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It's Friday and I did promise a new chapter.
We’re still about five days away from Christmas and while everyone wants to talk about Gwen I don’t. Nothing we can do, no new leads considering it’s been a few days during a holiday season so I focus on what’s important my family around me. More than that I’m woken up by an argument between two of my girls and it’s one that nobody wants to get in the middle of.

“Don’t tell me you think my Dad isn’t good enough for your Mom,” Matty barks at Imelda.

“I never said that I just don’t want my Mother feeling bad when he doesn’t come around to visit her like a man should,” Imelda spits back with venom.

“Are you saying MY Dad is some piece of shit one nighter,” Matty yells and now everyone who was doing something else is watching as I make my way to the living area.

“Hey your Dad is divorced, for all we know he did something to make your mom leave,” Imelda growls getting as much in Mathilda’s face as she can.

“At least my parents were married, what happened when your Dad left? Was there a note or did he just pack up his guitar and ride of like all the deadbeats,” Matty says and that’s where the fight would start.

As I said it would have started but with Mark Jr. and me there it looks more like a bad Jerry Springer episode. I scoop up Imelda and throw her over my shoulder as she spits curses at Matty while Mark has my Amazon by her waist and ass and follows me.

“Dad, doors,” I holler and my dad is quick to get them open.

We’re out on the back deck and it’s cold but what happens next is worse, it’s about a ten foot drop into a giant snow drift and that’s where we deposit my girls. I help and watch them both go ass first over the railing and marvel at the depth to which they sink before the scramble to the surface.

“You two cool off,” I yell getting everyone to pause as I take control,” Mrs. Ortega and Mr. Amdahl could you please get a blanket each and something hot to drink while I wait for my fiancés to calm down.”

I’m standing outside as they start to scramble to the stairs leading up to the deck and as Mark goes back inside I close the doors and both women look at me shaking
and cold but drastically calmed down. I’m cold too being in no shirt and flannel pajamas but I choose to be here.

“What the hell is this bullshit about,” I growl as both girls are desperate to get inside.

“Guy we’re cold,” Matty says shaking.

“So am I but that doesn’t answer my fucking question now does it,” I state loudly.

“I caught her Dad leaving my mother’s room,” Imelda stammers shaking.

“Oh my god was she raped,” I ask getting a head shake of no,” You mean two single consenting adults took a chance at some warm companionship that they probably needed for a couple years now and you decide a fight is the best way to cope with it?”

“Guy we’re sorry please let us go inside now we’re really cold,” Matty says as I grab a handful of snow and drop it down my own pants.

“Fuck the fucking cold! I’ll toss both of you over again if you bring it up,” I bark getting both of them to stare at me wide eyed,” Now we will go inside and you two will sit while your parents explain to you how this is NOT worth insults and a fist fight.”

Imelda and Mathilda dart inside as soon as I get the door open and I follow them in and immediately head to my room to change. Yes my balls are cold as fuck now but I needed to make a damn point. I get back into the living room and see the adults talking with their children. My presence goes unnoticed as I head over to where Loretta and Mom are still working on breakfast. My dad gives me a pat on the back in approval to my handling the situation but it’s my other three girls who are waiting in the wings to jump all over their sisters in marriage pending. Mark Jr. sits next to me and Dad and the three of us all have a chuckle at my stopping the fight. It takes about an hour and after breakfast before I get pulled aside by my girls into our room. Rachael, Kori and Katy are guarding the closed door while Matty and Imelda are standing nervously waiting for me.

“Guy we’re really sorry, I didn’t know how to handle Matty’s Dad leaving my Mom’s room and I… well I got mad okay,” Imelda tells me quietly.

“I am sorry to, I should have kept calm but she started talking shit about my Dad and I got mad too,” Matty says very sheepish.

“I don’t need the apology, you do. Both of you couldn’t help but cause a giant damn fight with each other and over what? Two parents who might actually have a chance to not be lonely for the rest of their lives. And so what if it doesn’t work out long term, at least they had something. I’ve seen the workaholic mother in action and I’ve stayed the night at your place and listened to your Dad get drunk and cry a little before passing out,” I state as both girls realize where I’m going.

I watch the two apologize and hug it out a little, when they break I give them both a hug and a kiss letting them know it’s all done and we move on from the fight. That day the girls decide I need ski lessons and we all head out to go skiing. Now understand the closest I have ever been to skiing before was taking a sled down an icy hill when I was a kid and nearly killing myself while laughing, I’m not laughing now as the very nice man decides to sit me with a bunch of kids in the very beginner class and we spend an hour learning how to stand and walk with the equipment. It’s a couple hours before I’m actually moving down a hill on stiff legs and trying not to bust my face, my girls on the other hand are moving faster than I am and having fun as I trudge along trying to keep up. I fall more than my fair share of times and I’m failing to see the fun when I take a turn for the worse and hit a hill out of my level of skill. My break neck speed decent down the hill is interrupted by my falling flat on my face and then turning into a ball of limbs and flying equipment before finally coming to a stop and realizing that I hurt a lot.

