My name is Kora. I have lived in the US since I was 5. My mother abandoned me in North Korea to live with my aunt and uncle when I was 2. I was all my aunt had after my uncle died and she decided to give me a happy life. She saved up all of her money and paid to send us into south korea. After a few years there she realized it was only a matter of time before we would be found and she. Took me to the US. We have lived here but in a bad financial circumstance. She is helped by the government because she is mentally disabled but not too severely that she can't take care of me.
I go to a large public school now in Danville Wisconsin. Its my junior year. I have been going to this school since I was a freshman and its by far the most weird. The kids here are violent and there are fights nearly every day. In my grade there is a very violent group of boys that Ihave been bullied by since the first day. They are a group of guys who don't cut there hair ever and.listen to metal. They hangout across the street from me at Jason's house. Jason has always bullied be and treated me like shit. I occasionally tolerate him when Iwanna buy some weed off him but I'm usually bitter towards him.
Tomorrow is the last day before winter break and I'm anxious to get out of school. I spend most of class playing with my hair that I just got cut as a Christmas present from my sweet neighbor Dianne. I keep pulling the shorter hair in front of my face and admiring how the ends are more sharp now; Twisting and twirling the black locks in front of my eyes out of boredom. I am the only Asian person at this school just like all of the schools I've ever been to and Iwear my hair like my auntie taught me to. In my home country my auntie had to pick from a few.hairstyles that the government allowed. I flick my short bangs around and daydream through my last class of the day. I leave my class and walk to my locker to grab my purse before heading home. The halls clear quickly because most kids have to catch a bus. I stopped riding to avoid the annoying group of guys. Every time I would ride that bus I would be harrassed and bullied. I struggle to get my fucking locker open. I'm glad I can walk home. All of the sudden I feel a presence behind me.
I turn around and see Jason not a foot away from me.
"What now" i laugh at him
"Nothing just thought I'd walk home to because its nice out"
"Oh." I glare up at him and shut my locker. I begin walking and he follows me.
"How far of a walk is it ling ling?" He laughs
I don't respond.
"Aaawwwww your still upset about that one thing"
"No. I really don't care I don't want you bothering me on my way home" I say without looking at him.
He thinks I'm upset bout him pushing me into a muddy spot behind the school last month. I really don't hold immature grudges.
"I won't bother you, I will keep you company"
He continues to follow me through the side street of the school to the south road. This is the part of town with abandoned houses and buildings because of how undesirable it is. The people here are crazy and poor as hell but its affordable.
I suppose its best to try to get him off my back as I turn onto the street.
"Hey Uhm I'm going to stop by Tiffany's today so have a nice walk."
I plan to take my usual route actually. I take a short cut through a building that was once an apartment . I want to avoid him as soon as possible because I know he will do something extremely irritating and I don't know if I can handle it.
"Oh ok be careful that area looks dangerous."
"I know what I'm doing."
I walk off. God he is such a burden. He is like emotionless and creepy looking. His hair is almost past his shoulders and he wears grungy clothes and always has the same black beanie on. I honestly still have the creeps as I walk into the building. Its that feeling like when you walk through your house in the dark and if feels like someone's right behind you...
"AAaaaaghhh" I scream/squeeel as Jason jumps out into the hall in front of me.
"What the fuck Jason seriously!"
"What the fuck? Haha you lied to me thinking Idont know where your friend lives. Dumb bitch. I'm actually offended." He's says sarcastically
"Please... Just leave me alone... Please I'm having a shitty day and I just wanted to be alone."
He just looked at me as I shook. He narrowed his eyes and he looked a way that Ihave never seen him look. He looked caniving. He has always looked creepy but it wasn't the same.
He pulled out a gun and I froze. I can't hardly breath. Oh my god.
He pulled me into an apartment room with some furniture left in it. At this point I am positive he is going to murder me. This guy is insane.
"Hahaha you scared now cunt"
I begin to cry.
