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Two virgin twins have sex with the family puppy on their 18th birthday!
The sun was beginning to set. Black against the orange and pink sky, a hummingbird flew. Soon nearing a quaint, ancestral home, the small bird veered off moments before reaching it. Performing a large semi-circle turn, it flew over the small stable that stood behind the residence before reaching the tall tree that stood next to the family home. Landing on a large branch that stood halfway up the tree, the bird hopped toward the nest that stood atop it. For you see, the hummingbird in question had recently laid three beautiful eggs and feared leaving them unattended for too long.

Chirping in a motherly fashion, she hopped into the nest and lay down upon her eggs. After shifting a few times, she found the perfect position to spend the night. Unfortunately, an odd noise suddenly flowed through the half-open window that stood next to her nest.

Although the young mother was used to hearing odd noises echo from her human neighbor’s room, the sounds that now flowed forth were some that she had previously never heard. Before long, curiosity got the better of her and she hopped out of the nest. Hopping sideways until she had a perfect line of sight into the room, the small bird was shocked by what she saw. At least, she would have been had she understood what was happening. Since she did not, all she could do was observe every detail of the perverse scene taking place before her.

Inside the room, two beautiful young women were seated upon the single bed contained within the sleeping chamber. One glance would have been enough for anyone to identify them as sisters; twin sisters! From their breathtaking appearance, it was clear they were barely legal. Little did the curious hummingbird know, the two were actually celebrating their eighteenth birthday. In fact, they were currently part taking in their customary birthday game of truth or dare. However, given how the twins knew every detail about each other’s lives, it was more like dare or dare. But all of that was irrelevant compared to the events unfolding inside the room.

In an attempt to understand what was happening, the small bird focused on the nearest sister. She sat atop the bed and had her back pressed up against the wall and her eyes glued to her sibling’s body. Had such a thing been possible, the bird would have gasped in awe. For you see, the barely-legal teen before her was the prettiest woman she has ever seen.

The birthday girl had long, platinum-blonde hair with a few bright-orange highlights. As if to prove she literally shared everything with her sister, the young woman had one blue eyes and one green one. However, the curious bird’s gaze soon moved on to her ample, luscious lips, which were covered in bright-orange lip gloss. But her eyes quickly traveled down to the teen’s firm, D-Cup boobs, which only barely remained contained by the bright-orange, lace bra she wore. Of course, the woman’s matching panties also only just managed to keep her taut, bouncy behind and tight, virgin pussy hidden. The final detail the hummingbird noticed was the lesbian symbol-shaped birthmark that seemed to hover between her pussy and navel.

Curious to see if her sister truly was identical in every way, the curious bird followed the birthday girl’s gaze to her twin’s equally fault-free body. Within seconds, it became clear the two were in fact identical, down to the mismatched eyes and the bright-pink birthmark above their crotches. The only thing setting them apart was the fact the second sibling’s highlights and lips were bright-pink. Well, that and the fact that she was completely naked.

However, none of this was as weird as the activity the nude birthday girl was taking part in. The activity in question was extremely perverse in nature and involved the studly family puppy…

Earlier that day:

Barbie and Barby Lez were sound asleep in their bed. The sun had only just risen and the early morning rays filtered in through the window. First shining upon the room itself, they illuminated every single element you would expect to find in a young woman’s room. However, everything came in pairs. Two desks. Two closets. Two bedside tables. The only thing that had no partner was the bed. For you see, the twins had always shared a bed and, even if they were about to wake for their eighteenth birthday, never once had they considered separate sleeping arrangements.

After only a few moments, the morning rays reached the bed, shining upon the two sleeping women. Stirring, the siblings quickly emerged from their slumber. After a half second of grogginess, their brains processed the information their awakening entailed.

“We’re eighteen!” they shouted in unison as the jumped out of bed with such speed they soon felt lightheaded. But the dizziness quickly passed when they pulled each other in for a birthday hug. Though not unusual, the hug was rendered rather perverse by the fact the two siblings were completely naked. Then again, they were still virgins, so they saw no harm in rubbing up against each other. Plus, their flawless bodies made it impossible for them to resist showing them off every once in a while.

“Happy birthday,” said Barbie as she pulled away from her sister, a wide smile plastered across her lips.

“Happy birthday,” responded Barby with an equal grin.

