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A woman loses a wager during the 2022 World Cup
It was the summer of 2022AD, the time period of the World Cup. The World Cup was the world’s second largest sporting event, only after the Olympics. If it had not been for World War III, the game would still have been held in Doha, Qatar. FIFA (organization behind the sports event) had it held in Oslo, Norway instead.

As for how the Third World War began was quite simple. An energy-independent America was on the verge of overtaking Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading producer of oil. With the country concentrating more on dealing with the Pacific, rather than either Europe or the Middle East, it finally withdrew from those parts of the world.

The consequences of an American withdrawal resulted in an Israeli-Sunni-Shiite conflict, which started first in the Middle East, then eventually spearing towards Central and South Asia. A nuclear armed Israel and nuclear armed Iran not only had to deal with each other, but also with fanatical Sunni Arab, Turkish and Pakistani fundamentalists that wanted to wipe them off the face of the Earth. As much as Israel and Iran were getting bombarded by nukes from the Sunni states, Israel and Iran managed to successfully launch their counter strike offensives. Israel managed to take down Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia. Iran managed to deal with Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq and the former Central Asian Republics.

With the Middle East and Central Asia reduced to radioactive wastelands, Europe was mostly getting their oil instead from America and Libya. As Libya was a North African country, it survived the fate of the Middle East. Also since World War III, Libya had become much more stable, as it was when it ad been an Italian colony.

As the Persian Gulf was now a radioactive wasteland, the World Cup could not be obviously held there. It was then eventually shifted towards another country, namely Norway.

As for Anna, she knew all that history, since it was highlighted to her once. Right now she just finished work and was having dinner in a Libyan cafe. She was having couscous (a Libyan type of dish) while watching the game between Germany and Italy on the TV. The cafe itself was not far from a lake and a railway station. The cafe was in the same town Anna had live and worked in, the small industrial town of Wilhelmstein. She worked at the clothes shop C&A. And she was the only customer in that cafe at the moment.

Anna was a nicely-tanned sexy blue eyed Danish woman with long black hair tied back in a ponytail, who enjoyed sex with strangers. She didn’t have any steady boyfriend for long. She also wasn’t that bright, and even arrogant at times.

Malik, the guy who ran the cafe came up to her, saying, “You think now the score is zero zero, but Italy always beats Germany in the end. Just wait and see.”

But before she knew it, another customer entered the cafe. He was a North African looking man, with curly black hair and brown skin. She had seen him before. She remembered him, because this stranger always attempted to chat her up. It seemed to her that she always gave him the cold shoulder. She was sure that maybe it was because he looked dodgy.

The stranger ordered his meal and then sat on the table next to Anna.

“So you watching the game too,” the stranger attempted to have conversation.

Anna wasn’t sure if she should respond.

“Well it is what is on television right now,” she responded.

“You know I have seen you here couple of times now. I don’t think we properly met. I’m Farouk,” he introduced himself.

“Are you also from Libya?” she asked him.

She knew it was a stupid question but a part of her wanted to see if he could be put off.

“Yes. Probably why I come here quite a lot,” he smiled.

She gave him a cold smile.

“Where are you from?” he asked her.

“I’m from Denmark,” she responded.

He looked at her inquisitively.

“Oh that Denmark. I remember. The same Denmark that once led NATO into my country and got rid of Muammar Gaddafi. Way back in 2011. I was a young boy back then when it happened. So much instability,” he sighed.

From the looks of it, he knew his politics very well. As for Anna, what she knew about Libya came from the news.

“Don’t they oppress women over there, forcing them to cover their heads? I heard that there were terrorists still operating in your country,” she told him in a cold tone.

She was a bit of an Islamophobe and actually disliked Arab culture. As for the Islamist militant group she was referring to, it was the LIFG (Libyan Islamic fighting Group), while other groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban and Hezbollah no longer existed, the LIFG outlived them all, even if just constrained to Libya.

