I hadn't seen Brianna in class again since that day that Leticia joined in the bargain for good grades. Oddly enough she kept showing up to class, even though her scholastic efforts dropped to zero. But I didn't care, that fantastic ass fuck was worth an easy A. I have to admit for a while I was worried about sodomizing her without wearing a condom as I wondered how many boys had been up her poop shoot. But no point in crying over spilled milk.
What was weighing on my mind was that this was the last day of the semester. It had been a long brutal wait for my "present" and if she didn't come through on her end, I was just gonna fail her. She couldn't prove shit, I had the video tape, and it had been weeks, actually technically months. She better not think I was that much of a push over. That first fuck was god damned amazing but that was just to bring her back to even. She said if I played along I would get my present. I had played along, her progress reports were good grades, her absences not reported. Where was my god damn present.
I was sitting there, watching the clock tick slowly. I was sticking around until last period, even though I didn't have a final period class to wait for Brianna. It was 3 minutes until class was over and I was gonna turn in my grades before I left, just to be sure she got what was coming to her. I was beginning to pack my things when heard a knock. I would be lying if I said I didn't sit up bolt straight in my seat. Oh my god, was it her?!?!?!?
The door opened and it was! My dick was rock hard inside of 5 seconds, I was so ready for a second round!
"Oh good, ju are still here! I was worried maybe you went home Mr. Williams." Brianna said as she sauntered in, her hips swaying.
Jesus she looked brilliant! I was already dreaming of cumming inside her. Well, if she let me, but she did before, why not again? She had on a one piece lavender dress, it was kind of an 80's kind of throwback. Light and fuzzy, it cut a bit low on her chest, showing the cleavage of her glorious breasts and was form fitting. It went all the way to her mid thigh. She had a double wide studded black belt around the waist and was wearing black fishnet stockings that must have been full size because there were no garters to be seen. She also had on black closed toe high heels, stripper height. God I thought I might pop right in my pants!
"I am here Brianna, I was waiting for you. I have been for a while, I was worried you wouldn't show."
"Oh no, I remembered our deal. You have been very good, my mom hasn't been notified about grades or absences. I am very happy."
"Sh-should I lock the door?" I asked. My voice was cracking, she owned me so completely, and I think she knew it. But I was fucking ready to go! The camera was loaded and ready and I had added a better microphone, I wanted to hear the sex this time when I re watched it.
"Actually, I thought we could meet later tonight? I had something special in mind. Do you know where the Silly Sanchez motel is?"
"Uh, nnnnno."
"It's on 45th and Blake."
"Um, that is kind of a rough area Brianna, I don't think they would take kindly to a white guy walking around."
"Haha, si, senor, but just drive straight there and go to the room I text to you. Oh yah, I need your phone number." She said with a smile. Her purple eyeshadow matched her dress and her smile, god it was stunning. Whatever she wanted as long as I got one more taste of her. I gave her my number and she walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"See you tonight papi, meet me at about 8 ok?"
"Y-y-yes Brianna, see you then."
With that she was out the door, looking as good going away as she did coming in. I got up and locked the door and grabbed some kleenex and rubbed a quick one out, and I mean quick, imagining her straddling me with her dress gathered around her waist, her chest and pelvis exposed, her pussy coaxing the cum from my cock.
I went home and checked the time, I would need to leave for the hotel in about an hour. I ate light dinner, I didn't want to be weighted down. I took a shit, showered and shaved, did my best to look as good as I could. I had been eating right and had taken to running in the afternoons, and I looked halfway decent I have to say, at least compared to how I looked in the mirror a couple of months ago. I put on the nicest shirt and suit I owned. I know it is silly to be concerned about how I looked, headed to a seedy hotel in a shitty Latino part of town, but, well, Brianna was that hot. I stopped along the way and grabbed a couple of bottles of decent champagne and grabbed some flowers as well.
You would have thought I was on my way to a first date, but nope, just a booty call, but a fucking amazing one, and this time I was ready. I had beat off one more time in the shower, I should have a empty chamber, and I hoped that would allow me to hold out. I also had grabbed a bottle of numbing gel from the adult video store. Anything I could do to slow it all down. to last a bit longer with my goddess.
I let google maps lead me to the hotel. I stopped in the parking lot not knowing which room to go towards when I looked at my phone and realized I had gotten a text. Room 18. I drove into the spot next to the motel door with a 1 and an 8 and got out, suddenly very nervous and excited. So much so I started to feel like I was nauseous.