"Take your clothes off chink"
Take my clothes off? What. He ... no way I'm a virgin I've never even had a boyfriend why would he want to do this he is sick...
I look up at him confused and scared. I've never been pressured by guys because I'm shy. Especially Jason. He has always told me I was a pathetic asian and that no one would love me... I know I'm pretty but I'd NEVER expect this.
I begin removing my Sweater slowly. His eyes are terrifying. I pull my pink tank top off exposing my pink bra. I am trying not to cry but I whimper as quietly as possible. He still stares at me with those angry eyes as I stand fully naked in front of him. My thin body Is slightly cold in the winter air.
He smiles. "You could be a.stripper with the way you strip so slutty. Ive always thought you had a strippers body. Such a nice ass and sexy long hair. The new hair cut only makes you so much sexier."
I look at him with sad eyes hoping he will have mercy. I can't make a noise.
"Aren't you going to say thank you for my compliment whore?"
"Thank you J..Jason" I whimper
He looks behind me and points
"Get on the mattress." I sit down on it "Lay back."
He crawls on top of me. He smells like cologne and cigarettes. His mass towers over me and Ifeel his bulge press against my croch. He leens in to kiss me and I don't move. He is very rough. He grabs and my tits and sides. He moves down to my pussy. My heart pounds as he puts his mouth on me. He begins to lick the tope of my small pussy and its really sensitive. I hope he doesn't do anything more to me. I hope he has mercy... He starts lapping upwards on my clit and I get use to the shocking feeling. I know that he is psycho and he will shoot me if Iresist. I've seen Him get into many fights. He is a violent man. I try so fucking hard to stay quite. I want to keep my virginity. After 5 minutes of continuous licking he started to try to put his finger in me. I have never put anything in there and I know Its going to hurt like a b**** if he puts it in there. I honestly don't even know where the hole is. His finger pushes in the entrance and it stings. The licking felt soothing and nice in disgust I miss it as it is replaced with his rough fingers. He pushed deeper and deeper with no hesitance. His finger rips me open for the first time. I shriek In pain and I cant keep quite as tears poor down my pale face.
"God damn your so tight fuck. I hope you can keep quite when I fuck you with this dick" "NOOOO" Icry as he rips his finger out and laughs at me.
He pulls out his dick and its terrifying. It must be at least 7 inches long and its more than anything I COULD EVER IMAGINE putting in there.
"NOO OH MY GOD NOOO!" "SHUTUP!" He smacks me with the gun
He began rubbing the tip against my moistened pussy. The tip is almost as big as my entire pussy.He pushes at my hole that is still in shock. He pushes . I shut my eyes. He pushes really really hard and it pops in. I scream out in pain and cringe. He shoves my panties in my mouth.He pushes forward and I feel myself stretching open. He starts moving back and forth in my tight pussy and rubbing my clit. Every stroke he grunts in pleasure and I whimper in pain. It breaks me deeper and deeper and his cock begins to move easier within my with the lubrication of my cherry.
I start to feel hot. I feel shearing pain in my pussy as he pulls out and pushes down into me and brutally smacking against my croch. I start to feel really warm and the pain is accompanied by a warm pressure. His cock starts going harder and faster within me and the pressure builds up and I feel a pulsating feeling. I don't know if it was me or him . Then hot spurts of cum bursted within me as he leaned down to kiss me. He rammed in an out as he continuously came in me. Then it was over. My cheeks were burning hot in humiliation. I started crying even more.
He pulled his pants up and directed me to dress myself. I am certain He will kill me now. He wouldn't want me telling. "Don't tell anyone about this bitch. I'll kill your ass after Iget the rest of the guys to rape you to if you tell." He walked out leaving me there on the mattress in tears . I waited until he was long gone then I left. I walk past everyone not saying anything about where I was. I just want to be alone.
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Anonymous readerReport
If you are unable to proof-read, you should have someone who is literate do it for you. Your writing is VERY poor. For example, you wrote "His eyes narrowed his eyes..." what in the world does that mean? You really need help.
mature ginaReport