“We are not the terrorists. The biggest terrorist is the west!! Especially America and Britain and Denmark!! Did you know that your country once insulted our beloved Prophet!!” Farouk getting defensive.

“Yeah but we don’t go blowing ourselves up, killing innocent civilians,” Anna defending her arguments.

“And what NATO did in Afghanistan and Iraq and much of the Muslim world. How any civilians they killed with their drones. How many Muslims suffered under the Zionist control!! How many Muslims America sent to Guantanamo Bay!!” Farouk getting more emotional.

“And who started World War Three. Muslims nuked other Muslims,” Anna countering his argument.

“Yeah and who benefited from it. The Americans. They took the Muslim oil producing countries out and now they make money from selling their own oil!! Even Europeans benefited too. This war killed much of the Arab world!!” Farouk burst out.

Anna didn’t know why she was going to say it but she did, “And we are living in the West. I remember correctly, most Arab countries are dictatorships where they cut off people’s hands and legs and try converting other people into their own religion. Good riddance they destroyed themselves!!”

She couldn’t take his view anymore.

“And Libya is doing well by selling oil to the west!!” she attempted to make herself sound right.

Deep down, Farouk was disliking her. He knew she was right.

There was silence between them and it was half time of the game. During the half time, there were ads about the coming game tomorrow. They advertised the match between Libya and Norway.

Tomorrow night was also Friday night.

Anna wanted to ease tensions, just in case that Farouk was still heated up about all this and worried that he might even try attacking her later when they are outside the cafe.

“So who do you think is going to win tomorrow night?” she asked him.

Farouk gave her an annoyed look, and then finally spoke.

“Libya is going to win,” he said.

“But Norway is the host state. The game is in Norway,” Anna was struck dumbfounded.

“Libya has been doing well so far,” Farouk cried.

“Yeah but Norway is playing at home territory. Plus I don’t think a desert country is going to beat an ice-capped country in its own territory,” Anna spoke arrogantly.

“We will win,” Farouk said.

He is really fucking stupid, Anna thought.

Anna then had a fun idea. She wanted to put this creep in his place once and for all.

“How about we make a wager on that?” Anna smiled.

“A bet? Ok sure. How much money are we talking about here?” he asked.

She could tell from his facial expression that he wanted to “fuck” her. She was also equally familiar with Arab-themed erotica too. She knew Arabs always wanted to have white women as sex slaves, and the thought of the whole idea turned her on, even if it is only fantasy.

A part of her dreamt right now that she was going to be degraded, by being humbled and ending up his slave.

But she knew that he could end up her slave, and she knew ways of how she was going to have fun with this arrogant Arab guy.

“How about this. The loser becomes the slave of the winner!!” she suggested.

If she wasn’t confident, she wouldn’t be making this bet.

“You’re on,” he said.

They agreed to meet up again tomorrow night. Farouk enjoyed this kind of wager. He had never had it offered to him before, especially by a sexually attractive woman as Anna.

“So how about this. The loser becomes the slave of the winner, for let’s say, an entire month. The loser completely belongs to the winner. Hey how about we bring our passports and the loser has to give his or her passport to the winner, as a sign of singing away his or her human rights and freedom!!” suggested Farouk.

“I’m cool with that!! But of course when the month is over, the winner has to give back the passport!!” she told him in a cold tone.

“But of course,” he smiled.

They both left the cafe afterward. But when Anna got home and took a shower, she wondered if she had gotten carried away and if having made such a wager was such a good idea.

Well she was sure that he was going to lose and become her slave.

When Friday night came, the two of them showed up in the Libyan cafe. They both sat at the same tables they sat the evening before.

But what happened after the first 15 minutes of the Norwegian-Libyan match shocked Anna. Libya scored a goal against Norway.

“Looks like I am going to win,” Farouk mocking her.

By the time half-an-hour had come and gone, it was 2-0 for Libya.

