It amazing how things can happen that you don't forsee, that you never could have fathomed. That certainly happened to Rob. Rob was 37, was a pharmacy director for the local hospital and had reached an administrative level that his hours were a little lax and he made great money. His first marriage had been an ugly one, and that wasn't helped by his wife being an ugly one. Funny how that made you less willing to put in effort. She was a good woman, but good isn't sexy and Rob had eventually tired of their mundane conversations and had begun to see hookers. His wife caught him in the act but because she couldn't prove the girl was a hooker, she couldn't get him charged. They had divorced and split the assets.
Then he met Julie. Julie was a stunning at 50 blonde pharma manager and she visited Rob's office often. A business dinner turned into compliments which turned into a glass of wine at his place, to a great night in bed. They had married the next year. Rob had gotten along great with her 9 year old daughter Jenny and being older Julie didn't want to waste time. Rob didn't have any kids of his own and during their engagement they talked all the time about adopting or as Rob wanted, a surogate to use his seed and hopefully her egg. But after the honey moon, Julie had an attitude change. Suddenly it was more important they focus on their careers. Specifically his. She pushed him to get to Services Director which included a hefty pay raise. The hospital was located in a well to do San Jose suburb and most had great insurance and the hospital was making good profits. What this meant for Rob was that the board wanted status quo. His job was to implement board directives, but he got few and most were simple. Rob was coming in at noon on Monday and leaving at noon on Friday, if he came in Friday at all.
In a whole knew tax bracket, Julie announced she was retiring to work with non-profit groups around the area. She soon was gone half the days of the week and Rob was pretty sure she was fucking the young lackies at the non profits. She sure spent money though, hair and clothes and dinners. Rob did well but with a mid sized house in a nice area, a beamer and a mercedes, and a large pool and garden that needed tending, there wasn't that much money around. Rob also thought Julie was having affairs because of her complete lack of interest in sex at home. During the engagement she was a freak, the day after the honey moon, she hadn't gotten horny once and treated every fuck as a huge gift of her self and time and used it as a bargaining chip.
The years passed as they do and while Rob spent more nights checking out some porn on the internet, then actually getting laid. The good part of the marriage was Jenny. She was a delight. Sweet, smart, polite and she took to Rob. Her dad had been non existent and Jenny had craved a male role model. She had gone from a tiny girl to a sprout at age 13. Very gangly and goofy looking and her teeth had a sever over bite. She got braces and developed early, showing small bumps before her 14th birthday. Then that next year things began to catch up. Her bony legs became slender stems, her tiny waist and stomach were showing the hint of hips when she wore jeans. She had gotten a cell phone for the first time on her 14th birthday and soon she was talking about boys non stop. Rob would listen to her stories, mostly because her mother was never around to. She loved to give Rob all the gossip and one day even told him a dirty joke she heard from her friend. It was a sexual joke and Rib was surprised Jenny even knew what all the terms meant. But this was the google generation.
About easter, halfway to her 15th birthday Rob had a Saturday poker game. During one smoke break his best friend Bryan asked him. "So is it hard having that little gal in the house?"
"Who Jenny? No, she's a great kid."
"No I mean is it hard watching her hot little body walk around in tiny clothes. It's hilarious when they are at the age they don't realize how good they look yet and think everyone is innocent and show off their assests for ya."
"Dude, are you crazy. That's my little girl you are talking about."
"What ever. She isn't yours, nature is making her a woman and you will see. You won't be able to help it."
Rob pushed what Bryan said out of his mind for a while until the day he walked by Jenny's room on the first really warm day of spring. She was in her room standing in front of her full length rotating mirror in a bikini, oiling up for a tan.
I finally saw it. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She was becoming a woman. Her hip bones were just starting to make themselves known, and with her petite tight waist, it seemed pronounced. Her thighs were rounded now, firm cylinders of young rosy flesh, her Italian heritage showing through. Her long curling brown hair was thick and went to the small of her back. Her calves sloped up nicely and were giving her legs that Semi Trick flapper silhouette. Her dainty knees, when bent pushed out her backside which was sloping more and more exaggerated.
