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Explanation; This is a fanfiction of existing characters from the TV-show One Tree Hill. Ian Banks is the disturbed stalker of Peyton Sawyer. I wanted to put my own twist on this storyline, from Ian Banks’ point of view. He’s obsessed with Peyton, and in this story, he will do whatever is in his power to get her to himself with his perverted mind. There is no need to have watched the show to be able to read and understand this story.
Author's comments:
This is a story of fiction, the author makes no recommendations and does not condone, or condemn, any actions taken by the characters in this story. The author takes no responsibility for any actions or inactions taken by any person or persons who read this fictional portrayal – so read at your own risk!

Copyright claim; I do not own the characters in this story, other than the ones I’ve created myself, and I do not own One Tree Hill. All rights goes to its respectful owners.
Sidenote: If anyone wants to see what the characters looks like, instead of using their own imagination, here’s some pictures:
Peyton and Ian together:

Her Stalker

My name is Ian Banks. I’m 25 years old, have blonde, short hair and blue eyes. I’m fairly skinny, but have strong abs and muscles. Most people wouldn’t want to get in a fight with me, I’m very strong and quick on my feet.


I’m enslaved… completely entranced by her. I want to know what it feels like to be inside her. I’ve wanted her for almost two years now… I’ve watched and craved her from afar. Ever since the first time I saw her on that little webcam of hers, I knew she was made for me. And by webcam, it’s not really what it sounds like. She is not some slut, she doesn’t do porn, she has dignity and pride. That’s what I love about her. Her webcam-show is simply this website of hers, “Punk&Disorderly”, where she puts out her deepest thoughts to the world, where she talks about music and art, and she usually sits in front of her webcam, drawing… I love to watch her draw. I can sit and watch her for hours. Seeing those pretty, blonde curls fall in front of her flawless face, as she focuses on her artwork, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.

For a long time I would sit entranced in front of her website, and every time she wasn’t online, I would sit and wait for her to return. After having watched her for a while, I realized how sad she seemed. She’d stare into the camera, and those pretty green eyes seemed so empty and broken… And I knew I was the one to fix her pain. She had so many bad things happening to her, but I would make all her pain disappear. I was the one for her.
After having watched her for about a year, strictly through the computer, I decided to take things further. I wanted to get closer. Finding her hometown was no problem, as she put out everything I would need to know about her on her website. She lived in a small town, she was a senior, 17 years old. She lived alone; her mom died when she was eight, and her father was always away at work.

It wasn’t hard to find her once I came to her town. When I saw her for the first time, I lost my breath. She looked even more stunning in person. I watched her get out of the school building, talking on her phone as she was walking towards her mercury 1963 car. She was tall, beautiful, and had the sexiest legs I’d ever seen. She was thin, with perky breasts hidden underneath a sexy yet classy top, and I could see her firm ass from behind. She was wearing a red plaid skirt and a black leather jacket. I loved how she could rock every look, and that leather jacket… mmm, it was definitely my favorite. Her hair was a little longer than shoulder length, curly and blonde.

I sat in my car, watching from the other end of the parking lot, as she got into her car.
I could feel my arousal growing as I took in her beautiful figure for the first time, and I just wanted to have her already. So much waiting, and she could finally be mine.

But no… I had to wait. I needed to watch her for now. Learn her routines, get to know her more. I’d have all the time in the world to have her for myself later. But for now, I needed to have some patience. A few more months, and I would have everything I’d ever wanted. I had to be careful though, I had to plan. I couldn’t risk getting caught. Not when I was so close.
“You’ll be mine… Soon enough, you’ll be mine… my sweet Peyton.”


8 months later

These last eight months had went by surprisingly fast, as I’d been very busy planning and working towards my goal. After having watched Peyton for a month without approaching her, I had finally managed to get an excuse to speak to her. There had been a bartender spot open in the same teen club where she managed bands, and of course, I’d tried for the job. I got it, and there came my possibility to form a relationship with her. She’d been very kind and welcoming to me once I started working at the club, although I sensed her having a hard time opening up completely. I already knew that though, Peyton was a girl with high walls around herself, because of her painful childhood, but I managed to break down some walls and gain her trust eventually. She saw me as a great friend, having no idea about my hidden intentions. Whenever I wasn’t spending time with her, I would follow her without her knowledge, wherever she went. She never had a private moment, I was always lurking not too far behind. I brought my camera with me, and the walls at my house were hastily filling up with pictures of her. I followed her at school, when she hung out with friends, at cheer practice, when she was driving her car, eating out, and when she was home, I would even sit outside, trying to get a glimpse of her through her windows. And when I was at my place, I would keep an eye on her through her website, watching her on her webcam.

As if I hadn’t been busy enough following her around, I was also building a new home for us, for our future life together. It was only a matter of time before she would be mine, and I needed to have everything prepared and ready. I’d hired a couple of people I knew I could trust to keep their mouths shut; they were “friends” of mine, well I trusted them anyway. They were helping me out with the house, and I was paying them great amounts of money in return (I was pretty rich actually, as my parents died some years ago, leaving me huge amounts of money in their deaths). Once the house would be ready, I was going to have these same friends work for me as guards; I couldn’t risk having my girl trying to escape when I wasn’t at home, once she came to live here, so I’d need guards. Other than money, I also might have promised my friends that they’d get to have a go at my Peyton every once in a while, as long as I got to be part of it. Gangbangs had always been an intriguing idea, and now that I would own a girl, I could do whatever I wanted with her. A gangbang was definitely not out of the question, the thought excited me even.

