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This is how I spent my SPRING BREAK a couple years back while I was still having sex with my boss and his wife. How this story includes my dorm mate and all the fun we had as-well. Enjoy!
So after I rushed Brian to shower and change, it was a problem because this genius said that he didn't bring any swim trunks, so once again I went to go downstairs and buy swim trunks for this idiot. So I bought him some of the tightest trucks in his size I could possibly find in the brightest shade of green with a yellow strip down both his sides. Brian turned a dark red as he stood their naked in the dressing room running his hands through his hair. I stepped closer and he jumped back and said "I'll put them on if you don't hit me again". I smiled and said "good boy" as I stopped and stripped to put on my swim trunks. It looked like he was getting a hard on, so he just turned around to face the wall to put on his new bright green short shorts on. We got to the swim area and I walked straight over to the twins and introduced them to Brian as we sat next to them. They were friendly as usual as I dropped a bomb on everyone. After the usual small talk I said "well ladies, the main reason for us bothering you is I'm trying to help my friend Brian out with his social problems, he seems not to be able to make friends at the school we go to, so can you give him some pointers on making friends with beautiful women like yourself". They did their little laugh as Brian turned red again as he looked down at his toes in the water. However, they actually started helping him out and giving him basically the same tips I gave him but in more details. And after awhile Brian turned back to original skin color, then we swam for a little, throwing the girls in the water and stuff like that. Brian shocked the HELL out of me since one of the twins and he was mainly talking without the rest of us. So it felt like the right thing to do was to invite them to lunch.

During lunch Ewan asked Brian if he had a girlfriend and he comfortably replied with a no and a smile plus a wink. I almost died in my seat as she started to blush a little. Going with the mood I asked them what were their plans for the rest of day and they laughed and said "hopefully with you two idiots". If you knew how horny I had gotten as I asked them "what did they want to do next"? Then Brian shocked the HELL out of me again when he spoke for them and said " how about a movie at his place". They must of since that Brian was catching on well because they smiled and said "we'll see" as they excused themselves to go to the restroom. They came back pretty quick and said "let's go" I smiled because inside all I could think was "I'M ABOUT TO FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ONE OF THEM". I paid for lunch as everyone else waited for my truck by valet. As I walked over Brian seem to be making conversation and talking to them because all three of them were smiling. Everyone seems to be really having a good time in my truck however everything changed when we got to my house. I offered everyone water, they didn't want any but I did. On my way back from the kitchen, I looked to see that Brian was helping them put their coats back on. So I asked "where we going so soon, we just walked through the door". Elik kissed Brian on the cheek and said "get all the help you need and take all the time you need, go for it". As we said our good bye’s Brian just looked at me with this sad look.

I asked him "what went wrong in those 2 seconds I was gone to get water". Brian just looked at his socks with his hands in his pockets. I walked closer to him and asked him "what's wrong". He started to cry and blew right passed me running upstairs as fast as he could to my room. I wasn't going to run after him so I slowly walked upstairs thinking of things that could be wrong since everything was just good like 2 minutes ago. When I got up to my room he was stretched across my bed sideways. I asked him "are you bipolar or this is just your way of getting attention because the whole poor innocent act is starting to get old fast". He finally looked over at me and said "after I say what I have to say are we still gonna be friends even if you don't like what I have to say". I had an attitude so I looked at him and said "sure" in an I don't care type of way. He said "sit next to me" I walked over as he flipped over so he was facing the ceiling. Once I sat down Brian said "as you know I'm not good with words, so I'm just going to say the way I feel, all I do is think about you, the story about me being confused about being gay or not was a lie and the story about my parents cutting me off and my grades. Everything was a lie; all I wanted to do was spend more time with you. Then last night was just over the top, true you were my first and of course feelings will come from that. But it's more than that because I always wanted you to the point I asked your father for advice yesterday on how he thought about you being in a gay relationship". I stopped him and got up. Brian put his shirt over his face. When I turned to look at him I said "stop being scared, all I want to know is what he said". He didn't say anything until I yelled "Brian tell me what he said". He sort of shook like I scared him and said "after your father put me through the ringer of working out he said that he knows that your bisexual even though you think he doesn't know, he knows about your last boyfriend and if I wanted you I was gonna have to fight because you don't love easy. But I told him it didn't matter because there was more to your rough exterior and your mother agreed when I asked her as we washed the dishes yesterday". He covered his face with my pillow this time as I turned to face away from him. He got up and turned me around, then he notice that I had a slight tear in my eye. All I could say is "don't lie to me". He said "if I'm lying why did your mom tell me about how you got that scare on your hip because your were hiding your first boyfriend in the bushes and accidentally fell backwards since your parent's changed directions when walking to the front of the house which made you jump backwards in the bushes".