Of course, both sisters were stunned they had actually made it to adulthood without losing their virginity. However, voicing their concerns was useless as the bond that linked them made it clear they were experiencing the same astonishment. With a simple glance and quick nod, they agreed to remedy this as soon as possible. Little did they know, sex would be a major part of their eighteenth birthday. However, that would have to wait. In the meantime, the decided to get ready for the birthday breakfast feast they knew their mother had prepared for them.

Because of the surprising heat that already filled the morning air, there was no doubt in the twins’ mind it would be a scorching-hot day. In anticipation of this, they decided their birthday outfits would consist of nothing more than a surprisingly skimpy bra and panty set. Of course, Barbie’s was bright pink and her sister’s was bright orange. Now clothed—at least partially—the birthday girls hurried downstairs.

“Wow!” they gasped in unison as they entered the dining room. Although the breakfast feast was a customary birthday ritual, the twins were stunned by the veritable buffet that lay before them.

The table was overflowing with a multitude of fruits and baked goods. There were pancakes, waffles, and French toast. Along with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. And let us not forget the mango, pineapple and papaya smoothies. Basically, every single form of breakfast food you could imagine was present.

Candy Lez—also known as the woman responsible for the feast her daughters were obviously eager to dig into—was standing next to the overflowing table. Just like her children, she was a breathtakingly beautiful woman. In fact, her firm D-Cup boobs, bouncy ass and skimpy outfit made her appear more like a sister than a mother. Then again, that was to be expected seeing how the thirty-eight-year-old looked more to be in her mid-twenties.

“Wow!” also gasped Candy when the birthday girls erupted into the dining room. The only difference was that her exclamation was not a result of the feast that stood atop the table; hers was due to her daughters’ skimpy outfits. She could not help but look the twins up and down, stunned at just how much they had grown. It felt like just yesterday that she was taking them to town for their first day of school. However, their breathtaking appearance made it clear they were no longer kids.

“Happy birthday, girls,” she said as she opened her arms. The twins ran over and dove into their parent’s embrace. After a quick three-way hug, Candy pulled away and deposited a birthday kiss upon each of her children’s lips. Although it was the first time their mother kissed them on the lips, the sisters were far too eager to dig into the feast before them to notice.

“Thanks, mom,” they said in unison as they literally dove into her ocean of food before them.

And that was the last thing Candy heard from her daughters. At least, until they had ingested so much food their stomachs had swollen to twice their usual size.

Groaning as they stood, the twins left what remained of the feast behind and shuffled into the living room. Dropping to the couch like ripe apples falling from the tree, they began their next birthday tradition. Unlike the first, this one would last most of the day.

It had all started thirteen years ago when they had received the very first installment in the seemingly never-ending series of animated Barbie movies. Since the main character wore the same name as them, they instantly fell in love with the movie. Because of this, each year on their birthday, the twins would receive that year’s new installments. Each time, they would start with the first movie in the series and work their way up to the newest additions to their ever-growing collection. Unfortunately, that was no longer possible as there now were over twenty-five installments in the series. As a result, they had been forced to make a compromise. For the past few years, the twins would begin their movie marathon with the most recent installments before moving on to their favorites.

So Barbie and Barby spent the rest of the day glued to the TV, stopping only for the occasional bathroom break. It was not until the time had come for their birthday dinner that the twins finally retreated from the living room. After ingesting surprising amounts of shepherd’s pie—also known as their favorite meal of all times—Barbie and Barby were presented with the customary birthday cake. Each year, Candy baked a special cake for the occasion. One half was covered in orange icing and the other in pink frosting. A total of thirty-six candles stood atop the cake, illuminating the living room like never before.

“Happy birthday!” said Candy as she set the cake before the giddily smiling birthday girls. After sharing a quick glance and nodding in agreement, they inhaled deeply and blew out the candles, officially putting an end to their eighteenth birthday. Well, almost. There was still one last birthday tradition to take care of.

After ingesting an impressive three pieces of cake each, the twins decided to retire for their room for the customary game of dare or dare. Had they not been so eager to complete the final tradition of their teenage years, the twins may have found it odd their mother had forgotten the birthday surprise she usually prepared for them.

However, Candy had not forgotten. But unlike the previous years, she had decided to wait a little before giving her beloved daughters the final present of the day. For you see, that year’s birthday surprise was the biggest one to date and Candy wanted to make sure the moment was perfect before unveiling it. As a result, she had decided to first let the twins complete their yearly game of dare or dare.