Rob stood there watching her reflection. Watching her small sexy body shining from the oil, watching the impressive breasts, high end A's, and they jiggled with her movements. He didn't notice when her motions stopped. Until she said.
"Did you need something Rob? I mean Daddy?"
Rob was startled to see her staring at him through the mirror. "Oh uh, no. Going out for some sun?"
"Yeah I want to get a good base, I want to look more like those Jersey Shore girls."
"Oh, I see. Don't stay out too long. It can be bad for your skin."
Rob was pretty embarrassed about getting caught staring, but it didn't seem to have any lasting effect. Jenny continued to tell me all the gossip and even more dirty jokes. Rob realized with some of the delivery she didn't even really get the jokes, which made Rob happy. At least she hadn't let boys do anything yet. Julie was only home when she had to be but when she was Rob pushed hard for sex. Ever since he saw her in that mirror, Rob couldn't not look at her that way. See her as who she was becoming instead of who she was. He got his frustration and attraction out on Julie.
Jenny, over the course of the summer became more and more feminine. She copied the dances she saw on videos and she tried to dress all trendy like the Kardashians. She started wearing make up and even bought a sexy pair of lingerie, all by Rob's credit card, so she became so thankful for his generosity. She would sit on his lap sometimes and watch tv with him, her butt ground firmly in his lap, and Rob was sure she must have felt the hard ons.
When he would bring something home she asked for she would jump up hug Rob, and give him a kiss on the cheek, but the last few times had distinctively let her lips brush his before they went to his cheek. she wanted to snuggle at every movie and jumped at any chance to be in contact with him. Rob was having trouble with it, as he felt like she was being to sexual with him. He even voiced his concern to Julie, who told him he was a prude and Jenny was just learning what it was to be a woman and was learning on him. It would pass soon and go to boys at school.
Rob tried to ignore it. Then there was that Friday near the end of the summer. Jenny was going with a friend Christina. When Christina and her mother arrived to take Jenny to the party Rob was stunned. Jenny walked down the stairs in red mid sized bedazzled heels, her slender legs had filled out nicely and they looked good up until the thighs disappeared into her dress. The dress was a white tight number, There was extra fabric to lump stylishly but it was very tight in the but, tummy and breast. Jenny's impressive figure showed through, especially her expanding breasts, now at a mid B cup. What really caught Rob was the top, it was intentionally under cut and showed the top third of her bra. A pink victoria's secret bra, that helped oversell her chest. She was wearing a large gold cross that dipped nearly to her cleavage, though i couldn't remember her ever going to church.
"I will be home by 10 daddy!" She said as she puckered up her little chipmunk like face. It's really not out of the question. She could have been a Chippette from the Disney cartoon or a real life Whoo from the Grinch. Her nose ended poking up, she still had a slight overbite, and dark brown eyes. She was very, very cute, and getting cuter by the day. Rob wished her a good night and settled in for a movie night, with Julie out for the weekend.
Jenny got home almost on time and came into the living room to tell Rob about the party. She told Rob they had told scary stories and watched the latest horror movie and were gonna watch another so she left. She was tired of scary stuff.
"Sounds like you had a full night." Rob said.
"Yeah, I am so tired, gonna go watch some modern family on my tv before bed. Will you come snuggle with me so I don't get scared all alone?"
I had laid with Jenny until she fell asleep when she was younger, especially after a scary movie. But he hadn't done this is years. But he didn't want to disappoint her.
"Uh sure, you get ready and I will be in soon." I went to the restroom and changed out of my pants into some athletic shorts and a t-shirt. When I got to her room she was clearing up her desk. She was in a night shirt, that barely made it to her mid thigh. She had a good tan on those legs, and man they were getting so nice. She clicked off the light and slid into her bed, toward the tv. Rob got in behind her and she snuggled back into him until she had her butt wedged firmly in his groin. Rob's penis hardened steadily and as it did, Jenny would snuggle up even closer. When ever a funny part came on the show she would laugh and grind her hips on Rob. Rob was doing everything he could not to breath heavy into Jenny's ear. His balls were tingling and he was starting to sweat.
