at the request of others i have edited my storie and i am the orginal author of this storie i originaly posted this on sexstoriespost .. and looking for comments and input . sorry for the run on sentences and bad spelling also things may appear spelt wrong like planets thats ow i wanted it thanks
With quickening breaths and sounds of pleasure we found or selves on the edge of a powerful orgasm with her body shaking and her pussy quivering and pulsing around my dick I felt that she was a about to cum cause her pussy clamps down on my throbbing dick and she lets a big hmmm and moans with a big smile then cum’s so big it oozes out from around my dick and I keep thrusting and finally I feel I am about to cum so I quicken my pace and finally let out a sigh and a grunt and my dick pulses cum shooting deep inside her and we both collapse on to each other and we start to roll in place and continue to cuddle and enjoy our warmth’s and in sides. We start to spin as change in gravity happened in the training room to which I had the gravity turned off so then we started to float towards the door of the training room as the emergency alarm signals and I say “damn we have to continue this later I think were under attack.” so with a thought my nano tech armor activates and comes out from my skin to form my armor which it shows muscle tone and definition but its only tight enough for that and it offers max protection I say I love you to my girl and she thinks as well and her armor comes out the same way but hers is so gorgeous and it shows off her amazing body and curves but offers the same protection like being shot by a rail gun it wouldn’t effect you at all but with another change to the ship I faze to the bridge of my starship and see that were being attacked by the anulians.
We were on our way back to our home world called Sparta which is the biggest planet in the solar system ( which the planet is roughly 80x larger than that of earths planet Jupiter) and it’s the capital world for the entire Spartan empire which actually accounts for several million solar systems and other species like arch angles, draconian, Arcadians all have colonies in our system there home worlds also make up the system alliance each species has their own massive boundaries that makes up several million solar systems and each species controls at minimum a galaxy each and we formed a massive protection zone that protects all planets, space stations and other things that all species in the alliance controls but it doesn’t control all and that’s where we are now with this attack because many species are jealous of our alliance but any way I rush to the bridge and see the anulians armada trying to cut us off but thanks to my crews smart thinking and the power of my ship the arch angle the flag/capital ship one of the biggest ships of the Spartan ships and maybe the alliance.
We avoided the ships trying to cut us off and they keep firing on us and its dissipating on our shields and doing really nothing to them so I finally say we have to get back to Sparta now so open fire and take out there engines and disable the ships all but there life support then jump to Sparta at max power so with a beautiful display of power and elegance my ship opens fire and takes out all the ships engines and other systems except life support there was roughly 8 ships floating a drift so I set a beacon so they can be found and we jumped out of the system and went in to a sub space dive which allows us to travel much faster, with a cool fog like mist appearing in the orbit of our planet my ship emerges from subspace like an earth submarine jumping out of the water. Soon after fully emerging, I told the pilots to go to geo-synchronized orbit and await for further orders my pilots say “yes sir and good job with the enemy’s sir”. “Thank you lieutenant.”
“I’m going to the surface to talk to my advisors so major you have the bridge” “yes sir “. So with that I left the bridge and walked through my ship to the hangar were I got on to my personal ship which has a 400 hundred crew capacity and is named the Valkyrie a ship with the same design as the arch angel my design. I sat in the captains seat and brought the ship online then sealed the outer hatch and engaged lifting thrusters and left the hanger headed to the my personal landing pad at the space port which is a 8 level port and my pad is the top one and has many guards to protect it cause it’s the imperial landing pad why am I hear you ask well I sort have special clearance to land here I am after all the prince of Sparta and my name is Griffin Dracous. So after my ship got into the star port and my ship deployed its cool landing gear, then as I walk out from the bridge I went to the air lock and walked down the ramp that the port brought to the ship I was met at the bottom by my guards and we got in the very nice flaying limo (they looked like cars of earth but much faster and used electromagnetic style engines to hover/fly and when not flying they can drive like a normal car but at the same speeds as if flying) the whisked me off the to the palace to where I met up with my father who told me that I have to take the arch angel to an uncharted part of space and try to bring more species to the alliance and had to track down a distress signal that has been intermittently cutting out. In addition, that I might be attacked so be careful and to remember the rules of engagement only shoot after they shoot you. I say, “Yes your highness, I mean dad“. Still during this briefing, I still could not help but to zone out on my girl who meet me in the palace so I zone out on her beautiful body and thinking of her in zero g and thinking of her tight and wet pussy throbbing around my rock hard cock and think of our juices mixing.
However, with a sound of a council member saying excuse me griffin I quickly snap out of it and it was one of the arch council members saying I have a request and you have to take on more crew. Ok I say we need you to bring some more of each species of the council with you I think sir my ship has several trillion people and it’s a very diversified crew I have many of all but I guess it’s for diplomatic reasons and other reasons he then replies yes and I am having them flown to your ship in orbit and they will meet you in the situation room. I reply with a nod and I turned and bowed to my dad and used my abilities and fazed to my ship in the space port which is about 30 maybe 40 miles from the place (fazing is basically teleporting but more discreet and faster) I sat back into the captain’s chair and brought the ships engines online and started to lift off and head towards the arch angel that was in orbit (the ship is the same design and the Valkyrie but is much larger). Both ships are aerodynamic and have forward swept wings that are basically pointless in space unless you are in a planet’s atmosphere it is unmatched in maneuverability and speed they both are the fastest ships in the alliance and I had designed them myself and my father had them built with the greatest materials in the universe including armor from some of our allies in the void there called the voidians what else right ha-ha they are stronger in tech because the void is a much harsher environment than normal space cause the void is basically a space with in space it has stars , planets , and other species that live in there including a species the lives in the void in space like how whales swim in the oceans of many worlds.