“You did good, you stayed up for about ten seconds longer than I thought you would,” my instructor says laughing.

My mood is not a good one as I stagger to my feet and have to retrieve one of my skis and reattach it to my boot. I am back up and the girls are having a laugh but not a mean one, it must have been funny to see me crashing down a hill apparently. I move back to the kids area and try to get my bearings again. I’m trading ski tips with an eleven year old girl named Stephanie as the hours wind on, before we decide to try something just one level up from our ability. We’re doing fine and finally I decide I’m done with skiing and remove my rental gear and head inside to return it. I finally get it turned in and say good bye to Stephanie as she rejoins her parents. I get about half way across the lobby when I hear the conversation from a couple guys by the fire.

“Did you see the babes in the party lodge they converted,” one black man asks his three friends.

“Oh yeah, they were out yesterday and again this morning the one with the dyed bangs is so fuckable,” A white guy in a sweater states taking a drink of something.

I listen in and just chuckle before joining them and take notes as they sit around talking about how they plan to seduce and woo each of my fiancés. One finally notices me and adds me to the conversation.

“Hey didn’t I see you barreling down the hill on your face,” the black guy asks with a chuckle.

“Yeah, first day skiing ever so I need to learn to either turn or use my face to steer,” I add and get a laugh from everyone.

“Dude you are gonna feel that shit tomorrow,” one of the guys tells me as they calm down from the laugh.

“Not really,” I state shaking my head,” I have help with that.”

They look a little puzzled but it’s when I take step away from the group and return with my girls that the whole group shuts up and starts to try to turn on the charm.

“Ladies, that turn down the hill hurt a little and the guys here told me that I’d be sore tomorrow, do you have anything that we can do to help that,” I ask my girls in front of the men.

“Absolutely, we have massage oil and between the five of us we’ll take care of you baby,” Kori says cuddling up to me.

“I’m actually feeling a little sore now, can we head back to the villa,” I ask getting nods from the girls.

“Dude not one of them cares that you fell flat and you’re not gonna let even one hang around so we can talk to her,” the ringleader, the white guy with the drink asks.

“Not really, I’ve been skiing before and I figured he’d have a difficult time since he’s got the way and means to please all five of us in one night,” Rachael says leaving all the males dumbfounded,” It must throw him off balance but you guys are such good skiers that you have no problems at all.”

We head out and I’m all smiles as we get back to the villa, I can feel my body already starting to stiffen and when I say something my girls go into action getting the room ready so they can give me a rub down. Kori relays what happened with my face plant to the parents who chuckle a little before I get led to our room and stripped down. I’m laying on towels face down as my girls enter the room and whatever oil they have on their hands goes from cold to warm as my whole body is rubbed down. I am worked over from head to toe and rolled over twice by five sets of hands and while I was starting to feel stiff before my muscles are the consistency of jello now. I can hear the girls mumbling among themselves and I while I could listen in it doesn’t matter as I hear them break off one by one and leave the room. I can hear one of them is left in the room with me and it sounds like there is more oil being used as I feels some of it hitting my back. I’m rolled over and find Imelda standing over me naked and covered in oil, I had muscles like jello a few seconds ago. My fire goddess brings her body down towards mine. I’m getting a full body massage, literally, and my hands are roaming and rubbing oil all over Imelda’s back and ass. Her black/brown hair is done in a tight bun but her lips are all over mine in a soft kiss.

“I really want a turn before Christmas eve,” Imelda informs me quietly.

“I’m sorry it’s been a while for us,” I state trying to apologize.

“No, we’ve all been busy and the girls had their things but now I want my turn,” she tells me moving in for another kiss.

We are kissing and laughing as what we do can only be described as rooting around all greased up. At some point with me finding out that Imelda’s breasts taste like mint and our attempts to confine our bodies to the toweled areas the playful mood in my Latina fire goddess changes to a very determined one. I roll her over and there is no hesitation as she parts for me, I press inside and while it’s not super tight and intense it’s hot and familiar as I dig in deep and start taking long slow thrusts in and out of Imelda. We’re rolling our bodies against each other and while we were having ‘trouble’ earlier now the oil is causing me to move a little faster than before, at least it feels faster. Imelda breaks our kiss and starts licking my shoulder before she starts giggling. I turn my head to see the girls have come back to the room and are not watching us with intent looks and some big smiles. If I have an audience I’m going to perform and I speed up my thrusts with Imelda causing her to groan in happy satisfaction. I’m feeling good and I can tell the girls are enjoying their show when I decide to step things up a bit and slow down to a stop. It takes a little shifting to put my knees up under Imelda’s ass and pulling my body up so that I’m sitting on my knees with her ass in my lap. I grip her hips with my hands and before smiling down at her and go into rabbit mode. My thrusts are face and would shake the bed if it wasn’t on the floor already, Imelda on the other hand shakes anyway and is moaning something to me in Spanish as I feel her legs wrap around my ass. I’m not going to break her like this but that’s not my intention and as I look around the room I can see my remaining girls have stripped down naked and are staring at Imelda and I like hungry tigresses.

I am going into my Latina goddess flat out when she finally notices that the rest are really watching and she starts to moan louder. All this is setting off my little brain and I’m not long for holding out when a little memory tingles into my brain and I smile as I keep my fast pace. Imelda’s orgasm starts a hair faster than mine does but instead of staying inside her while she cums I pull out and start stroking myself before shooting my seed up her body. I can see the contrast of my little swimmers all over her chest and while she’s still cumming a little we’re attacked by the rest. I have just enough time to watch Kori and Matty go right for my semen and start sucking and licking it off of Imelda’s body while Rachael wastes no time once I’m out of the way and dives into Imelda’s warm folds face first. I however am not left out as Katy puts me back onto my ass and proceeds to suck the remaining bits out of me with an entusaism I love from her. I finally stop her when I become too sensitive and all my girls are giggling and laughing a little as I grab towel and wrap it around me so I can shower. Imelda follows suit and the girls are all smiling as Imelda pulls Kori to her and whispers something into her ear before we leave. As the door closes I swear I heard an UMMPH noise from Katy.

I shake it off as Imelda and I sneak to the shower and clean the oil off. I’m a little playful with her but she’s very playful back and I’m almost pinning her to the wall of the shower when she shakes me off with a smile. I’m almost ready to go but she’s holding me back, I’m a little interested in what is in store for me as we dry off, don a couple bathrobes and return to the room. Imelda knocks for us and I hear us being told we can enter. We barely get inside when I see something right out of a porn. Katy has her arms bound across the small of her back with some belting apparatus but that pales in comparison to my the rest of my girls. Kori and Matty are both wearing strap-ons, Matty underneath buried in Katy’s pussy and Kori right behind Katy with one buried up her ass. Both are sawing in and out of her hard but it’s Rachael who has Katy’s hair by the head forcing my bad girlfriend to lick and suck her pussy. Imelda pulls me down to sit as we watch in a level of awe as three of my girls proceed to fuck Katy silly. Sadly Katy isn’t the first one to finish as Rachael starts shaking a little buries her pussy into Katy’s face before finally stopping and slapping Katy lightly on the cheek.

“I’m done girls, she got me off,” Rachael says as she moves over to us.

“I’m kinda close,” Matty states thrusting up into Katy.

“I’ll get there but I don’t think Katy can hold out like she claimed she could,” Kori says snickering.

“What is this game,” I ask Rachael as she sits down in her underwear next to us.

“Oh Imelda told Kori to play nice so we have a bet going,” Rachael tells me grinning big,”We think we can make Katy cum before all three of us do.”

Imelda chuckles but I’m not sure I like the rules of the game as I watch Kori and Matty start to speed up to force an orgasm out of her. Katy is doing well but three on one isn’t a fair contest and I decide to add a little spice to the situation crawl on my knees over to her and lean in so only she can hear me.

“I don’t want you to cum Katy, I want to have you fuck me so you can cum,” I whisper to Katy whose face hardens with determination.

I crawl back and watch as my first girl and my Amazon are showing my bad girl absolutely no mercy and while they’re fucking her hard she’s holding back when I pull Imelda close and start rubbing my hands on her back lightly. She’s damn near purring with excitement as we watch Katy start to break the odds and it’s Matty who latches onto one of Katy’s nipples and starts whimpering as she orgasms. We watch as Katy does what most would feel to be unthinkable as she starts backing into Kori. I smile as Kori counters by pulling Katy’s hair and starts spanking her, it’s almost a dead heat when Kori bites her lip and starts to shake a little as Katy wins out. Both girls remove their strap-ons from Katy and put them away.

“I think Katy came at the end before I did,” Kori says smirking.

“I know for a fact she didn’t,” I tell the girls who look at me funny,” I know all of you, I know when it’s epic and I know when it’s passable. She still hasn’t finished.”

“Can someone let me out of this,” Katy asks as Rachael moves to help her.

I disrobe and watch as Rachael gets Katy out of her restraints, as soon as Katy’s free I’m pulled on to the bed and she’s on top of me pressing me inside her. I smile and relax putting my hands behind my head and let Katy do all the work. Her hips are slamming into me and I’m feeling good but she’s panicked and I know why.

“May I please cum now Guy,” Katy whimpers.

“You want to cum or do you want to cum with me,” I whisper to Katy as she continues to ride me hard.

I decide to help the situation along and grab Katy’s D cup breasts with my hands and suck a nipple hard while slamming my cock up into her. Katy is damn near howling and I’m going for a life draining orgasm of my own and when I feel my body rush I stop sucking on Katy.

“You can cum now Katy,” I moan.

The grunting and moaning coming from Katy pale in comparsion to the geiser that sprays out of her and onto me. I have juice up to my chest and if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m holding Katy in place as I paint her insides white I’d be watching her cum all over me. Katy starts kissing me all over and I kiss her back a little as we come down from our high. When we finally separate and start getting up the expression on Matty and Rachael’s faces is priceless. Imelda hands me a towel and another to Katy as we clean up.

“Why the hell did you piss all over him,” Rachael asks shocked.

“I didn’t pee on Guy, when I’m being fucked very good and hard I just start spraying,” Katy gasps and I smile.

“You three did really good but you weren’t playing fair with three on one and you forgot one cardinal rule of games with Katy,” I state as they look on confused.

I take Katy’s hair by the back of her head and drop her to her knees in front of everyone, it’s a little forceful but we’ve played this game before.

“Katy who loves you,” I ask plainly.

“Guy does and my sisters do,” Katy answers happily.

“And why do you love me Katy, why do you love me like this,” I ask smiling.

“Because I’m a good slut and when you make me wait to cum it’s always worth it,” Katy says with a big grin on her face.

“You told her not to cum,” Kori says a little upset,” That’s cheating.”

“We never said Guy couldn’t take part,” Rachael states for the record.

The room smells of sex and well more sex, the girls and I get dressed and after doing something about the scent with Rachael’s incense we head out to the living area and wait for dinner. Mercifully we don’t wait long and as were eating I take note of the situation. My stepsisters are all in a huddle of their own talking, the parents are seated together and chatting idly, my women and I are in the center of the group but Mark Jr. and Vicki are kind of relaxing on the outside of the gathering but they’re still talking with everyone. It’s a good dinner and we’re all relaxed out in the living area and for once conversation isn’t about something that doesn’t make me worry, wedding planning. All the women are going over more and more details, some of which I haven’t been told about yet.

Apparently they have already gone over several locations, bridesmaids gowns, flower arrangements, catering and seating. I’m sitting here with a smirk on my face, I have an ace up my sleeve on the whole deal that’s gonna drive them batty. The other men however are just wondering at my silence as they plan the big day till Rachael notices I’m not flinching.

“Honey aren’t you going to contribute,” my little innocent asks as my girls look to me.

“I would have loved to but since most of this is being planned and I’m finding out about things that are set in stone now there isn’t much I can do,” I state as my girls start to worry.

“Baby it’s not all set in stone,” Kori says and immediately freezes on her own words,” I mean we can change things if you want them changed.”

“Nice back peddle babe but all I care about is this; I get to marry my girls, I get to eat some good food and chocolate cake. We are getting real chocolate cake right,” I ask getting a nod from Loretta,” and aside from the one thing that I get to do by myself with no input or criticism from anyone because it’s my thing.”

“Wait what do you mean we don’t get to provide input, it’s our wedding,” Imelda says getting a little stand offish.

“Hey you’ve planned the location, flowers, colors, food and seating and I was included when,” I state as they start to worry about my private task,” It’s not like I need your approval when I write five different sets of wedding vows.”

“Wait son, you’re writing your wedding vows for all five girls,” Dad asks as I nod,” Face it girls he’s right.”

“It’s one of those things that if a man actually thinks about it before hand can tell you how much heart he puts into is marriage,” Randy, Rachael’s angry Daddy, states before looking over to me,” I’m guessing it’s five different sets of vows.”

“Yep and I’m going to memorize them instead of reading them off a card,” I tell the girls and now everyone is staring at me like I lost my mind,” Really don’t believe me?”

“Honey unless it’s couple sentences it’ll be hard with all your emotions running wild,” Loretta says as I smile.

I get up and move over to Kori on my knees, she’s curious as I take her hands in mine. Everyone sits quietly as I look her in her eyes.

“Korinna, I’ve always said you were my first girl but I never said why. It’s not because you were first or because I said I love you first. It’s because you were the first woman to reach inside me and find my heart. You found my heart and showed me that I can feel love and be loved,” I tell her and I can see tears starting to form in her eyes.

I’m tackled to the floor by Kori who is kissing me softly and it’s only when we hear snickering and some quiet cheering that we stop and she stares at me with a soulful look on her face. Slowly we get up and I move back onto my floor cushion.