"Oh my gosh daddy, can you believe that Phil?" She laughed driving back into Rob and grasped his hand through the fingers. As she rolled back forward she brought Robs hand to her chest and squarely on her breast. Rob used every ounce of strength to keep from feeling the breast under his hand. Jenny continued to grind into him, her legs intertwining with his. Rob suddenly started to panic. He couldn't take that much more, he was gonna explode. Another funny line and Jenny squirmed and it was the last straw for Rob. His hips jutted into her as he came in his shorts, his hand gripping her breast as he did.
"Daddy? Daddy are you okay?"
"Y-y-y-HEA!" Rob grunted, feeling more of his cum filling his shorts and soaking his groin.
"Ow! Are you sure? You seem to be shaking?" Jenny said rolling over and looking at Rob.
Rob was looking Jenny right in the face as he fought the third spout of cum as much as he could. It drippled out of him and his face only showed a small grimace as Rob finished his first orgasm at the behest of Jenny.
"Uuuuh-ahhh-uhh. Yeah, I am okay, Um, I think I ate something bad, I better go. You get some sleep now."
Rob said as he scooted out of bed and walked hunched to the door, trying not to spill cum on her rug.
"Night daddy. Thanks for cuddling with me." Was all Rob heard as he left with his head pounding from orgasm.
Rob tried hard to avoid Jenny as much as he could, and he stopped her from sitting on his lap. He was so ashamed of his inappropriateness with her, and worried that she knew what had happened. He thought she was still to naive to put two and two together, but he wasn't sure. But no matter what, he didn't want any more fantasies. He felt like he did nothing but think about her. So the more he stayed away, the better.
More time passed until it was Halloween. Jenny had gotten her first invite to a party of her Freshman year, and was super excited. Rob had been sure to loan her his credit card when she went clothes shopping. Most of his kindness to her was now money oriented. It was the Friday before the party and Julie was out until the next morning, so Rob was going to give Jenny a ride to the party and Christina's mom was going to give her a ride home. Rob was putting away the dishes from the washer when Jenny walked through and grabbed a water. She was wearing a minnie mouse type of costume. She had on black strap heels over white stockings that stopped at her lower thigh and had large red bows on the front.
Her head wore a mouse ear head band with a large red bow with white polka dots. Her dress was the same red, with small whit dots, with a large black collar, cut down somewhat low. The skirt only went to the top of her thighs, and her tanned open thigh looked incredible. The skirt had a thin black lacy pettycoat that helped the skirt stand out.
"I'm ready when you are daddy." Jenny said as she flung her long black hair over her shoulder. Rob just stared. She looked so god damned hot. Rob followed behind her as she walked to the breakfast nook and started to turn when she noticed Rob right behind her.
"Oh jeez you scared me! Rob? Rob, what are you. . . Rob!" Jenny shouted in surprise as Rob had run both hands under his skirt and pushed her back against the window, kinking the halfway down Venetian blinds. Rob rammed him tongue into Jenny's mouth.
"Mmmm! Dnnnnaaaaammm! Mmmm-hmm!" Jenny hummed into Rob's mouth, shocked and frightened by Rob's actions. She had teased, she had seen what happened when she did things. But she didn't like the aggressive feeling of Rob. It was exciting, but frightening.
Rob was massaging each ass cheek until he yanked her panties to one side and slid them over her cheek until they were digging in, well away from her holiest of holies.
Rob hooked his pants on his finger and pushed them off, his cock bouncing out like a spring, smacking Jenny on her gap.
"Oooohhhhmmmm!" Jenny's squeal was shocked and panic.
Rob had his right arm hooked around her waist and held her to his stomach. He reached around her right thigh and grabbed the tip of his 7 inch cock. He pressed it up to Jenny's pussy lips and shoved forward, parting her lips but missing her opening.
Jenny had pulled her lips free. "Oh my god Rob! Oh my god what, what are you doing?!" She said hoarsely. Rob continued to grind forward, his penis sliding down her lips, getting close to her opening.