The house we were building was pretty far away from civilization, so even if she would try to escape, she wouldn’t be able to find any help. There would be a tall fence, and a rocky ground outside of the fence, making it hard to run if she ever would be able to get past it. This way I could take her outside every once in a while for some fresh air, and she wouldn’t be able to run away. Surrounding the house, there was nothing for a long way. There were a few areas of woods, but you could still see all the way to the horizon. There was only a landy road, so I could drive to and from the house and back to civilization. In the house, I had the basement specifically built for her. The house had one floor, plus the basement. I had my room upstairs, together with the kitchen, a living room, and my office, and she had her own room with a small bathroom next to it in the basement. There was also the bigger room downstairs, which I had started filling with different types of equipment, a table with straps, whips, ropes and chains (some chains hanging from the ceiling if I’d want her to be standing up while I played with her), mouth-gags, and so on.

I’d also built her a walk-in closet in her room, and over the past few months, I’d started filling it up with sexy lingerie clothes I wanted her to wear for me. She was such a beautiful girl, and now that she was only ever going to be seen by me, I didn’t want to waste that beautiful body by having it hide underneath unnecessary amounts of clothes. She was only going to wear the sexy underwear I’d bought for her from now on, along with some little see-through dresses, corsets, and whatever else I wanted on her. There would be no more normal clothes for her to wear, ever. The fact that she would be mine and only mine, and that I could do absolutely anything I wanted to her, use her body for whatever I liked, gave me so much excitement, and as the months went by, the anticipation was simply growing stronger.

After having stayed here for 8 months, planning and preparing, everything seemed to finally be ready. The house was finished, and I’d carefully formed a plan on how to perform the abduction. I was thrilled at the thought. Peyton Sawyer would never see it coming, but tomorrow morning, she would be living in my house, as my pretty, little toy… most likely for the rest of her life.

It was late, around nine o’clock when I stood outside her backdoor, my heart ponding in my chest. I’d had one of my guys park the car around the back of her house, making sure that no one would see us. I’d ordered him to wait for me in the car for as long as it took. I had to be careful, I couldn’t allow anything to go wrong now. My gloved hand formed a fist, and I knocked three times on the white wooden door. I was wearing gloves so I wouldn’t leave any fingerprints around the house. It took a moment, and then I could hear her light footsteps approaching the door.
Her pretty face met my sight a second later, and she looked surprised to see me. She was wearing tight jeans and a white T-shirt, and her hair was pulled up in a bun. Still, she looked stunning, and a few locks of hair hung loosely to the sides of her face, framing it in like a halo.

“Ian? What are you doing here?”
I stared into her hazel green eyes. I’d never seen eyes with so much power before. “I’m sorry coming here so late… I was just hoping I could talk to you?”
“What’s happened?” she asked, concerned.
“Nothing’s happened,” I assured her. “I was just hoping to see you. Can I come in?”
“Okay, sure.” She stepped out of my way, and I entered the hallway of her house, which led to her living room and kitchen.
“Why are you coming in at the back?” she asked me curiously.
“I was just… taking a walk, and suddenly I was standing outside that door. I didn’t really think, sorry.”
She shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, I was just wondering.” She smiled at me. “Are you sure nothing’s wrong? You seem kind of out of it.”
“I’m fine,” I said with a calm smile. I was hoping to God she wouldn’t see how on edge I was, I needed this to go perfectly.
“What’s up with the gloves though?” she smirked, staring at my hands.
“Oh, I think I’m starting to get sick, I’m freezing all the time,” I brushed off, my face heating up. What a lame excuse, I swore at myself, but it seemed like she bought it.
“Oh, do you need a pill or something?” she asked, worried. I had to smile, she was always so caring.
“No, that’s okay, Peyt. Do you have some water though? I was kind of hoping I could talk to you.”
Peyton raised her eyebrows, curious. “Yeah, sure. Just get settled in the living room, I’ll be out in a minute.”
I got settled in the couch inside, my heart still pounding. Everything was going pretty well so far, I’d had a lot of practice at keeping my game face on with her, and it didn’t seem like she suspected anything. If everything worked out, I’d have her at my place by the end of the night. That thought alone made my blood rush in excitement.

“Here you go,” Peyton said, setting two glasses of water down on the table, before she propped herself down next to me. I loved getting to be so close to her, after having watched her through a computer for a year. I loved being reminded that this beauty was real, and she was so stunning in person. I could smell her flowery perfume as she sat down, and I inhaled deeply.
“Thanks,” I smiled, taking a sip of the water.
“So what’s up?” she asked.
“I was just thinking… I’ve known you for about seven months now. And I love the great connection we’ve gotten, I feel like I can tell you anything. And I hope you feel the same way. I just wanted to tell you what a great person I think you are, Peyton. I admire you, I truly do.”
Peyton smiled warmly at me. “Wow, Ian. Thanks. That’s amazing of you. I do feel the same way though, I know what you mean. I’ve always had a hard time letting new people in, but it felt like you just always knew what to say to me, right from the start. It’s been so good having someone to talk to, after I lost my best friend, Brooke. I’m so glad you came to work at Tric so I could get to know you. You’re a good friend, Ian.”

