This is a long Epilogue I know but there were alot of loose ends to tie up and perhaps start? I
hope this has helped quiet a few of the questions.
Tom looked over at his two wifes, he couldn't believe that that both councils had approved
his joining to both of them. Frilly hadn't been all lies when she said that she wanted to fall in
love. Tom was just a little blind at the time to realize that it was h,e who she was in love with.
Myria had been in love with Tom since the first time they met. Tom wasn't sure but he thought that
both of them were scheming to get pregnant with his children.
A week after the battle the Centaurs had requested "the warrior Tom" join them at their
home village. It had been strange, all the Centaurs were bowing and patting him on the back saying
he was a great warrior, that he had honored the Centaur people by inviting them to the battle.
Ellen and Tonk had considered naming one of the boys after Tom, he had not only saved the King and
Queen but had the king and his troops in on the best battle they had been in for centuries. Even
the young hot head Mattis, was asking advice for future battles.
Tom was glad that Tonk had finished the last enrapture stone, it had taken weeks for all
the magical beings to finish resurrecting them. Tom had heard a child's song about them and had
started asking about them. The Centaurs were the last of all of them that were finishing them.
What was that rhyme he'd heard? hmmm ah!
The mage won't see the enrapture
stones that with, he's captured
try and fight, try for flight
his bones soon will be fractured
Laughing, Tom thought so simple, but so deadly, these stones were an old ancient part of the old
It seemed that Malamon had more than believed it about them and had searched for over 100
years for them. Strangely enough it wasn't the stones as much as the incantation that was used on
them. Sighing Tom thought of why Myria had put her self into the mind of Frilly, it had been the
perfect place for her to hide, Her power was almost as unique as Tom's, Malamon would have been
unstoppable even Tom as he was right now wouldn't have been able to stop him. Damn that man had
been as close to pure evil as Tom had ever seen, it was good he was gone.
Futha had shown up just after his adventure with the Centaurs, the hopeful look on her
face spoke volumes. Tom examined her and found that yes, she was pregnant, then a strange look
crossed his face. Concerned Futha began to be afraid that what Tom had done for her had failed.
"What's wrong mage Tom? Did it not take? Did I lose the baby?" she cried
Smiling Tom looked at her, "no Futha you didn't lose the babies, they are fine."
"I thought something was wrong when... BABIES!!!??" she almost yelled.
"Yes, from what I can tell, I feel more than one," Tom replied.
"More than o....," Futha said as she fainted.
Luckily Tom caught her well from the floor, Tom sat with her till a half hour later, she awakened.
"Ah! You're awake, you had me worried for a bit," Tom said.
Futha reached up and kissed Tom on the cheek, "thank you so much for what you've done!" Futha got
up to leave which puzzled Tom.
"Don't you want to know how many?" asked Tom.
"No, mage Tom I trust it will help the brownies and my self but thank you," with that she was
Tom smiled, she had lost a son and daughter to Malamon now, she would have another son and
daughter. About to sit there was a knock at his door, "so this is where you are now you stupid
bastard, I brought your shit, I don't know why but I felt I had to bring it to you," Tom's wife
said, "here you can have this food I brought, I know I'm not the easiest to live with but neither
are you. Anyway bye you ass wipe!" Tom smiled damn for her that was nice!
Almost all of the beings in the magical world had thanked Tom, then there the Nymphs. They
were stubborn to a fault though they were fun loving and liked to pull pranks they never asked for
help. Tom was returning home after healing more people when he caught the first sight of them he'd
ever seen. Shrugging he continued on never noticing the human figure with the Nymphs.
Five years later
Tom sat relaxing at the end of the day, Frilly had finally succeeded in becoming pregnant,
Myria was trying extremely hard, Tom shook his head. He liked sex as much as anyone but she was
going to kill him, if he didn't have work to do he thought he might be dead. It was for sure Myria
wouldn't let him out of bed other wise, damn but that woman could fuck! Tom stepped inside going
to get a bite to eat when he heard a voice outside.
"Hey shithead! I want the so called mage Tom," came the voice.
Stepping out Tom felt the threat and went to full shields, "I am Tom, what can I do for you?"
"You can die!" with that the young man threw a enourmous fireball at Tom, bouncing it back at the
young man only caused him to snarl. "I intend to kill you bastard!" he screamed
Tom seized the man, a wild terrified look came to his eyes, "so you're gonna kill me just as you
did my father!"
Taken aback Tom stared at the enraged young man, "just who was your father?
"The great and powerful Malacon a true mage not some fucking little pussy fake like you!" The
youmger man screamed still trying to break free.
"For one thing I did not kill him or anyone!" Tom yelled back
"You cut him off from sources of energy same difference!" The young man explained.
"You mean other beings? They are the sources of energy!!!" Tom said now starting to get angry.
"NO! they are weak and pathetic only there to be used!" he said now to a fever pitch.
Sealing his mouth shut Tom stared at him, "You are no where as strong as your father," Tom waved
stopping all struggling of the man, "If you were then I'd stop you, now be gone before I strip you
of your powers as I did him!" Releasing the youth Tom watched him flash out.
Damn he was as strong as Malamon was when he defeated him, better watch this one.
The youth appeared in the trees of the Nymphs, still enreaged he vowed he'd kill Tom and rule both
worlds as his father should have!
I just finished reading the series. It was great I coul see a movie being made from this story. But I would like to read what happens between Tom and malamons son.
Clover ErnestReport
As always,
Semper Fidelibus Fidelis, Clover.
Anonymous readerReport
Please continue I would love to see him and the others take on malamons son. I
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport