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Sorry this one took so long i was adding in new characters and this chapter actually turned out to be a pretty long one. I hope everyone is enjoying the series so far and i appreciate all the comments and votes i read every one of them and respond when i get the chance. Please vote and comment on this one and let me know about your favorite parts or if you have any ideas... Thanks!
I heard her mom coming up the stairs so slow it could kill you, but it sounded like she was hobbling up the stairs floorboards creaking the whole way up. I tried to wake up Brooke, but she wasn’t moving she just had her mouth parted open a little bit and was fast asleep. I was desperately shaking her at this point I was scared, terrified even. I didn’t want her mom to scream at me and hate me that’s not the right foot to start off on. Brooke wasn’t moving she just snuggled up into my arm even more like I was some type of teddy bear.

The door flew open her mouth was wide like she was about to scream at Brooke her eyes looking furious with that look that mom’s know how to give so well. Actually any woman is capable of it and you know the look I’m talking about when you’ve done something wrong. Her look calmed when she saw me laying snuggled up with Brooke and she gave me a cutesy little half smile. She was wearing a really tight outfit and looked like one of those fit jogger girls that you can’t help, but stare at when you’re driving past. You know that one’s that make you jerk your head around making you forget about the fact that you’re driving, yeah those girls. I always end up thanking God that you notice the car in front of you before you crash into them. I couldn’t help it, but to take her looks in her mom being very beautiful in the hot kind of soccer mom type of way. She was wearing black running shorts that clung to her giving you a good idea of what her butt looked like, with a purple sports bra that squeezed her large breasts tightly together giving them a nice rounded out effect with a hint of cleavage. There was a soft glistening to her skin as she was also very sweaty. Her hair was pulled tightly into a pony tail the crown of her forehead dripping with sweat making her face very youthful and I swear she couldn’t have been over thirty-five.

She raised an eyebrow at me her tone changing to something more sweet, “Oh, I didn’t know you were here! I just got back from a jog and I twisted my ankle on Brookes high heels just thrown in front of the door.” She bent over a little bit and stuck out her butt, which was really fucking hot I might add and rubbed her ankle making a pout. She slowly rose up from her ankle running her hand up the length of her gorgeously toned legs, although I think she caught me staring at her lustfully out of her peripherals, but didn’t make any facial sign that she cared. I wouldn’t be surprised if guy’s eye banged her all the time I mean she was hot like real hot maybe not as beautiful as Brooke, but I’m sure she could make men do things with that kind of power.

“I guess I can yell at her later she knows how much that bullshit… sorry I mean stuff … irritates me! Well I don’t really know you, so let’s go have a little chat and you can help me down the stairs and drink some iced tea while I relax on the couch.” She said. I removed myself slowly from Brooke she had her arms interlocked on top me, so I reached over taking one of her teddy bear stuffed animals replacing my arm for her to snuggle with. Her mom just looked at me like it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen.

I walked over to Miss Axley and she said, “That was so cute you seem like a really sweet guy.” I just managed to work a weak smile, still kind of frightened of her and that she might have caught me gawking.

“Ok handsome boy help me down the stairs into the living room.” She put her arm around me and leaned on me for support her breasts squishing up against me her body was very warm and I could feel how sweaty her lower back was it was extremely toned and had those beautiful dimples above her ass that her daughter shared. I helped her down the stairs I wasn’t sure if she was putting on a show or if she was really hurting that bad because she was stumbling almost what seemed like on purpose as she made wincing noises. I placed her on the couch and she lifted her leg onto the ottoman, “There is iced tea in the fridge the cups are in the cupboard to the left of the sink and get me some ice please.”

I went into the kitchen it was pretty amazingly state of the art compared to my house. It had an island with a large professional looking stainless steel cooking station with the big metal vent above it. If you have ever been to Bennihanas it was kind of similar to the grill fryer thing they have there, I would have to try this out some time I loved to cook especially with a setup so awesome. I grabbed the iced tea and some ice for her leg and wrapped it in a towel and brought it into the living room.

“Well don’t be shy you can sit down with me.” She patted on the spot next to her on the couch. She drank down the iced tea like it was going out of style, some of the liquid not quite making it inside her mouth as streaks of it ran down her cheeks dripping on her chest becoming a part of the sweat that was already glistening everywhere.

She finished the drink, “Ahhh… thanks that hit the spot. Well aren’t you going to put that ice on my ankle?” I quickly obliged putting the ice on her ankle and she was making little wincing noises.

“There is that okay?” I asked her. She just nodded and leaned back into the sofa closing her eyes laying there for a few minutes I drank some of the iced tea trying not to stare at this smoking hot mom that was laying down next to me.

“Could you take my socks and shoes off too please.” She asked. I bent over to her pink and white running shoes slowly undoing the blue shoe strings and slipping them off to reveal her tiny feet with blue ankle socks on and removed them as well. Her feet we’re really cute if you were into that type of thing I usually didn’t look that much at a woman’s foot, but they were cute with pink nail polish on looking freshly manicured.

“It’s going to take forever for the pain to go away at this rate. Could you hand me that little box on the coffee table over there?” She pointed in the direction of the coffee table I should go to since there was more than one. It had a really strong, but familiar smell to it, musky almost, but I couldn’t quite figure it out.

I handed it to her as she sat up opening it there was a pipe in there oh my goodness her mom was so freaking cool she smoked weed too. She unscrewed the top of the container and pulled out a bag with very large nuggets of weed in it. I gave her the most incredulous look having a completely different perspective on her now, my parents were nothing like her that was for sure.

“Don’t judge it helps alleviate the pain of being lonely now that my husband is gone.” She said not even looking up from her doings with the bowl and weed, I was going to have to figure out this sixth sense that women, but more so this family specifically had on mind reading. I started to wonder more about Brooke’s dad was head dead did he leave their family, I had many questions still.

