This is a kind of preamble to a story line I have been thinking about. It is loosely based on some real people I knew back in college and some of their exploits. If you guys like it I will see about writing some more. I am not going to write about Kayko, it’s just too difficult. I just hope you guys will enjoy this little bit of entertainment.
Hot Box
We were a perfect match…or at least that’s what it seemed like. When you can have your partner finish your sentence, and even put the same kind of funny twist on it that you would, it tells you something about that person. It’s something that makes them more special than anyone else in the whole world. And when it comes to any kind of relationship, isn’t that what it’s really all about?
I met Amanda my sophomore year at college in the archeology section of the library. That was six years ago. My dad had told me to “study hard” because he said it would lead me to opportunities later in life. But when I bumped into Amanda, I don’t think my dad was using the same definition of “study hard” that I was about to discover.
As it happened I was in the library to do some research for an assignment in my archeology class. Ancient Central American culture was my topic, and with a file card in my hand I walked up and down the aisles looking for the necessary book. It was just as I turned the corner at the end of the row when I walked right into someone. I had not even seen who it was because I was looking at the top shelf and had not lowered my gaze as I rounded the corner. After the immediate thud, I heard books and papers hitting the floor. I felt so stupid and immediately lowered my eyes to see who it was.
From that first moment of contact with her I was a goner. And I mean like done, stick a fork in me because I am not worth a shit anymore. She was absolutely gorgeous! (At least in my eyes) Her hair was this frizzly mass of strawberry blond mangled disaster that looked like she had just lost a fight with a paper shredder but tried to contain it with a rubber band. And she wasn’t very tall either, maybe 5 foot 6 and about 120 pounds. But she has the most gorgeous face I have ever seen. Her beautiful green eyes sit above high slender cheeks and a small pouty mouth with beautiful rosy lips. And with her nice slender build, aside from the mess of hair, she was easily a 10.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” I blurted out quickly as I looked down to see this gorgeous creature I had just walked in to.
She looked up at me with those sparkling eyes after she did a quick head to toe spot check of me and just smiled. “It’s ok,” she said as she squatted down and began picking up the research material I had just knocked out of her hands.
Taking a knee in front of her I extended every gentlemanly courtesy I knew of to help right this situation I had just caused. (My mom would have beaten me to death if I had not helped her pick everything up.) It was then that I got my first good look at her bare pussy. I wasn’t trying to look. I swear it! I really was doing everything I could to help pick up her papers. But as she had squatted down her legs had parted leaving her smooth bald pussy in plain view up her skirt. It was only when I had reached for a piece of paper between her feet that I noticed she was going commando.
“I am so sorry about this,” I stammered as my eyes kept going back to that savory looking honey pot while we continued to pick up the papers on the floor.
“It’s ok,” she reiterated as the stack on her knees grew a little larger and the task came to an end. “I wasn’t watching where I was going either.”
We stood up and looked at each other and just froze for a moment. It was really weird. Had she seen me looking up her skirt? Was she pissed? What was happening? I could feel my heart begin to pound in my chest like I had just run a mile with a tank on my back. It seemed like time just stopped. I mean I couldn’t hear a thing, or feel anything for those next few moments except for my heart thundering in my ears. In that flash I got lost in her eyes and my world was set out in front of me.
Swallowing hard I was just barely able to speak when some of my senses came back. “I’m David,” I said while extending my hand for a more formal greeting.
She didn’t even think when she extended her hand out to grasp mine because all of her papers rained back down to the floor. “I’m Amanda,” she said, not taking her eyes away from mine as she gently grasp my hand. “Call me Mandy.”
“Mandy,” I repeated as I looked her straight in the eyes. Her name flavored my mouth as sweet ambrosia, quenching my thirst but leaving me wanting more. “Let me help you with those,” I said as I again took a knee in front of her and began picking up her papers for the second time.
“I don’t know what’s got into me,” I heard her say with a short little laugh of amusement. As she squatted down directly across from me again her legs opened up, revealing her bald pussy to me once more. “I guess I just wanted you to look up my skirt again.” she said very “matter-of-factly”.
I froze in place with a hand full of papers and my heart in my throat. Did she just say what I thought she said? I looked up at her to see her looking directly at me with a coy but mischievous smile on her face. “Well?” she said as she shifted her weight a little to make her legs open a little farther. “Wanna take a look?”
