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The continuing lustful story of four typical American teens finding their sexuality in suburban America
Slumber Party

Raven sat in the shower that night water dripping off her short black hair. Her ass still stung, and a terrible hollowness filled her chest. She had stepped beyond friendship with Ronnie and now there was no going back for either of them.

It was a strange sensation, being with a boy, one that she would never forget. She hadn’t enjoyed it, like being with a girl, but she felt that there was a place for that kind of pleasure in her life. The experience had given her a new outlook, one of being dominated like a dog by the male of the species. She had always thought it was demeaning, but she could now see why a girl would like it.

Her thoughts soon went back to what Ronnie had promised though, and it was almost more than she could take. She felt the creeping sensation of horniness sitting there as the drops pounded her head but would save it for the coming sleep over.

A new thought suddenly sprung to life in her young mind. “What if I could get Ronnie to watch me and his sister fucking, while Salem helped?” She nearly fainted with the fantastical thought. “Or maybe he could fuck his sister while me and Salem fucked!” A loud moan almost escaped her drooling lips.

She slowly licked her two fingers, caressing her tiny tit with her other hand. “I just can’t hold back, I need to fuck the shit out of myself!”

Her small fingers rubbed down the front of her silky smooth stomach, as she made humping motions towards them. She felt the stubble above her clit and grew warm with excitement. All she could think about was the incestuous relationship that she would cause between Ronnie and his sister.

“I want to fuck them both and maybe get Ronnie to cum in his sister, or Salem, or me. Maybe I could get him to cum in all three of us while we lay on top of each other?” All the thoughts coalesced in her mind, and she rammed her fingers deep inside of her tight wet pussy.

Just as she went deep, her ass stung again. It would have made her stop if the thoughts of his penis inside hadn’t rushed to the surface. “He came so deep inside of my ass that I felt like I was shitting cum for minutes after. I honestly didn’t know that I would like being fucked in the ass so much.”

She motioned her pinky to the forbidden hole with a careful attempt at pleasure. Her eyes went wide as the small finger slid cautiously along the outside. She pictured Salem with her tight athletic body swirling her tongue around her asshole.

The thought of Salem blowing on her asshole wracked her body with orgasmic pleasure. She squirmed on the shower floor, and her hips thrashed back and forth. Her tiny brown butt squirmed, as her hand rubbed her pussy faster and faster.

Her final low moan was met with small laughter from outside the door. Her ears perked up, and heart dropped as she realized who it was. She screamed, “Damnit, motherfuckin pervert! Stop watching me from under the door, or I’ll kill you!”

The next day Ronnie was getting ready for school. He laid his head down on the breakfast table and knew that he should eat breakfast but never could make the effort. Sleepiness overtook his hunger every morning it seemed like.

Becka finally entered the equation like every morning her perkiness filled his ears with pain and trouble. He felt her hands on his shoulders as he moaned. “Mornin, Ronnie! You need to get your ass up, or I’ll leave you again, and mom and dad will be pissed.”

Ronnie just moaned and moved his head to the other side trying to ignore her and school. She slammed her hand on the table. “Get up!”

He caught her hand as she slammed it again. “Go away, Becka…I’m tired.”

She replied, “You know that mom and dad are going to be gone this week right?”

Those words finally caught his attention, and he sat up. He noticed Becka was wearing her cheer leading uniform and couldn’t help but admire the rolled up skirt. His eyes fondled her ass up and down, as she walked to and fro.

He meagerly pointed out, “You are a slut, you know that?”

She turned back to him with the speed of a demon and punched him in the side of the head. His ear gushed blood as he yelled. “Holy shit! I cant even fucking hear anymore!”

She bent down in his face, “Don’t call girls names like that! You know better than that.” She pulled her skirt down a little making it longer and covering herself.

She continued as he lay there writhing in his own blood. “Well, Salem’s coming over again tonight, just wanted you to know. Maybe, we can get pizza and a movie or something?”