“So, my daughter seems pretty comfortable with you and I recognize you and your family from our new church. All I can say is that you better not hurt my daughter she is really sensitive and I would be remiss, if I didn’t protect her from the male species.” She said pretty seriously as she began to light the bowl and take a long deep hit of it before making a large smoky exhale filling the room.

Her stuff smelled way better than anything I had ever smoked. She passed the bowl over to me, “You going to join me? Or just sit there like a rock with a dumb expression on your face.” I took the bowl and started to hit it not getting very much of a hit before the back of my throat started to burn with the flaming depths of fire and started coughing and wheezing like a mad man.

She just started laughing really hard and patted me on the back playfully, “So I guess you’re not much of a smoker, that’s not such a bad thing I don’t really want my daughter dating a stoner anyways!” I was still coughing in a fitting rage my whole face was probably red and my lungs felt utterly cashed.

I managed to stop coughing, “Yeah I really like Brooke she is an angel.” She just rolled her eyes a little at that I probably sounded really cheesy.

“Okay cheeseball, but I’m serious if you don’t like her don’t lead her on and hurt her.” She hit the bowl again this time actually coughing when she exhaled, not like I did just a small lady like cough followed by a long billowing cloud of smoke.

“Do you know how to start the hot tub? I need to take a soak my ankle is still killing me and this ice isn’t helping much.” I nodded. She continued, “Also there is a bottle of eucalyptus mix by the dials, put two scoops into the hot tub.” I walked over to start the hot tub my heart was beating really fast from smoking weed and I was just really high to put it plainly. I put the mixture into the hot tub and the bubbles started going and the tub was getting foamy with the mix it smelled like it also had tea tree oil in it and kind of stung at the eyes with its freshness.

Her mom came out a couple moments later in a white bikini top revealing even more of her luscious boobs I tried my best to keep my eyes on her face as there was a stirring beginning to form in my loins. She had a towel wrapped around her waist and her stomach looked almost as toned as Brooke’s, but she had larger hips. She saw me looking at her and raised an eyebrow at me again obviously aware that I was looking at her, “Don’t get any ideas. Well aren’t you going to get in too? I don’t mind if you go in just your boxers.” She said.

All the calmness that my face was showing went into a panic as I remembered my boxers had been destroyed by Brooke a few hours earlier. She removed her towel and sunk into the hot tub with the same alien like liquidity of her daughter.

We didn’t know it, but Brooke was standing over behind the shades peering through an opening with the screen glass door opened so she could hear us too.

“Ahh that feels so good on my ankle. Well come on don’t be shy I don’t bite get in already!” She said. I didn’t know what to do, if I said no she was going to wonder why, but I couldn’t get in with my boxers all ripped up like that - what the hell thanks Brooke. I was starting to have a panic attack, she would think I was weird if I didn’t get in, but I didn’t really want all the questions that would come with why my boxers had a hole a whole persons head could go through.

“Okay I’m um, but I don’t really have boxers on under my pants…” I said almost embarrassed. There was something in me that was almost excited at the idea something I hadn’t felt before I wanted to show her my dick I don’t know why, but I just did.

“Aww are you a tightly whitey boy that’s so cute. It’s fine!” Having a little chuckle to herself. This was more disconcerting and I started to blush.

Brooke was gasping behind the blinds shooting lazer death ray like eyes at her mom.

“No, but…. you’ll see I guess.” I said in the most unconfident weak voice. Slowly pulling the shirt over my head and undoing my belt with a tiny smirk before letting my pants just fall to the ground. My dick wasn’t fully erect but it still sprang out through the large hole that was in my boxers. She didn’t even say anything her eyes just went wide both of her eye brows lifting about as high as they could go as her mouth was opened wide. I was just standing there with my boxers all ripped up before her my dick dangling slightly engorged by the amount of blood that had rushed down there and for a minute I was looking into her eyes before hopping into the tub so I wouldn’t have to be prominently displaying myself.

Brookes reaction though we couldn’t see it was much the same of her mom’s though more pissed off and still shooting daggers at her mom. She went upstairs to go and get her swim suit on.

“How did that happen?” She said in a shocked exasperation her eyes beginning to get back to normal I was all the way on the other side of the hot tub just looking at her. She was panting a little bit clearly taken by surprise and her breasts seemed to swell along with her breathing.

“Long story sorry for the show…” I said. She just started laughing, “I’m sure! Well not bad I wasn’t expecting that and I guess boys weren’t hung like that when I was your age.” she said splashing some of the water at me.

I spun around hearing the door sliding open and Brooke’s voice I hadn’t even realized she was there, “Mom what the hell!” She pouted. I was so embarrassed and turned on at the same time. Brooke was standing there wearing a much sexier swim suit than the first time, the black pushup bra hugging her breasts in rounded curves looking amazing and black bottoms that hugged her so tightly you couldn’t miss her camel toe being displayed prominently. She got into the tub and pushed up against me.

This really boosted my ego making me smile widely like an idiot and I got kind of bold, “Well I can see where Brooke gets her looks from.” I said. Moving my eyes from Miss Axley and locking them onto Brookes cleavage as her breasts swelled in the water. Miss Axley smiled a little and squeezed her boobs with her hands, “Oh these old things.” She teased. My loins were stirring like crazy I was rock hard under the bubbly water, but I didn’t want to cross a line I mean I’ve got Brooke and I couldn’t lose her.

Brooke stammered, “Seriously mom stop it you’re being such a bitch.” I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable at this until Brooke started squeezing my thigh and fishing around with her hand under the water noticing that I was hard. She looked over and gave me a look squinting her eyes at me that she was pissed off. Her slight smile said something else was she pleased at the same time, I don’t know I really couldn’t tell either way, until she locked her hand around my dick with a pretty decently hard squeeze which made me wince a little bit.

Ms. Axley just raised her eye brow curiously at the look I just gave her, “Oh you just need to smoke some weed and lighten up a little bit I’m not going to steal your boyfriend.” I was actually kind of enjoying this, no one was pissed off at me for being a guy and they were both fighting with each other, it was more like them just being snarky and girlish type of bitchy to each other, they didn’t sound serious. Brooke wasn’t anyways, I think she was actually kind of intimidated by her mom and all the confidence that was usually in her voice was placated now.

