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and then things settle into place
The next morning I went into the bathroom to inspect my shaved groin area in the mirror. I still couldn’t believe what had happened last night but the mirror proved it was not a dream. It looked and felt strange but I decided I could get used to it and may even learn to like it. Heather came in gave me a good morning kiss and jumped into the shower. After a few minutes of washing her body she asked, “Care to join me?” I may be a lot of things but I’m not a fool … of course I did and in I went. She was standing under the shower with water dripping off her breasts. Her 5 months pregnant belly jutted out, but it was her wet shaved pussy that I stared at in awe. It was perfectly smooth. Her pussy lips were slightly open allowing me to glimpse her most private parts. Her clit was slightly swollen and protruding at the top of her delicious looking cunt. I moved towards her and she soaped up the wash rag and began wiping every inch of my body. By then I was completely hard and she spent extra time gently scrubbing my groin. She turned off the water and we got out of the shower and dried each other off.

“Will you do something for me?” she asked quietly. “Anything you want Heather,” I answered. She took my hand and led me to her bedroom. She slid into bed and spread her legs to show me all of her naked body. “No one has ever licked or tasted my pussy. Would you like to be the first?” she whispered. I nodded yes but stood there looking at her now smiling face, her breasts and nipples, and her very pregnant belly. I wanted to remember this moment for the rest of my life. Then I bent over to kiss her lips and moved down to her breasts ... sucking her areolas and licking her nipples … kissing her belly and finally I brought my face closer and inhaled the sweet scent of soap and of her feminine arousal.

Then I couldn’t wait any longer. I slid into bed with my head between her legs, and softly pushed my face deep into her shaved smooth pussy. My mouth quickly found her clit and I flicked it with my tongue. From the second I made contact she was started to moan. When I pushed my tongue against it, she sucked in air and started writhing around while I continued my attack on her juicy pussy. I drank in as much of her female juices as I could get as I started working my tongue up and down her slit. Then I speared my tongue as deep as I could into the folds of her pussy and started to probe her with my tongue. “Oh, that feels so good. Please don’t stop. I want to cum with your tongue in me …” she whimpered. The taste of her pussy sweetened … a sign that her orgasm was about to begin. I continued to push my tongue deep into Heather’s pussy and she screamed as her body started convulsing. I knew she was on the verge of orgasm. All of a sudden she stopped moving and her moan filled the room as her orgasm crashed through her body. I gently kept my warm tongue pushed against her clit until she was finally finished. "Oh Stan, that was incredible!" she said. I moved back up and kissed her again as she lovingly ran her hands through my hair. All I wanted to do was put my arms around her and protect her from the world.

The next couple of weeks were something else. I started taking weekly pictures of her belly with a cloth tape measure wrapped around to show how much she was growing. I also took candid shots of our day to day activities … I wanted to remember her after she went home. She loved getting back rubs with massage oil and especially liked it when I used my finger nails to slowly scratch her back. This never failed to cause goose bumps. We also stared using coco butter on her belly to reduce stretch marks. Heather taught me how to shave her pussy and my groin area without drawing blood. I would shave her every Tuesday and Friday and she would shave me every Wednesday and Saturday. Usually this would lead to showering together and some sort of sexual activity ... sometimes just touching and kissing … sometimes more. We went through a lot of bottles of skin lotions and massage oils. I’m not sure how or when it happened but we were finally tuned in to each other’s needs. Everything felt right. We went shopping, to restaurants, and to her doctor appointments together. Life was good.

