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The story continues from Shelly's point of view.
Shelly is awoken rather rudely, and has to deal with the fallout of her brother’s indiscretion. Jessica’s true motives come under even more doubt as disturbing news is told to the twins.

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Chapter 02
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The Fairy Spring

“Shelly, wake up!”

Shelly jumped out of bed, wondering what was happening. Were they under attack? She’d been having an odd dream about . . . something. She felt it was important, but couldn’t get her sleep fuddled mind to remember.

“What’s going on?” she yelled as she dressed. Mentally she went over all the weapons she could change into if needed, as well as defensive objects. She wanted to be prepared for whatever awaited her outside her room.

“Just get out here,” a familiar voice called. A voice she knew very well, in a tone she dreaded.

“Mom?” she asked as she stepped out. “What’s going on?”

She wasn’t prepared to see the common room of the house she shared with her brother full of people. Their house was small, and it seemed even smaller with everyone in it.

“Your brother ditched me to have fun and do perverted things,” Areth stated. Her fists were on her hips as she fluttered around the room. Shelly had never seen her angry before. When had she shown up?

Shelly’s eyes were drawn to the other person in the room, besides her mother and foolish brother. It was the girl that’d helped them yesterday with the ogres. Or she had set that trap for them. Shelly hadn’t decided yet. What was her brother doing with the woman? Her brother could be so dense sometimes! At least he had the decency to look embarrassed.

“Everyone calm down,” another voice rang through the room. It was Aunt Lysa. She had a hard time controlling air currents around herself in small places, so she was probably staying outside and only projecting her voice. As crowded as the room was, Shelly was glad for the consideration. “Areth, I didn’t bring Sheila here to punish Sheldon.”

“Why not?” the fairy pouted. “It would be a lot more entertaining. Ooh! I know. I can punish him! Please!”

Shelly noticed her idiot brother glance at the fairy in fear. The tiny woman could be quite chaotic, and there was no telling what the fairy might consider as punishment.

“No,” Shelly’s mom said quietly. “There are more important things to discuss.” Despite her words, she was glaring at Eldon.

“Drat!” the fairy kicked open air.

Shelly was confused about everything going on, and was still tired and ornery after being woken up so rudely. “Will someone please tell me why I had to wake up, just to find out my brother was being an jackass?”

“Hey!” Eldon protested. “Thanks for having my back, Shells!” Sarcasm and indignation filled his voice.

“This sounds like a family affair,” Jessica spoke up for the first time since Shelly had come out of her room. “I should go.”

“Stay where you are, girl,” Shelly’s mother commanded. It was odd to see Sheila Lance be domineering. She acted like a completely docile slave around their dad, but when he wasn’t around, she had a way of taking charge.

Jessica obeyed and sat back down. Her eyes dropped to the folded hands in her lap.

“For better or worse, you’re a part of this now,” Lysa’s disembodied voice said. “I know I asked you to watch over him. I didn’t ask you to get into his pants.”

The woman’s cheeks burned bright red, even through her dark complexion.

“What’s the big deal?” Shelly asked. “We’re old enough to be with who we want.”

“Oh, now you have my back,” Eldon muttered.

“Besides,” Shelly added just to spite him, “it’s not like she’s the first woman he’s been with.”

“And there you go again,” her brother shook his head. Shelly noticed that he was looking everywhere, except at Areth or Jessica. Just how far into the act had they been caught? She wondered briefly what form he’d taken to be with her, before deciding she really didn’t want to know.

“That’s not the point,” Lysa said. “He is our father’s son, and has every right to be with who he wants.”

“Thank you!” Eldon said.

“But he shouldn’t have ditched one of his chaperones. Especially not Areth on Earth,” Lysa continued.

Shelly now understood. Areth tended to get herself into trouble when she went to Earth alone. She had too much fun tormenting the mortals—a fairy’s lifespan was infinite, as long as they didn’t get themselves killed. Areth called it entertainment. No one else did. If she had come right back, instead of staying on. . . .

“Wait! You went to Earth?” Shelly demanded of her brother. “What were you thinking? Lysa told us to stay put. Do you still have ogre brain between your ears?”

Shelly saw Jessica mouth the words, “Ogre brain,” in confusion.

“That brings us to the problem,” her mom said. “After you two almost fell into that trap yesterday, Lysa checked into things. It seems visitors to this world have been coming under a lot more attacks lately.”

“Areth,” Lysa spoke up, “I sent you to watch over the twins and protect them. Not to go gallivanting to Earth.”

“But I was bored! And it’s been so long since I got to go there. I was keeping an eye on him,” Areth protested. “I was keeping him out of trouble.”

Jessica snorted for some reason, but didn’t look up. What happened while they were away?

“While my daughter remained unprotected,” Sheila said. Areth blanched away from the heat in her tone.

“If you’d already sent her to watch over him,” Jessica started to ask, “why did you send me too?”

“Because a fairy isn’t the most trustworthy babysitter,” Eldon answered her question.

“I didn’t send her to babysit you,” Lysa said. “But we’re getting far from the point. I think someone is behind these attacks. So far, Shelly and Sheldon are the only ones that a trap was set for. While visitors were attacked, some of them were able to escape. Only with the twins, did the force escalate.”

The Pillar of Air let her words sink in. Someone had targeted them. She looked to Jessica. Had the woman really just happened to be in the area when those other ogres appeared, or had she somehow brought them? She couldn’t read the woman’s expression. But why would she help them, if she was the one to set the trap?

“So, I’m not in trouble?” Eldon asked into the silence.

“You’re in trouble, alright,” their mom told him. “Not only did you leave Areth alone on Earth, but you left your sister unprotected. What would have happened if someone attacked her while you were gone?”

“I can defend myself!” Shelly said, filled with indignation. She’d warded off her brother when he turned into an ogre yesterday, hadn’t she?

She was ignored.

“I want the three of you to see what you can find out about whoever is instigating these attacks,” Lysa said.

“Is that wise?” Shelly asked, giving Jessica a pointed look.

“I think she can be trusted,” Lysa said. “If she’d meant you harm, she would have let the ogres have you.”

“Unless she wants you to think that way,” Shelly said.

“Jessica’s a good person!” Eldon nearly shouted. “She . . . she . . .” His cheeks turned bright red, and he looked down at his lap. No, not his lap, at his crotch.

No, she thought. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t have shown her that! Would he? If she’d seen that, and not gone running, no wonder he was defending her. Oh, Sheldon. You foolish, foolish, man.

Shelly watched as Jessica reached out and grabbed Eldon’s hand. He looked at her gratefully, then at everyone else, and his cheeks burned brighter.

“Anybody who is willing to protect my children, has my gratitude,” Sheila said.

Jessica was winning everyone over to her side, Shelly realized. She was going to have to watch her even closer.

“Okay, then,” Shelly said. She smiled at Jessica, hoping it didn’t look as fake as it felt. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. “If everyone else says you’re okay, then I’ll accept that. Please forgive me for being so rude.”

“I understand,” Jessica replied. “If I were in your shoes, I’d be worried too. You don’t know me, so naturally you’d be suspicious.” She turned to Sheila then. “But I don’t know about putting my neck on the line for whatever is going on. I saw someone who needed help yesterday, and I helped. It was a split moment decision. You’re asking me to risk myself, for what?”

“You’re right,” Lysa’s voice said. “We don’t know what’s going on, or why. You have no reason to help us in this. If what the twins told me is true, however, we could use your skill. The choice is yours.”

“Please,” Shelly read Eldon’s lips.

“I’m sorry,” Jessica said as she let go of Sheldon’s hand. Shelly thought she heard true regret in her tone. “I like you, Eldon. You seem like a really nice guy, and an amazing . . . .” Her gaze dropped to Eldon’s crotch.

He did show her! Shelly thought. And apparently she didn’t have a problem with the grotesque thing.

“But I’m not willing to risk my life for something like this,” Jessica continued. “You’re connected to some really powerful people, and I prefer to keep my head down. I’m sorry.”

Shelly watched as her brother’s heart broke. If she hadn’t liked Jessica before, she loathed the woman now. But she was conflicted at the same time. If Jessica really had been the one to set the trap, wouldn’t it be in her best interest to be a part of the investigation? Or did she have something more nefarious in mind?

“Please leave,” Shelly found herself saying as she pointed to the door. Her tone was incongruous with her words, but she didn’t care. She wanted Jessica out of her house.

“I understand,” Jessica said. She stood up and gave one more apologetic look to Eldon. Then she turned and walked out.

“You could have been nicer to her, dear,” her mom chided her softly.

“Look at Eldon’s face and tell me that again,” Shelly growled at her mother. Sheila looked at her son, then back to Shelly and shook her head. Eldon just stared at the door. This wasn’t the first time his heart had been broken, and she knew he would get over it. The best thing to do, would be to find another girl for him.

“Well, it’s not ideal,” Lysa said, “But I guess I’ll have to rely on you two. At least I know you will always have each other’s backs. Let’s try to figure out how to find whoever is causing these attacks.”

“I could help!” Areth piped up. The tiny woman bounced around the room in her excitement, waiving her arms.

“No!” Shelly and Eldon said at the same time.

* * * *

“We’ve already tried this plan,” Shelly complained. She had transformed herself into a large backpack, and was resting against her brother’s back. He was wearing a baseball cap, and a bright shirt that read, ‘I <3 magic.’ He was using someone else’s form, and they had just come through one of the portals the normal humans used to visit the Shadow World.

“If you’ve got any better ideas, then let’s hear it,” Eldon snapped at her. “Otherwise shut up and act like a backpack.”

His words stung her, but she understood where they were coming from. He still hadn’t forgiven her for driving Jessica away a week ago. Shelly had tried to get him to go to a club, or to meet someone else, but he refused to listen to her. She was starting to get desperate and had hatched a plan.

Hopefully it wouldn’t backfire.

“Excuse me,” someone asked Eldon. He turned to look at the woman. Shelly adjusted where her eyes were. Well, not her real eyes, but rather what part of her she was looking through. When she took the form of an inanimate object, she was capable of looking in multiple directions at once. That’s why she was so good at watching her brother’s back. “Could you help me? This is my first time coming here.”

The woman was attractive, with long blonde hair pulled through the back of a red baseball cap. She stood almost as tall as Sheldon was in this form, which was only slightly smaller than his true form. Shelly didn’t recognize her.

“Sure,” Eldon said, his voice tired. “I’m not from around here, but I know a thing or two about this place.” Shelly winced as he spoke. He sounded like he was rehearsing his lie, instead of believing it. There was no emotion in his voice. They were trying to act as tourists. They needed to see if they could trigger an attack, but after a week of trying, there had been nothing. No tourists had been attacked in the last week, at all.

“I understand there is a beautiful beach between the Earth and Water areas. Do you know how I can get there? My name is Gloria, by the way. Nice to meet you,” the woman held out her hand.

Eldon looked confused for a moment as he shook her hand. “You came through the wrong portal, if that’s where you wanted to go,” he told her. “Right now we’re closer to the border between Earth and Fire. It’ll take you days to travel there by normal means.”

“Damn it!” the woman stomped her foot. “Now I don’t have an excuse to wear this bikini I got. What am I going to do?”

“Offer to take her for a tour,” Shelly whispered to her brother.

He shrugged his shoulders in a way that told her to be quiet.

“I have plans, or I’d offer to show you around,” Eldon told her. He turned to walk away.

Shelly saw confusion in the girl’s eyes. She really hadn’t expected to be dismissed like that.

“Well, would you mind if I tagged along anyway?” she asked.

“Say yes,” Shelly whispered to him. “She wants to spend time with you.”

“It might be dangerous,” he whispered back. Then a moment later, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do.”

He sighed, and turned to face the woman. “You can drop the act,” he told her. “I know what you are. Did my sister put you up to this?”

Her blue eyes opened in shock for a moment, before she started laughing. “What gave me away? I thought I played the part of the lost girl just right.”

“You did,” he told her. “But Gloria is a pretty old name. Not many people are called that these days. At least, not as young as you appear to be. The real tip-off was when I shook your hand, though. That’s when I knew you were a succubus. You’ll want to ply your trade with someone else. Just be careful not to take too much from them. I’m not really human, anyway.”

“But maybe I really wanted to meet you, Eldon.” Shelly felt him stiffen as she used his name. He hadn’t given it to her, and Shelly knew that he was trying to figure out how she knew it was him. He wasn’t in his true form, and every time they’d attempted this, he’d taken on a new persona.

“Shelly!” he growled. “What are you playing at?”

Darn it! He figured it out. Shelly changed back into her true form and stepped away from him. “All you’ve done for the past week is mope about,” she complained. “Can you blame me for trying to get you to move on?”

“But a succubus?” he demanded.

“Eldon, don’t be rude. She’s right there.”

“It’s okay, Shelly. I’m not ashamed of what I am,” Gloria said.

“She came highly recommended by Angela,” Shelly said. “And you really could use the release.”

“Angela? When did you have time to talk to—nevermind! Haven’t you caused enough stress in my love life lately?” He turned back to face Gloria, “I’m sorry she wasted your time. You don’t have to stick around. I’m going home. This mission was a bust, anyway.”

“It wasn’t a waste of time,” Gloria said. “Really. I’ve always wanted to meet you. The Pillar of Fire just gave me an excuse.”

“Why, because I’m Lyden’s son?” he snapped at her.

“No,” she laughed, her voice coming out in musical tones. “Because you’re Sheldon Lance. Already your prowess as a fighter has made a name in this world. The Pillar of Fire speaks highly of you. She once told me that if she had any children of her own, she hoped they would be as strong as you are.”

Shelly could see that Eldon was taken aback by the praise. He really hadn’t expected to hear that about their step-mom. Even Shelly was surprised. Angela rarely spoke of her feelings, much less anything to do with her husband’s children. It was whispered that she was jealous of the wives of Lyden Snow that he’d been willing to have children with. Especially Sheila and Brooke.

“I couldn’t do it without my sister,” he told Gloria.

Shelly was surprised to hear her brother include her in the praise. Maybe he wasn’t as mad at her as she thought.

“Yes, I’ve heard you two are quite the pair,” Gloria continued. “Listen, I understand that you’re going through a rough patch, but I would really like to get to know you better. This plan to seduce you was foolish, and I’m sorry about that. Can we start over?”

Sheldon looked at her curiously for a moment. Then he shrugged his shoulders and held his hand out to her. “Hi, I’m Sheldon. Nice to meet you.”

Gloria giggled as she took his hand. “Hi Sheldon. I’m a succubus named Gloria. I’m so glad I finally got the chance to meet you. Would you like to go out for some drinks? I know this great place in Gaia’s city where they serve the best wine. But don’t let me drink too much, or I won’t be held responsible for my actions!”

Eldon glanced at Shelly. “Go ahead,” she told her brother, trying not to smile. “I can get home on my own.”

“Are you sure?” Sheldon asked her. “I don’t want mom getting mad at me again.” She could tell that he actually wanted to go. It was the first sign of life she’d seen in him for a week.

“Go!” she laughed. She took a moment to change into a giant bear trap, and then back again to show she could handle herself. “Just don’t do anything foolish!”

He rolled his eyes at her before turning to face Gloria. “Shall we?” he offered the succubus his arm. “My chariot is just over here.”

Shelly watched them walk away, with a smile on her face. Her brother was going to be just fine. He was even starting to act like his cocky self again. A roc flew down from the sky to his call and picked them up. There were a few other visitors that had come through at the same time they had, though they’d separated after coming through the portal. Most of them gaped as the massive bird dropped to the ground. Ancient legends said that rocs were big enough to carry away an elephant. The truth was they were big enough to carry away an elephant in each claw.

Shelly decided to walk for a while before calling for her bird. It was seldom that she had time alone, and she decided to enjoy it. Besides, if Eldon hit it off well enough with Gloria, he’d want the house to himself.

* * * *

“Help!” someone screamed, pulling Shelly from her thoughts. She’d been walking for about an hour, when she heard the scream.

She was in a hilly area of Gaia’s domain, and started running. Had a visitor been attacked after all? If so, she wasn’t equipped to take out whatever was causing the problem on her own.

She rounded the bend of a hill, and stared in confusion. “No way,” she muttered to herself. “It couldn’t be.”

But there was no denying what was before her. Jessica was being attacked by a myrmidon. She slashed at it with one of her daggers, but the creature made up entirely of red ants only laughed at her. The thing looked human in shape, except for two large mandibles sticking out of its mouth. As Shelly watched, the monster opened its maw. It began to glow a split moment before a gout of flame bellowed out of it.

Jessica blurred as she tried to dodge it, but some of it caught her left calf, and she went down. Shelly could see that the burn was bad, and she wasn’t getting back onto that leg anytime soon. The next attack would take her out.

“Son of a, mother trucking, piece of, DANG it!” Shelly swore as bad as she ever did. She ran for the prostrate woman, trying to think of what she could become to fight off the monster. From what she knew, only magical weapons and water could kill them. She was magical, but not enough to take out one of them. And of course, there was no water here.

“I’d better not regret this,” she muttered as she dove for Jessica. She changed shape in midair, and landed with a clang on top of the woman.

Just in time, too. Searing hot fire washed over Shelly as the myrmidon blew its flame at her. Her metal surface heated up, but it wasn’t enough to melt her. Only make her uncomfortable.

“What the. . . .” Jessica muttered, likely shocked to find a large metal kite shield over her.

“I hope you have some way of defeating that thing,” Shelly told the woman, “because I don’t.”

“Shelly?” Jessica asked, then shook her head. “Nevermind. If you can keep it off me, I can get rid of it. The thing attacked out of the blue. I didn’t have time to defend myself properly.”

“Less talking, more fighting,” Shelly scolded as the ant monster blew a second gout of flame across her metal surface. The heat was starting to move beyond uncomfortable and into pain territory.

“Right!” Jessica said. “Just protect me, and move when I tell you to.” She closed her eyes, and Shelly recognized the chanting sounds of magic being prepared. Normally only humans used magic in this way, but apparently whatever Jessica was, she used it too. Shelly knew the woman wasn’t human. No human could move as fast as she could.

“Any time now,” Shelly groaned as sweat broke out on her surface. No, that wasn’t sweat! She was starting to melt.

“Now,” Jessica said. Shelly didn’t wait another moment, before shrinking down. Jessica let go of the spell she’d prepared. A column of water sprang from her hands, slamming into the force of fire, and drove it back.

Shelly heard the Myrmidon growl as he tried to push his attack. Jessica grunted as the flame moved closer to her, but she rallied her strength and the water pushed back at the myrmidon.

Unfortunately for the monster, it had to breathe to perform its attack. As soon as it ran out of breath, the water swamped over the monster. Shelly heard it sizzle and scream as it died.

“Thank you,” Jessica groaned. Shelly watched her eyes roll up into her head as she passed out. Agony coursed its way across her back, and Shelly soon followed the other woman into oblivion.

* * * *

Something changed in Shelly, bringing her awake. Her back felt numb. There was no pain. There was no sensation at all.

“What. . . ?” she groaned, opening her eyes. She was lying on her stomach and could hear someone singsong chanting over her. Someone was casting a spell on her!

Panic drove her muscles to do what they’d been too weak to do a moment before, as she shoved herself away from . . . “Jessica?” She was on her knees, hands held out in front of her.

“I’m trying to heal your back,” the tanned woman said, her voice weak and strained. “You were badly burned. When I woke up, you were groaning, and your pulse was weak. I—“ she paused and tipped forward, catching herself before she hit the ground with one hand.

Shelly remembered the searing pain of the Myrmidon’s fire pouring across her metal back. She also remembered melting. Her back was still numb. She reached behind her and felt bare skin. Looking down, she realized she was completely naked.

“Sorry,” Jessica murmured. “What’s left of your clothes are right there. I needed to know how bad the burns were, and quite frankly, there isn’t enough left to be worn anyway.”

Shelly looked to the pile of burnt rags, and had to agree with Jessica. If that was the remains of her clothing, how bad had her burns been?

“Why would you heal me?” Shelly asked, still suspicious of the other woman.

Jessica actually laughed. There was no mirth in it, just bitter recrimination.

“You saved my life. I don’t care what you think of me, but that means something in my book.”

Shelly’s cheek burned in shame. She had treated this woman with nothing but scorn and suspicion. When she could have walked away and left her alone, she’d spent her last remaining strength trying to heal her. She’d been wrong about Jessica from the start.

“How’s your leg?” Shelly asked, in way of an apology. Words wouldn’t make up for how she’d acted, but maybe actions could.

“Hurts like hell when I think about it,” Jessica grimaced.

“Why don’t you heal it, and I’ll get us out of here?” Shelly asked. She could call her roc at any time.

“I can’t,” Jessica gasped. “I can only heal others with my magic. It works by transferring healing energy from the caster to the wounded, allowing that person to recover. I can’t transfer it from myself, to myself.”

“Are you telling me that, because you healed me, you’ll recover slower?” Shelly demanded. “Why would you do that?”

“You saved my life!” Jessica gasped. “I owed you that, at least.

“Is there no way to heal you then? I’m afraid I don’t know how to use that kind of magic,” Shelly told her. She was beginning to feel like the worst sort of person. She was going to have to change the way she treated Jessica.

When Jessica didn’t answer the question right away, Shelly looked up to meet her eyes. She was trying to decide something, Shelly saw in her gaze.

“No,” Jessica said after a few uncomfortable seconds. “There’s no way.”

Shelly didn’t have to read minds to know that was a lie. “You don’t want to tell me what it is, do you?” Shelly sucked in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “I know I’ve treated you poorly. Okay, less than poorly. I’ve been a royal bitch. All you’ve done is try to help, and I suspected you of being a bad person. If there is a way to heal you, please let me know. As long as I don’t have to slay a dragon right now, I think I’m willing to try.”

Jessica chuckled. This time there was some mirth in it. “You think you’re willing to try? You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Try me,” Shelly told her, feeling sure of herself. She had a lot of making up to do for this woman.

Jessica regarded her in silence for a few moments, before shaking her head. “You’re not going to like it.” Shelly just stared at her, waiting. “Fine,” she sighed after a few more seconds ticked by. “Sex. Sex is the only way for me to heal, short of finding another healer. I’m sorry, but we’ll just have to go find a healer. I can last that long.”

“Are you a succubus?” Shelly asked. She’d meant it as an innocent question, but Jessica glared at her.

“I am not!” she nearly shouted.

“Okay, sorry,” Shelly quickly offered. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just curious. I don’t have any problems with them. In fact, I know a few and am good friends with—“

“Well I’m not, okay? Please, just drop it?” Jessica pleaded with her, cutting Shelly off.

Shelly nodded, and then got to her feet. Her back still felt numb and too smooth to be normal skin. She couldn’t see her hind side, and was afraid of what she might see if she did.

“Would it finish healing me as well, without taking any more from you?” she asked.

“I can work it that way,” Jessica said. “But don’t worry about it. Your brother mentioned you had a couple rocs at your disposal. If you’d be willing to take me to a healer, I can be out of your hair.”

“I’ve got another idea,” she told Jessica. “If I support you, do you think you could walk?”

“I don’t think either of us are in a position to walk,” Jessica told her.

“I know this area,” Shelly replied. “Just around that hill is a natural spring that fairies like to play in. I’m certain it can help us both. The fairies have made it magical. Well, that, or the spring was magical to begin with, and so the fairies like it.”

“Can’t you call your roc to get us there?” Jessica asked. She pulled her wounded leg around, and Shelly saw how bad it was. The flame had cauterized it, even as it burned away the flesh and much of the meat around her foot.

“They get pretty upset when I have them take me such short distances,” Shelly replied. “Please, let me help you. We’ll get to the spring and get you walking on your own in no time.

Jessica tried to protest again, but Shelly refused to hear it. She was weaker than she thought, but she forced it away as she got under Jessica, and they started walking.

“How’s Eldon?” Jessica asked.

Shelly didn’t know how to answer at first. She didn’t want to tell this woman that he’d done nothing but mope about after she’d left, but she didn’t want to lie to her again either.

“He misses you,” Shelly said.

“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Jessica said, then grunted when her injured leg bumped against Shelly’s naked calf. “He knew me for less than an hour.”

“Well, you seem to have made an impression on him,” Shelly admitted. She closed her mouth so she wouldn’t give anymore away. Eldon would never forgive her if she made him out to seem weak and hopeless over a girl he barely knew. “Here we are.”

A large evergreen tree stood proud on the inside curve of a water-filled crescent shaped depression. At their approach, fairies went zinging off in all directions. They really were a nervous group. Areth was the only one Shelly knew of that didn’t act that way, but she was a special case. No one could ever steal her maidenhead and make her a prisoner to them.

“This will heal me?” Jessica asked, doubt in her voice.

“It’ll help,” Shelly told her. “You’re going to want to get all the way in, though. We should strip these clothes off you, before we get in.”

Jessica still looked skeptical, but she let Shelly remove her clothing. Shelly dove in first, and came up gasping in delight at how the warm water felt on her naked body.

Jessica slipped in more carefully, but dunked her head completely under.

“I should have warned you,” Shelly said as Jessica’s head cleared the surface. “Don’t drink the water.”

“What?” Jessica asked, trying to spit out what was already in her mouth. “Why?”

“You know about the Fountain of Youth?” Shelly asked, trying to keep her face straight.

“I thought that was a myth!” Jessica exclaimed.

“As far as I know, it is,” Shelly said, and couldn’t hold back any longer. She burst out laughing, until Jessica started splashing her.

“I didn’t think you knew how to make a joke!” Jessica stated when they tried to catch their breaths.

“I only joke around with those I want to consider as a friend,” Shelly said back solemnly. “I’m truly sorry for the way I treated you. Forgive me?”

“You saved my life back there,” Jessica said. “Of course I do.”

“You’ve saved mine twice,” Shelly replied.

“But the second time wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t tried to save mine.”

“Look, we can argue about that until we’re blue in the face, or we can work on getting you healed,” Shelly said.

“I thought this spring was supposed to heal me,” Jessica said. “My leg isn’t throbbing as much, but I don’t think it’s healing me.”

Shelly swam over to where the roots of the large tree dove down into the water, and retrieved a small bag.

“This should help both of us,” Shelly said.

“What is it?” Jessica asked. “Some kind of magical wand of healing, or soothing balm?”

“No,” Shelly said with a smile. “It’s soap.”

“Magical healing soap?” Jessica asked, arching one eyebrow. Shelly had to admit she was an attractive woman.

“Nope. Regular soap.” Shelly wrinkled her nose for effect. “And you stink.”

Jessica laughed as she bobbed in the water. “That can happen when you fight for your life, then have to hobble around a hill to get to a hidden spring.”

“Turn around and I’ll wash your back,” Shelly told her. Jessica swam to the side and held on as Shelly lathered up her hands. This was a spot Shelly only came to when she wanted to relax. It was peaceful, when the fairies stayed away, and secluded on all sides by hills.

She left the soap in her hands, enjoying its fragrant scent, and gently scrubbed the other woman’s back. Jessica had smooth skin, but Shelly could feel firm muscle underneath. She was tempted to ask what the other woman was, but didn’t want to be rude.

“That feels good,” Jessica said as Shelly worked on a knot in her back.

“Hop up onto this rock, and I’ll get your legs,” Shelly told her.

“If this is the treatment I get after risking my life, I ought to do it more often,” Jessica joked.

“This isn’t because of what you did for me,” Shelly told her solemnly as she washed one shapely calf. “I’m doing this because I owe you.”

“Mmm, I hate to argue while you’re doing that, but you owe me nothing,” Jessica crooned as Shelly dug her knuckles into her good leg.

“I owe you for the way I treated you,” Shelly had to force the words out. She didn’t usually apologize; she so rarely had any reason to. “You saved my brother, and I treated you like the enemy. And then the next morning, I treated you even worse.”

“I understand. You look after him, don’t you? How is your brother?” Jessica asked again as Shelly started massaging her thighs.

Hopefully knocking the bottom out of Gloria, Shelly thought. It wasn’t that she didn’t want her brother with Jessica, but that he needed to get over his infatuation with a girl he’d just met. “He’s doing fine,” she lied.

“That’s good,” Jessica said. For some reason she had on a slight frown. Shelly figured it was because of her damaged left leg, and decided to speed things up. “What are you doing?” Jessica demanded as Shelly placed her hand on the wounded woman’s crotch.