I knocked on the door and Brianna quickly answered. "Hello maestro, come on in!"
She had heavier makeup on now but the same outfit, god I wanted to just bend her over and screw her hard until I popped. But she had lead me before and it was perfect, I decided to trust her lead again.
She looked in the mirror and pulled her hair up and held it in place with a banana clip. How fun it would be to pull that out during our love making and watch her hair cascade over her shoulders. I knew it was right to trust her.
She turned and looked at me, "champagne and flowers? Trying to win my heart maestro?" She giggled and walked to the bathroom door and knocked once and went in. I heard another voice in there, another female voice. What the hell did she have planned, I wondered. She emerged a minute later and came back into the main room where I was sitting on the queen sized bed. The room smelled of cigarettes, and I wondered if I should worry about bed bugs.
"Ok, so this is . . .aye punto!" She stomped back to the bathroom and reappeared with another young lady. I will describe her in a minute, and it is something else, believe me.
"Dis is my sister Isabella. Dice holla!" Brianna yelled at her.
"Hello . . " Squeaked Isabella, her voice very soft in stature and in inflection.
"So Isabella's initiation is right around the corner, and you fucked me all gentle and shit, so I thought you would be perfect to break her in, and I figure she is as pretty as me, no?"
"She's . . . . shockingly pretty Brianna. She's . . . your sister? What initiation?" I felt very confused. I took it this little flower was being offered up to me, but why I couldn't fathom.
"You know, to get in with the Vatos. They won't be gentle so I figured she needs to get broken in asap. So I will be back to pick her up a los siete tomorrow, ok Mr. Williams?" Brianna said with her eye brows raised, and a matter of fact look on her face.
"Uh. . . er . . . Bri-Brianna she doesn't really look like she is very eager."
"Who give a fuck what she thinks? I already told her, she don't want to get broken in during initiation, I seen it an it ain't pretty. They might tear her shit up real. Look if she don't seal our deal, I will put out, ok? But it's her mistake if she don't."
Brianna said something to Isabella in Spanish that was far too fast and slang for me to understand, but it sure as hell sounded threatening.
"Adios maestro, have fun." With that she was out the door. As I moved my line of sight from the door to the young lady before me, my eyes passed the clock. 8:17 PM. I had this offering for the next 11 hours? How many times did she expect me to give this young . . . jesus, what word even fits her? Gorgeous would be an insult. Perfect, she was perfect. I didn't actually know that yet, I would know in a few minutes. But trust me . . . perfect.
She was staring down at her feet. Well her sandals on her feet. But even her face partly down I could see how amazing she was. I assume Brianna was telling the truth about her being her sister, but she was naturally darker than Brianna by a good bit, a very consistent Snickers candy bar color to her skin. She had very long black hair, with a medium long curl to it, down to the middle of her back. She had the most amazing fit to her body. She was petite, but thick at the same time. But not thick like a rap video girl, she was perfectly firm and full. Her curved that were visible were coma inducing. She was wearing short jean shorts, the black sandals and a summer time top, a black background with tons of bright flowers on in. The top was around her waist, drooped all the way to her lower back in the back, and in the front it went right up to her neckline and around her neck, tied in the back. It tapered up, so her shoulders were exposed. Her shoulders were equidistant from her neck, and her arms were soling cylinders, just long enough to give them a very slight feminine willowy, but thick enough around to look sturdy.
Her shoulders sloped up to her neck and a perfect pace and her slightly thicker than average neck made the transition to her head look like a well designed perch. She was still looking at the floor.
"Isabella?" I said.
She looked up and me and brought her face up. Not even a hint of makeup, and absolutely flawless. Not a single blemish or hint of one. Perfectly smooth, the skin the exact same color as everywhere else on her body. Her eyebrows were pronounced and were jet black like her hair. Her large brown eyes were shaped like almonds, and the whites of her eyes didn't show a spot of red. Her nose was smooth and her nostrils were identical in size. Her lips had a slight pout to them and had a natural deep reddish brown crimson. I tell you her face was perfect, the most beautiful woman to exist. Ten minutes ago, if told to take a lie detector test on sodium pentathol I would have said Brianna was top five in hottest women on the planet. Isabella was years ahead of her, she made Brianna look average. She made the woman I wold have sold my soul to Satan to have for keeps, look down right fucking ordinary.
"Isabelle, I won't make you do anything you don't want to, no matter what Brianna said." I said in a soothing tone, and tried to look as nonthreatening as possible.
