Hey I'm sorry if it took so long to come out with this chapter i actually stayed up last night and spent about 6 hours writing it so i hope everyone enjoys, if you have any questions or ideas please let me know i try to reply to all the comments i get. Thank you to all the readers that continue to follow the story!
Brooke looked over at me and squeezed my arm and gave me a sympathetic look, if she was an angel in a past life I would have believed it, so much truth in her eyes.
Brooke heard a buzzing coming from her pocket, she pulled out her iPhone it had little pink hearts all over it and began to get lost in her own little world of texting someone. I’m not exactly the jealous type or anything of that nature and I respect a person’s privacy, but I was really interested in who she was so furiously texting. I couldn’t really read her face either, since I just started dating her and all I could say is that there was a look of bewilderment and amazement in her eyes as she continued to text like the world around her didn’t exist.
I averted my eyes from her and went back to looking over at the ambulances pulling away when I noticed a pair of cop cars towards the exit directing people where to go. My eyes went wide as I realized one of the cops was that fuck wit from last night Bilken. I shuddered a little bit at the thought of him leering at Brooke I wanted to protect her from that scumbag that is for sure I wish I could just punch him in the face.
My eyes kept scanning the crowd of people until I fell on Bob walking towards his corvette parked in the handicap and with his palm firmly on Ashley’s glorious ass. Man today was turning out to be an extra shitty one for Josh and I truly felt for him. He opened the door for her and as she got in I saw his dad walking over to him and he smacked him on the back of the head with what looked like the force of a punch not quite a friendly slap that a father gives his kid. He was jesturing around and yelling at him he looked like Danny Devito from taxi with all the wild movements he was making or maybe he was more like the Devito from Batman an ugly penguin fucker going “WAK WAK! WAK WAK!”
Bob just put his head down and looked at his shoes nodding well his dad just went spurned him some more before he turned around and got into his car, slamming the door and backing out. The whole time you could see his dad just flapping about screaming at him some more, “WAK WAK! WAK WAK!” Ashley had her hands on her face I couldn’t tell if she was crying or not.
Brooke tugged on my shirt a little bit pulling me out of my people watching. “Tommy can we go get something to eat I am starving.” She asked in a sweet voice.
I just nodded even though the thought of food wasn’t exactly priority on my mind, but I figure it would be better to get out of here and go somewhere else just to clear my head.
We walked over to the car I let Brooke walk in front of me her tiny back pack bouncing up and down along with her adorable bubble butt. I got into the long line of cars trying to get out of here while menacingly closer to the penguin man who had stopped his flipping and flapping about and was just using his baton to direct traffic now.
Brooke must have noticed him because her hand squeezed mine so tight I swear she was going to break it the type of squeeze a woman gives you well there having child birth or actually that reminds me of a time my parents were at the movie theater and my mom got scared by the dinosaur in Jurassic park and almost broke my dad’s hand it was kind of funny though we still joke about it.
I just looked over at Brooke and gave her knowing eyes, “It’ll be fine he can’t do anything to us fuck him.” She just kind of furrowed her eye brows at me it looked like she was holding back a tear.
“Brooke so you said you were in dance class with Ashley? What type of dance is it that you take?” I wanted get her mind on something else anything else.
She weakly smiled, “It’s ballet maybe I’ll show you some moves some time I’ve been going ever since I can remember.” I had to stop myself from thinking about her in little flats and extending her legs in the air onto one of those polls wearing a leotard. Well at least that makes sense why she has such a rocking body.
Officer Bilken was waving us through next and I know that he saw us, a look of fear came back into Brooke as he was staring directly into her eyes and he just smiled with a leering glance and said, “Drive safe now!”
He acted like nothing had even happened between us and him and It was just I don’t know what’s the word… really creepy? Maybe he didn’t remember us that made me wonder how many people he might have done that to because that was a pretty memorable experience, if you ask me anyways I know I will never forget it.