The voidians have armor equal to Spartans but also they use armor that’s stronger for their capital ships and flag ships as well as ships that are part of the royal family, and many of the other ships that I listed already can continue to go in to deeper parts of the void you can think of it like traveling father in to the universe or deeper into the oceans and finding a cave that goes deeper and has much harsher gravity and tougher people there to fight sorry to ramble like I said my father made sure that my armor for my person , both my ships including my space fighter all have a very special armor that’s a combination of the best voidians, arch angel, Spartan, draconian, Arcadian armor and made it in to the best armor that was ever made that is now found to have the ability to adapt to the enemy like how hard there particle beam weapons hits and missiles and any other weapons it all will get stronger so guess it’s a good thing that now they put it on all royal family ships of each species and most of the flagships and capital ships use it as well.
While I enjoy my flight in my Valkyrie am thinking of my ship the arch angel in orbit and thinking of the new weapon systems that was installed on bored like new rapid launchers that are 5 times stronger and faster than before there is roughly 100 launchers per part of the ship each one is capable of firing 1000 per sec and if all launchers on the ship fired it would look like a bunch of long finger like shapes coming of one point and then flying towards the target and there would be roughly million per spread of missiles fired and there is been modified fusion launchers and basic plasma turrets and cannons as well as to many to list at this time. As I was zoning out on this I hear a very beautiful voice say prince griffin were approaching the ship I shake my head and look up and see my A.I. artificial intelligence her name is R.E.I (realistic electromagnetic interface) she can make a holographic image of herself or like only a few others she can create a solid version of herself that looks so real you couldn’t tell. it would be fleshy and like how humans and Spartans look and feel so sometimes she hangs with me like that she is also the same A.I. program that arch angle has as well but she not a computer yes she can do many things like one like run the ship and other drones and other things but she’s very smart and learns very fast she’s has her own personality in technology today A.I.s like this are common and like family but I still get distracted by how beautiful she is. I reply with ok thanks’ please start landing sequence and once touched down have talous the engineer check to see what the star port did upgrade wise to both ships and like usual once we land all of the Valkyrie’s crew can go to their quarters onboard the angel and stay on standby for launch but to take it easy cause were going have a long mission ahead of us.
As we land in the hanger, I step out off the bridge and walk into the hanger after getting off the Valkyrie I am met with salutes from all my crew that is in the hanger. My crew there varies from engineers, pilots, other types of mantince crew, as well other mechanics that work on everything that the engineers do not. Moreover, the engineers work on the ship, maintain the reactor, and work on the fighters and other ships in the hanger and many other tasks like ship repairs. The mechanics handle many other things just like engineers, like maintaining the ship, the armor , and all the same things that the engineers do and I am also met with my second in command of the arch angel that walks up and raise’s his arm to in front of his chest and the wrist comp he has on activates and displays a holo image and transfers it to mine and it’s the daily logs and updated crew manifest and more.(the wrist comp is sleek and looks like part of the uniform or the armor you’re wearing it kind of resembles the wrist comp/cloaking devise that the predator species uses but it’s not bulky). “Thank you commander” I say.” “You’re welcome sir and May I stay with you till your rounds are done till you get to the situation room and outline the mission specs sir “I say, “Yes you can commander id like that”. with a smile and a nod we start to walk through the hanger we see vehicles that move ships and fighters around our many hangers and we have ships that have crew complements close to or over several million and smaller and some larger some of these ships are about the size of dreadnaughts and some are carriers and some just assault ships and some freighters, and just basic cargo ships, personal carriers and some miscellaneous transports.(some the size of ships similar to that show that we saw as it drifted through space it was the enterprise a ship that size can easily fit in one of our hangers) as well as some of the new people that were recently assigned to my crew getting off of another transport and they too, snap a salute to me the salute of the Spartan and many of the alliance is a slight bow with the hand in a fist and brought over the chest from right to left just above the left pectoral chest muscle .
I stop walking, return a salute to my awaiting crew, and say, “carry on” they all return to what they were doing. Just before I walked into the door that leads to the rest of ship, I see my personal mechanic/engineer working on my fighter Anubis he is a very special unit he has his own personality like the archangel and the Valkyrie, he can also transform into a walking robot with me as his pilot but he doesn’t need me to pilot him, like he has. he came to save me many times by using his jump engines to get into an enemy hanger to rescue me and our crew that was taken, then he would use that subspace drive I mentioned earlier that lets you emerge or dive in to subspace drive that is faster than light it looks like a wave and it can do it even in a hanger or a plant it’s like taking a step in to a hole but there’s nothing there and only the crew on the ship or the fighter that has it can do it so there’s no danger of collateral damage. Some say that subspace dive and emergence is described as looking like a fog that appears in open space rolling across as if being blown by wind. From behind the fogs wake the ship or fighter emerges from the fog like material and will dive the same way then just as mysteriously as it appeared it disappears.
