that once you got above the third setting the girl was in for a whole load of pain and suffering!

The shocks Tracey was receiving at first were minor but they were still shocks, enough to make her yelp and jump much to the guys joy. She really wished she hadn't let herself be talked into putting the collar on but it was too late now and she heard the men encouraging the guy with the remote to push it up a notch. He didn't need much encouraging of course and soon Tracey was screaming from the pain each time she was shocked as the men increased the setting to two and then three.

“Dare you to give it all to her Jim, number seven.” One of the guys had laughed followed by a cheer from two other watching men.

“That kills them though doesn’t it?” Tracey heard Jim reply.

“A lot of them but so what, it's only pussy.” The man laughed.

Tracey looked at Jim now gingerly holding the remote in his right hand looking unsure.

“But she's a free girl isn't she?” he said nervously looking at Tracey who was in turn looking back at him with pleading eyes.

“So? She's got a slave collar on hasn't she?, Go on zap her, or if your too chicken give me the remote, I'll fry her no problem.” the man laughed looking to his buddies for support who readily gave it by starting to chant,

“Fry the bitch, fry the bitch!”

Tracey was panicked now, she now knew that setting three was enough to make her scream in pain, she knew that the guy was right, number seven probably would kill her! She looked at Jim trying to catch his eye, to let him know how much fear was in hers but that hateful chant was still going on and to her horror she saw Jim smile and move his fingers to the remote,

“Okay, Okay I'll do it, let's fry her.” he laughed with a nervous cackle and Tracey saw the other men laugh and cheer him on as he reset the remote to number seven.

She was sure this was it, there was no point in running, the remote had a hundred metre range and she would be zapped before she could run through the door, all she could do was stand there looking imploringly at Jim as he bought the remote up towards her.

Closing her eyes all she could hope for was a miracle and one duly appeared in the shape of Mr Jackson, the general manager. On seeing Mr Jackson striding through the door Jim immediately dropped the remote into his pocket and out of sight, sheepishly backing away at the same time.

“Girl, why aren’t you on reception?” Mr Jackson has barked at her completely ignoring the four or five men milling around trying to look casual.

“I was just getting a drink Sir.” Tracey had started to blurt out as Mr Jackson stepped up to her and started unfastening her collar.

“And why have you got this on, your not a slave, at least yet, you soon will be if you don't get back to that desk.” he shouted in her face although she didn't mind the shouting and telling off, it was better than the alternative!

After that she tried to keep her distance from her male work colleagues, she did not want to get caught up in a similar incident like that and even though she knew she was getting a reputation for being an ice queen she didn't care.

She did however remain fascinated by the whole slave girl experience, how could she not be when she was processing a dozen slaves every day herself. Occasionally a girl she knew would be bought in. She had of course processed them as normal, there was no way she could do anything else, but processing a girl she knew for a life as a slave was slightly challenging, especially when they were not their through choice.

One morning she had looked up as the door opened and her best friend from school had been pushed through the door by a young scruffy man, well boy really. Straight away Tracey could see that Katie did not want to be there but the lad had pushed her forward up to Tracey's desk and said,

“I want to sell this cunt.”

“Of course Sir, I can get her registered for you and arrange her sale.” Tracey had replied professionally all the time looking at the fear in Katie’s eyes and feeling dreadfully sorry for her.

“How much do I get for her?” the lad asked with attitude.

“Well I will give you £25 for her now and then you will get 50% of her sale price when she's sold.”

“Okay get it done then.” he had snapped back at her and Tracey wondered how Katie had got involved with this guy!

Tracey asked Katie her NI number and she gave it to her, it was the first time Katie had spoken and Tracey was unsure if she should acknowledge that she was her friend but it appeared both girls were keeping that a secret and Tracey thought that was probably a good idea!

Within minutes Katie was stripped naked and bar coded as the grinning lad looked on making the occasion crude comment about Katie's body.

Eventually Tracey had given him his £25.00 and he had left with a smile on his face and Tracey had fastened a slave collar around Katie’s neck and started leading her down to the auction pen.

“I'm so sorry Katie but this is my job.” she had said as she led the naked girl down the stairs.

“I know.” Katie had replied sadly, “I guess you can't help me now he's gone to get out of this?”

“No, your all coded and registered now I'm afraid, there's nothing I can do, the next auction is tomorrow and you will be sold to someone then.”