We started driving down to the city, it always makes me feel better to see all the excitement in Chicago and just drive around aimlessly I figured maybe we could find something good to eat too. I flipped on the radio and opened the sunroof. Brooke’s tight kung foo grip on my hand was starting to disappear and she was just slowly interlocking her fingers into mine. I was still wondering about Josh I hoped that he was alright I tried calling his phone but he didn’t pick up I guess I would just have to wait.
Brooke started to snuggle up to me a little bit and laid her head on my shoulder and we just listened to the music as I sparked up a cigarette and tried to relax coasting down Euclid taking the North shore way to the city instead of the highway.
Brooke reached out and turned the radio down and stretched out putting her hands up through the open sun roof like she had just gotten out of nap and gave out a long sigh. Her breasts poking high into the air her shirt lifting the BeBe letter sparkling as well and I could see the bottom of her blue bra peeking out and her flat stomach with a little jewelry dangling. She looked good enough to eat and that made me a different kind of hungry I wondered what he naked breast’s looked like I had seen everything else not close up or anything, but close enough to get a good view.
“Where are we going? We’ve been driving for a while.” Brooke said. I just looked over at her with a little smile and said, “It’s a surprise.”
She batted her eyes at me, “That’s not fair what am I supposed to surprise you with Tommy?”
“You being here is a good enough surprise for me!” I wasn’t lying either. She just blushed and went back to laying her head on my arm.
We got to the city and her eyes just fluttered with excitement like she had never been to Chicago before, but I kind of doubted that some people just really enjoy looking at all the buildings and the animated way, which people from the city acted that was much different than the suburbs. Every restaurant we passed smelled amazing and I found somewhere to park.
“Ready for an adventure babe, this street has the best food and we can enjoy the gorgeous weather on the patio well we eat.” I said. Her eyes lit up more than I had ever seen them and she was gushing with smiles.
I grabbed her hand and lead her to the La Blanc Bistro. It was actually pretty affordable I scanned the menu for prices before we walked in. I’m not exactly well off or anything, but I was really good at saving money and I had made a nice little nest egg over the summer mowing lawns.
“Oh so classy… Baby we don’t have to eat here it looks expensive!” She cooed. That obviously meant she didn’t think I could even afford it.
I dragged her inside without even responding to that as she eye balled me with her eyes wide like I was taking her into a strip club or saying something shocking.
The host appeared giving us a look up and down and then being extra creepy stared at Brooke’s chest long enough for it to be uncomfortable with a look like we did not belong there in his betty little gremlin eyes and started talking in a voice like the guy from the Simpson’s that goes “AH YESS!” He spoke very condescendingly, “Ahem, may I help you?”
“Yes, we would like a table for two outside on the patio.” I said.
“Ahem Oh, I see.” He put his hand out like I was supposed to give him some money, so I pulled out a quarter. I think your staring at my girlfriends tits was enough of a tip, don’t you buddy? I thought I heard him snigger at the quarter as he dropped it in his front pouch.
He sat us down with a reluctance that could only beset the manner of the French. My dad had always told me that at French restaurant’s you have to constantly tip everyone that helps you every time they help you, but fuck that I’m not loaded he can suck on my quarter for all I care.
“That guy is kind of a prick.” Brooke said.
“Probably cause he has a small prick!” I said. She just giggled and we looked through the menu.
We both ordered sandwiches with five dipping sauces the French are known for their sauces. As expected every one that came to the table chirped up with an “Ahem.” Holding their hand out like I was supposed to give them something I became more creative each time and searched my pocket for something to hand them I actually gave one a cigarette, which was the most enthusiastic response I got the whole time. Brooke just seemed to be amused at this and giggled even more it was freaking adorable, if I had a piece of string I would have given it to one of them just to see her laugh.
The bill came and Brooke took out her purse. My eye brow perked up at this I’ve always been taught that a guy is supposed to pay for the meal at least the first couple of times after that its ok to split it or let her buy once an a while, but this was the first time I was taking her out anywhere. This made me like her even more even though I wouldn’t let her pay even if she insisted.
“How much do I owe?” Brooke asked looking through her wallet pulling out a ten.
“Baby that’s cute and all that you want to pay, but I’m your boyfriend and this is my surprise. Your money is no good here.” I said.
