English college lecturer Mary becomes a slave to Indian student Pavit
Note this is a work of fiction and the names are fictitious as are the actions of the characters. The events described never took place outside the author’s imagination
Mary Becomes my Slave
Part 1
Hi, everyone I am Pavit from Mumbai
This story started back in 2013 when I was in my final year at college in Mumbai. We had several female lecturers, very intelligent clever ladies all of them but one stood out and in class I found my cock getting hard as I sat day dreaming about about our English Poetry lecturer Mary Halliday who was an English woman from the Yorkshire region who had an Indian husband.
She was very professional, homely rather than beautiful and she knew the limits of student lecturer relationship and friendship and she had been married to a senior lecturer for 4 years but he had gone to Kuwait to teach on a long contract. But there was that something special about her which I could not quite define.
I did nothing improper, I gave no indication of how I felt I was the perfect student or so I believed but one Wednesday everything changed.
I had a new cell phone which played movies and during one free study period I was watching a BDSM bondage and domination movie on my cell phone as I sat in the back row of the class room facing the end wall, I had my dick in my hand through my trouser pocket and I was day dreaming the girl tied up and being whipped and abused when suddenly I heard Mary’s voice saying “How dare you!" I thought it was a dream but she was really there and she grabbed my phone off me and stood staring at the screen for a moment before switching it off.
She put the cell phone in her pocket,, I begged her to let me have it back as it had all my contacts in it and but she refused saying she would report me to the principle and I was to go home at once and stay there.
My mother asked why I was home but I said it was free study and I did some work on my assignment.
I stayed home all Thursday but then my friend John came by around 5pm to say he had a message from Mary that I have to come to college on Friday if not she will take the issue to the Principal..
I went to college next day and during my first lecture there was a message sent for me to see Mrs Halliday after break and I was to meet her in the staff room during lecture period three.
I met with her as instructed and was surprised there were no teaching staff in the staff room. and we were alone as this was against college rules.
I promised that I would change my ways but she scolded me and said she had decided to take this issue to the principal and my parents, I begged and promised her that I will do anything for her to save me, “Anything?" she queried and to my surprise she asked me to come to her apartment on the next day, Saturday.
I had no idea what ‘anything’ was but I accepted it, perhaps I was to do menial duties, clean the pool like a wallah in days of Raj, but all I wanted was to keep my place in school, for parents not to know and get my phone back.
I went to her apartment in the new complex, all very shiny and modern, secluded a million miles from the street chatter and noise. It seemed she was living alone as her husband was aboard and her mother in law had passed away a year ago.
I rang the door bell, Mary opened the door, she was wearing a sari, it seemed strange an English woman wearing a sari especially a stunningly beautiful pink sari.
My heart raced, I was at once afraid for my future yet at the same time I was excited and even though I was in danger I felt a tremendous urge to peel the sari from her and push her agonist the wall and fuck her, but her stern voice brought me back to reality, “You are late!” she said, “Come in.”
I went inside the house she locked the door behind us and she asked me to sit.
I sat on the sofa, she sat down opposite me and asked me about the video and how often I watched those videos.
I told her I watched them occasionally when I was bored, and pleaded with her not to tell my parents of the principal.
She shook her head and asked me if I knew what type of sex video I was seeing.
“Yes,” I said, “It is BDSM,” she asked how long I was seeing those videos.
I said “Only since I have 3G phone."
“And you like what you see, will you go on to do this to innocent girls unless you are stopped?” she asked, “Are you a danger to women and girls Pavit?”
I was shocked, almost frozen in fear for a moment,“It is a dream world, in real world is different," I said.
She paused a moment, then she spoke, “Do you want to dominate women Pavit, to have sex with them when you want to, to rape and humiliate them and make them your slaves?" she asked.
I was very scared, No, I am not a monster," I said, “It is just a dream world."
Suddenly everything changed, “It does not’t have to be Pavit," she said as she came to sit next to met next to me on the sofa, and said “I too like those videos.” she said.
“You too like Bondage?” I queried.
“I dream too Pavit," she said, “With my husband away in the gulf on a five year contract I am lonely Pavit, he only has a weeks leave every three months Pavit, imagine twelve lonely weeks with no sex so I watch videos like these and I dream Pavit.”
“Yes it is good to have a dream world,” I agreed.
“You do not understand, it does not have to be a dream Pavit, we can make it real, you and I.”
“You and I?” I queried because she was such a proper and respectful person in college, and yet she was taking dirty and seducing , “You want me to be your slave?"
“No Pavit, you have it all wrong, I want to be the slave, I want a man to own me, do you see?” she said pleadingly.
“But what about your husband and relations," I asked.
“He is away for eleven weeks and my relations are in London and his are in Uttar Pradesh or are dead, I am lonely Pavit, alone and lonely, I can be your slave 24/7, except school for ten weeks Pavit, if you like?" she said earnestly.