It felt like my heart dropped to the bottom of my gut. Friend? I hated that word, I’d hated that word ever since I was a 13 year old boy, and twelve years later it still filled me with the same amount of hatred.
“Other than you, I only have Lucas to talk with, so it feels good to have someone else too.”
Now my heart wasn’t at the bottom of my gut anymore, but instead it was beating angrily at the mention of a certain name. Lucas. That name was enough to drive me crazy with anger, make me lose control completely, but I tried to keep my face emotionless. Lucas was the boy Peyton never stopped talking about, the boy she thought she was in love with, the boy of her “dreams”. I knew they had a complicated past, and because of it, Peyton had always been afraid to be honest with him in fear of losing his friendship. She thought she loved him, but I knew she didn’t. It wasn’t her and him, it was her and me, and Lucas didn’t have a place in our story. Peyton belonged to me, not that ridiculous boy.

“Hey, Peyton? I think I really am getting sick, it feels like a headache is growing. Could you get me that pill after all?” I asked as sweetly as I could. I needed to get her out of here for a moment, so I could put my plan into action. My head was throbbing from both anger and anticipation, and I simply couldn’t wait any longer, or I’d lose it.
“Oh, sure,” she said worriedly, standing up. “I’ll be right back.”
Once she left the room, my hand grabbed for the little plastic bag in my pocked, which was filled with a crushed sedative pill. I hurried to throw the content into her water-glass, stirring it in, making the whiteness of the sedative disappear. As long as she drank this water, she’d be paralyzed within the next hour.
Peyton reappeared a moment later, giving me the pill. “Here you go. I hope it helps.”
“Thank you, Peyton.”
As I took a sip of water and swallowed my pill, I watched excitedly as she took two large gulps of her own water, swallowing half of the glass. This will be easy, I thought to myself. Not much longer now.

Half an hour later, we had made small talk for a while, and I’d turned the television on to distract her. I’d noticed her becoming less and less focused on the conversation, as if she was really tired, and I knew the drugs were kicking in. Without her even noticing, I walked around the living room, closing all the blinds to make sure no one would see anything. My chest was filled with adrenaline, and I was shivering from excitement. This was really happening… This was what my life had been leading up to for the past almost two years, and my dick was throbbing hard from exhilaration.

I walked up in front of her, watching as she tried to pay attention to whatever was going on on the television. “Are you okay?”
Her unfocused eyes moved up to look at me, and she blinked, her mouth half open in confusion. “What?” she mumbled weakly.
“Are you okay, Peyton?”
She slowly looked down to her empty glass, staring at it for a moment, and then she looked back up at me. “Ian… did you, uh… did you slip me… something?”
“Just relax, Peyton,” I said, bowing down to her level. “You’re just tired. You’ll feel better if you sleep.”
Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at me, and she tried to raise herself from the couch, but I stopped her, pushing her back.
“Oh god…” she mumbled, her voice weak but fearful, as if she was finally realizing something was very wrong.
“I said relax, Peyton. Everything is going to be okay.” I kissed her warm cheek, and she tried to flinch away. It was tempting to have my first go at her right now, but as I thought to myself, it would be even more rewarding once everything was sorted out, and she was all locked up in her new home. Then I had something to really look forward to. And anyway, I didn’t want to fuck her now when she was so out of it. She wouldn’t even remember it, and that would be no fun.

“Stop…” she whispered. “What… what are you doing?”
“I’m going to take you home,” I whispered back with a smile.
“I don’t… what? No…” She looked at me with confused, unfocused eyes, her brows furrowed. She blinked slowly, several times, and it seemed like she was fighting just to stay awake. But Peyton was determined to put up a fight, and pushed herself off the sofa, landing on the floor, and she started crawling away from me in the opposite direction. I had to smirk at her effort, she really was a fighter. She didn’t get very far in her befuzzled mind though, and a moment later I had lifted her up, laying her back in the couch.
“No…” she mumbled. “No… what…”
“Sleep,” I cooed at her. I needed to make sure she was completely out before I could take care of everything else.
“Please, no… no…” she said for the last time before her eyes reluctantly fell shut, and her body became limp.

“That’s my girl,” I said, stroking her curly hair. I listened to her heavy breath, making sure that she was unconscious, before I took a step back, looking around. I needed to take care of any eventual clues I might have left. I turned the television off, and removed the two glasses, placing them in the dishwasher. I made sure the front door was locked, and turned off the lights. Then I went to her room upstairs, making sure to cover my face, in case her webcam was on. It was, and I hurried to turn it off, before opening an empty Word page on her computer. I’d planned on making this all look like she had ran away from home, so that it wouldn’t be suspected as something criminal. I only needed to leave a small goodbye note, and nothing more would be suspected. I wrote down a short explanation, pretending to be Peyton, saying that I couldn’t stay in this town anymore. “I” was tired of living in this empty house with no parents, no best friend, and only a painful past. “I” was going to start life over somewhere else.