And that was exactly what the twins were getting ready to do. Upon reaching their room, they did not even bother closing the door before diving onto the bed. Still recovering the massive amounts of food they had only just ingested, they gave each other a few moments of rest before getting down to business.

“So, are you ready?” asked Barbie after a few minutes.

There was a brief moment of silence during which the twins sat up.

“I don’t know…” started Barby, but never finished.

Her sister was totally confused. They had not missed a game of dare or dare in years. Why start now?

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well… Aren’t we getting a little old for this?” wondered Barby.

Of course, Barbie knew exactly what her sister meant, but seeing how they had spent the entire day watching Barbie movies, she found her sibling’s sudden change of attitude rather curious. Fortunately, she soon came up with a solution.

“We could come up with a new, updated version,” she proposed. After all, they were now adults, so it made sense they come up with new traditions. Or at least put a new twist on old ones.

“All right,” immediately agreed Barby.

Within a few minutes, the twins had come up with a new version of dare or dare. Although quite similar the old one, a few minor details had been changed. Now, each twin had half an hour to dare their sister to do anything she pleased. However, she had to be careful or she would regret it once her half hour came to end. The only rule that now remained was that whoever was being dared had no choice but to complete the dare given to her. Satisfied, they flipped a coin to determine who would begin first.

Barby came out victor and started with a few innocent dares. There were prank calls, silly costumes and other such things. Unfortunately, Barbie made sure to repay her sister in kind my making fun of her childish dares. In an attempt to raise the bar, Barby dared her twin to eat an olive—Barbie absolutely detested olives—lick her feet and pretty much every other disgusting thing she could think of. Unfortunately, Barbie would not let her sibling see her squirm and continued pretending none of the things she was being forced to do bothered her in the least.

Desperate to find something truly disgusting for her victim to do, Barby glanced around the room. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. At least, not until she spotted the family puppy trot past their open bedroom door.

“Hornier,” she called out as she leapt off the bed and hurried out of the room. Although odd, the young canine’s name actually made perfect sense. For you see, his father had the annoying habit of humping everything in sight and thus wore the name of Horny. As a result, his son inherited the name Hornier.

Moments after vanishing from sight, Barby returned with the Doberman Pinscher puppy in her arms. Closing the bedroom door with her foot, she strolled up to the bed and dumped the animal onto it.

Barbie could not help but wonder why her sister had decided to incorporate the family puppy into their game, yet took a few moments to study the animal before her. Although massive, the six-month-old canine was only half the size of his father. Still, he stood at a foot and half in height and weighed a little over fifty pounds. Black and brown, he was identical to his father at that age, down to his rather irritating humping habits. However, the twins were about to discover humping is not always a bad thing…

“What’s she up to?” wondered Barbie. Unfortunately, she was about to find out.

“I dare you to kiss him,” said Barby.

Barbie chuckled, which brought a confused frown to her sibling’s brow. However, Barby soon understood her sister’s reaction when she saw her pick up the puppy and place a quick peck upon his muzzle.

“Dammit!” silently swore Barby as she realized her plan had backfired. Luckily, there was a simple way to remedy this.

“I’m sorry, what I meant to say was: I dare you to French kiss him,” explained Barby.

This time, Barbie was not so smug. Her defiant smile immediately faded and her jaw dropped open. Was Barby serious? Did she really expect her to tongue kiss a dog? Unfortunately, the far-from-kidding look plastered across her twin’s face told her it was no joke.

“Oh fuck!” silently swore Barbie as she realized she had perhaps gone too far by making fun of her sister’s dares. Unfortunately, it was too late and Barby was not about to budge. Pretending to be unaffected by the perversity of the act she was about to commit, Barbie once more brought the puppy up to her face.

“Just pretend it’s a hot girl,” thought Barbie. For you see, Barbie had always known she was a lesbian, a truth which had been made clear by the fact that each time she thought of a man’s cock, she felt sick to her stomach. Of course, her sister felt the same, yet it was one of the only details of their lives they had never discussed with one another. As a result of their sexual orientation, anti-social personalities and intact virginity, neither of the now legal young women had ever kissed anyone, be they human or canine.

“I can’t believe I’m about to lose my kissing virginity to a dog,” thought Barbie as she opened her mouth and leaned toward her canine friend. Little did she know, her kissing virginity would not be the only one she would lose. But in order for that to happen, she had to first give the puppy access to her mouth.