“And if not?" I asked.
“I take the phone to the principal and your parents." she said, “It is my insurance, either I belong to you body and soul or I destroy you."
“I have no choice," I said, “I shall be you master."
She smiled, “Oh I am so relieved, I knew you wanted me, I saw your cock bulge in class that is why I followed you and found you like the same porn as me."
“So what do we do now?" I asked.
“First I think I should like you to rape me Pavit," she said, “I bought this cheap sari from the market so you can tear if if you like."
“No, you will undress and put it away carefully in a drawer, I wish my slave to be always naked in the house," I said carefully.
“Yes, I like that,” Mary agreed.
“So do it, take off your clothes,” I said, “Chop chop.”
“Yes Pavit," she said, she was too slow and I slapped her face she did not expect that but she liked it and said “Sorry thank you master,” as she slipped the elegant sari from her elegant long pale arms.
She had white panties and bra underneath, “Do you have rope?” I asked.
“No Master,” she replied, “But I have parcel tape, on the side here," she said and handed me the reel.
I ordered her to put her hands behind her back and I began to tape her hands together, “Happy?” I asked.
“Yes Master,” she replied back, and with her arms secured I massaged her breast through her bra for a moment until the nipples stiffened, she sighed and I reached for the scissors she had by the tape, and eased the point below her bra strap, “No, not that," she said.
The fabric and elastic were tough, “Stop it!" she says, “That is my best bra!"
“I am you master," I said as the strap finally parted, “I decide not you!"
“But Pavit!" she said.
I took the scissors away and eased them down the side of her panties, the blade sheared easily through the soft white fabric and the ruined panties fluttered to the floor, a second cut and they came away.
“Pavit, don’t be stupid!" she said, but I took the ruined panties and made them into a ball and stuffed a them in her mouth and taped like the man on the BDSM video.
She was trying to shout now, she realised fantasy and real world are different things but her shouts only came out as gentle moaning, I liked that sound it excited me and my cock was straining against my briefs.
I took scissors and teased her breast and nipple with the cold shiny steel blade, she was begging for mercy, she thought I would cut her nipple, I liked it so slowly I moved the blade and cut the bra’s other shoulder strap flipped the catch at the back and removed completely from her body.
She was naked now as I started playing with her breasts, I sucked the left nipple, then smacked it, then the right, she was shaking her head for me to stop, but she was helpless, as I continued to suck, smack, massage and pinch her breasts and nipples.
She sat back against the sofa but I pulled her upright and gave her a few slaps across her lovely round ass making it turn a reddish pink, then I spread her ass lips before working a finger around to her vagina.
She was hot and wet for me, three fingers wet, I could probably have got four in but I didn’t have time.
Her moaning was very heavy now and she started struggling. I pulled her, got her off balance and lowered her to the ground, she shook her head but I ignored her as I pulled my shirt over my head and pushed down my pants releasing my rock hard ten inch dick.
I knelt down and put my knees between hers and aimed my dick at her sopping hole, she shook her head violently, saying no but her body screamed 'Yes’ as juices dripped from her sopping hole so I did not waste time but thrust my dick inside her with a single thrust making her gasp as I started fucking her.
Despite her being so hot her pussy was surprisingly tight, very tight in fat as she had not been fucked months and never by such a big dick, so much that it was little hard for me to insert my dick all the way and she shouted a muffled cry of pain.
I felt ashamed that I had hurt her so I started to move my dick more slowly, stroking front and back slowly she moaned heavily, but I was in heaven and it was driving me crazy I increased the speed and she started to thrust back at me as she slowly started enjoying it.
I was in heaven and wanted to stay there so I tried everything to stop from shooting my load but I could not contain myself, “I love you!" I said like an idiot and my cream was pulsing and bubbling deep in her willing womb sating her entirely.
We just lay together as my dick shrank, but as I looked at her it started to get stiff again so I started to fuck her again, she shook her head but it was too ood, she felt divine around me and the gods called me to heaven again as I fucked hard racing for a climax wanting it to end, but it was not right so I slowed again,
I think all in all we fucked for an hour but finally when my balls were full again I shot my load gloriously inside her and everything in the world was right, I think she came 3 times including twice when I spunked in her and she was very tired.
I removed the tape and soiled ruined panties from her mouth, immediately she protested, “When I shake my head we end the session!”
“You are my slave, you have no say in it,” I said.
She smiled, “Good, I knew I had chosen the right man,” she said, “I wanted to use a condom.” she said.
“No, we fuck bare back,” I insisted.
“Will you untie my hands, I want a drink of water,” she said quietly.
“No need," I said and I got her some water in a bowl which I set on the floor, then I held her shoulders and helped her to drink the water.
“I need the bathroom,” she said, “Please release my hands.”
“I will help you,” I suggested and I helped her to her feet and we went to the bathroom where I sat her on the toilet and took a wet flannel and gently began to clean her parts.