And that she was; she was going to start over with me. She’d have a new life with me, where she wouldn’t have to deal with all these disappointing people any longer. I was the only one who loved her, and I would make damn sure to have her all to myself for the rest of her life.
I took a last glimpse around her room, the room Peyton loved, her safe place. It was full of meaningful drawings, art, and a huge shelf of vinyl records. Too bad she’d never see it all again. I walked across the floor, grabbing her iPod, so she could at least have her music, and I also grabbed that hot leather jacket of hers, before I exited the room, turning off the light as I went.

Ten minutes later, I was carrying the young beauty towards the car that was parked at the back. She was so light, even as her body hung loosely in my arms. She was completely out of it. The guy I’d brought with me came out of the car as I arrived.
“Wow, look at that. I get why you wanted a smokin’ angel like her as your fuck slave,” he smirked at me.
“Yup. And if you’re lucky, you might get to try her out too,” I winked at him. “C’mom, help me tie her up.”
We put her down in the trunk of the car and worked ropes around her wrists and ankles, as well as gagging her with a handkerchief. We had to tie her up just in case she woke up on the way.

I was going to drive her car, so that it would seem like she’d ran away with her car, while the other guy, Ron, was going to drive the car with her in the trunk.
An hour-long drive later, we were parking outside my newly built house. Ron opened the trunk where Peyton was being kept, and I walked over to him.
“She’s still sleeping. Good. Then it won’t be much trouble getting her downstairs and preparing everything. I was afraid I’d have to give her another dose, but it seems like this was enough,” I said. She’d probably sleep through the night, which fit me perfectly.
“Here,” I said, handing Ron the keys to Peyton’s car. “Get rid of her car. She won’t need it any longer.”
Ron nodded and left me alone with her. I lifted her into my arms, and couldn’t help but inhale the scent of her hair. I’d always loved her smell, and had even bought in the perfume and shampoo I knew she used to wear, so she would still smell the same from now on.
She made a small whimpering sound, and it seemed like she was having a bad dream or something. For some reason, my dick only throbbed harder at her sound of discomfort. I knew I wouldn’t get to fuck her tonight though, I’d wait until she woke up, so I would probably just have to jerk off tonight, no matter how much I wanted to fill that pussy of hers. The real fun would start tomorrow, once she woke up.
I walked into the house, and was met with the first of my guards, James, who was going to guard the front door from now on. His eyes widened as they fell on the trophy in my arms.

“She’s a pretty one, isn’t she?” I said with a smirk.
James nodded, licking his lips. “Oh yeah, boss. She definitely is. Have fun with her,” he said with an eager glimpse in his eyes.
I nodded with a smile, and walked through the house to the basement door, where my last guard, Bill, was standing. He unlocked the door for me, and I went downstairs, entering Peyton’s new room. I put her down in the master bed, before inhaling a deep breath while staring at her unconscious body.
This was it. She was finally here, where I wanted her.
I couldn’t really believe that I’d actually done this. I’d just kidnapped a girl.
I untied the ropes around her wrists and ankles and removed her gag.

Now, the first thing I had to do was to get rid of those clothes, and put her into her new outfit. I had to disconnect her from everything that would remind her of her old life; the new clothes would symbolize that she was now my property. I pulled her hair out of the bun and spread her curls freely. I couldn’t wait to violently pull at those curls while I fucked her. I smiled to myself at the thought, before getting a pair of scissors to tear her clothes off with. I begun with her shirt, slicing it off until she was lying there in her black bra. Her stomach was flat and perfect, her skin porcelain and beautiful. Her bra wasn’t too bad either, she looked hot as hell in it, but the lingerie I had for her was even better. The next thing I removed was her bra, leaving her breasts free for my eager eyes. They weren’t too big, but still so pretty and lovely sized. My hands couldn’t stop themselves; I started groping and determining their firmness, and I pinched at her cute nipples.
“God fucking christ, Peyton…” I muttered to myself. I really wished she’d wake up right now, my dick was so eager to fill her up. I wanted to hear that pretty voice of hers scream in despair already…

Next I started pulling her jeans off her slender legs. Once they’d fallen to the floor, I let my hands slide up her thighs. They were so soft and warm. I had loved her legs since the first time I saw her, and I’d always imagined having them wrapped around me. That fantasy wouldn’t need to be a fantasy for much longer. Last, I sliced off her simple panties, and was met with the sight of a freshly shaved pussy. She must have shaved no later than yesterday.

Wanting a better view of her petals, I spread her legs with my hands, so I could see those pink insides. So beautiful to see, my mouth was literally watering. I knew she wasn’t a virgin, sadly, I would have loved to be her first, but I guess it didn’t really matter. She would be mine now either way. My hand slid over her lips, and I could feel that she was dry. That probably wouldn’t change when she woke up either though, as I knew she wouldn’t be a consensual partaker the first time, and probably not for a long while after that either, but it didn’t really matter to me. She was mine now, and whether she wanted to or not, didn’t mean anything, she would have no say in the matter. Her body, her lips, her pussy, all of her was mine, and her own wants would no longer matter, as long as I got what I wanted. That was even one of the things that excited me most; that I was the one in complete control over her, and she really had no choice.