Ronnie threw the blood paper towel away and stood behind Becka trying to look over her shoulder and down her cleavage. He loved the sight of her titties resting in her bra. He wished that he could just reach behind her and grab them, but he knew better.

He walked around her and grabbed his backpack. “That actually sounds like fun if it’s not a chick flick. Can you invite one of my friends too?”

Becka turned around from what she was doing and looked him over. “You mean that lesbian girl?”

“Yea, how did you know?

She looked into the distance, “Salem has wanted to invite your friend for awhile now, but I was hesitant. Is she cool?”

“Yea, she’s my best friend!,” he replied sternly. “ She’s kinda quiet and shy, but she opens up if you coax her enough.”

Becka smiled, “Well, I suppose we can invite her tonight. At least I won’t have to worry about you two getting it on, right?”

Ronnie’s smile beamed, “Yup, she’s a lesbian and certainly doesn’t like boys…”

Becka’s brow furrowed at the thought. “She better not try anything on us either…”

Ronnie just gave out a nervous laugh, and they left for school.

Salem had already arrived at school, and it was still early. She walked to her locker to get her things ready for the day. As she was focusing on organizing her books a hand steadily moved up her skirt. She instantly looked around and saw a couple younger kids watching.

“You know that we aren’t going out anymore Bill?” she stated coldly.

He leaned in to whisper, “My cocks hard, can you help me out one last time baby?”

His hand grabbed hers and motioned it to his stick prick that laid curled up in his shorts. She felt warm inside, and it didn’t take much for her to give in.

She whispered back, “Alright, but this is the last time. Meet me in the boy’s locker room in five minutes.”

After she had organized everything she walked to the locker room. Her lips quivered for his dick, but she wasn’t planning on going any farther than that. After all, she still had some semblance of modesty and didn’t want to lead him on. She could already feel her pussy drenched under her cheerleading skirt.

Just as she entered, she knew everything was off, when she saw half the football team standing in the showers. One by one they turned them on. She quickly turned her body to leave, but a large black man was standing at the entrance slowly closing it. She knew him to be one of the team’s best linebackers.

Tears flowed from her eyes as she realized what was about to transgress. She pleaded, “Please, don’t do this! I’ll suck you all off if you only don’t force me!”

The black man slowly walked forward, “You see boys? Everything I said was dead on true about this slut.”

She crumpled to the ground and looked around for friends. “John, please help me!”

John was more of a bookish, friend type boy and stood in the corner with guilt strewn across his face. The captain of the team pulled him over by his shirt. “John, I think she’s taken a liking to you.”

Salem looked up to him crying. John unzipped his pants and out flopped a good six inch dick with pre cum on the tip. He gently grabbed the back of her head, “Salem, do what they want. They told me if you resisted that they would all fuck you in the ass.”

Just as he touched the head of his penis to her lips, a voice resounded behind them all. “You’re gonna lose that dick boy.”

The team turned to the door, and in the entrance stood Ronnie his hair messy and a cigarette in his mouth. He gave a half-cocked grin and stepped up to the large black football player. The football player shook his head, as he clenched his fist. Ronnie smiled and blew smoke in his face.

Ronnie quickly pulled a butterfly knife out of his pocket and held it nonchalantly in front of the giant. “I’d gut every one of you like fucking fish just for the fun of it. Let her go, and she can walk out of here with this knife. After she leaves you can have me all to yourselves. I’ll suck your dicks!”

The black football player stepped back, and the captain nodded to the others. Salem rose to her feet and walked slowly to Ronnie. “Leave with me Ronnie, don’t stay.” she pleaded.
Ronnie just laughed and handed her the knife. “Don’t you dare tell any of the teachers about this Salem. Don’t worry about me, I’ll see you later tonight.” He gave her the coolest smile that he could muster in the situation as she left.

He laughed like a maniac after the door shut, “Let’s get this on boys! Imma fuck you up where your mommas don’t recognize ya anymore!”

I wish I could tell you that Ronnie fought the good fight, and the football players let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but high school is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew.

Ronnie walked the hall after school to meet up with Raven outside. He had bandages nearly from head to toe and strutted with a limp. Other than that his walk was still the same with his hands never leaving his pockets and a cool distant look on his face.

When the outside air hit him, everything else faded away and seemed to slow to a crawl. “I wish Raven wouldn’t always wait for me, but I’m glad she does.” He knew the lecture was coming but hoped it wouldn’t be so bad when she saw his battle scars.

Raven’s eyes went wide, and her face dragged when she saw all the bandages and black eyes. “What the fuck happened to you? She yelled.

She jumped up from her seat, leaving her backpack on the ground, and grabbed him. Ronnie winced with the pain and tried to laugh a little. “That hurts Raven, chill out.” She hugged him even harder and began to sob.

“Why the hell do you do things like this? I don’t want to see you hurt like this all the time! Think about me when you decide to do something stupid!”

A quiet voice replied from behind, “I’m sorry it was my fault.”

Raven looked back.“What? Why are you here Salem?“

Ronnie spoke with an odd smile, “You’re invited to our little party tonight Raven. Go get your shit and meet us at my house. Salem and I will meet you there.”

She stepped away from Ronnie stammering. “Really? I’ll go get my stuff then.”

Salem and Ronnie walked down the road, as Raven ran with new excitement to her house.

Salem looked down and was quiet for a good part of the walk until Ronnie finally broke the silence. “You want to know why I did it, right?”

She nodded without a word.

“I don’t like seeing people get hurt like that, and you’re my sister friend. I don’t want to come off as some self-righteous hero, but I couldn’t just stand by.”

“Don’t help me next time-“

He stopped and stared her down. “I’ll help you whenever I damn well please, because you deserve it!”

She looked away from him to the distant sirens. “I’m not worth it-“

He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her head to his chest. She sobbed in his arms and gripped him tighter.

He spoke by her ear, “I don’t know you very well Salem, but what I do know is, you are worth every bruise and black eye for being my sister’s friend. If you don’t have a brother, I’ll be there for you. Come to me any time you have a problem with one of those goons, and I’ll protect you.”

“Thank you, Ronnie.”

He smiled that cool half-cocked grin again. “They hit like girls anyway.”

They finally reached Ronnie’s house and found Becka’s care outside with the trunk open. Ronnie and Salem grabbed the groceries that sat in the back and entered the humble abode.
Ronnie screamed, “Did you buy all the liquor in the freakin store Becka!?”

Just as Becka turned the corner to reply she dropped the beer she was holding. “Who the fuck put their hands on you? I’ll beat their fuckin asses!”

Ronnie just stood and laughed. “You see Salem? She’s scarier than me!”

Salem smiled but tried to hide it from Becka.

Becka stormed out the door screaming profanities letting the whole neighborhood hear.

Ronnie spoke softly, “Don’t worry about her, she’ll be back. Let’s get all this alcohol that she bought in the fridge and the cups out.”

She looked over to him, while she pulled the cups out of the bags. “So, your Asian friend is into girls huh?”

He laughed, “Yea, she is. I hope you two are nice to her tonight, because she has a hard time making friends with girls too. She’s a little shy at first, but she won’t stop talking once you get to know her.”
“Does she like me?”

Ronnie took a deep breath, but couldn’t ignore the question. “It’s not really my place to say, but you are beautiful so probably.”

“Is that what she thinks, or is that what you think?” She put her hand over his on the counter.

Ronnie felt Salem’s small hand on his, and everything entered his mind at once. Just as he was about to make his move, his sister came barging in.

“I’m going to fuck those football assholes up after fall break!”

Salem turned around and tried to explain, and Ronnie tried to hide. While Becka screamed and Ronnie was hiding behind the island in the kitchen a star struck Raven entered the open door.

Becka stopped yelling, and Salem’s eyes lit up as they both questioned the cute girl at the door. Raven stood in the entrance with her back pack stuffed, and a blanket and hello kitty pillow in her arm. A pink bow was tied in her hair, and she sported multi-colored converse. On her head sat an odd but cute green monster pullover hat.