We were having lunch one day and Heather asked me, “What’s up with you and Aunt Monica?” “What do you mean? She was Gina’s best friend … and my friend for almost 25 years.” “No, there’s more to it than that ... you are holding something back. She gets a wistful look every time she talks about you. Tell me the truth,” she said. “I will tell you, but only if you promise me that you will never tell her or anyone else about us. Do you promise?” I asked. Heather answered, “Yes I do. I promise … It’s our secret.” I believed her and then said, “The truth is that I am ‘In Love’ with Monica and wanted to share the rest of my life with her. We had one great weekend in April but her being married to Clark kills any chance of us ever being together.” She nodded her head in agreement. “Thanks for telling me the truth,” she said. We were both lost in our thoughts for a moment. “Now it’s your turn to tell the truth. I’m 65 … You’re 33 … Why did you make love with me the first time?” She looked me in the eyes and said, “Truthfully the first time was for pure sexual release ... my body wanted and needed that orgasm ... I had to have it.” “What about now? Do you agree that we have an almost perfect sexual connection?” I asked. She answered, “Yes. But with you it’s more than sex … it is an emotionally bond. You fulfill me. Age has nothing to do with it. I am closer to you than I ever was with my soon to be ex-husband.” I nodded and said, “Thank you Heather … you make me as happy as I’ve been in a long time.” And then we kissed and I held her in my arms.

I found out how true that was later that day when Heather came into the kitchen with a strange look on her face. “Quick, give me your hand.” I reached over and she put my hand on her belly. I felt the baby kick. I looked at her face. She was in awe and said, “That’s the first time that happened.” And then it really hit me … we weren’t ‘In Love’ but we did love each other. “Heather I am so happy I can be in your life even if it’s only for 2 months. You mean everything to me,” I whispered. She looked at me and started to cry and said, “I know … I need you too.” We both knew that this temporary situation we were in was soon going to end. She put her hands to my face and gave me the sweetest kiss. We knew that from now on we were soul mates and would be for the rest of our lives. We spent the rest of the day talking about the baby, the future, and about the things that really matter most.

The next morning Heather came out of her room with two dark wet spots on the front of her shirt. She said, “My breasts have started making milk.” She took off her shirt baring her breasts and nipples. There were white droplets on each nipple. I was amazed. “Is this normal … should this be happening now?” I asked. She wasn’t sure. I suggested she call her doctor and schedule an appointment ASAP. We went the next day. The doctor examined her, told her that this was normal, and that there were no problems with her pregnancy. He suggested that she get nipple cream to control the soreness and a breast pump to release the milk being produced.

We purchased the cream and breast pump on the way home. We sat at the kitchen table, opened the package, and carefully read the instructions. Heather removed her blouse and bra and started to massage her breast and then placed the funnel shaped end squarely on her nipple. It was a snug fit. She turned on the pump but only a few drops of thin white liquid came out; and then a sudden stream of milk came squirting out running in tiny rivulets down the sides of the container, forming a small puddle at the bottom. It only took a few minutes until the flow stopped. She repeated the process on her other breast. “What do we do now?” I asked. “Would you like to taste my milk?” she asked as she handed me the container. I nodded yes … the idea of tasting her breast milk turned me on. She watched as I put the container to my lips and sipped most of the warm sweet liquid. I handed the container to her so she could taste it too. She sipped it and smiled, “We do share everything don’t we?” Yes we did.

That night Heather was getting ready to use the breast pump again. I had a better idea, smiled and said, “Wait before you use that … I’d like to taste your milk straight from the source.” She smiled too and took off her blouse baring her breasts for me. I sat in a chair and she stood in front of me between my legs. I wrapped my arms around her lower back and she reached for my head to pull me forward until my face was barely an inch from her nipple. “Be my guest. They are all yours.” she chuckled.

I put my mouth over her areola sucking gently while my tongue cupped under her nipple licking upwards until a spray of thin, warm liquid flowed into my mouth. I let it flow over my tongue, savoring the taste while reaching up with my hand to massage the rest of her breast. My left hand found her other breast, and I began twisting her nipple between my fingers, pulling at it until I felt tiny droplets of liquid sliding down my hand. She started to moan; her hands were still in my hair, pulling me further onto her breast. I was completely aroused and so was she. We needed to be somewhere more comfortable before we could continue.