He took off his clothes and stood in front of me and said "stop and think about do you really want this” as he stood there naked. I kissed him as that tear finally rolled down my face. I took my clothes off and said "as long as you not to scared to come and get what you want". He grabbed my hardening cock and said "that's what I want". I laughed and said "I'm rough so hold on". I pushed him on my bed, climbed on top of him and started to face fuck him. I was surprised he could handle it as I shoved half of me inside him and pulled out quick. I looked at him then kissed him and said "have you ever topped before". Brian grabbed my ass with a big grin to say "you going let me top" in an excited kid voice. I looked him in his eyes and said "not with that attitude" as I turned him away from me. I think he was worried since I hadn't get out any lube or condom, as I slowly kissed his neck. He stopped me as I rubbed my cock on his ass "be careful" he said. I gripped his left leg and put it towards his chest, then rubbed my dick onto his hole as he tensed up. I said "don't worry you'll enjoy it" as I slowly entered his hole just using my pre-cum as lubricant. I forced my way inside of him as he tried to run but I gripped him closer and slide him on top of me. Brian yelled "ouch, that shit hurts", I don't know why but I didn't care as I continued to lower him onto me.

After around 7 strokes he got a hang of it and started his awkward up and down motion opening himself up to allowing all of me to enter with no hesitation. He pushed my hands away and started riding me faster as he gave me an over the shoulder kiss. Then after awhile I grabbed him and pushed him off of me, to spread his legs apart as I placed them on my shoulders as I slowly shoved my cock into his hole looking him in his eyes. Then Brian said "bitch fuck me like you did before" and he slapped me. So I pinned his hands on the pillow and started going in and out hard. He moaned loud and with each stroke his eyes rolled to the back of his head. I went faster and faster he moaned louder and louder in my ear until he screamed "fuck me like that, don't stop" as I let go of his hands and he wrapped his arms around me. Usually I try to switch it up during sex but it was something about the way he gripped me and moaned it was not needed. Awhile later I felt my orgasm coming, my dick stiffening even more and I started to moan. Brian whispered in my ear "do what you want" as his arms loosened and fell to the sides. With every stroke inside him I was ready to cum all over the place. I pulled out of him and moved my body upward then came all over his face jerking off as fast as I possibly could. It felt like a weight had lifted off my shoulder as the last drop left me and I fell into my headboard.

Brian laughed and said "get your dick off my face" as he moved from under me. He hugged me from behind and I wanted him inside me. I told him "fuck me; don't think about just do it". He gripped my waist to press his body against mine as I felt his soft cock starting to grow against my hole and he told me "no, the shower is calling my name". HE GOT OFF ME AND WENT TO THE BATHROOM. I followed and said " Brian now is not the time to play games, get back here and fuck me, lose your virginity like you always wanted to". He hurried to the bathroom and closed the door. I pounded on the door and yelled "Brian come out here now". But he wouldn't, so I packed his stuff and pounded on the door "get the fuck out of my house, after all I did for you and you let me down again, just get out". I slide down the door with my hands on my head because I was confused about why I was mad and I started to think what the hell I was doing. Then the door slung open and as I fell on the floor and he stepped on my chest. With my eyes closed I told him to leave. But he didn't get the message since all I felt was my legs go in the air and he plunged into me. He was everything I wanted he was rough, he was gently, but most importantly he was inside of me.

He kissed me awkwardly but I didn't care as long as he kept himself inside of me. It felt like seconds passed and he was squirting inside of me. I was disappointed beyond belief once I felt his legs shake and his arms gotten weak as he moved his arms, he hit me. I opened my eyes and looked into his eyes, he said "I'm still going" as a little tears hit my chest from his face. He kissed me again but better as he stroked in and out of me. Brian said "I'm not letting you down, I'm still going". But he couldn't handle it because his dick was getting soft in no time as he cried on my chest. I got up and went to my night stand pulled out a cock ring, went back to him flip him over and said "put it on and finish doing what you want" but then I just kissed him and put it on for him as I stuck my fingers inside of him. I got excited because it worked as he had getting hard again. I immediately put his cock back inside me. He lifted me up by holding onto the door frame and pushed his way in and out me like he was a pro. It just irritated me that he came so fast again but since he was still hard he kept going. Brian couldn't keep going because he was to weak, tired and just straining himself to disappoint me. So I got up as he fell in the door way. Brian's sperm oozed down my leg as I stepped over him to get to the shower as he laid there crying telling me he's sorry.