I smiled back at her before I dropped my gaze and peered up her skirt between her creamy white legs. Her pussy was opened up a little this time, giving me a shallow look at the soft pink skin that was hidden the time before. I looked back up at her to see this slight look of lust on her face as she slowly brought her legs back together into a position that was considerably more lady like.
"Very nice,” I said as I picked up the last of the papers and set them carefully on her knees. When I locked eyes with her again I leaned in close to her and said quietly, “But I think you just wanted to see how hard you could make me here in the library.”
With that said I stood up. She stood up as well while clutching the now mangled bunch of papers to her belly. I could tell she wasn’t mad by the expression on her face. She was sporting a look of surprise, disbelief, hunger and lust all at the same time. And her nipples were hard; making it plainly evident that she did not wear any underwear at all. I could see them poking out hard against the material of her button down shirt. Looking at her face again I came to the inevitable conclusion, I had just wound this little kitty up to the point of no return.
“Oh really?!” she said as she took a half step to her left and set her destroyed research down on the end of a table. “And I suppose I had no effect on you at all?” she half asked, half stated just before she reached out and grasped my dick through my jeans.
Now I am no John Holmes, but I definitely have enough “manliness” to please any lady, especially since I know how to use what I have. But for Amanda, I think it really surprised her to feel the rock hard piece of meat hidden just a few layers down. Her eyes instantly got big and her mouth opened as her fingers tried to lock around my hardened shaft. “Oh my god!” I just barely heard her mouth out the words as her hand slid from the middle of my shaft all the way down to the base till she was cupping my balls. She was right; she had definitely made me hard.
“That’s a mighty nice ‘Hello’,” I said as I glanced around the room to see a few other students sitting at a few of the other tables. I shifted to her left and put my right arm around her. She really was small because the top of her shoulder came up to my armpit. With one arm around her waist it was easy to guide Mandy around the end of the bookcase and into the aisle so we were a little more secluded. The strange thing is that she never let go of my dick. I think she was mesmerized or something. Once we were a few feet in from the end of the bookcase I stopped, allowing Mandy to turn her back to the bookcase full of books while I squared up directly in front of her.
“So you like that, do you?” I said as I leaned forward a bit to apply some more pressure to her hand with my groin.
“Oh my god, yes.” she stated with a smile on her lips and a longing to her voice. “You’re fucking huge!”
With a half step forward and a little bit of a bend in my knees I reached down and brought my right hand up through the slit in the front of her skirt until it came to rest directly on her sex. She was very hot, and the insides of her thighs were damp. I could feel the heat radiating out of her long before my hand had made contact with her crotch. But now, with my hand directly cupping her pussy, there was no doubt about it, this little kitty’s motor was running.
She took in a quick breath when my hand came to rest on her pussy. “Well then let me say ‘hello’ as well,” I said as my fingers easily found that hard little button at the top of her slit. A couple of quick rubs with two fingers and her knees almost buckled, causing her to take in a breath. The soft folds of skin around her slit felt like silk as I gently stroked her, working my way back until my fingertips were circling around the entrance of heaven.
“Go ahead,” she whispered between her teeth as she leaned back against the book shelf and spread her feet apart. “Do it, stick your fingers up in me.” She grasped my forearm with both of her hands and locked her grip, coaxing my hand in deeper to the recess between her legs. “Come on baby,” she hissed as she licked her lips and ground her hips around in a small circle, “See what’s inside me.”
When it comes to sex, or any part of it, if I am a participant I do not have to be asked to do something twice. When I saw Mandy bite her bottom lip I stuffed my middle and ring fingers up into her as far as I could until her mons was resting firmly in my palm. I had pushed my fingers in all the way up to my knuckles. Instantly her fingers gripped really hard around my forearm and a lot of her weight came down on my hand.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” she whispered in quick succession as my fingers slid way up inside that soft wet warmth of her body. She was absolutely sopping wet and I could feel her pussy convulsing around my fingers.
“Are you ok?” I asked quietly as I wiggled my fingers back and forth inside her.
I didn’t even have a chance to react before her arms were around my neck and she was kissing me like she was my wife! “More!” she breathed out into my mouth in between kisses as she clutched to my neck and picked her feet up off the floor. “I want to feel more!”
My estimate of her weight was pretty much on target because when I closed my hand on her pelvic bone and lifted up, she came right up off the floor until she was looking straight across at me face to face. It was an absolute first for me. I had just picked up a girl by her pussy! The added weight caused my fingers to sink in to her even deeper, bringing about this soft little whimper. When she raised her legs up and tried to put them around my back, that’s when my fingers dug in the deepest.
“Oh my god!” she gasped before she showered my face and lips with kisses. Wrapping my left arm around her waist gave her the extra support she needed for her to just let her legs dangle freely. Aside from the little bit of pull on my neck by her arms all of her weight was now in the palm of my hand. Her breath was coming in short quick pants while I wiggled my fingers back and forth deep inside her hot box. And her nipples poked out hard against my chest. “Hello back,” she whispered in between kisses as she rolled her hips around in an attempt to grind herself down further onto my fingers.
I was really starting to get caught up in the moment when the books on the shelf directly behind her ass started to fall over. The sudden noise startled us both leading me to set Mandy back down on the floor and withdraw my now cum slickened fingers from inside her. Glancing around quickly no one seemed to react to our commotion as I brought my fingers up for a taste. Mandy straightened out her skirt a little and watched silently as I brought my fingers to my mouth and began licking them clean. Her tongue licked back and forth lightly across her own lips as she watched me lick her sweet flavor from my digits. It melted onto my tongue. When I let out a little smile she immediately gave one in return.
“So,” she said quietly as she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and a very pleasant expression on her face, “what did you find?”
After licking my fingers one more time I smiled back at her and said the first thing that came to mind, “Home.”
She froze in place while still gazing up at me. Apparently she was weighing out the whole situation that had just happened because her expression changed a couple of times. At first her eyes squinted a little then her mouth twisted to one side just a bit, pursing her lips a little. Her eyebrows lowered for a moment then rose back up again before a quick smile came across her lips. It was amazing to see all the different expressions on her face as the gears whirled and turned around inside her head. Then, without any warning at all, she grasped my hand and headed out of the aisle.
“Come on,” she said as she stopped by the table to pick up what was left of her research. “We’re out of here.”
I almost had to run to keep up with her. Whatever she had in mind she was very determined about; her actions shown that louder than any words could adequately express. Something inside her had clicked and now she was like a juggernaut in motion, hell bent for leather to get to her final destination. She didn’t say a word until we were outside and heading off across the campus, and even then it was short and to the point.
“Keep up,” she said as she looked over her shoulder to make sure I was still there.
It was a pretty good walk across campus but we covered it in an amazingly short time with Mandy leading the way. I kept watching her magnificent ass swing back and forth with each step as I followed along behind her to the far side of the campus. I could almost imagine what it would feel like to stick my cock up inside her.
She led me down this nice elm lined street to a somewhat older house with a small yard and brick steps leading up to the main door. It was part of the old faculty housing from way back in the day, back when a professor’s family would stay with them just off campus while they earned their place in the echelon of the faculty hierarchy. Now it was just a street full of houses for students.
I will freely admit that my initial introduction to Mandy’s roommate left a lot to be desired. Once the door was open Mandy almost dragged me through the house, leaving me little opportunity to take in any of the surroundings. As we passed the open breezeway to the living room I just caught a glimpse of a girl lounging in a recliner with the TV on.
“Cam this is David,” Mandy said as she pulled me past the doorway and up the hall toward the room in the back corner of the house. The girl in the living room just barely got her head turned and said “Hey,” before I was gone out of sight. I did get to see her blue eyes and brown hair for just a moment, but that was it.
“Hey,” I replied back over my shoulder as Mandy continued pulling my hand to lead me through the house.
After seeing Mandy in the library with her hair looking like it had been chewed by something, I was in no way prepared for what I saw when I entered her bedroom. It was absolutely immaculate! Nothing was on the floor, the bed was made, and everything on her desk seemed to be in its own neat little place. The very light scent of jasmine rose up to my nose as I took a quick look around. I was stunned to say the least. I was even more stunned when my quick gaze around the room brought my attention back to Mandy. Whatever it was that she had in her hair to make it look so messy had been removed, allowing her gorgeous long locks to fall down over her shoulders. And she was already completely nude except for one last sock she was tugging on. The transformation was amazing.
“Well,” she said as she placed the sock on her desk chair with the rest of her clothes before placing her closed fists on her hips, “are you going to fuck me or what?”
I think I disrobed in world record time. Because in the time it took her to lie down on her bed and spread her legs apart, I was naked. Mandy’s eyes immediately dropped to my ridged man meat as I stepped over to her bed. “Oooh yea,” she hissed between her teeth as she reached between her legs and pulled her pussy lips open. “Stick that thing in me.” She took in an even deeper breath when my entire length slid into her sopping wet hole. “Oh my god yes!” she howled as she looked down at her pussy lips being stretched till they turned white. “Rip me open with that thing!”
The first five or ten minutes were really vigorous as well as interesting. While trying to figure out how to get my cock inside her in the deepest yet most practical manner we must have tried every position in the book. First it was her on her back when I stuffed all eight inches into her. Her legs came up on my sides and she began clawing at my back while she bit my shoulder. But that wasn’t good for me because her mattress was a bit soft, causing my back to overarch and make it difficult for me to move. Then she was on top slamming her crotch up and down with tremendous force for such a little girl. This was good for me because it allowed me to paw at her breasts and really enjoy the show. But she was not satisfied with this one. After a bit of wrestling around and a few other positions we settled in with her on her left side with her right leg pointing straight up toward the ceiling. I was on my knees straddling her left leg with my arms locking her right leg against the length of my torso while I drove in deep. Mandy let out an audible grunt with each of my “in” strokes as I enjoyed the sensations of being inside her body.
“Oh god yes,” she moaned while I mowed the lawn, “fuck me with that big hard cock!” Her fingers clawed at the top of her mattress as she looked down at her own wide spread legs to see my cock disappear then reappear from inside her pussy. “Oh god you’re so fucking deep inside me! Come on baby,” she hissed between clenched teeth as she braced herself against her headboard, “fuck me like you mean it!”
Rearing back and gathering all of my senses, I began driving into Mandy with an almost reckless abandon, forcing her body to shift back and forth on the bed from the power of my strokes. I had just got into a good rhythm inside her, driving in and out with long deep strokes when we heard the phone ring. Cameron answered it before she called from the living room. “Mandy, have you got a sec?”
“Not now,” Mandy hollered back in between the stabbings she was receiving, “I’m getting some cock!”
“Do I need to stop?” I asked while still pummeling away at her tight slick interior.
“Don’t even think about it,” she grunted back as she pushed back with her hips, forcing maximum penetration with each stroke. “Fuck me till I walk funny!”
Just then Cameron walked in to the bedroom carrying the cordless phone with the mouthpiece covered. “Well you just might think about making some time for this,” she half whispered as she walked right up to the bed and extended her arms with the phone. “It’s your mom!”
I’ve seen some incredible things before but what I saw now was truly amazing. Taking the phone from Cameron, Mandy first put her finger to her lips to get me to stay quiet before she greeted her mom with a voice and tone that gave no indication that anything was afoot. “Hi mom,” she said cheerfully as I continued with my dogged pace, churning her insides into soft butter. “No, it’s no bother at all I was just studying.”
I do not think I would have even tried this let alone pull something like this off with my mom on the phone. My mom would have known something was up, or I would have given myself away; but not Mandy. For the next few minutes she spoke calmly and clearly to her mother while I fucked her. The only slight little pause she gave during the entire conversation was when I slowed down on an inward thrust and ground my cock around as deeply inside her as I could, making small little circles with my hips with the head of my cock smashed against her cervix. This caused Mandy’s mouth to drop open and her eyes to cross for just a brief second before she continued speaking to her mom.
Cameron stood next to the bed and just watched the whole event with this weird little grin on her lips. She must have liked what she was seeing because in just a matter of a few moments her nipples started to get hard and poke out against the material of her cotton t-shirt. I don’t know if she even realized she was doing it or not, but as she watched my cock disappear in and out of Mandy she was steadily running her tongue around the edges of her open mouth and gently pawing at the side of her crotch.
“…well there is this one guy I like pretty good,” I heard Mandy say as my attention was drawn back to her. I could just faintly hear her mother talking on the phone but there was no way to understand any of it. “No mom, he’s a pretty good guy, I think you’d like him.” When Mandy said this she not only smiled in my direction but she pushed back a little harder with her hips. “Yea, right.” she said as she rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “No mom,” she said very flatly, “I’m having sex with him right now. What do you think?” I could just faintly hear her mother laugh over the receiver. That took some balls! And I don’t mean mine. “Ok mom, I’ve gotta go.” She paused for a moment and nodded her head, “I love you too. Ok, bye.”