Tracey had led her friend to the holding pen and placed her inside and true to her word Katie was sold the next day and the guy who had bought her in was sent a cheque for 50% of the sale price, a paltry £40.00.

Overall though Tracey was happy working there, any paying job for a girl nowadays was a rarity and all the time she could carry on she was happy. Occasionally she fantasied about becoming a slave herself and once it had almost got her into serious trouble. Occasionally the centre had a cleansing day where everything was literally cleaned. That meant everything, the computer system was shut down and serviced to make sure it was bug free etc., the holding pens were cleaned and hosed down, it did get a bit smelly in there sometimes, after all hundreds of naked girls were kept in a relatively small area with not the best of sanitary facilities! The kitchen was shut down and deep cleaned, basically everything was given a once over. This only happened every two months and the bosses made sure it was done within twenty four hours and it didn't take long to restock the holding pen but for those twenty four hours the centre was practically empty apart from those doing the cleaning.

The last time it had happened Tracey had found herself scrubbing the floor of the holding pen, a job she wasn't keen on, it was a cold tiled floor and was pretty dirty with all kinds of stains which she didn't want to think about! The pen was about twenty foot by twenty foot and was nearly all glass, there was usually around twenty to thirty girls inside but today there was just Tracey. The cleaning duties were almost finished and the centre was due to reopen within an hour or two and Tracey was looking forward to going home when she'd finished the floor. Although the floor was cold she'd built up a sweat scrubbing it and when Bill had come down and said he was going out to get some lunch and would she like a drink she happily said yes. Bill told her he would be a little while and that he was the only one in the building apart from her so he was going to lock the front door when he left.

For some reason the idea that she was the only one in the entire building suddenly seemed very exciting to her. In reality there wasn't much she could do, she was certainly too scared to go snooping around the bosses office for example but even so it still seemed exciting. As she scrubbed things started to click into place, she was alone in a slaves holding pen, hadn't she been fantasising about what it would be like to be a slave, wouldn't it be exciting to take her clothes off, just for a few minutes and sit in the pen naked, as if she was a real slave?

Bill had said he would be a while, she'd have plenty of time to strip and sit in the pen for a while and then get out and dressed again. She wouldn't be able to hear Bill opening the doors upstairs when he came back but there was a big clock on the wall opposite, if she took just ten minutes she was sure it would be fine.

Feeling incredibly excited she started to undress and within a minute she was completely naked! She knew she couldn't just leave her clothes in a pile on the floor, it would spoil the fantasy, the room outside the pen was very sparsely furnished, nowhere to hide her clothes easily until she spotted the handle of the disposal chute on the wall. She knew the chute led down to the main furnace and although girls were usually bought down to the pen naked it wasn't always the case and if they had to be stripped down here their clothes were thrown down the chute to be incinerated.

She certainly didn't want her clothes to be incinerated but she also knew that along with everything else the furnace had been turned off and cleaned out. She had been down to the furnace room once and she had seen the disposal chute leading to it, with the furnace turned off though she reckoned she could get down there and retrieve her clothes easily enough, it was only one floor down and would only take a few minutes, and besides, wouldn't it be exciting walking down the stairs naked!

Knowing she was being extremely reckless but unable to stop herself she picked up the bundle of clothes and pulled the chute open and dropped them in. Once they had slid out of view Tracey was so turned on she could hardly think straight! She was completely naked in a slave processing centre and her clothes were completely out of reach one floor below her. As she'd opened the chute she had felt warm air rush up to meet her but she hoped it was just residual heat and that they hadn't turned the furnace back on already, either way she had thrown her clothes down the chute and that simple act turned her on more than anything!

Looking around the room one more time she pulled open the drawer to the only desk there and shuddered as she saw the bundle of slave collars just laying there. She had no idea they were there but she knew she couldn't resist putting one on and even as she remembered the last time she'd been collared with dread she slipped it round her neck and pushed the lock into place.

Knowing the clock was ticking she approached the holding pen and stepped inside. She was horny but not stupid, she would of loved to pull the door shut behind her and hear it lock but she knew that would be too dangerous. If she locked it she would have to wait to be discovered and it would be hard to explain how she was in the cell naked with no sign of her clothes anywhere. The centre had taken on some new employees this week and Tracey hadn't met all of them so there was a good chance if someone found her they would assume she was just a slave in the pen just like any other slave. Although that idea was horny as well she knew she really would be in trouble then and that fantasy would quickly turn into reality! No she would sit in the corner for ten minutes and then go and get her clothes she decided.

Pulling the door closed behind her but making sure it only rested against the lock she went and sat in the corner of the pen facing the door and with her back to the wall. The clock showed it was now 12.25, she would wait ten minutes.

The whole room was deathly silent apart from Tracey's breathing and she knew she was breathing heavily! She had never been so horny in her life, she was in a slave pen, naked and collared and to all extents and purposes a slave. If this was real she would be sitting there awaiting her auction, ready to be sold to the highest bidder to be used as her new owner saw fit. The juices were gushing out of her and her fingers were busy between her legs as one orgasm after another flooded through her. For a crazy moment she thought she heard voices and movement upstairs but she dismissed it, it was too early for Bill to be back and besides her orgasms kept coming!

Finally exhausted she laid on her side on the floor, the cold tiles pressing against her naked skin, another few minutes she thought to herself as she laid there.

She woke with a start as she heard a voice say,

“This is where we keep the slaves once they've been processed and until they are sold.”

Startled Tracey opened her eyes and saw a young lad and a teenage girl walking down the stairs into the room. Panicking she looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it said 1.15! Sitting up and drawing her knees to her chin she nervously sat and watched the couple approach the pen.

God how could I be so stupid she thought to herself, she had no idea what to do now and could only hope that they left as soon as possible so that she could escape.

“I thought you said there weren’t any slaves here today?” the girl giggled as she approached the pen looking at Tracey with a big smile on her face.

“I didn't think there was supposed to be any,” the lad replied looking puzzled,” maybe she came in at the last minute.”

“She's a cutie.” the girl giggled as she reached the pen, “how much would she sell for?”

“I don't know, I've only been here a few days, I don't really know how the pricing works but she is a cutie.” he laughed.

“Stand up slave” the girl suddenly said with some sternness but also a hint of nervous giggle.

Tracey was unsure what to do, she couldn't think of a good excuse for her to be in this position that wouldn't make her the laughing stock of the whole centre, she also knew there were penalties for impersonating a slave. Maybe it would be better to go along with the whole charade and hope these two left quickly, she would still have time to retrieve her clothes and get back to normal.

So feeling embarrassed and humiliated, but she had to admit still with a hint of excitement, she stood up.

For a few seconds the two of them just looked at her through the glass, their lack of speech and unabashed staring just made Tracey feel even more humiliated until at last the girl spoke,

“She's not bar coded is she?”

“No, I noticed that, as I say she must have been bought in when the place was shut down so she hasn't been fully processed yet.” the lad replied.

“But she's got a collar on so she must be a slave right?” the girl asked, “Can I do it?” the girl suddenly squealed, “You showed me upstairs.”

For a second the lad looked unsure but then smiled,

“Sure, I don't see why not, as you say she's got a collar on and she's in the pen, it will save someone else doing it,there's a gun down here somewhere.”

Tracey was now even more alarmed! She had hoped they would just have a free look at a naked girl, a few giggles and then go off on the rest of the tour the lad was obviously giving the girl. Now they wanted to bar code her!

“What's your name slave?” the lad asked Tracey.

Still unsure on what to do but knowing they couldn't code her without her NI number she answered with her full name.

The lad immediately turned to the PC behind him and started typing while the girl squealed excitedly as she pulled a laser gun out of a drawer and held it up for all to see.

“Date of birth?” the lad said without looking round and again Tracey confirmed it to him.

“Okay give me the gun then and I'll program the number in.” he said to the giggling girl who did as she was told.

Tracey was now panicking, they must of got her NI number from the PC and he was putting the number into the gun, the gun which would soon be pressed against her hip and make her a real slave, for ever!

She had to do something, this had gone far enough and as she took a step forward all three of them suddenly heard a loud rumble below them.

“What's that?” the girl asked with a worried look.

“Nothing to worry about babe, it's just the furnace starting up again.” the lad laughed.

Tracey's resolve vanished in an instance as she thought of her clothes burning up in the furnace, her hopes burning with them and she barely noticed the girl approaching through the unlocked door with an excited look and the laser gun in her hand.

“Now just push it against her hip and pull the trigger.” she dimly heard the lad say and a sudden bolt of pain made her squeal and above that she heard the lad laughing,

“See I told you it was easy.”


2018-09-05 01:29:19
Well, now she has to change the system from the inside. The best way to break the rules is to know the rules; teaching her is going to be fun, because she has to be a willing student, but not really.

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