Ronnie was the first to gush over the bright spot of cuteness in the room. His mouth went from contorted and fearful to gushing with tender love, the kind of love that you have for a tiny kitten. Both girls instantly stopped their conversation and ran over to the little Asian girl. Their voices reached high pitch cooing in two second flat.

Ronnie could tell that Raven was ecstatic as the two girls looked over every bit of her wardrobe and felt each strand of soft fabric. Ronnie was pleased that Raven had friends like these, ones that he could keep an eye on at a close distance.

Becka screamed with high pitched affection, “I love your hello kitty pillow; it’s the fucking cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!”

Salem walked around to assess her hair. “Who does your hair?”

Raven couldn’t decide what to say, and gave Ronnie a knowing smile. “Thank you.” she mouthed.

Ronnie was damn pleased with himself to use his half-cocked cool grin three times in one day. As the girls did their business, he went about turning music on and getting drinking games ready.
Raven finally reached the couch and sat her things down, but Becka quickly stopped her. “You aren’t sleeping here silly, you’ll sleep with us in my room. It wouldn’t be a slumber party without everyone in my room, unless you would rather sleep with Ronnie?”

Raven’s face flushed a subtle pink, “What, I-“

Becka grabbed her gear and headed to her room. “I was just kidding! Try not to take me so seriously, ninety nine percent of the time I’m full of shit.”

Salem agreed happily, “More like a hundred percent!”

Ronnie yelled from upstairs, “Raven and Salem can sleep in my room!”

Becka yelled back, “Shut the fuck up Ronnie, you pervert motherfucker!”

Becka laid down on her bed and listened to the soothing music Ronnie had put on upstairs. Salem sat Indian-style at the head of the bed, and Raven took a seat in the bean-bag chair by her dresser.
Raven noticed Becka stretching and admired her white tank top riding up her toned pale stomach. Salem watched Raven’s wondering eyes and smiled to herself. “You like to swim Raven?”

Raven laughed hiding her embarrassment, “Not as much as sunbathing.”

Salem stood and plucked her cheer leading uniform off, “Let’s go for a night swim then, they have an awesome pool in back.” She smiled knowingly as Raven continued to blush.

Becka rolled over away from Salem, “Dear god, you get naked at every opportunity Salem. Your body is awesome, but you need to learn some boundaries! Raven doesn’t want to see your dirty pussy!”
Raven’s eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight. Salem slowly slid her skirt off unveiling simple sexy panties with a wet spot in between her legs. She took her small uniform top off one beautiful breast popping free. Raven could practically taste her nipple from feet away.

Ronnie passed by the door, and quickly skirmished back to the sight his eyes mirroring Raven’s. Salem gave him a blushing smile but didn’t move and let him get a good eye-full. She continued undressing and slid the tiny panties off showing the two her bald swollen pussy lips.

Ronnie’s penis went erect within seconds, and Raven squirmed in the bean-bag chair with intense lust. As Salem finally put on her bathing suit, the show ended, and Becka finally turned back around. “Close the door, Raven, so I can put my suit on.”

Ronnie ran with focus and determination putting his suit on within seconds. He thought for a moment to jump from his window to the pool but decided against it and just ran at full speed. The three girls took notice and followed down stairs.

He quickly turned the pool lights on and jumped in the heated pool. As he came back up, the three girls stood above him, two smiling and one glowering. Their bodies were like out of one of his wet dreams, and he wished that he could take a picture. Raven stood with a cute white two piece, her body was small but adorable. Becka had the largest breasts of the three, they stood perky and proud, an easy C-cup. Salem was perfect in every way, tanned, fit and a luscious shapely stomach. Ronnie admired the bottom of her tanned breasts, while she smiled knowingly.