So now that she was naked and beautiful, I still wanted to dress her up in some of her new clothes. I was really looking forward to see her reaction when she woke up and saw what she was wearing. She would probably freak out. I got something from her closet, and slipped on lace white lingerie underwear; a pretty little thong and a sexy bra. Her ass looked so fucking good in that thong, I had to maul and play with her ass a little, before giving it a final slap. Lastly, I slid on a transparent, short and innocent but sexy white badydoll dress, which was the crown on the cake. I put her into a good position, and took a step back, taking in her sleeping figure. She looked amazing, like a real sex toy ready for use. I could feel my heart hammering hard in my chest, I was so turned on by her new look. The white color of her outfit made her look so innocent and pure, and that’s how I wanted her the first time I used her. I made some final touches by putting on a little bit of eyeliner and lipstick, and then took out my camera, snapping a few shots of my angel.

“I’ll see you in a few hours, Peyton. Sleep tight,” I whispered in her ear, before leaving a wet kiss on her soft lips. She answered with a small moan, moving her head a little, before continuing her forced sleep. I left her lying there, and locked the door to her room once I left.
When I got into bed, I turned on the television, and channeled it to the security cameras I had placed all over the basement. Then I got a full image of Peyton sleeping in her bed on my flatscreen; this way I could always keep an eye on her. I ended up just laying there, staring at her figure, until sleep took me, and I was enveloped in dreams of the same beauty for the rest of the night.

I woke up early the next morning, around 6am, to be sure that Peyton wouldn’t wake up before me. The first thought that came to me was how damn excited I was; it was like waking up at Christmas when I was a child, knowing there were awaiting gifts for me. My eyes fell on the flatscreen, and I saw that she was still sleeping, but I knew it wouldn’t be for much longer.
I hurried to make myself some breakfast before I got dressed, and by 6:30 I was readily waiting down in her room for her to wake up. I sat myself in the corner of her room, where I was hidden in the shadows, so she wouldn’t see me. What can I say; I liked the element of surprise.

After having waited for about 15 minutes, I could see that she was starting to stir awake. “Mmm…” she moaned sleepily, and turned her body, stretching her legs. Her eyelids slowly tried to force themselves open, and for a moment she was just staring at the ceiling without a clue about anything. Then I could see her face turning into a frown, and she clumsily tried to sit up. She looked pretty dizzy, it was probably the sedative making her a little out of it. “What…” she mumbled to herself, and she turned her head to take in her surroundings. It seemed like she was suddenly starting to wake up more, as her head turned faster in all directions, not recognizing anything, and her chest was beginning to raise and fall in panic. The next thing she noticed was her clothes, or lack of, and her hand touched at the fabric of her babydoll dress. “Oh my god… what-” she breathed out in a fearful voice.
She stood up, and almost fell out of balance, breathing hard. “Hello?! Hello, is anyone here? Oh my god, oh my god…” she started moving towards the door, and that was my cue to show myself.

“Peyton,” I said, walking out of the shadows towards her. I cut off her escape, going in front of the door. Her eyes fell on me, and her balance failed her, making her stumble backwards, falling back into the bed.
“Ian?” she asked confused, trying to sit up. “What, what’s going on?”
“Take it easy, Peyton. Don’t strain yourself too much, you just woke up.”
“Why am I here, Ian?” she whispered. “Help me, we have to get out of here.”
“Why do we have to get out of here?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“I-I don’t know where I am… What’s going on? Why am I dressed like this? Who did this to me?”
“You don’t remember what happened?”

She looked at me confused for a moment, and it seemed like she was trying to remember. “Y… you came over. We were on the couch talking… And then everything is black. I don’t know what happened. Someone must have taken us!” she said frantically. “And my head is all dizzy, it feels like I’ve been drugged!”
“Relax, sweetheart. No one has taken us. I’m the one who brought you here,” I said with a proud smile.
She looked at me, blinking hard. “What?” she breathed out, as if she couldn’t believe what I’d just said.
“I said I’m the one who brought you here. Now we can be together, just as I’ve dreamed. You’re so beautiful, Peyton. I told you yesterday, I admire you so much, and now you can stay here with me, just as it was always meant to be… forever,” I enlightened her gladly.
“You… you brought me here… why?” she whispered, her voice trembling.
“Oh, you must see it, Peyton! I love you; I’m so insanely in love with you. I can’t imagine a life without you, I go crazy when I don’t get to be near you! That’s why I built this house, so you can stay here, so that we can be together. I’ve loved you for so long, and now you’re finally here.”
She stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth falling open. Then she shook her head. “This has to be a joke… This is a joke, right?”
I shook my head, smiling. “No. This is all real, baby, and you’re mine now. I’ve been planning this for almost two years, ever since I found you on your website. You were so beautiful, and you were sitting there, drawing one of your amazing pictures. I knew from that moment that you were made for me. So I tracked you down, I followed you. I’ve loved you for so long, and now we won’t have to wait anymore.”
“I, I trusted you… and you, you stalked me through all this time?” she said disbelievingly, her eyes wide and scared.
“I watched you, I got to know you,” I said ecstatically and reached for her, wanting to stroke her cheek, but she hurried to pull herself backwards on the bed, her expression fearful. “Don’t touch me!” she hissed. “Oh my god…”

“Don’t be scared, Peyton. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“You… you’re my friend, Ian. I thought you were my friend. You… you’ve kidnapped me! How can you do this to me?” she uttered hurtfully.
“I was never your friend, Peyton, and I hate it that you see it that way. We were always more than friends, it was obvious from the day we met… We’re perfect for each other. I know that, deep down, you want this, darling. You want me. And I’ve always wanted you.”
Peyton simply stared at me in disbelief, her eyes tearing up.
“Why… why have you dressed me like this? Where are my clothes?” she whimpered fearfully.
“You don’t need your old clothes anymore. You’re mine now, and you’re going to dress as I want you to dress. Don’t you like your outfit though? I think you look breathtaking.”