I got into the shower and Brian joined a little later. He stood in the corner of the shower looking down removing the cock ring. I looked at him and sort of yelled "say something don't just stand there looking at your damn feet". He trembled and said "I don't know, what's wrong with me this always happens. This is why I wanted to bottom because I can't stay hard for long and I don't last long". Brian looked me in my eyes and said "tell me everything is gonna be OK". I walked out the shower and grabbed a towel, Brian followed with his eyes bulging out his head as he said "tell me that I'm not something you stepped on, tell me something to make me feel better". I turned around and kissed him to stop him from talking as we hit the floor. I was spreading his legs to fall between them as he wrapped his legs around my waist. And as soon as he felt my hard on against his hole he took his hand and pushed it in. He said "just take it, do whatever you want" as he tossed his head back in pleasure however he was still crying. In my head I wasn't going to pay attention to him crying as I stroked in and out of him. I put my chin on his shoulder basically kissing the damn floor just so I didn't have to see him crying. But after awhile I flipped him over because the left side of my face was so wet from his tears it felt like I was drowning. It still wasn't working however soon after I looked down there was a puddle of his tears on my floor. I was beyond mad, so I just pulled out of him and said "get up you FUCKING cry baby, I never met no-one who cried and was as scared of everything as you are. What are you still crying about?" Without hesitation he looked at me and said "everything, I can't please you the way you want and your dick was hurting me, why do you have to be so rough" as he tried to sit down but couldn't. I didn't know how to respond to what he said since all I could think of was he came in less than 45 seconds plus he couldn't even keep his cock hard. So I said "man up sometimes and if you would have just told me all of this earlier you wouldn't have been getting pounded out so hard. Quit crying so we can just talk". I put a pillow on the edge of the bed for him to sit on but then I thought to myself let me check to see if I did any damage. Without asking I just flipped his legs up and exposing his hairy hole that had turned red a little. I looked at him and said "sorry, but I can't deal with all these emotions you have". He laughed and said "get the condom out of your ass". I rubbed the crack of my ass and was shocked that it was a condom hanging out. I asked "when did you put on a condom". He replied "when I ran into the bathroom".

I sat next to him and was about to ask what was the next step. But as soon as I sat down, I jumped back up with I'm sure I terrified look on my face. Brian jumped and screamed "what's wrong with you". I pointed at the pillow he was sitting on; he looked down to see he was bleeding. I put on my jeans and my t-shirt, told him don't move I'll be right back. I ran downstairs to use the house phone to call my neighbors; Mr. & Mrs. Miller are both doctors; they don’t answer weird phone numbers so I had to call them on the house phone. Once I told them that he was bleeding from his butt they rushed over to my house. When we got up stairs Brian was still bleeding but it wasn't bad. But the top of my 9X12 pillow was covered in his blood. They numbed his butt and gave him stitches, then gave him instructors on how to take care of it. However, they caught me off guard when they asked how did this happen. Mr. Miller said "this is just a guess but if ask me rough sex and you ripped his hole unknowingly, the end" as he hit me in the back of the head. His wife said "WHAT makes you so sure". He giggled and said "Brian's naked and J doesn't have on shoes or socks (then he lifted my shirt) or under clothes on. Then on top of that the room smells like sex." Brian and I giggled as she said "I hope it was worth it".

As they were leaving I asked Mr. Miller to stay. He joked and said "as desirable as I may be I can't join your fun, I'm a happily married man". I laughed and said "but really, we can really use your help". His wife said "I'll be in the car". As she closed the door I said "what would make a person cum really fast and go soft during sex" as Brian looked away and buried his head in the inside of his elbow still lying there on the bed. Mr. Miller said "this will be a long talk" as he almost sat on the bed then thought about it and sat on the arm of the couch. But he continued to say "well it can be a lot factors such as level of excitement, something could be on that person's mind, or the person has a medical condition (he said a whole bunch of other stuff but I don't remember). But in the end he examined Brian and gave him a prescription and so forth, then left. I went back up to Brian and said "that was interesting". Brian was still laying their naked face down just staring at me. Until he said "this weekend has been the craziest experience of my life, I almost died after a workout, I got my virgin ass ripped open, on top of everything else do you realize it's only Saturday. I fucking hate you J”. I looked at him and said "WHAT, you act like you didn't enjoy it plus you wanted it, I'm not saying you wanted this to happen but you seduced me. And don't blame all your problems on me; at least I'm here helping you instead of leaving you here hopeless. And just remember if you wouldn’t of lied, you wouldn't be here." I walked over to him smacked him in his ass and said "scoot over". I can tell it hurted because a tear fall as he moved over. So I said "would it feel better if I kissed it". He told me not to touch him, so I got up, got between his legs and put my face where his cock was and let it fall in. Brian jumped and said "get away from there before you break it, it's already not working right as it is" as he fanned me away but I held his hands down and started sucking his cock. He kept telling me to stop but his stops sounded lusty, so I took all of him in my mouth. He relaxed and just let it happen as I allowed him to face fuck me as I caressed his balls. The crazy part about all this is even though he wasn't hard, he didn't cum as fast when we were having sex. Brian actually lasted over 5 minutes in my mouth as my jaw had gotten tired; I slipped his semi-hard cock out my mouth to slowly jack him off as he oozed cum in my hand. I went to the bathroom to wash my hand and came back Brian was sleep, so I texted Derek to see what he was doing. Derek replied "waiting to fuck you".