As soon as he was close enough, the eager canine thrust his tongue past the beautiful birthday girl’s lips. Not wasting a second, he started exploring her oral cavity, forcing surprisingly powerful shivers to crawl across the teen’s skin.

“Oh my god!” mentally hasped Barbie when she realized the shivers in question were arousal-induced. Against all odds, the feel of a dog’s tongue darting in and out of her mouth felt better than anything she had ever experienced. Unable to resist, she started moving her tongue around, reciprocating her canine lover’s eager strokes. Within seconds, they were passionately making out. Moments after that, soft moans started flowing past the teen’s lips.

“Oh my god!” gasped Barby as she watched the spectacle from across the bed. But against all odds, her shocked exclamation had nothing to do with the fact her sister was obviously enjoying making out with a dog. It was instead a result of the arousal that coursed through her own veins as a result of the interspecies kiss unfolding before her.

Throughout the make out session, both sisters’ arousal levels skyrocketed, making it harder and harder for them to think clearly. The fact that bestiality was wrong remained present in the back of their minds, but the arousal that coursed through their veins well overpowered their sense of morality. Because of this, Barby was unable to keep from ordering her sister to escalate things as soon as the interspecies kiss came to an end.

“I dare you to let him lick you boobs,” she said in an arousal-laced tone.

Barbie could not help but be surprised by the dare. She knew escalating an already perverse situation was not a good idea, yet the arousal that coursed through her veins made thinking logically impossible. As a result, she did as told with only a split second of hesitation.

Luckily for both horny sisters, Barbie had previously been dared to get naked and thus only had to lie down and place the puppy on her stomach. Apparently fully aware of what was expected of him, Hornier started licking the birthday girl’s boobs.

“Oh yes!” moaned Barbie blissfully as she felt the dog’s tongue slide back and forth across one of her nipples. So much arousal now coursed through her veins that she completely forgot about the perversity of the situation and let moan after moan slip past her lips. Luckily, the puppy was just as horny and transferred to the other nipple. In the seconds that followed, he alternated from one breast to the other, forcing Barbie’s arousal level to rise with increasing speed.

Meanwhile, Barby’s eyes remained glued to the interspecies couple before her as a wide smile curled her lips. Forgetting about everything, be it the wrongness of what she was daring her sister to do or the fact their mother was downstairs and only an unlocked door separated them, she voiced her third dare.

“I dare you to let him lick your pussy.”

Unlike before, Barbie felt not a single moment of hesitation. Instead, she grabbed Hornier and, sitting up, dropped him between her legs. Shuffling back until her back was propped up against the pillows, she made sure her legs were spread wide. As a result, the puppy was given unrestricted access to her now pre-cum filled cunt.


The bark was not loud enough to attract Candy’s attention, but powerful enough to tell the twins he fully appreciated them including him in their special birthday game. So, determined to repay the favor, he lowered his head until his muzzle made contact with the naked teen’s engorged labia. Sniffing the sweet pre-cum that filled his lover’s poon, he opened his mouth and forced his tongue past his lips.

“Oh fuck!” moaned Barbie as she felt the puppy’s tongue slither across her lower lips. The ensuing arousal forced her body heat to increase and she started to sweat. Luckily, the feeling of her canine lover’s tongue darting back and forth across her labia was well worth the heat she was being forced to endure.

Meanwhile, Barby continued to watch every last bestial act unfolding before her. With a wide smile plastered across her lips and massive amounts of arousal coursing through her veins, it was clear she had no trouble dealing with the fact she was responsible for forcing Barbie to commit acts that were both perverse and illegal.

Barbie’s soft moans continued echoing throughout the room, encouraging her young lover to increase the speed of his tongue thrusts. But as good as the labial massage felt, she desperately craved more. Since it did not appear as though her lover was about to escalate things, she took matters into her own hands. Not bothering to ask her sibling’s permission, she lowered a hand to her crotch.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned blissfully as she slipped two fingers past her gorged labia. The two appendages slithered deeper and deeper until further penetration became impossible. Pulling them out, Barbie brought pre-cum-covered fingers for Hornier to lick. And that was exactly what he did. Once her digits were clean, Barbie returned them to her soaking-wet cunt. But instead of simply going on a pre-cum gathering mission, she started propelling her fingers in and out of her cunt.

Meanwhile, the horny puppy continued licking her pussy with great zeal. He got his tongue on quite a lot of pre-cum during the process, but it was nothing compared to the veritable ocean of cum he was about to be offered up on a silver platter.

“Oh fuck!” soon moaned Barbie, “I’m gonna cum!” But as soon as the blissful exclamation left her lips, she realized the volume of her moans had reached a dangerous level. Terrified at the through of her mother catching her in flagrante delicto, Barbie placed her palm over her mouth. And not a second too soon.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs, mere seconds later. At least, that is what she tried to say. What actually came out was nothing more than muffled moan. Still, it was enough to inform Barby of her sibling’s imminent orgasm.

“You can do it,” she said encouragingly. However, her voice was drowned out by her twin’s moans.

“MMMMM!” moaned Barbie as she felt her convulsing pussy release its first wave of cum. The sweet nectar gushed up her finger-filled poon. Moments later, it shot past her lower lips and flew through the air. Hitting the puppy square in the face, it blinded him instantly. Luckily, the rather large amounts of orgasmilk that made it into Hornier’s mouth fully made up for it and he continued licking his squirting lover’s poon.

Barbie’s moans echoed throughout the room for a little over a minute. By then, so much cum had been forced past her lower lips that both human and canine lovers were covered in a thick layer of gooey liquid. Of course, Barby had not been spared and was, just like most of the furniture around the interspecies couple, covered in sweet nectar from head to toe. However, that did not stop her from having the widest smile in the history of smiles plastered across her lips.

It took a few minutes, but Barbie eventually found the strength to sit.

“Oh my god!” she gasped as she wiped the orgasmilk from her eyelids and noticed her cum-covered surroundings for the first time. However, her shocked exclamation had nothing to do with the massive amounts of cum she had produced. For you see, the birthday girl had just realized she had lost her virginity. To the family puppy, no less. Unfortunately, that was all she had time to figure out before her sibling voiced her next dare.

“I dare you to suck his cock,” she said.

Mere seconds earlier, Barby had noticed a small, yet incredibly important detail. Hornier had spent every single second following the end of his human lover’s orgasm licking the cum from the bed. As a result, his arousal level had skyrocketed and his cock had made its first appearance of the evening.

Unable to pass up such an opportunity, Barby had not hesitated a single second before coming up with an appropriate dare. Of course, the arousal that coursed through her veins had also been a contributing factor, but the horny teen was too eager at the thought of seeing her sibling’s lips wrap themselves around the puppy’s manhood to notice.

“No fuckin’ way!” was the response Barbie gave to her sibling’s perverse dare. For you see, she had now come down from her sexual high. Of course, she had not been given time to figure out if she was ashamed of what just happened, but one thing was certain; she did not want to take things any further before taking the time to study her feelings. Unfortunately, the rules of the game they were playing gave her no choice in the matter.

“You can’t refuse,” reminded Barby.

Of course, Barbie knew her sister was right, but that did not stop her from begging.

“Please don’t to this,” she pleaded.

Fortunately, Barby seemed touched by her twin’s heartfelt supplications. Unfortunately, arousal kept her from giving in to them. Still, she felt bad for her relative and decided to compromise.

“Fine,” she agreed, bringing a smile to Barbie’s lips. However, it vanished just as quickly when the second part of the compromise was voiced. “You can just jerk him off instead,” finished the horny teen.

As expected, Barbie’s eyes widened in shock. Unfortunately, she knew there was no way out of her current predicament and realized a simple handjob was far better than a blowjob. After a few moments spent working up the courage to commit the perverse act she had been dared to perform, she reached out.

Grabbing Hornier, she flipped him onto his back, revealing the rock-hard prick that stood between his hind legs. Taking a few moments to study the bright-red manhood, she realized it was quite large given the puppy’s age and size. Measuring an impressive six inches in length by one inch in width, it was enough to bring a few drops of arousal back to the teen’s body. Unsure if she should be disgusted or encouraged by this, she decided it was best to take action before she lost her nerve. With that, she reached out.

“Wow!” she gasped when her fingers made contact with the schlong. The intense heat that emanated from it brought yet another few drops of arousal to the former virgin’s body. Using that arousal to convince herself to proceed, she wrapped her fingers around the rock-hard spear and, with one final deep breath for courage, started sliding her hand up and down.

“That’s it,” encouraged Baby as she watched her sibling begin the handjob.