I took her hand and we went into my bedroom. We undressed and kissed for about a minute and then I got in the left side of the bed and lay on my back. Heather got in on the right side and snuggled up to me lying flat on her back with her head resting on top of my right shoulder. I reached up with my right hand and started gently twisting her right nipple. I moved my left hand to the other nipple and started twisting it. She moaned and I could feel her milk start to flow. I kissed her on her cheek and whispered, “Start rubbing you pussy.” She wiped her right hand in the milk on her breasts and moved it down and started rubbing her clit. She wiped her left hand in the milk and began stroking my penis. We were both moaning and I knew it wouldn’t take long to reach our orgasms. I kept twisting her nipples and she kept rubbing herself and stroking me. It was so erotic. “Heather, are you ready?” I asked. “Yes … cum now!” She arched her back as her orgasm began and I grunted and began spewing sperm all over her milk covered breasts. The intensity of our orgasms was amazing. We rolled into each other’s arms and just held on. There was one more thing that I had always wanted to do … I bent down and licked some of the milk and sperm mixture from her breasts into my mouth. Heather saw what I had done, pulled my head to hers, and started to kiss me. She gently pushed her tongue in my mouth and we shared the flavors of the fluids our bodies had made. “Have you ever done that before?” she asked. “Never … There has to be a first time for everything,” I laughed.

We jumped into the shower together. It took a while but we were finally clean. We slept in her bed that night … my bed would need to be cleaned and laundered tomorrow. One more kiss and we both drifted into a deep sound sleep.

The next morning Heather was using her breast pump in the kitchen while I was making coffee. I went to the refrigerator for my creamer but the carton was almost empty. I poured out the last few drops and said, “We need to add coffee creamer to the grocery list.” “No we don’t,” she said. She got up, came over to me and started squeezing her breast milk into my coffee cup. I will never forget that moment. I started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” she asked. I answered, “You make me so happy … you make my heart smile … what will I do without you?” She leaned in and we kissed. Then she said, “You’ll think of something … or someone.” My morning coffee never tasted better. What a turn on! She promised to ‘fix’ my coffee every morning. That night for dessert she made vanilla pudding using her milk. It was delicious!

About three weeks later on a Tuesday morning the phone rang at 9 am and I answered, “Hello”. It was Monica. “I have some really good news. Put me on speaker phone so you both can hear. Heather your final divorce decree will be issued Thursday morning. I know it’s been two and a half months but the end is finally here. And the even better news is that your ex has moved to Colorado. What do you think about that?” She asked. Heather looked surprised but said, “That’s great news! Does that mean I can come back home?” “Yes you can, but it’s probably best to wait until Friday. Stan, can you put up with her for another 3 days?” she asked. I struggled with my answer, “Yes … Yes I can … it’s been a pleasure to take care of Heather. She been no trouble at all.” “Will you be able to drive her to my house on Friday?” She asked. I answered, “Yes. We will be there about 2 PM.” We said our goodbyes.

Heather and I knew this day would come, we just didn’t know it would be today. Heather had a tears in her eyes as she came over to put her arms around me and hold me tight. We said nothing for 10 minutes … just held each other. Our special time together was coming to an end. We had 3 days left to make the most of it.

That night after dinner Heather went to her room to rest while I worked on a consulting report. About an hour later I heard her call me from the bedroom, “Honey can you come here for a minute? I want to show you something.” I walked into her room and there she stood next to the bed completely naked except for a pair of bunny slippers on her feet. “What do you think? Pretty sexy … right?” she asked with a big smile on her face. Her 6 ½ months pregnant body was stunning … her face, her breasts and nipples, her protruding belly, her shave pussy, and her lovely legs. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world,” I told her as I walked over and wrapped her in my arms. She whispered and gave herself to me, “Tonight is your night, do with me as you will.” We kissed her for a moment and then she watched as I slowly undressed in front of her. I sat on the edge of bed and she walked over and stood between my legs. I bend down and ran my tongue over her shaved pussy and started to lick her clit. She began to moan. By then I was completely aroused. I slid my hands up to her breasts and gently twisted her nipples … her milk started to flow immediately. I slid my tongue up her belly and licked her milky nipples. Then I rolled over and laid flat on the edge of the bed. Heather took my penis in her hand, slid the foreskin back and began squirting her warm milk onto the head. Then she bent down and put my penis in her mouth and started stroking it with her hand. With her other hand she reached down to gently fondle my balls. Her mouth was sliding up and down my penis with just enough suction that I knew it wasn’t going to take long. I moaned and began to cum in spurts matching the motion of her mouth. The orgasm was so intense that I stopped breathing for at least 20 seconds. When I started to breathe again and recover my strength, Heather stood up. I could see my sperm on her lips and mouth. I stood up and licked some of the milk from her breasts, pulled her head to mine, and kissed her while softly pushing my tongue in her mouth and we again shared our bodies fluids. “Thank you Honey … that was incredible. What about you? Do you want to cum now?” I asked. “No … this is your night … What do you want to do now?” she answered. I told her, “Now what I really want is to hold you in my arms and never let you go. What I’ll settle for is being in bed with you tonight and falling asleep beside you.” She smiled and replied, “That can be arranged.” And that is exactly what we did.