She inhaled a shaky breath. “You’re sick…” she muttered. “This is sick… Just- just let me go. Let me go, and I promise I won’t tell anyone. You don’t have to do this, Ian. I know you’re not this guy.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, and it was a cold and emotionless laugh. She cringed. “Why would I let you go, Peyton? You’re all I’ve ever wanted. I have nothing to win on letting you go, but I have everything to gain on keeping you here.”
“Please…” she whispered in a pleading voice. “I want to go home…”
“You only think you do,” I said. “I know how much you hate it there. Only bad things have happened to you back there. I know you hate it, because you told me how much you looked forward to graduating, so you could leave that place. You don’t want to go back. You want to stay here. You’ll have a better life here.”
She shook her head a fraction, staring at me with eyes that were starting to build hatred. “No...” she said slowly. “How… how is this better?”
“Because you’re with me. This is what you were made for. You were made to be mine.”

Peyton swallowed hard. I could see her looking from me to the door, and she was probably contemplating whether she could run past me and get to the door in time without having me reach her. My heart started pounding faster, I was hoping she’d try it, and if I knew her right, she would. She had always been a fighter, after all.
A second later, she did just that. She threw herself off the bed and strode past me, reaching for the door. Her hands grabbed at the doorknob, but of course I’d locked the door, making her hysterically pull at it. It wouldn’t budge and she cried out. “LET ME GO!”
I was behind her a second later, and violently pulled her backwards, throwing her back on the bed, with her screaming. She tried to raise herself up again, but I was faster than she was, and crawled on top of her, my hand pressing over her lips, with my body pinning hers down.
“Shhhhhh,” I breathed at her. “Relax, baby. I know you’re scared,” I said as she tried to fight me off, her body turning and twisting underneath me. A suppressed sob came out of her, as my hand pressed down to shush her. She could probably feel my hardness against her, as her eyes widened and she became even more hysterical.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” I said. “You have to understand something, sweetheart. You belong to me now. And you’re not going anywhere, ever. Don’t ever try to escape, I promise I’ll kill you if you do,” I said in a threatening tone, and she instantly froze in fear. “Now listen. I am going to do some things to you, and you’re probably not going to like them. I’ll allow you to cry and fight, I’ve always liked girls that are a little feisty, but I promise I’ll have no problem fighting back. And I promise you it’ll hurt. I’m going to do whatever I want to you, and that’s your new life from now on. There’ll be no changing my mind, so don’t even think about trying. I’ll do it either way. And you will never leave this place; this is your new home now, as my sweet, little slave. Now accept it.”
She cried out in dismay as she took in what I’d just said. I removed my hand from her lips, and she started sobbing loudly. “PLEASE! D-DON’T DO THIS TO ME! DON’T RAPE ME, IAN, PLEASE!”

Her screams of terror made my hard dick throb even harder, and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. While I was still pinning her down with my body, I took hold of both her hands with my one, large hand and pinned them over her head so she couldn’t use her arms to fight me. I then started pulling her babydoll over her head, and got it off her as she cried and struggled.
“As good as you look in these clothes…” I whispered in her ear, “… you look even better naked.”
Peyton started sobbing even harder, and her legs were kicking wildly underneath me. “No! No! No! No!”
I turned her over on her stomach, and struggled to control her kicking legs, as I pulled her white thong off. She screamed and cried hysterically as she felt my hands remove the only thing protecting her private parts. “PLEASE! NOOO! DON’T, PLEASE!” was all she could cry over and over, and I loved the sound of her desperate pleas. I sat on top of her, groping her naked butt, before my hands slid up her back, and loosened the hook of her bra. Her body shivered and twitched at my touch, and I managed to force her bra off, while she tried to fight me off. Her incessant struggling and turning underneath me made it hard to do as I desired and still keep her in control, so I figured it would be better if I constricted her power a little. I grabbed her flailing arms, and pulled them to the bedpost, where a chain was hanging ready for use.

“No, no, no!” she started whimpering panicking as I forced the cuffs around her wrists, locking her to the bedpost.
“There, honey. That’s better, isn’t it?” I muttered to her as I finished. Now her legs would be the only thing left to fight, and I really didn’t mind having to fight those sexy legs. She was now lying down on her stomach, her arms tied to the bed, with me sitting on top of her back, and I started stroking over her hair as she shivered. “Do you know how much I love these curls, Peyton?” I whispered in her ear, before inhaling a deep breath of her hair. She sobbed brokenly at my action and tried to pull her head away from my controlling grip, but I held her to the spot. “God, you smell so good,” I groaned. “Like a mix of flowers and strawberries… so sweet. It makes me want to fuck you even harder.” She groaned out at my statement. “AAARRRRHHH!” I sat up and pulled off my shirt, while watching as her naked body was shivering and turning underneath me.
“Are you scared, Peyton?”