"Rob! Rob! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. OH MY GOD! Rob!" The tip of his penis was pushing against her, her hymen pulling.
"Arrrgg. Uuuuurrrrfff!" Rob groaned into her shoulder and neck, biting and licking.
He pressed harder and her hymen gave way and stretched in, the head of Rob's penis entering Jenny's body.
"OH MY GOD! OH FUCK ROB! ROB!" Jenny was screaming at Rob, her voice cracking and her voice sounded like she was crying. Rob didn't care or hear anything. He only wanted this body and this pussy. His mind was nothing but lusting thoughts of her. All the teasing, the kissing, the hugging the grinding. Finally the outfit. She looked like a slutty teen, she was a dream come true of any step father. A fuckable step daughter.
Rob pushed again, animal lower brain instinct driving him forward without control. He finally got his first good penetration. A third of his penis now inside the body of his teen step daughter.
"Holy shit Rob! Oh my god! Rob! Rob you're in me! You're in me! Rob you can't!
Rob kept pushing, trying to get her pussy walls to relax enough to let him in. He had to get in completely!
"Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!" Jenny started just breathing in hard breaths, her hand at her mouth, her nail in her teeth. Her eyes closed as she gave in to what was happening without resistance.
"Rrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnaahgggggggggennny! Ohhhhhmmmggggrrrrd!" Rob screamed into Jenny's flesh and his cock went all the way inside her.
"Hhhhhhooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnooooooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhoooooooooohhhhhhhhhheeeeehhhhhhhihuuuuuuuuhhhhhh" Jenny continued in a continual moan the reality of the moment, that her step father, the only man she trusted was taking her virginity.
Rob had one hand pressed on the window and the other wrapped around her thigh, clenching her ass cheek. He was locked into a rhythmic pump and had reached peak position, his thrusts nearly effortless. Rob felt the tingling starting in his testicles. He had done amazing for a man in his situation. He was living the ultimate fantasy and he had held it for almost 3 minutes. But it was coming to an end, and Rob began to accelerate his thrusts, still just grunting into her flesh.
"Oh god, we're fucking. Rob, you're fucking me. Oh my god. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh my god Rob. Oh my god!" Jenny keep going on and on as he pumped. Whispering her shocked sentences into Rob's ear.
"Oh Jenny!"
"Oh Jenny! Oh shit!"
"Oh no Jenny. Oh goooooooooood!"
"What? Rob?!"
"Oh god Jenny. Oh Jenny I'm ss-sss-sssorry!"
"Oh God Jenny, I'mmmmmmmmmmmm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming!" Rob screamed as he body tensed up for a moment.
"Cumming?!" Jenny hollered, actually not knowing what it meant.
"Ohhhhhhhh Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroh! Fuck Jennnnnnnny!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmphffff." Rob was continually pushing forward to Jenny but he was already in to the hilt. e was just grinding to her pelvis, but it allowed him to clench his cock again and again, squeezing more and more cum into the womb of his teen step daughter.
"Oh, oh. Oh god. Oh. Ohhh. Ohh. Shhh. . . Oh god." Jenny plopped her head down on her step father's shoulder, gasping for breath. Rob continued to hold her in his arms and was still slightly pumping, his animal lust still in control even though he had no more sperm left to give to her waiting vagina.
Rob finally began to soften and Rob felt his penis fall out of Jenny. The full realization of what had happened overtaking him. Rob took two steps back and pulled up his pants. "Oh. . . oh god . . . .I. . . Sorry" Rob whimpered and ran to the master bathroom where he sat on the side of the tub and began to cry.
Jenny, after lying against the windowsill for a few minutes looked down as she felt the cum trickling out of her, watching it hit the carpet. She slipped off the windowsill, feeling kind of numb in her hips. She stumbled over to her purse and grabbed her phone.
"Hi Christina? It's Jenny. I'm not feeling up to going out tonight okay? No, no I just have something I need to work on. Yeah I will call you later. Love ya"
Jenny hung up the phone and headed towards the back of the house, walking gingerly on her heels.
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