the eleventh chapter is here and so is the begging of the tournament
Authors note: as you all have seen I've finally returned from my hiatus not to get into to much detail but I had family issues as well as issues with work and my now ex-girlfriend I'm now finally free to write as I please so no more waiting almost a year for a chapter I'm very sorry honestly. My writing style has changed this past year let me know what you think about it also sad to say but my grammatical skills may have dropped due to my inability to practice it so I apologize for any grammatical errors such as misplaced periods and commas or lack thereof. Thank you for sticking with my story all this time I have great plans for this story.
Me and Nikolai walked all the way to a mountain I would have to say was 300 miles away from where we started and that was the easy part as we approached the base of the mountain he turned to me giving me one of his wicked grins and spoke to me with his heavy Russian accent “Boy do you know why were here?” “to train?” I guessed “correct now take off your jacket” he instructed. I slid my jacket off my shoulders as I did so Nikolai placed his hand on to my chest and chanted “grele” as soon as he took his hand off my shirt my whole body dropped to the floor slamming me strait into the dirt! “oww what the?? what did you do?” I asked him as he stood there with a grin “ I made your shirt heavier I would have to say your shirt now weighs about 1 ton” “how am I supposed to move in a 1 ton shirt!” I yelled at him. “your not well at least not yet” he came over to me and placed his hand on my pants and chanted the same spell making my pants increase in weight as well. “what the hell! I cant move an inch” “let me explain a few things to you notice how even though you have 2 tons pressing down on you the only thing your unable to do is move” he pointed out, and he was right I could breath normally I wasn't being crushed I just couldn't move. “why is it not killing me?” I asked.
“this is proof that your body is already conditioning itself with the magic its learned as a survival instinct showing me how powerful you truly are, your body sensed it was in danger and immediately enhanced itself to protect itself that's a valuable trait to have good instincts. But now the real fun starts see this mountain here boy?” he said pointing to the giant mountain sprawling before us “yeah?” I said incredulously “your gonna climb it while wearing your heavy shirt and pants and to make sure you don't cheat lipire” he said casting another spell at the end.
I suddenly felt my shirt and pants suddenly stick to me all around “ how do you expect me to climb a mountain when I cant even get up and what did you just do!” I said trying to move my head up to look him in the eyes. “i just made it so its impossible to remove your clothes unless your in an emergency and about how that's for you to find out ill see you at the top boy you've got a time limit of 3 days” right after he said that he jumped away from sight presumably climbing up the mountain himself.
“this sucks dick!” I yelled to myself. I laid there for about 30 minutes thinking about what to do when it struck me that if my enhancements were keeping the clothes from crushing me then maybe I can lift them up with them as well. I used my enhance spell casting it many times over until I was finally able to stand upright without teetering over. I walked over to the mountain slowly and gripped a rock on the side of it placing my foot on another on slightly lower and kept this going for another 10 feet until the rock shattered in my hand and I fell. Let me tell you falling ten feet while carrying 2 tons sucks. When I finally got back up noticing the small crater left from my fall I walked back up to the mountain wall and realized it would never support my weight I had to think of something else , then it hit me I immediately enhanced my hands and feet and punched the rock shattering it with my hand! If I couldn't grab onto pre-made foot holds then ill just have to make my own I thought to myself. I punched and kicked hole after hole into the mountain dragging my self slowly up and up hours went by and I still had so much to go.
As night began to fall I realized just how tired I truly was I was carry 2 tons on me of course id be tired I thought to myself. I remembered once seeing a special on mountain climbers and how some of them hand tents that they would sleep in while climbing, I guess you could say I did something similar to that if you call punching a hole big enough for a person to crawl into on the side of a mountain thousands of feet in the air. I looked down over the edge “now would be a really bad time to suddenly get a fear of heights” I said to myself. That night I sleep in the small hole I made I mean it wasn't a temper-pedic mattress but after what I did that day it might as well have been.
I woke up the next morning the sun straight into my eyes as if telling me “get up you don't have time to sleep!” I activated my spells once again and started my long climb up the mountain. “oh come on Alex lets go climb a mountain! with 2 freakin tons on you that'll work oh whats that you have questions you wanna ask here let me just climb to the top and leave you at the bottom!” I yelled mocking Nikolai in frustration.
An hour later the sky grew darker and a heavy storm started pouring down on top of me causing my handholds to become slippery and almost ungrippable many times one of my hands decided to slip and I sat there dangling by one arm of the edge. By the end of the second day I finally reached the top of the mountain. I slung my body over the edge onto the flat mountain top.
I laid there breathing heavily in relief when lo and behold Nikolai finally shows back up his enormous frame blocking my field of view “you did good boy though I wish you would've been faster”. I gave him a serious death stare and through short breaths I said “ I... really am... gonna.... kill you” “haha can't wait for the day boy!” he laughed “whatever can you just remove the weight from my clothes already?” “no you need them to train” he said. All I could do is sigh in response and fall asleep from exhaustion.
I spent the next ten days training on top of a mountain with Nikolai, we now had two days left before we would leave and go rescue my family, who's constantly been on my thoughts motivating me to train to my limits. I definitely felt stronger but ill have to prove It in the tournament.
The tournament building was sorta like a football stadium but more square than oval shaped the fighting ground was giant I would have to say equal to a football field in that respect too. We walked around the stadium checking out the competition there were hundreds maybe even thousands of competitors. it almost seemed like every single one of them had there own unique fighting style.
Suddenly a loud bell chimed and a voice boomed over the stadium “EVERYBODY QUIET DOWN!!!” the voice shouted and the stadium went silent. “I NOW PRESENT TO YOU THE FOURTY THOUSANDTH WORLD FIGHTER COMPETITION HELD PROUDLY IN THE CAPITAL CITY OF OUR GREAT COUNTRY ELGANTH!!!” a wave of cheering erupted from one half of the stadium the other side dead silent. I leaned over to Nikolai and whispered to him “whats going on why is that half so silent?” Nikolai leaned over to me himself and said “ that's Foreth them and Elganth have been in a war for centuries so basically this is sorta like the winter Olympics in 1980 during the cold war” I nodded in understanding. Once the cheering calmed down the voice continued on “ WE ARE ALSO JOINED BY THE EMPIRE OF FORETH” now it was vice versa with Foreth cheering and Elganth silent. “THE PRELIMNARY ROUNDS WILL BEGIN SHORTLY IN USUAL FASION WE WILL BE HOLDING 8 MASS BATTLE MATCHES FOR THOSE OF YOU NEW TO THE TOURNAMENT WHEN YOU ARRIVED AT THE STADIUM YOU WERE GIVEN A SLIP WITH A LETTER ON IT THAT LETTER CORRISPONDS WITH WICH BATTLE YOU WILL BE IN AND AS IT SOUNDS A MASS BATTLE IS EVERYBODY WITH THE SAME LETTER AS YOU FIGHTING ALL AT ONCE --” he started talking about rules shortly afterwords. I was honestly worried this fight would be against hundreds of opponents at once and I had to be the last one standing I had to be the one to win. I was group A meaning I was most likely first I had to make an impression.
Everybody from group A stood at the gates that opened up to the stage. Another bell rung and a voice screamed “BEGIN!!!!!!” hundreds of creatures ran past me screaming charging the field fights broke out every where. I ran out there myself dodging fists and kicks from all directions I knew what I had to do to make myself known.
I stood in the exact center of the stadium and readied myself I screamed as loud as possible making sure all around noticed and once I knew I was seen I began I dropped down and flipped upside down and kicked out in a helicopter motion kicking creatures all around me in the face chest or one of multiple heads of one creature. I flipped back over and caught an incoming punch and snapped the persons elbow hearing the loud crack. I moved as a blur I punched and kicked everything in my way I grabbed one by its shirt and uppercut it in its face knocking its fangs out and threw it at a group of creatures in there own fight causing there attention on me they lunged at me two above two below I jumped and turned myself horizontally fitting between them grabbing them by there fur, shirts, even bare skin and spun them in the air as I still jumped horizontally.
“is anybody gonna make me actually do work” I teased the group surrounding me must have been thirty guys at least. The all snarled, growled, and screamed as they charged at me I cast a freeze spell on the group and they all stopped in there tracks the stadium cheered when they noticed a sizable group suddenly froze with just one guy in the center moving. “This isn't enough I need everybody at once to notice me” I thought to myself. Bold I know but I needed to be noticed or else I couldn't test my strength to its limits. This time I screamed using a spell to enhance my voice making it reverberate all around the stadium causing countless amounts of glass to shatter. That got there attention everybody was now looking at me must've been about 600 people still fighting now all staring at me. “now time to end this” I thought I smirked and enhanced my whole body. Anybody looking at the fight would've said one second I was there and the other I was gone which was true in a way. Later I asked Nikolai what it looked like and he said I stood there center of the stadium everybody staring at me then suddenly I was gone then the next second I reappeared and every other contestant collapsed at once.
After everybody dropped I walked out of the stadium to the sound of dead silence the sound of shock and awe and I smirked knowing I made the intended impression. Just like that group A's fight was done. When I was out of sight I gasped relieved to be out of view of the onlookers you may not believe it but I have a bit of stage fright. Nikolai came up to me and patted me on the back “good job kid you did good your all the people are talking about right now” “Really?” I asked surprised I mean its the reaction I wanted but I was worried it didn't work. “yup now tons of new people are betting on you to win the tournament.” “wait there betting on me?!” “yup I'm gonna be super rich if you win this so don't lose boy”. “great glad to know your betting on me now” I sighed.