I tried to pacify the conversation in another way, but that wasn’t going to happen I was cut off before I could even speak. “He was just helping me out anyways I tripped on your friggin shoes and you know how I feel about that. I twisted my ankle real good and your boyfriend was nice enough to help me down the stairs and keep me from yelling at you, he even got me ice.” Ms. Axley retorted.

“Sorry.” Brooke kind of cowered in response releasing my dick from a strangle hold.

The aroma of the water filled up my nostrils really opening up my pores I felt like I hadn’t breathed this clearly in a long time I could get used to this.

“So what we’re the two of you doing today anyways.” She said with a menacing smile in my direction. I really couldn’t tell if she was hitting on me or being bitchy because I kind of got that sweet, but bitchy vibe from her like I did the first time I met her.

Brooke was quick to respond, “Tommy took me out to an early dinner after there was a small explosion at school and they let us out early.”

“Did you get hurt Tommy? And is that why your boxers are torn to shreds in the front?” I blushed, but I could take this as an opportunity to have a reason for the hole. Before I could even take time to respond Brooke did for me.

“No one got hurt and I did that mom.” Brooke said.

“What do you mean you did that?” Ms. Axley said. A look of surprise in her mother’s eyes followed by a humiliation in my own, they really seemed to have a pretty open relationship when it came to discussing things I wish I could talk to my parents like that. Actually maybe I don’t, but it was like nothing I had never witnessed before. I didn’t exactly want this conversation to continue, but it was evident that it was going to, man what did I get myself into today?

“I blew him and I ripped his boxers in the process.” Brooke said. Her mom not very surprised any more just started laughing.

“I’ve done something like that myself man you kids are moving faster then I imagined. I know you only dated that one other boy and he was a real scum bag if you ask me.” Her mom said. Brooke blushed a little bit at this and replied with, “I know he kind of was a scum bag compared to Tommy, I mean he tried to get into my pants the first day I met him and Tommy barely even kissed me when we first went out.”

“Yeah he does seem like one of the good ones and I wouldn’t have minded sucking on that either.” She said with a wink.

“Mom!” Brooke said exasperated.

“What I’m not lying!” Ms. Axley fired back. I swear it was like I wasn’t even there being talked about like an object, but hey what teenager wouldn’t be enjoying this.

I got bold again and was grinning just a little bit too much, “Ladies! Come on I can’t take all this flattery!” I wanted them to realize I was there since it seemed like they didn’t notice me anymore. Brooke and her mom both looked at me and then at each other with what I could only imagine was mind reading Jedi tricks.

“On that note I’m going inside, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Brooke’s mom bounded out of the hot tub and wrapped herself in a towel and strutted back inside it didn’t seem like her leg was hurting her anymore.

“That was so embarrassing.” I said. That was about all I could muster as Brooke turned to me with a scowl.

“You weren’t going to try to fuck my mom we’re you?” She said.

“No, way baby! I’ve got you and even though your mom may be attractive she can’t hold a candle to you.” I said. She still looked mad at me, but her face was betraying her as it slowly was melting away as I locked eyes with her.

“Okay, but you’re on thin ice especially since I know my mother was probably flirting with you she does that sometimes.” She said in a tone that was all business. I just pulled her in for a kiss it didn’t seem like she was very into it though, so I just enjoyed the hot tub and we laid in there for about an hour.

“Tommy you should go home I’ve got some stuff to do, see you in the morning hon.” Brooke said tiredly.

I got out of the hot tub, took off my boxers they were soaked and torn to shreds and left them laying there, got my pants on and walked in the house to grab my shoes.

“Awe you left me a memento of today.” She giggled looking at my boxers.
“You’re such a dork babe!” I said smiling and blew her a kiss as I walked inside.
Brooke’s mom was sleeping on the couch in just a t-shirt and bikini bottoms. You could see through her white shirt that was clinging to her and make out her supple areolas that were slightly erect. I fumbled around putting my shoes on and I think I woke her up.

“Going so soon?” She said sleepily.

“Yeah my parents are probably back from the casino by now and I’m sure that they are wondering where I’ve been all day.” I said.

“Well aren’t you going to give me a hug goodbye handsome?” She asked.

“Sure Ms. Axley.” I said.

I walked over to her to give her a hug she sat up and gave me a hug squeezing me close, she had an intoxicating aroma like almonds and one of those Victoria’s secret body sprays. She kissed me on the cheek one of her hands running her fingers down the back of my hair and neck, I got goose bumps from that and her hair felt like it was feathery soft against my skin. I slowly pulled away from the hug and she was still holding me tight. Her hands sliding down from the embrace all the way along my back, stopping just above my ass before she gave my left butt cheek a little squeeze and let go. That was definitely not the type of hug I was used to mom’s giving me and I was blushing as I escaped the embrace.

She melted back into the couch and closed her eyes again not making any sign that what she just did was sexual in any type of way. I was going to have to watch myself in that house from now on that’s for sure two beautiful women that both seemed to be seeking the attention of male companionship.

I drove back home and parked in the driveway checking my phone, I had a lot of text messages from Josh and Rob. Rob was my asian buddy who went to California to surf for the whole summer he said he was probably going to miss the first week of school.

Rob: What’s good bro I just landed at O’hare want to do a brotha a favor and pick me up?

Another text twenty minutes later

Rob: Damn nigga you gonna pick me up or what?

Two missed phone calls later followed by another text.

Rob: You better be getting laid!

Me: Sorry bro my bad I was with my girlfriend!

Instantly I got a text back…

Rob: Don’t worry about it everything worked out just fine I hitched a ride with this chick.

Me: cool is she hot?

Rob: she’s aite, wait what you got a girlfriend ?

Me: yea and she’s gorgeous

Rob: fuck outta here bitch send me a pic

Me: nah you can check her in person later

Rob: she must be ugly

Me: Your crazy [image sent]

I sent him the pic of her with Ashley in their bikini’s.

Rob: ha you’re so easy to manipulate, which one is she? both them bitches is bad as hell.

Me: Brooke my gf is the one in the front, the girl in the back is her friend Ashley

Rob: hook a nigga up

Me: you too late Josh already got dibs on that

Rob: Gay! She gonna go googlely eyes when she see my ripped abs from surfing

Me: Sure fool… you should hit Josh up though he’s in the hospital there was an explosion at school

Rob: Aite! Hmu later…

I opened up the text from Josh next…

Josh: What it do I’m on the way home from the hospital my mom’s acting like I got shot she’s been coddling me like a five year old.

Me: haha just got home was at Brooke’s house

Josh: Nice! I might go hook up with my girl now if she’s free

Me: Good luck

I walked inside my mom was reading a book on the couch and my dad was fiddling with a light fixture in the kitchen.

“Hey Tom what have you been doing all day did you go out looking for jobs?” My dad said from the kitchen.

“No I was spending time with my girlfriend and her mom at her house.” I said.

“Aren’t you going to give your mother a kiss hello?” My mom looked up from her book offering her cheek. I went over and gave her a kiss and went over to my room.

“When are we going to meet this girl Thomas?” My mother said.

“Soon enough I’m sure!” I yelled from my room.

I flipped on my computer and turned on my PS3 battlefield three was calling for me. I didn’t really like BF4 they fucked with too many of the controls that made the game so great, and the maps weren’t anything near as likeable as the previous version. I checked my Facebook, I had a notification from Rob that he was coming back today he had a picture of him holding a surf board on the beach with sunglasses on. He is a shorter guy but he did look like he got freaking ripped and even more tanned then he already usually was, his hair was longer than I’ve ever seen it. There was a girl holding bunny ears above his head wearing a one piece surfer body suit hugging her curves. She had dirty blonde hair with lots of sand in it and a really cute glowing smile. I left a like on the picture and checked my messages. I had another from Christi Lu:

Saw you at school tiger! Slinking out of the bathroom with a girl in tow  I must have competition now rawr! I’m not worried I know what you like and how you like it :P here’s something for old times’ sake and tell me what you think of my new tattoo! [Image] [Image]

The first image was a selfie of her with her top off and one hand with her arm holding her breasts she was wearing just the skirt from earlier today and her thong was sticking out just a little bit. Her arm was sticking out holding the phone to take a picture she had one of her eyes closed making a winking face, with her lips pursed together in a kiss.

The second image was a close up of her naked bottom half, but she had her hand behind her three fingers underneath that were pressing up against her pussy, you could even still make out the outline of her lips that had a slight glistening of moisture from the sides of her tiny fingers. She had a new tattoo of a small black zodiac symbol for Sagittarius on her inner right hip just above where her panty line would be.

I swear I must be going crazy it was because it was raining bitches! I started to day dream about Christi again, but I had to find a way to stop this maybe just ignoring her would work, Battlefield 3 intro was playing in the background when my phone rang, Brooke was calling me.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hey baby you left your wallet here, I’ll bring it to you when you pick me up in the morning unless you need it now. Your driver’s license picture looks super goofy.” She said.

“Oh yeah that’s fine I can just pick it up in the morning, thanks sweetie and yeah they wouldn’t take another picture I hate it too.” I said

“It’s not that bad just silly, but I really enjoyed going to the restaurant with you that was pretty nice. Do you think you can do me a favor though?” She said.

“Uh, sure like what?” I said not sure if I actually should agree without knowing what the favor was actually about.

“I need to pick up my birth control from the pharmacy tomorrow after school.” She said kind of embarrassingly.

“Okay I can do that, but I’ve got tryouts for the Golf team afterschool did you want to come along? and I’ll take you to the pharmacy after.” I said.

“Awe that’s cute you play golf, yeah that’s fine I don’t have dance class until about seven anyways maybe I’ll have you drive me and you can watch me in class.” She said.

“Okay honey that sounds like fun I’ll talk to you tomorrow sweet dreams.” I said.

“You too I didn’t even notice it was, so late I should get ready for bed too!” She said blowing a kiss into the phone.


I got another message from Christi during that time on Facebook, man she was not going to let up!

Christi Lu: Hey how come you’re not writing me back that’s not very nice dude! Does somebody have a girlfriend?? I know you read the messages from earlier let’s see if this will take your mind off that silly girl because I really miss your tongue on my pussy! [Video]

She was just wearing a blue fluffy bath robe looking through her closet with some techno music playing in the background she had her hair in pigtails and was sauntering along with the music. The robe was slowly coming down showing her bare shoulders and tan skin. She was undoing the sash that was holding the robe together and turned it into a whip like object putting one of her hands high in the air and whipping at one of the closet doors. More of her skin was being revealed and it didn’t look like she had a bra on under the robe. She flung the sash around and grabbed it with her other hand bringing it up to her chest level and turned around holding it out straight and was bending over so you couldn’t see if she was wearing any underwear below. She was obviously not wearing a bra holding out the sash and pressing it against her small firm breasts and she had her mouth open and eye brow raised with a saucey look as she swayed her ass side to side before turning back around.

I was starting to get really hard and my brain was telling me to stop watching, but the rest of my body didn’t want to comply and continued watching this eyeballs coming out of my head. This was totally fucked up and I really couldn’t believe it, but I was too inclined to keep watching and see what would happen next to care.

She turned back around and dropped the sash on the ground raising her hands high in the air and pushing her butt out. Then letting her arms slowly fall to her sides as she pushed out her chest letting the robe start to fall off of her, even though it was trying to hold on to her, it was slowly making its way down the rest of her body. Revealing her toned bare back as it teased its way down stopping on her little butt as she shook side to side and it fell to the ground revealing her bare toned ass that was smooth and plump. She stood up straight and got on her tippy toes taking both of her hands and sliding them along the contours of her butt cheeks grasping her ass and lifting it a little. She let go of her ass and it jiggled slightly before it dropped back into its upright position. She took her right hand and put it between her legs palming her pussy and bent over touching the ground with her free hand.