She just blushed and stammered a bit, “I… I… just thought this was probably expensive I didn’t see any prices on the menu or anything.” I just raised my hand and waved her money away putting my debit card on the receipt and waved to the host/waiter guy.
We walked down the streets of Chicago for a while sightseeing and holding hands. Brooke stopped to take pictures on her phone every so often and pushed her face up against mine and took a bunch more pictures I thought the flash was going to blind me, now I know what zoo animals must feel like.
“What do you think it’s like to live in those high rise buildings? Do you think that life is different for those people?” Brooke asked.
I pondered that for a moment, “Well I would love to live in one of those, but I would guess that you need doctor/lawyer money to live there, they probably don’t even look out the windows except to glare down at us like ants like I can crush them or being too busy with work to enjoy the awesome view at all.” I said.
She took some more pictures and said, “Well maybe we will live in one of those one day together and remember that ants have dreams too!” I smiled and pulled her in for a kiss and palmed her ass for a little squeeze. I was day dreaming about us living together on the 27th floor of the building and she was wearing a little lawyer suit with heels and her blouse was unbuttoned exposing her blue satin bra like the one I got a tiny peak at today and her cleavage was amazing hair tied in a bun and those big black hipster nerdy glasses that are suddenly so popular giving me a come hither look.
She pulled away and looked at me as if she could read my mind with that same piercing look she gave me before she asked me in the bathroom, if I was serious about her. “That’s not all I am to you is it?” She said. I just looked at her curiously, how could she know what the fuck I was thinking!
“What do you mean?” I said incredulously.
“Well we kind of started off fast and everything and I don’t know I just… I really like you and I don’t know why I think I just feel really comfortable being myself around you and I don’t want this just to be about physical stuff Tommy.” She said.
I thought for a minute this girl has just gone down on you and you really like her don’t fuck this up think and think quick I took her delicate hands in mine looking down at them and slowly spoke “I really like you too from the moment I saw you enter church I had my eyes fixed on you.” My eyes moved up to lock with hers as I continued, “and… yes I think you’re beautiful and sexy, but there’s something more something about you that I can’t explain either. Like when you look at me everything else doesn’t matter and the only thing that does actually matter are the moments I get to spend with you I feel like when you look at me… you can see my soul.” I blushed and my eyes darted away embarrassingly.
She immediately jumped on me like a monkey wrapping her legs around me her hair wavy hair hitting me in the face as she kissed me and bit down on my bottom lip pulling it. Holding on to me by the back of my neck and pulling me into her I grabbed her ass to keep her up. She wasn’t exactly heavy or anything like that but my balance wasn’t good because I wasn’t expecting it and I fell back into the wall and hit the back of my head on the brick hard.
“Oh my God! Baby! I’m so sorry are you okay?” I felt a little dizzy, but I was fine I let her go for a minute to regain my footing.
“Yeah, I’m fine you just took me off guard. I’ll be ready next time!” I weakly smiled my head hurt pretty bad, but I would never let her know.
“No… Let’s go back to my place my mom will still be at work and I don’t have dance class tonight, so I can give you a nice massage I feel so bad that was like the sweetest thing I’ve ever had a guy say to me before.” She meant it too.
We were on the way back to her house her hands were grazing the back of my head lightly massaging my hair it felt really good, on a side note I would have to get hurt purposely more often! I just cruised down the street letting the wind blow through all the windows this must be how it feels to have God touch you. Brooke changed the radio stations a dozen times till she found something and it was pretty good some jazz station on northwestern campus radio. I’ve got to admit she does have taste.
She stopped massaging my head, “Do you want to know what surprise I have in store for you?” She batted her eyes sexily. I didn’t let my mind swim because I was driving, but any surprise from her would be a good one.
“Umm… Sure?” I said half-heartedly trying to mask my excitement as much as I could, but I think it was pretty obvious that I was excited.
She unclicked her seatbelt and slid closer to me, “Do you mind?” Brooke’s hand moved to my seat belt well her other hand stroked my thigh. I shook my head in an approving manner and that was all she needed.
My heart fluttered a little bit was I really about to get road head? She moved in and unzipped my pants her subtle perfume dancing in my nose for the first time captivating is the only word I could use to describe it. It was one of those scents that girls leave behind in your house that you want to keep smelling just to remember them. Brooke slowly caressed my thigh well undoing my belt buckle. I was pretty hard, but I was going a decent rate of speed and I wanted to get off the main road and milk this drive for all it was worth so I turned the car to a side street and went about as slowly as the jazz song playing in the background.
“Did I do this?” She said putting a finger through the hole in my boxers as she slid my pants down a ways.
I nodded in conformation I was way too excited to talk I would probably lose control of my voice again like the first time I met her. My cock was starting to make my boxers tight again with the anticipation.
“Well I will just have to buy you a new pair.” As she ripped the hole open with both hands so she could pull my dick out. The air streaming through the car instantly hit my dick with its coolness. Her mouth fell open and her eyes looked like they were bugging out.
“What is…. That’s… Wow baby!” She said incoherently. Another stroke to the ego man she knew how to make a guy feel good that’s for sure.
She started using her fingers around the outside of my dick not quite touching it yet but just trying to get all the blood flowing down there first the veins in my dick we’re beginning to look angry. She slowly clasped one hand on my cock and stroked it a little bit and I could feel a dabble of pre-cum about to drip out. She took her other hand and grazed a finger on the head to pick up the cum and took it to her mouth and sexily sucked on her finger. I was driving maybe 2 miles an hour at this point my foot not even on the accelerator anymore I wanted to watch this.
“Yum kind of sweet, and salty.” Brooke said removing her finger from her lips gliding it out and letting her full juicy lips look even more plump and delicious. She bent over and as she did I parked the car at the end of the block I don’t care if anyone was around, but I don’t think we would be disturbed and I felt her delicate tongue licking along the slit that was my pee hole so slowly I swear it was going to kill me. Then like a ton of bricks she opened her mouth an took it as far in as she could not even giving me a moment to take in just almost swallowing me up hole. She must have got about a full seven inches down before I hit the back of her throat hearing a small gagging noise and she locked her lips around me and started to suck and pull her way back up in the most loving way as her hand followed behind her mouth.
I yelped a little bit and said, “Oh my God that was like the hottest thing ever!”
She didn’t stop just went back down and rolled her hand around my dick as she sucked on it adding her other hand to fondle my balls and inner thigh my boxers were completely ripped open by this point they weren’t even boxers anymore. Brooke came up for air panting, “Damn I couldn’t get you all the way in I tried.”
I just smiled a big dumb ass grin and said, “No your fine it doesn’t matter.”
She went back down kissing the head then hovering over me with a long slob of drool glisten from her lip to my dick and then spit a few times twisting both hands on my dick up and down. I felt like I was ready to burst all over my fucking car. She went back down and swirled her tongue around the head and dove down as far as she could to gag on my dick and then I put my hand on her head and pushed her down a little farther I don’t know what made me do it, but it just felt right and I was all the way inside her mouth. She squeezed my balls not too hard but just the right amount and swirled her tongue around my cock until I couldn’t take and stopped pushing her down and she came up for air panting really hard and coughing up lots of saliva covering my dick it bubbly juices.
“I did it baby! Your cock feels so right in my mouth I love it.” Brooke cooed. I just kept making little moaning noises I couldn’t help it. Brooke got more into it after I started to moan with excitement. She went back down and I swear I smelled something that wasn’t her perfume it was sweet though with a hit of something else like a musk but not quite and then I saw it her thigh had a small strand of juices coming out from under her jean shorts.
I reached over and unbuttoned her jean shorts with my free hand and tried to tug them down as much as I could exposing her matching blue panties they were lacy with a little pink bow at the top. My hand ran down her smooth toned stomach and I trailed my fingers along her panties rubbing my hand down her leg in-between her shorts and panties feeling her panties getting more and more moist as I got farther down gripping her inner thigh. I cupped my hand around her pussy lips outside of her panties and started running my middle finger up and down the slit. I then took her panties to the side and started rubbing her clit it was so moist and tight in there my finger was happily invited in but it was hard for me to insert even one finger past her lips to get inside of her, so I just took my hand and started rubbing more vigorously on her pussy and went side to side with my index finger just inside the lips to open her hole a little more. I started to feel even more juices flow on to my hand and I was able to stick one of my fingers about a quarter ways into her. As her walls seemed to suck my finger in around it as I flexed my index finger with all my might to slowly side to side and in little circles using my thumb to push the button of her clit down and press it like it was a fire button for one of those air squadron games. Thank god for video games or I wouldn’t have the dexterity for this.
“Oh Tommy!” She squealed. This just got me more into it so I started finger blasting her now finally able to get two fingers inside and pushing like I was making a boy scouts symbol then bending my fingers and dancing them around like they were little dancer legs slightly bending them to massage right against her g spot and firing with my thumb on her clit like I was in a battle against a video game boss in my fighter jet. My fingers began to get warmer and warmer and I could feel the contractions around them as juices began to flow like the flood gates opened. How I wished I was inside her it would be more then glorious!
She was starting to shake with what I must assume was her orgasming and hard I could tell from the amount of moisture covering my hand. “Holy shiiiitttt!” was all she could muster coming up for air before going back down.
She kissed my dick again and licked up the shaft before humming on my balls and then making love to my cock with her mouth swirling her tongue round and round before humming with my dick in her mouth as she once more gagged on it. I couldn’t even stop myself if I tried and I felt wave after wave of the largest cum shot I knew I had ever done. Brooke just make swallowing noises and kept sucking until I didn’t have anything else to give and my dick started to get ultra-sensitive and it just felt like too much pleasure to bare I wanted her to stop and give me a break, but she just kept milking me like I was a cow or something.
Her juices had soaked my hand pretty good by now i’ve never had someone get off from giving a blow job, but I slowly pulled my finger out her pussy was sucking on my finger giving me trouble as I finally got it out of there. My hand was really sticky and soaked I brought it to my face to take a smell it was intoxicating I really don’t like the smell most of the time, but it smelled good like it might be sweet so I gave it a lick. It had a curious taste to it really sweet, but with like a hint of cinnamon I’m not exactly sure how that’s possible. I was most assuredly going to be spending some quality time down there with my tongue to return the favor later.
“Baby stop I can’t take any more please!” I pleaded panting like a rabbit that just gave up on running away to out of breath to move my heart was banging and my dick was throbbing. She slowly removed her mouth from my dick it was like torcher slow I really seriously couldn’t take any more I was way too sensitive and my balls had given her literally every last drop of cum I had In me. There was no use in trying to pull my boxers up I just lifted up my pants and zipped them the material brushing up against me almost hurt I was still so sensitive.
She sat up put her seat belt back on and smiled, “Delicious I could get used to that taste!” licking her lips and putting on some new lipstick. I had read an article a long time ago I don’t remember from where, but if you stop taking so much dairy and have more fruits especially the ones with citrus in them that you will have better tasting cum it must be true!
“You are amazing I can’t even put it into words and I you don’t taste so bad yourself kind of like cinnamon actually!” I said. She just giggled and I kissed her and pulled off back to her house.
“That was a lot of fun I’ve only ever blown one other guy before you, but he didn’t seem to appreciate it very much. I like that you make lots of sounds and participate!” She giggled. We were driving back and I noticed the back of my head hurting again and she must have read my mind because a few minutes later she started stroking the back of my head with her nails. I put the music up and we just enjoyed the silence the whole way back.
We got back to her place and she took me up to her room it was a complete mess she had more clothes then even me, which is pretty hard to imagine I’ve got a superior shopping problem for a guy it borderlines gay it’s that bad. She was picking up hear dirty panties and other clothes throwing it into a already filled hamper muttering to herself, “Where is that damn massage oil?”. I checked my phone I had a text.
Josh: Hey bro I saw you called me what’s up?