Me and Nikolai walked over to the huge viewing area made for contestants it was covered in countless monitors made for viewing the matches and a giant window area as well so you could watch from there as well. Group B's match was just starting and I was watching through the monitors when I suddenly noticed that stupid elf prince from earlier he wasn't doing bad but I cant say he was a show stopper like I was either he was just there shooting off with his bow or quickly jabbing people with a small dagger he had on him.
The prince ended up being the winner of group B's fight and Nikolai pointed out a few things about his fighting style to me. We watched the next few matches until it was Nikolai's turn to go he was in the last group so group H. as soon as the fight began he held back no punches already transforming himself into a werewolf and swatting people halfway across the field I already knew Nikolai had it in the bag he was sure to win. Everybody else was out it was just Nikolai and someone covered in a cloak I had no doubt Nikolai could handle it but suddenly Nikolai faltered when he approached the person he jumped back and suddenly the hooded person was behind Nikolai. And suddenly he was sent flying by a kick to his back. I pulled back in surprise but kept watching as the hooded man cleared the distance he kicked Nikolai in an instance he took Nikolai's arm as he laid on the ground and placed his foot on his chest. I turned away and vomited at the next thing I saw. the hooded man ripped Nikolai's arm straight off of him! and beat him over and over with his own arm after enough time guards came out and stopped the hooded man and put Nikolai on a stretcher carrying him away as the hooded figure stood there still holding Nikolai's arm. Next thing I saw was the hooded person raise Nikolai's severed arm and take a chunk out of it in a massive bite I couldn't see there face but I saw the arm I saw tendons and muscles slowly being pulled apart and blood flowing out and he consumed the arm bone and all.
I ran to the medical center of the stadium and ran past countless passed out fighters looking for Nikolai. I finally found him lying on a bed in the far side of the room and he was in bad shape his body was torn apart from being beaten constantly with him own arm his own claw marks riddled his body and of course his entire arm was missing up to the shoulder his chest was covered in bloody bandages and he was surrounded by doctors all working on stitching up his arm. I walked over near his face and he looked at me his face swollen with one eye stuck shut he spoke in a raspy voice “hey boy caught me at a bad time” he tried to crack a smile but retched in pain halfway through. “ugh.. boy you need to know the person who did this to me that person is part of the organization and obviously much more powerful than me nobody has every seen his face but I recognized his aura you have to kill him you cannot let him live no matter what” I listened to everything he said and looked at him with worry “hey your gonna make it right? Remember I'm the one whose gonna kill you so you can't die okay?” I said to him “good you better have enough strength to back that statement up cause I wont be in bed forever” he said one of the doctors turned to me and told me they were gonna have to put him under for surgery apparently some of his ribs shattered and splintered into other organs of his they told me he had a slim chance of survival. I asked them if healing magic would do anything they said it wouldn't do anything sadly.
I returned to the viewing area/central hub and took a seat on a nearby bench Nikolai occupying my thoughts I laughed a bit “when did I start becoming so concerned for the old bastard” I thought to myself. A tear streamed down my face I wiped it away as quickly as it appeared and pulled myself together and thought “you better live you asshole” as I sat there I noticed something moving in front of me when I looked up it was the masked person! I jumped back preparing to fight “what do you want” I asked cautiously. When he spoke it sounded automated as if the voice was going through an electronic filter “Alex wells my boss sent me to finish both you and Nikolai off I will complete my mission and kill you next and if I find out Nikolai is still alive I will kill him” he stated as if it was fact “well see that's gonna be pretty hard since I'm gonna be the one killing you” I said threateningly. an electronic laugh arose from the enemy “you kill me hahahaha I will eliminate my target no matter who I will kill you and that is fact your fate is sealed don't worry though when you die our boss will take good care of your family” he laughed. “ if any of you sons of bitches lay a hand on them or even harm a hair on there body I will personally kill everybody there” our boss welcomes your challenge as he even had me give you this. He pulled out a small sack and threw it at me it weighed almost nothing. I opened it up in a panic scared for what id see, it was a lock of red hair... I looked up at the person “this is melodies hair!!” I growled at him. “is that enough for harming a hair on their body?” he asked. I boiled with anger and grabbed him by his collar my eyes glaring “let me tell you this you son of a bitch! I will kill you and I will kill your boss. I've heard nobody has ever seen your face so right before I kill you ill remove this hood and reveal your face to all the world to see! I will kill you!” he escaped from my grasp after I said this and disappeared. I was ready to win this tournament and save my family.
(thank you for reading this I'm sorry if the length is short I wanted to purposefully let the chapter end here let me know what you think of it and let me know if you have any story ideas I'm always willing to listen and also I apologize for bad grammar as it has been a bit since I last wrote so my skills may have dropped a bit thank you for reading the next chapter will come out soon.) - kingcerberus
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