I didn’t even realize it but I was starting to rub my hand up and down on my cock as I watched in eager anticipation of what would happen next.

She rocked her head back and forth to the music letting her pig tails shake in unison of the music and rose back up the dimples above her ass complimented her toned body so well and those legs were to die for. She turned her head and smiled at the camera licking her lips and put her hand on her mouth and rolling her eyes. She spun around with one arm over her firm petite breasts pushing them together giving her very nice cleavage with her other hand hiding her pussy as she walked up to the camera and blew a kiss right up against the lens before the video ended.

Oh my god I was so horny after watching that and realized I was touching myself the whole time. I needed a cold shower after that, I had to get this idea out of my head, my mind was literally racing. This was going to be a problem at this rate things would only get worse.

I took a cold shower and went straight to sleep.

*Beep Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep Beep*

I sprung awake feeling like I hadn’t even slept so many things running around in my head and put together some clothes to wear for golf tryouts my clubs were already in the car thank god because I was in no mood to be doing anything feeling as lazy as I did right now.

I grabbed a Hugo boss green dress shirt and some beige pants from J. Crew while I was searching for a specific black belt from express that had a silver buckle with two black squares. I found it and looked through my underwear drawer and pulled out some new Emporium Armani boxer briefs. Hopefully these boxers will last the day, I couldn’t keep having my boxers ripped up like yesterday I sighed.

I took a shower and then headed down stairs to a table all by myself. I could hear my dad still snoring with a lion like roar, how my mom could sleep through that I would never know, I knocked on my brothers door loudly to wake him up.

Alex muttered, “Fuck off! I’m up already!”

“You better not let mom hear you swearing she’ll take away your phone again.”

“I don’t care seriously leave me alone I’m getting ready for school you don’t have to be a dick about it.” Alex replied.

I ate a quick bowl of cereal and got into my car and headed down to Brooke’s house. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Me: Hey I’m outside you coming out?

Brooke: I’m still getting ready wanna wait inside my mom made some cinnamon rolls!

Me: Okay I’ll go inside

I hope this wasn’t going to be an everyday thing I liked to have fifteen minutes at school before classes started, so I could talk with my friends.

I walked up to the door which was wide open and walked inside, her mom was singing along with some music in the kitchen I couldn’t place the song but it sounded like something from the eighties. She must have heard me come in the wooden floorboards making a creaking noise as I walked towards the kitchen.

“Hey Tommy come in the kitchen and have some cinnamon rolls they are delicious!” Her mom said. “BROOKE HURRY UP THIS ISN’T A FASHION SHOW GET UR ASS DOWNSTAIRS!!” Her mom yelled in an even louder voice from the kitchen.

I started to eat one of the rolls it was pretty good maybe a little burnt, but I wasn’t going to let her know. It was a really nice gesture, my mom almost never cooked food for us before school that was strictly a weekend thing. Her mom looked like she was ready for work, I wasn’t really sure what she did for a living, but she looked dressed for success in a classy business suit and skirt with her hair done up in a fashionable bun.

“Well somebody certainly looks very handsome, boys never really took the time to dress fashionably in my day.” Brooke’s mom said giving me a wink.

“You look like you’re ready to beat someone up in court yourself with that power suit!” I said guessing at her profession.

“No I’m actually a sales woman for an art gallery.” Ms. Axley said.

Brooke came walking down the stairs hair pulled tightly into a springy pony tail and strutted into the kitchen wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt from an incubus concert that was tied in the front to show off her dangling belly jewelry, there was a little pink playboy bunny in pink rhinestones in the navel. She had on some black leggings that stopped at about her ankles and hugged her tightly leaving little to the imagination, giving her a surprising amount of camel toe too. She had ballet flats on presumably because she would wear this to dance class today.

“Okay mom I’ll see you later, Tommy said he would take me to dance class today, so don’t worry about picking me up or anything.” Brooke said.

“That’s nice! Thanks Tommy, maybe I can get in another jog, my ankle is feeling a hell of a lot better today.” Ms. Axley said.

“Well I would love to stay and chat, but we need to get to school.” I said heading for the door.

Brooke followed after me as I bounded down the front steps to the car and pulled out my phone to check how much time we had till school started. I sighed in relief that had only taken a few minutes, we still had a good 20 minutes before school started and it only took about five or six minutes to get there. The parking spots shouldn’t be too scarce, which was good because if we had to park in parking lot B it would take at least ten minutes to walk to school from there being on the other side of the football field and all.

Brooke smiled over at me while we drove to school listening to music and then went back over to her phone texting the day away. I didn’t really mind I was still thinking about, so many other things and hoping that I wouldn’t bump into Christi that would be a very awkward conversation.

*HONK HONK! Tires screeching*

This petite girl with sexy half-length blonde hair, green sunglasses and skull gauges cut right in front of me. She was blaring music from an EDM artist called Grimes in her older convertible red Chrysler LeBaron. She had a cigarette between her beautiful red lips and raised her hand high in the air making a fist and showing off her ink, with such intricate tattoos dancing along her arm. Each one looked like they had all been handpicked with lots of thought and care as she flicked up her middle finger, wind blowing through her hair as she blew out some smoke removing her cigarette and making such a sexy smile showing off her delicately bold features. Her cut off white crop top was billowing around her and you could see her black bra peaking out underneath giving off the slight contour of her perky breasts and what looked like some more ink right below her sexy lacy bra. She looked like a badass that didn’t take shit from anyone.

“Damn what the fuck??” I said.

“Huh?” Brooke said looking up from her phone. “What happened?” She asked.

“Nothing it’s fine.” I said.

I drove into the parking lot behind the girl in the convertible her music still blaring. She flicked the cigarette at the fence before blazing into a spot I made sure to park next to her. I had never seen this girl before and wanted to get a better look. I looked over at Brooke who was still lost in her phone texting someone and got out of the car.

This chick turned her car off and got out throwing her sunglasses into the car I noticed another piercing in her nose, which was really cute. The wind still blowing her hair as the sun glistened upon her face making it glow being drenched in the light. Her eyes had an icy-fire to them being a steel blue as she peered in my direction locking eyes with me before walking to her trunk.

She was very slim and had very slender long legs and was just a bit shorter than me, but not by very much. They were toned legs and her complexion was a milky white. She had high black boots on with a short pleated white skirt that the wind was also having its way with as it danced around in the wind. She bent over to pull out her bag from the car and you could make out the bottom curvature of her blissfully cute bubble butt with sexy lacy black matching panties. I turned away and went to open the car door for Brooke.

I grabbed my stuff out of the back and Brooke took my hand as we walked into the school. The inked up girl walked over towards the door in front of us throwing the doors open as she strutted with power into the halls before disappearing.

“Man I could never put that much graffiti on my body!” Brooke said watching the girl disappear into the crowd.

“I don’t know I thought it looked kind of hot if you ask me.” I replied. I was met with a light punch in the arm from Brooke. I pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek.

“Awe baby I was only teasing come on!” Brooke said.


Ashley came up from behind Brooke giving her a firm slap on the ass making her jump and squeal a tad.

“Bitch! I’ll get you back!” Brooke said chasing her down the hall.

“Hey buddy!” I jerked my neck to see Josh and Rob standing close by his eyes following some chick walking by.

“Fine ass bitches I shouldn’t have missed the first day of school lots of new talent!” Rob said.

“Yeah, so long as you don’t hit on my girl your fine!” I said

“That goes the same for my girl!” Josh said.

“Well I think somebody already beat me to it anyways cause some guy is talking to your chick right now Josh.” Rob said.

My eyes went over to the open doors by the snack machines to see Bob flirting with Ashley, while Brooke was nearby buying a water from the vending machine pretty oblivious to the situation. So, I looked over to Josh and he was already on his way over there and gave Bob a friendly, but firm enough shove. I went over to Brooke I wasn’t going to get involved in this and didn’t really want to hear the conversation either, but couldn’t help it being so close. Rob looked like he was ready for a fight standing nearby with his arms crossed. I didn’t hear all the dialogue, but I could tell that Josh was pissed off and Ashley looked like she was enjoying all the attention.

“Why, you hitting on my girlfriend?” Josh said throwing his arm around Ashley.

“She never told me she was your girlfriend while I took her shopping for panties yesterday! I even got to see what they looked like after.” Bob said.

Joshes confidence all but slumped out of his body along with his posture.

“You did not! Yeah you took me shopping and bought me stuff, but I never let you see me in anything!” Ashley said incredulously.

“She’s lying bro I got to see that sexy ass prance around in thongs and everything.” Bob said.

He didn’t even wait for a response for Ashley and just clocked him in the face so hard he bounced against the snack machine and Rob ran over to join in holding his arms.

“Da fuck’s wrong with you calling my girlfriend a slut and a liar I should fuck your ass up!” Josh said.

Ashley started crying, “I swear I let him buy me stuff, but I didn’t let him see me in any of it I just wanted to use him for his money.”

Rob was still holding him tight and Bob was struggling.

“Dude I swear I’m not lying she even sucked my dick on the ride back home.” Bob said with a fearful sincerity.

“Fuck him up dude!” Rob said. This was beginning to draw a bit of a crowd now and people started circling around us.

Josh punched him in the stomach a few times and Rob let go as Bob slumped to the ground and then kicked him a few times before stopping. Ashley was crying and she went over to Bob and kicked him in the nuts about as hard as I’ve ever seen someone get kicked in the balls before. Bob was clentching his teeth and holding his body in a ball on the floor making wincing noises of pain.

“You okay baby?” Josh said to Ashley comforting her.

“Yeah I’m okay.” Ashley said wiping a tear from her eye.

Honestly I don’t even know if I believed Ashley myself but I wasn’t going to question it. I took Brooke’s arm and walked to gym class. Bob never made it to gym class which wasn’t much of a surprise. The morning announcements said there would be a mandatory meeting in the auditorium for the whole school during third period about the incident that happened yesterday.

“That was crazy, but I don’t know if she was telling the truth or not I mean I know her pretty well. I don’t think she can cry on cue like that, but I mean who knows?” Brooke said. I nodded in response this was meeting my suspicious attitude with more suspect idea’s and if Ashley was like this how much did I actually know about Brooke. She was sweet and different than Ashley and we were moving fast, but she had a reservation about her. I pushed the thought out of my head that made me question my own relationship.

I took Brooke to the other side of the school with me towards our next classes and kissed her before letting her saunter off to class. I walked down the halls to my own class hoping that I wouldn’t run into Christi and also hoping we didn’t have a class together.

I took a seat at the lab tables for Biology and the teacher was all business he already had ton’s written on the board this was obviously not going to be a get to know you first day of class type day. I pulled out my note book and started furiously copying even though I almost never read my notes, but hey I figured it was a good practice to do and that I might retain something if I copied it. The bell rang as the door flew open and another student walked in.

It was the girl from this morning that cut me off and I wasn’t sitting next to anyone, so she took a seat next to me and plopped her bag right on top of my note book like she didn’t care. It was a Louie Vuitton I wasn’t really sure if it was real or not, but it looked real enough to me. She fumbled around in there til she pulled out a really raggedy looking note book that looked like it was carried around the world. She had really tiny writing within, but it was super girly and much neater then my chicken scratch.

“I was writing on that.” I said removing her bag and putting it a little farther up the table.

“Sorry I wasn’t trying to be a bitch, just out of breath from huffing it up the stairs.” She said.

“It’s okay, it wasn’t as bad as when you cut me off this morning.” I said with a little more drama in my voice.

“How else would I get you to notice me” She smiled. Clearly acting like she didn’t realize how pretty and almost unapproachable she was with her badass façade.