There was only a frightful whimper in response, and she started pulling at the chain, determination fueling her. I had to smile at her pathetic, little attempt.
“Have you ever thought about how it’ll feel to get raped before? Because now is the time you find out,” I whispered before unzipping my pants and freeing my hard as fuck 9”. I slipped my pants off as Peyton started hyperventilating, and I could feel her body involuntarily twitch in fear. She was sobbing and crying, and kept begging me to stop, but of course I wouldn’t stop now. I moved down to her legs, stroking over her firm butt, and she whimpered, shivering under my touch. Her legs kicked at me, and my strong arms grabbed her legs, forcing them to stay still while I moved them apart. I moved my dick to her opening, and begun rubbing it at her dry entrance. “NOOOO! PLEASE! OH MY GOD!” Her whole body shook and struggled desperately as she felt me beginning to force myself into her.

“Shh shh shh… relax Peyton. It won’t hurt so much if you relax.” I was slowly, teasingly pushing my dick inwards, first going no further than her into her pussylips, and she inhaled desperately, holding her breath. I could see her chained hands form fists where they were bound, and her body was tensing even more. It was such a sexy sight, seeing her so scared and desperate.
I bent myself over her, so my face was next to hers, and I took hold of her hair, pulling her head backwards so I could look into those pretty eyes while I entered her. I continued to rub my dick slowly inside her, letting the tension build for her, and she met my eyes. Her face was tear wet, her eyes desperate and pleading. She sobbed as she looked at me. “P-please…” she choked another sob. “P-please… don’t d-do this… I’m begging y-you Ian- AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” she screamed as I then used all my force to push myself inside. The begging words was simply the drop for me, it was such a turn on, and I had to start fucking her right then and there. Her eyes had become huge in shock at my forceful thrust, and she started screaming hysterically as I begun pushing myself further and further into her.
Even if she wasn’t a virgin, she was still so tight, and I doubted she’d taken anyone my size before. I knew she’d only had two other teenage guys before me. Every new inch I thrust into her forced her to scream even more hysterically and desperately. She was so dry and tight, and it was the best pussy I had ever felt in my life.

“AAAHHH-AHHHH-AHHH-NOO-OOO-OOOHHHH! STO-OOP! AHHH-AHHH!” Her screams filled my ears, and I felt my heartbeat speed up in excitement. I’d finally gotten all nine inches inside of her, as I could feel my front slamming into her ass as I was fucking her from behind, laying on top of her.
“Oh- fuck- ahh fuck Peyton- you feel- so- good- fuck-“ I breathed out as I ravished her teen pussy, increasing speed fast now that I was properly inside.
She began crying and screaming loudly as I increased speed, and it was becoming more rough on her. It seemed like she tried to pull herself away by her chain to get away from my forceful dick, her body desperate for relief. I laughed loudly, then violently pulled at her hair, making her cry out at my strong hold. I was pulling at her hair so hard that her head was forced backwards, as I continued to rape her pussy. Her screams were turning into horrible groans in pain, that were coming at each thrust I made. Her body, her legs, were struggling underneath me, trying to turn around and get away from me, and I could see her arms crazily fight to get out of the chains.

It was so great, watching her trying to fight me like this, as she was completely helpless under my control. Her screams and groans desperate for help, all her senses wanting the torture to stop, and there was nothing she could do, absolutely nothing, because she was now under my control.
My dick continued to pound into her in harsh, fast thrusts, but I’d now found a good rhythm, and her cries were coming alongside each thrust. I looked at the side of her face, and could see that her eyes were pressed tightly shut, while she made pained grimaces through the violation.
“God- you’re amazing- your pussy feels so good-,” I groaned into her ear, and her sobbing increased again. I buried my head in her neck and bit down on her flawless skin, drawing blood. Her body tensed and she made a soul-piercing cry in pain.
“Shhhh, you’re okay baby, relax,” I whispered with a smile, and she shook and whimpered. I could feel myself slowly starting to build up to an orgasm, and I began fucking her harder again.

“GUHH-AHHH-NOO-OOHH-AAAHH-NOOO-“ she continued to cry, and I let my arms slip around to her front, starting to grope at her firm, perky breasts. Her skin was so soft, and her breasts so firm and wonderful, even if they weren’t of the biggest kind. She was so stunning, her body felt amazing underneath me, she was perfect in every sense. Sweat was running down both our bodies, and it was the best feeling ever, being so intimately close to her for the first time.
She was beginning to scream louder again, as I started fucking her faster and faster, harder and harder, building up to my climax.
“Fuck-fuck-fuck-holy shit-fuck-“

My groans and her screams were building up at the same time, and then I finally exploded into her, my body shaking, my mind and senses filling with bliss, and I couldn’t breathe or think. I loudly groaned out in pleasure, and my dick was going into spasms, before giving its final, rough thrusts into her as I emptied myself. Peyton’s body shook in desperate pain and she cried out, and my body shook in complete and utter pleasure. My arms were strongly holding onto her hair and face as I finished ravishing her, and once I released my grip, her head fell down on the mattress, her breathing out of control.
As I started to get back from the heavenly experience, I took a long time laying on top of her, catching my breath before the feeling finally calmed down and I could breathe properly again. My dick was still inside her, and my exhausted breaths were hitting the back of her neck as she was laying underneath me, completely stiff, her face pressed into the mattress. I kissed her clammy neck and rolled off her, laying myself beside her to wait for her to react. She was still laying completely still, only I could see her body had started shaking a little. Her face was still pressed into the mattress underneath her, and it was obvious that she was in a complete state of shock.

