We landed at Banner Elk just at dusk. Sandra had called ahead and Donna drove the Hummer to pick us up. Hugs and squeals were passed between Donna and Connie, as if they were long lost sisters.
“I’m soo happy to finally get to meet you all. Dano has spoken highly of all of you and the plans he has -- I can hardly wait to begin!”
Connie was very tall and had a half head of height advantage over Donna, who was just an inch or so taller than Sandra and the twins.
We rode back by Sandra’s and dropped her and Donna off there.
I borrowed her Hummer to take Connie and her things to my place.
I knew Sandra would need time to fill Donna in on my plans.
At the fitness center the twins bounced out the door squealing and hugging me first and Connie as I made introductions.
“Dano how in the hell do you tell em apart?” Connie was awestruck at the identical blonde’s.
“It’s not easy, but you’ll learn over time one is more nosey than the other.
Always asking questions.”
“”Uh--That would be me.” Jan said waving her hand side to side.
“Well-- I’m sure we can find a way to ‘mark them’ to tell them apart” Connie joking said, I hoped.
“Yes , maybe a new make over of their hair might do it , or a different style on one.” I added.
We had my Jethro bag and Connie’s two suitcases up in the condo finally. I had the twins fix us a quick drink before going back downstairs. I needed time alone with Connie to begin showing her the playroom I had for our little venture.
We began in my room and I helped place her things in my huge walk in closet. A quick look at my room and we took off for the play room. This room was as huge as mine.
I had not yet measured it but I estimated it was sixteen feet wide by twenty five to thirty feet long.
It too had it’s own full bath.
“Connie imagine if you will--walking into this room and the walls are painted brick red --with very light red ceiling. Two ceiling fans to keep the air moving, and a three by seven foot restraint table at the far end. The table will have tie offs every three feet all the way around it.”
“Can hardly wait Dano!” was her reply.
“ I have a St. Andrews Cross coming any day now and a shitload of toys--ropes cuffs etc to start us decorating.
I have plenty of time right now so we should begin with picking you out some outfits for your role as a Dominatrix.”
Connie walked the length of the room and I could see in her eyes how excited she was.
We made our way back to my bedroom where my laptop was. Pulling up the web pages I took her to the BDSM pages and the Leather pages.
“Pick you out couple of pair of over the calf suede boots--one pair black--the other red.
From there--build yourself a nice wardrobe of sexy thongs--halter tops and vests, four nice chokers for you and the girls, and plenty of scented oils.
Sandalwood and Egyptian Musk are the best. We won’t be using whips just yet, but I already have several leather riding crops ordered.”
“Thank you soo much for allowing mee to pick my own.”
I leaned in and kissed her fully on the lips, letting my tongue dance with hers a moment.
We quickly finished our drinks and Connie’s fingers flew over the keys picking out very sexy attire. She glanced at me when she saw the prices on some of the items.
I assured her to spend whatever was needed to start this project up. This wasn’t just spending money-it was an investment.
As she ordered, I laid out my instructions to her.
“The twins and Donna make enough money to buy their own outfits--but don’t tell them I furnished yours--it might create jealousy. IF Sandra decides to participate--she’ll order her own as well.”
“OK-- look at this bill-- have I got enough?” I glanced and she had chosen thirteen hundred dollars in clothing and accessories. I nodded my approve and put it on my bank card and clicked the order off to UPS it in two days.
“Now--fix us another drink and let’s sit a bit so I can explain what your duties will be.”
She took our glasses and made two doubles over ice.
I love a woman who likes Black Jack as much as I do.
She sat close and I gave her a clipboard to make notes with.
“YOU will be training not only the twins, but Donna, and Sandra’s sister Shannon.
The twins and Shannon are very submissive, but Donna has a bit of Dom in her.
She will be taught to use those skills early on, so give her special attention.
Here’s your basic guide--write it down.
1. “ Every sub and Donna will address you as “Ms. Connie”
2. Respect is always taught first. “NO cannot be used by a sub. They answer to me as “Yes Sir.”
3. The subs are in charge of keeping our playroom clean and fresh smelling.
All the leather we will have will give off an odor if we don’t.
4. Train the twins and Shannon as a group, and give Donna one on one time with you after hours. She will eventually help you out as a Dom herself. The faster you establish yourself as a Dom with her--the better.
5. Tell them to always think of a safe word to use when in the playroom with anyone. If it’s spoken, all activity ceases.
6. A tip--Never ask a sub to do anything you would not do.
7. Reward your subs when they please you , and make them repeat anything that does not please you.
8. You give me a written report on their progress once a week by Saturday night.
I’ll put those in separate files on my desktop downstairs.”
As Connie wrote I had left the couch and wandered to the bed room to change. Clean tee shirt and camo shorts were my favorite around here, since they kept the temperature a very warm seventy five degree’s. I stepped to the bathroom to give my five o’clock shadow a quick rub with my electric razor.
Connie’s face appeared in the mirror as she smiled.
“Is it cool to change right here Dano?”
“It sure is , you’ll be my room mate a few days if not with the sub’s.”
“Mmmmm--that sounds good.”
She peeled out of her turtleneck sweater and jeans. My eyes glanced in the mirror to catch a glimpse of her perfect ass in a white thong..She wore no bra.
My stupid cock gave a twitch as she bent again to pull up a pair of tight yellow gym shorts. They looked as if they were painted on her---so tight!
We made our way down to the gym floor and I took Connie to my office as soon as about fifteen guys wanted an introduction. She was an instant hit it would seem.
I opened my door to find Donna in there putting a fresh sheet on the massage table.
“Hi you two. I’m prepping the table and stones. I thought maybe you would wanna get right to work. The twins have had four massages today with two very erotic ones. I didn’t see it myself but heard about it from them.”
“That’s great Donna. It’s very nice to know they picked it up so quickly.
I am very proud of all of you.”
Connie walked over to Donna smiling, then grabbed her in a very sexy embrace and frenched her as she gripped Donna’s ass cheeks roughly. They broke the kiss only because one of them had to breathe.
Connie’s hands worked up to her back and she grabbed a handful of Donna’s long hair and gripped it in her fist and gave the slightest of tugs.
“ From this day forward - I want you as MY bitch!
I will need you to help train the others and I’m counting on you to help mee.”
Poor Donna wasn’t ready for that, but it surprised her so much I think it actually turned her on.
Donna wrapped her arms around Connie and frenched her again. I took that as a sign of acceptance. The kiss broke and Donna looked at me smiling.
“You okay with this Dano?” Her eyes gave her away. She wanted a yes out of me.
“I am -- I have seen Connie in action and she is an “Alpha Female” that dominate’s her partner, male or female.
I want you to learn those skills from her. It will involve staying after hours awhile.
You will address her as Ms. Connie at all times, is that clear?”
“Y-Yes Sir.”
Connie released Donna as both came to my desk and sat with me.
“Donna are you saving any of that raise and bonus you got?”
“Hell I have all of it Dano. With the hours we been putting in, I haven’t had time to spend it.”
“That’s great. Connie, please take her up to the condo and show her where to order her outfits.”
“Yes Sir” she replied.
I tried to relax a bit now. I had just poured myself a double Jack when my cell rang.
To my surprise it was Shannon.
“Hi Dano, I’m about ten minutes away. How you been doing?”
“Well I can’t complain my dear. Did you fly in?”
“ Only as far as Asheville. I rented a car for the last leg so you guys wouldn’t have to come all the way over to get me.”
“You should call Sandra also--you’ll be staying with her.
I have Connie here from Knoxville to help out awhile.”
“I’m way ahead of you. I spoke with her as I was renting the car. I’m going there first to wind down a little from the trip.”
“That’s perfect Shannon. Connie, Donna and I will be decorating our dungeon playroom over the next few days. Your training however will begin immediately. Plan to stay tomorrow night with Connie and I.”
“Mmmmmmmm--Yes Sir!!”
“ Tell Sandra to call me when you get there please.”
“Yes Sir--anything else I can do for you?”
“You’ll be doing alot of training with our girls.
You will meet Donna, our twins Josie and Jan, and my assistant--a Dominatrix.
You will address her as Ms. Connie and do anything she says without question.”
“Yes Sir!”
The next couple of weeks were going to be very interesting. I spent the next couple hours online and on the phone ordering the special equipment needed to make our playroom / dungeon a work of art. I would have to considering what I would charge for a membership.
I imagined a mere $75 dollar a month fee for club memberships to start, and the girls would charge by the hour or a fixed rate on certain activities. I or Connie or Donna would receive the money up front when they entered. People rarely carry several hundred dollars on them.
I needed a credit card reader to take payments also.
I assumed that would be another $1000 for the credit card scanner. I called my bank immediately and got that taken care of. They would furnish the scanner free for a 1.5% transaction fee and bring one out and wire it up free. Great, that’s one issue out of the way.
I phoned Sandra for a bit of help. She would have been pissed if I hadn’t.
“Hi Partner” I said . “I’m afraid I’m going to take you up on the money offer.”
If you could loan me five thousand, I can get this playroom up and running inside a week.”
“I’ll put it in your hands within the hour. I was on my way there anyway. Shannon has the security code for my condo. She’ll be tired after her long trip. I’m bringing the deed to your home there also. ”
“Okay--see you soon...bye”
I was walking back to the upstairs entrance when Donna came in with one of the twins. Both were holding onto a large paper covered rectangular item. They headed straight for my stairs so I just smiled and stepped aside as they made their way up. They went straight for the play room and came quickly back.
“There’s two more just like it Dano--you owe mee $800!
Well- I had to see what had cost me that kind of money, so I made my way to the play room and began tearing off the paper.
To my surprise were two large mirrors. Three feet by about six--seven feet.
Donna and Josie came in again --huffing as they had ran a mile.
“Don’t say a word till I get back with the last ones.” Donna says.
As they made their way back with the last one, Donna spoke again, smiling.
“I know a little about interior design, and wait till you see these mirrors mounted.
It will make this room look huge!” I agreed. They were similar to the ones downstairs in the gym. It made it look as big as a basketball court.
I just smiled and hugged them both for solving another issue about my rates.
Along with the soft track lighting I was having installed the mirrors would reflect the different colored lights well.
The day wound down as closing time came. The twins and Donna went over the receipts as Connie observed. I was in the sauna soaking up the steam when they began to drift in. Connie and Donna were the first and chose spots on either side of me.
“ Dano we have questions that need your attention” said Connie. I propped up on elbows to listen.
“ How many are we permitted to have in the playroom at one time is our first concern.” said Donna
“ That part we must play by ear girls. I plan to have appointments set up for it’s use similar to the appointments for massage. The members may wish more than one of you girls present.
It’s one of the most common of guys fetishes to want two women at once.
I expect you to figure this out between all of you so that at least two are available at all times.”
I continued as the twins and Donna came in and got naked as well.
“ We are selling a service to paid members of our club. Once you check that their dues are up to date -- you ask what fetish they wish to explore. There will be a clipboard chart that only you girls see to charge by. This is where you will “negotiate” a price if any sex takes place. It is over and above the charge for the fetish. You collect all fees before anything happens.”
“Can you give an example Sir?” Josie asked.
“OK- A member has requested one of you to be restrained on our table and light cropping and spanking performed by him or her.. This will be one hundred dollars for an hour. If he or she desires sex during that time, another one hundred dollar minimum is added. Each additional girl is one hundred dollars also. If he desires the twins-- the cost is three hundred dollars for an hour. I get thirty percent of all money that flows through these transactions, since I’m furnishing everything.”
All the girls seemed a little frisky after discussing plans, and I quickly excused myself and rinsed off at the exit shower. Let em grab ass all they want. I was back in my bedroom when Connie appeared wearing only a towel. She had Donna in tow behind her.
I could already sense Connie’s affect on Donna. She was teaching her a few sub skills at first to get her used to following commands without question. Donna’s eyes were down slightly, and she had come upstairs naked. I assumed it was because of Connie.
“Well Donna, ask him!” Donna’s eyes went up and bore straight into mine.
“ Sir-- may I have permission to stay here tonight with you and Connie? She says she has much to teach me and I’m anxious to please her.”
Connie gave me her cute little crooked grin--knowing I would never refuse a 3 way with them.
I still played a little hard to get.
“ It depends on what you have in mind. Donna, please fix us a double Jack. There’s plenty of juice the the fridge for you.”
While she was busy Connie wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply--meaning plenty of tongue.
My stupid cock made a tent in my towel so Connie just ground her crotch into it.
She broke the kiss breathless and laid out her plan.
By the time Donna returned we had the sheets tucked way down at the foot of the bed and were relaxing . My towel was draped loosely, and the print of my cock clearly visible.
I stood letting the towel drop as I took our drinks and passed Connie hers.
Donna’s eyes went wide as she licked her full lips seductively.
Connie spoke sharply as she patted the bed where I had laid.
“ Get your pretty Cherokee ass right here Donna- Dano is gonna watch awhile.”
I slid into my nearby computer chair that swiveled around and faced them.
Connie turned her double bourbon up and downed it in two swallows.
Donna took a long pull from her straw and set her glass to the night stand. I purposely moved slow as they wrapped arms and thighs together in a true lesbian embrace, their crotches grinding lewdly as they frenched.
I could hear footsteps coming up my stairs and soon Sandra was beside me. She had an envelope with the cash I had requested. She sat in my lap to watch the scene on the bed.
“Mmmm--don’t they make a nice pair?”
Donna looked at Sandra and grinned as Connie rolled her to her tummy and straddled her thighs just below her ass cheeks. With the open palm of her right hand and a handful of Donna’s long jet black hair in her left--she began to spank her ass cheeks till they glowed bright pink.
Donna’s moans were not in pain, but more of a buildup of her appreciation of Connie’s expert hand.
She let go of her hair and kneaded both the pink orbs with her fingers--making Donna’s ass lift up into her hands as she cried “Mm-More!!” Connie spanked all down both upper thighs to the backs of her knees. Then she quickly crawled off long enough to turn Donna to her back and plant her pussy and ass right into her face in a sixty nine position.
“Eat my ass and pussy well Donna, and I may just return the favor.”
Connie’s face was glazed over in a sexual flush over the power given her this night.