“Yes clearly that was the way to make an entrance, I’m Tommy.” I said.

“Inna.” She offered her hand, I noticed the ink on there as well, man this girl was wild. I took her hand lightly like you would if you were about to kiss it and lightly shook it.

“Man that was the weakest handshake ever!” Inna said laughing a little bit.

“I was always taught to firmly shake with men and be delicate with women.” I said.

“Try again, let me know you’ve got some balls.” She said challenging me.

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard and I squeezed back, just making her squeeze harder like it was some kind of match we were in. She was smiling though and locked into my eyes like this morning. I noticed just how pretty her eyes were accented by long delicate lashes; she didn’t seem to be wearing much make-up either if any at all. I squeezed back a little tighter, not quite full strength yet I didn’t want to hurt her. Judging by the amount of ink she had on her body I didn’t think anything could hurt her though. She gritted her teeth a tad and squeezed with all her might, which wasn’t much more since her arms were really slender. I noticed a little bit of sexual tension starting to form.

“Okay let’s call it a draw.” I said slowly releasing my hand to break the tension.

“Fine, but I would have won.” Inna said with a smile crossing her legs toward me.

The teacher went on for most of the period talking about embryos and mitosis, most of which seemed to fall on deaf ears as the class was all, but being lulled to sleep. I passed Inna a note.

Me: Hey you falling asleep too?

She looked at it and wrote back. And we slid the paper back and forth for a while.

Inna: Yeah this shit is so fucking boring I’ve got my music on though in the other ear

Me: I hope he doesn’t see that shit and take it that would totally suck

Inna: Im not worried about it he hasn’t even stopped looking at the board and writing this whole time

Me: What are you listening to ?

Inna: Knife Fight and The Strokes

Me: Oh yeah I love the strokes never heard of knife fight before though

Inna: Where have you been there awesome!

Me: Oh, I’ve just been under this rock I like to call Bassnectar

Inna: Yeah everyone knows about them, so I assume you party then?

Me: For sure I just went to Spring Awakening a couple weeks ago with my friend Josh

Inna: Not the type of partying I was talking about, but I bet that was fun.

Me: You mean smoke weed or something?

Inna: Yeah dumbass  you like molly?

Me: Who’s molly I don’t think I know her? No I’m just kidding yeah I’ve did it a couple times with this chick Christi

I heard her snicker before passing the note back to me.

Inna: Lol is that your girlfriend

Me: No, but we used to kick it

Inna: So who was the pretty looking ditz you were driving to school

Me: Oh that’s my girlfriend Brooke we just started dating a couple days ago

Inna: She looks like a real air head no offense.

Me: She’s cool I don’t really know her that well yet…

Inna: Interesting well it looks like class is about to end here’s my number give me a text if you want to talk to a REAL girl some time ***-****

I ripped off a little shred of the paper and put my number on it and slid it back.

She smiled over at me and collected all her shit and walked out the door with the teacher looking like he was going to say something. Before the bell went off a few seconds later followed by speakers telling everyone to report to the auditorium and everyone rushed out, as if the plague was in the room and the cure was the hall.

I saw Christi talking with some people and she was wearing another sexy outfit some white jean shorts hugging her ass tightly and black tank top clinging to her body. She had her short hair swaying around her much like Victoria Beckham would wear it and a pink tiny back pack that probably didn’t carry much. You could see the outline of her green thong showing just above her ass drawing more attention to her cute little back dimples. I rushed passed as quickly as I could, so she wouldn’t notice me my mind was starting to day dream about that video that I just saw yesterday. I pulled out my phone to text Brooke, but I already had a text from her.

Brooke: Meet me outside the auditorium cutie so we can sit together.

Me: Okay I’m on my way.

I made it there and I couldn’t seem to find Brooke, I looked all over the place and I saw Inna sitting against the wall scribbling something in that old notebook of hers with headphones in jamming out to some music. I walked over to her and pushed down her notebook to see what she was doing. Her eyes looked up at me like I had just created a carnal sin and she squinted at me hard. There was a drawing of a beautiful woman’s face with a tear coming down her cheek before she quickly closed it and pulled out one of her ear buds.

“Do you mind?” She said irately.

“Sorry I was curious, didn’t mean to intrude.” I said.

“Well you did! Just because you’re cute doesn’t mean you can poke around in other people’s business.” She said huffing away.

“I… I… didn’t mean anything by it I was just trying to get your attention.” I stammered.

She was already gone out of ear shot and into the auditorium walking away. I pulled out my phone to text Brooke, but she was behind me and poked me in the side of the ribs.

“Hey.” I said spinning around to give her a hug. She hugged me back and gave my butt a squeeze.

“Let’s ditch this assembly.” Brooke said. I wasn’t really the type to ditch, but this year seemed to be bringing a lot of new things, so I figured I should just go with it.

I followed her down the music hall that was probably one of the most quiet halls in school. We went into a room near the end of the one way hallway into a dance studio room that I didn’t even know existed until just now. The room was filled with mirrors on the walls and those rails you put your legs on to stretch. The lights were all off except a few dimly lit back lights reflecting on the wooden floor. The room had a really unique smell like the wood had a fresh varnish on it.

Brooke put on some music on her phone from that black swan movie and started stretching before breaking out into a graceful contemporary dance. She was fluid and delicate spinning around and lifting her leg into the air before jumping and prancing through the room she was really good probably talented enough to be on So You Think You Can Dance. The song ended and she arched her back crossing her arms and letting her hair fall to the ground looking up into the sky.

I began clapping that was pretty amazing I had no idea that she was so damn talented. She just giggled and jumped over to me holding me tightly and I kissed her deeply.

“That was so beautiful Brooke I had no idea you could move like that.” I said. She just pushed my arm teasingly her cheeks rosy and blushing. I kissed her again and squeezed her firm ass wrapped only in a very thin layer of spandex leggings. She bit my lower lip pulling on it and then backed away.

“I’ve got another idea.” Brooke said reaching her hand into her sock pulling out a joint.