However, Barbie never heard her sister’s encouragement. But that was only because she had decide to shut herself off from the world and focus on nothing but the task at hand. As a result, she forgot about the perversity of her acts and her confusion in regards to her sexual desires. Instead, she concentrated on increasing both the speed and force of her hand thrusts. Within a few seconds, she was furiously jerking her lover’s rock-hard shaft, forcing blissful whimpers past his lips.

As the seconds ticked by, Barbie’s expression started to change. It went from fierce determination to lustful giddiness. As a result, her hand thrusts grew more passionate and arousal once more returned to her body. Before long, she gave in to her perverse attraction to the family puppy and started moaning softly.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned as she continued the first handjob of her life. So much zeal went into her work that she soon felt her lover’s cock start to jerk around in her hand. Realizing the horny puppy was on the verge of climax, she did the only thing she could think of. No longer repulsed by the bestial acts she was committing, she gave in to the arousal that filled her and leaned forward, placing her head over her lover’s prick. With her mouth wide open and her eyes closed to keep from being blinded, she was ready to receive his hot load.

Fortunately the birthday girl did not have to wait long. With a surprisingly long howl, the canine released his first wave. The hot canine semen flowed up his rock-hard manhood, squirted past the tip and flew through the air. Moments later, it hit Barbie square in the face. About half of the wave made it into the teen’s mouth while the other half was plastered across her face.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned as she swallowed the hot jizz, stunned by the incredible sweetness. But that was all she had time to figure out before a second and third wave were produced.

Barbie spent the next minute ingesting more cum than ever before, which was not really a big accomplishment given how she had only just lost her virginity. By the time the final wave oozed out of Hornier’s cock, both lovers were covered in a second thick layer of cum. Releasing the puppy’s cock, Barbie wiped the orgasmilk from her eyes and only just had time to see the tip of his manhood get swallowed up by his body.

By then, Barbie was hornier than ever before and desperate to escalate the first sexual encounter of her life. Luckily, one quick glance at her cum-covered sibling was enough to tell her Barby was not about to let her down. However, it also informed her the other birthday girl was just as horny as her, a fact that was soon made clear by the teen’s hand stroking her pussy through her cum-soaked panties.

“Oh my god!” gasped Barbie as this sight.

“Fuck!” was all Barby found to say as she yanked her hand from her crotch.

As shocked as she was by her sister’s actions, Barbie soon realized her reaction was way out of proportion. Of course, getting turned out at the sight of her sibling having sex with a dog was perverse, yet it was far less raunchy than actually having sex with a canine. Because of this, Barbie soon wiped the shocked expression from her face.

Having come to the same conclusion, Barby decided to voice her next dare.

“I dare you to have sex with him,” she said, nodding to the cum-covered puppy that stood between the two siblings.

Although Barbie was hornier than she ever membered being, she could not help but experience a moment of hesitation. A handjob was one thing, but actual intercourse was taking things to a whole new level of perversity. Yet, such a realization brought no fear whatsoever. In fact, the emotion that accompanied it was eagerness. Taking advantage of this, Barbie turned to her canine lover.

Fortunately, the puppy had spent that entire time ingesting as much hot orgasmilk as he could. Unfortunately, his cock had only just begun making its second appearance of the evening. Luckily, Barbie was all too happy to come to his aid. Using her hands, lips and tongue, she soon got her lover ready for the third and final round of their interspecies sex session. Within seconds, a rock-hard schlong stood perfectly erect between his hind legs.

Lying back down upon the cum-covered bed, Barbie spread her legs wide. Luckily, nothing more was required of her. Taking matters into his own hands, Hornier hurried over to his human lover’s crotch. Placing his front paws onto her stomach, he hopped forward until his manhood hung mere inches from the birthday girl’s soaking-wet pussy. Without a moment of hesitation, he jerked forward, forcing his prick past the teen’s lower lips.

“FUCK!” moaned Barbie in a mixture of arousal and surprise. The arousal came from the feel of that hot prick stretching her out like never before. The surprise came from the fact that every last inch of her lover’s spear was soon forced into her.

“Wow!” she gasped when she realized she now had a total of six inches of canine cock stuffed into her pussy. However, that was all she had time to realize before her lover started jerking back and forth with great verve. Within seconds, he was pounding her so fast and hard the teen only barely managed to keep her moans low enough to keep Candy from hearing them.

Meanwhile, Barby remained nearby, her eyes glued to the interspecies couple. By then, she had taken the time to remove her panties and, legs now spread wide, she thrust her fingers in an out of her soaking-wet pussy. Making sure to time her penetrations to match Hornier’s thrusts, she soon felt a powerful orgasm grow within her. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to climax.