I look towards my personal mechanic/engineer that’s in Anubis and say hey talous what are you doing in there he says Anubis was complaining about reactor fluctuations and screens shorting out and other things he wanted to have upgraded and I figured since he said its ok It is I say yah he can make most of his own decisions except the ones that of course that violate A.I.s programming with harming people and living beings and talous says I know that sir and I know you will love the upgrades it will make him faster, stronger, and have more power full weapon and armor wise and shielding since I’m upgrading his reactor.
I reply with how about his armor? Talous reply’s with sir Anubis armor is actually unique it is a composite armor of a special dark matter that’s as strong as its massively heavy brother but much stronger and also its naturally infused with amberite which as you know sir is super lightweight but is as strong as dark matter or stronger it is called obsidian dark matter and it also have the same material that’s natural in Spartan ones the metallic substance that have never found a match in strength its stronger then the listed above. I say so it is a mix of the strongest known armors in the universe. Yes sir is his reply and what’s interesting is that the arch angel and all of the vehicles and fighters and mobile suits in the ship now have the same armor thanks to the Spartan ability of assimilation the ship can adapt armor to anything and if I bring in an armor stronger then what I just listed the ship will mod all things on bored to get the new armor including personal armor which that’s a good thing since it can’t get weaker. I think to myself well at least my crew is going to be safer now, just as I finish that thought a there was a massive crash sound and the ship shook so hard that things were thrown around the hanger and there was a several injuries of my crew and even though it’s still shaking my medics come to help those who need it and my crew uses their abilities to lift and move the containers of the people under them and some of my crew make remarks like psychic abilities make it easy to help people and our bone structures to that they can’t break right?
I smile and faze to the bridge to get a damage report and find out that the impact was a cargo ship hauling about twenty dark matter asteroids for refinement. I say, “How the hell did they hit us and were in the most maneuverable ship in the universe how’d we get hit” well sir as you know we were traveling at max impulse and only 25% reactor and we were going through the asteroid belt on just the outside of it just fine until the ship we detected an hour before that was in jump for some reason drastically changed Corse and dropped out of jump and instantly smashed into our ship and speeds at least 25 times the speed of light and the ship is still on our hull and there is life on bored there ship but signs are feign and our ship is basically undamaged but there’s is badly damaged and thanks to our safety systems our ship deployed force fields around the breaches in there armor of their hull to keep them alive” mm I say let’s get a team ready of engineers and soldiers and well go over there and help them now I need the teams ready to go in less than 5 min and just in case there’s a problem with energy fields well walk in to the ship trough there starboard airlock it’s not damaged and bring the cutting equipment in case and standard load out of weapons including our swords this is a normal mission people and lives are at risk so let’s double time it we can faze to the outside of our hull and then walk form there.
So after the briefing the group meet in the ready room and we all dawned our nanotech armor which as I described before are basically skintight but also shows the armor and it actually has room despite how its forming the skin and the helmet is forming to the head but still offers maximum protection and the shock troopers that are coming with us have bigger armor as per the job type mine like I said before is a mix of armor types for an assassin or ninja type and also a pilot but it offers the protection a shock trooper but without the bulk. And with all that thought I us my abilities and faze all 10 of us to the outer hull and we are proceeding to the ship and I’m in the middle of the group and my shock troopers are leading and the doc is next to me and we have other soldiers behind us as a precaution and it’s been said that there is no sound in space cause of the vacuum which is true until you have a suit like ours that have pressure its lets you hear things as if you were on the ship or a planet.
I can hear the engines of their ship cutting in and out and energy discharge and energy arching across our ship and there’s but my mind goes on to the mission and I drown out all other noise’s except the footsteps of my armor clunking on my ship’s hull and were magnetized so we don’t drift off and I can hear my breathing it sounds like breathing it a respirator it sounds kind of like a robotic breathing is a hard way to describe it and my thoughts are cut of when one of my crew says “sir SIR were there” I shake my head and snap out of it and say “thanks commander is the seal on the air lock secure”?
“yes sir its green and we can all go in and then we have to wait to equalize before we can get into the ship” I say “understood and I want helmets and armor to stay on till we determine If it’s safe for all” yes sir and with a hissing sound and of course an alarm to say it has equalized and we may enter the ship. People just keep your head on a swivel and be ready for anything even site of what happened to the crew understood they reply with yes sir, with that we open the air lock and with a metallic thunk the door lock opened and it opened in two parts and moved in to the walls like most doors do now and we see a ton of damage like I beams and ribbing of the ships skeleton broken and hanging down in the halls and some of the I guess sliding doors like the airlock like I said they all do that and this one is jammed half way open and there’s soft screams for help and crying and the ships comp is repeating the same warning reactor breach coolant and radiation contamination t minus 10 minutes till total reactor meltdown…., I use my telepathy and tell all me team with me to hurry up and to find out what type the reactor is to determine how big the blast will be.
