Young Bruce Wayne has been distraught and living in isolation since the murder of his parents
The story was suspended for violating the under 18 policy. Even though no ages were ever mentioned, I’ve touched up some of the language to make it less suggestive.
Selena Kyle had witnessed the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne, and was thus a key to Detective James Gordon finding the identity of the person who committed that crime. Much of the police force was corrupt, so the only place that Gordon could think of to hide his young witness was at the Wayne mansion, occupied by the orphaned Bruce Wayne and his mentor Alfred.
Gordon sat on the couch beside Bruce, handing him a police sketch as the very proper English butler Alfred stood and watched. Gordon explained to Bruce, "She says this is the man who killed your parents - she says, she saw his face - do you recognize him?"
Bruce studied the pencil sketch, then shook his head and replied, "No - what's her name?"
"Selena Kyle."
Bruce paused, bit his lip, then continued, "Do you believe her?"
"Yes I do."
Bruce hesitated again. "So she saw - everything?"
Before Gordon could answer Alfred cut in with, "and you want her to live with us now? A common street criminal."
Gordon tried to calm the situation. "She's hardly older than Bruce - she's just a kid who's seen too much. This is for her safety - G.C.P.D. is full of moles..."
"...right", Alfred interrupted again, "and how long would you have us put her up here?"
"I don't know."
Alfred crossed his arms and shook his head. "No. The answer is no. Her being here will put Master Bruce in great danger."
Bruce spun towards the older man. "Alfred!"
"She is the witness to a murder, Master Bruce, you do understand that, don't you?"
The young man pleaded, "She's also the best chance we have of finding who killed my parents." He then turned to Gordon and asked, "Isn't she?"
"Yes. She is."
Bruce asserted his authority. "Then she can stay - as long as it takes." He stood and turned to tell Alfred, "I've made my decision."
"Yes, Master Bruce."
Leaving the room, Bruce entered a hallway where he saw the girl tossing an antique vase between her hands. As he walked closer, he called out, "It's from the Chinese Ming dynasty."
Now only a few feet away, Bruce's eyes looked over her from head to toe to head again. She stood only an inch or so less than he did, with short, light brown hair that seemed to stick out every direction. She appeared slender, but it was hard to tell with the bulky, cold weather clothes she was wearing. He stammered as he went to continue, "It's five - five hundred years old."
She held up the vase, smiled and said, "You can get one just like it for five bucks in Chinatown."
Bruce smiled and extended his hand, "I'm Bruce Wayne."
Selena studied his face, looked strangely at his hand, then chuckled as she took it in hers, smiling as she returned the greeting. "Selena Kyle - people call me Cat."
Bruce then grinned widely and said, "Nice to meet you Cat."
Selena exited the house to see Alfred acting as Bruce's sparring partner and coach as the two worked out on the back lawn. Alfred was blocking Bruce's jabs until he turned to look at the young lady, then cried out when Bruce hit him in his unprotected lower back.
Bruce greeted her, "Alfred's teaching me to fight."
Bruce was so sure of himself and didn't understand why it wasn't clear to her as well. "So I'll be prepared if anything bad happens."
She looked around at the big house, rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "Yyyyeah...cause you live in a pretty rough neighborhood."
"Not here, in Gotham."
Selena put her hand on her hip and corrected him, "In Gotham, people don't fight with gloves on."
Bruce looked to the ground, trying to think of what to say next. "How was your room, everything good?"
"It'll do - I'm hungry though"
Alfred sounded rather annoyed as he shot back at her, "Right, our breakfast was served at 8 - which you slept through...lunch will be served at 12"
Bruce quickly added, "There's plenty to eat in the kitchen, Alfred would be happy to fix it for you."
Alfred snapped, "No he won't be", then turned towards Bruce and added, "This is not a bloody hotel."
Selena shook her head and looked away as she turned back to the house and muttered, "Relax old man, I'll figure it out."