I did the drop test on Brian, by picking up his arm and to see if he was sleep or not. Even though I really didn't care, then I took shower and basically redid my morning routine to leave. I walked around to Donna and Derek's house mainly since I needed the fresh air to clear my head of all the craziness that happened today. When I got there Derek was waiting by the door just in his robe. Donna was there in just her bra and heels. I just fell in heaven as Derek undressed me from behind as he whispered how much he missed me. Once I was completely naked he let his robe drop to the floor as he lubed his dick. He said "bring that ass here and sit on daddy's dick" as he watched Donna finger herself on the couch. I laughed and said "make me" as I walked away from him. He grabbed me and lifted me up to throw me against the front door as he kissed me and slowly entered my ass. He said "this day has been so long, I missed that tight ass, J you won't regret coming over here today, I promise". And he was right as he pushed in and out of me like we didn't just see each other yesterday but like he hasn’t seen me in years. It was just what I needed after today's craziness. He was just as rough as I was and I enjoyed every moment of getting fucked on their front door. Who knew it was so much fun? My eyes rolled in the back of head while my toes curled as he plowed into me as he held me tightly against him and the door. As always he knew exactly what to do and how to do it. But I stopped Derek and told him to put me down as I grabbed his hand to walk over by Donna. I sat on the floor between her legs faces away from her and scooted down to where her pussy would just fall into my mouth. Derek pushed his way back into me and let his tongue fall into Donna. Her body shook as we both dug deep into her using our tongues. She moaned loud as she possibly could but I had to stop to join her because Derek was hitting every good spot just right, that made me want to shout it out. Derek said "call me daddy, now bitch". Donna screamed "daddy" as Derek stuck his tongue deep inside her as he wrapped one hand around my waist and another around my throat. He looked at me in my eyes and said "your turn" as he went faster in and out of me.

Derek didn't hold back as he pushed his dick inside of me, which made me speechless as his body slammed into mine you heard it echo as he said "call me daddy, bitch". I looked at him like I wanted to but I just couldn't as he stopped and slammed his 9 inch cock into me and left it there, then repeated until he decided to speed it up again. He removed his hand from around my neck and started jacking me off as we continued to tongue fuck Donna. Derek slowed down as he continued to moan "fuck" as he started to cum inside me. It felt like he had cum just for me as he steadily jacked me off. Donna was next as he took over her entire pussy with his mouth as her body vibrated as she reached her orgasm with her legs shaking. After she came down from her excitement, Donna, I guess had gotten a sudden burst of energy since she laid on top of me in the 69 position and started sucking me off as Derek was still slowly in and out of me. If you have read all my other stories you know Donna and Derek have those vacuum lungs because she went straight to deep throating and didn't stop until I started breathing heavy. Then Derek took over as she moved and told him "take it all in your throat, baby". It felt like my sperm ran to his mouth as the feeling overwhelmed me as I sunk deeper into the floor enjoying every second of my orgasm.

Having sex with them always felt like a workout, everyone was out of breath and sweaty. After our shower we laid in their bed having regular conversation until Derek asked me what I did today. And I told him I went to Z with a friend, worked out, ate, and came here. Donna kissed me on my neck and said "that sounded boring but your life" as she laughed and smacked me on my ass. Derek turned and smacked me HARD AS HELL. I looked at him holding my face as he said "don't you fucking lie to me J, tell me the truth". I got up as Donna yelled at him "what's wrong with you", Derek replied "because he's fucking everything around Z, I seen him leave with those sluts and that guy. Why did you fuck them, J, what makes you think we can only fuck you and you fuck the world?" Then he got up to where Donna and I were as he noticed we weren't paying him any attention.
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