"I . . . I have to. If I don't Brianna will get mad at me." Isabella said louder than when she said hello. Even her voice. It was melodious and like someone was singing. I had to find some way to see what these two girl's mother looked like.
"You really don't, I will tell her our deal is fine and to not make you do things."
She walked to me slowly and sat her five foot four frame next to me.
Looking straight ahead she said, "But I can't avoid initiation. Brianna will force me to join her gang no matter what. She told me if I don't, it's gonna really hurt next weekend."
"Do you want to be in her gang?"
"Do you want me to help you?"
"You don't understand. It isn't something I get to decide. If I run, or ratted them out, they would kill my mom and probably my baby sister."
"You think Brianna would allow that?"
"Brianna is the boss, she would be the one to order it."
"How could she do something like that?" I asked startled genuinely.
"Don't think you know her Mr. Williams?"
"Call me Brad."
"She is not a good person Brad, she has already done some pretty fucked up shit. I am not stupid enough to cross her like that."
She finally turned and looked at me and I stared at her perfect face. Not a blemish, and not a single pore of her skin visible, and all this with no makeup at all. No mascara needed to darken her eyes, her skin and lashes did it seamlessly. No need to pluck her eyebrows, they grew in with perfect precision. Her lips looked just thin enough for great kissing and just plump enough to be great for cock sucking. Despite what were clearly terrific dimensions of a mature woman, she looked very young up close. A concern entered my mind.
-if you want the link to the photo that made me think of this part of the story, let me know to include it.
"Um, Isabella, how . . . how old are you?" Already knowing if she was younger than Brianna, it wasn't likes to be an good answer.
"Fourteen." She said, still looking into my eyes.
My face must have shown the crushing I felt. Most of what I said was talk. One way or another I was going to take Brianna up on her offer and fuck the diamond she laid in my lap. But my god, that young? I almost couldn't believe it, she could have passed for 25 if you didn't take a long close look at her, and her figure, how the hell did she have a body like that? How could she be more perfectly designed for sex and impregnation already?
"Isabella. I. I. There is no way I can do anything with you. Do you know how illegal that is" I stood up and paced for a minute, then reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys.
"I am gonna take you home."
"Nnnnnnooo!" Isabelle cried and jumped up to me and wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my chest. Her hair tickling my chin. "Please, she told me when I come home she is gonna check me and make sure its been used. She said if I don't, she is gonna break me in with this huge long black fake penis that she calls the black mamba. If I don't show up she will hurt my mommy. Please don't make that happen."
Oh jesus. What the fuck do I do? I mean, with the direction her life was going, the body she had basically been cursed with at her age, and her family, this girl was going to get fucked one way or another a large number of times. Whether by me, gangs, uncles, teachers. Women who looked like that got used. A girl who looked like that would get destroyed. The most beautiful woman on earth would probably die in her early twenties, to drugs or violence in her gang. She would get fucked mercilessly by god knows how many members of the gang and slutty girls are easy to identify, even if it isn't their choice and plenty of other men would get a dip in the the pool. I would probably be doing her a favor by the fact that I was kind and don't have a big unit. But everything screamed in my head to take her to the police for protection and hope they could protect her mother and sister.
She had stopped crying and was just holding on to me, her face to the side. Even from above that face was priceless.
"Here Isabella, let's just sit here for a bit and see if we can figure out what to do. Ok?"
She didn't resist and we sat down on the bed. I reached around to her arm and held her lightly and she put her head against my chest. I talked to her about the places I had been to and every happy story from my life I could think of, and usually embellish. Before you know it, I had her laughing softly at my tales and I could feel her tension melt. I thought maybe I could convince her to let me take her and her mom to the cops. We could figure out a way. Everyone has a cell phone. Of course at some point I had to focus to get my erection to go away. I was rock fucking hard down my left pant leg, sitting next to Isabella, her body cradled in my arm, her side, resting on mine, the side of her breast could be felt, and damn if it didn't seem to have the perfect amount of firmness and softness.
As I was trying to figure out a good way to broach the subject I told a story that made Isabella really laugh and she brought her hand down on my thigh, a totally innocent thing, but she placed her hand where my erection was.
"That is so fu-- OOOOOOhhhhhh!" She hopped away from me a bit on the foot of the bed, her hands clasped over her mouth and nose. She was staring at my crotch with her eyes open wide. I sat frozen, unsure what to say, I must seem like sex crazed lunatic with a hard on like that to her.
She lowered her hands and slowly looked up into my eyes before looking back at my pant leg. "Is . . .is that your . .. your penis?"
"Yes, I'm sorry about that, all day I thought I was gonna be having sex with . . well it doesn't matter. It has a mind of it's own."
She scooted back over to me and put her hand back on the spot, this time deliberately. "This is it. This is the one."
Apparently she hadn't changed her position. "Really Isabella, we really can work this out."
Suddenly there was a pound on the wall. Then again. Then again. Then it stayed in rhythm, and you could make out moans and groans. Apparently my room wasn't the only one rented in expectation of sex.
"If you won't do this for me, I will walk around and ask. I don't think it will take long." Isabella said to me.
"Isabella . .. .. do you even know what sex is?"
"Brianna made me watch some porn videos on her laptop, so I do. It looks kind of weird and the positions don't look comfortable."
I laughed. "Nope, they most certainly are not comfortable. But no one uses most of those."
"Can I see it?"
"You know what."
"Isabella . . . "
"Either that thing is is going to be inside me or another one is. If it isn't going to be yours, then you should leave so I can have the room."
I sighed, I still didn't know what I was going to do, but my hard on hurt at this point, a few minutes of being not constrained would maybe even alleviate the throbbing I felt in my cock, a cock that was still hungry for Brianna but was quickly opening up to Isabella.
I stood up and pushed my pants and underwear over my hard on and let them fall to the floor. I have never been impressed with my sub par cock but Isabella had never seen one in person, and her fascinated stare was more than enough to keep it hard, in fact, it even jumped once.
"Woooooooow. The videos always had black guys, I think they are the ones Brianna likes to hook up with. Yours has so much more detail. Can I touch it?" Isabella asked, her eyes open widely as she and reached out and slid a finger along one side of the shaft.
"Ooooofff!" I said with a grimace, the bolt of feeling sent thorough my unit. It jerked again, I was walking around with one hell of a loaded gun.
"Oh gosh! Sorry! Did I do something wrong?!" Isabella seemed panicked.
"No, no, uh, it just. . . gets sensitive." I explained.
"oh, thank goodness!." She reached out and touched it again. It jumped again and she giggled with delight, and even snorted. She poked the head lightly.
"Oooo-OOOOH!" I said and held my breath.
"Haha, oh that sounded like the videos. Did I do something right?" She slid her whole hand along the side and then over the top and back off over the head. I knew what was going to happen and I was ashamed of myself for not saying anything.
"mmmmff-ooohhhrrrp" I said into my bitten lip.
Isabella reached out and naively rubbed her fingers around it. "Wow, look at all the veins! They all got really bii-Aaaaaagh!"
The first spurt of cum shot out of my dick and hit Isabella's staring face right in the forehead and dripped down into her eyes.
"NNNNNah!" the second rope exploded from me as I fell a step back against the dresser, my cum launching into the air and landed in Isabella's hair.
"Oh god, eww!" Isabella said as my third shot, better than I could have ever aimed landed straight across her mouth and got a good glob inside. She spit to the floor and was crying as she went from entertained to shocked to disgusted in 10 seconds time.
"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Isabella jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom and turned on the sink. It took me a moment to regain my composure. I had never had an orgasm without stroking fingers, a mouth, a pussy or, these days an ass helping it along. My cum volume was not all that large, and my orgasm had been underwhelming. I felt only a fraction of the drowsiness I was accustomed to.
I really hadn't meant to do that to that gorgeous little angel. But it was so pent up, and Brianna had looked great and I thought I was gonna fuck her. Then I saw this bombshell and she touched in and, well, I didn't have much warning and god damn it, that cum needed to come out one way or another. I stumbled to the bathroom, my pants and boxers left on the floor. Isabella had her whole face in the sink trying to clean my baby batter off of her face. I stroked her shoulders and pulled her up.
We were looking at each other in the eye via the mirror.
"I am so sorry Isabella. I didn't mean to do that to you. In an odd way it is a compliment of how beautiful you really are."
"it is?" She asked in a crying voice.
"Yes" I said as I stroked her hair, my cum still littered throughout. "We need to get you cleaned off properly. Can you take your clothes off?"
"Ummm, ok." She seemed shy again, a very different girl from the one who was playing with my manhood. Which had shriveled up to about three inches. The thing had been through a lot of orgasms, mostly self caused today, the blood sucked out quickly.
Now Isabella had on short shorts and a flimsy shoulder-less top. It wasn't like much of her body was hidden, but even so, there was no imagination in the world that would have done her justice. She pushed her shorts and undies down to the floor and pulled her top over her head and crossed her arms, shielding her breasts.
