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Cindy entertains at a bachelor party
Sharing Cindy
Chapter 18

Stories about wife sharing and sex outside of marriage tend to polarize people. Some people are open minded enough to know that this happens and many people enjoy this type of lifestyle. Conversely there are some people who feel the need to read the entire story and then make negative comments either publically of privately about how disgusting this is. To those of you who fall into the first group, I am sure you are enjoying hearing about our personal adventures and want to thank you for your support. To those who fall into the latter group, I want to say I feel sorry for you. Not only because you are missing out on a lot of fun, but also your life must be so devoid of excitement that you find it necessary to make derogative comments. I can only wish you good luck on your quest to lose your virginity.

Cindy had been working with Cliff for a while and had managed to not only have sex with him over her desk, but also on several other occasions away from work. He was one of those guys who understood his good fortune in finding a sexy who enjoyed sex for no other reason than it is fun; a woman who doesn’t put any other constraints on your life. He also understood he was there to fill a need and never attempted to push their relationship further.

One night Cindy came home from work and said she needed to talk to me about something. Of course whenever a woman says “We need to talk” alarm bells begin to go off and you begin to rethink everything you said in the past few days. Fortunately it was nothing bad.

As we sat down to talk, she told me that Cliff had approached her with a proposal. It seemed that a friend of his was getting married and he was helping to set up the bachelor party. Of course my mind was racing as to all the naughty things that can happen at them. I asked her what he wanted from her. She told me that he was going to hire a stripper for the party, but wondered whether she would be interested in doing it. There it was. My heart began to pound thinking about my wife stripping for a group of horny guys.

She went on to tell me that he was going to pay $500 for a stripper and it was hers if she wanted it. The party was going to be on the other side of town in the basement of the groom’s father. He said that he was hoping that she would do it as she was the hottest girl he knew and he was sure his buddy would love to see her nude. She asked if she could talk to me and get back to him. He said sure but to let him know soon so he could book someone else if she didn’t want to do it.

I had a ton of questions….How many guys? What was she expected to do? What was she supposed to wear? Could she do it? Did it turn her on to think about stripping and turning all those guys on? Who was going to be there? And on and on. She seemed to have all the answers and then looked into my eyes and said “I think I want to do it.” It was settled.

The party was in three weeks and over that time we not only prepared for it by picking out her clothes and songs, but we enjoyed a lot of great sex talking about it and how turned on it was making us both. Of course I would always bring it up during sex and tell her little fantasies about her getting fucked at the party by all the guys. She said that it wasn’t going to be like that as the groom’s and some of the bride’s family would be there. I told her it would be so hot to see her in action. She convinced Cliff to tell everyone that I was her “chaperone” to guarantee things were on the up and up. I could hardly wait.

The night finally came and we arrived a little after 10:00. It was a very nice house and Cliff led us into the family upstairs. We could hear all of the noise coming from the basement and loud music. Cliff said he would go downstairs and let them know the entertainment had arrived and then put her music on. She was to come down the stairs, do her dance for everyone, and then concentrate on the groom.

I have to admit, I was probably every bit as excited as she was and couldn’t wait to watch her. She had decided to wear a black bra and panty set, thigh high stockings, a black leather mini skirt, a sheer black blouse and a leather jacket over top. She had on a pair of black spiked heels to finish it off. She had teased her hair a little to make it kind of wild and put on some sexy make up. She looked hot.

We heard the music stop and then the first song of hers came on. I opened the basement door and she began to descend into the basement. I hung back a little so that every eye was on her. As she got about half way down, the first hoots and hollers began. By the time she had made it to the bottom of the stairs, the catcalls were almost louder than the music. It was apparent that these guys had been waiting for her and while they waited had consumed a lot of alcohol.

I walked down and saw that the basement was one huge room and it was packed all the way around the walls. Cliff had said it was going to be about 15-20 guys, but it was probably closer to 50! Everything had been moved away from the center of the room except for a single chair with a tall blond guy wearing a white tux with tail and top hat sitting in it. I had never seen someone wear a tux to the bachelor party, but hey, it was his night to do as he pleased.

Cindy had begun to dance around the room and would stop and turn her back to about every fifth guy and grind her ass into their crotches. You could tell most of them wanted to grab her but they would look over at me and think twice. Had they only known that everything would be OK with me! She got about halfway around the room and then began to remove her jacket. She slowly slid it down her arms and turned to have one of the guys catch it. As the jacket came off, it was obvious to all that they could now see her bra through the shirt.

Each time she would dance up to one of the guys I was hoping he would grab her, but all of them were being very restrained. Even the time or two she raised the rear of her skirt and rubbed her panty-clad ass on someone’s crotch. As the first song came to an end, she began to strut over to the groom in the chair. Everyone let out a hoot as she placed her foot on the chair right between his legs and pressed the toe of her shoe into his crotch.

She finally began to remove her top and seductively began to unbutton it as she danced for him. Once it was undone, she turned her back to him and looked over her shoulder. He pulled it down off her shoulders and off. She then began to run her hands up and down her thighs, each time taking her skirt a little higher. Once she had given us all a peek at her sheer panties, she turned to him and told him to unzip her. He did and soon her skirt was in a puddle at her feet. She stepped out of it and kicked it to me.

