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Thanks for the feedback in the first part guys! If you haven't read it yet, be sure to! And again, comment below telling me what I should do in future chapters and if I should continue the story!
Alright guys! Here's chapter 2! It's kinda short, but it's a detailed chapter.

“He’ll be okay”
“He’s a very courageous and strong boy.”
“Did you check his temporal readings?”
“Yes doctor, his vital signs are still recovering, but slowly.”

I was dreaming. When my eyes opened, it was all blurry at first, but as everything started to orient itself, i saw a navy blue colored room, with lights all around and aliens wearing long green robes. Wait, those weren’t aliens, they were doctors and nurses. I was about to scream when i noticed I had an oxygen mask placed over my mouth, and the right arm was covered in tubes and casts. It hurt like hell, but that didn’t matter to me. What I cared about was whether that mystery cashier girl was okay, and if i had homework i needed to do or not. As i leaned up, one of the nurses turned around, and in shock dropped her clipboard. She called the doctor over, and they both started checking my arms and my pulse and stuff.
I didn't know what to do, I could barely lift my head up, and everything IN my head was blurry and missing. Ugh, why did life have to be so difficult. The doctor began injecting some sort of medicine in my arm, and I guessed it was some sort of sleeping shot cause as soon as the needle poked my nerves, I began to feel drowsy. The blank ceiling started to fade out as darkness overtook, and sleep took over.

I’m trying to sleep! Can you be quiet? I could hear voices right next to my bed speaking hurriedly, and I blame them for waking me up from my nice nap. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked around. The hospital must have shifted me into a public ward, because the moment I took in my surroundings, I began wishing I could fall back to sleep. This room was much bigger to the one I had woken to earlier, as there were 3 beds in the room. I was lying on the bed to the far right, and there was a small crowd of people around the bed next to mine, and the far left bed appeared to be empty. As I craned my neck to my left to peer over to the group of people, I saw an old couple, roughly in their 40’s. With them was a young girl who appeared no older than nine, and she was holding a tiny vase filled with daisies. As I peered over her shoulder (She was short okay? I’m not that creepy) I noticed the boy in the bed seemed to...holy shit...have an arm missing!

What did he do? -I wondered. The little girl must have been his sister, and those must have been his parents. Come to think of it...where were my visitors?
“Ex...excuse me?” I choked out with much struggle, as I was still in pain and very tired.
The little girl turned around in shock, and her yellow dress caught on her brother’s bed and she fell over. “Lisa, be careful, get up sweetie. Hello, would you like for me to get the nurse?” The mother replied in a sweet sing-song voice. I slowly nodded my head, and the mother walked out of the room. “What did you do to get in here boy? Your cast looks pretty bad to me.” The girl’s father asked.

Wait...I had a cast? I looked to my left arm, and sure enough, there was a hard cast inside of a sling, and I could barely move it. “I dunno, I don’t really remember to be honest.” I noticed my voice was very hoarse and crackly.
"You don't remember anything at all?"
" not, not really."
"Right this way doctor, the boy's awake." The mother came back in with a bald looking man wearing white doctor's robes and one of those instruments where they check our heart beat on your stomach.
"Ahh, Tyson, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Uh, if you mean this headache, it sucks, if you mean this numb hand, it sucks, or if you're asking how I'm feeling like I just had a bad breakup, than I'm doing very well. Now when do I get to leave?"
"Don't worry Tyson, now that you're awake, we'll just take some X-rays, and you'll be on your way home, I presume you must be really anxious to go back to school, as it's been 2 weeks.
"2 weeks!? I've been out for 2 weeks?"
"Yes, well normally, the bullet would have grazed you, but as it happened to smash your shoulder blade, you were out like a light. You weren't even moving when the ambulance brought you in."
And on the talk went...I could hardly believe my luck about all this.
"Wait, so what happened?"
" were shot in your shoulder around the back left, whilst you were trying to be a hero by rescuing a young lady at your school."

THE GIRL! "How is she? Is she okay? Is she alive? Obviously she's alive, but is she okay? Tell me she's okay? IS SHE OKAY!??" I screamed at the doctor, who appeared rather calm, even though I wanted to punch his guts for not understanding me.
"She's fine Tyson, thanks to you. As soon as the man shot you, the school officials and the police showed up and arrested the man. He's now facing rape charges, assault of a minor, illegal weapons use, stolen weapon I might add, and shooting you in attempt at murder. You're very lucky. Well enough chit chat, let me check your arm, and I'll have a nurse call your parents to come pick you up. Mind you, they've been worried sick." The doctor explained.

About 20 minutes later, my parents, my sister, and surprisingly Natalie all walked into my ward just as soon as the nurses finished my scans.
First thing that shocked me was Natalie running up to me and locking me into a bear hug, and it didn't help that I had my arm wrapped in a cast.
Her face changed from utter anger, to happiness, as I saw tears swell in her eyes. "Don't ever scare me again okay Ty?" She said, as she leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek. Me, not expecting that turned a deep shade of red as I smiled at her and turned towards my family. My sister was smiling mischievously. (If she starts telling people that me and Natalie are dating, I may have to clob her in the head) and my parents were both smiling down on me.
My mom ran over and she too, to my disappointment,tackled me in a bear hug. "Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you're okay, I love you so much. Are you feeling better?"
"Moooooommmmm. I'm fine, lighten up. " I said embarrassed.
I looked over to my dad, who gave me a fist pump and said," nice one buddy, getting shot! You'll be the most popular kid in school! And who's this girl your principal told me that you saved? Did you get her num..." " LEE!!! HE'S BEEN SHOT!"
"Okay okay dear." My dad exclaimed to my mom, but as he turned away, he gave me a wink for only me to see. I smiled, but too soon, cause as I looked at my dad who was walking out the door, another figure stepped in, as her long flowing brown hair flew through the door, and her hands wrapped tightly around a set of roses, my stomach did more backflips than I would ever do in my life.

"Hi Tyson, my name's Alexis."

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-15 20:08:28
I thought your character was an Indian but he had a Vietnamese last name. When Natalie referred to him as Tson Lee Nguyen it took me out of the story to wonder about his geneaology.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-15 15:46:23
You have the makings of an excellent story series here,please don't be like some of the writer's on these sites and leave us hanging with an incomplete story.There are some writer's who don't get rating's even tho they have good stories as we know they won't complete them.Bob.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-15 01:11:18
This better be a series.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-14 07:25:58
Awesome story keep up the good work, looking forward to the rest of the story

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-13 23:30:16
Too short, but a great concept!

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