"You can mind your manners as well, you cheeky little minx."
As soon as Selena entered the house, Bruce hit Alfred in the back and scolded his guardian, "Be nice to her - she's our guest."
Alfred glared down at Bruce and said, "Well I'm terribly sorry Master Bruce, I didn't realize you fancied her."
"What do you mean?"
"Well it's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's only natural, isn't it? But you watch her, she's a randy one."
Bruce nodded as he looked up at the older man. "You know about girls, don't you Alfred?"
"Well, a bit more than you - and she is trouble."
An hour later Bruce found Selena in the study, and settled into a chair across from her. Trying to strike up a conversation, he said, "Detective Gordon told me you live on the streets."
Selena nodded to him and replied, "Yeah, so?"
"What's it like?"
She waved at the huge room and said, "Not as nice as here!"
"Do you live alone?"
Selena was becoming annoyed and stared back at Bruce. "Are you gonna be asking questions all morning? Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?"
Bruce proudly smiled as he explained, "I'm developing my own curriculum - It lets me move at my own speed and focus on academic areas that interest me."
Selena was not impressed. "Why? You're a billionaire? What's to learn?"
Bruce replied, "That's a strange attitude" as her answer confused him. They both look around and at each other until Bruce continued, "So where are your parents?"
Selena looked at the floor, played with her food and didn't answer.
"Are they alive?"
She looked up at him and muttered, "Ummm...sure." She nodded, and then added, "They're around."
Still curious, Bruce asked "Where?"
Then visibly annoyed, Selena shot back, "What's that to you?"
"Nothing, I just thought..."
"...yeah, well! You thought wrong!" she interrupted. They stared at each other before she continued, "I'm not an orphan - I've got family all over."
With that she quickly got up and headed for the hallway, bumping into Alfred who was on his way in. He gave Bruce a questioning stare, and got only a confused look in return.
Selena closed the sliding glass door to the court yard as she entered the study where Bruce was standing by the fireplace. Concerned by their previous conversation, he turned to her and asked, "Are you leaving?"
"Thinking about it."
Bruce looked at the floor and then back at her. "I'm sorry if talking about your family upset you."
"I wasn't upset."
"You seemed kind of upset."
She nodded a weak confirmation, then wandered over to a desk where she picked up a picture of an attractive middle-aged woman. "That's your mom, huh?" He nodded to her, to which she smiled and said, "She looks nice."
"She was." Bruce hesitated, and then continued, "You saw her, the night she was killed."
Selena quietly said, "Uh-huh" as she put the picture back on the table.
A look of fear came over Bruce's face as he stammered, "And you saw me - what I did, what I didn't do."
Selena could believe what he had said. "What are you talking about, what could you have done?"
With a crack in his voice, Bruce wailed, "I don't know, something!"
"You're dreaming, kid - a gun's a gun." Wanting to change the subject, Selena smiled and continued, "My mom's in show business."
Selena sank back into the chair and smiled as she looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah - she sings, and dances, and does magic tricks - gets paid like millions, but that's just a cover, really she's a secret agent for the government."
Selena turned back towards Bruce. "Yeah - she's on a secret mission - but when she's done she's coming back to get me."
He muttered, "That's...good" as he wondered if she actually believed this story she was telling.
Then Selena was on her feet, asking "Yeah - did you ever kiss a girl?" as she moved towards him.
Bruce again looked confused, and weakly shook his head, "No!"
She came even closer, to within arm's reach. "Do you want to?"
Bruce had no idea what this girl was going to do or say next as he managed to utter, "Why, why do you ask?"
"Just curious."
At that moment Alfred entered from the hallway and straightened his suit in preparation to speak. Selena smiled up at him as the older man proclaimed, "Time for your studies, Master Bruce."
"Thank you Alfred."
Turning towards the girl, he added, "You're more than welcome to join, Miss Kyle."
Selena just shook her head in disbelief and said, "Right! I'll see you" as she walked past the two of them and out of the room.
