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Christy and her coven set a trap for Aaliyah!
The Battered Lamp
by mypenname3000
Chapter Eight: The Dream of the Genie
Copyright 2014

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this.

All characters in this work of fiction are 18+.

Tuesday, January 19th – South Hill, Washington

Kyle, his three wives, and three concubines piled into his mom's SUV. The school had called his mother at work, and she had been furious last night when she had returned home. Kyle had been set down on the couch, Aaliyah on his right, Christy on his left, Fatima on his lap, and his three concubines—Alexina, Chyna, and Shannon—sat on the floor.

“What were you thinking, Kyle?” his mother had demanded, her dusky face dark with anger. “Fooling around with a girl at school. Even if she is your concubine.”

“It's my fault...” Alexina had started to say.

“I very much doubt that, dear.” There was no anger when she addressed the blonde concubine.

“Sorry, Mom,” Kyle answered. It had been a long time since he had been in trouble, and he felt like a mouse before the owl, trying to cower into the couch.

“Just sorry?”

“I... I let myself get carried away.”

“And has there been any other messing around at school?”

Kyle and his harem all claimed no, shaking their heads emphatically. She frowned at their attempts at innocence. “I don't want to hear about any more hanky-panky. You keep that stuff to the privacy of your bedroom.”

“Yes, mom.”

“No car or allowance for two months.” She fixed her eyes on the women. “And none of you give him any of your allowances.”

“But...” Aaliyah started to say, then shrank back. “Yes, mother.”

“He needs money to pay concubine dowries,” Fatima pointed out.

“Don't you have enough concubines, Kyle?” Her eyes had flickered to the three sitting on the floor. “I'm mean, Shannon's my age. Isn't this a little much? How many women do you need?”

Kyle had shrugged, not sure how to answer his mom and tell her about the desires Aaliyah had unleashed in him.

“Your son is a great man,” Aaliyah had stated. “And great men need lots of women.”

“Great men don't think with their cocks! They don't break the school rules and almost get in real trouble! You could have messed up your enitre future, Kyle! How great would you be if you don't get into college?”

“Your son will be great regardless of college.” Aaliyah had reached over and had squeezed his hand.

“Well you can be a great man without allowance or a car. So I guess you won't be getting any more concubines for a while.”

“He has enough money,” Shannon had piped in. “He has my savings now, that should be more than enough to cover any new concubines.”

“Fine.” His mom had eyed everyone. “You will all be in trouble if I hear there's any hanky-panky going on at school. I was a teenage girl once, and I know just how much your hormones are raging. Kyle is not the only one guilty in this mess.”

Her lecture had gone on for another fifteen minutes, and then she let them stew while she cooked dinner. After dinner, Kyle and his harem had retired to his room, and that had quickly devolved into an orgy. His bed had grown large enough to fit Kyle and his three wives, and a group of pillows covered the floor for the concubines to lounge on.

When he had come down for breakfast this morning, his mom was still mad, moving stiffly around the kitchen, and not saying much. She had confiscated his car keys, and ushered them out to her SUV, leaving Shannon to get ready for her own job.

It was silent in the car ride. Britney showed no reaction when they pulled up at her house and she climbed into the passenger seat, calm as always. “Hello, Mrs. Unmei.”

“Hi,” his mom smiled. “Kyle has lost his car privileges and will be taking the bus home tonight. Sorry.”

“I understand. Kyle needs to be more discriminating about where he sticks his penis.” Britney glanced back and Kyle thought her gaze lingered on Christy for a moment.

“I want you to keep a close watch on him. Keep him out of trouble.”

“I will, Mrs. Unmei.” His best friend looked Kyle in the eyes and, for a moment, her eyes seemed to reflect light like a cat, glowing green. “I will see that no harm comes to him.”

“I knew I could count on you,” his mom cheerfully said. “Unlike some girls in this car. And I'm talking about you, Fatima.”

“Hey,” his sister-wife protested with mock indignity. “I'm a perfect saint.”

“As perfect as me,” purred Chyna, who pulled her skirt up to flash Kyle her naked pussy.

“Exactly,” Fatima nodded, grinning—she had gotten an eyeful of concubine snatch, too.

When they arrived at the school, his mom dragged him off to the schools office. “I want you to apologize to the Principal and thank him for not suspending you.”

“Yes, mom,” he muttered.

He felt like every one of his classmates was smirking at him as he followed his mom through the hallways. It was humiliating, he felt like a child instead of a nearly grown man. All his wives and concubines had abandoned him, claiming the need to get to class. It was probably true, but it still felt like he was being abandoned.

“What's your mom doing here?” Braiden sneered as he walked by. “And where are all your concubines? Did your mom take them away.”

Kyle's fist clenched and he wanted to just deck the asshole.

“If your grounded, I bet Christy is going to need someone to date.”

“That's quite rude, young man,” his mom snapped. “That's my daughter-in-law you're talking about.”

Kyle groaned. “Come on, mom. Just drop it.”

“You used to be a nice, young man, Braiden.”

“Geez, need your mom to defend you.”

“Come on, let's go see the principal,” Kyle said, grabbing his hand. “Braiden's just jealous because no girl will date him while I got more women than he could ever handle.”

Braiden's face turned red as Kyle and his mom walked off.

His mom marched him into the office and past the secretary, knocking on the Principal's open door. “Come in,” he called. “Mrs. Unmei?” he asked, stepping up from his desk and walking around. “It's so nice to see you.”

Kyle didn't like the smile on his lips. Then the Principal took his hand and crushed it as he shook. The man was a fit looking guy in his fifties, and his hand had the strength to prove it.

“What can I do for you today, Mrs. Unmei?”

“You can call me Faiza.”

“What a lovely name.” Kyle was surprised to see his mom blush. “Is this about the incident yesterday?”

His mom nudged him. “I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday,” Kyle muttered. “And thank you for not suspending me.”

“You're a good, young man,” Principal Burke answered. “You just let your hormones get the best of you. And it isn't like a...sexual relationship isn't to be expected between you and Miss Alexina. Just use better judgment in the future about where you your love.”

“I will, sir.” I'll make my wish with Aaliyah better next time.

“Good lad.” The Principal flicked his eyes back to Kyle's mother. “Why don't you head to class while I have a few words with your mother.”

Kyle glanced at his mom, her cheeks still flushed, and she nodded. “I'll see you after school. And no hanky-panky!”

“Yeah,” he muttered, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “Love ya, mom.”

“You, too,” she smiled. It seemed her anger had finally burned out. He didn't like the look she flashed the principal one bit.

He arrived at his first period class, Math, and took his seat beside Christy. He didn't hesitate to give her a kiss on the mouth. Everyone in the school knew she was one of his wives now, and though many snickered, Aleah Buckley had a dreamy look in her eyes—her aura was a bright pink, easy to dominate.

“Okay, settle down class,” busty Mrs. Skinner said, giving Kyle an amused smile. “Let's try and save that for after class. I know your wife is cute, but let's not distract your classmates.”

“Yes, Mrs. Skinner,” Christy answered, flushing. “You no how being a newlywed is.”

A fond smile crossed the teachers lips. “I do.” Last year, Mrs. Skinner had been Ms. Simmons, but then she married the computer science teacher over the summer break.

Kyle focused on math and not on Aleah and her oh-so-pink aura. He decided hanky-panky could wait for breaks, and he and his harem should focus on their schoolwork. In fact, after kendo practice tonight, he'd insist that they spend the night studying and doing homework, and not let another orgy develop. Those could wait for the weekend. As it was, Kyle had to copy Christy's math homework before breakfast this morning because he didn't get it done yesterday.

Kyle's new-found resolve didn't last one period. It was his friend Corey's fault. “Who are you gonna take for your next concubine,” his friend asked, running his hand through his shaggy, red hair.

Sexy Carla Tyler was in his gym class, and she had a pink aura. The Sophomore had coppery-brown hair and a nice pair of tits that bounced beneath her tight, gray sweatshirt. And her ass filled out her blue sweatpants wonderfully.

Corey grinned. “You going for her?”

“I think so.”

“You dog, Kyle.”

“You'll get in trouble,” Braiden sneered. “Your mommy's not hear to hold your hand and keep you out of danger.”

“Fuck off, Braiden,” Corey shouted.

Braiden's words were almost a challenge as he turned his attention back to sweet Carla's rear as she bent over to stretch. Aaliyah sidled up to him. Gym was the first class he shared with his Genie, and she followed his stare.

“She is quite beautiful, my love.” Her voice was smoky and full of desire.

“Yeah,” he nodded.

“Kyle's gonna make her his concubine,” Corey laughed.

It wouldn't hurt to mess around in gym class, right? It's not an academic class, and we will be getting plenty of strenuous activity. “Aaliyah,” he whispered, leaning over to her, “I wish that no one would care if I took Carla behind the bleachers and fucked her brains out and that there could be no bad consequences to me, her, or any other party.”

Her grin grew. “You have covered your bases well, my love.” Approval danced in her dark eyes. “Done.”

“Time to have some fun, Corey.”

“Right now? You dog.”


“Never thought it would happen?”

“Yeah.” Carla swallowed, “I'm your concubine.”

“I want you to tell everyone of your friends how I treated you behind the bleachers and how much you loved it!”


Fatima found third period gym to be her new favorite subject. Aaliyah had turned her on to girls in a big way, and she had quite the feast when she walked in and saw her fellow classmate undressing.

CENSORED Fatima gets a pair of concubines named Ann and Kayleah.


Kyle blinked in surprise when Fatima showed up at lunch, a pretty girl on each of her arms. One was her shy friend, Ann, and the other was a Sophomore with bleached-blonde hair that Kyle had seen walking the halls. Both had pink auras.

He had been introducing Christy and the other concubines to Carla when Fatima walked up, grinning broadly and bouncing excitedly between her two friends, her arms around their waist and her friends' nubile bodies pressed against Fatima's.

“Look at what I own!” she declared. Ann blushed, and the blonde girl giggled.

“What?” Kyle asked.

“That's hot!” blurted Corey while Britney kept calmly reading from her text book.

“These are my concubines! Aaliyah, I need you to make the arrangements so it's official.”

Kyle gaped and Aaliyah was startled so much she fell from her seat. “You can't have concubines,” Aaliyah protested, getting to her feet. “You're a woman. Only a man can have concubines!”

Fatima dark eyes flared. “This isn't the dark ages! Women can marry women! So I can have concubines!”

“But...but...” spluttered Aaliyah.

“She is definitely your sister,” Alexina giggled.

“That's interesting,” Christy said, looking at Fatima, her eyes growing distant and Kyle wondered what she was thinking about.

“That's right!” Fatima hotly declared. “Whatever important blood flowing through Kyle's veins flows through mine! I will have them!”

“Well, I can't help you!” Aaliyah huffed. “I'm Kyle's Djinn, not yours!”

“Well, I'm Kyle's wife, so what's his is mine, and what's mine is his. Ann and Kayleah will be more than happy to spread their legs for our husband.”

“Really?” Kayleah asked, raising her eyebrows. “But he's a guy.”

“You're my dyke bitch, right?”

Kayleah sighed, and nodded. “Okay. I will for you.” Then she gave a smile. “I'll do anything for you, Mistress.”


“Not good!” The Genie's face was dark with anger. “I only helped you fool around with your friends so you could find concubines for our husband, not for yourself!”

“Oh, let her have them,” Christy smiled, patting Aaliyah on the wrist. “It's perfect. They're so cute together. And it's important that Fatima's allowed to explore her sexuality.”

Fatima fixed her eyes on Kyle, almost daring him to deny her. He stood up, cupped her face. “How can I deny you anything?”

An impish grin appeared on her lips and she enthusiastically, and noisily, kissed her husband. Aaliyah stewed, giving Fatima dirty looks. Fatima ignored the Genie, and took great delight in kissing one of her new concubines whenever she felt Aaliyah's eyes on hers. Kyle sighed, hoping his wives would get along better.

After school, their bus was crowded on the way home. Kyle, his three wives, his three concubines, and Fatima's two took up the entire rear of the bus. The bus driver kept yelling at them to be quiet. It was embarrassing to have to ride the bus again. He had owned his car for a year and hated having to ride the bus. And everyone gawked. The guys with envious looks, and the girls with judging eyes. He heard a few “sluts” muttered.

“And proud of it,” Chyna had called back once, then promptly began kissing Carla. If the bus ride was longer, Kyle would have made a wish or two and had some fun

When they got home, Kyle pulled his sister aside. “Did Aaliyah grant you a wish?”

She shrugged. He gave her a rocky stare. She tried to look innocent, then began shifting. “Yeah.”

“You need to apologize to her. You hurt her. She thinks you took advantage of her.”

“I didn't mean too,” she mumbled. “I was only planning on having fun with Ann and Niobe. But then Kayleah burst in on us and...” She shrugged again.

“Apologize and make things right.”

“I guess...” She screwed up her face. “It was so much easier to ignore you when you were just my dorky older brother.”

“I love you, too,” he grinned.

Fatima darted upstairs, pulling Ann along behind her. Kyle followed them into the extra-dimensional suite's master bedroom where Aaliyah was curled up on the bed. Fatima led her slim concubine over to the Genie, pushing Ann forward. “Ann is still a virgin. I would like you to have her cherry.”

Aaliyah frowned. “That should be Kyle's.”

“Look, I'm really sorry, okay. I didn't mean to take advantage of your wishes. I just got carried away.” She beamed then stroked her concubine's strawberry-blonde hair. “Besides, look at her. Isn't she just gorgeous. How can you pass up the opportunity to pop her cheery.”

Aaliyah bit her lip then looked at Kyle. “Do it! I want to see that.”

“Then I accept your apology.” A smile crossed Aaliyah's dusky face. “She is so cute.”

“I know. How could I resist making her my concubine?”


“It's almost time for your dojo lesson,” Christy reminded, pushing Fatima off her lap. “Your uncle will be picking you and Fatima up. You two should go shower.”

“Together!” piped in Fatima. “Sounds fun!”

“No hanky-panky!” warned Christy. “Twenty minutes!”

Uncle Ethan had a huge grin on his round face, almond-shaped eyes twinkling with mirth when he and Fatima walked out, smiles on their faces. There had been a little hanky-panky in the shower. “So I hear you've been fooling around at school,” their uncle grinned, clasping Kyle on the shoulder as they walked out to his car.

Kyle flushed and Fatima let out a wicked laugh. “Kyle's turning into a horndog!”

“Your dad got caught messing around at school once.”

Brother and sister both stopped dead in their tracks, glancing at their uncle. “Really?” Kyle had a hard time imagining his father as anything but straitlaced and by the books before he died over in Afghanistan a few years ago.

“With whom?” Fatima asked. “Mom?”

Uncle Ethan grinned. “Yeah.”

“Wow.” Her eyes burned with mirth. “I never thought mom would ever do anything wrong.”

“You have no idea.”

Fatima pestered their uncle the entire drive, her mind aflame with speculation on what sort of trouble their parents had gotten up to in High School. Kyle had a hard time imaging his parents as anything other than responsible adults. To him, it was like they had just been tinier adults as children, and didn't do any of the stupid, fun, or reckless things teenagers do.

Fumi was at practice. She looked as beautiful as ever, and her kiss fanned the passion in him, like a wind driving a firestorm. He wanted to fuck her so bad. Her scent was intoxicating. And she was so beautiful: pale-olive skin; dark, almond-shaped eyes with thick lashes; a lithe body that pressed against him. She smiled at him, and gave a shy wave.

Practice can wait! he decided. *Aaliyah. I want to fuck Fumi without being noticed.*

She didn't respond.

He frowned, and tried again.


His heart beat faster. She's probably just sleeping.

“Come on, Kyle!” his uncle shouted. “It's time for warm ups.”



“I have something for you,” Christy said, stepping up to the Djinn as Aaliyah watched Kyle and Fatima drive off with their uncle.

“What?” Aaliyah asked, turning from the living room window to look at her wife, curiosity stirring within her.

Christy smiled, a thin, tight expression. “A thank you gift for what you've done to Kyle.”

The pale-faced teen pulled out a narrow box from her pocket covered in some sort of black felt. It looked like a pencil case, but the Djinn's instincts told her something more valuable was inside. Aaliyah took the box eagerly; it felt heavy—jewelry.

She opened it. Silver and gold glinted inside. A necklace of a serpent biting its own tale. Half-gold and half-silver, hanging from a delicate chain, the links alternating gold and silver. She held it up, admiring the details of the serpent's scales. Delight filled her; it was such a beautiful gift.

“Thank you!” the Djinn gushed, bringing it up to her throat. The metal was cold against her skin. She glanced at Christy and saw hunger burning in her eyes. Her smile twisted, becoming vindictive and triumphant.

The clasps clicked as she fastened. Her body felt heavy, her limbs felt like they were made of sand. She fell down, landing half on the couch, bouncing, and rolling onto the carpeted floor. What's going on! Panic seized her. She couldn't move, her body below the neck—below the amulet—wouldn't respond to her commands.

“What's going on, Christy?” she asked, staring up at her wife. “The amulet...” Her words trailed off as she saw the look in Christy's eyes.

“Is working perfectly.”

“Help!” she screamed. “Someone help me! Christy's attacked me!”

“What's wrong?” Alexina shouted bursting into the living room. “Aaliyah!”

“Goddess Hecate, let sleep fall upon the mortals of this house,” chanted Christy. Alexina fell on the floor next to Aaliyah, eyes closed, slumbering.

“What are you doing, Christy?” Aaliyah asked. “What's going on?”

Christy flipped the Djinn onto her back, then pulled out a cell phone. “I'm sorry,” she answered. “But you tried to take Kyle from me.” Christy sent one of those magical, instant messages. A text, this strange, calm part of her mind realized as the rest of her struggled with the fear and hurt that twisted through her thoughts. She's texting someone. text.

“I don't understand Christy. How could I take him from you? We're sharing him.”

“He was all mine until you came along!” the teen ranted, her pale face reddening. “We were happy! We had each other! We didn't need anyone else. Then you appeared and poisoned his mind with all these perverted thoughts! You ruined everything!”

“W-what are you going to do to me?” Betrayal and fear filled the Genie's heart. One of the people the Djinn loved was going to hurt her. She didn't understand. Christy had seemed like she had been enjoying everything. It's not supposed to be like this. She concentrated on Kyle and sent out her thoughts. *Kyle, I need you!* slammed into a barrier—the amulet did more than affect her body.

The front door opened. Aaliyah blinked as her biology teacher walked. “Very good, Amber.”

“She's all yours, Celestite,” Christy whispered, bowing. “You won't hurt her, right?”

The grin on Ms. Franklin's face chilled the Djinn's blood. She screamed and screamed until the gag was forced into her mouth. Aaliyah's dream had come true—she had been betrayed by someone close.

To be continued...


2021-02-23 15:21:12


2016-04-15 15:16:40

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-23 02:48:28
Wtf its a sex story site why censorship

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-24 17:23:00
What's with the "censorship"?

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-20 05:59:06
i enjoyed your other series and this one started off good until you had christy get jealous instead of asking for help

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