Donna needed no other invite. She gripped Connie from under and around to place her open hands on each of her ass cheeks to pull them apart. Her face disappeared into the Dommes crease as she moaned aloud-slurping and licking her from hole to hole.
“Ahhhhggh!!!” Connie jerked as if shocked by electricity--her thighs visibly trembling.
“Mmmm--S-She’s sucking my ass!!!”
Connie’s head went between Donna’s wide spread thighs as she hooked her knees behind her elbows. She had Donna pinned well it looked like.
Her face in the Cherokee’s crotch was too much for Sandra to remain on my lap.
She stood and began to pace around the big bed, taking advantage of all the angles.
Her towel was dropped by my chair and her fingers played in her moistness. Sandra bent low to Connie’s upturned ass cheeks and kissed each one as she stared at her lover underneath tongue fucking Connie’s pussy.
“Any way we can make this a Daisy Chain?” Sandra whispered.
Now it was my turn to get up and see this unfold.
I’ve witnessed and been a part of only two chains like this in my experiences. They twisted and turned this way and that till Sandra was sorta in the circle. Donna was still up to her chin in Connie’s pussy. Connie had removed her face from Donna’s dripping pussy and latched onto Sandra. She in turned picked right up where Connie had been. I took the opportunity to step out to the kitchen and fix another double.
By the time I returned all three were moaning and cumming. I lit four of the red candles and turned off the nightstand lamp. It gave the room an eerie reddish glow. Donna had spun out from the bottom and was holding Sandra down as Connie spanked her ass cheeks pink.
Sandra’s face was a sight to see. A very red blush appeared at her face and traveled down her neck and between her ripe breasts. A sure sign she was having great orgasms.
Donna trapped Sandra’s head between her thighs and ground her soaked pussy into her lips as Connie sucked Sandra’s clit and two fingered her to another multiple orgasm.
I sat my drink down and moved behind Connie’s upturned ass. Working my growing cock between her open thighs, I buried it as deep as I could in her wet pussy.
She wiggled her ass backwards and grunted her approval.
I was soon getting long strokes in--my heavy balls slapping her clit every time I bottomed out.
Connie rolled her ass and screamed she was cumming again as my middle finger probed her cute asshole. Her tight pussy milked at my thick cock and her rosebud clenched at my finger. It was a long orgasm that seemed to go on and on--blending one into another.
I removed my finger and began to spank her ass cheeks as I fucked her slowly. This really set her off and she ground her pussy back onto the root of my cock making it get that nice tingle in it that signaled my own release. Just as she went limp as a rag I pulled out of her spasming pussy and popped the wide cum soaked head into her hot ass. It slid in to the balls in two easy strokes.
Connie went crazy as I felt my balls being squeezed by her. She was gonna milk every drop of cum I had out doing this--and I did not disappoint her. The head expanded as my hot cum shot deeply into her bowels--making her scream with pleasure.
She squeezed my balls so tightly they shot upwards into my abdomen. My nails raked long red lines into each ass cheek as I shot three hard ropes of thick cum inside her gripping ass. Donna and Sandra were cumming again also from their sounds--so we all orgasmed within a half minute of each other.
As we wound down, I fell forward onto Connie’s back. Donna had Sandra in a thigh lock and was frenching her. I grabbed onto a candle and dripped a long line of red wax into Connie’s ass crack, making her squeal. It was a perfect finish for round one of our exploits that evening.
We all took a break and reflected on what our plans would bring us in the near future.
I could hardly wait to see Connie, the twins and Shannon on this bed soon, but that’s another chapter!
Well 10-21-15 I appreciate the squirting--and am happy you did it reading my stories.
Many of you have attempted to e mail mee--but this site won't let us post email addresses. I'm at a loss to contact you. If you have an idea--please share it.
Please continue to write this, I like to read bdsm but rarely find one with the right feel to the stoy. Btw I squirted for the first time with your stories in mind, thanks ;-)
Lmao--Thank you!! The fitness center was on the ground level. My condo was the entire second floor.
One could say yes a brothel--but the way it was set up no money changed hands at the gurls level.
Any actions or sex were between consenting adults.
These "dungeons flourish throughout the US. It's just not widely known or accepted because it caters to a special clientel.
As always--I appreciate all comments and votes!
Also my profile has my updated e mail if you wish to pvt message me
I thank you all for enjoying my stories !!
Many of you have attempted to e mail mee--but this site won't let us post email addresses. I'm at a loss to contact you. If you have an idea--please share it.
Anonymous readerReport
One could say yes a brothel--but the way it was set up no money changed hands at the gurls level.
Any actions or sex were between consenting adults.
These "dungeons flourish throughout the US. It's just not widely known or accepted because it caters to a special clientel.
As always--I appreciate all comments and votes!
Anonymous readerReport