No sooner had she hit the button to disconnect the phone when Mandy howled out at the top of her lungs, “HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT I’M CUMMING SO FUCKING HARD!!!!” Immediately Mandy dropped her face to the mattress and screamed as loudly as she could while her body jerked back and forth. Cum poured out of her pussy and ran down either side of her leg to the waiting sheet below while I continued to hammer away into her. It was actually pretty impressive because she is the only girl I have ever known to be able to take all of me from this position for this length of time.
“Here,” I said as I reached my hand out and placed my thumb on her hardened clit, “let me help you with that,” and I rolled her clit around under my thumb.
Instantly Mandy’s whole body stiffened while both of her hands reached out into the open air to grasp at the empty space in front of her. The first roll of her clit made her pussy clamp down on me like a vise, urging me to stop moving. Taking the queue, I pressed into her as far as I could, like I had done while she was on the phone, and I rotated my hips in a small circle while my thumb swirled around and around over her clit. For the next few moments it seemed like Mandy had gone into convulsions from the way her body jerked and twitched back and forth as she gasped for air. She was in the throes of a massive orgasm that was taking her for an incredible ride.
All the while that this was going on; Cameron stood next to the bed and watched everything with her eyes wide open. There was no hiding that she was turned on now. Her left hand was busy mauling her right breast while her right hand dug furiously at her crotch, causing the material of her sweat pants to turn dark from the fluids she was secreting. It appeared that everyone was cumming except for me.
I was actually enjoying myself and the spectacle that was going on in the room while I savored every last inch of Mandy and what she had offered me. She had told me ‘…fuck her like I mean it…’, so, I was doing just that. I had no idea if I would ever see this girl again so I was going to enjoy her to the fullest. With her legs spread wide and her beautifully round C sized breasts inviting me to squeeze them, how could I not enjoy her body?
Mandy, on the other hand, seemed to be thoroughly enjoying having my dick stuck in her. Drool eased out of the corner of her mouth and her right hand now pawed at her own breasts as her orgasm began to wane a little. She was breathing very hard but still managed to gasp out, “Oh my god!” When she gave a little roll of her hips to continue the stimulation it was like hitting the start button of an industrial machine. Instantly I surged back into action, pulling almost all the way out of her before returning to my dogged pace of hammering in and out of her like a 255 pound pile driver.
“Oh Jesus!” she gasped again as she actually tried to move away from me in a defensive move.
“What’s the matter little girl?” I said to her as I leaned forward and spread her legs even wider. “Is this too much for you?”
Mandy’s legs were now spread as wide open as they could ever be. With her left leg pinned to the mattress by my shins, her right foot was now up past the top of her head and I was almost laying on her right side. This let me drive in DEEP. Mandy looked up at me with her mouth hanging open and an almost worried look on her face while I reamed my cock around in circles inside her.
“Is……that…..all………got….?” she gasped out with each of my forceful poundings into her defenseless gash.
“Oh no,” I responded as I switched our position to put her flat on her back with her knees hooked over my elbows. Leaning forward this time pressed the head of my cock very hard against her cervix, causing her to let out a slight cry of pain. “I’m just getting started.”
Shifting my weight from side to side I ground my cock all around inside her. I was determined to feel every last nook and cranny she had no matter where it was. Mandy began moaning loudly and locked her fingers together behind my neck as my pelvic bone ground her clit back and forth while I probed every angle of her depths. She really had no choice but to accept all of me seeing as how I had her pinned down in a very vulnerable position; and I was on a quest to explore all of her. Rolling my hips around caused my cock to press hard against the sides of her opening while the tip of my shaft pressed into her soft flesh on the opposite side deep in her pussy. Back and forth and around and around I went, screwing her from every angle. I only stopped every now and then to reassert myself in the soft wet depth straight up her middle. A few hard deep thrusts caused her to suck in her breath before I was reaming her hole out again. Her eyes opened only when I dove in deep into her, revealing those beautiful green eyes that looked to be glassed over with the haze of lust.
It wasn’t until I heard something to my right that I realized that Cameron was still standing right there. She now had her right hand in her sweat pants and was forcefully jamming her fingers in and out of herself while she watched me destroy her roommate. She wasn’t even attempting to hide her lust for the situation as she worked herself into froth.