The next day was Wednesday and it went by quickly. We started packing and planning the trip. It was dinner time before we knew it. After dinner I told Heather that I needed to change my bed and do a load of laundry. I went to my bedroom and a few minutes later I called out to her, “Honey can you come here for a minute? I want to show you something.” I heard her laughing on the way back. She walked into my bed room saw me completely naked except for the pair of bunny slippers tied around my neck and she laughed loudly. “What do you think? Pretty sexy … right?” I asked with a big smile on my face. I then reached behind me for the can of whip cream, bottle of chocolate syrup, and jar of cherries that I had hidden on the bed. “Tonight is your night … If you want I thought we could try something new.” She smiled and asked, “What do you have in mind?” I didn’t say a word. I walked over, kissed her, and began to slowly undress her. When she was totally naked I laid her on the bed with her head propped up on 2 pillows. I took the whip cream and sprayed some on her breasts and belly and rubbed it on slowly. The chocolate syrup was next followed by placing a cherry on each nipple. She had a strange look on her face … a mixture of amazement and lust. I bent over and kissed her and licked my way down her neck to her breasts. Heather watched me as I slowly licked the right cherry into my mouth and then the left exposing both nipples sticking out of the cream on her breasts. I used my tongue to draw a line from the top of her cleavage to the bottom of her belly. I looked up into her eyes as she watched me slide two fingers of both hands through the cream on her stomach. I carefully rubbed the cream from the fingers on the hairless mound above her pussy and then on her pussy lips. I licked the mound first making sure it was completely clean. She was still watching as I licked the lips of her pussy from the bottom to the top. I stopped at her clit, sucked into my mouth, and then began licking it gently. She started to moan and moving her hips rhythmically pushing her vagina against my tongue. And then she groaned once more and held her breath as her orgasm began. She kept grinding her clit against my warm tongue over and over. She finally slowed to a stop but I didn’t move my tongue … I held it in place. When she realized what I was doing I slowly started pushing against her again. It took a couple minutes until she started her second orgasm … this one slower but with more intense spasms ... I could feel them on my tongue. Heather gasped as the pleasure she was feeling passed through every part of her body. When she was done I licked her pussy lips gathering as much of her sweet liquid as I could and worked my way up to her lips. We kissed and shared the taste of her orgasms. She looked into my eyes in wonder ... she was speechless. We finally got cleaned up, kissed goodnight, and held each other tight as we went to sleep.

Thursday was the last day we would be together. We had spent almost every hour together for over 80 days. We both wanted to make this last day and night special. After dinner I took Heather’s hand and led her to her room. She said, “Give me a few minutes to get ready, OK?” I nodded yes and went to my room to get ready myself. I took off clothes my and put on my ‘lucky’ pair of silk boxers and then waited for her. I lit a candle and turned out the lights. About 5 minutes later Heather walked in … she was wearing a red silk cup less bra and red silk crotch less panties. Her huge milky breasts filled the bra to overflowing and the panties were tight around the bottom of her pregnant belly but I didn’t care. I whispered, “You are so beautiful … you take my breath away.” She smiled and replied, “You always know when to say the right thing. I wore these the night I got pregnant … they fit much better then. Why did you wait until now to wear silk boxers?” “Gina gave them to me as a Christmas present the year before she passed away. She called them my ‘lucky’ shorts because she said I would always get ‘lucky’ when I wore them. ”Are we lucky tonight?” I asked. “Yes we are,” she replied.

I walked over to her and held her head as we kissed. I opened her bra freeing her breasts from the tight confinement. I slowly put my mouth over her right areola and started to suck and then lick her nipple. Her milk started to flow immediately. I moved to the left breast and did the same thing. Heather reached down to pull off my boxers. I then took off her tight panties. She sighed in relief. We were now naked and ready to make love. I got into bed and lay on my back while she held my erect penis and began to squeeze her milk on it. The milk flowed down the shaft and covered my shaved groin. I reach up, wet my fingers with her milk and rubbed it on her pussy and clit. She got into bed on top of me and positioned her pussy at the tip of my penis. We looked into each other’s eyes as she slid her pussy slowly onto my penis. It was warm and wet and felt perfect. We both started to moan as we made love. Each thrust bringing us closer to orgasm. The bare skin on bare skin feeling was unbelievable. It didn’t take long for me to feel the urge to cum but as I looked at her face I knew she wasn’t ready yet. I don’t know how but I waited for her until I felt her pussy begin to tighten around my penis and knew it was time. I pushed my penis against her cervix and moaned, “I’m going to cum.” She shouted, “Do it now!” as she felt me start to shoot sperm into her vagina. I felt her milking every drop as she came at the same time. Our orgasm went on and on as we were reached new heights of ecstasy. The pleasure was intense. Finally Heather rolled down and to rest in my arms and breathlessly said, “Damn we are good at that. I am going to miss you.” “I’ll miss you too Honey”, I said and then tenderly kissed her. She took my hand and put it on her belly. The baby was kicking. We both smiled while we rested. We talked for a while and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning we took one last shower together. There was lots of hugging and laughing. We dried off and I stepped back and took in her glorious pregnant body. I left the bathroom and went to my room, got dressed and put clean linen on my bed. I went to the living room and sat in my easy chair. I could see Heather in the bathroom doing her hair and makeup wearing only her bath towel. She saw me watching her and asked, “What are you thinking?” “How much I’m going to miss seeing you every day,” I replied. She quietly walked over and dropped the towel from her body. I leaned in to look at and taste her shaved pussy and clit one last time. I worked my way up to her breasts and licked the droplets of milk from her nipples and then I stood up and we kissed ... long and slow. She smiled at me and went into her room to get dressed.

I sat waiting for her after loading her bags into the car. Heather came out 5 minutes later and got in. We talked all the way to Monica’s house stopping at every rest stop to walk and use the bathroom. The time flew by. While Heather was still in the bathroom at the last rest stop I called Monica to let her know her would be there in half an hour. As we drove up to the house there was a big sign in the yard saying ‘Welcome Home Heather’. She asked, “What’s going on?” I replied, “It’s a surprise baby shower organized by Aunt Monica. Monica and about a dozen other ladies and girls surrounded the car. There was lots of hugging and crying. I was introduced as Uncle Stan and invited inside to have lunch and dessert. After lunch it was obvious that I was expected to leave. I took Heather’s hand and led her into a bedroom and closed the door. “It’s time for me to go but I wanted to give you a baby shower gift before I leave. Please wait to open it until you are alone”, I said as I handed her the wrapped package. The package contained the bunny slippers and a note saying ‘Heather these were Gina’s favorite slippers. I want you to have them. ‘Think of me when you wear them.’ There was also an envelope containing 16 - $100 bills. On it I had written ‘For your baby. Love, Monica and Stan’. Heather started to cry and I held her in my arm for a few minutes patting her back. We finally kissed goodbye. “I love you. I’ll miss your smiling face,” she whispered. “I love you. I’ll miss you too. Call me if you ever need me.” She wiped her eyes on my handkerchief and we walked back to the living room hand in hand.

