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Jay and Amy part 3

So I guess walking into the house late, no phone calls, and wearing men’s basketball shorts isn't the right thing to do.
A little info on my parents so you’ll understand more. My mom’s name is Mary and she’s a white southern belle, she’s only 1 inch taller than me and has black hair. Her family is from old money, so very wealthy I guess. My dad’s name is Tony and he’s about 5’6 with black hair and he’s Vietnamese. He came from nothing but work hard to get to where he is today. My parents are very proud people and everything we have, they have earn it on their own.

“Does that short belong to a guy? mom asks me.
“Is that a hickey on your neck?!?” Dad shouts.
“ and y..yes.” Oh I did I mention, I have never gotten into trouble like at all.
“Who’s the boy? I’ll chop his ass up with a butcher knife, how dare he take advantage of my little girl?!” Dad says.
“I’m making that boy walk to the edge of the! My little girl’s flower is at risk!” mom yells.

Oh did I mention that fights in my house were the most funniest thing to witness. Both my parents have a temper and dad has a mouth on him when he’s mad. Mom doesn't like to cuss so it’s pretty entertaining watching them work themselves up.

“We’ll drive by his house first and scope it out, if it’s clear we’ll egg it to teach him a lesson,” mom says going into the kitchen.

“I’m getting the mayonnaise and ketchup, we’ll squirt it on his car, then if we have time, I’ll do his damn house’s windows too,’ dad says while opening the refrigerator.

“Omg! You guys! Don’t do that to Jay’s house and car, it’s mean!” I yell trying to get their attention.

“Jay? What kind of fucking name is that? What is he? Gangster? Emo? Fucking nerd?” Dad yells louder than me.

“Stop! Jay is my love at first sight guy. He’s hot, he has muscles, he must obviously work out cause they are like huge. He talks like a caveman but that just makes him even hotter, always talking in short sentences. But when he does talk a lot, it’ll blow your mind. But it seems like he only does it with me. He’s always looking at me like I hold the answer to solve world hunger. His eyes are always intense and that usually means he’s thinking about something. Oh and his eyes are green, not like poop green, more like light green. He’s half Asian and half black, so he’s like a light caramel color. He makes me nervous but it’s good and nice nervous. He gives me this confidence when I’m around him. I just….I’m… at first sight is real.”

And then I realize that I been babbling in front my parents. They’re both looking at me with tears in their eyes. They look at each other and nod once before putting away the eggs, ketchup, and mayonnaise.

“What was that nod about” I ask them.

“You guys are in a relationship, nothing more to say darling” mom answers me happily.

“Just promise me that he’ll wear a condom, I’m happy but I don’t want to be a grandpa yet” dad says happily too.

“Umm, eww. Jay says we’re going slow, so whatever that means.” I say angrily. Mom and dad break out laughing and walk out of the kitchen and up to their bedroom, leaving me in the kitchen alone.

After finishing my homework, it’s around 11pm. I thought about taking a shower but I was too lazy for it. I was heading for my bedroom when my phone dings with a message.

Jay: Open the door
Wait...What? Open my door? My phone dings again.
Jay: Babe, open the door
I go open my door and there Jay stands, still in his shorts and t-shirt.

“Tried to fall asleep, couldn't. Realize I’m missing something.” Jay says to me.
“Did you really just come over here for your shorts? I told you that I’m keeping these.” I mean really? Are these shorts that important to him. I mean yeah they’re comfortable but it’s not really worth a car ride over here.

“Nope not shorts missing, you.”
“Bed lost it’s smell of you, now I can’t fucking sleep.” Oh wow, he came all this way just to sleep with me. Awe
“Parents saw?” Jay points to my neck where the huge damn hickey is.
“Yup, come in and I’ll tell you how they felt.”

Jay steps in and closes the door behind him and bends down and picks me up bridal style, I put my arms around his shoulders. I yelp a little but it’s pretty hot being this close to him. He walks into my bedroom and closes it with his shoulder, he deposits me down on the bed and climbs on top of me.
“Go on babe, talk.”
“Ahh...I’m kinda distracted now.”
“Oh all right,” I cave and tell him about the eggs, mayonnaise, and ketchup.

Jay’s laughing so hard that he has to put his face in my neck to muffle himself. He finally looks at me and he looks beautiful, like a little kid who just had ate the last piece of cake. I lean up and kiss him, not a gentle one but a more excited forceful one. I push my leg up and I’m able to get Jay to his back. I climb on him before he’s able to recover. I pull his shirt up but he stops me by grabbing my wrists.

“We gotta talk before we do anything else.” Jay says softly to me. I nod and he proceeds to blow my mind away.

“First off, we got forever together. I believe in the shit so much now that I’m not scared anymore. Just cause we had some fun time today, don’t mean we gotta keep doing it. You set the pace on this babe, how fast and how slow is all up to you babe. You don’t wanna have sex till we marry, then we’ll do that, no argument. I’ll be pretty fucking moody though but I ain’t gonna be mad at you. But we ain't gonna have sex anytime soon, I want you as ready and as comfortable as possible. Don’t feel bad it, I’ll fucking deal. I won’t ever stray on you, and you better not either or whoever you go to gets a whipping of his life.”

Jay pauses, and continues again; “You get the first part?”
I nod slowly. And Jay goes on again.

“Second thing, you take me for me. I don’t fucking change for shit. But if it’s that important to you, you’ll let me know and I’ll try my best. I know I’m gonna fuck up but I’ll try my fucking best for you. I’m no saint, I got a lot of fuck up things I know, I see, and I do. You wanna know, I’ll tell you. You don’t wanna know, I’ll still tell you, so you got a heads up before anyone use that shit against us. What we do is our business, but I know girls talk. Go ahead and talk, but I’ll keep our shit to myself. But If Jordan’s dumbass ask, I’ll probably tell his black ass.”

Jay pauses again, and I nod knowing he’s asking if I still understand.

“Last thing, some people hate how I talk. Can’t help that shit. Grew up like this, this is what I’m use to. I’ll try to talk better around you so you get it. I don’t fight unless I’m getting paid for it or if that person disrespects my family, my friends, and you. If someone fucks with you, let me know and I’ll handle that shit. If you don’t wanna do the dirty work, I got other broads who’ll do it for me as a friend, not as a fuck. If you wanna learn some moves, I’ll teach you. It’s hot when girls know what the fuck they’re doing. I got a lot of friends, they mean something to me. They have my back, i ain't around, you let them know what you want and they’ll handle that shit. You ever need me for anything, fucking let me know. No doubt, no worries, no hesitation.”

Jay ends it and looks up at me. I’m breathing heavy from how much he said to me. He laid everything out for me and didn't hold back.

“Okay babe, I get it.” I reply.
“Babe.” the way he just said has so much emotion behind it. Even if it’s only one word.
“Can I continue?” I ask him hopefully.

Instead of answer me, he lets go of my wrists and pull of his t-shirt. His tribal tattoo is looking up at me and it triggers something in me. It’s a little weird but I hope Jay doesn’t mind.

I lean down towards his left chest and lick across to his right chest. Jay flips me over on to my back and looks too serious.

“Time to sleep babe, like now.” Jay growls.
“Um...did I do something wrong?” I ask shyly back.
“Fuck no babe, that felt too fucking good. Can’t handle any more or my dick will blow.”

I can’t but bust out laughing, I can’t believe he actually stop me cause he’s going to cum too soon. Jay rolls over and pulls off his shorts and pulls up my blanket to our necks, I roll to my left side and Jay curls up behind me, resting his arm on my waist.

“Don’t let the bedbug bite babe.” I say sleepily to him.
“Night baby.” Awe he called me baby, that’s more intimate that babe.

The next couple days goes by without any incident. We've only kiss, nothing more. We spend every evening doing homework and hanging out. And by night, we’re both asleep in my bed. Jay met my parents and they love him. They thought that a man with few words is an interesting man. Michelle and I have gotten way closer too, she’s practically my best friend now.

Today is Friday night, I have known Jay for about 4 days now but it feels so much longer. I feel like I've known Jay my whole life. I’m pretty nervous about tonight, it’s Jay’s fight at the underground. He told me that’s I’ll be attending and that I should cheer for him. I’m so scare and nervous but Jay keeps reassuring me that it’ll be fun and that I should enjoy myself. He told me it’s part fight club and part club. Jay also explain that the underground is actually underground in a large warehouse basement. Apparently the occupants capacity was at 4,000 illegally. The warehouse upstairs is a plane/car parts factory and that the brother’s pay to use the basement.

Michelle and I are in my bathroom finishing our hair and waiting for Jay to pick us up. I decided to wear casual; jeans, tight blue sweater and Nike’s. Michelle went with a pair of jeans, very very skin tight leather shirt and high heels. I decided to wear my hair down and Michelle put her hair up with curls falling around her face.

“I’m so nervous” I tell Michelle.
“Don’t be, Jay’s undefeated, in and out the ring.” Michelle replies while putting on eyeliner.
“Yup, he doesn't like to brag about it. He’s like a beast in the ring, bet’s go sky high when they hear he’s fighting.”
“How often does he fight?”
“About twice a month only. people come from states away to challenge him. I heard that there’s a waiting list now. They’re willing to pay to fight Jay.”
“He never told me any of this.” I say quietly.
“Like I said bitch, bragging makes him uncomfortable. And trust me, I’m bragging. When guys find out I’m friends with him, they back off.”
“Something happen before?” I ask curiously.

“On my 16th birthday, my friends through me a party at a lake. Everyone was there, it was huge. This drunken senior idiot kept hitting on me throughout the night, I kept rejecting his ass. At one point, my friends had fireworks going off. The drunk idiot grabbed me and took me in to the woods, he tried to rape me but I was able to scream loud enough for someone to hear. They got to me right before his ugly ass cock touched me. My friends and I left right away, I fucking cried the whole damn time. The next day, word got around that Jay kicked his ass. I never saw that senior again.”

“Are you okay?”

Michelle laughs a little and answers me “It bothered me at first, it made me more guarded. Didn't keep the same friends around me anymore. But I’m fine now, I met you and you’re pretty fucking awesome so that’s good.”

I pull Michelle into a tight hug, silently letting her know that I’m there for her and that I’m happy for her now. We finally pull away when I hear someone walking in the bathroom.

“Alright?” Jay asks us. We both nod and I jump into his arms. He catches me around my butt so I wouldn't fall. I push my lips to him and slip my tongue in, teasing his tongue a little. I finally pull away and kiss his neck, jaw, and lips one last time.

“I think I got pregnant from that” Michelle says behind us. Jay and I throw our head back and laugh.

“Let’s go ladies.” Jay says still holding me up and walking us out my house. Michelle locks up behind us and we head to Jay’s black Toyota sequoia suv.

“You can put me down now babe.”
“Naw, this is more fun,” and he leans in and gives me a quick peck. We make it to the passenger side and slowly slides me down his body, and boy is happy to see me.

“Down boy,” I whisper to Jay.
“Fucking cute”.

We climb in and Jay takes places my hand on his thigh. Every Time I’m driving, he places his hand on my thigh. He told me that he likes it like that, and I do too, it’s cute. We then head off to underground. And When we make it there, there’s a huge line around the corner already.

“When do you guys open?” I ask staring out the car window.
“Already open, always gets busy like this. Cops don’t mind the underground as long as there’s no drugs going in or going out.” Jay replies and squeezes my hand.
“Luke and Mike keeps it clean, they don’t like that shit. People get wristbands to drink if they over 21 and you gotta be at least 16 to come in.”

We park and enter from a side “private” entrance with Jay using a key. We enter some kind of factory and he heads me off to the stairs leading downwards. There’s a huge bald black guy blocking a huge metal door. He nods to Jay and opens the door and the music hits me first. It’s loud and the lights are blinking everywhere. To my right about 3 steps higher than the dance floor are 5 doors, Jay explained to me that they are private viewing rooms with one way glass walls all around. There’s a bar all the way to the left and it’s beyond crowded over there. The dj booth is in the middle closer to the wall. People are dancing, people are talking, and people are trying to get to 3rd base all out in the open.

Jay must sense me looking at the open groping couples when he booms to me; “Security will stop them soon.”
“When does the fighting start?” I yell back to him.
“About now.” Before he even finishes, the music quiets down and people start to move away from the dance floor. The private doors open and people spill out to watch too. Jay grabs my hand and I grab Michelle’s hand and we head down to the middle of the dance floor. When we get there, Mike and Luke are already there with about 15 other guys and I can see cash being pass around. I can feel Michelle’s hand grip mine tightly like she’s nervous. When Michelle turned 18 a couple of days ago, Luke was gone for a week visiting family so this might get interesting since Michelle’s legal now.

“Ladies” Mike and Luke say at the same time. They both walk up to me and give me a group hug, Luke pauses when he faces Michelle and finally approaches her. He finally hugs her tight until Mike coughs behind them. I smile huge finally realizing that Luke is going for it and no one is stopping him.

“What are we waiting for?” I ask quietly to Jay.
“Last minute things need to get solve, money passing and shit.”
“ fuels you to fight?” I ask curiously.
Jay visibly tenses up and then sighs loudly then answers me “Know at the end of the fight, I get to fuck someone.”
Well that sounds fucking nice…..UM NO!
I curl my lips angrily, “really?” Jay doesn't answer me but then I get worry.”Wait, what fuels you now?”
“Going home with you.” Jay answers immediately.
“Is that enough?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“How about… think about what we can do when we get home...see…I get that we’re suppose to go slow, but babe, it’s been like forever and I’m losing patience.”
Jay turns to me and hooks my neck with one hand and whispers to my ear, “Baby, I been waiting for you to make a move, I told you already. It’s on your schedule, slow or fast, all up to fucking you. And now you tell me that I been stalling you.”
“Ohhh….well I didn't know. Now that I know, we really have to catch up on lost time.” I reply breathlessly back to him.
“You guys keep that shit up, you’ll leave before the fight” Michelle butts in beside us.
Before Jay lets me go he whispers huskily back to me, “Catching up tonight.”

We finally all pull away and push out to make a circle around the fighters. 2 guys are in the middle mugging each other and Mike’s in the middle of them smirking. Jay, Michelle, Luke and I are right in the front waiting for the word. Mike finally yells “go” and all hell breaks loose. From what I can tell, there’s only 1 rule; no nut shot. After the 6th match, after many punches, kicks, grabbing, ground and pound, blood, it’s Jay’s turn. A blonde guy steps up to the middle of the man made ring and he’s smirking at Jay. Behind the blonde across from us, Andrew and Emily are standing there.

“Oh fuck” Michelle says aloud.
“What is it?”
“That’s Chad, Andrew and Emily’s cousin. He can fight, but has too big of a mouth. Must’ve paid a lot to fight tonight against Jay”
“He paid? I thought you make money from this?”
“You do but sometimes people are willing to pay a little something on the side to get a fast match, and if it’s promoted right then more money to get back to you.”
Jay was silent throughout the entire conversation and Luke looks a little uneasy.

“You okay babe?” I ask looking up at Jay.
“Fucking revenge for what I said about banning.” Jay replies shortly back.
“And Emily, she’s always been a bitch. Mad I ain’t fucking her anymore.”
“Bigger and better things babe,” I reply smiling to myself.
“Babe” Jay says to me. SEE! That “babe” means everything! So much meaning behind it, making it so much fucking beautiful to hear.
I step in front of him and kiss his neck, jaw, and lastly his lips.

It must’ve been a long kiss since the entire club is hollering and cheering for us. Jay finally pulls away and strips his shirt passing it to me. He unbuckles his jeans and slides it down his legs and gives it to me too. Jay smiles one last time then his entire vibe changes, it went from flirtatious and playful to serious and murderous. He then steps into the middle of the circle and stares Chad down.

Luke steps in the middle of Michelle and I and says strangely “Shit gets too hot, we dip. No argument, no waiting, no questions. We go. My job is to get you two out safely.” Michelle and I nod, but I’m pretty confuse but apparently I’m not allow to ask questions.

“Welcome to the final match of the night,” Mike yells out to the crowd making everyone scream with excitement. “No fucking nut shot. And if anyone tries to lend a hand, will suffer the consequences,” Mike looks right at Andrew at the end of his sentence making Andrew glare at him. “Winner takes all, loser gets shit. No beef after the match. Simple as shit. Now let’s fucking get started!”

The screaming and cheering gets loud to the point of hurting my ears. The crowd is split 90/10. The 90 is screaming for Jay, and the 10 is screaming for Chad.

Chad throws a right hook but Jay side steps it. Jay looks relax, barely moving his body. Chad goes back in with a left hook and misses again. Chad mixes it up and throws a right kick but Jay moves aside again. Andrew is yelling his head off at Chad and Chad is clearly ignoring him or is too mad to hear anything. Chad tries throwing a right uppercut and Jay simply pushes his arm away.

“Why isn’t Jay fighting back?” I yell to Luke and Michelle.
“He’s embarrassing Chad and Andrew first.” Luke replies smirking at the match.

Jay finally makes a moves and throws a right punch out hitting Chad’s left cheek. Then he hits Chad’s ribs with his left hand. And then elbows Chad’s left cheek with his right hand, making Chad stumble back. Jay charges Chad and picks him up by the legs and slam him down. Jay stands over him and throws punch after punch into Chad’s face. Chad tries curling up his body but Jay lands hit over hit. Mike throws a towel down on Chad’s body signalling Chad has lost and the crowd goes wild.

Jay starts to walk over to me but then Andrew is there blocking his way. Andrew’s body language clearly states he’s not happy and he’s about to do something about it.

“Shut the fuck up!” Mike yells into the crowd and everyone quickly quiets down.
“Andrew thinks Jay cheated, anyone think Jay cheated?” Mike yells out, no one says anything. Andrew, Emily and a few others call out but really? It was less than 20 people making any noise.
“Your cousin got his ass beat. Take it like a fucking man and walk away before you regret it.” Mike calls out again making the crowd make the OOoooo noise. It’s actually kind of funny to hear.

“Fuck you and your brothers!” Andrew screams at Mike.
Mike punches Andrew on his left temple knocking him down, and then he puts his boot on Andrew’s neck pushing down a little.
“No one fucking disrespects me and my brothers. Consequences bitch,” Mike booms out before pushing his foot down harder. Andrew starts to choke a little trying to push Mike off.

Emily steps up to Mike trying to push him but Mike doesn't even notice her. He’s too busy looking down at Andrew with murder in his eyes. Since that doesn't work she tries to push Jay, yelling at him to do something. Jay simply shrugs and walks away to stop Chad from getting closer to Mike.

“You all are ban!” Luke yells out, making everyone pause. Mike takes his boot off and kicks Andrew once in the ribs making him howl out in pain.

“You bitches(looking at Emily), you shit fighters(looking at chad), you dumbass followers(looking at Andrew’s lame crowd), and you punkass, jackass, bitchface, shitface idiot(looking at Andrew). You all are fucking ban. Get the fuck out now,” Mike booms out.

The crowd is quiet, too quiet. And then they all cheer and start to chant out “Get out” to Andrew and his crew. One by one they start to shuffle out with security surrounding them. When Andrew walks by me, he smirks and winks at me. Like eewww.

When Chad goes by Michelle, he slaps her ass hard and he starts laughing his head off. The crowd steps back and the air changes around us. Luke suddenly punches Chad in the nose, knocking him down. Luke leans over his body and start to go to town on Chad’s face. Blood is shooting out Chad’s nose and lip and Luke’s fists are cover in blood. No one moves to stop Luke, everyone is too shock to react. Mike finally steps up to him and grabs his bicep, halting Luke from throwing another punch. Luke looks up at Mike, then Jay, then me, and then Michelle and walks away. Chad’s body is laying lifeless on the floor with blood all over his face. His friends pick him up and carry him out without once bitching.

“Let’s fucking party!” Michelle yells out making the DJ turn the music back up and the light down.

“Time to leave” Jay says to me. Michelle and I follow Jay out the side door we came through. We get outside and there Luke stands by the car looking up at the stars. Michelle leaves us and walks to him touching his back lightly.

“Um...thanks for that. You didn't have to do that, I was just about to knee him in the nuts.” Michelle says quietly to Luke.
“It was my job to keep you guys safe. He deserved it. Shouldn't have put his fucking hands on you,” Luke pauses and then continues again, “Fuck! I should fucking chop his has hands off.”

“He won’t have a pretty face any more, so that makes me feel better,” Michelle replies.
“Yeah, you’re right about that,” Luke finally turns to Michelle and smiles. He places one of his bloody hand on Michelle’s cheek and tells her “You still have your pretty face.” He leans in and kisses Michelle lightly on the lips. “You’re mine,” Luke says to her and walks away leaving Michelle awe struck.

Jay hooks my neck and pulls me to his side and whispers into my ear, “Love’s in the air.”

Michelle turns around and smiles at us and signals to the car. We all head in and we begin our trip home. We drop Michelle off first, she still looks daze while she walks up to her house.

“He’s definitely going for it,” I say to Jay while watching Michelle.
“Fuck yeah. Your house?”
“Yes please” I answer back. I love Jay’s house, but I’m always afraid that someone will walk into us. Mom and dad never comes downstairs, they had no idea Jay slept over since he always parks his car down the street.

Jay drops me off first then he heads to park his car. I past my parents and greet them running downstairs. I head to the door and Jay’s already there waiting for me.

“How do you always do that so fast?” I ask Jay. He shakes his head slowly laughing at me. “Tired?” I ask him.

“Nope, fucking jazzed” Jay replies to me coming into the house and closing the door.

“Oh ok, go calm yourself down. Shower time.” I say quickly then fast walk to the bathroom. I strip down and look at myself in the mirror. My boobs are a b-cup so not too small. I have a pretty good size butt but pretty wide waist. After turning on the water, I notice that Jay still hasn't come in yet. Does he not want to shower with me? Did I do something wrong? Is he too jazzed for a shower?

I poke my head out the door, “Babe?” I call out.
“Where are you?”
“Couch. Watching tv,” Jay replies back. What The Hell? Oh hell No! This is the bravest thing I have ever done and he’s just ignoring and watching tv. I open the door wider and go out to the living room. I reach the side of the couch and he finally looks at my stomach, then slowly looks up to my breasts, then up to my face.
“What th..” Jay starts to say but I cut get there before him.

“Really babe? I know you kicked ass tonight, and you might be tired and jazzed but if I want to take a shower with you, then you better wanna take a shower with me. I was fucking in there waiting for you, and you didn't even show up. What the hell? I know it was a long and interesting night but it’s ‘us’ time. So get your ass up and help me wash my back now!” I’m too angry to be covering my body up, I know I’m butt ass naked standing in my living room but who cares.

“I thought you meant shower time for you only. So I was distracting myself with tv.” Jay replies calmly back to me. He’s staring at my eyes, trying not to look down at my body.

“Ohhh, no I meant shower time for the both of us, I’m sorry I should have made it mo…” I yelp a little when Jay unexpectedly stand and puts his shoulder to my stomach picking me up over his shoulder. I’m upside down with my butt in Jay’s face, oh god.

“Babe, I can walk.”
“Fucking cute.” Jay replies and then smacks my butt. Woah, that kind of good. I let out a little moan and Jay stops suddenly at the bathroom door and mutters ‘fucking hot’ before putting me down on the floor. He strips naked while staring intently in my eyes. I cheat and look down and boy oh boy.

He’s fucking huge, the damn head looks like a mushroom, all big and staring at me. And oh god, he’s hard. He has to be at least 10 maybe 11 inch.

“Baby, my eyes are up here” I can hear the smile in his voice.
“I know, but this view is better” I reply sizing up his dick. A little precum leaks out of his head and I can’t help but lick my lips.

“Fucking dammit” Jay says before pushing my stomach back until we’re both in the shower. My back is facing the shower head and the hot water hitting my butt snaps me out of it.

“More water babe?” I ask him. My shower is awesome, it has a total of 5 shower heads coming from all directions. He nods and I turn the rest of them on, his eyes sparkle a little when I face him again. Water is hitting all over his body, the dripping water on his chest makes his tattoo look sexier.

Jay grabs my hips pulling me to him and we start to make out. There’s tounge everywhere and lots of body groping. I might have grab his butt two or three times. It’s small and cute and muscular. Jay starts to lick my right boob and grabbing my butt with his other hand. His dick is poking the shit out of my stomach. I grab his dick with both my hands and start to work him up and down. But then an idea pops in my head from reading so many romance novels. I push him back a little, he looks surprise and alert at my action. I get down to my knees and lick his dick once before putting it into my mouth. He groans out loud and I look up to see his eyes close and his hands holding onto the wall tiles.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck” Jay moans lowly.

I swirl my tongue around his dick which makes him groan again. I try to get more of him into my mouth but he’s just too big. I start to swallow near the end of his dick and this helps taking him in more, inch by inch. This makes Jay buckle a little, and he pushes into me making his dick hit my throat.

“Sorry babe” Jay says breathlessly.

I hum a little around his dick letting him know it’s okay and that makes him growl and he pushes into my throat again. When he tries to pull away, I grab his butt and push him back in. I finally get all of his dick inside my mouth and I hum in happiness.

“Fuck babe, this is fucking hot.” I look up and he’s looking down at me. Everytime I pull him out, I push him harder in.

“You okay?” I nod to him. To be honest, this isn’t that bad at all. His dick doesn’t really taste like anything. And hearing him moan is just turning me on. I want him to go fast and do it harder but how do I let him know?

“You want me fuck your mouth?” Jay asks me while looking down at me. I nod eagerly and he doesn’t hesitate. He places both hands on each side of my head and pushes harder than I did. He’s really fucking my mouth now, and it feels amazing listening to Jay moan in ecstasy.

“Yeah babe...fuck….your mouth is so fucking hot. Fucking love it” His dirty words are making me more hot and I squirm a little.

“Deep Throating my dick all, fuck, how did I get so fucking lucky. Fuck yeah baby, keep sucking for me.” I keep up my sucking and licking.

“Is your pussy getting off on this too? When I cum, I’ll make you cum too, I know you’re so wet right now. Dripping I bet. Can’t wait to taste it. Eat it all up.Every last fucking drop. I know it’s gonna taste sweet, like my fucking dessert.”

He’s gripping my head hard and putting everything he has into it. It’s not painful at all and it’s making so fucking horny. Now I just want him to hurry up and cum and then return the favor.

“Fuck...about to cum soon, you wanna taste it baby?” I nod again. It tasted good last time so there’s no way I’m missing out on this.

“Yeah that’s right, my baby wants to taste my cum. You wanna swallow it too baby?” I nod again.

“My good innocent girl gonna swallow. Here it comes baby. Get ready. It’s huge, all for you. This will be the fucking hardest I ever cum. Yeah baby……….comess….fuuucccckkkk!”

Then he pushes all the inside and cums, I swallow every last drop. I even suck his dick a little more to drain every last drop. I barely finish before Jay grabs my armpits pulling me up. He places his hands on my thighs and pushes me up and then places my thighs on his shoulders with my back against the tile wall, he places his hands under my butt to me up so that my pussy is mouth level for him. Jay dives into my pussy and I grab ahold of his shave head moaning loudly. He’s like a starving man, he likes all around and then finally licks my clit. And then he sucks on my clit and I cum...hard.

“Oh my gooooooddddddd, babe! It’s too much! Oh fuck!!! Stop babe….it’s toooooo muuchh!

My orgasm feels like it’s never going to end, and when it finally does, I’m coming down from the moon and stars. Jay puts me down to my feet but holds onto my waist. I place my head on his chest, too tired to move. He turns off the shower and helps walk me out. He then proceeds to dry me and I keep my head on his chest and my arms around his hips. Jay walks me to my room and helps me lay on my bed.

“Naked okay baby?” Jay asks me
“Mhm” I say curling on my ride side to his body, front to front. Jay rubs my neck and my back while I’m trying to get my wits back.

“I hurt you?” Jay asks me.
“Babe. That. Was. Amazing. I feel soo fucking good.”
“Your throat babe?”
“Babe, I swear I’m fine. Actually, more than fine.”
“Damn baby, you have no gag reflex.” I can’t help but break out laughing.
“Um thanks baby. Your tongue is pretty amazing too.” Jay laughs a little and places a small kiss on the top of my head. “Sleep baby” Jays says to me.

I’m laying naked in bed with Jay after giving head to each other and after having some awesome orgasms I do decide to fall asleep. But I swear before I fell fully asleep, I heard Jay whisper something to me, ‘I love you baby, forever and ever’.

Comment for part 4

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-28 04:52:13
To the comment below, this is a porn site for fucks sake and your bitching about "vulgarity"
that shit doesn't exist here

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-29 12:22:30

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-14 15:43:09
I agree with people that the spelling makes it difficult to read, but it all but ruined your story!! You have an awesome story line and plot!! Please go on to write. If the people dont like it, then go read another story!! Ps, just run ur story with spell check!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-12 08:44:11
Really need to clean this up. Too many basic mistakes.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-11 17:06:38
Please have a part 4

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