Sir it’s a basic reactor but with extensive mods it’s a fusion / positronic hybrid core so it’s gunna be a good sized bang but our shields of the arch angel can contain it away from her but we have to get the crew off her so sir let’s just faze them all to the med bay and have all the docs standing by? Ok I agree and with a deep breath dig deep and transport all 400 crew to our med bay and no sooner did I do that did a seal break on the ship and a piece of debris hit me and rip off my helmet and cause its nanotech it merges back with my suit and its was a total silent moment were time seemed to stop and I thought I was dead and then I took a breath and to my amazement I was able to breath in space…. I remember my late father saying son our race the Spartans can breathe in any atmosphere, and other type of things like pure cyanide we are a very special race with a smile I turn towards the now gaping hole in the ship and smile and make my helmet come back on and make the visor which resembled to angry looking slits kind of like demon eyes on an angle which looks cool when I pulse the energy and make them flare up and the flash the predator species liked to do but mine showed pure power and I jumped out of the hole and I made all of the cargo from there ship go in to one of our holds and then told my crew to bring up the shields closest to the armor which is only 5 inches off the hull and I stood there and watched there ship explode with a massive and yet beautiful burst of light with colors like a beautiful orange , sky blue , purple thanks to the dark matter and then the shaking from it shook the ship but not too bad, after a few seconds after it all cleared and I check our hull for damage and there was just a black mark form the bang I chuckled and fazed in to the bridge of my ship and sat in my seat and said guys set a coarse for the arch home world
I want to go see some friends, yes sir my pilots said and max jump and for shits and giggles max power to the reactor to ok sir and sir before the change it was gunna take about 8hrs now it’s about 25min. Excellent I say I sit back in my chair and activate all of the floating holo screens and check on crew, ship stats, security, cargo manifests, and the med reports form our new guests. And if I wanted to I can bring up camera images in any part of the ship and cause I feel a little dirty I activate the cam system in my quarters look in on Amiko my girl which is in the shower and until I zoomed in I didn’t see that she was rubbing her very wet body starting on her nipples and letting the soap run down her nice sexy athletic body with soap running down and over her 44 dd tits then it runs down her very beautiful firm ass with the soap and water running down her ass crack and then she turns and I see the water running down to her beautiful shaved pussy and I watched and she starts rubbing her wet pussy ,I see her body pulsing with pleasure and she sits on the bench and spreads her legs and starts to rub and finger faster and faster and I see her cum once and then she keeps going till I see her body shake and I then see her cum for the second time but this one is very big I see her breathing hard then I see a very big smile on her face as she looks up toward the camera and smiles a blows a kiss to me and speaks to me using her telepathy and says Hun did you like what you saw I smile and say very much ….. I think to myself that even though there holo screens only the person in the chair can see them since it also interfaces with your suit and if you don’t have one it just makes it to were people that can see them only see info that’s not classified which is very cool and smart. With that I’m taken out of thought but sir were 1 min from arch home world I say drop to impulse, drop reactor back to 25%, and maintain full power to engines. Yes sir and 30 sec sir until atmosphere contact. Ok contact the surface and request our usually landing pad and bring the arch angel down and lets help get our guest a new ship what do ya say ? I think that is a good idea sir and permission granted royal pad secured and wait our arrival and now 45 sec until landing sir. Good standard landing and then we do our usual procedure yes sir.
With amazing grace and elegance our ship moved into the landing zone with relative ease and to the amazement of the crew on the deck cause they keep for getting how big a Spartan universal class ship is, the people In the control tower make several comments like “man it’s amazing how many crew she has and the fact that 700 million crew is a huge number of crew but there so comfy on bored with plenty of space and cargo room which is cool in that since they hold sever million fighters, mobile suits, drone fighters, and many more things and also Spartans are all roughly 10ft tall and the same goes for arch’s, draconian, Arcadians, are all around the same height but man Spartans are truly tough and unique huh sir” the captain says “yes it is corporal and also did you forget that the ship belongs to the prince of Sparta” corporal responds with “Griffin Dracous holy shit he and his father are like two of the most powerful beings in the alliance territory”.
“Well corporal even if that’s so he wishes to be treated like a normal dignitary but without all the red carpet things understood” yes sir but why is he here? I think it is for his girl to visit her parents that live here she does not get to see them that often because they are always gone on business and the beautiful thing about Griffins girl is she’s is part Spartan (that’s where most of her powers come from), arch angel, neko’s (a rare species that is a humanoid that is part cat and human they were drawn all the time in a thing on earth called anime they look human but have cat ears and tails). Are people afraid of the neko’s sir? No there more intrigued by them but there a rare species there from a part of the formoris galaxy around the middle maybe in the center of the middle arm of it cause it’s an hourglass style one but that’s not important we can just ad mire her beauty and when they go to earth they have to morph down to around 6ft cause if both griffin and his girl named Amiko were 10ft and walking around they’d kind of freak out but not here sir! The captain responds with no shit we all are around 10ft so yea… back on the bridge I’m finishing up my daily reports and tell my second in command to have the crew take shifts on our leave time were gunna be here for I’m hoping 4 days yes sir she responds and I’m finished with the reports can you make sure that the boys and girls in the r&d lab finish their projects and take a damn break that an order and if they do I’ll take them and the entire bridge crew to dinner, she says I think that will get a fire under there ass with a smile and walked away….
I was looking at my crew and thinking that I’m happy that the nanotech we were has many uses it acts as our uniform and armor at the same as the uniform it looks form fitting yet loose for comfort but then it offers protection cause its armor that can instantaneously form the armor suit. I think again I need a break I’m thinking too much about my ship and crew so I faze to my hanger and go to my car which resembles a Nissan skyline gtr34 but it’s a Spartan car that can drive any were in space, water, any were you name it can even do what our ships do and it can jump into hyperspace but when its driving in traffic on Sparta , archonia , draconia , arcadia the traffic speeds are around 4 thousand mph or faster if you’re a street race like me.