It was about now that I started to get the feeling that the end of this situation was approaching. With Mandy cumming like a leaking fire hydrant and Cameron spilling cum down her legs like a waterfall, it was time for me to release the torrent pinned up in my balls. With one or two easy strokes to make sure of my alignment, I began pounding myself into Mandy like I was on a mission. Deep and hard, that’s just how I like it, and apparently Mandy does too. After those first two strokes her eyes steadily opened wider and wider with each thrust and her mouth formed a perfect O as my speed and ferocity increased. Her motions became almost frantic as she clutch and clawed at my body to assist with my pile driving ass. Harder and harder became my thrusts as my cock hardened in preparation of the impending release.
Then suddenly, without any warning, Mandy released her grip on my hips and grasped her legs right behind her knees and pulled them wide open to the sides. It took me a few strokes to realize what she was doing when I finally heard her say, “Aaaaaaaaahh” (like when you go to the doctor and he wants to look down your throat). To describe what happened to me next as an orgasm really does not do the situation justice. I would have to describe it more like……a ball explosion. Because I didn’t just cum in Mandy, I injected semen in her all the way up to her ovaries!
Mandy instantly let out a half cry half yelp as I buried all of myself into her and began fountaining cum at hyper velocity. She released her grip on her knees and brought her arms in between her spread legs and my body so she could lock both of her hands into the flesh of my ass. With a good solid grip she pulled me hard into her and brought her face right up to mine. “That’s it you big mother fucker,” she hissed out between her clenched teeth, “fill my fucking pussy up!” Then she slammed her head back down on the mattress and began moaning and rolling her head from side to side as she felt each spurt blast its way into her wanton womb.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Cameron hollered out just before she dropped to the floor and began working her fingers in and out of her pussy at the speed of light. Sometime during all of this she had ripped the crotch of her sweat pants wide open to expose her lightly furred pussy. “Oh my god that’s so good,” she kept repeating to herself as her fingers jabbed in and out of her pussy in a blur of speed and flying juice.
I looked down at Mandy as my body tensed to generate as much power as possible. Her eyes and her mouth were wide open, sporting a happy look as she received what I was giving her. For just a moment we both froze in place as the transfer between us reached its crescendo, locking both of us into that realm of bliss in between reality and ecstasy. My fingers were digging so hard into the mattress I am actually surprised I didn’t tear holes in her sheets. But that was the farthest thing from my mind. I was slipping into euphoria.
The need to breathe brought us both back to the here and now. With the first big gulp of air we were both breathing very hard. And it’s no wonder considering how hard we had just been at it. My arms gave a little shutter before I collapsed onto Mandy, coming to rest with my chest pressing down on her now sweat slickened breasts. Mandy threw her arms around my back and hugged me against her very tightly as the two of us rode out the last few waves of our orgasmic tidalwaves.
“You guys should sell tickets,” Cameron said as she stood up. Wiping the cum on her hands onto her now shredded sweat pants she said, “That was good,” before she turned around and sauntered out of the room with a very relaxed looking sway to her hips. “Whew….” she said as she passed through the doorway and disappeared out of sight.
“Oh my god,” Mandy managed to say as we lay there in a pile. My cock gave the last few twitches from the biggest orgasm I had ever had while we both caught our breath. It was incredible to say the least. My head was tingling and I felt like I had just finished a whole quarter of a football game as I lay there on top of her cradled in her arms.
“Thank you very much,” I said as I propped myself up on my elbows so I could look directly at her face. It was only then that I actually saw just how pretty she was.
“Oh no,” she said with a broadening smile on her face as she brought her legs up to lock her ankles behind my back, “thank YOU!”
And that is how we met six years ago. We were just two people who met by chance, who became not only lovers, but colleagues in a quest that would define our lives forever. Sometimes fate comes with a fun twist to it. It’s just keeping your head on straight when it deals you a shitty hand that defines who you are. And the nasty looking jungle staring directly at us, that was the proving ground that was going to test out metal.
VERY good to have you back. I understand the pain of Kayko. Your stories
about your amazing family would be well received if you could write about the kids alone. In checking from time to time to see if you have continued to write I see that you have left the US. Maybe that has changed?
I enjoyed this story and hope you will continue to favor us with your stories.
If the age thing gets in the way on this site may I suggest AFF. It appears to bed MUCH friendlier than here.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
about your amazing family would be well received if you could write about the kids alone. In checking from time to time to see if you have continued to write I see that you have left the US. Maybe that has changed?
I enjoyed this story and hope you will continue to favor us with your stories.
If the age thing gets in the way on this site may I suggest AFF. It appears to bed MUCH friendlier than here.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport