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My younger siser wanted revenge on her cheating boyfriend.
“I want you to fuck me” my sister announced as she draped her jacket on a chair.


She looked at me, a small frown across her forehead, “Screw me. Let’s go to bed so you can get off in me.”

I heard her but was a little slow on the uptake. I looked at my 22 year old sibling and asked her “What the hell are you talking about? You want me to take you to bed?”

Gayle had marched into my apartment without knocking and made her sudden announcement, it was the first thing she said when she came in. “Yeah, Rick has been cheating on me and I'm going to give him one hell of a surprise tonight.”

I'm three years older than my sister and during the time we were growing up I never had intimate thoughts about her. I mean, I liked looking at her hot little bod while she matured through her teens but I never seriously fantasized about screwing her. Once in a while I did envy her dates but not to the point I would want to get her alone and naked. I was wary “Alright Gayle, what's going on, is this some kind of weird fucking reality TV joke?”

She moved to my sofa and sat down, crossing her shapely legs which caused her skirt to cross her thighs high above her knees. “Rick has another girlfriend. I've been dating him for eight months now and I just found out that he's been screwing Dixie, you remember her? She flirted with you for a long time but you ignored her.”

I glanced at her legs then into her gray eyes, “Dixie? He’s banging that fake blonde twit? Jesus, Gayle, I'm sorry. What are you going to do? You want a beer?”

She looked up at me sharply, an angry edge to her voice “No, I don’t want a beer. I want you to get your dick up then screw me. I've been sucking his cock after it's been in that slut, now it's his turn. When Rick goes down on me tonight he'll be licking up some other guy. After he does, I'm going to tell him what he just tasted; that son-of-a-bitch won't ever touch me again!”

“Hey -- backup, maybe you haven't noticed but we have the same parents listed on our birth certificates, that would make me your brother; I shouldn't be the one you want revenge with.”

She stood up again and came close to me, looking up into my face, her hot tempered words grated on my ears “I don't have time to find someone else, I'm supposed to meet Rick in about an hour and you're the only sperm donor I can think of on short notice; think of this a big favor for your little sister, I'm sure you owe me one or two.” She grabbed my arm and towed me out of the front room toward my bedroom.

Gayle stopped beside the bed then reached under her skirt to pull her brief cotton panties down and let them fall off her legs. She stepped out of them then started opening the front of my pants. I was stunned by what she was doing but the objective of her payback was beginning to react to her boldness and behavior. I imagined her naked pussy under the skirt and began to rise from the dead.

Once my fly was open she pushed my pants and underwear down to my ankles. She backed up to my bed and flopped down to her back, her legs bent at the knees, hanging over the edge of the mattress. Gayle pulled her skirt up, giving me full access to her body. My cock had solidified enough to be useful so I stepped between her legs “Are you sure about this?”

“Dammit Jake, does every girl you know have to beg to get laid?”

“Not every girl I know is my sweet innocent sister” I answered sarcastically.

“Well get over it, I just need you to fill me up, you don't have to enjoy it.”

I looked at the soft cloud of black curls that covered the top of her slit. Her pubic hair was trimmed to enough to stay hidden behind the briefest of panties. My cock surged with lust and began to throb, pointing at the new adventure spread out on the bed in front of it. It was quickly becoming irrelevant that the open legs before me belonged to my closest female relative.

I stepped between her thighs and put the end of my erection on her cunt lips. Gayle flexed her hips, rubbing her sex on the end of my cock. We were both dry so I licked the palm of my hand then smeared my cock with the saliva, I pressed my palm against her crack and lubed her up too. Gayle reached for her revenge and pulled it to her; she rubbed the heavy arrowed head against her pussy until the end slipped in, when she moved her hand I pushed deeper between her thighs.

She looked up at with me with wide smiling eyes. As I began to thrust in and out of her she said “This is something I never thought I'd be doing.” I could feel her body warming, getting slicker as I slid through the opening to her body.

“What are you going to do with Rick?” I asked, trying hard not to enjoy myself.

“He'll want to go down on me, says he likes my flavor. After he eats me out I'm going to show him the stain in my panties and tell him that he just got a mouthful of somebody else.”

“You gonna tell him it's me?”

Gayle looked at me with softer eyes, rocked her hips and spread her legs wider “Hell no, it would be risky to let him know he forced me into incest, he'd probably post that on Facebook.”

I could feel the pressure in my balls building. The longer I humped her, the looser she got, the better she felt. “What are you going to do after you tell him what you did?”

“Dump his cheating ass.” She lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist, pulling me closer with them. I could feel the hard heels of her shoes denting my back. For an instant I saw pleasure flicker across her face. I was beginning to think I should stop, get her naked and fuck her right but that wasn't what she was after. I closed my eyes, relaxed my mind and focused only on my cock slipping in and out of the soft warm body. It wasn't another 30 seconds before my balls clenched tight and started injecting Gayle with long surges of cum. I stabbed her cunt until I was completely drained then pulled my still stiff cock out of her.

“Fuck me Jake, how long has it been since you got any?”

“Few weeks, why?”

“Because you just gave me more than I bargained for, I think you just pumped a quart of junk into me. It's a good thing I'm on the pill otherwise I could be dropping a litter.”

I stood back from my prone sister and offered a hand to help her up. She grabbed her panties off the floor and slipped them back up under her skirt while I watched. My prick refused to give up its life as an erection so when Gayle was done putting herself together she reached for my hard-on and stroked it. “Even though I shouldn't have, I kind of enjoyed this” she dropped my cock and walked out of the bedroom. I pulled up my Levis.

Gayle primped her hair and makeup in the bathroom then when she picked up her jacket to leave she came to me and gave me a quick hug. Her eyes were sparkling with mirth “I can't let you have sex without a kiss.” She pressed her soft warm lips against mine for a second then pulled back and continued “You really did a good job, I'm sticky as hell down there.” After she was gone I could only wonder at the suddenness of our incestuous encounter.

It was dark when she came back; the door was locked so she had to knock. I peeped through the peep hole at the distorted form of her pretty face; even through the fisheye lens she looked stressed, I opened the door to let her in. Gayle came in quietly and parked herself on a stool at my kitchen island “I want a drink; probably more than one.”

“How did it go?” I wanted to know.

“I'm all fucked up. I really liked him a lot and even though he dicked me over I don't like the feeling of breaking up.” A single tear fell, soon followed by a torrent. It looked like she had been crying before she got to my apartment and now she was at it again.

“What do you want?”

She blew her nose on a dish towel, “I don’t care; I just want to get drunk.”

I poured us a Jack on ice and handed her one. Gayle lifted the glass to her lips and chugged the golden fluid, she caught her breath then coughed hard, her face burning red. After she could breathe again she handed me the glass “Another” she wheezed.

I felt sorry for my sister but it wasn't the first time she had broken up with some guy. I knew from past experience that she would get over him soon enough. I was curious about what she had done with her panties full of my cum but I didn't think I should bring it up but I didn’t have to wait long for her to tell me.

Gayle sat in the kitchen and sipped a second round of whiskey on ice while she related her story “He got to my place just after I got back. He wanted to take me to dinner but I told him I wanted to fuck before we left so we went straight to bed. I undressed myself so he wouldn't see the mess in my underwear then laid on the bed. Rick likes oral sex so he went down on me and licked me from ass to clit. He commented on how wet I was and I told him it was because he got me so hot.”

She paused; her face blushed red, eyes guarded as she looked at me “I got off. He made me climax and it was the weirdest feeling, all I could think of was your prick inside me. I was selfconscience as hell knowing he was sucking up your cum but thinking that really got me hot.” After her guilty confession she stated with finality “When it was over I didn't let him screw me.”

I studied the tear tracks on her cheeks while she paused for a deep breath. “Anyway, after that I told him I knew about Dixie and to get out of my life. He tried to say something about me not wanting him to leave because of what we just did; that's when I told him that I had fucked somebody else and he had slurped up the mess. He he didn't believe me so I had to get my panties and show him the stains. I never saw him so mad. He called me a slut 18 different ways then stormed out. I thought he was going to hit me but he didn't.”

Her breasts rose and fell on the tide of a heavy sigh “And now I don't have a boyfriend.”

I sat back in my chair and stared at my little sister. That she could do something so skanky to someone who wronged her never entered my mind, this was a side of her I'd never seen “What are you going to do now?”

“Have another drink and watch TV.” She got off the chair and went to my front room and plopped down on the sofa. As the evening turned to night we settled in and got comfortable with a movie. I watched her. I watched and thought. The longer she sat on my sofa the more I thought I'd want to take her to bed again. Without clothes.

It was close to midnight when the hero rescued the girl and they went on vacation together, Gayle had been sipping booze for four hours and when she stood she had to put a hand on my shoulder to keep from tipping to her left “I have to go.”

“You can't drive Sis, you might get busted or even bust up your car. Stay here; I'll get you some blankets, you can sleep on the couch.”

She didn't argue “Okay; I don't want to go home anyway, I need to hear snoring tonight”

“I don't snore.”

“That's what they all say.” Gayle went to the bathroom.

I was smoothing out the blanket when she came back in only panties and bra, carrying her blouse and skirt, I watched her Victoria Secrets body as she glided across the room. She caught me staring “What are you looking at?”

“I'm not sure I've ever seen you dressed this way before.”

“What do you mean? Didn't you just fuck me a few hours ago?”

“Well, yeah, but you had clothes on.”

Gayle giggled as she lay down “Well now I don't.” She pulled the sheer bra off her tits and over her head, threw it at me then she lifted her ass off the cushion and pulled the matching briefs off her wriggling legs. She held the blanket up then paused, allowing me to look at her nudity “Now you can see what I gave you.” With that she pulled the blanket over herself and closed her eyes. My prick turned into it’s alter ego in seconds as I looked down on her.

I was on my bed, my erection standing in full glory as I remembered fucking her and how she looked naked. There was only a thin door between me and my nude sibling, she had already made herself available to me once, I was wondering if she would again. The first time was a revenge fuck but now I was fantasizing, I remembered the feel of dipping into her and how her cunt muscles milked my cock when I came. She had good control, I learned that much.

My hard-on was staring at the ceiling with its single eye when the bedroom door swung half way open. Gayle came cautiously to the bed and asked in a soft whisper “Are you still awake?” She was wearing what she went to bed with, nothing. I held a hand up and brushed a warm breast then moved from the center of my bed so she could join me. She didn't take advantage of the extra space beside me; she eased onto the bed and over my body.

She leaned down and put her mouth next to my ear “You're going to get kissed this time.”

As much as I wanted to have her, I was compelled to ask “You're drunk Gayle, should you be here?”

“Shhh, if I was too drunk, I'd be asleep by now; I'm ready for this.” Her nipples were denting my chest when she put her mouth over mine. I held my erection in place while she slipped down on it. My sister began to ride the saddle with a growing heat and passion. As Gayle got used to fucking me she got more and more ravenous, her level of need and desire climbing to a swift high peak.

She was on her back with her legs entwined in mine when the orgasm broke free from her womb and began to ricochet through her. She arched her back, jammed her hips against me and covered her mouth with a hand as she yelped sharply with the contractions of her body. My cock began to seize, spurting jets of cum and lust into the hot tender depths of her belly.

We were lying side by side, cooling off. I tilted my head to her “This incest crap could get to be a habit real fast.”

Her smile was genuine “I think I just formed the habit, I'll know for sure in the morning.” Having said that she closed her eyes and drifted away.

She woke me up by holding a cup of hot coffee under my nose “Come on, I can't stay here all day.” She set the cup on my night stand and said “I have to take a bath” then walked away; she wasn't wearing anything so her firm pear shaped ass teased me as she left the bedroom. I got up and followed her, she was bent over the tub adjusting the temperature of the water so I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against me to give her a feel of my resurging hard-on. She gyrated her butt against it then stood up, turning once more to face me; I got a sweet peck on the lips.

Gayle grabbed a bottle of bubble soap and dribbled some into the water. It looked like drops of iridescent blue cum oozing from the end of the bottle. My heart was hammering loudly in my ears as my eyes took in her nude body. She is shorter than me by about three inches but her long legs put the junction of her thighs almost level with my cock and balls.

I put my hands on her butt and pulled her tight against me, crushing my erection against her soft belly, the gossamer pubic hair tickled my nuts. I kissed her upturned lips while splitting her lips with the tip of my tongue. Gayle reached between us and groped for my cock. When she found it she pulled the foreskin back and fingered the swollen end of it, smearing the gob of clear lube around the head.

We broke the kiss and I moved away from her slightly, she put the second hand on my cock and pumped it twice, she nodded toward the tub “Get in”.

I sat in the tub and pulled my knees up to give her room to join me but she said “Put your legs down” then got into the tub, standing straddle of my legs. She squatted down until the head of my erection was fitted to the opening of her body then lowered herself onto my lap. As my cock penetrated the hot soft cavity she stretched her legs around my hips and crossed her ankles behind me. She put her arms around my neck, pressed her tits against my chest and started stroking my hard-on with her pussy, I put my hands on her waist and helped her move.

Gayle and I fucked like that, not saying anything, not kissing or fondling. I stroked her cunt, she responded to me. The warm soapy water splashed over our bodies as we rocked and bounced. The longer we coupled the hotter we got, her cunt was warming, swelling; I was sliding in and out of the slick fluids flowing from her.

Her breath was getting ragged, she clenched her arms tighter around me and put her mouth on my neck then her entire body began to pulse. Every time I drove my cock deep into her, she shook and blew a gust of hot air on my neck. I pumped faster, harder, knowing that she wanted me to ravage her, I’d fucked her twice the night before so I knew I could make her climax before I did. She stopped panting and held her breath as we flailed our bodies against each other. She loosened her hold on me and sat a little straighter, I looked into her soft gray eyes and said “Rick was right, you are a fucking slut.”

Her eyes slammed shut and she convulsed hard, bending at the waist. She put her head on my shoulder and cried out loud “Fuck Meeee! Oh Jake Fuck Meeee!” Her body snapped and whipped on my erection has she peaked with the orgasm, but she wasn’t done. Gayle lifted her head and locked her lips to mine as a second orgasmic wave rippled through her and ended up as a moan trapped deep in her throat.

She lifted slowly off me and turned over and sat between my legs. I cupped her breasts and pulled her back so she was lying against me again, my solid sex muscle resting along the crack of her ass. Gayle was quiet, trying to recover from the twin orgasms. I kissed the top of her head and teased her nipples while reliving the three times I’d fucked her. Gradually she began to move, she sat up and turned around her entire face animated by surprise “That was awesome. I never thought you could do that for me.”

“What do you think now?”

“I like it.” She got to her knees in the water, gripped my rock hard erection, stroked it slowly then dipped her head and put her lips around the end of the shaft. She teased the head with the tip of her tongue then glanced up at me. “You want to be my new boyfriend?”

“Mom and dad might object.”

“Mom and dad aren't here.”

“Are you going to show me what you do with boyfriends?”

Gayle kissed the end of my erection then licked it from my balls to the knob. Just before she put her mouth around me she said “I don't mind the taste of cum.”


2021-04-04 01:48:15
Great story


2018-12-15 18:45:45


2018-03-28 16:29:04
Good one I love payback and revenge sex


2018-03-28 16:29:00
Good one I love payback and revenge sex


2016-08-25 07:11:59
"A Sister Scorned" - Twenty-two Year Old Single Sister, Gayle And Twenty-five Year Old Single Brother, Jake.

Everyone has a love of their life just around a corner; the luck of the draw is when it happens and hearts flutter, urges awaken and lust takes hold deep in their loins!! The perfect storm has happened for Gayle and her brother, Jake.

Sister Gayle has a vendetta against her then boyfriend, and her brother is available for her to avail herself of his potent sperm! Another incestuous sibling love affair happens, and Gayle and Jake practice the age-old method of procreation, and they love the results, even though Gayle is currently "pill protected"! Their lust, love and appreciation awaken in each of their souls and another incestuous love affair is born!

Great writing and the characters are fantastic in their sibling roles. The flow of words, thoughts and images are sweetly unrolled for the readers pleasure and sexual appetite and gratification!!

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