I faze myself and my girl into the car and make my armor shift in to a comfy street clothes to hide my person it’s just baggy gothic style black and red pants and a black T-shirt with our crest in red on the back and of Corse it’s still armor and all my weapons are still on me but there cloaked and my girl Amiko she decided to tease me and her armor dose the same thing accept the it makes a sexy outfit and the first thing I notice is her hair its black with red streaks with neon blue tips. Then I see the rest of her look is and it starts with red and black thigh high boots with black garter straps connecting to a red and black thong under a thigh length loose red and black schoolgirl skirt that held slightly below the hip allowing the red and black thong show on her hips. She also wore a black schoolgirl belly shirt that held our crest over her left tit and a red tie that hung to barely hide the bellybutton, which brought out the amberite cat eyed gem in the ring itself, which resembled the galaxy, which she is from in the shape of a small hourglass.
When I see that I began to drool and also my cock started to grow very hard and I had to hold back my thoughts until later!!! I then start the car and we here the prototype engine roar to life it’s kind of a rumbly whistle kind of like a ship engine and all cars in the alliance can drive normally on the roads or they can fly in the sky way and if your cars strong enough in space but for now we drive out of the hanger and down the ramp with our crew saluting as we drive by and I see them off loading the cargo from the people we rescued and also taking on new supplies for the next part of our journey the supplies are manly medical and other things except food cause we have replicator tech for actually everything but it’s good to be prepared and I see so other things that catch my eye a group of beautiful anulians wearing there reveling uniforms that were short skirts tops and then they wave and wink at me and of course Amiko uses her powers and zaps my mind and says keep your eyes on the road with a smile..
Were now on the road to the science academy to meet up with amiko’s parents to see how they are and to figure out what our next true mission will be but until then we just have fun visiting. We speed down the freeway and it takes about 30 min to get from the space port to the science academy to where we are to meet up with amiko’s parents on the 200th floor were there research is going well in their own lab that goes in entire floor and they have a thousand people on their team alone and I’m still amazed how big the place is it has 200 floors and the facility it a 2 mile squared and the underground facility the same 2 mile squared but it only goes 100 floors underground. We pull up to the gate and the guards check my id and let us pass with no issues and we pull in to the parking area and we get out and I activate the alarms and then the car is teleported to a space in a secure area in case the base has an accident.
We walk in to the turbo lifts, thanks to the inertia dampeners, we do not feel the mass acceleration, and we hit the 200th floor in about 5 seconds and with a hiss like sound the door opens and we take a few steps out and I began to sense and energy discharge and with my abilities I day what was gunna happen and just before a prototype weapon went critical I activated my armor in full helmet and all and I brought out my wings and grabbed my girl and raped my arms around her and my wings so shed be safe and protected then it blew up with the force of a small yield nuke just enough to take out the lab it was in but the building is very tough and its blast control system stopped it from doing to much more and I just had some debris on my and shook it off and I move my head and the helmet retract and kept my armor out and move my wings so I can see if she’s ok …
I see that she’s crying out of what I assume is fear.. Then she says that it was so sweet that I would save her like that and she thinks that my wings are awesome and she loves that they are black angel like wings with neon red highlights on the feathers she smiles and rubs my wings and hugs me then kisses me deeply and says thank you Hun. I hear running up from behind and I spin around with my sword and wing tip pointed and the person and they stop In their tracks and say who are you guys ok and are your wings sharp to with a weird look in his face and I said that all of Spartans that have wings and of course the arch angle species have razor feather tips with that I fold my wings and have them retract back in to my body and sheath my sword and say were fine I had it covered and I ask what the hell happened? He replies with well sir there was a highly advanced prototype weapon for anti-mobile suit energy cannon and it locked up and went critical sorry to say we couldn’t drop the shield in time but sir its good you have the abilities you do.
I shake the dust off my armor and change it back to what I was wearing before the blast and I take amiko’s hand and walk with the apprentice to her parents part of the building and there lab is on the far side of the building and floor when we get in there they both had that concerned look and were happy to find out I protected her like I did and they both hugged me and thanked me I said you’re welcome and it’s what I do guys its actually part of my job in the alliance . Then her father smiles and says you know what I like about the races in our alliance besides the honor and all that? I say, “What is that, Sir.” He says one respect and two that when they choose a mate or mates you do it for life it’s like a bond I mean some fail and sometimes you just want sex and that’s fine but when you choose that person or persons as a mate it’s for life and since all the races are immortal it’s a good thing and I’m happy you guys picked each other griffin.
With a smile and a nod, I say I am to sir and what happened with that weapon sir? Well when it charged for the 1 sec it needed its trigger system fused and over charged and well you know the rest and I’m happy you have quick reflexes cause it you didn’t shield you both you both would have ended up in med bay till you healed even if only an hour… I say is it possible that it was sabotage? That is the initial thoughts but we do not have the gear to truly prove that.
Well sir I do! So I bring up my wrist and bring my wrist comp online and its holographic controls and started to scan the debris and after about 30 min I find the trigger mechanism and what’s left of the power core and find that It indeed there was sabotage the trigger was forced into place then melted and the power core was purposely over charged and then it was a matter of time and then I decided to use my abilities and try and sense his natural power he’s a kilondian and I follow his species natural scent and body energy trial and find that it is leading to the roof for the shuttle pad and I faze up there to find a shuttle full of positronic warheads and energy cores. The guy was sitting in the shuttle with what looked like a detonator in his hand I immediately thought to sever the hand and it will grip the detonator and keep from detonating but I then realize that everyone has nanotech armor and the explosives can easily be triggered through a neural link.
Then I came up with a plan I decide to open a rift in to void space and I then throw him into it and I join him and I force him to detonate the explosives by making him get to close to a red dwarf star, I watched him being collapsed in to a tiny ball of metal and flesh and then the bombs detonated and caused a little problem it caused the star to supernova and I was hit by a massive wave of energy and I was thrown into a roll and I corrected myself and in order to protect my friends in to void I brought out my full power and my wings and started to pull all the matter , plasma , antimatter, and I pulled all of the energy in to a ball of well energy about 400ft in diameter and then I forced it to collapse but drawing it in to my body and the energy easily merged with me with no damage to anyone or thing I mean I felt a little buzzed and electrified for a while but it was worth doing it I smile at the voidian scout ship and wave as I open a rift again and step threw in to the lab were my girl and her parents were and I smile and say it’s safe now but there in shock to what’s going on with me not my wings that’s normal I put them away though but I’m a little suppressed to find a plasma infused nerlium armor fragment about 8ft long has penetrated my chest! My armor was temporally deactivated when I pulled so much power in and that is when it must have happened. And it is basically as wide as my chest but thanks to being Spartan I can survive anything and my heart is still beating but I’m starting to lose focus and my vision started to blur and I then started to cough up blood and out of stupidity I used what strength I had left and formed and energy ball in my hand and forced the energy into the piece of metal and disintegrated it and my and I tried to cauterize the wound and my armor fully activated and started to heal my wound and I finally collapse and my girl fazes in catches me and the last thing I saw and felt before I passed out was her beautifully firm and perky dd tits and her amazing scent of her pussy that wafted up as she shifted to catch me and it reminds me of strawberries and made me smile before It went dark.
After several hours of visiting Amiko returned to the star port were our ship is and she goes in to the med bay were I’m in a stasis chamber that is helping me heal faster and I open my eyes and see that she’s standing in front of the chamber in a very sexy nurse outfit that is very short and it’s a black and red and before I drool to much I look around and see that were the only ones in here and find out she told them to take a break and go to the other med bay but any way it has a black and red skirt so short that it barely covers her ass and pussy and the shirt is a so short that it barley goes to the bottom of her firm dd tits and it is a button up shirt that only has 4 buttons and only the bottom two are done and that’s how her tits are exposed and showing nipple tape that’s in shape of a nurse cross and its black one way and red the other, it’s all red and black and I let my eyes wonder down and see the black and red garter that’s connected to black fish net stockings and again thigh high boots that of course are red and black…. I look to the left to the control panel and I use my telepathy and open the restraints and the tube once the liquid drains I step out from it and to amiko’s surprise I was naked
I smile and say you have to be when you’re in there and the tube door covers the crotch but I smile again and walk towards her and I see her start blush as I move in and bring my hand up and I caress her cheek and move my hand under her chin and tilt her head back and slowly move in to kiss her and just bring my lips to hers and just barley touch them then pull away and she says your evil for teasing me I chuckle and move my hand down her body and caress her ass and then run my other hand across her nipples and the beautiful pussy mound then I stop again and she says it again evil I smile then I put my hands under her ass and lift her up and put her on the bed that’s behind her and move in between her legs and start to kiss and suck on her neck and rub and squeeze her nipples but I soon take off the nipple tape and take her nipple into my mouth and start to suck and bite on her nipple and she starts to squirm and moan..
With my other hand I take the other nipples tape off and take off her shirt one button till both are done and it falls to the bed she then looks at me with a devilish smile and a deviant look in her cat like eyes that are neon blue with neon red speckles and she meets my eyes that are currently slit like a dragons and I change them back to normal and she says I loves the color of mine is neon blue with a red hue on the outer part she smiles and kisses me deeply and with a lot passion and tongue I then move my hands down and start to unhook her garter one strap at a time till I slip them off and drop them on the ground and to my surprise this is an actual naughty outfit and not her armor. I then rub her inner thigh till the edges of my fingers are brushing agents her wet pussy I move up to the thongs straps and slip it off and grab her ass and pull her closer to the edge so she in the right spot and the only thing on her is her skirt and that makes me even more horny so I’m standing in front of her naked with a raging hard on and I slip my hand back between her legs and start to rub her wet shaven pussy and she reaches down and starts rub and pull on my throbbing cock and she is stroking it is a way that is twisting as she goes up and down and I have already made her some once so after another min of her doing that I spread her legs and I take my cock and move to were the head is just rubbing the lips of her wet pussy till I move her closer to the edge then as I bite her neck
I shove my throbbing cock in to her dripping pussy and she lets out a very load moan and she starts rocking her hip in between my thrusts and I’m also twisting her nipples and sucking on them in between biting and sucking on her neck I then have her rap her arms around my neck then I stick my hands under her ass and pick her up to were in holding her up and she starts to bounce on my cock while I’m holding her up and I’m standing against the wall now with her tits bouncing in my face as she bounces on my cock and I can feel her pussy tightening on my cock and I feel her cum with force and she picks up the pace and I see the hot tub in the corner for therapy so I walk us over there and walk into the water and take her off me and she turns around and puts her arms on the edge and were both still standing it’s like doggie but standing so I bring my cock up and rub it between her wet lips many times till until she shoves back and makes my cock go deep into her pussy and we both moan with pleasure and I keep trusting as she’s screaming
I wrap my arms around her was and keep my cock in her and pull us in to the water and sit on the steps now she’s riding me reverse cowgirl and she keeps flexing her pussy and squeezing my cock and that bring me closer to Cumming so she leans back and now her back is against my chest and I start to rub her nipples and I lean in and start to kiss her as we thrust into each other till she stops and gets off me and turns around and mounts me facing me and I start to hump her as she rocks her hips and she leans back and I reach out and rub her nipples and twist them and I feel her cum again and I’m so close and I start to go faster and she finally clamps down on my cock and then cums so big that as she cums she makes me cum so big and were both in total ecstasy that she collapse on to me and I still feel her pussy pulsing around my throbbing cock and I still feel my cock shooting streams of cum deep into her beautiful pussy.. Both of us are laying there panting and I sense that they are coming back into the room so I stand up still in her and faze us into our quarters shower room and turn on the hot water and start to clean each other off and have another sensuous moment of foreplay and Cumming together in the shower and after we clean up I of course activate my armor and when I bring the helmet on as well it tells me that it has adapted to the last injury and has now quadrupled the armor strength and as long as I don’t lose focus it won’t get damaged again unless I fight a stronger person or object I respond with nice and I ask it how it is and it replies that it was concerned about me and it is happy I’m well and is waiting for our next adventure ( 98% of all of our comps and machines have artificial intelligence that includes armors , ships , fighters , mobile suits , and even houses and buildings)I reply me to and make the helmet retract and I give Amiko a kiss and a hug and say that I’m returning to the bridge and she dawns a still very sexy nurse outfit that is the basic one foe the nurse crew and goes to the med lab and helps the docs.
I make my way to the bridge and I pass my crew and they all say hey boss how are you and I’m happy your well and I say thanks and that I’m good actually feeling great and I see the female crew still has on sexy and slightly reveling outfits that all the female crew choose to were and I think it’s hot and my point of view is as long as it has our crest on it I really don’t care how short it is and how sexy it is and they can’t me nude when working for the sake of no distraction but the can be after their shift but most of the time they have their armor make an armored uniform that can be like amiko’s school girl outfit or other things and they say sir thank you for being so lax on the uniform thing I reply your welcome and I feel it make you more comfy so it make you work better and plus its good eye candy for men and women right I mean you like the outfit’s the guys have to right ? The girls say yes we do and we agree Sir I smile and nod and say I must get to the bridge. They smile back and I walk to the bridge after I took the turbo lift to the top deck and I walked in and my crew of course saluted me with the right arm and hand in a fist being brought onto and over the left chest just above the heart like I mentioned in the beginning I return the salute and make my way to my chair and sit down and when I do the holo screens come on line and shows me ship stats, crew stats, cargo manifest, and all other stats and there is about 30 screens all together and it also shows me weapons and reactor levels which were perfect and I say well it all seems like the ship is in great order.
So I close all but 5 screens and move them to where they were two on one side of the outer part of the chair and the same on the opposite side so I have nothing in front of me except the mission roster and I see there is a priority 1 mission from the Spartan council which has members of all of the alliance members and the mission will be a challenging one and that’s all I know for now until we break orbit. So I have my second in command have all crew return to the ship so we can depart he say yes sir and all of the crew either fazes or uses there personal teleporters and they all make it back with in 15min of the order and within another 15 min were ready for takeoff and I call star port command and they clear us for takeoff on vector 7 I say thanks for the hospitality and I signal my pilots and the all the engines roar to life and the lift off thrusters also roared and we lifted a couple hundred feet and then flew straight and then up in to the atmosphere and as soon as we clear the atmosphere I have the crew set maximum jump and leave the reactor at 25% and to set course for the ambriglo galaxy.
Yes sir they say and they ship banks to the right and we make a 180 degree turn and go into jump just above the planet and within seconds we are 50 light years away from archonia then the message finally comes in full and shows the details and it will be hard since it involves a species that we encountered earlier known as anulians and the part that’s gunna be trouble is a large group of voidian rebels that has left the voidian empire and I’m concerned now that I see that the two forces have joined together it will be very hard. But I read in the report that the voidian council will send help if its needed with a quick thought I activate the ships cloak and ask how long till we arrive at the mission point ? The reply is well about 1 hour sir. Even though it was 70,000 light years away that’s a fairly normal jump to the alliance but it normally takes 2 to 3 hours but my ship is very fast and also at max jump we also use different jumps to make it quicker if it’s an important one and as of now were in a subspace jump basically in-between normal space and its much faster. Just before we drop out of jump I have the pilots return to normal space and maintain speed and just before the drop out point drop out to max impulse and maintain cloak and other stealth systems that keeps other detection null and void so were invisible to all sensors and visual means.. I say out loud I love this ship and her ability’s I smile and have the crew look for anything on scanners and censors and any com traffic and to start com silence until we need to call for reinforcements. The crew says yes sir.
i’m still sitting in my chair I actually have the ability to fly and control the ship so with a touch of a button on the arm of my chair some controls move out from the arms and there like orbs like controls that give me full control of my ships flight controls including the engines. So after I did this I piloted the ship into a stationary orbit of the binary star system (sun) so it blocks there censors and cause our censors are special for this type of thing we are a stealth craft so our stuff needs to be special… no sooner did we get into position a subspace rift opened up and the voidian rebels came trough with some dreadnaughts, frigates, galactic, and a couple universal class ships (as big as my is) I decide to switch the flight controls back to my crew and I bring all my screens up and start to plan our attack strategies and flight maneuvers and I have the crew bring all weapons online (missile, beam cannons, and several thousand different weapons) and I over hear my crew say “I still can’t get over how many weapons this ship has” and one of the gunners says “man this ship has 7 trillion crew so it’s a huge ship and it has an equal number guns for its size”
I smile and say all crew get to battle stations and all crew and civilians must activate your armor and as of now helmet not needed.(not that it matters when it can appear on the head in a nano second anyway) and shut down and seal non-essential areas civilians return to quarters or safe rooms. All combat personnel stations and all shock troopers and other soldiers get ready for anything, and with a roar like sound I hear them say “hoo-ha” down in the ready room/locker room my crew is getting there weapons and swords that they don’t keep on their armor and some of them just got out of the shower (this ship is a unisex ship so the showers and bathrooms are shared) and activated there armor and the shock troopers armor is a bigger set of skin tight type of armor but it’s much larger it actually makes the person about 2ft taller so since all species in the alliance are mostly 10ft tall so that makes all my shock troopers 12ft when in armor and there is crew with armor like mine which is like ninja/ assassin with the protection of the shock troopers but without the bulk and there is 4 types of armor (1: shock 2: ninja/assassin/scout/pilot(mine is all in one)3: standard solider 4:pilot/stealth/infiltrator) all the crew in there are putting on these types of armor for their job type and I had the flight crew get all fighters and bombers and mobile suits ready for immediate combat. And since we have such a large ship we have several of these rooms and we have several billion troops, pilots and other crew like mechanics and engineers.
So the battle station alert lights started to flash all the crew fazed and ran to their stations and prepared for anything and as all the crew leave the ready room they still hear the showers running and one of the shock troopers major garonin quietly peers around the corner and see’s two female pilots sitting on the shower floor with their pussy’s rubbing hard into each other and moaning hard and they both rub and pinch there nipples as they moan with their rhythmic motion they both scream out as they cum… they lean in and kiss each other and as the help each other up the shock trooper slips trying to get away and falls to the floor and the girls come out of the showers and start to laugh and say you didn’t have to hide we knew you were watching and hope you liked it and maybe if we survive you can join us and they both walk to him still naked and wet and kiss him on the cheek and then activate there nano armor and their helmets and they to faze to the hanger were there fighters are and the stunned trooper dose as well except to his awaiting transport I’m sitting on the bridge with the sun to the stern(rear) of my ship still maintaining radio silence I can’t call my brother Chrono’s to come to my aid.
He is normally on my ship but he had to help a voidian elder get back to his home world in the void and so Chrono’s took his personal ship the scarab it has a crew of 4000 and I hope he got the message I left on a fighter drone that I sent to his ship before we got here but it could have been intercepted by voidian pirates (but that’s doubtful since its made of the same materials as the archangel cause it’s my personal drone that I have about ten of on the Valkyrie and thousands of on the archangel and the one I sent was one of two that I have with Anubis my mobile suit / fighter) I notice that all the enemy ships are finally in place.
I decide to have all fighters and transports cloak and I have my pilots maintain cloak the archangel and to faze the ship within 4 miles of their armada and to launch all of our fighters and to open fire as soon as the first fighter launches and to launch all the transports that has the shock troopers and soldiers and my engineers to capture the fleet and hope we stop the new weapons they want to use on the alliance and within a few seconds we cleared the 150 million mile distance from the binary star system to were the enemy fleet is (roughly the distance from mars to the sun) and they were none the wiser till or massive cannons started to put fusion/ plasma and other type of energy damage on their ships and missiles with dark matter warheads and positronic warheads and there’s chunks of armor floating around and plasmatic fire erupting from there hulls and my fighters are swarming there ships cause they didn’t have time to bring up there shields and when they do there getting beaten back down and finally I have the cloak brought down and now were in full ship to ship combat and even though were outnumbered.
We are doing great and have taken out about 4 of their ships and we have so far only suffered shield damage and some of my fighters have massive damage some with damaged wings and engines and minor damage to the cockpit but it was some to the sensors but that doesn’t effect the targeting and there repair systems deal with the damaged parts on the fighters and transports and with the heavy damaged fighters are brought in and fixed and sent out again and the archangel is talking still only shield damage for the time being and the ships that are in combat are circling above like blood thirsty sharks. With more armor and bodies in the debris field we then started to see flashes as ships start to tare open and explode as one of the three enemy universal class ships explode and the amount of force from it exploding tossed the enemy ships into each other and basically destroys all of their fighters and with over half of the enemy ships gone the remaining two universals and the dreadnaughts all open fire on the archangel and now our shields are starting to take more damage and some of the rounds are making through and hitting the hull and doing minor damage for now and thankfully we have taken out just over half other enemy ships and now it’s like a hit for hit cause two of our main problems is the two universal ships….
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