Salem was the first to leap over Ronnie screaming with glee. Becka just shook her head and waded in on the stairs. Raven sat on the side and plopped herself in beside Ronnie. Becka stopped suddenly with a puzzled look on her face. “I’m going to get some drinks, I’ll be back in a second.”

As Becka turned and left Salem popped up behind Ronnie with her breasts firmly pressed against his back. “Raven told me that you were watching while I sunbathed that one day.”

Ronnie looked questioningly to Raven, and she just shrugged looking in both directions. Ronnie’s member came to full attention, as Salem reached her hand down his swimming trunks. “Did you play with this while you were watching me?”

She rubbed his back with her chest so hard her tit popped out, and her nipple dragged across his back. Raven slowly moved with her head just above the water to Salem’s side. Salem quickly grabbed Raven’s hand and ran it along the crack of her ass.

“You both want me don’t you? I think about you two watching me that day all the time, and it turns me on.” Raven’s finger knew what to do and entered Salem’s vagina as she let out a squeal.
Salem pulled the two close. “We need to get Becka drunk tonight and fuck the shit out of her. You two in?”

Raven and Ronnie nodded as Salem floated away slowly with a seductive smile. “I want both of you inside me tonight too.” Salem licked her lips and floated on her back towards the deep end.
Becka pulled the glass door too with her hands full of beer. “I hope you all like Natural Light.” She started tossing the cans into the pool.

The four drank multiple beers and ended up in the Jacuzzi relaxing. Becka continued on her truthful confessions. “So, we know who everyone else has a crush on, what about you Raven? You like any of the guys at school?”

Raven blushed just a little tipsy and looked away. “I hope you don’t think any less of me, but I mostly like girls.”

Becka’s eyebrows went up, “ Oh yea, I forgot. Well, are there any girls you’re particularly interested in at school, or here?” She leaned in and smiled waiting for the answer.

Raven pulled her knees up to answer. “Well, I think you two are really hot, and I like your personalities.”

Like a ninja Salem quickly snatched Becka’s top and launched it over the fence. Becka’s eyes turned to red hot coals as Salem laughed drunkenly. “I’m going to kill you bitch!”
Becka jumped on Salem while Raven and Ronnie watched for nipple. The two wrestled in the hot tub as Ronnie interjected in to the fight. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before Becka. Calm down.”
Becka finally receded back to her corner, as Salem continued to laugh uncontrollably. She held her arm over her breasts as they floated and she spoke candidly. “Fine, if you feel that way Ronnie, here you go!”

Her arm swept away and each plump tit floated, as she put her arms on the side of the Jacuzzi. “Stare at them all you want, because you’ll never have another chance like this.” She glared at Salem whom was still giggling.

After Salem had stopped laughing she winked at me. “Well, if that’s the way it’s going to be=” Salem hurriedly removed her top and threw it in the pool side.

Both girls instantly turned to Raven, but she was more hesitant. “You sure it’s okay?”

Salem ripped hers off, but there was no argument this time. Raven quickly hid her small breasts from the group, but Salem pried her hands away. “They are beautiful and should be shown to the world Raven. I especially love those little brown nipples.” She pinched one between her fingers causing Raven to let out a moan.

Becka turned her head with a distasteful look. “Horny bitch.”

Salem quickly swam over between Becka and Ronnie, looking at both with keen bright eyes. “Ronnie give me your hand.” She grabbed his hand without restraint motioned it towards Becka’s tits. “Feel these things, they are amazing.”

Becka didn’t argue and just sat blushing and tipsy. Ronnie held his hand back at first put finally gave in and let Salem guide his hand to his sisters breasts. As his hand came in contact with her large firm breast his penis grew to enormous heights. Becka didn’t flinch, but her pussy pulsed with forbidden lust.

Ronnie held his hand there a moment and slowly groped a handful on his own. Salem smiled at Raven, as they both rubbed their pussies through their suits. Salem took Becka’s breasts in her hands and lifted them and let them flop back down.

Raven waded to Becka. “Can I touch them?”

Becka shrugged, “Everyone else is, so you might as well too.”