“Trying to heal you,” Shelly told her. “Now that we’re cleaned up, I figured—“

“Figured I’d just lie down with you?” Jessica interrupted. “I accept your apology, but you don’t have to do that.”

Shelly’s gray eyes met Jessica’s blue orbs for a moment as she considered. “You’re a beautiful woman,” she said after a moment. “Both of us could use the healing, though you more than me. I really don’t mind.”

“You don’t mind?” Jessica demanded, anger lacing her voice. “I’m not a piece of meat that fucks anything on two legs, just because I don’t mind.”

Shelly flinched at the other woman’s expletive. Like her father, she didn’t find much use in swearing.

“I misspoke,” Shelly tried to soothe her. “I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t spread my legs for just anyone either. This is a special case, though. I didn’t want you to think that I would have a problem being with a woman. That’s what I meant by, ‘I don’t mind.’ I’m bisexual.”

She really is beautiful, Shelly thought. No wonder Sheldon fell for her. Especially if he saw those breasts. He always was a tit man. And look how hard her nipples are. Those breasts actually made Shelly a tad jealous, though she’d never admit it.

“Who said I swing both ways?” Jessica asked, arching one dark eyebrow.

Shelly blinked in confusion. “I didn’t even think of that,” she mumbled. “I just thought. . . . I mean, the way you talked earlier. . . .” Shelly pulled away from the edge of the pool, but Jessica reached out and grabbed her hand.

“I’m into girls too, but I prefer cock,” Jessica told her. She heaved a sigh, doing wonders for that awesome chest of hers, and then grinned ruefully. “Seeing as there’s no cock here—unless you can convince one of those male fairies to join us? No?—and you are quite beautiful as well. As long as you don’t think this makes us a couple, I would like to get this leg healed up.”

“Deal,” Shelly told her. “Now scoot over here to the edge. That’s good. Just lie back and let me take care of you first.”

As Jessica followed Shelly’s directions, Lyden’s daughter moved between the other’s legs, careful of the damaged calf. Jessica’s crotch was well trimmed, a small patch of black hair in the shape of a small heart sat a couple inches above the moist cleft.

Shelly knew what she liked to have done to her, and slowly licked her way up one smooth thigh, until she got to the outer labia. She used her teeth, and gently nibbled on the soft flesh. Shelly slipped her tongue out and tasted her for the first time. With the tip of her tongue, she started at the bottom of the slit and teased her way up to the top, stopping short of the sensitive nub. She returned to the bottom and repeated the process, applying a bit more pressure. She still avoided the clit, and did it again. After a couple minutes of slowly applying more pressure, Shelly felt Jessica’s fingers dig into her hair, as she forced her mouth against the woman’s slit. Shelly knew this was the moment to strike.

She sucked hard on Jessica’s clitoris, flicking her tongue across it and was rewarded a moment later as her chin was soaked and Jessica cried out in passion. Sensation returned to the dead nerve endings in Shelly’s back. At first she felt pain as everything came alive, but that soon subsided and everything felt normal again.

She backed away from the other woman, a smile on her face. As she moved, she noticed that Jessica’s leg was healed as well. Shelly stared at it, uncomprehending. Despite Jessica claiming she wasn’t a succubus, she still had some doubts. But in order for a succubus to be healed or to gain energy, they have to get someone else off. It doesn’t work if only they reach an orgasm. That was part of the reason she’d wanted to please Jessica first. If she was a succubus, it would have become apparent, but that didn’t happen. Now she was even more confused than she had been before.

“How?” Shelly asked, unsure how to phrase the question.

“I told you, I can heal through sex,” Jessica told her.

“Yes, but I figured it was like—“ she paused for a moment. She didn’t want to piss the woman off by calling her a succubus again. “Like how it worked for my dad. He healed others when he got off, but that didn’t heal him. He had to get his partner off to heal himself.” Talking about her father like that made her uncomfortable, but she didn’t know how else to bring it up and not piss off Jessica.

“I’m not sure,” Jessica replied. “That’s just the way it’s always worked for me. If either my partner or I reach orgasm, we both recover. Of course, I don’t often get injured, and I’m not a slut, so I don’t have a lot of experience with it.”

“I’m not going to complain,” Shelly said, knowing her next words would sound like she was, “but couldn’t you have just masturbated and healed yourself?”

“Ha! I wish!” Jessica laughed. “If that worked, I’d spend all day, every day, locked up in a room and never come out. I can’t get myself off. Doesn’t matter how hard I try, or how horny I get, I can’t do it by myself.”

“That has to suck!” Shelly felt for her. Shelly wasn’t one to be horny all the time like her brother seemed to be, but there were times when she needed a little satisfaction. She knew she was attractive, but she didn’t chase after any boyfriends or girlfriends. Her life was too hectic to put someone else through that.