"It's alright Isabella, we are going to be lovers, you can let me see." Despite what had already happened, I was still hoping to avoid taking this girl's innocence. But as my eyes took in her bare body, I wasn't sure I could promise it. I know before I said she was perfect, but she was beyond perfect. I could not mentally construct a better body than she had.
I turned on the water and got it to a good temp and pulled the curtain aside. "Hop on in. "
She obliged and the moment when the front foot was in the tub and her back foot was on its toes the perfect sculpting was at it's best. Her skin had the identical golden chocolate brown color over ever inch, and her proportions were precise, she did not seem to crease anywhere, in any position. Her leg, up from her flexed foot was a perfect line up her straightened knee over her slightly expanding thigh, ending in a noticeable outward bulge of her stretched butt cheek. The slope then went into her lower back, in it's natural form, causing her to be slightly siting back on her butt, forcing it out. Her breasts were what every plastic surgery had tried to accomplish. Mid sized c's, so perky they stood straight on end, even without a bra, the skin so perfectly sculpted that there was no way for the breasts to sag. The arealas were the exact same size, about the size of a half dollar, with small hard nipples. Her stomach was smooth and rounded at every edge, her small belly button held a swinging two piece diamond or facsimile of. On to the neck I described before.
"God that skin looks fucking airbrushed!" I though to myself. There was one thing I knew for sure. I had to touch that body.
After I watched her form disappear I followed her in. She seemed momentarily surprised when she saw me enter the shower but relaxed when I guided her another step back into the warm water. I watched the water fall over her. Her amazing smokey eyed, skin on her eyelids, and the perfect amount of natural blood rouge on her cheeks along with those lashes, and lips, she continued to look completely naturally like a woman with a perfect application of accentuation makeup. I ran one hand over and through her hair, washing my sperm out of it. There were no shampoos or soaps at this sleazy place, so it was a clean wash.
I put my other arm around her waist and pulled her up a bit, and almost gasped. Her skin, it was so smooth it gave a tactile sensation that has never been matched in human history. Silk isn't as nice as her skin, but if you add just a bit more friction, that would be close to how she felt. When I finished with her hair I saw Isabella was looking in my eyes. I put on hand on her cheek, my thumb right under her eye and tilted her to the side and met her lips with mine..
I let them linger for a moment and pulled them off. Another quick kiss. A third. On the next kiss I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue moved in perfect anticipation of mine. The natural reaction of her tongue was ingrained in her DNA. She was the perfect breeder. Her kiss pressure and moistness was bliss, as we continued to kiss long and deep. We kissed so long the water began to cool. At that point Isabella pulled back.
"I'm ready." She said, looking into my eyes.
I reached behind her and turned off the water, the room was still very steamy and warm. I held her and reached through the curtain for a towel. I hoped it had been cleaned somewhat recently. I began to dry her and me but as we moved around to dry, we always had our bodies touching. She seemed to feel the same phobia that I did wherein losing touch with her would kill me. Finally she was dry and I let the towel fall. I was looking into her eyes.
"I'm ready," she repeated.
I looked at those deep gorgeous eyes, that perfect face, that soft skin, feeling her amazing breasts pressing into my chest, my hand on her bubble butt, and my semi hard penis, pressed up a bit along her pussy lips. My lip began to quiver as I knew I was indeed going to make love to this little girl. Her flawless 14 year old body was going to take my penis inside of it. I was going to make love to her, and deposit my seed within her. My high brain and my lower brain were in complete agreement. I wanted to impregnate the most perfect woman ever with my seed and never allow another seed inside her. I knew it was wrong, that I should take her home, or to the police or to a church. I should save her, but I was going to use her as much as Brianna was trying to. I did care about it, and I cried as I felt my innocence of the most basic humanity fail me, me failing myself.
Isabella began to cry softly watching me cry and I forced myself to pull it together. I stopped weeping, and cupped her face in both hands. I took one big breath.
"Yes, sweetheart, I am going to take your virginity and make you a woman."
Isabella breathed in a happy sigh and her watery eyes filled with joy. She grabbed me in a hug and I grabbed her back. I pushed her head back from mine and gave her a quick kiss.
"But not in this shithole. Get dressed, we're leaving." I said as I guided her out of the tub.
This is definitely one of your great series. You've taken an age-old plot and definitely made it your own. Hope this is not the last installment but you intend to finish the series, looking forward to see where you take this.
as always
johnny rotten
as always
johnny rotten