“That was the best feeling I’ve ever felt in my life,” I muttered to her, and I could see her body starting to twitch in silent, choked sobs. “I can’t wait to do that again… tomorrow… and the day after that… and the day after that… forever… isn’t that right, my little sex slave? You’re going to be my perfect girl, aren’t you?” I cooed at her, and I could see her cringe in disgust.
I moved closer to her, stroking my hand over her shivering form, and she whimpered, a muffled sound escaping the mattress. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” I said. “You have no idea how much I’ve longed for you. How hard it’s been not to jump right onto you every time we were together. But it was worth the wait, every second.”
Her head slowly moved to its side, she was turning her face away from me. I sighed. I knew it would take a lot of time before she got used to this new life, she had just come here after all, so I wasn’t expecting her to cooperate anytime soon. Now she was trying to avoid me the best she could.
I took out the key to her cuffs and released her chained hands. She slowly, painfully pulled her arms to herself, breathing heavily, and she continued choking on her sobs. I laid myself against her, fastening my strong arms around her naked body, and she tried to pull away from me, but I held her tightly. “Stop it, Peyton. There’s no point in fighting me.”
Her body was so stiff against my chest, she could almost have been a statue. “Please…” she whispered so quietly it was nearly impossible to hear.
“Shhhh…. Relax now, baby. Just relax,” I said in a calming voice, and we just laid there for a while, though it didn’t seem like she managed to relax much in my arms.

“Look,” I said after having given her some time to recover a little. “I want you to listen to me. Now that you’re living here with me, there are some rules you’ll have to follow. First of all, don’t try to escape; you won’t get very far, and I’ll be seriously pissed if you try. We’re far away from civilization, there’s no one here to help, so just… don’t try it.
And also, I want you to make sure to wash and clean yourself every day, I need you clean and pretty. I’m expecting you to always shave too, so make sure to keep yourself smooth and perfect every day, okay?”
It was silent for a long moment, before she inhaled a deep, shuddering breath. “And… what if I don’t?” she whispered, her voice fearful, but also defiant.
I raised my eyebrows. “If you don’t, I’ll make it ten times worse for you. Trust me, I’m a man of my word. You really don’t want to test me, Peyton.”
Another little sob escaped her, and I could feel her body twitch against me.
“Anyway, I’ve bought you all your favorite women’s products, I know what you use. And there’s also pills in the glass closet, to keep you from getting pregnant. Make sure to take those as many times as it says on the package. I’m guessing you don’t want to get pregnant, right?”
There was another silence, but it was as if I could feel the anger and hatred she was sending towards me through the silence. I chuckled. “Oh, Peyton… I love how stubborn you are sometimes.”

She started fighting to get out of my arms again, and I tightened my grip forcibly so she couldn’t get out. “What did I tell you…?” I warned her.
“I hate you,” she angrily whimpered back at me, but she eventually stopped her movements again, breathing hard.
“You think you do right now, but that’ll change in a while,” I said.
“Why are you doing this, Ian?” she cried. “Let me go… please let me go. Don’t do this.”
“I’ve already explained why I’m doing this. You belong to me, and I’ll never let you go. Especially now that I’ve had a taste of that sweet pussy, I’m sure I’ll get addicted to it. I would never be able to give that up, sweetheart.”
She sniffled. “Oh god…” She started breathing heavily. “I think I’m going to be sick.” It came as a barely audible whisper.
“What was that?”
“I’m going to be sick,” she said in a small, suppressed voice, and she took another deep breath, as if trying to keep the queasiness at bay. She started to fight my grip again, but this time I loosened my hold, and she jerked away, running towards the open door to the bathroom, and I came after. She fell onto her knees in front of the toilet, and threw up.

“Oh honey,” I sighed, stroking her hair away from her face, as she emptied her stomach again. I sat down next to her as she was bowed over the toilet, and I stroked her back. She coughed and choked desperately, her arms trying to push me away, but then she got busy throwing up again. We sat there for a while, and once she finished, she started breathing heavily.
“Get your hands off me!” she hissed once she got her voice back. “Don’t touch me!”
Her body shook, and she put her hands up to cover her chest, cringing away from me. I backed off for now, and stood up. “You must be exhausted. Clean yourself up and get some rest, and then I’ll come see you again later. Okay, sweetheart?”
I could hear her mutter, “don’t bother” as I left, but I chose to ignore her comment.
Once I got up to my room, I could see her on my TV, still laying curled up on the floor in the bathroom. She was sobbing, and I guess with good reason. This probably wasn’t how she’d imagined her life would turn out, but hopefully she’d come to terms with her new reality… eventually.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-07 07:59:34
I really enjoyed your story. I would love to read more. Please post some more

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-11 20:15:21
Post more

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-18 10:07:06
gotta love Hilarie Burton and One Tree Hill

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-17 06:40:53
So far so good ......
Keep up the good work!


2014-08-17 05:01:51
Sorry, "landy" was probably not the best word for it. Like "bumpy" or "rocky" road, I guess.

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