Then I took a piss aiming between her legs so all her belly fur was soaked with piss.
“Oh Pavit, put me in the bath and piss on me please!” she said, “Piss in my mouth and everywhere!”
“Are you sure?” I said, “I always wanted to piss on some one, piss in their mouth, in the street!”
"One day Pavit, one day soon, drink lots of water and piss on me now!” she agreed.
I helped her into the bath and went and drank some orange juice and lots of cool water, it chilled my belly making me want to piss and soon I was in the bath room aiming a stream of warm piss all the way up from Mary’s knees to her belly and tits and finally into her gaping mouth.
She gargled with my piss, I felt like a king, all my dreams come true and then my dick was hard again so I knelt in the bath so Mary could suck me off.
I dreamed of castles and impossible skies as Mary sucked my cock, taking all 12 inches deep so deep in her throat that I thought she might choke until finally my poor aching balls released the final spurts of cum.
I wiped my dick in her hair.
I asked “How was it for you?”
She said her dream came true, but I was rough she said she wanted to stop many times in the session but that I ignored her, but it did not matter as she loved the session very much, it was probably her best fuck she ever had in her life and she wanted it again and again and she planted a deep kiss on my mouth which seemed to go on for ever.
We took a shower together and she went to put her dressing gown on but I reminded her I wanted her naked.
“Pavit, we had our fun," she said, “I like BDSM very much and when I get excited I can not control myself, but fun time is over.”
“No,” I said, “This is your life, I am your master now, except at school I control everything you do.”
“Pavit!” she said, “It was a game,” she said.
“No you will prepare lunch for me and you will stay naked," I insisted.
“Maybe next week?" she said, “It is all very sudden."
“Yes, it will give me time too," I agreed, “But we must make plans."
“Yes," she agreed, “I have some magazines in the bedroom, and web sites."
We went to her bedroom where there was a double bed and she opened her laptop and as it booted she brought a collection of bondage magazines from the closet
We started to make a shopping list for things to purchase for the next week’s session.
A slave collar and leash for her, and she blushed while writing it on the list and, than few ropes, cloth clips, plastic strip, sellotape, rubber bands, different types of bra and a pair of double dildo panties, she asked the purpose of these things I said she will know it next week.
We spent the whole afternoon together talking and by the time we finished the list it was evening, some of the things would have to be mail order as neither of us could enter a lower caste sex shop, but others we could improvise and we decided to visit the late night pet shop down town.
She got dressed in her school mistress clothes, and we went down and phoned for a TukTuk taxi. Just as we were going to leave I said, “Mary, I am your master, give me your money and keys and leave your purse behind."
“But Pavit!" she said.
“Master, keys, money, cards," I said.
She reluctantly handed me the cards and keys and her little wallet her cash money and set her hand bag down.
“One more thing, no panties,” I insisted.
“No, that is too much,” she said.
I had the scissors ready so I simply lifted her skirt and snipped the side out of her panties which fluttered down rest on her right foot, “As you wish,” I agreed.
Pavit” she exclaimed with wide eyes as she realised I loved BDSM as much as she did, and she giggled as she kicked the ruined panties away.
The TukTuk came and we sat in the open seat with the cool air wafting round Mary’s naked cunt, “Mmmm,” she moaned, “Clever Pavit,” as usually shewould have taken a taxi.
The pet shop owner was confused when we asked for a collar. “You must bring the dog,” he insisted, and when we tried to explain he suggested, “How big is dog neck, neck big as mine, yours? hers? he asked.
I tried my hands around Mary’s neck, “I guess like Mary,” I agreed.
“Then try this one,” he suggested.
I gently buckled it round Mary’s neck, “See perfect!” the man laughed, “I understand,” he said, “We have matching leash, you need bowl, water bowl, foodbowl?”
“I guess,” I agreed.
“Good, I have everything, we have club meet Tuesday most weeks,” he said with a beaming smile, “I give you card.”
We bought bowls and leash as well as the collar and in the change the man slipped me a card, “BDSM dogging every Tuesday,” and a phone number. Mary almost forgot to take the collar off! but we decided to have a meal in town before we tried out our new toys.
To be continued
A rewrite of "Meena becoming a slave" by Ravi Raj, though little now remains of the original
Note this is a work of fiction and the names are fictitious as are the actions of the characters. The events descibed never took place outside the author’s imagination
The original was double spaced, I may try and reduce it again but I had terrible trouble with the formatting as it is a re write and missed quite a lot of the original typos. The 80% score compares well with the 3 minimum scores the original scored on BDSMlibrary Andrew
Double-spacing between paragraphs is good, but TRIPLE-SPACING
is poor formatting.
You need to proof-read everything you write PRIOR to posting it.
There are several errors in this story that should have been corrected before you posted it.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
is poor formatting.
You need to proof-read everything you write PRIOR to posting it.
There are several errors in this story that should have been corrected before you posted it.