Later in the afternoon Bruce was fully dressed, but submerged, three feet under the surface in the swimming pool. Suddenly he pushed his head out of the water and reached for an old style stop watch on the edge of the pool, obviously disappointed at what he saw. Selena was sitting in a pool chair on the other side, and called out, "You're the weirdest guy I ever met." As Bruce exited the pool and circled towards her, she continued, "Why are you doing that?"
Bruce confidently stated, "Training."
Selena narrowed her eyes and answered in a mocking tone, "Ohhhh - like the boxing. So if anyone mugs you with a diving board, you'll be ready, huh?"
Stung by the comment, Bruce struggle to regain his composure. "Y..yeah. I mean, no. I'm developing self-discipline and will power."
Confident again, Bruce exclaimed, "So I can be strong!"
Selena studied the boy standing in front of her in soaking wet clothes. "I get you, but it won't work - not on the streets, not in Gotham."
"Why's that?"
She continued, "Out there on the streets, it's not enough to be strong - you gotta be mean - you gotta be you know what ruthless means?"
"Of course I do."
Selena pitied the young man, and didn't want to see him hurt. "Yeah? Well you ain't. You're a nice kid. Five minutes on the street and you'll be mince-meat. Holding your breath won't do a damn thing."
Bruce stared at the ground, deep in thought as she walked away.
The next morning the two of them sat in the study, at opposite ends of a coffee table which held a heaping continental breakfast. Bruce watched as Selena picked up and the studied a bagel, and continued to chew on his scrambled eggs as he tried to figure out what she found so fascinating. When Bruce looked back down at his plate, Selena flashed a broad grin and tossed the bagel over the table, laughing as it bounced off Bruce's forehead.
Bruce asked, "Why did you do that?" in a very serious tone.
Selena laughed again, and taunted him with "Bet you can't hit me!"
Still serious, Bruce replied, "I could, but why would I want to?"
Selena stood up and spread her arms. "Try!"
Bruce asked, "What for?" as her desire to play games still confused him.
"Hit me", she smiled, "annnnd...humph, I'll let you kiss me!"
Bruce just stared back, wheels turning in his head as blood was rushing to other parts of his body. Seeing no response, Selena threw another bagel that this time he was able to duck away from.
Now into the game, Bruce grinned and tossed a pastry, but Selena mocked "Huh!" as he missed.
Each of them was giggling as they ran to and ducked behind one piece of furniture after another, hurling food at each turn. Selena landed several blows, but Bruce had yet to find his target.
Alfred peaked in the door to see what the ruckus was about. At first he had a concerned look on his ever dour face, but then cracked a small smile as he saw how much the perpetually withdrawn Bruce was enjoying the moment. Alfred was yet unseen by the two when his cell phone rang, and he moved down the hallway to take the call.
Selena glanced towards the doorway when she heard the chirp of the cell phone. At the instant she saw Alfred ducking away, a bagel hit her square in the side of the head. She turned and yelled back at Bruce, "That's not fair!"
Bruce approached and was now standing right in front her. "On the street, I thought everything was fair."
"So I guess now you want to kiss me?"
"That was your offer."
"Yes it was - so kiss me!"
With his hands at his side, Bruce leaned towards the unmoving Selena and gave her a quick peck on the lips. As he backed away, her eyes went wide in mock shock as she exclaimed, "Well I guess there are some things Alfred hasn't taught you!"
Bruce grinned as Selena motioned for him to come closer. She put her left hand on his shoulder and said, "Here, let me show you. Put your hand on my waist, and the other on the back of my head - gently. Hold your lips to mine and wait for me to react."
As Bruce followed her instructions, Selena slipped her right hand behind his back and pulled him in even closer as she probed his lips with her tongue. When his lips parted her tongue sought out his. As she pressed her body against his she could feel a stiffness poking her in the belly, causing her to pull back and smile. As Bruce responded with a curious and amazed look, she said "See, I knew you would enjoy this."