“You want to smoke right here?” I said incredulously. She just nodded her head with the music still on her phone playing Eye Of The Tiger as she rocked her head up and down. Brooke pulled out a lighter and started roasting up joint taking a pull and passing it over to me.

I took a hit and sank down against the mirror sliding to the floor enjoying the high as Brooke joined me on the floor straddling me. She took the joint into her mouth with the cherry roasting and held it between her teeth closing in on my lips for me to suck on it. I took a deep long drag kissing her lips as I let go and exhaled a large cloud of smoke over our heads.

We finished smoking the joint and I started kissing her neck as she was grinding her ass over my cock trying to bring it to life. I just pressed my body up against hers and started dry humping her back and sucking on her neck and gripping her frame with my hands and slowly sliding them along her bare ribs under her shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra and I cupped her tit’s feeling her soft nipples as I gently squeezed them. They were soft and firm in my hands completely filling up both my palms. I didn’t know much about breast sizes, but I would guess she was somewhere between a C cup or a smaller D cup. Her skin was so soft and her body was hot up against mine it felt great and we were vigorously making out grinding against each other.

Brooke got up to my ear and whispered, “I think I might be wet, did you want to take a taste?” She slowly got up off of me I spanked her ass and she shimmied out of her black pants not wearing any underwear.

“Okay I think I can do that.” I said winking at her and helped her pull her pants all the way down placing one hand against her creamy back thigh and I slowly ran my hand up her bare leg and cupped her ass cheek a little sliver of wetness trickled all the way down her thigh before coming around to stop on her knee cap. I grabbed her right ass cheek hard and kissed my way up her leg slowly licking up Brooke’s wetness as I did. I raised up and started sucking on her inner thigh, right outside of her pussy lips that had beads of wetness dripping out of it. I removed my lips from the side of her leg and made one slow long lick separating the contours of her lips with my tongue slowly tasting her sweetness before stopping and resting my tongue there looking up at Brooke who had her mouth hanging open not understanding why I stopped.

“Baby! Quit teasing me that’s so unfair!!” Brooke said squeamishly.

I still had my tongue lying dead on her beautiful pussy for a moment before I started letting it dance blissfully up and down twerking my tongue slightly faster in figure eights collecting much more sticky juices now.

“Oh! Oh, right there don’t stop don’t stop.” Her left leg was starting to shake and my eyes followed up her leg looking her facial expressions she had a greedy look in her eyes and her mouth was parted. Her breathing getting heavier and she bit down on her lip hard her eyes rolling back into her head.

I stopped again and laid my tongue flat on her man in the boat a.k.a. the clit and just rested there for a minute I wanted her to want it bad before I went for the fireworks finale that would inevitably cover my mouth with her sticky cum.

Her legs were shaking so hard now and I spanked her ass playfully. Her breathing was super labored mouth wide open with her eyes locked into mine. I could tell the anticipation of what I would do next was driving her wild. I started back up again furiously beating on the man in the boat with my tongue her legs rattling like she was going to fall streams of juices filling my face.

“OH, MY FUCKING GOD!” She damn near screamed at the top of her lungs. I didn’t let up I kept swirling my tongue around and was beating that man in the boat for all his money, until I couldn’t do it anymore and I sucked at her clit with a kiss moving my head back until I released my mouth juices streaming down her leg as I just laid back and watched. I wiped my mouth and she shook her way to the ground her legs looked like they were in a spasm and she was panting hard still. I guess I could see why Christi missed my tongue so much.

“I wasn’t expecting that, I came like four or five times!” She said exasperatedly pulling up her pants.

“We should make our way back to the assembly, so we can blend in with everyone when it’s over.” I said trying to down play the act that just happened. She got up and kissed me hard and grabbed my evident bulge, and was teasing me I was already so horny from all of that.

“Not now baby we don’t have time.” I said taking her hand away from my bulge.

“Awe.” She made a little sad pout.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, and Brooke teased me a little more in the Art class we shared together. The art teacher was a really pretty too a Cantonese lady her name was Jenny Lao and she was either in her late thirties or early forties. She was always glowing and excited about having people get creative and imaginative you could tell that she really enjoyed teaching. It was a really fun class and I enjoyed it we worked on clay molds the whole time before the bell rang to end the day. I was really looking forward to golf tryouts and seeing Brooke in dance beautifully again in her class that would be fun.


I hope you enjoyed the story a lot more is going to happen next chapter i just didn't want to put to much in this chapter with it being as long as it is already. Please Vote and Comment if you didn't like it please tell me why!

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-25 15:43:57
Tommy is such an asshole it turns me off. What a prick.


2014-09-12 23:08:06
Sorry guys I'm just having Brookes character play out like she did in real life. It can be a bit of a roller coaster when it comes to women if you remember those days in high school you can definitely appreciate what I'm trying to say by that but I have added some things to make it more interesting only time will tell where I go with it. Once again sorry about my crappie proof reading skills I try my best and I like keeping the chapters shorter so I can post new them faster just my preference but I hope everyone is enjoying the series the next one is out already btw! Also even though these range from 20 to 40 pages it does take time and that's not exactly short to be honest with a ft job.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-12 19:18:11
Brooke's character totally got ruined dont make tommy a jerk plz and make tommy breakup with brooke or make brooke's character a good one or its gonna kill the story. Btw nice story though

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-12 18:48:48
you know what this is kinda nice story but it is very short elaborate a bit man. We can wait a bit for the story but the story should be long detailed, and with less errors. Seriously what's with so many errors. And you know what killed the story for me, it was Brooke; I sorta liked her in the first 2 chapters but now I totally hate her I just get the feel that she's totally not the girl to be in a relationship with after her character development. At first she was like nice and now she is a total bad ass. Please don't make Inna like brooke her entry to the story was nice, dont ruin the story man. And one more thing please to a spell check and proof read the story and make sure you make the 7th chapter long and detailed. That should give the story a boost it needs

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-10 07:13:30
Great story

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