“I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but I haven’t had an orgasm for quite some time. I was already getting a bit desperate when I saw your brother fighting those ogres. Then we were interrupted before he could return the favor to me that night.” Jessica sighed with a satisfied grin. “You’re quite talented, too. I haven’t cum that hard in a long time!”

Shelly didn’t want to think about what Jessica and her brother had been doing. She still felt good about the compliment. She was also soaking wet between her legs, not counting the water she was in.

“I’m glad I could help,” Shelly said. She was beginning to wonder if she was going to have to finish herself off. Jessica seemed perfectly happy to bask in the aftereffects of her own climax.

“Help?” Jessica asked. “Oh, you more than helped! But now I think it’s your turn.” Jessica slid over on the rocky outcrop she was sitting on, and patted next to her. “I can’t wait to get a taste of you and see if I can make you feel half as good as you made me feel.”

Shelly couldn’t help but blush at all the compliments she was getting. Jessica was a knockout, and had one of the best bodies she’d ever seen, especially with her dark coloring. Shelly knew she was hot, but felt a bit intimidated by Jessica. Except that she kept complimenting Shelly.

With a glow in her cheeks, Shelly pulled herself out of the water. Before she could get comfortable, Jessica grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss. Caught by surprise and pulled off balance, Shelly fell on top of Jessica. She recovered in no time, and returned the kiss. Their tongues met, and then curved around each other as Shelly felt Jessica release her head with one hand, only to grope her right breast a moment later. Shelly enjoyed having her chest played with, especially the sensitive nipples. She moaned as Jessica’s thumb rubbed circles around the areola.

She had to break the kiss to gasp for air. Jessica used that moment to kiss along her cheek, down her jaw, tickle across her neck and to her chest. Jessica nudged her body slightly, and Shelly rolled onto her back. The dark skinned woman’s lips never left Shelly’s goose-bump flecked skin, and as she got comfortable, another moan escaped her as Jessica’s tongue twirled around her left nipple. She almost had a small orgasm when she felt teeth brush against the nub at the tip of her breast.

“You like when I play with your breasts, don’t you?” Jessica asked her.

“Yes,” Shelly gasped. She could feel her juices leaking out of her and running down her crack. Jessica had let go of her right breast and Shelly could feel her fingers tracing up her inner thigh.

“Mmm, I like it too. You have great tits. But there’s somewhere else I think you want my mouth.” As she spoke, she placed her open hand against Shelly’s soaked pussy, making her shudder with desire. “Mmm, I can’t wait to taste you. You’re already so wet.”

“Yes,” Shelly moaned again as she felt a finger brush up against her hole. That finger pulled away too soon. She arched her back to bring it closer, but Jessica wasn’t done teasing her.

Jessica’s body moved down, trailing kisses in her wake, until Shelly could feel the woman’s hot breath on her ready hole. She gasped when she felt a tongue run between her inner and outer labia. She moaned when that same tongue toyed around the edges of her leaking hole. And she cried out in ecstasy when Jessica finally stuck her tongue all the way inside her. Even though the object was small, it felt wonderful as Jessica lapped at her pussy.

Shelly grabbed onto her nipples, pinching and rolling the sensitive nubs between her fingers and arching her back again.

“You have the best looking and tasting pussy I've ever had,” Jessica said.

Before Shelly could respond, Jessica dropped her head back down. Instead of going for her slit again, she attacked Shelly’s sensitive clit, while slipping two fingers inside.

Shelly’s stomach leapt into her throat as her whole body convulsed. Every inch of her being was filled to overflowing with pure bliss. Jessica kept working on her, but Shelly lost all track of anything other than the pleasure radiating through her body.

When she finally came down from her peak, it took her a moment to catch her breath.

“I didn’t know you were a squirter,” Jessica said. Shelly flushed red as she looked at her lover’s dripping face. She tried to stammer an apology, but Jessica cut her off. “Thank you. I quite enjoyed that!”

This time it was Shelly that pulled Jessica into a kiss. She had no words to say to the other woman, and let actions speak for themselves as those perfect mammaries filled her hands. It would be a while before they left the spring. The watching fairies didn't mind.

Especially one in particular.

From the Author

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Chapters always get posted to my blog first. You can get the link from the forum above.

If you're looking for book 1, I have published it, and you can find the links to that from the forum as well.

Comments below are ALWAYS welcome. Please let me, or Garbonzo607 know how we're doing on this story.


2016-04-17 03:46:40
Ok I'm making myself stop here tell the books done and I can buy it in full. It's going to drive me nuts waiting for it but I know it's well worth the wait. You really do write well and the enjoyment these stories give is beyond my words.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-02 09:31:06
Sheldon who prefers Eldon, looks like only family call him his real name lol

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-02 09:09:46
Is his name Sheldon or Eldon because it seems to change every single time it's written

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