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My first experience as a john with an escort
It was another sexless night and I was horny as usual. Sex with the wife was a chore at best; she never seemed to really get into it anymore. It was more of a thing we HAD to do, “We should really have sex this week…” she would say, as if we would be abnormal if we did not do it. There was no want, it was more of we need to, in order to keep up appearances.

It was not always that way but as many of us know year’s marriage, kids and the ensuing fights tend to put a strain on any relationship. Add to it a deeply religious upbringing for her and a very kinky streak in my and it was destined to fail. We just were not compatible in bed, I had accepted it.

Masturbation had been my savior for a long time. I still remember the night my hand found my hard penis in my bunk in private school. I rubbed it a little and it felt amazing. From then on I was hooked; me and rosy palm had nightly meetings. I had become an expert at pleasing myself.

It was late and the wife was already in bed so I pulled up the afterhours movies on HBO, Showtime and Skinamax. Most of them are cheesy at best but they do provide some visual stimulation for me to get off with. It was a tossup between a movie about Blonds on the Beach and Bimbos from Mars…both promising to be poorly written, poorly acted, bubble headed, fake tit horrible pornos.

I moved to the feature movies to see if there might be something with a good sex scene and stumbled upon The Girlfriend Experience with Sasha Grey. Sasha has been a particular fantasy girl of mine since I first saw her online. I am sure I am not alone in my love of that innocent looking but REALLY slutty way she fucks. I had heard about her being in a feature film but never had the opportunity to see it, until now. My cock was already starting to harden as I watched the film.

I was riveted very quickly. The name of the film had never registered before, The Girlfriend Experience just sounded like a chick flick to me, however it stood for a call girl providing pseudo love for the lonely guys. She was an escort, call girl, whore, prostitute, any name you want it to be, but it was very out of my realm of understanding. This is not a street walker, this is amazing.

I knew that escorts and call girls existed but in my mind they were relegated to the ultra-rich and powerful. Politicians, sports figures, not a regular guy like me. I am well off but I still work for a living and the thought of spending thousands for a girl like that was out of my means. These guys were not spending thousands.
I grabbed my computer and started searching for escorts and girlfriend experience. I was instantly impressed with the number of search items returned. I looked through them all, more and more enthralled with it. There was lingo that I did not understand; BBBJ, GFE, Greek, French, Roses. I used the urban dictionary to decipher the ads, and that is what they were…advertisements for escorts.

Some of the women were downright horrible but many were drop dead gorgeous. I was also amazed at the rated that were in the ads, everything from $100 for a half hour to $500 for an hour. Most were between $250 and $350 per hour, something that was very affordable on my budget. I started to search more and formulate a plan.

There were websites that gathered reviews of these escorts from others in “The Hobby” as they called it. I got a notebook and started recording names and numbers of girls that were advertising in my city and cross-referenced with the review site. I finally settled on one girl, she looked amazing in her pictures. Cute smile, young, nice body. I recorded her number on the sheet and the rate of $200 per hour with her name, Brook.

It was getting late and I pulled up some porn. As I watched the skinny young blond suck and fuck I stroked my cock and imagined it was me and she was Brook and I was paying for her to fuck me. I came quickly on my stomach and lay thinking of the possibilities. Was it cheating? Well, yes, it was however…who would know. I cleaned up and went to bed; my dreams were filled with escorts and sex as I slept fitfully.
The next day while I worked I thought about how to call and what to say. I knew prostitution was illegal but did they really focus on this level of prostitution? I could see why police would enforce laws against streetwalkers but this was high end. I was nervous as I closed my office door for lunch and picked up my phone and dialed the number for Brook.

“Hello,” the voice said on the other end.

“Brook?” I answered.

“Yes, who is this?” She answered.

“Uh, Sam,” I answered making up a name quickly. “I saw your ad.”

“What time were you wanting?” all business.

I quickly thought about after work and what excuse I could make. “5:30 would be good.”

“How long?” she asked.