Now, in only her bra, panties and stockings she did one fast circle around the room, letting everyone get a close up look at her. When she came near me, I could tell she was extremely horny and when she winked at me I almost came in my pants. Watching my wife act like a slut in front of all these guys was a major turn on. She got back over to the groom just as the song changed to deep heavy bass track.

This new music made her really begin to bump and grind her hips. She straddled the groom facing him and put her arms around his neck she then leaned way back and looked back at the rest of us. She even blew a kiss to several guys. She then stood and turned her back to the groom and sat back down. She leaned over and whispered something and he reached up to the back of her bra. In short order he had it unsnapped. She held her hands up against the cups so it didn’t fall away from her tits yet. All of the guys were screaming for her to take it off. She then stood, turned around, let go of the bra and as it slid down her arms she squeezed her tits together, making them look incredible. She leaned into the groom and rubbed a nipple across his lips. I saw his tongue poke out and just get a quick taste. She did one more circle around the room, shaking her tits and grabbing them for all the guys to see.

When she got back to the groom, she stepped between his legs and placed her foot on the chair again. She had him unbuckle her shoes and remove them, one after the other. Then she looked around the room one more time before she raised her foot once again. This time she didn’t place it on the chair between his legs, but instead put her foot right over the bulge in his pants. Everyone loved it. She sort of made an “oops” face and put her hand up to her mouth. She reached out took his hands and placed then on her thighs, right at the top of her stockings. She had him slide each of them down and off her legs.

Now she was in front of a room full of guys, in only a pair of flimsy panties, making all of our cocks hard. She was in her element. She turned around a couple of times, giving us all a complete look at her body. I don’t think I have ever seen her nipples quite so hard. She then took hid top hat from him and placed it on her head. She turned her back to him and reached back and took both of his hands in hers. She put them onto her hips, right at the top of her panties. She looked over her shoulder and told him to go ahead. His hands were shaking as he began to slide her panties off.

Once they were down over her knees he released them and they fell to the floor. She made a production out of bending over keeping her knees straight as she picked them up. He had her very wet pussy staring him right in the face. She turned around and took her panties and placed them on his head. Everyone was laughing like crazy. I was wondering just how far she was going to go. She then straddled his lap once again and grabbed his head and rubbed it in between her tits. After this she stood up. Looked around and was playing to the crowd who were encouraging her to go further.

She then turned, dropped to her knees and ran her hands up his thighs. I couldn’t believe it. Would she really? She reached for his belt buckle but he stopped her. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear. (He told her his future father in law was watching) She smiled and nodded her head. She stood and gave him a kiss, then turned to the crowd and bowed. They were yelling and clapping like crazy. I could tell she was really enjoying the attention. She walked over to me and we walked up the stairs together so she could get dressed.

Cliff met us upstairs and handed her a stack of bill. He told her that he had passed the hat and the guys had all chipped in more as a tip. (I would count it all later it and found it totaled $860!) He asked us to hang around for a little bit and have a couple of drinks. I wanted to get her home and get my own private dance, but she was having fun and I didn’t want to deny her that. After about an hour of mingling with everyone, she came up to me and asked me if I minded if she went into one of the bedrooms with Cliff for a few minutes. Of course I said Ok and proceeded to get into a pool game with a couple of other guys.

I had been playing for a long time and didn’t notice when she came back into the room. She came over and whispered in my ear that she had been a very bad girl. Right away I knew she had been fucked. I excused myself and told the guys I had to get her back. We left and as we were heading home I asked what happened in the bedroom. She said that she and Cliff snuck off to have a quickie and were in the middle of fucking when the door opened and the best man snuck in. She said he was really funny and kept talking as they went back to fucking. After Cliff shot off, the best man said that since the groom couldn’t do anything, maybe he could stand in. She said he was very funny and seemed like a nice guy so she told him told come over to the bed and she proceeded to give him head. She also said that he came more than anyone she has ever been with and almost choked her! He thanked her and said goodbye to her and Cliff and left the room. She knew she better get out of there before he told anyone.

Needless to say, when we got home I had her do a short version of the dance for me, telling her how hot she looked dancing for all those guys. She said that it was fun and that it really stroked her ego knowing all of those guys wanted her. We probably didn’t get to sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning, but it was with a smile on both of our faces.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-22 12:11:56
I love xxx movie

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-26 17:31:02
She should hook up with another chick and put on Lea shows. I'll bet she could make good money doing it. Or maybe get a Great Dane to bone her. Yeah that would be Awsome. I want to see that.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-01-06 20:50:51
It is so hot when normal women strip at bachelor parties. Too many strippers act too mechanical and bored

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-12-23 04:50:44
I was at a bachelor party where the stripper came out and it was my sister in law. She saw me and freaked. They made her dance any way. I now have something over her and told her I will keep quiet if she fucks me.


2014-12-05 14:19:33
From the author..... In answer to some inquiries, these stories about my wife are indeed true. They happened over about a 15-20 year period and we continue to have fun to this day.

I will probably tell about the other bachelor party sometime in the future, as well as more adventures Cindy has had with not only some if her bosses, but one of mine as well.

Thanks again for reading these and if you have any other questions I would be happy to answer them.

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