Raven grabbed one of Becka’s large breasts and instantly brought her mouth down to her nipple. She sucked the tit like a baby, and Becka’s eyes closed while moaning. Raven quickly flicked her tongue around the large nipple and pulled the tit with her lips.

Becka finally came to her senses and stood tits flopping down. “What the hell are we doing?” She crawled out of the Jacuzzi and left with a defeated expression.

Raven slumped back in the water embarrassed. “Sorry.”

Ronnie shook his head, “I’ll go talk to her. You two just stay here.”

Salem smiled and swam to Raven. “While the kids are away, the adults will play.” She forcefully grabbed Raven’s small ass. Raven returned the gesture, massaging Raven’s luscious ass and removing her suit.

Salem kissed Raven softly on the lips and stared deep into her eyes. She caressed the small girls pussy through her suit, while Raven stuck her finger inside of Salem. The both ravished the feeling of water and passion that radiated like the light through the water.

Raven slowly moved her lips down Salem’s neck, down her chest, and to her perfect pink nipple. Her finger curled up and hit Salem’s G spot as she let out a loud moan. Salem quickly propped herself up on the side of the Jacuzzi and spread her pussy lips.

Raven smiled as she licked Salem’s clit and finger fucked the teen expertly.

Ronnie slowly opened the dark door of Becka’s room and shut it without a sound. “You in here Rebecca?”

A small voice came from the bed, “Yea, I’m sorry about that. I just got caught up in the moment. I don’t want them to think that I’m a slut.”

Ronnie slid under the covers with her laid on the pillow. “No one thinks you’re a slut, they were just trying to have some fun. We all appreciate your body and wanted to make you feel good.”

Becka turned and moved closer to Ronnie. “What do you think of me?”

“I think you are beautiful, and you, above anyone else, deserve to feel good.”

Becka moved her hand to his, and motioned it to her taught stomach. “Do you want to fuck your own sister?”

Ronnie looked away in the dark. “I don’t-“

Just as the words left his lips, her lips met his. She moved his hands in between her tits, and bit his lip with passion. “We can’t let anyone know-“ She let a moan escape, as his hands caressed her breasts again.

She propped herself up on her knees and wiggled his shorts off in the dark. “Do you want me to lick it, like your girlfriends?”

He put his hand behind her head and guided her mouth down to his throbbing cock. “I want you to kiss the tip first, and wriggle your tongue between my pee-hole.”

Her dry lips gently caressed the head of his cock, and she did just what he wanted. She maneuvered her tongue opening his pee-hole. The tips of her fingers ran along his ball sack, as he thrust himself up into her mouth.

She pulled her mouth away, and he could feel her breathing on the tip of his cock. His hands pulled her head back down and thrust in farther causing her to gag a little.
She whispered, “Can you squirt it in my mouth for me?”

“Hold still.”

He took her head and rubbed his penis on the outside of her cheeks and then along her neck. She pulled herself up and let her tits drop on it next. His hand instinctively held her big breast and guided his dick to touch her nipple. She spit and rubbed his cock lubricating it.

She pushed her tits together, and he slowly humped them tit-fucking his sisters big tits. She whispered, “Maybe you can just fill me up with your cum? My womb is calling out for your big dick inside of me.”

“Bend over, bitch.”

She quickly jumped on to her knees and guided his penis between her legs. He fumbled around for a little bit sticking it between her legs and gliding back and forth with her cum dripping down her legs for lubrication. He stopped and slapped her pussy lips with his big cock.

“You want me to stick it in your dirty little cunt?”

“Don’t make me beg, Ronnie, I want you inside of me.” She pleaded.

He teased her some more and just stuck the tip in, but she took the initiative and backed herself up taking it all in.

Raven and Salem heard the loud moan coming from the house and that spurred their horniness on. Raven continued to rapidly jam her fingers in Salem’s pussy, while she licked up her stomach and back to her breasts. Salem’s back arched with pleasure, humping Raven’s small fingers with primal lust.