“I guess an hour.” I answered

“Ok, text this number 15 min before and I will guide you to my place.” She gave me the cross roads and told me to be at the gas station on the corner and text her 15 min before.

“Ok, bye.” I said. The phone clicked on the other end of the line. I sat back, my hands shaking a little and a bit of sweat on my brow. It was that easy. In less than five hours I would be having sex with someone other than my wife. Other than masturbation I had not had sex in three weeks. I had not been with another woman in 15 years.

I ate lunch while I looked at Brooks pictures online over and over again. I looked on the review site and saw that she had about 15 reviews but since I was not a paying member I could only read part of the review. There was not much detail other than it was a “Standard Two Call system” as the “Hobbiest” put it and that she was the real deal.

Work that afternoon seemed to creep by at a snail’s pace. Everything was taking too long and it seemed as if the day would never end. Part of my problem was my constant erection that I had thinking of what was going to happen soon. On a normal day I would have gone to my office and jacked off to relieve myself but I wanted to save all my sexual energy for Brook.

Before I knew it the day was done. 4:30 and I was walking out of the office to my car. I dropped by home and grabbed my gym gear and told my wife I would be at the gym for a while. I did not wait for an answer but jumped into the car and drove quickly to the gym. I checked in and jogged to the men’s locker room for a quick shower and a change into the jeans and t-shirt that I had in my gym bag.

When I got back to my car it was 20 min until I needed to call Brook. I pulled onto the freeway and into the city. Traffic was light going into the city at this time of day; everyone else was heading home for the evening. I put some music on to calm my nerves. As I approached the cross roads I was more and more nervous. I was a few minutes early and parked at the gas station and went in to get a drink. I kept checking my phone for the time.

3 minutes…

2 minutes…

1 minute…

I took her number out and dialed it, waiting for the exact second my phone clicked over to 5:15. It took forever as I watched the numbers. I took a deep breath and pressed dial just at the 4 turned to a 5.

The phone rang once then went to voicemail. I listened to the generic message and was then informed that the voicemail was full. I hung up and looked at my phone to check the number. I had dialed correctly. I waited for a moment then checked again. I looked up her info on the intranet site and checked the number again. Everything matched.

I waited three minutes then dialed again. It rang three times before she picked up.

“Hello,” she answered.

“Yes, hello, it’s Sam.” I told her.

There was silence on the other end so I continued. “You told me to call you 15 minutes before my call went to voicemail.”

“5:30 right?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered, “5:30.”

She quickly gave me the directions to a motel down the road and instructed me to park and text her for the room number. I agreed and hung up, pulling out onto the road. It was less than a mile and I pulled into the motel. It was a large horseshoe type with a pool in the middle and rooms facing to the outer parking lot. I pulled to the north side as she had instructed and parked.

I was all nerves as I stepped out of my car and texted her that I was there and parked. I walked toward the motel unsure of where exactly I should be walking. Quickly I received a text back with a room number.

Looking up I could see that I had lucked out and parked directly opposite the room. It was on the second level so I walked over to the stairs and headed up. My toes kept catching on the stairs I was so nervous, my muscles locking up on me with the tension of my body. I stopped at the landing and shook my arms and legs out taking a deep breath. If I did not relax there was no way I would be able to go through with this.

I walked up the rest of the steps and to her room. Gently I knocked on the door and waited.

The door opened to reveal Brook. She smiled with her lips closed and waved me in while texting someone on her phone. I stepped in and watched as she closed the door.

She was not the same as her pictures. She seemed to have a bit more fat on her body, not much but not like her pictures. Her hair seemed a bit flat, not done up and her make-up seemed a bit thick. I could see some acne under it. Overall she was cute in the face and I could tell it was the same girl.

She put her phone down and smiled at me, “Hello.”

“Hello,” I said.

She stepped in and hugged me kissing me lightly on the lips. Her lips were very soft; it was the first woman I had kissed on the lips in a very long time. She invited me to sit on the couch with her and I did, my hands on my legs. I was totally unsure of how to proceed, what to do. I smiled and she sensed my nervousness.

“Where are you from?” She asked, scooting closer to me.

“Um, Colorado, that’s where I grew up. How about you?” I responded.

“I grew up in San Diego.” She moved closer to me and ran her fingers through my hair. She was chewing gum softly as she studied my face. “You are very handsome.” She said.

“Thank you. I am also really nervous. This is my first time.” I smiled then realized what it sounded like, “Not my first time…but my first time with….uh…” I stopped, blushing from head to toe. I realized I was about to call her a prostitute and it seemed wrong. Like calling someone a bitch or a cunt.

She smiled bigger, finding humor in my discomfort. I finally got a look at her teeth and I could see why she was hiding her smile and chewing gum, she had a black cavity on one of her front teeth. She quickly realized her smile and pulled her lip down again. She moved in closer to me.

“Ok, let’s start slow.” She put her hand on the back of my head and pulled my face to her. I was hesitant to kiss her after seeing her tooth but I am also a bit too nice and I did not want to offend her. We kissed, closed lipped and I felt her soft lips press into mine. I wished that her tooth was not decayed because kissing her was amazing. I had not felt lips that soft since I was in high school, making out with my girlfriend in the back seat of my car.

She opened her mouth slightly and kissed me again. I hesitantly did the same. It was mixed emotions, on the one hand it was very exciting kissing someone and she was a great kisser, on the other hand visions of her tooth kept bouncing around in my head. The kiss kept going, lightly for a few minutes. She tasted of mint gum and I felt like it was masking her tooth decay breath…my mind was getting away from me.

I broke the kiss and she moved to my ear, her hand against the back of my head, raking thought my hair. I felt her other hand moved down my stomach and to my cock, which was still soft due to the nerves and the obsession with her tooth. Her lips on my neck were much nicer and I felt my cock start to fill with blood as looked down at her breasts.

I brought my hand up and softly felt her chest, her bra was thick with a strong underwire and I could not feel much. She sat back and lifted her shirt over her head, revealing a black bra and large D cup breasts. I am not a big tit man, I like mine small B cup. I even get turned on by a flat chest for some reason. In her pictures her breasts looked the perfect size but with her added weight they were a bit too large for my taste. She smiled and removed her bra.

I was not impressed but they were tits. She had stretch marks painted over her breasts and the large nipples hung down toward the floor, her breasts sagged and looked a bit deflated. They were, however breasts and I took one in my hand and put my mouth to her nipple. I felt it harden under my tongue and she gasped and raked her fingers through my hair again. I licked her nipple then moved to the other one as she undid my belt and unbuttoned my jeans with one hand.

I continued to work on her nipples, trying to put the negative events thus far out of my mind and enjoy another body. Her hand moved down my boxers and found my half hard cock. She cupped my balls and moved her soft hand over my cock, stroking it a bit harder. She pushed me back and kissed my closed lips gently and sat back pulling my jeans down as I lifted my hips.

Her head continued down as time slowed. I realized there was no turning back after what was about to happen. Blowjobs were nonexistent in my life. I had had a few from an old girlfriend in high school and even less from my wife who always complained of jaw issues. It was a great fantasy of mine to have a great blowjob, to face fuck someone, to have my cock sucked.

As she moved down my cock twitched and hardened, almost straining toward her descending mouth. I felt her breath on the head of my cock, warm and moist. A moment later her soft lips that felt so good when kissing gently pressed against the head of my cock, kissing softly. I inhaled deeply as her lips parted and her tongue caressed the side of my cock, her soft hair tickling my stomach and balls. I placed my hand on her head as she licked up the underside of my cock and kissed the head of my cock again. Slowly her hot mouth descended, the soft, wet feeling of her mouth surrounding the sensitive skin as she went deeper and deeper.

It felt as if she was going too deep and I waited for her to pull back but to my surprise and delight she continued her downward descent until the head of my cock just started to push down her throat. I felt her tongue swirl a little then she backed up and pumped her head a few times. I was in heaved. I felt her spit coat my balls as she continued to suck and pump my cock into her mouth. I forced the thought of the decayed tooth out of my mind and focused on the feeling of a mouth on my cock. I put pressure on the back of her head and she responded by moving deep on my cock again. I held her deep when she gently pulled back, my cock reaching the back of her throat again. My hips moved up and I slipped a little deeper before letting her head go and she drew a deep breath then moved down again.

I pushed my cock forward again, pressuring her head slightly as I had done before, feeling my cock slip deep in her throat and held her there then releasing again. I repeated it four or five times before she moved her head off my cock and replaced it with her hand, pumping me as she licked the head and sensitive underside.

I kneaded her floppy boobs for a moment then reached down to the pants she was wearing. She released my cock and stood. I kicked my shoes off and pants and stood removing my shirt as she walked to the bed and took her pants off also. We were both naked. Again I was not impressed at her body. It was slightly chunky and her ass was a bit big. She had stubble on her pussy that spread out a bit wider than I would have liked.

She lay on the bed and reached over to the nightstand where a condom was placed with a bottle of lube. She opened the condom as I walked over to her, standing between her legs as if in a dream. My cock, which was rock hard moments ago was again starting to deflate upon seeing her naked. I took it in hand and gave it a few pumps to bring it to life. She put the condom on the head of my cock and rolled it down. I had worn a condom in many years and the feeling of the latex surrounding my cock felt good and I hardened again.

She took the bottle of lube and put some in her hand and rubbed my condom clad cock then spread the rest on her pussy. She pulled my cock toward her pussy and I watched as my cock entered another woman for the first time in many, many years. It felt muted and odd with the condom but the tightness and warmth of her pussy overcame the lack of sensitivity.

I began moving in and out of her as she lay on her back. I was still standing in an odd crouch due to the height of the bed and it was very awkward. After a moment I suggested she scoot up a bit. She moved up, my cock slipping from her pussy and I climbed onto the bed, mounting her again in missionary. I was getting a rhythm going as I fucked her. The only disconcerting part was the silence.

She would occasionally make a slight sound or a sigh but not much more. I pushed deeper in her and she turned her head, her mouth opening and my eyes locking onto her tooth again. I turned my head and closed my eyes, trying to put the vision out of my mind and concentrate on my cock. It was no use, I was going soft.
I pulled out and stood at the edge of the bed, my hand kneading my softening cock.

“Sorry, I am just nervous still,” I lied.

“It’s ok,” she said, “Do you want to fuck me doggy style.”

I nodded yes. Anything not to look at your tooth, I thought. She rolled over and got on her knees and I stepped forward placing my half soft cock at her entrance again. As I pushed in all I could think of was her ass and how it was too big, she has some hair on her asshole also. I closed my eyes and grabbed her hips trying to focus on pleasure. It worked a bit and I hardened again. I could tell that I was a long way from cumming and I did not think that I would cum with a condom on at all.

I increased my pace, pounding a bit harder into her. It was fun and I pulled her back, slamming into her cunt a few times. I was having fun but I felt the condom start to pull a bit and I noticed that she was not wet anymore. She reached over and got the bottle of lube and handed it back to me. The realization that she had never been wet, just lubed, slammed into me like a ton of bricks. I pulled out of her and set the bottle of lube on the counter.

“I don’t think I will cum, I am too nervous,” I said while I removed the condom.

She turned over and moved off the bed kneeling in front of me. She reached up and took my half hard cock into her mouth again and started to pump her head. It worked. I held her head and pumped my cock in her mouth. I felt my balls tighten a bit and I realized that I was unsure of where I should cum.

“Where do I cum?” I asked.

She released my cock and sat up, holding her tits up for me throwing her head back and closing her eyes. I took my cock in one hand and my balls in the other and stroked as I felt my cum begin to rise.

My orgasm was fast, cum spurted onto her tits, three large spurts then it was over.

My cock felt numb and so did I.

The smell of the motel room, the lube, the mint, the condom and cigarettes combined and I felt a little sick.

I stepped back as she stood and walked over taking a towel from the sink and handing it to me. I looked at it and wondered if anyone else had used it. I set it down on the bed as she turned to wipe my cum off her tits. I stepped over to my clothes and pulled on my boxers, feeling them stick to the lube, saliva, cum and pussy juice on my cock and balls. It felt uncomfortable. I pulled my jeans on and my shoes quickly.

I was sweating now and the smell of the apartment was really getting to me. She turned and walked toward me as I dressed. I pulled my shirt on as she watched. I smiled unsure of what to say, then realized what she was waiting for.

“Oh, sorry.” I said pulling the envelope with the money in it and handing it to her. She smiled again and opened it, quickly counting.

I moved back a step to the door as she set the envelope aside and walked toward me.

“Come and see me again sometime,” she said, pulling me in for another kiss. She tried to part her lips but I could not follow her lead. I felt sick and the smell was too much. I kissed her back closed lips to open, only succeeding in getting saliva all over my upper lip which only added to my discomfort.

“Ok, Bye, Thank you.” I said and opened the door. As I walked out I saw her turn and pick up her phone texting. I closed the door and hurried to my car.

I started it and quickly pulled out into traffic. My balls were sticking to my leg and the wetness felt cool and uncomfortable. All the smells were combining and my stomach lurched. I grabbed the drink I had purchased and rinsed my mouth, opening the window to spit out the excess then drink some more, my throat dry.

I sped away the vision of her floppy tits, decayed tooth, stubble pussy and dark asshole racing thought my mind. There was also the confusing replay of her soft lips, my cock being sucked and the vision of my cum spraying on her tits. I was also struck on how she was so…allowing. She did not resist anything I wanted, my wife resisted everything.

I arrived at the health club, grabbed my gym bag and rushed in to the private family bathrooms. I entered one of the private shower stalls usually reserved for families and locked the door behind me.

I could not strip fast enough as I threw all my clothes in a pile and stepped into the shower. The water coursed over me, clearing away the smell and feeling of what had just transpired. I pumped soap from the wall unit and scrubbed every inch of my body.

I let the water rinse everything away. I was leaning against the wall, clearing my mind when I remembered the feeling of her mouth on my cock, pushing her head down on my cock and feeling it enter the back of her throat. My cock hardened quickly and I began to masturbate. I pictured the event again, her soft hair, her perfect lips, so willing as I pumped deep in her mouth. I pictured her on her knees as I held her head and thrust deep in her mouth. I felt my orgasm coming. I thought of her lips on the head of my cock, her warm breath. My body tensed and I felt precum spurt from my cock, coating my hand. I tensed again, gasping as I stroked a few more times.

I remembered her young face, so willing to accept my cum on her body. I came, grunting and trying not to cry out. My cum hit the wall, the next spurt running down my hand, another full blast shot out as I continued to pump my cock. The orgasm seemed to intensify and I came again, two more small spurts before I had to lean against the wall, my head dizzy.

I felt completely empty, my cock pulsing in the water stream as I caught my breath. The sick feeling was gone. I rinsed off and turned the shower off. I put the dirty clothes in my bag and put on my gym shorts and shirt.

When I arrived home that evening everything was normal. I ate dinner, watched TV and went to bed like any other day. The next morning I masturbated in the shower again, another intense orgasm as I recalled the events.

At my office during lunch I opened my computer and wrote my first review. It gave me access to read the other reviews. I looked what others had wrote about Brook. Her first few reviews were fantastic but as time when on others had a similar experience as I did.

I began searching for other escorts I knew it could only get better.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-27 06:26:21
This is ridiculously authentic.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-26 16:10:27
Odd that you would write about bad sex... sets the scene well though

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