The inexperienced youth stammered, "What, what do you mean?"
She smiled and ran the side of her index finger up the front of his slacks, tracing from the base to the tip of his still growing erection. "I'm talking about that!"
Bruce was speechless as the young woman used both hands to quickly undo his belt and unsnap his pants. As soon as his pants hit the floor Selena was on her knees, pulling his manhood out through the fly of his boxers. Bruce quickly drew in his breath, then muttered, "oh, oh...oh" as Selena took his length into her mouth.
After bobbing her head eight or ten times, she looked up at Bruce and asked, "Do you want me?"
He was still lost in the moment, but upon realizing her question exclaimed, "Yes, yes!"
Selena tugged his underwear to his ankles, then quickly stood to face him and spat, "Then take me!"
As Bruce reached down to remove his shoes and step out of his underwear and pants, Selena turned away him, leaning over the end of the couch with her hips held high in front of him. When Bruce ran his hands over her thighs, she yelled, "I said take me!"
In the hallway, the butler raised his phone to his ear to hear Detective Gordon say "Good morning Alfred."
"Why detective."
Gordon continued, "I've been trying to get out there, sorry, is everything ok? Is she behaving herself?"
Remembering the parts of exchange in the study that he had just overheard, Alfred replied, "Well, not really, no – but that's alright."
"It is?"
Alfred smiled, then said, "She's a breath of fresh air, one might say."
"Good to hear it, I'll be out there as soon as I can."
"Very good, sir."
Selena reached behind to help Bruce pull down her pants. When they got to her ankles she kicked them off and then spread her feet wide, giving him easy access to her privates. She wiggled her hips to line herself up with his pokes, then cried "oh God!" when he found the spot and slid into her from behind.
As Bruce felt himself enveloped by her wet warmth, he tentatively pushed forward until he could go no further. He eased back, then pushed forward again, and again. Each time it became easier, a little more slick. "Harder!" she yelled, "Don't be afraid to be mean!"
Bruce thrust himself harder and deeper and faster, his thighs slapping against the back of Selena's hips.
She cried out, "Do you want me?"
"Then take me, take whatever you want, you have to be ruthless!"
Selena flinched as Bruce pounded harder and deeper, but she knew she was the one who had prodded him to let loose.
She could feel him getting bigger inside of her as Bruce began to pause between his thrusts. In another few seconds he cried out, "Oh God, oh my God Cat!" as she felt his warm seed fill her womb. A second and then a third, and he was spent.
Bruce took deep breathes as he leaned over Selena's back. When he backed away and popped out of her, she spun around and slid over to the seat of the couch.
As Alfred no longer heard the cries of passion coming from the room, he looked around the corner of the door to see Master Bruce, wearing only his shirt and sweater, on his knees between Selena's naked legs. Despite his age, Alfred felt a stiffening in his pants as he watched the teenage couple in their post-coital bliss.
Selena was running her hand through Bruce's hair as he laid his head upon her chest. She thought that for his first time, he had performed fairly well. After a few minutes, Bruce looked up at her to say, "Cat, would you consider..."
"Bruce, do not ask. You need to tell me, like you do with Alfred!"
"Cat - You will be sleeping in my bed tonight."
Selena smiled as she continued to play with his hair, because she knew that despite what he thought - it was she who was in total control of the young Bruce Wayne.
You know when oswald found out she was a spy and blackmailed her i figured there would be some sex,while at the same time i would prefer you to ignore the lines that basicly trolled your series and try to continue the bruce and selina series a bit longer.
Actually I was thinking of something along the lines of Oswald and Liza. She is another hottie, and anything involving Mr. Cobblepot is sure to be non-consensual.
Watching the show, the actual writers seem to be putting a lot of sexual tension into Bruce & Selena's character arc.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Watching the show, the actual writers seem to be putting a lot of sexual tension into Bruce & Selena's character arc.