“Oh yes!”

“Oh god!”

“Oh fuck!”

Barbie’s moans echoed throughout the room. They had grown so loud it was only a matter of time before their mother heard them and came to inquire. Terrified at the thought, Barbie put an end to her auto-erotic sex session and hurried toward the interspecies couple. Placing her hand over her sister’s mouth, she managed to keep her powerful moans contained.

Barely even noticing her sibling’s hand on her lips, Barbie continued moaning as she felt a powerful orgasm grow within her. Only another few thrusts were required before she climaxed.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” she moaned at the top of her lungs. At least, that is what she would have said if not for Barby’s palm pressing down upon her lips. As a result, only a muffled moan ensued. However, that did not keep her pussy from starting to shake and shiver. Moments later, the first wave of cum flowed up her cock-filled vaginal canal.

Before the sweet nectar even made it out of the teen’s body, her lover’s first wave joined it. Hornier’s cock had started to convulse moments earlier and he now released the first in a series of powerful squirts. The human and canine cum mixed, creating a blend of sweet interspecies orgasmilk; a blend which was soon sent fling past the birthday girl’s labia. Splitting into tiny drops, the gooey liquid flew in all directions, adding a third layer to all three individuals present. The only living being within range that remain cum-free was the small hummingbird that watched the entire spectacle unfold through the nearby window.

Moans, grunts and howls echoed throughout the room for the better part of a minute before both lovers felt their final waves ooze out of them. With one final thrust, the canine pulled out of his human lover, moments before his manhood retreated back into his body. Totally exhausted, he lay between Barbie’s legs and took a few moments to catch his breath. Meanwhile, Barbie did the same. At least, as soon as Barby had removed her hand from her mouth.

The next few minutes were spent in silence as all three individuals present took advantage of the momentary pause to recover from the insane events that had just taken place. Barbie took this time to reflect.

“Oh fuck!” she mentally gasped when she realized she had just lost her virginity to a dog. Of course, she had previously thought her virgin life had come to an end the moment she had climaxed as a result of the puppy’s skillful tongue dance. However, the orgasm had been more a result of her furious finger-fucking than her lover’s eager tongue strokes. Of course, that meant Barbie had only just lost her virginity. Upon realizing this, she felt shame wash over her. She was a lesbian. How could she have lost her virginity to a dog?

“Barby!” was the answer she soon came up with.

It was true, without Barby’s perverse dares, Barbie would still be a virgin. However, there was no way to change the past. Luckily, there was a way to change the future. At least, her sister’s future. Peering at the clock that hung from the far wall of the room, Barbie realized her sister’s half hour had just come to an end. That meant she was now in charge and could dare her twin to do whatever she pleased. Upon realizing this, she let a wide smile curl her lips.

“What are you so happy about?” asked Barby, somehow feeling like she would not like the answer. Sure enough…

“It’s my turn,” was Barbie’s answer. Although simple, it was enough to bring a shocked expression to her twin’s face.

“Uh-oh!” thought Barby as she realized she was now at her sister’s mercy. And given everything she had but Barbie through, there was no doubt in the virgin’s mind it would be sexual in nature. Watching her twin have sex with a dog was one thing, but performing bestial acts of her own was quite another. Unfortunately, Barby never got a chance to address her concerns. For you see, Barbie was now voicing her first dare.

“I dare you to…

To be continued in Part 2...


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. A new fantasy will be published each week, so make sure to check back every so often.

Have a horny day,

Barbie Lez



2019-05-25 06:59:22
So hot wish I was there to enjoy my devils dare Fg.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-04 06:25:49
Why the hell is both the twins named barbie/barby. It's so stupid. This Barbie lez author HAS to change the names up, God! And the bird stuff, ridiculous! She needs to learn to be a better author.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-07 03:46:28
This is the only chapter there is. Suppose to be 5+ a bonus. This was posted about a month ago. She has like 3 or 4 stories like this. Would be great to read more but dont think it will happen.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-06 23:59:57
I can't wait for part 2 of this masterpiece. The haters are just jealous because their dogs haven't filled their neglected sex holes with fresh canine cum yet.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-06 23:23:48
Don't listen to those fuckheads. They're complete morons who don't know shit. This was a really good story. Definitely turned me on! ;)

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