“I came up with all my own speeches last year on my own. I can say beautiful things about everyone of my future wives without any preparation,” I tell them getting ready for what I’m gonna say next,” But now I can’t use that because you already heard it.”

“NO! I errrm, no you can use that I really want you to use that honey,” Kori pleads crawling over to me and cuddling up.

“Enjoy this now because once you’re married the sweet cuddling thing lasts about a year,” Matty’s father states and I hear a few ‘damn rights’ from the men in the room.

I chuckle at the comment and Kori is still loving on me because of what I said, I’ll probably have to keep the vows I just made up. It’s only a couple hours later that we head to bed and sleep comes very quickly for me and the girls. My wake up the next morning is one of pain and stiffness. My girls note that I’m limping and I’m not able to turn my head as I hobble out to the kitchen and grab an ice bag before stepping outside and filling it with snow. I put it on my neck hoping to be able to turn my head. My day is pretty much me limping and trying to move around.

Days pass and we come to Christmas Eve, Dad put up the tree and made sure it got decorated. He’s kind of a Christmas nut about the tree. Mrs. Ortega has stated there will be a bible reading tonight since we’re not going to church in at midnight, nobody tries to talk her out of it since she’s been more than friendly and helpful with everyone. The gifts get put out under the tree and stockings are stuffed but by my reckoning there are a lot less presents under the tree than anticipated.

“Honey we have money but we don’t need to rub it in everyone’s faces, hell half the gifts there were either made or are for you younger ones,” Loretta tells me as Mom looks on.

“Besides I’d worry about what you got those women of yours,” Mom adds as I look stunned.

“But they said they didn’t want anything,” I remark trying to hold in my laughter.

“Oh no Guy never listen to a woman when it comes to gifts, we always like a present,” Mom says as Loretta stares at me in mild horror.

“Wow, then it’s pretty good I didn’t listen to them,” I say smirking as I walk away.

I’m feeling alright about the holiday but the envelope and the information inside has me in a state of wonder, I’m the baby boy. The baby boy who grew up in a broken home because some non-blood related cunt could live out her fantasy of stealing someone’s child. I don’t realize what I’ve done till I can hear people yelling and I’m in the back room and have destroyed the crappy plastic table and folding chairs, the same ones I sat with Loretta and Dad at when we talked days ago.

“Guy what the hell are you doing,” Dad yells at me as I put my back to the wall and slump down to the floor.

“I don’t know, probably getting it out of my system for now,” I state quietly as he checks my hands.

I didn’t break anything, atleast not anything in my body. I’m gonna be a bit sore but I used my hands at tools instead of hammers according to my Dad who has me under a close watch. Kori comes over to check me and Dad tries to wave her off but she simply side steps him and takes my face in her hands and stares into my soul.

“Oh baby, they hurt you so bad,” She tells me pulling my face to her chest.

“Who hurt him,” Dad asks looking at Kori.

“Whoever sent that envelope, he’s angry and hurting. We’ve seen it before,” Kori says as my girls come around.

“It’s like blocking the bullet coming out of the gun,” Imelda says explaining,” You raised him but we love him so much. We know him differently than you do sir.”

Dad understands amazingly enough and we try to get back to it being Christmas Eve. We sit around and I actually pay attention as Mrs. Ortega reads from the bible to us as we sit in front of the fire and listen. It’s quiet the night before the biggest gift giving day of the year even after Imelda’s Mom is done with the readings and not a single person has move from their spots in front of the fire. It takes a while but slowly people make their way to their rooms, I watch all my girls leave and motion that I’ll be there soon but I’m sitting and staring straight at the fire. I am zoning out when I note that there are three females staring at me and I’m not marrying a single one of them. Abigail, Bethany and Elizabeth are all staring at me as Liz has just said something.

“So where does that leave us big brother? What do we do when you finally get the blood sister you’ve been looking for,” She repeats a little sad.

“Well I figure you’ll marry Kyle, Abigail will marry Carlos and Bethany will probably marry someone in college who treats her right and doesn’t care that if he treats her wrong her brother’s will gut him like a fish,” I state smiling.

“No that’s not what she’s talking about,” Abigail says trying to make a point but I cut her off.

“No it’s exactly what you will do. We are still family, you are still my sisters and that will not change. Granted I think I know you a little better than we all ever thought would happen,” I state with a smirk and get a few chuckles from them in response,” I’m not forgetting about my sisters as much as you’re not forgetting about me.”

I settle the debate and head back towards my room getting a hug from each of my sisters, I get one brother from the marriages but three now four sisters. Who fucking balances this shit? I get into mine and my girl’s room and change into bed clothes before getting pulled by five sets of limbs into bed.

Ever get that feeling you need to wake up right now because something is happening, Christmas morning is that for me as I’m hearing some moaning in the room around me. I start to move when I feel warm flesh wrapped around the most important part of me and a pair of lips planted on mine in a soft kiss and I’m being ridden. I get my eyes open and see Rachael’s pretty little face contorted in a pleasure mask as she is sliding me in and out of her.

“He’s awake,” my little innocent whispers as I hear the moaning get a little louder.

I’m taking in my surroundings, my immediate surroundings, in the low light with interest. To my right I see Imelda leaning over Matty slightly as it looks like they are rubbing their womanhood against each other. To my left I have Katy and Kori in a sixty nine with Katy on the bottom, her face buried in Kori’s warm folds while Kori is rubbing and fingering Katy. All of them are now a little more vocal than they were before and I’m just listening to the conversations as Rachael is giving me a nice slow ride.

“Oh I’m gonna make you squirt all over the bed Katy,” Kori moans while she’s licked.

“Don’t slow down dammit, I’m getting close,” Matty growls at Imelda before they kiss once deep.

“Girls, he’s throbbing in me,” Rachael moans leaning back and bouncing on me harder than before.

I am a little but it’s when I grip Rachael’s hips in my hands and start pushing up into her that she starts moaning loudly. I’ve had good wake ups, I’ve had a couple great wake ups. This is the epic orgy wake up and it doesn’t matter where I turn my gaze I’m watching a woman fondle, kiss or cum with one another as Rachael is giving me the first present I get to have today. Rachael leans forward resting her hands on my chest as I struggle to hear my hips colliding with hers as we pound out the morning against each other. I look to my right as the tempo picks up between my Amazon and the Latina Fire Goddess. They are grinding so hard I think they might bruise their womanhoods. I watch Matty put her hand inbetween them giving the two of them a new texture to grind against and it’s mere seconds later that I watch the two of them stiffen and groan in as they orgasm.

“Katy you little slut they finished first,” Kori says as Katy mumbles a response,” Fine you asked for it.”

I can’t quite see what my first girl is doing but when I see Katy’s leg go up and all of a sudden Katy starts moaning so loud you can see Kori pause as she feels the vibrations I know it’s pretty intense. Kori’s face is pointed towards the ceiling and I watch as she almost smother’s Katy as her orgasm hits. I figure Kori has rubbed herself all over Katy’s face by now when I watch my first girl’s arms start pumping hard and Katy almost scream before the waterworks start to fly from her pussy. It’s not a geyser but it’s damn impressive when I start to feel a twinge in my own body as Rachael and I have been going at it this entire time. I take her wrists in my hands and pull them around behind her back, this puts us chest to chest as I waste no time bringing our orgasms to bear by thrusting fast and deep into her. She is whimpering almost as I pound away from below and as soon as my orgasm hits I slam myself inside and the head rush takes me over. Rachael is kissing me and moaning her own orgasm out and I feel warm and safe for a couple seconds when Rachael is pulled off of me. Katy and Kori’s mouths decend on my member like leeches cleaning and sucking out what cum didn’t get deposited into Rachael. I squirm in pleasure and look to see Imelda and Matty have Rachael spread wide and are trying to suck what I deposited back out. I’m so hot and bothered as my orgasm subsides that I don’t even try to stop my women as they feast on me.

“Now that is a Merry fucking Christmas,” Katy says before kissing Kori on the mouth.

“I don’t think that was legal in some states,” Matty jokes helping Rachael up and cuddling her.

We jest and laugh a little but I’m spent as I watch the girls clean up. I now can see not only did they prepare for this but they have probably been planning it for a couple days at least. Once the area is clean and we change back into bed clothes we all cuddle up and relax for a while. We get a knock on the door telling us that it’s breakfast time and all of us file out and to the main area and settle into our morning breakfast. The presents are nice, not a lot of them but they are good never the less. I watch Abigail and Bethany act like kids with their gifts while Liz doesn’t seem too impressed until Loretta hands her one from their family and she opens it to find a new cellphone. Most of the adults don’t exchange gifts save for Dad and Mom to Loretta. I watch him pull a box out from under the tree and hand it to her. I have no clue what this is but once she opens it it’s like she’s looking through pictures.

“What did you get her,” I ask confused.

“It’s you, all these are your pictures,” Loretta says not even looking at me.

“You have missed a lot but these are so you can see some of what happened,” Mom says to her and I watch the two of them hug for the first time.

Gifts go back and forth save for six gifts that all the girls and I agreed to do. Each of us takes our box, all about the same size and we open them. The gift was simple but had to be the same for each one of us, a book. One book to help show who you were, one that inspired or taught you. Katy and Imelda were a little opposed to the idea at first but I start to look through the books to see who has give me what. Rachael gave me the Princess Bride, I chuckle a little at it. Matty offered up Don Quixote, I am not even sure I know who he is. Katy’s book is Dante’s Inferno, I actually pause and look at her with that one and smile. Imelda handed over a copy of Romeo and Juliet, all of us look at her and she smiles a little blushing. Kori’s book is last on my pile and I’m not sure about it, Wurthering Heights. I make note of which books to read first and set my pile down, apparently my book has all the girls staring with some confusion.

“What book did Guy get you girls,” Loretta asks looking over Kori’s shoulder,” Down to a Sunless Sea?”

“I read it once, then read it again five times. The whole book is simply one man trying to save people after the world has gone straight to hell,” I state as everyone looks at me,” He struggles and tries to make the best decisions possible but never gives up before finding a safe place for the people on his cargo plane at the end of the world.”

“So I don’t understand, you gave each other books to read,” Mark Jr. asks before Vicki punches him in the arm.

We’re all settled and talking for at least an hour when Dad is the first one to spot something. I see where he’s looking and I see the package too. It’s a small stocking and it wasn’t there last night. I stand up and check the note on it ‘The future Mrs. Delauter’. I smirk and shake my head sitting back down and I give my Dad a nod that it’s okay. Everyone goes through food in their stockings and we’re all lauging as we snack like it’s a picnic when Loretta spots what Dad and I saw.

“The future Mrs. Delauter? What is this Mark,” She says looking at Mr. D.

“Not mine honey,” He replies confused.

Mark Jr. stands up and heads over to check it out before heading back to Vicki. Both look a little confused as he hands it to her and we all watch her as she pulls out a small box and the room is quiet save for the fire going as Mark Jr. takes a knee in front of everyone.

“Vicki will you marry me,” is the only thing said from him as the world stops.

I’m a little stunned, my girls are shocked to all fuck right along with most of the family. Apparently Mark told nobody about this because everyone is frozen as Vicki cracks the box thinking it’s a joke. That thought lasts about ten seconds as she starts to lose her cool.

“Oh my god,” is her first response repeated about a dozen times as she starts to worry,” Mark we haven’t even talked about living together or moving in and oh my god.”

“I know, but I love you. I see other women and I think of you,” Mark says quietly as we are all petrified.

We’re all quiet and I can see what happens next before anyone else as I quietly slip back to my room and change as fast as I can into warm outdoor clothing and boots. Sure enough there is a commotion and I can hear the panic and questions racing around as I head back and see Mark still on one knee but Vicki is nowhere.

“Girls where,” I ask as Rachael points where Vicki darted off to,” Take care of him and let him know it’ll be okay.”

I’m out the door fast and sure enough I can see Vicki marching up the hill away from the cabin. I take my time and keep my distance when I see her stop at a snowdrift and start to break down. I am calm and quiet as I simply walk up and place a hand on her shoulder. She sees me through her tears and starts crying hard. I’m holding her and she’s still holding the box as I let her get it all out of her system.

“No need to talk Vicki,” I tell her letting her be the one to initiate the conversation.

I move us off the road and while sitting in the snow isn’t the best thing it’s all we got for now. She’s looking at the ring and it’s a damn pretty one.

“I don’t know what to think now. We’ve been good and stable for months now he wants to throw everything we’ve done into the blender and see if it still works,” Vicki says quietly.

“I’m not going to ask the stupid questions because I know the answers. Are you scared of losing him or of him seeing something you don’t want him to,” I ask and she looks at me shocked.

“He’s a good guy, hell of a lot better than most and he’s stuck around after all the shit we’ve done and even after what happened last summer and now he wants to marry me. ME? I’m the poster child for unwed parenting. My mother gave birth and when Dad was looking at me in the nursery she was packed and gone. What the fuck do I know about being a wife or mother,” Vicki blasts me with giving up more insight into her problem.

“I’m guessing you know more than most considering how you and Jackie are doing with the baby coming in a few months. And being a wife is something you learn, you know how to listen and you know how to tell him to shut up before he does something stupid,” I tell her as her resolve weakens.

“But why me? Why of all the women he dated and fucked why me,” She asks about to cry.

“Why not you? Why would he want someone who is weak and will probably fuck around with him when you actually want to be there for him? I’m not going to say marry the man but honestly consider what this took for him? And consider what it’ll do for the two of you in the long run because as I see it marriage is a long game to play,” I tell her trying to impart my two cents.