Salem screamed, “I love your tiny little fingers inside me!”

Raven whispered, “How does the cute little cheerleader feel with my fingers in her pussy? You want me to fuck you in the girl’s locker room at school with all the girls in there don’t you?”
“I want you to bend me over at school and finger-fuck me while all the boys in gym listen and jack off.”

“You want all their dirty smelly little penis’s on your body don’t you? You want them in your mouth, asshole, and vagina. If I had a dick I would bend you over and destroy your pussy!”
“Grab my tits Raven!”

Raven bent the cheerleader over as she continued to fuck her with her fingers and roughly grabbed her hanging tits.

“You want the older teachers at school too don’t you, slut?”

Salem just panted and nodded.

“You want them to molest you and put their fingers in your asshole?”

Salem didn’t answer and Raven sucked her other finger. “I’m going to slip my finger in your ass like you want your teachers to do.” She quickly shoved her pinky in Salem’s ass and a high pitched squeal rang through the neighborhood.

As Ronnie was rubbing his sisters pussy with his cock, he heard the loud squeal. “You hear that Rebecca? That’s the sound of your best friend getting fucking by my best friend. Doesn’t it make you feel hot just thinking of those two bitches fucking?”

Becca pleaded, “Just stick your dick in me! I want it inside so badly! Fuck me!”

Ronnie’s anger surged, and he wrecked his sister’s pussy. As it filled her up, she yelled with lust, “Fuck me Ronnie! Slam your balls against my thighs! I want your head deeper!”

Ronnie slammed his balls against her legs as his dick pulsed inside her. She pushed back trying to make it go deeper, because her lust was unquenchable. His hands enveloped her large breasts, as he used them for leverage to push inside of his sister’s vagina.

His back hunched over, as he dominated the bitch. She grunted and squealed like the animal that she was. She finally orgasmed and fell to the bed tensing up. He turned her over and humped her tits with lustful intent. His balls dragged against her chest as he crouched over her shaking body.

“I’ll fuck your face dirty whore!”

His dick slid up and entered her mouth without warning. She took it in as her hands continued to rub her pussy. He quickly turned around to fuck her mouth at a better angle and down her throat. She kept gagging but neither cared as cum and drool flowed out of her mouth.

“Damnit, I can’t get off in your mouth!”

He jumped back around and rammed her pussy missionary style. His body pounded hers continuing her orgasms, as she laid on her back helpless. She grabbed his ass and helped him thrust loving every second of his bestial form.

“That’s it brother, finish inside of me!”

Just as the words left her mouth, his dick began to pump inside of her vagina. He held her legs up on his shoulders to go deeper and fill the deepest recesses of her womb. They both felt satisfied as her brother’s cum dripped from her wet pussy.

Salem writhed from the orgasm on the side of the pool, while Raven perched atop her face. She spread her pussy lips and bent down to feel Salem’s mouth. Raven put her hands in her hair and grinded against the cheerleaders chin and nose.

Salem was still reeling from her orgasm, but stuck her tongue out for Raven to use. It didn’t take much of grinding against Salem’s tongue for Raven to get her own orgasm. She squirted all over the cheerleaders face, holding her own tits and moaning against the night sky.

The two outside ended up falling asleep on the lawn chairs outside naked and embracing each other. While the brother and sister fell asleep in her bed curled up next to each other. Everyone understood that this wouldn’t be the last slumber party they had, because summer was coming soon and Becka was moving into her own place soon.

Ronnie knew that Becka’s new apartment was the perfect place for the foursome that he had envisioned, but he wasn’t the only one who had plans. Salem was always planning ahead and had the lustful drive to prove it.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-02 12:05:12
damn you need to keep writing please


2014-10-02 09:40:26
Thank you for the kind words. People like you are the reason I post.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-02 08:44:31
Bravo great story lets see the third

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-02 08:35:11
You have an 87.2% please write more. Someone is probably down voting you story like other great writers on this site.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-02 08:11:54
ha nice story horny

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