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The Chance Meeting
Early Wednesday mornings at Walmart are wonderful. There are only a few people in the aisles, checkout lines are short, and there are always at least a dozen pregnant women shopping. I love looking at their bulging bellies and large milk filled breasts ... I just can’t help myself ... pregnant women have always turned me on.

The Wednesday before my birthday was a day I’ll never forget. As I was shopping I saw a very short very pretty pregnant lady pushing her cart towards me. It was Holly … a attractive lady who had worked in the cubical next to mine for six months just before I retired last year. Even though she wasn't more than 5 feet tall her body was perfectly proportioned. She was mid to late thirties, had jet black hair, firm breasts, great legs, and always a smile on her pretty pixie face. She laughed when she saw me, hugged me, and stopped to talk. “Ray, how are you? You look great,” she said. I replied, “I’m fine. I see that you and your husband Brad have been busy.” She laughed and told me she was almost seven months pregnant. We talked for a couple of minutes when I noticed wet spots starting to spread on her blouse below her breasts. I whispered, “Holly, I think you are leaking.” She was embarrassed and said, “Can I borrow your handkerchief?” I reached in my back pocket and handed it to her. She asked me to step closer to block anyone else’s view as she slid it into her bra. She opened the top buttons of her blouse and I glanced down and saw her ample breasts and cleavage while she placed the handkerchief over her nipples. She re-buttoned her blouse and thanked me for helping her. She promised to get the handkerchief back to me as soon as she could. We said our goodbyes and I finished shopping and checked out.

As I drove home I thought about Holly and how she had helped me through my wife’s passing away 18 months ago. Gina had been the love of my life and my best friend. We had been happily married for 25 years. And then she got cancer. We fought the good fight but it wasn’t enough. I was devastated and the funeral had been a blur. I went back to work right away just to stay busy. Holly had just started working in the cubicle across from mine about 2 months before the funeral. On my first day back there was a stick note saying ‘You are not alone, H’. Every day for the next month there was another encouraging note. We started to have lunch together almost every day and she let me vent and cry when I needed to. Before we knew it we were good friends. One morning I woke up and smiled … the first time in a long time. I had to be at work early for a conference call. I left a sticky note on Holly’s computer with a smiley face and my initials. We had a department meeting that afternoon and when it was over I asked Holly to stay for a minute using the excuse that I had a spreadsheet question. When everyone else had left I closed the door. I said, “Holly … Thank you for the last month. I don’t know how I would have made it without your friendship.” I gave her a hug and a kiss on her forehead. She said, “That’s what friends are for.”

About four o’clock that same afternoon my phone rang. It was Holly and she wanted to know if I would come to her house for dinner at six. She said, “I want to return your handkerchief and would love to cook for you as a thank you.” I said, “Yes. Can I bring anything?” “No, I have everything. Come in through the garage and I’ll see you then,” she replied and said goodbye. She only lived a couple of miles from me so I arrived on time. I walked through the garage and knocked on the door. Holly opened the door smiling and ushered me into the house. She had already set the table and began to plate the food. We sat down and chatted as we ate. She told me Brad was working in Germany for three months but would be home in two weeks. Then she got quiet for a minute and asked wistfully, “I haven’t seen Brad and I’m not sure if he will think I’m pretty. What do you think? I don’t feel pretty … just fat and pregnant.” I smiled and replied, “Holly, you are beyond pretty … you are absolutely beautiful.” She smiled and we continued chatting.

After a while I got up to clear the table and do the dishes. Holly protested but I told her to relax and take it easy. She said, “That’s easy for you to say. It seems like I’m tired all the time and can’t get anything done. And to be totally honest my breasts and nipples hurt all the time.” Holly had always been outspoken but I was surprised by her willingness to discuss her breasts. Wanting to help I told her that she may need a breast pump to relieve the full feeling and some nipple cream for the soreness. “How do you know so much about breasts?” she asked. I laughed and told her that I read a lot. “That’s great for tomorrow but what can I do now … they really hurt,” she whined. I told her, “There is a way I can help you now ... but only if you really want me to.” “How can you help me?” she asked with an attentive look on her face. I hesitated for a moment … thought about how she was my friend and that I was being a dirty old man … then replied slowly, “I could suck the milk from your breasts to relieve the pressure and ease the soreness you are feeling.” She started to blush but her pain won out. She finally said yes and I pulled my chair from the table. I reassured her, “It will be fine ... just stand between my legs and remove your blouse and bra. You can close your eyes if you need to.” She was still blushing bur removed her clothes. I saw her naked breasts and pregnant belly for the first time and I immediately got an erection. Her dark aureoles and hard nipples on her creamy breasts were magnificent. My penis was fully erect as she leaned in and brushed her right nipple across my lips. I licked the nipple and then put my mouth around her aureola sucking it gently while my tongue cupped under her nipple licking upwards until a spray of thin, warm milk flowed into my mouth. By then my penis was throbbing. I should have stopped but couldn't as I savored the taste of her milk. I reached up to massage her breast and her milk began to pour from the nipple. Holly moaned quietly and put her hands around my head pulling it tighter on her breast. The flow slowed and finally stopped. Holly opened her eyes and immediately moved her left breast to my mouth. She watched this me time as I again put my mouth over her areola and licked her nipple until the flow started. When the milk stopped she sighed in relief. The pain in her breasts was gone. She put her bra and blouse back on as I excused myself and went to the bathroom and closed the door. I was about to explode … I started to stroke my penis knowing it wouldn't take long to cum. I thought I heard footsteps in the hallway but it was too late to stop. I grunted loudly as my semen shot into the sink. What an intense orgasm! I pulled up my pants, tucked my shirt, and walked back out.

Holly was standing in the kitchen and looked at me with a smile on her face as I returned. I asked her, “Do you feel better now?” She said, “Yes I do. The pain and fullness is gone. Thank you for taking care of me.” I told her that I was glad I could help. She then said, “I have a really big favor to ask. Could you could come back tomorrow morning to show me how to use a breast pump?” I smiled and said, “I’ll be here about 10 am. Will that work for you?” She nodded yes. I reminded her to get the nipple cream and also some coco butter to help with the stretch marks on her stomach and breasts. She walked me to the door and I turned around to say good night. She pulled my head to hers and lightly kissed my cheek. What a crazy evening I thought as I drove home smiling.

I woke up early the next day … I didn’t want to be late. I drove to Holly’s house, knocked on the door, and went in. She was sitting at the kitchen table with the breast pump box open and parts all over the table. She looked at me and said, “I didn’t think it would be this hard to figure out. Help me please!” I walked over, sat down and said, “Let’s read the instructions first. Are you positive you want me to help you with this?” She nodded yes and we went through the ‘how to use the pump instructions’ step by step. I asked her, “Are you ready to try?” Holly blushed again but removed her blouse and bra and placed the funnel shaped end of the pump over her areola and nipple. It was a snug fit. She turned on the pump but only a few drops of thin white liquid came out; then suddenly a stream of milk came squirting out running down the sides of the container. It only took a few minutes until the flow stopped. She repeated the process on her other breast. She said, “That was easy. What do I do with the milk I collected?” I told her about being able to freeze it in containers for use later. She started to put her bra on but I stopped her and asked if she had also bought the coco butter. She had and handed me the tube. I opened the top, squeezed some on my hand and slowly rubbed it slowly on her belly and breasts. My penis got even harder than last night. She looked down at my crouch, saw the bulge and grinned. Now it was my turn to blush. I excused myself and went into the bathroom this time leaving the door slightly open. I started stroking my penis with my soft coco butter covered hand. I definitely heard footsteps in the hallway this time. I saw the door open just a little more as I moaned, “Oh Holly” as I my semen erupted into the sink. When I stopped cumming, I cleaned the sink, pulled up my pants, and went back to the living room.

Holly was waiting for me with a wry smile on her face. She knew what I done in the bathroom but said nothing about it. Instead she asked if I could come back tomorrow afternoon to help her get the baby’s room finished. “I really need help with the big stuff … the bed, basinet, and hanging the curtains. I know it’s a lot to ask but I really need your help,” she begged. I smiled and told her, “It’s my birthday tomorrow but I would love to spend it helping you. What time should I be here?” I asked. “How about three o’clock?” I nodded and she walked me to the door. I stepped down and turned and she again kissed my cheek, smiled and said, “I’ll have a birthday surprise for you”.

The next day was really my birthday. There were lots of cards in the mail from family and friends. I puttered around my house most of the morning and then got ready to go to Holly’s house. I wore my jeans and old work shirt. I arrived at a little before three, knocked on the door and went in. I saw a small birthday cake with candles and a card on the counter. The coffee pot was on so I poured a cup and went to fridge looking for creamer. There wasn’t any coffee creamer but there was a pint bottle of Holly’s breast milk. I opened the lid and poured about a third of it into my coffee cup. As I sipped my coffee I thought what a great birthday this is. Little did I know it would get even better.

Holly walked into the kitchen and greeted me with a hug and yelled, “Happy Birthday Ray.” She was absolutely gorgeous in her tight little work smock. She had a list of what needed to be done, so we started at the top. I worked for about 2 hours as she watched and talked to me as I washed the windows, hung the curtains, assembled the crib and bassinet, set up and tested the baby monitor, and a dozen other small tasks. The last item was to sweep and vacuum the room. When we finished she said, “It’s perfect … I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you so much.” I was sweating as we went to the kitchen to rest and have a cold drink.

We sat at the table and Holly asked, “Ray would you please massage my back … it’s really sore.” I said yes and she stood up and handed me a bottle of massage oil. She took off her smock but left her bra on. She stood with her back to me as I slowly rubbed the oil on her back. She sighed quietly but after a few minutes I could feel her tension ease. She turned around and handed me the coco butter and removed her bra. “Now the front please,” she whispered. After squeezing the butter on my hand I gently rubbed it over her pregnant belly and then on her ripe milk filled breasts. My penis was throbbing again and I had to do something about it … fast! I asked, “Do you mind if I take a shower now? I am really hot and sweaty. “No … go ahead … there are clean towels in the bathroom,” she answered.

I closed the bathroom door and took off my sweaty clothes. The hot water felt great and I soaped up and washed the dirt and sweat from my body. When finished I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my waist and was about to step of the shower. I turned as I heard the door open and saw Holly walk in with a big smile on her face, wearing a red ribbon around her neck and nothing else. She was completely naked and totally beautiful. I looked at her white breasts and pregnant belly and asked in disbelief, “What are you doing?” She laughed and said, “I listened at the door the last two days while you masturbated. I want to give you a special birthday present.” She walked over to me and pulled the towel from my waist. She looked at my erect penis and then gasped when she saw that my pubic area and balls were completely bare. I had been shaving my groin area for over a year for no other reason than it felt good. She started to rub my smooth pubic area and said, “I like the way that feels”.

Holly took off her ribbon, grabbed my hand, and I helped her into the shower. She started rubbing her breast and nipple with one hand and stroking my penis with the other. I watched in surprise as her milk started to flow and she began to squirt it on the head of my penis. She put both of her small hands around it and began stroking up and down. I looked down at her short naked pregnant body with her milk flowing down her belly and at her hands on my penis. I wanted to savor the moment but I couldn’t hold back. She looked up and smiled as my orgasm began. I moaned and started cumming … spurt after spurt of my white hot semen landed on her breasts and belly. The whole scene was incredible.

Holly stood there covered in my semen and her milk. I bent down to lick some of the milk and cum mixture from her belly and breasts. She stared in surprise as I licked another mouthful of our fluids. I bent down and offered my tongue to her. She paused for an instant and then I slid my tongue into her mouth and she sucked it clean. She moaned quietly and I said, “Now it’s your turn.” She looked up to protest but she nodded yes instead. I pulled her to me rubbing her body against mine until I was also covered in our semen and milk mixture.

The shower had a seat along the back. I turned Holly around so she could sit on my lap with her back against me. I slid my right hand across her breasts and belly gathering the slick mixture of our fluids on my fingers and then started to gently rub her clit with it. My left hand was on her left nipple and I started to lightly twist it until her milk began to flow. Holly groaned loudly as intense pleasure ran through her body. She put her fingers on her right nipple squeezing it until the milk was flowing from it too. She then slid her left hand down to her pussy. My penis began to get hard again. She must have felt it rubbing the bottom of her pussy because she shifted slightly and opened her legs even wider to feel more of it rub against her. Our fingers met on her clit and we began to rub it with the same gentle rhythm ... my finger on the right, hers on the left. She started to breathe faster as she got closer and closer to orgasm. She moaned again and then yelled, “Ohhh …. I’m cuming!” She stopped breathing as her orgasm ran through her body … her pussy thrusting against our fingers again and again. She finally leaned back on me. I wrapped my arms around her just above her belly and below her breasts and held her tightly. We stayed like that for quite a while. I finally kissed the back of her neck and we stood up. “That was amazing …” she said as her voice trailed off.

We were a mess … my semen and her milk was all over our bodies. “Holly, will you do one more thing for me? Will you let me taste your pussy?” I asked. She took two of her fingers and stuck them slowing into her wet pussy. She then rubbed her fingers on my lips and slowly inserted them into my mouth. They were sweet and I sucked them until she slowly pulled them out. I turned on the shower and soaped her pregnant body … memorizing every square inch. She turned and began to wash my body and smiled said, “Happy Birthday to you.” “Thank you Holly. That was the best birthday present anyone has ever given me,” I said. We both laughed and then rinsed off and took turns drying each other. She went to her bedroom to get dressed. I got dressed and went into the living room to wait for her.

Holly came out looking beautiful and seemed to be completely happy with what had just happened. “Do we need to talk?” I asked. “No, I think what happened should be our little secret … forever,” she said resolutely. “And now it’s time for birthday cake.” We went into the kitchen and ate our cake and talked for a while longer. And then it was time for me to go. “Will you need my help tomorrow?” I asked. “Yes, how about ten o’clock?” she replied. I said I would be there and she walked me to the door. I turned back and she again kissed my cheek, handed me a card, and said, “Happy Birthday ... I hope you liked my gift.” I drove home humming happy birthday to me.

The next morning I arrived right on time. Holly was waiting for me at the kitchen table. “Is anything wrong?” I asked. She replied, “No … grab a cup of coffee … I want to talk about last night.” I poured my coffee as she grinned and said, “You can use the same creamer as you used yesterday.” She knew exactly what I had used and it didn't seem to bother her. I poured her milk in my coffee and sat down next to her and said, “OK, let’s talk.”

Holly told me that she had planned my birthday shower surprise after listening at the door while I masturbated the previous two days. “What I didn't plan was what happened after your orgasm. When you offered me your tongue covered with your cum and my milk I got so turned on I couldn't stop … all I wanted was to feel your hands on me and then I wanted to cum. I've never had a climax that intense before. You have got to promise me that you will never tell anyone what happened.” I saw how serious she was and said, “Holly, what happened between us stays between us. I promised that our secret will always be our secret.” I could see the relief on her face. “I've got to know … do you regret what we did last night?” I asked. She thought about it for a moment and said, “No … no regrets … it just happened and it felt really good.” We stood up and hugged and I said, “Let’s get to work.”

We spent the next couple of hours getting the house ready for Brad’s return in a week. She fixed a light lunch and then it was time for me to leave. “Thank you for the last few days … I’ll never forget everything you did for me,” Holly said as she walked me to the door. I stepped down and turned around to say good bye. Holly said, “Wait a minute … I forgot to give you something.” She handed me a bag and said, “Open this when you get home.” The she leaned in to kiss me goodbye but not on my cheek … this time she kissed my lips and gently pushed her tongue into my mouth. I met it with mine and I lovingly explored her mouth. She smiled and waved goodbye as I left.

On the drive home I thought about Holly and what an enjoyable few days we had shared. I knew that it was only a chance meeting that brought us together and that it was now over. I just had that ‘something missing … not done yet’ feeling. I told myself … just be happy with what happened. When I got home I opened the bag. Inside were four pint containers of Holly’s breast milk and a note saying ‘I know how much you liked my “creamer” in your coffee. Think of me when you use them. Love, Holly’. I laughed as I put three of the pints in my freezer and one in the fridge. My coffee would taste especially good for the next few weeks.

About two months later Holly sent me an e-mail telling me that she and Brad had a baby boy. They named him Paul after her father. And then she wrote that she was breast feeding the baby and even though he was her first she was a pro at it already. I laughed out loud … I was sure that last sentence was meant just for me to enjoy. Practice does make perfect.

Holly sent me baby updates every few weeks for the next four or five months. In one of her e-mails she told me Brad was going back to Germany for another three months and wouldn't be home until right before Christmas. I wondered why he would leave Holly alone with the baby that long. If it was me I wouldn't miss a minute with her and the baby. There was no way to know what he was thinking.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-11 12:34:57

James Dylan DeanReport 

2016-07-12 16:13:02
What a lovely story!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-28 07:47:18
Really most bosty shot.. Couple sex my life

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-13 00:13:12
I don't know if it's just me or if perhaps eveodbryy else experiencing problems with your site.It looks like some of the written text within your posts arerunning off the screen. Can someone else please comment and letme know if this is happening to them as well? This may be a problem withmy browser because I've had this happen before. Appreciate it

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-05 17:41:12
A very nice & interesting story!

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