Monica walked me out to my car. “Thank you for taking such good care of Heather. You really are a good friend,” she said. We agreed to talk soon and she promised to let me know if Heather needed anything. She leaned in, gave me a passionate kiss and waved good bye as I left. I felt a guilty about not telling Monica about Heather and my real relationship but it wasn’t any of her business.

It was a long lonely drive home and I arrived at about 6 PM. I needed a nap. As I got to my room I noticed a note taped to the closed door. It said: Dear Stan – Thank you for everything. I don’t know how I could have made it without you. I Love you, Heather.

As I walked into my bedroom room I saw two wrapped packages on my pillow. I picked up the top package, opened it, and found a photo album labeled ‘What We Did at Stan’s Baby Camp’. The album contained over 50 photos of all the normal day to day things we had done together. There was a small brown manila envelope in the back labeled ‘FOR YOUR EYES ONLY’. That envelope contained over 2 dozen nude photos that Heather had taken of herself in various suggestive poses. The first photo had a yellow sticky note that said ‘Just in case you need some help when you are alone on a long winter night. Ha Ha’. This made me laugh out loud. I’m positive I will use them.

I opened the second package. It contained Heather’s red silky open cup bra and crotch less panties and a note that said ‘Please save these for me. I’ll need them when I visit to celebrate your birthday in April. I promise they will fit me much better then. Love, Heather’. I savored the word “When”.

After waking from my nap I when to the kitchen to make dinner. There I saw another note taped to the freezer door. This note said ‘Just in case you run out of coffee creamer’. I opened the door and saw over 15 frozen pint containers of Heather’s breast milk. Each one was labeled with the collection date and the words ‘Think about me while enjoying your coffee’. What a sweetheart! I did love her. I was a lucky man to have shared the past few months with her.

Life went on and Monica and Heather called often to chat and tell me what was happening. It was mid-afternoon Christmas Eve when the phone rang. It was Monica calling to tell me that Heather’s baby had been born at 10 AM. Monica said, “Heather is fine and has a healthy son … Robert Stanley named after her father and you. She really thinks a lot of you and how you helped her. Also she is breast feeding the baby and even though it’s her first she’s a pro at it already. Heather asked me to be god-mother and wants to know if you would consider being the god-father.” I said, “Tell her yes, I would love to be his god-father.” It was sacrilegious after what Heather and I had shared together, but what the heck.

And then Monica dropped a bombshell, “Clark and I have temporally separated. He moved to his own apartment yesterday.” “ That is big news. What does it mean for us?” I asked. She said, “I’m not sure … do you want to talk about it New Year’s Eve? I need a date. Will you meet me in Bloomington at the Hyatt Regency?” “Yes! I would love to!” I almost shouted. “Great … I will book a suite and see you in the lobby at 3 PM. Bring along the coconut rum and I will take care of everything else. I promise you that what happened at your house in April will pale in comparison to what I have planned for us,” she laughed. “I can’t wait. See you then.”

Things were looking very good for next year. I was excited about spending time with Monica but wondered how she would like my new shaved groin look. Won’t she be surprised? I planned on taking along my scissors and a new razor just in case she had “shaved” envy. Yummy!

And the thought of spending my next birthday with Heather in April really makes me smile. I can’t wait!

There is one thing that has happened. Every time I see a pregnant woman I get an erection. It’s made it really difficult to shop at Walmart. But that’s another story.

This story is absolutely – TO BE CONTINUED!


2020-03-08 06:03:31
An amazing series of stories. Absolutely fantastic.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-02 20:04:09
Great story...just goes to show ya how a little smut in the hands of a great storyteller can become a good old fashioned feel good yarn!! At a boy venvet643!

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-02 19:47:37
What a NICE story!!


2014-10-03 04:33:56
Please give us part 4 soon. Write other stories. You have a real gift.

Norton XReport 

2014-09-10 01:46:51
This is a very good sex story. Well done.

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