Me: Are you alright I saw you on a stretcher…
Josh: What are you talking about man I wasn’t on a stretcher
Me: Well someone with the same shirt and look as you was on a stretcher being hauled away …
Josh: Gotcha yeah it was me, but I’m fine I was walking by the chemistry lab when it went boom and the glass sprayed out at me and got me in the legs and a couple other people thank god no one was inside the room.
Josh: I’ll be out of here in a couple hours they are just stitching me up
Me: Damn that’s crazy, hey I gotta tell you something bro…
Josh: can it wait I got something better
Me: k?
Josh: Ashley came to visit me in the hospital when she heard about what happened and I asked her out she said yes!
Josh: That bitch is fucking fine, but what do you have to tell me though?
Me: damn that’s awesome nvm though its not important txt me when you get home
Brooke was sauntering around still cleaning up her room and humming then she picked up her phone and started texting someone and then threw her phone at the wall it landed on the bed surprising that it didn’t break.
“Whoa da fuck was that about?” I said.
Brooke just huffed loudly, “It was Ashley she said she’s spending time with Bobbb… and he’s going to take her to the mall and buy her some Forever 21 outfits and Victoria’s Secret to buy her some underwear what a slut! I thought she liked Josh after the conversation we had in the bathroom this morning.” I just looked there puzzled for a minute how is she still with Bob if she just saw Josh at the hospital and then is now going out with him?
“That fucking sucks because Josh just texted me that Ashley visited him at the hospital and that they are a couple now.” I said.
“Well maybe she is just using him to get stuff and isn’t going to do anything with Bob.” Brooke said rolling her eyes not even believing herself with that statement. She went back over to her phone and texted Ashley again and wait for a minute for a reply. “Ashley said she’s just going to go on a little shopping spree with Bob’s money, but that she’s not going to do anything else with him.” Brooke rolled her eyes again as she said it.
“Should I tell Josh you think babe?” I said. She pondered for a moment and said “No, I’ll never hear the end of it if you do Josh seems like a smart boy he will figure it out for himself.” I just kind of nodded and continued looking around.
Brooke was a girl after my own heart I’m just as hap hazard about my clothes being thrown everywhere. She had medals on the wall and pictures of different places from around the world I noticed her mom in a lot of them and I saw one with her little ballerina outfit on but it must have been taken from years ago because she was even tinier with no boobs to speak of. There was also a picture of her and a man, but she looked like a child in the picture she was holding a stuffed Tigger from Winnie the Pooh and couldn’t have been older than four or five. Her smile was cute even though her teeth looked kind of crooked they certainly didn’t now.
I was still wondering about the man in the picture that was holding her up he was an older looking gentlemen with hair that looked like a pepper shaker had its way on his black hair and he was sporting much more grey now. He had a look of a Salvadorian business man in a white suit jacket with a black skinny tie and piercing greyish blue eyes. He had a grizzly smile upon his face with a discerning boldness about him that could match the likes of James Bond. I was staring at the picture too long because Brooke stopped in her tracks and saw me she started balling her eyes out.
“Oh, papa!” She wailed. I went over to comfort her my curiosity always getting the best of me I cursed to myself. I held her tightly in a snuggle on her bed and she continued to cry I thought better of it to ask I will just have to let her tell me on her own when she’s ready. We both fell asleep on the bed snuggled together as I held her.
Brooke Jennifer Axley! We heard a loud voice bellow from down stairs her mother must be home. Funny her mom sounds just like mine does when she’s pissed off she uses her middle name.
:::Chapter 4 End::::
Please vote and comment especially if you didn't like it i would at least like to know why so i can make the next one better ! Thank you for reading i enjoy entertaining people that's payment enough.
Yeah my bad I try my best with the proof reading I should have had my friend read it and edit the little mistakes before posting it but I was kind of overly excited when I finished and wanted to get it out so my readers could get there fix
You are way too fond of run-on sentences. Break them up into two or more shorter sentences, Proof-read by reading your work ALOUD to yourself BEFORE posting. By doing this, you can tell when a sentence should end and a new one begin. I just chose one of your sentences at random and counted 45 words in ONE sentence. That's over 200 characters. You could help break up those overly-long sentences by inserting commas, as appropriate, also.
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