We sit and discuss how she feels and what she should do. I let her settle on a plan for how she wants to handle things when we get back. I walk her back and hold onto the box with the ring at her request as we slowly march back to the villa. Dad sees us coming and the doors are opened for us and I give Dad a head shake which he spreads around telling everyone else to keep quiet before I nod for Rachael to go get Mark who is apparently hiding in his room. I motion for people to back up and give them some room as Vicki takes off her gloves and jacket. She’s holding a small sized body pillow to her chest as Mark slowly enters the room. We watch him make his way over covering the distance between them and when he attempts to speak that’s when shit gets interesting. The pillow goes from to Vicki’s chest to an uppercut to Mark’s chin in a half a second and while he’s reeling she is beating him unmercifully to the shock of everyone. I grab Loretta’s arm and shake my head no as Vicki has Mark on the ground and is beating his arms and back with the pillow as he covers up protecting himself.

“You fucking asshole, we talk about everything but you can’t bother to tell me before now that you’re thinking about jumping all the other steps and going straight to marriage,” Vicki howls as Mark huddles up.

“Honey I was just…,” is as far as he gets before the pillow smashes into his face and forearms.

“You listen to me Mark because this is the last time you make some bonehead decision without speaking with me about it first, and I want a white fucking dress god dammit,” Vicki howls turning to me as I toss her the ring box,” Now get your ass up and put this ring on my hand before I kick you in the balls you jerk.”

If Mark ever needed an invitation to do something this was it and while everyone save for Loretta, Mr. Delauter and his daughters are confused this makes perfect sense to me. The ring goes on and she warms up with a big hug and kiss which helps the room breathe a sigh of relief. The conversations in the room turn to an explanation of how Vicki really hates not being a part of the relationship discussion and that the whole thing caught her so off guard she didn’t know what to do but run. I saw the look on her face and so did Dad but I knew if someone didn’t go get her we’d be doing the whole search party thing with dogs in a few hours. My girls are happy that I went after her as the whole family finally settles down again to relax before Dad cracks a joke.

“Anyone else have any major surprises that they want to spring on someone now before we try to settle down,” my Father asks as we all settle down.

Nobody says a thing and we’re all relaxing and talking as the day dwindles on and into evening. The whole family is eating and talking and while it would normally be a man’s job to take care of the trash Mrs. Ortega is taking it upon herself to handle it with Mr. Amdahl. I watch him take a few bags out when Imelda’s mother enters the room carrying a small box in her hand. Nobody is really paying attention till she steps in front of the whole group and starts staring at us younger folks with a stern expression.

“I don’t know who it is but you’re ass is grass now girls,” She states as the room quiets down.

“Mom what are you talking about,” Imelda asks as we’re all confused.

“I go to take out bathroom trash and at the bottom of the bag I find a used pregnancy test. Now someone here has decided to play with fire and they are gonna get burned by hiding this,” She says and now most of the parents are standing.

The accusations are flying about now, I got one of the girls pregnant. Kyle got Liz pregnant or Carlos got Abigail pregnant. Nobody says shit to Vicki and Mark Jr. for some reason. I however am looking at all my girls who are shaking each other off and when I look to my sisters they are doing the same while the parents hurl down ultimatiums and accusations. A lot of eyes are on me and I’m looking inbetween my girls and my parents when Mrs. Ortega starts laughing.

“Mom,” Imelda asks checking if she’s okay.

I don’t speak Spanish, I should learn, but it’s Imelda’s mother telling her something between giggles when Imelda’s face goes to shock.

“You’re playinga fucking joke,” Imelda bursts out.

The adults are laughing but us younger folk are quietly plotting our revenge. I get some prods from my Dad with a couple, did you see your faces from the other fathers in the group. To say we celebrate all the holiday splendor is an understatement and it’s only when things are dark and cold that I’m sitting by the fire as Mr. Delauter addresses me.

“A new sibling is a good thing,” he tells me quietly.

“I’m really happy right now but I want my sister. I don’t even know if she’ll want me but I want her back with us just the same,” I tell him not looking anywhere but the fire.

“Well I suggest when you find her you take some official documents with you and go alone,” Mr. D tells me as I finally look at him confused,” Your parents would blindside her hard and probably bring as much law enforcement to a situation as they could. You can walk in however and instead of blunt force slip in and show her the truth. You’re good at showing people the truth.”

I nod at his words and even plan a little for the meet up and hopefully reunion with my parents as I continue to watch the fire. I’m feeling that darkness again, things are good, really good. Now I wait and see who wants to fuck with it, I don’t know who is pulling strings but I’m ready. This year is my year, this life is mine and I won’t let my good life go now.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-13 13:28:17
I have a feeling Guy has been listening to 30/30-150 ever since he found out he had a sister. It goes perfectly with his whole attitude and tastes as well

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-21 14:23:19
Great story. Loved the humor. Sorry to see so many adds in the comments section though.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-09 09:32:17
Sex massage

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-05 23:02:09
Part fiveeee?

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-04 22:10:11
Hows five coming along?

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