“I am going to enjoy you for an entire month!!” Farouk continuing to mock her.

When the game was over, it was already closer to 9PM Central European time. Libya had won the game, by 5-1.

Farouk won. Anna lost. She was now his slave for a month. His bitch for an entire month.

“From now on you are my slave. You belong to me. You will always call me Master. Now bitch give me your passport,” he ordered her.

Farouk came and sat by Anna’s table. She humbly opened her handbag, and handed her European Union Danish passport to him. He took it.

“Now follow me bitch!!” he yelled at her.

He got up from the table, heading straight to the entrance-exit.

She responded in a self-defeated tone, “Yes Master.”

She walked right behind him. She followed him all the way to where a car was parked. She then remembered her own car.

“Master I came here with my car. Maybe I can drive and follow your car on mine,” she tried insisting.

But with quick speed, he slapped her hard on her face.

“No. you will come with me in my car. I don’t care what happens to your ca,” he yelled at her.

He then opened the back trunk of his car. She gulped. She knew where she was going to be inside the car.

“Master please. I don’t think I can handle it!!” she pleaded.

He slapped her hard again.

“You are mine heart and soul bitch. You will obey me and never talk back. Got that!!” he was yelling at her.

She nodded, with her once proud blue eyes now streaming with defeated tears.

“Now get inside the trunk!!” he commanded her.

Anna reluctantly climbed into the trunk, squashing her body inside. But before she could say another word, he slammed the trunk door. He got inside his own car, and then drove away.

He drove them all the way to where he lived. For Anna, she had a sigh of relief when he opened the car trunk.

“Get out bitch!!” he ordered her.

Anna gratefully got out of the car trunk. She didn’t want to be inside there again. She followed him into his house, a one-storey building, off the side of some highway. His house wasn’t that far from the woods. Once inside his house, he made her stand in front of him, in the living room. He sat on the sofa, facing her.

“Take off your clothes,” he ordered her.

“Yes Master,” Anna replied with fear in her voice.

Anna stripped down, from her working clothes all the way to her bra and panty.

“Now I want you to turn around so I can get a good look at you,” Farouk said.

“Yes Master,” she responded.

Farouk could tell that she had a sexy slim body. From her right butt cheek towards the back of her thigh, he could make out a dragon tattoo.

“You are such a slut aren’t you!! Tell me something bitch, how many guys have you had sex with?” Farouk asked.

“Too many to count, Master!!” she replied.

He got up from where he was sat and started piling all her clothes together.

“You won’t be needing these anymore. From now on you are always going to be naked!!” he said.

He grabbed her clothes and then went to the kitchen, dumping them into the trash.

“Whores like you don’t need clothes!!” Farouk laughed.

When Farouk next came up to her, he used one hand to completely undo her ponytail, loosening her long black hair.

“Now I want you to lie on your back!!” he commanded her.

“Yes Master,” she responded.

Anna laid on her back. From where was at, she could see the living room ceiling. But before she knew it, she felt strong hand grabbing her long beautiful black hair, then trying to use it to pull her entire body, as if she were a pulley.

She cried in pain, feeling pain on her ass. He was manhandling her, pulling her all the way towards his bedroom. She was feeling pressure on her skull, where the hair roots were.

He stopped when they reached his bed. He made her lie on her back. He went to his drawer and took out some ropes. First he ties her wrist together, and tying that rope over the bed’s upper railing. Then he made her spread her legs up in the air, tying each ankle with ropes, which he further tied to the upper railing of the bed. Her breasts, ass and pussy were all now displayed in a viewable fashion. He could see that she was clean shaven, between her legs.

“Now I am going to fuck your sexy beautiful white Danish body!!” he exclaimed.

Farouk roughly grabbed both her thighs, and thrust his huge Arab cock into her sensitive Scandinavian pussy. Anna screamed. She had never felt a huge cock ever hammer her like that before. As he kept on fucking her, he let his left and gropes her left breast really hard, while he started kissing and biting and nibbling on her nape. 2 minutes later, he started sucking on her right nipple. The way he was sucking her right nipple, was as if the nipple was inside some sucking tube.

Anna closed her eyes, feeling strong pressure on her nipples. Farouk then started pinching and pulling on her left one.

Anna felt Libyan sperm shooting into her pussy. His cum was dripping down her front hole.

What Farouk did next shocked Anna. He moved his cock towards her face.

“Open your fucking mouth and service my dick!!” he ordered her.

But before she could say “Yes Master”, his cock thrust inside, into her jaw. she was not only made to suck his cock and drink all his sperm, but the way he moved his cock within her jaw, was if he was fucking her beautiful face.

Anna felt a mixture of liquid flooding her mouth but also that her skull was going to explode at the same time. He used both hands to push the back of her head, ushering her face towards his cock.

Her blue eyes looked up to him, as he was kneeling in front of her face. His brown eyes met her blue eyes. His wicked brown eyes were now looking down on her scared teary blue eyes. He could tell that she was pleading with him to stop. It was too painful and she never had this kind of rough sex before.

“I can do whatever I want with you!!” he exclaimed proudly.

After fucking her face and making her perform oral sex on him for 30 minutes, he withdrew his cock from her mouth, squirting his cum onto her face. He was pulling so fast that her blue eyes felt the stinging from his cum ejaculations.

Farouk then raised his cock over her black hair, wanking and squirting more of his Arab cum over the top of her black hair. She had made him so sexually excited, that he was ejaculating lots and lots of cum. Anna felt her hair becoming sticky and even some of the cum dripping down her forehead, like shampoo going down her face while taking shower.

Farouk then raised her thighs a bit higher, now thrusting his cock into her asshole. He hammered her asshole so hard, that his cum both shot into her anus and also dripped down onto the bed. Anna kept screaming. Fucking her ass felt more painful tan fucking her cunt but not as painful when he fucked her face. This was a very uncomfortable way for her to take it up the ass.

But to make matters worse (or rather, physically more painful) he was squeezing both her beasts really really hard at the same time.

He was fucking her asshole for about 30 minutes, until he withdrew from her. Her breasts had red welts. Her pussy, mouth and face were full of drying cum. Her hair was a mixture of black (her Danish hair) and white gooey stuff (his Arab sperm). Overall, she felt pain. Her jaw, the roots of her head, pussy, asshole and breasts and nipples were all aching like hell.

Farouk went to grab his tablet and took a picture of her in such display.

When he was done taking her picture, he untied her.

Once she was untied the first time, he ordered her to lie face down in a spread eagled manner. Once her wrists and ankles are spread out, he ties her wrists and ankles to the posts of the bed. She was now spread eagled, but face down.

Farouk then climbed on to of her back. He thrust his cock into her ass while pulling roughly her long black hair. Anna screamed in pain. Farouk enjoyed his cock moving inside Anna’s ass. Anna’s ass was just continuing to ache and ache. The roots of her hair felt so painful that she was afraid that he could end up pulling some of her hair out.

“You like that, don’t you bitch!! Hey!! You like that!!” Farouk belittling his raven-haired Northern European slave.

He then licked the back of her neck, and even bit onto the back of her neck. Anna cried in pain.

“Please stop Master. Please stop!!” she begged in pain.

Anna once had such fantasies i.e. what it would be like to have been a white female slave in some Arab harem. Now she knew.

He yanked her hair very hard, belittling her, “You used to look down on me all those times when we were at the Sahara (the name of the Libyan cafe). Always thinking you are superior to me because you are a white European while I’m just some dirty Arab!! You think me inferior because I am dark-skinned. Now who is begging whom!!”

He kept on fucking her ass until he had enough. He untied her for the second time but only to tie her up for the third time. This time she was spread eagled but facing the ceiling. Plus he also put a ball gag on her mouth (to basically make it look as if he was shutting her up). He also took out another set of ropes, but this time to bind her breast together, making her nipples firm and standing out.

He left the bedroom, only to come back with a candle. He thrust the bottom of the candle into her pussy, causing her to squirm and moan under the gag, in pain. He used the candle butt as if it was a dildo.

He took out a cigarette lighter and lighted up the candle, creating a small fire on the top. He also placed an ashtray on her tummy, smoking a cigarette and letting cigarette ash drip down onto the ashtray.

Farouk had a wicked sadistic nasty smile. He playfully moved his cigar close to her right nipple. Anna’s blue eyes shot wide open with fear, she was sweating , shaking her head frantically. She was moaning under the gag, begging him not to burn her nipple.

“Do you think you’re better than me now!! Do you!!!” he angrily taunted her.

Anna shook her head fearfully.

“Am I better than you!!” he teased her in an arrogant tone.

She nodded her head.

He put down his cigar on the tray and then put his finger on her right nipple, using his pressure on it to shake her entire right breast.

“Your nipple belongs to me!!” he said.

She nodded. But as she nodded, he then pulled on it, making her squirm. She shook her head, with facial expression indicating that she was begging him to stop hurting her nipple.

He got rid of the ashtray and his cigarette. He untie her ankles fro the lower bed posts and then made her legs and thighs spread up in the air,. Tying her ankles, towards the direction of the upper bed post, positioning her as if both her cunt and ass are now displayed for him to see.

As the end of the candle was still stuck into her pussy, he pulled it out. What he did next, really caused her immeasurable pain and agony. At first, he let some of the candle wax drip down her shaven pubic bone. She squirmed under her bondage and moaned under the ball gag. The thought of watching candle wax drop down her pussy was causing is cock to stiffen. The candle wax drippings turned her pink pussy into copper-ish red.

But he did not stop with her pussy. He then let some of the candle wax drip down, into her asshole. The candle wax into her asshole was 5 times more agonising and painful than into her pussy. Tears ran down her cheeks, with her head shaking like as if she was becoming hysterical.

After hurting her “holes” with candle wax, he retreated into the kitchen. He came back to the bedroom with two ice cubes. One ice cube, he rubbed onto her pussy. The other, he let it drip down her asshole.

After 20 minutes of having fun with Anna this way, he left the bedroom. Anna just stared towards the ceiling. Her mind was in some shock. All that fucking and pain he made her go through was more than she could endure. All because she was stupid and arrogant enough to start this wager.

Anna had been staring at the ceiling for an hour until Farouk came back. He brought her a glass of water. He took out her ball gag, puts a hand behind her head and makes her drink the glass of water. She gratefully sips from the glass.

He unties her completely and he makes them shower together. Tonight, he had a good time at Anna’s expense. While they showered, he was washing and cleaning her body with soap and warm water. A part of her seemed grateful for that.

When they finished showering, he fucked her from behind (inside the shower booth), for about 10 minutes. He was also kind enough to dry her naked body with a spare towel and he even used a hair drier to dry her wet Danish body.

“You may be a slut but you are my slut!!” he proudly exclaimed.

They retired for the night, in his bed. His dick was inside her pussy all night. While Farouk’s lips would from time to time kiss hers, her thoughts were elsewhere. When the lights were switched of, her eyes were still wide open. As she felt his cock happily wiggle within her pussy-tunnel, she was thinking of how she was going to be his slave for an entire month. And this was just her first night as his personal slave.


2014-12-11 12:35:26
Thanks for liking my story. I may continue to write a sequel for this story but at the moment, my mind is already fixed up for what other stories I would like to write on. But it is true that a lot of Danish women are into bdsm sex (especially those with black hair and lots of tattoos.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-17 20:47:38
I like your style of writing. You are quite graphic and very detailed and hopefully the story continues.

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